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After Candy left, Nathan thought Emma at least appeared to have calmed down enough for them to talk. “Now. Can we talk?” Nate asked.

“Sure. Would you like to talk about how often you’ve cheated on my mother? Is this the first time or just the latest in a long line? Or would you like to talk about the fact you felt it was fine enough to cheat on her in her own bed?”

“It isn’t like that.” He wasn’t sure how to explain to this college girl what it is like to have needs and not able to meet them because her mother was always going out of town.

“No? Let me guess, you have needs?” Emma put one hand on her hip as she glared at the man.

“Well, yeah.”

“And that is somehow supposed to excuse your cheating on my mother?”

“May-no, I mean. I guess not. But it was a one-time thing. And we hadn’t actually done anything yet.” She was mad enough about finding Candy with him when he hadn’t even gotten off, he sure wasn’t going to admit to being with anyone else.

“Yet.” She glared, crossing her arms under her chest.

Nate frowned, “You’re right…if you hadn't come in…maybe I would have done something I would have regretted. But I didn’t.” He pleaded with her. “I love your mother. I don’t want to hurt her.”

“You did though!” She shouted, not able to comprehend how this asshole wasn’t seeing the effects of his actions.

“No! I almost did.” He corrected her, there was a difference between having sex and being left with blue balls.

“That’s not better!”

“It’s not as bad as it could have been.” Nathan knew that rebuttal was weak, but she just kept coming at him and he was getting flustered.

“Well then,” She sneered and clapped her hands together slowly, “congratulations on not being as big of a scumbag as you could’ve been.” Emma just couldn’t believe the audacity of this man to invite a hooker into their house, into her mom’s bed and say it could have been worse because she interrupted him cheating.

“I’m not pretending I didn’t do anything wrong. But she forgot our anniversary!”

“So you get to cheat?!” She shook her head at the scumbag, not sure what her mother ever saw in him.

“No!” Nate yelled, throwing his arms up in the air. His angry face fell into one of grief before he sat on the couch. “No.” He said softly. The house fell into a deep silence before Nate spoke again. “I don’t think…I don’t think I realized how much it hurt me until right this moment.”

There was another longer silence as Emma watched Nate stare at the floor. “If you expect me to feel bad for you…”

“I don’t.” he shook his head. “I know you don’t, and…you shouldn’t. It doesn’t make what I did any better.” Emma’s anger softened as she watched this man silently talk to himself. “Your mother is an amazingly wonderful woman.” He sighed, running his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry.” Emma sat in the chair, watching the man fight the tears in his eyes. “She doesn’t deserve this.” He looked away from the young coed.

They fell into silence again as Emma thought. Her mother should know what he did but…she didn’t need to hear it over the phone. She knew how stressful her mother’s trips could be and didn’t need to add fuel to the fire when she couldn’t really do much about it while away. “Look…you did destroy my phone so it’s not like I can tell her right now anyway. So I’ll let you be the one to tell her when she comes home.”

“Really?” Nate’s shoulders lightened as he looked at his step-daughter, happy she wasn’t such a cold hearted bitch like he was thinking when she wouldn’t even listen to him.

“Yeah. It’s better if she hears it from the horse’s mouth. Or in this case, jackass.” She didn’t have proof and she thought her mom would believe her, but getting him to admit it would be better and that way he really would be out on his ass.

“Thank you, Emma.” Nate ran his fingers down his bottom lip pulling on it slightly as he let out a long sigh of relief.

“You’re not getting out of this scot-free you know.”

Nathan gave a small shrug of his shoulders, already knowing he was going to have to buy his step daughter a new phone. “I know. But thank you for at least letting me be the one to break the news to her.”

“There’s no need in me upsetting her when she’s not here.” Nate shook his head in agreement.

“Now, I believe you said you would buy me a new phone?”

“Right.” Nate stood, grabbing his keys from one of the hooks beside the front door. “Let’s get this over with.” he said as he slipped on a pair of sandals.

“Yeah…” Emma stood slowly, something Candy had said, a thought, kept turning over in her mind. Paying for the phone he broke would hardly make things square. He hurt her mother, he should be punished more than just lightening his wallet. “But first you need to get dressed.” Her voice solidified with the plan in her mind.

