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Jeff K

Forks is the episode where I realized that Richie is the Jesse Pinkman of The Bear. Rough around the edges, kind of an asshole, everyone thinks he's a fuck up, but he's the absolute heart of the show, and beneath the prickliness, he's a good and sympathetic person who's just been beaten down too many times.

Heather Stuart

I was crying happy tears in Forks too, guys. It was the perfect follow-up to the beautifully painful disaster that was Fishes. We needed to see somebody get a win.

Jeff K

Also: I realize that episode 6 was just wall to wall guest stars, but for some reason, just casually bringing in Oscar winner Olivia Colman for a single scene just feels like SUCH a flex where they're like, "Yeah, we got Olivia Colman for a glorified cameo because we fucking can."