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Commissioned by Clancy

Long distance body swapping allows people to travel instantly and temporarily experience life in a new body. Dale, Pete and Ashton decide to use the technology to have a threesome but of course, somebody has to be the woman.


Dale stared glumly at his beer as the head slowly melted away; he shouldn’t be wasting it really, it wasn't like he could justify buying another after all the money he’d just lost on that damn long distance swap payment.

“Come on man, you’re making us depressed.” Ashton sighed, “why invite us out for drinks if you’re just going to sit there moping.”

Pete nodded and Dale sighed; they were right.

“Sorry, misery loves company.”

“Well, why don’t you at least tell us what has you so down, is it Jill? Did she dump you?”

“Not…exactly. Well, sort of. We were really just friends with benefits.” Dale said, “but that is part of it…you know how I mentioned she was into some wild stuff?”

“Yeah?” Both Pete and Ashton leaned in, they were always up for hearing these stories.

“Well, since she is into polyamory I thought I’d book us a long range body swap.”

“Woah! Like those things my CEO uses to attend meetings as somebody else on the other side of the country?” Ashton gaped. “Those are hella expensive.”

“Especially when you book for three people.” Dale groaned, “she has this other friend who she sleeps with sometimes, I thought I’d invite them too, we were going to have a threesome with me and the guy as bodybuilders and her as this tiny waif of a woman. It’s all paid for and ready to go for tomorrow and she and her other fuck buddy chickened out.”

“Hence the cheap beer.” Ashton sighed, pointing at the drink. “Damn dude, that sucks, non-refundable?”

Dale nodded and forced a smile, in these sorts of situations all you can do is laugh really.

“I suppose we could always use it.” He joked and Ashton laughed but Pete’s expression turned serious.

“We could, you know.” He said after a moment with a cheeky grin.

“What, the three of us have a threesome?” Dale blinked.

“Well, sort of, not our bodies. One of us would just have to be the chick.”

There was a beat of silence before Pete continued.

“I could do it.” He said somewhat bashfully. “Being turned into a woman and fucked by two big, strapping guys…it could be interesting.”

Ashton and Dale laughed nervously for a second before they realised Pete was serious. The three friends exchanged glances.

“Well, it’s all paid for so why not? If you guys are in, I am.” Dale said eventually, feeling excitement build in his chest.

Maybe he was going to get his fantasy after all.


Waking up in an entirely different body was an odd sensation to say the least. When Dale woke he could immediately feel the extra strength his body possessed, as he stepped out of the swapping pod and allowed the doctors to check everything had gone smoothly he couldn’t help but admire his new form. Dark skin, bulging muscles and short cropped hair; he looked ready to step onto the stage at Mr Universe. He was bearing a pair of simple boxers but beneath it he could feel that he was packing heat between his legs, to put it mildly.

A few feet away another man stood, same dark skin, but with a broader build and slightly longer hair.

“Ashton?” Dale asked, his friend nodded.

“The one and only.”

Their voices were even an octave deeper. Dale had never felt like his regular body was weak or effeminate before but compared to this hulking pinnacle of masculinity it felt tiny. He hoped that the body’s original owner somehow managed to enjoy being in his body for the day.

They both put on the clothes provided and accepted their guard bands to show they were not the body’s original inhabitants and then stepped outside to wait for Pete. The bands were a safety measure; it tracked their whereabouts to make sure they didn't run off with the bodies but also ensured that the original owners didn't get blamed for anything they did. Like…noise complaints in a hotel. They both held their breath; this was so exciting!

“Hey fellas.” The voice was silky smooth but it still made Dale jump.

He turned and was forced to angle his neck down to come face to face with a petite woman with shiny blonde hair and pink lips. She was grinning wildly in a way that was familiar. Even knowing going into this that Pete was going to be taking over the body of a woman hadn’t quite prepared him for seeing that expression on a stranger's face.

“What do you think of my outfit?” Pete grinned, twirling to show off the tight black mini skirt and tube top. “I especially like the heels.”

“You’re…tiny.” Ashton chuckled after a moment, easily walking over and scooping Pete into his arms. “You’re feather light too!”

“Well not all of me.” Pete teased, cupping his breasts.

Ashton put him down and laughed; Dale felt his excitement turn to arousal watching Pete parade around, adding a deliberate sway to his new hips as they began walking to the hotel he’d booked.

“This is going to be so fun! Gangbanged by you two…” Pete smiled.

“Stop being a tease.” Ashton growled playfully, giving him a slap on the ass.

Pete squeaked in delight and Dale felt his new cock twitching in his pants. Falling into character was so much easier than he imagined; logically he knew his friend Pete was that sexy body he was about to bed but that didn’t turn him off at all. In fact, it turned him on a little. Not only was he about to dominate this beautiful, tiny woman, but he was going to do it while the body of a man twice his usual size. Fuck; he’d never realised just how into being dominant he was. This new side of himself excited him; he couldn’t wait to indulge it.


Pete could not believe how thrilling this was. He’d secretly always been turned on by the idea of transforming into a woman so when Dale mentioned the opportunity it had taken all his self control not to jump at the bit. Even walking alongside Ashton and Dale in their new hulking bodies was a turn on. He was so small compared to them, his head only just reached their shoulders and that was while he was wearing heels!

Whoever owned this body knew exactly what sort of fantasy they were going for as well. He’d squealed with delight upon being presented with the clothes she’d provided. He felt so exposed walking half naked down the street but also strangely empowered. The way his heels clicked forced everybody to turn toward the sound. He loved the way people stared or even better, when they tried not to stare. Dale’s gaze was like a red hot poker right between his legs. As eager as he was to get to the hotel and put the body to the test he didn’t want to rush things; this was an experience that needed to be savoured.

“Let’s take some photos!” He announced when they started getting close to the hotel. “We can text them to ourselves before we go back.”

“Hells yeah, I want to remember this.” Dale grinned, his new body had perfect white teeth.

“I doubt we will ever forget it.” Ashton chuckled as he took out his phone and pointed it at the pair.

Without asking, Dale swept Pete up into his arms and gave him a squeeze much to the latter’s delight. He could feel those muscles pressing against his tiny body, strong enough to snap him like a twig if Dale wanted. The inherent danger only added to the thrill. Ashton snapped photos and then began to film as Pete ran his soft fingers down Dale’s face.

“Ready to fuck me, baby?” He pouted before turning to the camera. “I can’t wait.”

Dale rumbled and Ashton threw back his head in laughter.

“Fully accepted your role then?” He teased.

“Oh yes.” Pete declared as he was put back on his feet. “I’m a bad girl ready to do some very bad things.”

He wiggled his ass for the camera; feeling his arousal burn. It was different, rather than feeling his member stiffening as he was used to, his new pussy lips got warm and wet. That feeling doubled when he watched in delight as a bulge began to form between Ashton’s legs.

“Uh oh, I know you’re turned on by me babe but you’d better get control of yourself before somebody sees.”

Ashton blushed and put away the camera to paw at his pants in an effort to hide his arousal. Pete flushed with pleasure; he was driving them wild already and he wasn't even naked! With a grin he turned to Dale and reached up for his face, gently pulling it down to be level with his own.

“What about you? Do I turn you on?” He whispered, pressing a quick kiss to those dark lips. They tasted divine.

“More than I thought possible.” Dale groaned.

Pete loved this, strolling hand in hand with them both attracted some stares. Older couples passed them with barely concealed looks of disgust as Pete casually kissed and flirted with Dale and Ashton in turn. Jokes on them; they had never experienced anything as sexually thrilling; and the throuple were only just getting started.

They stopped to pose for more photos. Pete angled his body as seductively as possible in every one. He leaned over enough that his short skirt rode up, revealing his sex to both men while he covered his lips in mock embarrassment.

“Oops.” He winked at them both.

“You’re incorrigible.” Ashton groaned.

“Wow, what a five dollar word.” Pete giggled.

“How about this then, you’re a damn tease.”

“Let’s get to the hotel.” Dale choked out, scooping Pete up again as he giggled wildly.

Dale looked about ready to devour him then and there, right on the street. By the time they reached the hotel his panties were soaked through. The concierge behind the desk had a mixture of shock, disgust and jealousy on his face as he handed over the keys to the room; it was obvious to anybody what the three of them were going to be up to.

“Take the stairs.” Pete cooed, still wrapped up in Dale’s arms. “I want to see those big muscles work.”

The two men seemed delighted at the challenge and they took turns holding Pete in their arms as they jumped up the stairs, testing their new muscles and never once tiring. Even after five storeys. Dale’s hands were fumbling with the room card but finally they all stumbled into the room, full of nervous, excited energy.

“Ready?” Dale asked, placing Pete down on the floor.


He was nervous, but also horny as fuck. Slowly, he stripped, taking his time as he slipped out of the skirt, top and panties. His host had not provided a bra, so it didn't take long for him to be fully naked before his two friends as they too stripped down. Their cocks were massive, far bigger than their usual fare and a thrill ran down Pete’s spine as he sank to the floor before them.

“I can’t believe I am doing this.” he whispered to nobody in particular before reaching out and taking both cocks in his hands.

Gently he stroked up and down, getting a feel for the skin and subtly comparing the two. Dale was thicker, but Ashton’s was a fraction longer. Which would feel better inside him? He couldn't wait to find out.

The smell of sex began to fill the air and Dale and Ashton groaned; Pete squeezed and stroked, picking up the pace and drinking in the sounds he was eliciting. A sparkle of something caught his eye and Pete realised precum was beading at the tip of Dale’s cock. Without thinking he leaned forward and licked it off with the tip of his tongue.

“Oh fuuuck!”

What a delicious sound; Pete wanted more. Gently he eased Dale’s cock into his mouth and began to bob his head; still grasping Ashton’s with his hand. Before he knew it, he was alternating, sucking one off while using his hand on the other, then swapping. He could feel each time their cocks spasmed against his tongue; so close to the edge, then he would pull away and the few seconds of cold air would reset them; keeping orgasm at bay.

He was swirling his tongue around Ashton while flicking his thumb over Dale’s tip when it happened. Dale’s whole body went rigid.

“Oh damn, I-I’m gonna-FUCK!”

He came, the stream soaked the side of Pete’s hair but he didn't stop, he kept right on with sucking and jacking them both off. Ashton was much quieter but he too went solid before finally cumming straight down Pete’s throat. He expected to gag but this body was clearly experienced because he found swallowing easy. The cum tasted oddly satisfying in a way no food ever could be.

He gave them both one last squeeze before falling back against the foot of the bed, breathing heavily. There was cum in his hair and a thin sheen of sweat over his skin from exertion; he had never felt so naughty in all his life, or so alive.

His virile men showed no signs of tiredness after their orgasms though as Pete had only just caught his breath before he found himself in those strong arms once more. A moment later he was in the air and landing on the mattress with a giggle. Dale was standing over him, grinning.

“Your turn.” He announced.

Pete didn't have to be told twice, with a pornographic moan he rolled onto his back and spread his legs, trying to pose himself in the most seductive way possible. Dale dropped down to his knees at the end of the bed and listed Pete’s legs over his broad shoulders. Pete could feel his mouth going dry; there was hot breath moving across his wet folds. The anticipation was killing him.

“Take pity on her, man.” Ashton chuckled, standing over the two of them with his arms crossed. “She looks like she’s about burst.”

Dale laughed and Pete shivered as his lips brushed against his skin.

“Only after she begs.”

Oh God. He'd never begged for anything in his life. His face flushed with embarrassment and his loins burned. His whole body was aching with need though; pride went out the window. So he put on his most sultry voice and pout;

“Please. I need you to fuck me.”

“Good girl.”

Pete didn't have time to enjoy the warm pleasure pooling in his gut at the praise because a second later Dale’s tongue was between his folds, slowly lapping across them and pressing against his clit. It felt like nothing he’d ever experienced; the closest was a really good blowjob a girl had given him where she stuck her tongue against his slit; but even that paled in comparison to this.

The pleasure was hot, intense and seemed to spread outwards to fill his entire body. Pete was totally overwhelmed and clearly it showed on his face because Ashton smirked down at him. Pete felt his mouth fall open and an indescribable sound escaped.

“Oh she wont last long.” Ashton chuckled, “I wonder how she’d handle both of us.”

Just like that Dale was shoved aside and Ashton replaced him; the few seconds of utter emptiness before Ashton took over were torture. Pete almost felt guilty for doing the same to them over and over. Ashton was more forward than Dale had been, thrusting his tongue deep into Pete’s new hole. He could feel the tongue rubbing against his inner walls and he wailed, back arching in ecstasy.

Dale came and sat on the bed beside her, large, firm hands taking hold of Pete’s tits and tweaking the nipples in time with Ashton’s thrusts. It was too much; that pleasure that had been building inside him exploded out and Pete cried out like an animal. Writhing in pleasure Pete realised neither of the men had any plans on stopping despite his body already being over sensitive.

“Oh fuck, yes, oh ah…ahhh…ahhhhh!”

The two orgasms blended together, Pete honestly couldn’t tell where the first had ended and the second began; it was so different to cumming as a man. It seemed stronger somehow, not to mention there was no limit. Dale and Ashton finally took mercy on him and stepped away, giving Pete a few precious seconds to bask in the afterglow.

“What’s it like?” Ashton asked.

“Fucking incredible.” Pete panted, still slowly writhing on the bed.

His entire body felt so sensual; every glide across the sheets felt wonderful. It was all he could do to keep from rubbing himself all over the bed just to see what each patch of skin felt like.

“Ready for more?” Dale asked.


Ashton practically jumped onto the bed with him, pinning Pete to the bed with his bulk and slowly kissing his way down. Pete ran his hands over those broad shoulders, feeling the indent of muscle as far down his spine as he could. Eventually though, Ashton reached his hips and with one strong movement, flipped Pete onto his stomach and raised his hips up ready to fuck him doggy style.

“What about you, big boy?” Pete grinned, looking over at Dale who gave him a cocky smile.

“Well, I didn’t get to cum in your mouth, I don't think that’s fair.”

Pete licked his lips, eyes dipping down to where Dale’s thick cock was already hard again. He could feel another pressing at his presented hole; Ashton was teasing him, slowly thrusting his hips so that his cock slid along his pussy lips, but never inside. Dale joined them on the bed and laid up against the headboard, gripping his cock to keep it hard before Ashton finally pushed inside.

Pete moaned, mouth forming a perfect O and Dale reached forward, grabbing his long hair and pulling the open mouth down on his cock. Pete couldn’t believe what he was doing; he was being fucked by one man while sucking off another. He felt like such a slut and he loved it.

It didn’t take them long to find a rhythm, Pete bobbing his head down every time Ashton thrust into him. Every time that cock hit his G-spot he would reward Dale with an extra hard suck or a swirl of his tongue. He thought being eaten out was incredible but being penetrated was something else.

His inner walls stretched and burned pleasantly and the pleasure was somehow deeper. It tickled the primal part of his brain that told him this was what his body was made for. It was intoxicating, he couldn’t get enough.

He was already so sensitive from the first two orgasms, it was getting hard to concentrate on keeping his mouth tight for Dale. His jaw wanted to go limp with every moan but he persevered, determined to make at least one of the cum before he did. He began to clench his hole around Ashton; judging by his groans, it felt great.

As orgasm got closer and closer Pete’s mind raced; he didn’t want this to be over yet! He wanted more, there was a whole realm of different positions to explore in this body. He could cum all night no issue but Dale and Ashton were bound to run out of steam eventually and he refused to let anything opportunity pass him by.

“Switch positions!” he begged, popping off Dale’s cock. “I want to ride at least one of you before we finish up this little party!”

Dale groaned at being denied his climax, a sound that Pete unconsciously copied as Ashton pulled out. He felt so empty, his inner walls were aching from being stretched and Pete shivered in anticipation, he couldn’t wait to compare how Dale felt inside him.

The three of them hurriedly swapped positions, petting and running their hands over one another’s bodies as they did so. Pete did his best to memorise every detail of how it felt to touch and be touched in this petite body. They rolled together and for a moment he was crushed between the two muscled bodies. He could taste the sweat on their skin and feel both their bodies pressing up against his back and front; if only he didn't feel so empty it would be perfect.

Pete ended up on Dale’s lap, his manhood upright and begging to be mounted. Ashton positioned himself at the end of the bed, standing on the mattress and somehow managing to keep his balance. Pete grinned; the invitation was clear. Dale turned his back to Dale, riding him reverse cowgirl With a low moan he lowered himself down on Dale’s cock; feeling it stretch and fill him completely. He gave Ashton a wry smile and then leaned forward to take his cock back in his mouth.

Dale’s strong hands found his hips and gently began to guide Pete up and down his cock until they found a rhythm. The movement helped his mouth slide up and down Ashton’s cock as well and he swirled his tongue around the member hungrily. He was in seventh Heaven; Pete couldn’t believe his luck.

Soon Pete was slamming down on Dale’s cock, riding him hard and fast as he came yet again. The orgasm squeezed Dale inside him hard enough that he came and Pete moaned as he felt cum splashing against his insides.

He lost track of time as the three of them fucked; Ashton and Dale taking turns while the other recuperated; but Pete got no such break, not that he wanted one. By the time they were finally, totally spent, the sun was setting and they curled up in the bed, breathing heavily, totally exhausted.

“Man, Jill has no idea what she missed out on.” Pete sighed happily, running his fingers up and down Dale’s biceps with fascination. “That was…incredible. You guys absolutely have to give this a try.”

“Being the woman in a gangbang?” Dale chuckled, “Can't say it ever interested me but…you seem pretty happy with yourself.”

“You have no idea.”

Ashton chuckled.

“You know, I bet we could afford another go if we all pulled our funds.”

Pete grinned ear to ear.

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Dibs being the girl next time.” Dale called and the other two giggled.

The next round couldn’t come fast enough.


Sam T

Great story!