Nate looked at himself, he had put on his jeans and an old t-shirt from his days as a bartender with his now gone bars logo on it. “I am dressed.” His sandals were by no means the best for the fall weather but it didn’t matter that much.

“Come with me.” Nate was confused but followed the girl into her bedroom. “Now, let’s see what would look best on you.”

“What are you talking about?” Nate asked, baffled at what she meant.

“I told you, you need to get dressed.” Emma was doing her best at this point to keep her face neutral.

“I am dressed!” His tone was harsh and more than a little agitated.

“I told you, you’re not getting off scot-free for this. Just because I’m letting you tell her doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be punished.”

“What? Punished?” Emma brought out a dress and held it to Nate’s flat chest. “You can’t be serious!” He shouted, taking a step back now.

“I am dead serious and we aren’t far off from each other in dress sizes. Your shoulders are just a little wider than mine, but I am about an inch taller than you.”

“I’m not fucking putting on a dress! I’m no fag!” He made an X motion before slicing his hands in the air, wanting no part of whatever it is this girl had in mind.

“You can put on whatever I give you, or I will call Ma’ right now and then the cops!”

“You are out of your damn mind!” His light blue eyes met her gaze, she had the same beautiful hazel eyes as her mother and at this second that just aggravated him more.

“I know you well enough to know you will weasel your way out of this somehow, or convince her not to divorce your sorry ass because she is just too sweet. But I’ll be damned if you’re not getting punished for what you’ve done at least once!”

She wasn’t wrong, he noted, he had played the poor pitiful man act and had bought himself some more time. If he played his cards right the worst he’d have to endure with Sarah would be couples counseling. Nate sighed, “Just once?”

“As long as you keep your nose clean until you talk to Ma’.” She said making things up as things progressed.

“Fine. But no dress. I know you have pants.” What he was going to have to do put a sour taste in Nathan’s mouth, she was trying to emasculate him, but he could try and play it off like he lost a bet. It was a bit more extreme than the time he got someone to shave their head after not having the twenty bucks he was supposed to hand over when his team won.

“I’ll take your opinion under advisement.” She lied. She wished she hadn’t donated her prom dress. It was overly frilly, even for her. She didn’t have too much in the way of frilly clothes that would embarrass the jackass, not being an overly girly-girl herself, so instead she found a good compromise.  “Okay, I have a pair of jeans for you.” She tossed something to Nate, followed by more clothing articles. “You go shave, put all of that on and then we can talk about accessories.” Nate grumbled silently and left her room to change in the bathroom. “And when I say shave I mean face, chest, arms, armpits and your legs.” She yelled as he walked away with the bundle of clothing.

“Ugh.” He groaned, seeing the pair of white panties. Sure they were plain white, but they were still panties! Setting them aside he examined the rest of the clothes she forced onto him. She found a pair of skinny jeans that managed to fit him. But being they were bright white they just screamed girl! Coupled with the soft violet fuzzy sweater he would look girlier than most real girls. He was confused at first why she had given him six pairs of socks until he realized they were meant to go in the white bra. “She cannot be serious.”

Swallowing his pride, Nate stepped back into Emma’s bedroom, completely unaware that she had set up her webcam to record his entrance. Emma was happy to see Nate had at least shaved his face, but as he took the cheating bastard in, she saw the shortcuts he had taken. He shaved his face, sure, but the rumple in his pants told her he had simply put the pants on over his boxers. The sweater had been fluffy enough that there should be at least a slight bulge to his chest. But it was clear he neglected to put the bra on at all. The dark hairs peeking out of the sleeves let her know he didn’t shave anything else. “Just what do you think you’re doing?” Emma sat on her bed glaring up at the man wearing her clothes who had not followed her instructions.

“Wearing what you told me to.” He said motioning to the girly sweater and overly tight pants that clung to his legs like they were little more than paint.

“You are not! And I told you to shave.”

“I did!” He touched his chin. His beard was completely gone, except for a few spots here and there where he had skipped in his rush to get this over with. Emma grabbed his arm and pulled the sleeve up, revealing the dark hair on his arm. “Then what’s this?”

