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Look out, ladies! That's no steam train. It's a GELITRAIN!

This prototype biogel powered locomotive was designed to bring biogel to the rails and spread the shiny blackness all over, sometimes even literally!

The locomotive is powered by inserting living biogel dolls (gummies) from the tender into the power cylinder where they are dissolved into highly energized biogel so that the energy that connects their mortal bodies and immortal souls can be tapped to drive the vehicles very creative 'stimulus reaction cylinders', which then drive the main wheels. To help ensure fuel is available on long journeys, the tender includes sprayers than can quickly coat onlooker and transform them into new gummies for collection and later use. Other sprayers toward the front of the locomotive help ensure that the power cylinder pressure remains within safe levels.  

Only one locomotive of this type currently exists, though more are planned. They will be used to tow cars containing portable versions of some of the Gelarium's most popular attractions.



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