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On a long-awaited vacation, we find Jarred who has just started working this year. While he's still in high school, he's found that having financial independence is fairly freeing. With this job, he has been able to save up enough money for a vacation to Florida, where he plans to visit Disney and enjoy the amazing pools that litter the state.

So, Jarred decided to take a plane. He had considered driving, but didn't feel up for it. This, in fact, will be his first trip without his parents. While he did try to get some friends to come, they ended up canceling on him at the last moment, and he was forced to go alone. This didn't deter him in the slightest. He had already booked the hotel and gotten the Disney pass for the week, so he couldn't cancel and lose all that money.

Then, because of the stress of it all, his first day in Florida consisted of lounging at the first of his many planned pool and beach visits. He went to the hotel's outside ground pool to start his vacation since his first night there consisted of checking in and watching TV. He was excited to get to enjoy the water.

Jarred made his way to the pool and got right in. When he did, he had fun and even met a boy around his age, and they got fairly friendly. They played Marco Polo and even tossed a ball around. They had a real blast, and Jarred's new friend James told him to come back and go swimming with him tomorrow too, saying how fun it would be to hang out again.

Jarred was hesitant because while he did want to hang out with James, he wasn't sure if he wanted to spend another day at the same pool since he had really wanted to visit a bunch of them, and Disney was still in the schedule. But he figured if you've seen one pool, you've seen them all and decided to take James up on that offer. They came up with a time to meet up, and Jarred went back to his room, leaving James in the pool by himself.

Back in Jarred's hotel room, he went to the TV and turned it on while he ordered some room service. He ended up just lounging around, still fairly jet-lagged from the plane the night before.

In the morning, Jarred was excited to see his new friend again and ended up getting there early. He didn't see James anywhere and assumed he'd just gotten there too early. He decided to play in the pool while he waited for James. While he was playing, he got nudged on by some kid in a pair of water wings. She couldn't have been any older than two, and Jarred smiled warmly at the young child and apologized.

The strange thing is that this child responded with "Jawwid," which threw Jarred off. He then asked, "How did you know my name?" But then a woman came up and picked up the toddler and apologized for her daughter. Jarred was understanding since there wasn't any harm done after all, but he did mention that she called him by his name.

After hearing that, this woman's demeanor completely changed, going from moderately nice to overtly nice and began asking a bunch of invasive questions like who he was here with and what his plans were, stuff like that.

As he was talking to this woman, the child seemed to be getting antsy and making noises and speaking, but Jarred couldn't really make out what the child was saying. The woman then said, "Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I? I'm Marie. It's nice to meet you," which Jarred responded to, saying that it was nice to meet her too, introducing himself. She offered him some sunscreen with a look of concern on her face, saying that it would be awful if he got sunburned. Jarred hadn't really thought about sunscreen since he never got sunburns but thought it would be better to be safe than sorry and accepted the offer. They all got out of the water, and she handed him the bottle, and he began to lather it on, but while he was, the child started to freak out.

Jarred got distracted by this and asked if she was alright? Marie quickly said yes, but it looks like this little one needs her diaper changed, then asked if Jarred wouldn't mind keeping an eye on her stuff while she changes her. Jarred was more than willing to help on the account she had been so nice, and he was still waiting for James anyway. So off she went, taking a diaper bag with her, leaving Jarred by himself.

Once she and the child were alone, she said, "Oh sweetie, don't worry. Now you won't be all alone. You'll have a little brother joining you soon enough." This made the toddler start to bawl, which made Marie giggle a little, saying how they'll have that stinky diaper changed in no time at all, and the longer they take, the younger he'll be when they get back. "After all, he's already used the sunscreen. It's just a matter of time before he's littler than you, isn't that right, Jamie?"

Now getting back to Jarred, we find him standing near the woman's things, mostly just bored of waiting. He starts to lose focus on what he was doing, almost like his attention span was becoming less mature and like it was back when he was a young teen. He'd always had problems focusing on things that bored him, but in recent years, he had grown out of it more. Just before he was about to lose focus, Marie had returned and said to him, "Hey sweetie, you made sure to put on enough sunscreen, right?" This threw Jarred off a little since he wasn't used to anyone but his mom calling him sweetie, but he shrugged it off and said he's pretty sure he did.

She pointed out he probably could use some more on his face, asking if he even put any on his face. He couldn't remember, saying that he wasn't sure, which ended up with Marie saying it'd probably be best if he did since it's better to be safe than sorry, using the same phrase as before, making Jarred agree reluctantly, not really liking having to put on sunscreen, but he knew she was right.

She then pointed out that Jarred was wearing a very loose fitting bathing suit, asking him why. He then looked and noticed what she was talking about, surprised since when he got dressed this morning, it was fairly tight fitting. She gave him a change of clothes from the diaper bag and said, "Here, this should fit you, sweetie," and handed him a pair of swimming trunks with a cartoon character on it. Jarred then asked why she had it, noticing how odd it was that she had a pair of guys' swimming trunks in a diaper bag for a toddler. She said that a mother's always prepared. "Now hurry up. It looks like that thing's about to fall off of you and when you get back well have some ice cream cones ok.  Okaaay... said Jarred wondering back to the bathroom to change his cloths severely confused at what was even happening right now. 