“Why would I shave that?”

“The same reason you shaved your legs…you didn’t shave those either did you? Well for starters because I said so… and right now you need to be real concerned with what I say.” She rubbed her forehead. The realization of just how much of an incompetient tool he was giving her a migraine.

“Why would I when you gave me pants? No one’s gonna see any body hair.”

Seething, Emma asked through clenched teeth, “Then would you like to pick out a dress from mine or my mother’s closet? Since you’re so keen on showing off your legs?!”

“No!” Nathan said shaking his head, not wanting things to escalate from the woman's pants he was wearing.

“I didn’t think so!” Her speed fueled by her anger she pulled his pants out and grabbed at his boxers, “Just as I thought. You’re not wearing the panties I gave you either!” Nate was about to say something when she released the pants with a loud snap against his crotch Nate had not been prepared for. “Maybe I should just call my Ma’ after all.”

“You promised!”

“No I didn’t! I said I’d give you the chance, but you’re already throwing that decision in my face. Ma’ won’t be home for three weeks, how do I know you’ll keep your word about something that serious if I can’t even trust you to do this? No. Forget it, I’m just going to call her.” Emma pushed past Nate and stormed into her mother’s room.

“No wait! You said you’d give me the chance to tell her!” Nathan followed Emma out of her room, he needing to stop her. He loved Sarah, but that wasn’t exactly the foundation their relationship started off on and he thought he could talk her out of anything drastic if he could do it right, but one wrong move and the rich woman he hitched his wagon to would be gone. He had no idea she was so well off when everything started, but they had signed a prenup. If she decided to divorce him for sleeping with someone else he would have nothing.

“I did. This was it. But you already proved you’re a liar who can’t be trusted!” She yelled and picked up the seldom used landline on her mother’s nightstand.

“No!” Nate slapped his hand over the receiver. “Look, I-I didn’t know. Okay? I don’t shave anything but my face so when you said shave…I did what I’d normally do. You can’t fault me for that. Can you?” He pleaded.

Emma rolled her eyes. “I can, but you can have one last chance. I’m going to walk you through each step and I’ll walk you through each step. And if you give me any more grief we’re done.”


Returning to the bathroom with Nate, Emma started the shower without an ounce of heat. “Wash everything. Your hair and your body.”

“Okay.” He nodded.

“This-” She held up a clear bottle with roses printed on the label, “-is for the hair on top of your head first.” She picked up a second pink bottle with a similar rose pattern. “This goes on after. Wash that out, then use this one for your body.” She handed both bottles to Nate before picking up a clear, orangish bottle, “Use this on your body. Then you will call for me when you’re done and we’ll get rid of your body hair.” Not waiting for his response Emma stormed out of the bathroom, slamming it shut behind her. “You have ten minutes!” She shouted. Nate sighed, shook his head and turned the heat up on the shower before setting the bottles aside.

While Nate was disrobing again, Emma hurried to the unused false closet. Inside she found the hot water heater and turned the lever as far down as it would allow. Nate stood naked in the bathroom for two minutes before deciding the water wouldn’t get any warmer, if anything it felt like it was colder! He thought about checking the water heater in the old brownstone but Emma was already fuming and he had already wasted several minutes waiting. “Just get this over with.” He told himself and slipped into the shower. The freezing cold water felt like bullets hitting his nude skin. He felt his dick shrink away like a frightened turtle but focused on the tasks he was given.

After several minutes of scrubbing his hair and body with fragrant soaps and ice water Nate shut off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist, and another larger towel around his numb body. “E-Emma!” His teeth chattered as he yelled for the devil woman responsible for his predicament. Emma entered the bathroom and sat a strange looking pot on the sink’s countertop.

“Ah good. You don’t smell like a whorehouse for once.” Nate wanted to snap back her insult, but between her threat earlier and the rattling of his bones he decided to focus on warming himself up. “Okay, now there are several ways to rid oneself of hideous body hair. You’ve got traditional shaving, but that takes time we don’t have. Then you’ve got chemical removal, but again that takes more time than simply waxing.”

