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Aqua Biogel Games players are all required to wear one of several permanent biogel body mods. Almost all choose the standard mermaid suit. It differs from the standard mermaid body mod in having a number of unique features specially designed to enhance the aquatic arena experience. 

The base color of the gelfighter mermaid suit is obsidian black. The torso front, neck, center back and tail are all in the gelfighter's team color. While not mandatory, many gelfighters have their hair modded into similarly biogel strands.

Unlike the normal mermaid body mod, the gelfighter mod provides a modest enhancement to the users underwater dexterity. The price, however, is that the colored portions of the suit, and hair if applicable, begin to glow when the gelfighters takes possession of an objective, such as the little tendril patch depicted here. Each objective that the gelfighter holds, the brighter the glow gets, and the easier she is to see for allies and opponents alike. Loss of objectives dim the suit's glow, while making use of the suit's ability to make short double speed sprints will cause it to glow brightly for triple the duration of the sprint.

When an aquatic gelfighter suit is glowing at over half its maximum intensity, it will begin to attract nearby hazards such as projectiles, floating inflato-bubbles, and roaming biogel monsters, almost like a magnet. As a result, individual gelfighters need to carefully manage their play in order to keep within the limits of their abilities in the arena.



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