As Jarred entered the bathroom, he noticed that the mirror and sink were higher than he remembered, but he figured he must have just used a different bathroom than last time and was confused. But it was still odd he couldn't see himself in the mirror; it was like it was made for a giant or something. He went into the stall and changed into the more childish bathing suit. Not all that happy about it, he looked at it and realized it was a TMNT themed suit, which didn't make him all that happy as he wasn't really a big fan of them. But he was happy he had a pair of swimming trunks that actually fit him and went back out to meet up with Marie again. After all, he was looking forward to getting some ice cream. He came back waving at Marie and saying, "I'm back. How does it look?" he asked.

Marie, happy to see that he still hadn't grown wise to what was happening, was more than willing to tell him that he looked adorable in it, which made Jarred blush and say thanks. She then noticed that he had stopped getting younger, and she wasn't having that. She wanted another baby and wasn't stopping. He looked to be about 8 or 9 years old at this point, so she said to him that he definitely needed to get that sunscreen on his face before he burns, pointing out how his face was starting to get red. He remembered how he was going to put it on before he went to change and said, "Ok, but we gonna get ice cream after, right?" somewhat shouting it in childlike excitement. She said, "Of course, sweetie, now get here's the sunscreen," said Marie.

Jarred took the bottle and squirted some in his hand and rubbed it all around. As for Jamie, she was nursing a pacifier and was out of energy at that point, unable to do anything but be held while trying not to fall asleep in Marie's arms. She felt bad, but she knew it was already too late to stop it from happening. At least she wouldn't be stuck by herself at least. Jarred finished putting on the sunscreen and then announced he was all done, to which Marie said, "Good job, sweetie. Now let's go get that ice cream, but you should hold my hand so we don't get separated, ok?"

Jarred was somewhat reluctant at first but decided to do as she said. After all, ice cream was more than enough of a reward for holding hands with a pretty lady anyway. They went to an ice cream stand and began ordering. Jarred got a vanilla cone, and Marie got a chocolate one she planned on sharing with Jamie as she ate. They went back to the pool area and ate the cones near the beach chairs where Marie had kept her stuff. They all enjoyed the cones and had fun laughing and making jokes as they ate. Once Jarred had finished his cone, he had made a pretty big mess on his face and needed it cleaned off. So, like the good mommy she was, Marie grabbed a baby wipe from the diaper bag and began wiping his face, saying how he was a more messy eater than little Jamie here.

This made Jarred's face go pale, and he looked over at the toddler in the woman's lap and said, "Jamie? You said her name is Jamie?"  "Yes, I did. She's my pride and joy, my little Jamie," Marie replied. Jarred looked at Jamie, and Jamie looked back at him. They just stared at each other for a bit until Jarred was sure that this girl looked just like his friend James if he were a baby girl. Jarred also noticed that his bathing suit was getting loose again, which caused him to look down at his hands and feet. They looked strange, and he pulled the front of his pants outward to see a hairless section where his pubic hair had formerly been.

Marie then said, "Jarred, sweetie, it's not polite to do that in public, hun. You didn't have an accident, did you?"

"Huh?" said Jarred, looking up at this woman who had been shorter than him nearly an hour ago but now towered over him like some kind of giant Amazonian woman. "Uh, no, I didn't have an accident. Why would you ask that? I'm not a baby, you know, and what's going on here?"

"Of course you're not a baby, honey. You're a big boy, aren't you? But let me just check," Marie said as she pulled the back of Jarred's swimming trunks. "Oh, good boy, you're all clean. Good job. Are you ready to go swimming now While your sister takes a nap?"

Jarred was even more confused and said, "She's not my sister, and why in the world does this girl look like my friend James?"

Marie ignored the question and said, "Yes, she is, silly. Are you playing pretend again? That's not a nice thing to say about your sister."

Jamie, at this point, was on the verge of falling asleep but stayed awake through sheer willpower to see where this would go. It appeared that Jarred had finally figured out what was happening.

Jarred then pointed out that he came here on vacation, he was a big boy, and an only child. Marie quickly ended that by saying that if little boys lie, they get spankings, and all she was hearing from a particular little boy right now were all lies and mean ones at that. Jarred's face scrunched up at the thought of being spanked by this lady, but could he just pretend that nothing weird was happening right now? There's no way he can just pretend that everything is fine.

Marie then grabbed his hand and put a water wing on it, then grabbed the other one and put another one on. She told him to go have fun and be careful and not to worry, as mommy will be watching, so there's no reason to be scared. Jarred was somewhat annoyed that she was treating him like a baby, but he figured he had no choice but to get in the water, so he did.

