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And here's the promised third part of this little series. At time of writing it's currently the last part but that could easily change. I also went a lot heavier on the action compared to the sex so it's probably a big departure from my usual stuff, hopefully y'all enjoy regardless!


Screams and gunfire filled the air as Trogs swarmed through Uptown in an all consuming horde of jabbering death. Someone had turned off the floodlights and none of the raiders were ready for the hell that would unleash. Half of them were dead before anyone knew what the fuck was going on, the rest were barely clinging to life as they wildly sprayed bullets at anything that wasn't Human, stabbing and beating and bashing whatever got to close as the tide of swept through their 'defenses' with ease. But with nowhere else to go an no chance in hell of escaping on foot Faydra stood her ground with everyone else, emptying mag after mag into the hordes even as the cowards around her tumbled and ran away.

Dumping her last magazine into the biggest, ugliest fucker she could see before hurling her gun at another Faydra gabbed the little bitch trying to crawl past her. Hurling him into the fighting without a second thought she picked up his tire iron and jumped on the nearest Trog. She based it's face in before it could even pounce but another one managed to leap on her. Both of them tumbled to the ground in a pile of flailing limbs and feral growls. Faydra kicked it away with both feet and scrambled upright as even more Trogs sprinted  at her.

Charging towards them before they could reach her she swung her tire iron with complete abandon, snarling at the beasts as they crumpled beneath her blows. “FRAG!” a nearby raider shouted.

Faydra glanced back at them just in time to watch at least six different Trogs tear the poor fucker limb from limb only for her grenade to go off and turn them all into a red mist. All around her everyone was running out of mags and being overwhelmed. Anyone with bullets left was backpedaling as fast as possible and emptying their mags at damn near anything.

One whizzed past her head close enoiugh to graze her skin and she dropped to the ground, not even sure where it'd come from. A Trog jumped on her while she was distracted, it's gangly arms wrapping around her neck as it bit at her face. She grabbed it's head with both hands and ripped it off her back, slamming it into the dirt with a wet crunch. Faydra sprang to her feet and stomped it's head in before it could recover only to get knocked right back down again by another. They tumbled across the bloody ground for a second or two as she scrambled to find a weapon and the Trog tried to rip her apart. When her hands closed around something hard enough to cave a skull in she bashed it against the beast's head, pulping it's face and turning it's skull to mush in the blink of an eye.

As she stood up again she hurled the severed head of another raider at the nearest Trog and scrambled towards the few survivors still trying to shoot their way out. Ducking beneath gunfire and crawling more often than running she scrambled to find anything she could fight back with. Anything that might help her kill a few more of them before they got her. A splintered board with a few nails sticking out was the best she could get as she returned to the others. At least until one of them tripped over a corpse, dropping her combat shotgun as she fell over. She was swarmed by Trogs faster than she could scream and Faydra snapped up her gun in an instant, frantically pumping shell after shell into everything she could with one hand while desperately swinging her board with the other. There was no telling how many she'd killed. No telling how many more she'd have to kill if she wanted to survive. The swarm never seemed to end no matter how many she dropped. And the raiders around her were dropping even faster than the Trogs.

“FUCK!” Her shotgun clicked as she fruitlessly pulled the trigger. “FUCK!”

Dropping her board and holding her gun like a bat she swung it a charging Trog, caving the freak's head in with the drum mag in an instant. Three more scrambled over it's body and she barely managed to hold them off with wild, uncoordinated screams while they jabbered incessantly at her. She didn't even realize she was retreating into a corner until her back was pressed against a wall and she was surrounded on all sides.




She snarled at them and tried to charge through only to immediately retreat as they swung their arms even more wildly than her. Faydra couldn't keep them at back for long and she knew it. But she wasn't about to let a pack of little runts kill her. If she was gonna die she'd die to one of the big ones. She'd die fighting something worth killing her!

Without any regard to her safety she sprinted into their madly flailing hands, screaming in pain and rage as they battered her dented metal armor. Attacking them every bit as viciously as they attacked her she bashed and clubbed and brutalized the runts trying to take her down. She didn't even kill all three of them before escaping, jumping off the lone survivor and running away as fast as she could. But she sure as hell murdered every Trog in her path after that. It wasn't even a choice as they swarmed through the streets and tumbled off the walkways above. And she couldn't even stop to get her bearings or grab another weapon. Faydra just bludgeoned everything in her path and staggered in whatever direction she was already running.

