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This week we’re logging on, we’re going on the grid, we’re Jobe taking a break from mowing Bond’s lawn to have VR sex with a neighbour because this episode is all about how the internet can make some problems worse. 

If you want to send in a problem, use this completely anonymous form: http://bit.ly/ShieldUp 

And here's the live show link we mention in the show: 

Knightmare Live: Friday April 26th


Hopefully see you all there. 

RKG x 




I've got to say, I really enjoy listening to you three talk. It's nice just kicking back on a Sunday and having a laugh as you dissect some issues and shoot the shit. Love it.


I just finished up listening to this one and I loved the fact the lads busted out laughing when Interpol was mentioned cause I did the exact same 🤣 Then Gav's reference to "High Fidelity" topped off 🍻