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This week we say goodbye to 2023 by talking about the best things we watched, played and put in our mouths this year.

It's been an unbelievable year for telly, films and video games so if there's anything we've missed, please chuck it in the comments. You can also jump into the Shield Up channel on the RKG Discord where people gather to chat about the episodes every week.

We love making this podcast so if you have any suggestions for episode topics, questions for any of us or you need a Minging or Fair Play sorted, send them to: bit.ly/ShieldUp

Stay safe, keep your shield up and thanks for being a part of our year.




Jack Hayes

Great podcast but have to call out one thing, Roy Keane is Irish think Krupa described as a British hard man!


Did I? A slip of the tongue. I obviously know that Roy Keane is Irish. I certainly wouldn’t have made that mistake if he was present…

Tom Andersen

Spidey 2 is probably my GOTY as well, but a comment on Rory and how in the boss fights people talk...I had to rewatch those boss fights on youtube after, 'cos I was so focused on the combat, I didn't register a word they said lol. Anybody else experience that? Like, shut the hell up, I'm trying to beat this boss!