“W-w-waxing?” he shivered.

“Yes, and I think you’ll like it, come here.” She grabbed his hand and held it over the pot. In a moment his fingers were warmed. When she let him go he kept his hands over the heated pot. “See, told ya. Now, sit down.” Nate complied, alternating between warming his hands over the pot and warming his chest with his newly warmed hands. He wasn’t paying attention as Emma took a tongue depressor and scooped some of the hot wax and placed it on his shin. All he knew was his legs were warm again. So he didn’t fight as she spread the hot wax over each leg, followed by strange looking paper that reminded him of something he’d find in a coach’s office. His shivering had thankfully stopped entirely after she spread the wax over his chest and stomach. His core, now warming up, allowed for sensations to slowly return to his extremities.

“Alright, now for the fun part.” She said and immediately ripped the paper, wax, and a good chunk of Nathan’s leg hair off of his shin.

“Mother fucker!” He screamed! “What was that for?!” He grabbed his leg, feeling the newly smoothed patch.

“I told you we were going to use wax. What did you think would happen?” Emma smiled. “Now hold still so I can get the rest.” Nate’s eyes widened. He had allowed her to spread this wax over the majority of his body! He counted fifteen total bandages remaining. One felt like a dozen bee stings at once! How could he survive over a dozen more?! Nate wasn’t given any more time to think about it, as Emma snatched more leg hair free from his shin. Emma moved with an adept hand as she ripped another from his other leg.  Normally she would give her friend a countdown before pulling the bandages off but Nate was not her friend and he deserved the additional torture of never knowing when it was about to happen. With every scream she was more and more satisfied until finally he was hairless in all but one area. His crotch.

“Okay, just one more spot.” She gathered the hairy bandages and placed them in the trash to keep from laughing at the red marks left on Nate’s flesh.


“Yep. Just one more tiny area.”  She pointed and Nate only now realized she had placed one large bandage just above his cock, which now hid more out of pain and fear than it did the cold. He had been so engrossed in trying to warm up after almost getting hyperthermia he didnt’ even pay attention when she had undone his towel.

“When did you-you can’t be serious!”

“Of course I am. Hey, think about it this way, it’ll look bigger without all that hair to hide behind.” She laughed.

“It’s plen-it’s fucking freezing and then ripping my skin off!”

“Sure, sure.” Emma said, trying to regain her composure.

“N-no wait!” Emma reveled in the fact that she could hear panic in his voice.

“I thought I told you what would happen if you gave me any more grief.” She said making sure to look him in the eye like one might stare down a dog to show who was in charge.
“I’m not…just…let me do it?” His face burned red. Maybe he could be more gentle than she had been.

“So you want to get rid of your nasty body hair?”


“Well if you don’t want to get rid of your gross body hair then it’s better I do it.” She smiled. “But, if you have something you want to tell me I don’t mind waiting.” Nate grumbled silently, “Oh, just so you know, the longer you take to pull it off the more it will hurt when you finally do.” Nate frowned, how long had that damned thing been there already?!

“Fine!” He growled, “I want to get rid of my body hair.”

“Get rid of your what?” She held up her hand to hear ear like she was having trouble hearing.

“...my nasty body hair.”

“I always suspected you might.” Emma gave him a knowing smile, like the two of them just shared a secret.

“Yeah, bully for you.” He groaned, gripping one edge of the paper free of wax. He wanted to pull it away gently, like a bandaid, maybe it would hurt less and he might keep some of his hair in the process. But Emma’s words rang in his ears, the longer he took the worse it would hurt. He wasn’t sure when she put the painful wax and paper on his most sensitive area but he knew it was going to be the most painful he had experienced so far. ‘Just…get it over with.’ he thought. Gripping the paper once more and with a quick pull, and a loud scream, ripped away all the hairs from his crotch.

Nate fought back the tears in his eyes as he sat on the toilet lid, staring at his hairless crotch. “Oh quit your boo-hooing, ya big sissy.” Emma said, slapping Nate’s thigh. “I do it twice a month without crying as much as you have.” She lied of course. One of the benefits of waxing was just how long it took for hair to grow back. “Now, time to get dressed.”

