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desolate leng

I think this is the first time someone actually calls him Gol D. Roger! But Miss All Sunday also emphasized the D. in Luffy's name when they met, so that counts as the first time the initial itself is given attention, I think. Mr 2 Bon Kure–! I don't know why the subs say Bon Clay, that's not his name. Each officer agent pair is a man who's a number and a woman who's a holiday, but Mr 2 is both (because he's an okama). Bonkure are the Bon festival and the end of year festival (so technically he has two holidays, but they're often mentioned paired). And what is an okama, then? Well, simply put, it's an identity that took shape in Japan in the 1920's, when Western psychology became popular there. One theory was that men who were attracted to other men simply had an extra strong female part of their spirit. This never became a widespread notion, but a subculture took shape where men dress and talk in a very feminine way. Nowadays this is not what people believe of course! But the subculture has remained. I actually rented a room on top of an okama bar once when I was in Japan, and I used to hear them talk sometimes when they came and went. In Once Piece, Oda also borrowed from drag culture and mixed that in for this okama character, which is where the extreme make up and clothing comes from, I think. And sorry, this is such a long comment, lol. Miss Doublefinger gets her name from January first (1/1, like holding up two fingers), so she's New Years day. The reason Miss All Sunday is the highest female agent is because she's ALL the sundays of the year! The Seven Warlords are basically Buccaneers or privateers. Licensed pirates, you could say. In real life they were people who had been given the right to attack enemy ships and rob them, in exchange for giving their sovereign a share. In the One Piece world they're attacking other pirates and have to give the World Government a share of their loot. Oda has always loved pirates and pirate history, he has said, and his story is filled with references, both obvious and obscure! Alabasta takes a lot of inspiration from North African countries like Egypt, both in architecture and names. Nefertari is the name of one of the Queens of ancient Egypt, and there's the reverence for cats, for example. I've been eating Christmas food all week now, steadily working my way through the Christmas ham (traditionally we have a large ham in my country as the centre piece of the table). I can't eat as much meat as Luffy, but I'm making an effort, haha. I'm off to a different city for New Years, so happy new year, and see you in 2024!


Anthony Anthony Helicopter is on the ship!


What an excellent comment, as far as the will of D goes Crocus also called roger by his real name while looking out to the straw hat's taking sail into the grand line. Man oh man, 1000+ chapters in and we still only know it as a letter.