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Usually, when I draw pixel art, I already have a minigame planned, and a list of things that I have to draw. That paired with the deadline that I have to meet, turns drawing into a stressful task.

Since I don't get that much time to relax, I wondered if I could turn drawing pixel art into a relaxing hobby, to enjoy at a weekend every other month.

Permitting myself to draw whatever I want, and as much as I want without worrying about a deadline should dissolve the stress away right?

A nice theory, but as soon as I opened my empty canvas, I was hit with the stress of thinking of something to draw. I've found out that I'm not a creative person, I can't just start laying down lines and coming up with something, so the first day started with scouring the internet for ideas to draw. But my clicks going into browsing meant they were not laying down pixels, the solution was opening a video on the side and glancing over now and then for ideas to steal.

That worked, but after a couple of drawings in, I got hit by a new source of stress: Would I be able to fill the canvas by the end of day two? Yes, the deadline was back! Later on, I had to extend the canvas to fit more in it, so... worried for nothing.

At the end of day two, I can say that the answer is no, it's not a stress-free hobby, but I get some art out of it that I can utilize in future minigames and projects, and I can explore themes that I usually wouldn't, there is a couple of benefits to it, but not the benefits that I was looking for.

I think I'm more productive with a strict theme and a single goal to aim for, and I'll have to find another hobby for relaxing.

Enough rambling though, if you want to use these drawings in any of your games here's the license:
As my supporters, you have permission to use my art in any commercial or non-commercial game. The actual size atlas is in the attachments.




Your pixel art is fantastic! Thanks for sharing, Kia :)

Kia Azad

Thank you. It's your support that allowed me to venture into the art side of game dev. ^^