Until she rounded a corner and was blinded by an agonizingly bright light. She and the Trogs both recoiled in anguish as it flooded the alleyway. After staggering through the darkness with only flashes of gunfire and explosions lighting her way Faydra couldn't even comprehend the safety she'd found, not until a familiar voice called out to her.

“Faydra! Faydra!”

Shielding her eyes and staggering towards the light Faydra hoarsely called back, “What the fuck are you doing here?!”

A hand closed around her wrist and pulled her forward, yanking her out of the way of the light and blinding the Trogs creeping up behind her in the shadows cast by her body. A split second later she was being hugged more tightly than she'd ever felt, “I'm so glad I found you! I didn't think I'd make it in time! I didn't think I'd get here fast enough!”

Hugging her lover back without even thinking Faydra collapsed into his arms for a moment. Just long enough for relief to wash over her and a tear to roll down her cheek. But before he could start getting any ideas about her being a pussy she pulled away from him, “What the fuck is going on?”

Her disheveled but very much alive companion pulled a box of shells from his pocket and handed them to her, sheepishly looking away as he said, “I turned off the floodlights.”


Before she could say anything else a group of Trogs spotted them from the other side of the alley, snarling and sprinting closer in a mad dash.  Faydra tried to load her gun but couldn't find the chamber through all the blood coating the barrel and mag. Her man turned the floodlight on the group faster than she could react, wielding it like a flamer as he hurried towards the beasts. They shrieked and fell over one another in a mad dash to get away and he pressed his advantage while she followed closely behind, tossing away her gun after a few more attempts to reload it.

“I need another gun!”

“I've only got a sawed off!”

“That'll fuckin work!”

He tossed her a gun and she slammed two shells into it with a laugh. Immediately turning to the opposite end of the alley Faydra blasted a hole through the nearest Trogs and viciously kicked one of the survivors in the teeth. It staggered backwards while she reloaded, instantly turning into bloody chunks the moment she pulled the trigger. All the while the only person she could trust guided them out of the alley and into the street beyond. She didn't have any clue where they were going or what his plan was but she didn't care. As long as she had ammo and he had light she was more than happy to trust him. And more than happy to blow Trogs apart with extreme prejudice.

But even with a box of shells and the one thing Trogs actually feared they had to fight for ever inch as they made their way through Uptown. Faydra was on a constant swivel as she blasted anything her man couldn't blind and he was practically spinning like a top as he tried to cover every possible angle with his strange little device. Once or twice he even had to stop and frantically slam microfusion cells into it to keep the whole thing powered.

“I'm runnin out of ammo!” She shouted around the third time she had to stop, “We gotta hole up somewhere!”

“We need to get out of here!” He replied, “I only turned off the floodlights in Uptown! Everywhere else is still safe!”

“You coulda just just said you didn't wanna fuck me anymore!” Faydra laughed, blowing apart a large Trog and spinning her man towards the rest as soon as he'd finished reloading. Or whatever the fuck he was doing. “You didn't have to kill everyone too!”

He laughed at her remark and looked back at her with a smile that made her heart skip a beat. But she didn't get to enjoy it for long as more Trogs attacked, “Maybe we can wait for things to settle down a little!”

“That's what I was thinkin! Let's get to the roof of one these buildings! We should be able to defend ourselves up there!”

“Lead the way!”

They ducked into the nearest building and slowly, painstakingly made their way up floor by floor. It wasn't quite as dangerous as walking the streets but with so many Trogs running around they definitely weren't safe yet. He could definitely block off every hallway, stairwell, and room they were in but she still had to kill all the monsters already inside the building. Which meant using up the last of her ammo before too long and bashing her way through the rest with a super sledge her man had brought along too. By the time they actually reached the rood and barricaded the door, propping up his mobile floodlight so it could blast anything that might come through, both of them were completely exhausted.

All but collapsing into her arms her man let out a long, relieved moan. Though every bit as tired as him Faydra played it off as best she could. Even though she dropped to her knees soon after, still cradling him against her and finally taking a breath after an hour of non stop fighting. Before long they were both laying side by side with him cuddled against her as she held him close. Neither of them said anything for a while, they just listened to the chaos all around them and waited.

“Thanks for coming back . . .” She finally remarked, lightly nuzzling against him as her relief turned to affection, “Even if it's all your fault in the first place . . .”

“I'm sorry I couldn't warn you sooner . . . I wanted to but Midea and Wernher wouldn't let me . . .”

“Heh . . .” Hugging him a little more tightly she kissed his cheek and took a long deep, breath, “How're they gonna feel about you savin me? Somethin tells me they wanted me dead with everyone else.”