Back in her room Emma had retrieved the original clothes she had so kindly given to Nathan. “Now, I’m sure you’re happy to finally be rid of all that disgusting body hair but we musn’t forget our modesty.” She wagged her finger playfully. “I got your notes about your original outfit and I want you to know I listened and heard what you were trying to say.”

‘What the hell is she talking about?’ He thought silently as he pressed his hand to his raw skin.

“I get it, granny panties?” She picked up the plain white panties, “Not exactly sexy.” She threw them across the room into a laundry basket. “So, I picked out something more to your liking.” She held up a bright red thong between the crook of each finger. Nathan stared at the offending garment in disbelief. ‘She can’t be serious!’ he thought. “Don’t you just love it? Come on, what do you say?” She turned her face to one side as if she were waiting to hear.

“Thanks.” he frowned.

“That didn’t sound genuine. Remember, you’re never fully dressed without a smile!”

“Thanks.” He faked a smile and snatched the red underwear. He wanted to tell her to fuck off, but right now she held all the power and she knew it.

“Eager, huh? You must really like it, or is there a man in your life you want to look good for?.” She teased and smiled at her webcam which recorded everything. “Now, it is important to match. You never know when things might get hot and heavy with a boy.” She said as she gave him a matching sports bra with sewn in padding.

“I think I’ll know.” ‘Never.’ He added mentally and pulled the red sports bra on like a t-shirt. The bra flattened his already flat chest further, but the padding made it appear as if he was a young girl in the beginning stages of her development. It didn’t help that Emma cheered and clapped her hands, “Oh, I wish I had my camera! Every girl’s first training bra is such a special moment!”

“I’m not a girl.” he grumbled trying to cover the small bulge in the bright red thong. He had fantasized about being half naked with Emma in her room but in none of them was he the one wearing a bra and panty set. Turning around, Emma gave a knowing wink to the camera, and handed him the skinny jeans once again. “And see, these will feel a million times better with all that gross hair gone.” Nate was simply happy to put pants on again. He wouldn’t tell her that the skinny jeans did feel better against his smooth skin. The fuzzy sweater followed next. It was incredibly soft against his denuded skin. “Okay. How do you feel?”

“Like a bad joke.” he grumbled.

“Oh my gosh you’re so right!” She giggled. “You don’t have any makeup on yet!”


“Exactly! Makeup!” She cheered, dragging Nathan and setting him in front of her vanity. She took a brief moment to adjust the camera so she could get Nathan’s face in the mirror as well as in full view. “Now, I know you’re eager to do it on your own but since you're a virgin I’ll have to do it for you this time. If you’d like, I can teach you when we have more time.”

“How kind of you.” He gave a fake smile but sat still, letting his step-daughter put makeup on his face.

“Isn’t it though.” She giggled once again and went to work.

It took overall thirty minutes for Emma to match his skin tone and give him the full makeover he deserved, not once allowing him to see himself in the mirror. “Alright, now I know this is gonna be a big change for you to finally see your true self but I want you to fight back those happy tears. Okay?”

“I’ll do my best.” He faked a smile. As she turned him around he rolled his eyes and they nearly fell out of his head. In the mirror was what looked like a fairy! Emma had used colorful eyeshadows, creating a rainbow effect around his eyes, the blush she brought from one cheek to the other and added little white dots over it, giving the illusion of freckles you might find on some fae creature. All of that, and his now bright pink lips, he looked at least ten years younger than he was.

“Oh my god.” He gasped, not sure if he should reach out to the reflection or cover his face.

“Don’t you just look fabulous?!” Emma said, putting one hand on the now feminized man’s shoulder.

“I look like a fairy!” He yelled. He looked like a gay man trying to recapture some lost youth.

“I know, right? You’re so pretty!”

“I thought you would at least make me look…normal.” he groaned at the idea of calling any version of this normal.

“That doesn’t sound very grateful to me, Nat. It sounds more like grief.”

Nate sighed heavily before turning to her and pretending to smile, “Thank you, so much.”

“That’s a good girl Natalie. Come on, let’s get out of here.” Emma smiled as she took his hand and pulled him out of her room.


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