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Hey bro, thought it'd be pretty sick if we messed around with chemicals and stuff. So I ordered some random thing online that said it was sick, sound good? Hell yeah bro, let's do it!

This is PART 1 of 2 PARTS

This is close to how I speak in real life haha, I have a very casual "bro" vocabulary. But I swap between that, philosophical intellectual clown and monotone creature of darkness. So y'know I've covered my bases lmao

That being said, this is some of the dumbest fun I've had making an audio in a long time. As in the most fun for recording. Normally I get my enjoyment out of hearing the performance after, but this came so naturally it's scary haha

As for actual content, I need a break from all this M4M. So next lot of stuff will be M4F and M4A. So much of this was for Pride month and I fell flat on delivering then, but I am making sure to get it out no matter what. As love for the boys never ends 💪


Butterfly Seraph

Let me guide you through the rollercoaster of emotions this sent me: "Oh my god he's so dumb I wanna kiss him." "Oh my god he's so dumb I wanna fuck him." "Oh my god he's so dumb how did he survive this far in life SOMEONE TEACH HIM BASIC LAB SAFETY!" Anyway, amazing shit as always! I am a simple man: I see a cute dumb man with a heart of gold, and I instantly listen...while trying to make sure my overly anxious ass doesn't die on spot. Hilariously, I also engage in "bro talk", but not as much as enthusiastically intelligent clown. Alas, I am too ADHD for monotone talk: whether for better or for worse, I'm an open fucking book 😅 Anywho, us men appreciate your service! Give the ladies some love too: they deserve it too!


Well you'll certainly enjoy what I'm uploading right now, the 2nd part took a little longer to get done since I'm giga busy this weekend ; - ;

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My dumbass 8yo self making potions in the bath: