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Hello everyone! I've got a new chapter of The Sunken Goddess for all of you to enjoy. I started this series back when the pandemic first hit, and unfortunately it hasn't been updated in almost 3 years due to how hectic my life has been. But my arm is slowly improving and I wanted to share this new chapter, along with the promise that I'm hoping to finish the last 2 or 3 chapters of this series over the next few months. It also comes with this fantastic artwork I'm planning to use as a cover for the series when I eventually publish it. It was drawn by the awesome Nathan Anderson, and you can check out more of their stuff on the twitter link below. For now I hope you enjoy the update, and have a chance to go back and check out the series if you haven't already.

This chapter picks up with Trish getting to play out one of her deepest fantasies with the captain of the space station and her wife, where she is betraying them to the powerful alien goddess taking control of the crew. Only this may not simply be roleplay like she believes.



Leave a like or a comment if you enjoyed the story! I'm looking forward to finishing this series up and hoping to make my way through a couple of other unfinished series over the year. (Once my arm properly heals, of course!)



Stephen Williams

Do you think we’ll ever get more Endless Pleasure Resort?


I went back and read the series cause of this post and oh my goshhhhhh It's all so good! I really enjoy it so far and I'm so glad your planning on doing more! ♥