“I don't give a shit.” He replied. Turning around to face her he moved in even closer and tenderly laid a hand on her bloodstained cheek, “I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you.”

“That's funny,” Faydra whispered, leaning in even closer, “I thought that was my job.”

They shared a soft laugh and a tender smile as his forehead gently rested against hers. She caressed his cheek and slowly shook her head, oddly amused by his balls. Part of her knew she should've been angry at him for ruining everything. For almost killing her with his carelessness. But she couldn't find the strength to give a shit. Seeing him again was such a relief and the thought of leaving the Pitt alongside him was more exhilarating than words could describe. So much so she leaned in gave him a tender little kiss before she could think twice.

When they broke apart a moment later he quietly asked, “What was that for?”

“Who the fuck cares?” She whispered back.

A split second later they were kissing more passionately than ever, their lips pressed together as tightly as the rest of their bodies and their tongues coiling around one another. As dangerous as it might've been they couldn't hold back. Between the simple relief of getting out of danger and the joy of reuniting after a lengthy absence forced on them by Ashur and the others they just couldn't keep their hands off one another.

Hers glided down his chest and towards his cock almost instantly while his trailed across her stomach and towards her ass. They couldn't risk taking off their gear and making themselves even more vulnerable than they already were but nothing short of Trogs breaking through the door would stop them from going as far as they could. Even that probably would've have stopped Faydra from sliding a hand into his pants and wrapping her gloved fingers around his already hard prick. She let out a pent up moan the moment she felt him throbbing against her and she leaned even deeper into their kiss as he trembled so cutely.

His fingers lightly squeezed her ass through her suit and she couldn't help but shiver at his touch, pushing herself back against his hand and smiling against his lips. She felt his tongue move a little faster inside her mouth and she whimpered at the sweet taste of him. A taste she'd all but forgotten in the time they'd been apart. Alongside the soft, almost timid way he squeezed her ass and slowly pushed his fingers deeper and deeper between her cheeks it made her head spin and the rest of her body shiver uncontrollably. Without even thinking she freed his cock and slowly stroked his entire length in long, smooth motions that teased out even more precum. Barely a second or two after she started his fingers disappeared from her ass only to slid between her thighs and shyly rub at her pussy. Faydra moaned even louder as he brushed against her clit and rubbed his cock even faster as the pleasure of it all started to build.

“I wanna fuck you so bad!” She whispered, her fingers gliding up and down his length fast enough to fill the air with the soft, gooey schlick of her ministrations, “As soon as we're in the clear we're not gonna stop fucking until we pass out!”

Her man's prick twitched excitedly in her fingers and she spoke and the eager little nod he gave as he trembled at squirmed against her was utterly diving, “I can't wait!”

“Neither can I.” Faydra moaned. Sliding in even closer and tangling her fingers in his hair as she pulled him into another kiss she softly murmured, “But we're gonna have to!” before their lips reunited and another wave of pleasure crashed down on them.

Before long he was thrusting and grinding into her hand, eagerly moving in time with her strokes even as she moved faster and faster along his prick. Little spurts of precum erupted from his tip with nearly every pass and it wasn't long before her armor was splattered in his warmth. Before she was utterly drowning in the heady smell of his arousal. It was such a sweet, tantalizing aroma she almost gave in to her urges and threw caution to the wind. Only the thought of them being caught unawares and one or both of them dying because she couldn't keep it in her pants held her back. And even that almost wasn't enough as he started to whimper and moan. As she felt him tremble so sweetly and cling to her, his fingers disappearing from her pussy as he just held on for dear life. Faydra was so unabashedly turned on by everything he did she couldn't take it any more. They might not be able to fuck properly but there was no way in hell she'd waste his cum on her dirty armor. Not when she could frantically pull her leggings down and slid his dick between her plump, quivering lips and grind against him. Not when she could coax out his ecstasy and let it absolutely drench her sensitive pussy as he held on for dear life and she hugged him close.

“That's it!” She moaned, the first gooey loads of cum sending spasms tearing through her entire body as he soaked her pussy and drenched her thighs, “Cum for me you little fucker . . . cum for me!”

Whether or not he actually heard what she was saying didn't matter. Faydra didn't even care. She was far too busy kissing the top of his head and holding him close as he thrusted wildly against her her, panting and moaning with every stroke as he unleashed a truly breathtaking amount of cum. Mindlessly rubbing his tip against everything from her clit to her trembling entrance he sent load after sticky load streaking across her body and soaking into her skin. And when he couldn't move as spasmodic shudders reduced him to a quivering wreck she squeezed his dick between her thighs and slowly grinded against him instead. Without even thinking she milked every last drop of cum out of his body and held him close throughout.

