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Let's start the last week of January with a new drawing from my sketchbook!
Revealing dresses are always the best.
This stime i started the coloring process from the background, painting with three colors and blurring them to have a three colors gradient and then i added lights and shadows to the girl. It's a nice way to work especially for drawings made on paper. I don't use a scanner to import it and work on them but i take pictures with my phone, so it happens there are shadows i can't remove easily. This kind of technique is useful because can hide these little flaws!
Here is the video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vycmc3ln1s71xgtnd8yn7/molesketch8.mp4?rlkey=w7oq0z253htdz359gv5qdw6p6&dl=0



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