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The sharin are a species of shark-like aquatic humanoids who hail from the world of Sarroba. Though they make their homes in shoreline communities, they spend much of their working lives in the water. Sharin are just as home in fresh as in salt water, though they generally prefer a salinity similar to that which they grew up with.

Sharing culture tends to be passive, aqua-agrarian, and largely non-technological. When spending time outside of their home communities, though, they have no issue steeping themselves in the myriad technological wonders of modern high-tech society. Though technically quasi-mammals themselves, they often display considerable curiosity towards purely mammalian humanoid cultural pursuits. As a result, they make friends of mammalian species quite readily, and are often more than happy to share in their mammalian friend's interests and inclinations, even if those might include xenoexperience and other such perilous curiosities.

They can currently be found throughout the Fey'li Empire, often living in secluded communities on the shores of pristine waters.


Author's Note: The sharin first appeared as random characters on the lower level platform of University Station. They were promptly forgotten about... until now. They're one of several 'new' species that will appear as I work to vary things a bit more in future art.



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