Even after he'd soaked her in enough cum to leave her mind completely blank as the heady smell of his arousal clouded every breath Faydra didn't stop stroking his hair. She didn't stop kissing the top of his head and whispering sweet nothings to him. Completely overwhelmed by the simple pleasure of getting to be with him, of remembering how desperately she missed him, she just basked in that simple contact for as long as she could. For as long as both of them could . . .

A thunderous explosion shocked them awake and sent them scrambling to their feet. Faydra couldn't even remember falling asleep in the first place! But she really didn't care as she hastily pulled her leggings back on and stumbled to the edge of the rooftop. She looked over the side while her companion grabbed his makeshift weapon and aimed it straight at the door. But no Trogs arrived to knock it down and force their way inside and after a few seconds he couldn't help but ask why as she continued to peer down into the darkness below.

“What's going on?”

“I don't know.” Another explosion punctuated her confusion and both of them looked up in time to see a small mushroom cloud in the distance, “Someone's got a fat man!”

“Do you think it'll actually help?”

Looking back down at the street and squinting into the murky dark ess Faydra could just barely make out dozens, if not hundreds, of Trogs swarming towards the noise, “It's not gonna do shit for them but it might give us a chance to escape!”

A third explosion filled the air and the distant pop of gunfire joined it. All around them snarling, jabbering Trogs cried out, “How long should we wait before we make a break for it?” Her partner asked.

Faydra stared off in the direction of the explosions, jumping a little as a fourth one tore through the air and momentarily blinded her with a bright flash, “Not long. I doubt those idiots will be able to hold out for long. The gunfire's already quieting down.”

“Then we'd better start moving.”

“Yeah.” She turned away from the edge and returned to her man, picking up her super sledge and taking a deep breath, “You got enough ammo for that thing?”

“Definitely.” He assured her, “Enough to last us a few days. Assuming nothing else goes wrong.”

“Let's fuckin hope it doesn't!”

Making their way down was a hell of a lot safer than making their up. They barely encountered any Trogs at all and most of the ones they did stumble across were too small to pose any threat even without his portable floodlight. Faydra could smash them down with such laughable ease she almost wondered how they'd managed to take over Uptown. Of course as soon as they were on the ground floor and dealing with the stragglers still running towards the explosions she remembered how everything had fallen apart around her.

Luckily for them the explosions hadn't stopped and while it was certainly dipping neither had the gunfire. Which meant most of the Trogs in the area were already gone when they returned to the street and continued their mad dash to anywhere else. But they were far from in the clear and Faydra spent just as much time swinging her sledge as she did running alongside her man.

“Over there!” She shouted, pointing to a group running at them.

“Got it!”

He shined the light at them and they fell over themselves trying to get away while she turned the ones he'd been blinding to paste. Once again fighting for every single step it felt like they weren't making any progress at all even as she slaughtered dozens of the little freaks and he scared off even more. They barely made it a full block before he had to stop again and reload. Which meant Faydra had to run interference while he did. Fortunately for him she still had a couple doses of Psycho left to burn and she wasn't the least bit shy about slamming the first as soon as he came to a stop.

“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” She roared, charing at the nearest Trogs and utterly destroying them before they could even react, “COME GET SOME YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!”

With all the fury of a starving Deathclaw she tore into the Trogs around her. Caving heads in, shattering bones, and even reducing some to chunky balls of gore she went absolutely wild. And she only continued to bloodily destroy everything in her path after her man was finished reloading. Attacking as much as defending she took advantage of every second that Psycho was coursing through her veins, brutalizing everything with such monstrous efficiency some of the weakest Trogs actually hesitated to attack. At least until the large ones showed up to embolden them.

But as long as her companion was blinding everything he could Faydra's brutal rampage couldn't be stopped and they continued to creep their way towards safety. When her first hit of Psycho inevitably wore off she slammed another without even thinking. And since she was really on a roll she even mixed it with a doze of Med-X and some Buffout for a nice little cocktail of pure violence. One that managed to carry her just about all the way through their escape.

“Ohhhhh fuck I'm coming down!” She groaned, staggering towards the gate as her companion backpedaled beside her.

“We're almost there!” He shouted, “They can't follow us through!”

“Fuckin finally!” Faydra growled, throwing open the door and letting the light spill in, “I was almost out of chems!”

