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Hello, Dear Patrons!
Below is the publish schedule for May:

Canvas and Tapas public chapter: Chapter 14

🌟 $3 Tier  : Chapter 19 (10 May)
Chapter 20 SFW version (20 May) 🆙️

🌟 $5 Tier: Chapter 22 Part 1 (10 May)
Chapter 22 Part 2 (10 May)
Chapter 23 (20 May)🆙️

🌟 $10 Tier: Chapter 26 (15 May)
Chapter 27 (2 June) 📢Changed Schedule! Late Chapter📢

📌Edit 3: Chapter 27 will be sent to May's 1$10 Tier patrons due late publishing. Thank you for waiting~

📌Edit 2: Chapter 20 SFW is UP! for tier $3 and Chapter 23 is UP! for tier $5.

Tier $10 as always got a late announcement by the incompetent author who struggle deciding the plot(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) sobs sobs, apologize--

📌Edit 1: I change my mind. Chapter 24- 25+26 will be available to Tier $3 and public reader after being heavily censored (who knows if I'm gonna make them wear clothes or just cut everything into headshot).. just thinking about censoring makes my head hurts, but I don't want to miss a chance to tell my jokes or makes the reader frustrated (/◕ヮ◕)/ Also warning to $10 tier Patrons the sex part in ch 26 is probably a bit cringy (author does not know how to make dirty talk), Please bear with this author (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) it's quite fun tho, the chapter. Look forward~~!

📌 $3 Tier (SFW) Only got 1 chapter this month because some future chapter (like Chapter 24-Part2, 25, 26) is unavailable so SFW reader (and public release on canvas and tapas) due it's nature of being full NSFW.
So when it reach the chapter it won't suddenly reach up to $5 tier (because skipping 2-3 chapter)
Thank you for your support and please look forward for the chapters 🥰



Patiently waiting for chapter 23 to be available today


If you're censoring you gotta be careful publishing on webtoon. If your speech is sexual they will remove it. (That happened to me today)


Yes they are, last time i got removed because of "hard" word. So censoring is needed to both panel and dialogue😭😭 which one is your webtoon?