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Hey all, it is with great pleasure that I am finally able to present to you the game that we have been hard at work making all month!

Ample Chests is a visual novel style game (not dissimilar to The Pill) where the decisions you make will grant you different endings! There are 8 outcomes to discover, along with 10 unique transformation animations (and 4 variations on a theme), and over 150 character expressions.

This has definitely been our most ambitious creation within a single month, and has been a great challenge learning the ins and outs of Ren'Py. I hope you guys enjoy the results!



Some Guy

When I first tried playing it, right after the first option my computer quarantined it, saying it had a Trojan in it... I bet Trevor keeps one in his wallet. Not bad, I would have liked to have seen a bit more diversity in the transformations but still enjoyable.


Glad you were able to sort out the quarantine. In terms of diversity, we wanted to leave some options open for future chapters, so there was room to 'grow' (as it were).


Spectacular! A job really well done, thank you!


I got around the original mac issue; however, before I can even click start it crashes my computer. Has anyone found a solution?

Lady Grove

Huzzah on sorting the first thing but boo on the second one. I know nothing about macs so hoping the collective wisdom of the patrons can assist you on this one.


i know it is dumb, but do you have like a solution to have all ending unlock? i'm missing one and i'm bad i'm just not able to find it!!!


I put the list in so we could trouble shoot this - which is the last ending for you to solve?


Do you have a hint to get Trevors big day?


I'm also missing Trevor's Big Day but the joke could be that he never gets it...poor Trevor

Lady Grove

SPOILER WARNING I have no subtle hint but might I suggest you send Simone on the first mission then keep her on the ship.


I'm not that mean! If you actually want to know Lady Grove gave Rex429 a hint that will help you 😉