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Hello, dear Patrons!

Below is the update schedule for July:

$3 Tier: Chapter 23 [10 July] 

$5 Tier: Chapter 26 (NSFW) [10 July] 

Chapter 27 [21 July]

Chapter 27.5 : His Complex [Inside the Mind of Mr Alpha] [21 July]

CHapter 27.6 [Extra] [21 July]

$10 Tier: Chapter 30 (NSFW) [21 July]

Chapter 31 (NSFW) [Will be sent to inbox as PDF]

Reason for lateness: Author is currently sick and unable to finish in time.

This month $3 tier only get 1 update (because next few chapter is nsfw and may be cut off completely, as to not catching up with $5 tier). Both $5 and $10 tier will get 2 chapter as usual.

Though as always the second update of $10 tier may be late (ಥ﹏ಥ) since this always happens I will warn you first but I will try to catch up before 30 because chapter 31 is definitely NSFW (also because it is NSFW it took longer to draw because ah.. this author is full of horny thought but have little ability to make it real, i do shading for one nipple for half a hour, you multiply the amount of nipple drawn in one chapter ༎ຶД༎ຶ   )

Anyway, please look forward for the chapters and thank you for always supporting me ;w;/// I'm really grateful! I will update the Table of Content tomorrow.

Edit: Please let me know if you're unable to view the chapter!



Take your time and don’t rush Author! Your health is more important!!


Yes i'm already recovered and in middle of making it 💕 thank you for understanding😭💕

mikaela curtis

You're doing amazing! I came from tapas read the whole thing and am now a 10$ patreon. I absolutely love your work. So take time for you and your health. Your fans know how to wait. Love love