He was in the water, just bobbing in the shallow end of the pool when he began to notice his feet were starting to no longer reach the floor of the shallow end. He began standing on his tiptoes, going higher and higher on them until he had no choice but to float there. While this was happening, Marie watched with glee as he got younger. He was around 3 or 4 when Marie went over to retrieve him, but when she went to pick him up, it was clear that he'd lost his bathing suit somewhere along the way. So she wrapped him in a towel and said, "Uh oh, somebody lost their diaper, didn't they?" Jarred looked shocked at that statement.

   "Diapie? But I don't need a diapie," said Jarred. "Oh, of course you're right. My mistake, sweetie. What I meant to say was training pants 'cause you're my big boy learning to use the potty," responded Marie. She then carried him back to the chairs where Jamie was sleeping and sat him next to her. Jarred looked over to her, noticing how close in size he now was to her. "Uhhh, Mrs. Marie, I really don't need diapers, I swear," pleaded Jarred. "Honey, don't call me that. It's Mommy, ok? Now let's get you dressed so we can go back to our room, and you and your sister can get proper naps in. After all, you're starting to get cranky," she replied. She then took a pull-up out of the diaper bag and, leaving him nude, told him to step into it. Not wanting to be naked, he obliged, and now dressed in a pull-up, she grabbed the diaper bag and Jamie, placing them in a nearby stroller. She then told Jarred to hold her hand, which he did, and they went back inside the building, making their way to the elevator. She asked the tiny Jarred if he wanted to push the button, but he responded in a defeated tone, saying "No." She asked if he was sure, making sure to add that he always loves getting to push the button. He then somewhat snapped and said, "Nuh, I don't wanna." "Ok sweetie, you don't have to," she responded. Jarred just crossed his arms as she pressed the button for the floor she had been staying on.

They got into the hotel room where Marie had succeeded in getting Jarred to join little Jamie in babyhood. She noticed that Jarred seemed a lot more obedient than Jamie had been, and she wasn't sure if it was because she had made Jamie a girl and Jarred got to stay a boy, or if it was just a difference of personalities. But she was now thinking about leaving Jarred at the age he was now since it looked like he had stopped getting younger anyway. She kind of liked the idea of having a child she could potty train; it sounds like fun after all. If she really wanted to, she could always just make him younger if she wanted to.

They entered the room, and while Marie started to get Jamie out of the stroller, Jarred looked around, seeing a lot of toys scattered around the room along with a lot of baby things. Aside from toys, there were bottles and pacifiers, diapers and wipes, not to mention all kinds of clothes for children of various age groups. He saw diapers and onesies, cartoon undies, super hero shirts, cargo pants, and 'tighty whities'. As he looked around, he felt a strange and foreign feeling overcome him. He couldn't understand what it was, but it also felt familiar. Before he knew it, his pull-up grew warm, and he kind of liked the feeling, not fully realizing what he had just done. He was poking the front of it, laughing at how squishy it felt. Meanwhile, his new mommy looked over and saw him poking it. She walked over and placed two fingers down the front, and said, "Yup, that's a wet pull-up all right. Let's get you changed."

Jarred realized what happened, then looked up and then back down, saying, "Nuh-uh, it not wet, it just squishy, and that just happened, so it couldn't have been me."

"That's how diapers work, sweetie," said Marie. "When little boys like you have to go potty and can't hold it, then it just happens. Now, let's get you cleaned up and put in your nap time diaper, okay?"

Jarred reluctantly let her do what she must, still not fully believing that he had actually used the diaper, almost as if he had no concept of how potty training worked or what and how to hold his bladder. He was almost fully incontinent, but without the know-how on how to not be.

She took off the wet pull-up and tossed it into the bin. She then wiped Jarred clean and grabbed a diaper that she felt would fit him best. Once he saw that it was a diaper and not a pull-up, he began to rebel and asked, "why no pull-up, me da big boy."

"Well, sweetie, it's nap time, and you're not ready to wear big boy pants during your nap since it'll leak if you don't wear one during your nap, okay?" Marie explained. Jarred was still upset but took that answer as well as he could and let her continue to diaper him. She then placed the unfolded diaper under him and powdered him. Once she was finished, she taped it up and brought him to a mobile crib where he was placed. Apparently, she only had the one, so Jarred and Jamie ended up sharing the crib.

Marie then returned with a bottle of milk and a sippy cup also with milk and gave it to the two. Jamie was still mostly asleep, but the bottle-feeding instincts kicked in, and she started sucking it down. Whereas Jarred was a bit more hesitant to drink this, after all, the last thing he took from her made him a three-year-old. Who knows what this will do. But he took a quick sip, deemed it alright, and followed Jamie's lead and chugged down the milky.

They were both out like a light after that and were now sleeping like the babies they now are. As for Marie, she felt very satisfied with the results of her concoction and was looking forward to when they woke up and the fun they had. She whispered over the crib, "we're going to have so much fun at Disney when you wake up, little ones."


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