As the Trogs chasing them fell over one another in a frantic scramble Faydra and her companion slipped through the gate, deliberately leaving it open for a few seconds before slamming it shut and locking it down tight, “I can't believe we made it!”

Faydra grinned at him and he grinned right back. They stood there panting for a second or two before lunging towards one another. Hugging one another close as they lost themselves in another wild, passionate embrace as joy, relief, and so many more emotions crashed through them. Nothing else mattered as they shared that perfect kiss. All the concerns and worries that should have weighed so heavily on their minds just didn't exist for a few wonderful moments. Even the growling and shrieking of the Trogs clawing at the gates and even attempting to climb over simply didn't register to either of them. Not until they finally broke apart after an eternity of basking in the safety of one another and the love that'd blossomed between them.

Though she was the first to pull away Faydra continued to stare at her man long after they'd stopped kissing. With her hands cupping his cheeks and his body pressed tight against her own she simply couldn't look anywhere else. And for a time neither could he. Only when a Trog somehow managed to climb over the gate and drop onto the wrong side of the barrier did he look away.

She followed his gaze as the beast screamed and thrashed in light, convulsing in anguish and flailing around like a wounded animal, “I almost feel bad for it.”

“Don't.” Faydra replied. Picking up her super sledge she approached the freak and smashed in it's entire chest with a single blow, “Without these lights it would've killed both of us.”

“I know.”

Turning towards him and taking a deep breath Faydra let her weapon slide to the ground as she leaned on it like a cane and asked, “So what do we do now? There's no way in hell your slave buddies are gonna let me stay with them.”

“Maybe if I vouch for you they'll—”

“It's not gonna happen.” She interrupted, approaching him and laying a hand on his shoulder, “I gotta get the hell outta here . . . And I'm hopin you'll come with me . . . I . . . I want you to come with me . . .”

He smiled up at her with an excitement that made her grin like an idiot, “We could go back to my home in Megaton!”

“Where the hell is that?” Faydra asked, elated by his offer and only the tiniest bit nervous about leaving the only place she'd ever known. Though with her old home currently swarmed by Trogs her options were pretty goddamn limited. And she sure as hell wasn't about to leave her man or let him run off without her.

“Back in the Capital Wasteland. Where I came from. It's not all that far. Wernher and I came here on a push cart through train tunnels!”

Amused by his excitement and delighted by how eager he was to bring her to his home Faydra tried her best to not be too unpleasant as she said, “I don't have any fucking idea what you're talkin about right now . . . but I really don't give a shit. As long as it gets me outta here I'm good!”


He stepped a little closer and she laid a hand on his cheek, “I'm not lettin you get away from me . . .”

Covering her hand with his own and smiling up at her he simply replied, “I'm not going anywhere Faydra . . .”

Less than an hour later they'd found the cart he mentioned. Faydra remained there while her lover spoke to Midea and Wernher before gathering a few supplies and what little rewards they could give for his heroism. He returned before too long and soon enough they were speeding through the abandoned trail tunnels like it was the most normal thing in the world. She couldn't quite believe what they were doing or that it was even possible but she didn't spend much time worrying. Every pump of the handles they were both operating took them further away from the people who'd want her dead. Or at least the people who'd want her dead because they knew her.

The trip was a good bit longer than she expected, in no small part because her companion didn't actually know how long it would take, but she found it hard to complain. The work was hard, boring, and altogether irritating as they sped through the dark with nothing but his Pip-Boy light to see with but that really didn't matter. Not when she could look up whenever she wanted and see him. Not when she could think about all the shit they'd get up to in a whole new place. All the fun stuff they could do in his home, without having to worry about Ashur, Trogs, or anything else that might stop them.

And of course the longer she spent dwelling on those thoughts the easier it was to bask in then. The easier it was to remember they were well and truly alone for the first time ever. “Why are you stopping? Is something wrong?” Her man asked as Faydra suddenly stopped pumping.

“Everything's fuckin great.” She replied, smiling at him with a wild look in her eyes.

Not two minutes later he was laid out on his back with Faydra squatting over him, her leggings pulled down to her ankles and her unabashedly wet pussy absolutely smothering his mouth. His tongue moved like crazy against and inside her sex as she grinded against him, holding on to his head with both hands and gasping in utter delight as he worked his magic. His arms were wrapped around her waist as he clung to her thighs and held on for dear life while she drenched his face in torrents of pent up ecstasy.

