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This episode should be subtitled: Jump Scare Palooza.

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Mandalorian 3x2 | Full Length Watch Along

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Neil Silverman

Sounds like the convention was fun. I haven't been to one in decades. Glad you had a good time. Definitely a lot of stuff was set up in the last episode. I enjoyed seeing the Pergil (space whales) - they showed up in Rebels (which I loved), so seeing them in a live action show was neat. I totally get your flash to the bad guy in Galaxy Quest with the pirate, but I actually flashed to the octopus villain guy from the 2nd Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I do have to wonder what does Bo Katan do all day - does she literally spend 8 hours a day just sitting on her throne moping, as you put it? Regardless, I LOVED this episode. Even though I thought the setup was a little rushed (just giving up on IG-11 and buying R5-D4 seemingly on a whim was weird). But it was intriguing, exciting, and fun. Oh, and Bo-Katan is older than you are imagining. She was a young adult at the end of The Clone Wars, and this is at least 30 (maybe 35?) years after that. So she's supposedly at least in her early 50s here. Obviously, she's in remarkable shape, certainly, but in fairness she has been training in combat all her life.


Early 50s?? Yeah. She looks great. And I've heard other people say the general also reminded them of Davy Jones. I don't think we've seen the last of him. Although they do seem to be trucking this story along at a quick pace.