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Is Stringer not like the most snake character in TV history? D'angelo took 20 years for the business, you killed him anyway without telling Avon, and then you sleep with the mother of his child? I'ts hilarious how this dude wants to run things like a logical and reasonable business when he's proving himself to be the least trustworthy character in the show.


I don't think it's ever been officially confirmed by the creative team of the show, but it's more or less an open secret that Tommy Carcetti is based on Martin O'Malley, who was Mayor of Baltimore from 1999-2007 and Governor of Maryland 2007-2015. Although he is probably most well-known, if you can call it that, for being the only really serious contender for the 2016 Democratic Presidential nomination who wasn't Hillary or Bernie. He was polling high enough to be on the Democratic debate stage with them for a while. David Simon pretty openly is not a fan of O'Malley and is a pretty prominent critic of his from O'Malley's left (though I'm not sure Simon would call himself a "leftist" or anything by any means) so take from that what you will.

M Salam

This my favorite reaction you've done so far. You really are breaking down everything and connecting plots. I love it. Sorry you're getting frustrated though, we all were when we first watch it. The corruption is next level.


14:46 - THIS!! thank you, i 100% agree with this.

Janet Ex

This one felt good while filming (: thank you! Yes the corruption is frustrating but I really appreciate the writing and story telling of it all

Tyrone Tyrone

Something I never thought about was the great point you made about how, if you know you are not making a difference, why would you join the police? That would explain a lot about why today's police are so bad.

Tyrone Tyrone

Why is Stringer with Donette? You're not a man so you don't get it Donette is a 8/9😄