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Hello, Dear Patrons!

Thank you for waiting. Past few weeks has been a messy weeks for me and I didn't give announcement update (though I did unlock the chapter since last month)

In May $3 can read up to chapter 40:

Chapter 39 

Chapter 40 [NSFW]

$5 and $10 tier's schedule is chapter 44 this month but this author is running away to vacation for two weeks and can only finish the chapter 43 that was supposed to be April's schedule:

Chapter 43 [Unproofed]

I must wrong you again and made you wait for your inbox again for chapter 44 T---T

sometimes i feel like a fraud but don't worry i will definitely deliver the chapter even though it's late. Now i understand why many patreon creators (including my friend) send their rewards late. I guess everyone is running away. No? It's just me? YEA I GUESS😭😭

-----------------------------below this is author's life rants----------------------------------

Update about my life is not much:

Chicken farm is not doing well this cycle ;w; chimken is smol and don't want to grow up, like author doesn't want to grow old and being an adult.
Palm oil tree farm is ok but the price is cut in half.
Watermelon farm and chili farm just started cultivating again.
My house that you guys bought for me will be finished next month. Thank you for giving me and my family a house🙇‍♀️ it was a 60.000$ house that I made over two years here. Thank you very much! Apparently you can build a house drawing BIG K O K //NO
But yeah, i'm really, really grateful ;w; now my mom and bro don't have to climb many many stairs anymore to get to their room. I do too, i don't have to climb 3 floors stairs just to sleep ;; I save 95% of what you give me and get this single floor house.

Once again thank you very much! I will post a picture when I moved in. It's just a shame that my dad didn't have enough chance to celebrate this moment with us ;w;


Please look forward for future chapter! I hope you have a good rest, drink a lot of water and eat good food, have healthy stool (yes this is important) and may peace always be all around you💕



Congrats Congrats Congrats, I wish you that this new house always be full of love, peace and hope. That you, your mom, your brother and all your loved ones make your life worthy to be lived

Kitt Witty

Congratulations on the completion of your house! 🤗 Best wishes for you and your family! 💖