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One thing I really enjoy about working on WT is being able to turn something like a "bookend"  asset into a big stone dragon that vomits water and sits in the background looking majestic. 

Here is some behind the scenes "concept vs. final" of designs in Ep 181. 

Here Clove meets to discuss with the elders about what to do with the baddies. HMMN Dragon motifs and a lot of water around.... I wonder what might happen...




No fair, I want a stone dragon that vomits water. Jokes aside, I am so happy that we finally get to see and learn more about the Cerulean clan this season. The palace is breathtaking, and the whole atmosphere makes me feel cold yet at home at the same time, because of cloves excitement to be there, and because of the more 'covering' clothing designs ❄️🏔️🌨️🌊


It’s cool how I can tell which character is which from their silhouettes