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Hey guys! 

Just to keep everyone up to date, right now I'm in the process of finalizing the patch, looking for typos, making sure all the renders are in the right order, that I haven't left any sprites lying around somewhere and stuff like that, so, not much longer.

But I believe it will be worth the wait, this patch has something around 3 hours of story, 1k renders between sprites and scenes, twice as many animations as the previous patch and now milkable girls: watch with sound :D 

But for today, a preview:

But again, and I feel bad that this is becoming a habit, sorry for taking so long. After I launched the game I thought I could have finished the next patch in just a month, but apparently the last 10% takes just as long as the first 90%, I also had to change lots of things in the game and it took a lot of time...

But I have some plans to make up for that once I'm done with this patch! 

Thanks for your patience and see you soon! 




Hey, one question. Did you go with the suggestion from discord to allow choice of "cowprinted" and "non-cowprinted" skin?


I thought about it: It's tricky to do this because I have to render every scene twice, but for now I will avoid adding girls with cow spots. However when I move the game to a 3d engine I will be able to give these options.