Her moans echoed throughout the tunnel as the sheer, unbridled pleasure of finally getting to ride him again washed over her. As all the intimacy and companionship she'd been so desperately craving while they were apart came rushing back to the surface. Their little moment on the rooftop had only left Faydra craving even more and finally getting to let some of her desire out was perfection. Even if she'd tried she couldn't have stopped grinding against his dick. Couldn't have stopped bucking and shuddering against and around his tongue as it swirled around in the depths of her sex. Or even better as it darted across her trembling folds and lavished attention on her pussy.

It felt so fucking good she had to scream in breathless exultation with nearly every stroke of his tongue and even when she didn't the very next breath still came out in a long, breathless groan regardless of the last, “Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuck!” She squealed, throwing her head back and just about drowning her man in a messy deluge of warmth, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck I've missed you so fucking much!”

Although her man couldn't quite respond with words he didn't need to. Not when he could wrap his lips around her clit and suckle at her aching bud so hard it just about ruined Faydra. And certainly not when she could look down at him while he did and see the adoration in his eyes. She didn't need anything more as she hunched over him in a burst of abject delight, shakily flattening a hand on the cart above him as her hips went into overdrive. Her mind went completely blank soon after as waves of pure ecstasy crashed down on her and the nonstop pleasure of being with him finally grew too unbearable to take for another second. She managed to look into his eyes one last time for all of a second before her own rolled back into her head and she was entirely overwhelmed by the simple, indescribable joy of his ministrations.

Soaking them both in fountains of warmth as she bucked and grinded and gyrated more frantically than ever Faydra completely lost herself in him. She screamed until her voice went hoarse and she shuddered until her muscles were sore. And all the while he kept suckling at her clit, his tongue moving back and forth in a wild cadence that drove her utterly crazy. He knew her so well he could match every last one of her movements with ease and he wasn't the least bit shy about absolutely destroying her as the seconds crept by and her pleasure just kept going and going for what seemed like another eternity and a half!

Even when she started to come down from her bliss and he started to bring her down the simple bliss of his efforts and how skillfully he worked his tongue was beyond thrilling. Faydra was practically delirious by the time a comfy little afterglow was settling upon her and both of them were absolutely drenched in her warmth. Of course that hardly meant they were finished. If anything it just encouraged her to keep going.

“Let's do something a little more fun!” She panted, grinning down at him.

Before he could do much more than furrow his brow she was standing up and slipping out of her leggings entirely. A moment later she was squatting back over his face again with her hands pressed against his chest and her asshole greedily winking against his lips. Her man picked up on her laughably unsubtle signal and pushed his tongue into her quivering ring without a second thought. And in the time it took her to moan he kissed her trembling hole as his tongue swirled around in her depths and stretched her open so deliciously wide. But instead of grinding against him like he expected Faydra did something even more insane.

Bending down and letting out a pent up giggle she planted a soft little kiss on his cock as it strained against his pants. He shivered beneath her and licked at her asshole even more furiously, “That feels so fuckin good . . . how about I give you a taste?”

She let her words hang in the air for a few seconds, just long enough to build anticipation, before her own desires got the better of her and she pulled his pants down too. Getting them completely off while he was so messily working her asshole was a bit more of a challenge than she expected, especially when she was forced to stop and shudder as he viciously teased her ring and stretched her open, but she managed it all the same. And the very moment she could she pulled his legs into the air, slowly arching his back and straightening as she did. His fingers dug into her skin as he held on for dear life and his ministrations even slowed a bit too. No doubt as confusion washed over him. But everything would be made clear soon enough. Faydra was much too horny to tease him more than she already had. The thought didn't even enter her mind.

Spreading his legs before spreading his cute little cheeks she took one look at his tightly clenched ass and dove right in, burying her face between his buttocks and her tongue deep into his ass. She beard him moan and felt hum shudder as she tasted him like he was tasting her but nothing excited her more than how wildly his cock twitched against her. How messily he sprayed precum all over her as she absolutely ravished his ass. Just feeling it hit her armor before rolling down to her naked stomach and across the rest of her trembling skin was absolutely divine. Second only to feeling him quivering around her tongue as she gave him all the same pleasure he'd been ravishing her with only moments before.

Because in his shock her man had actually stopped his wild ministrations. He hadn't pulled his tongue out or done anything quite as drastic but he wasn't moving anymore. Instead he just clung to her in what could only be described as pure desperation while she sloppily worked his hole and moaned like a whore as she did. But Faydra didn't mind. She was having so much fun teasing his prostate and making him squirm she barely even noticed how he'd completely fozen up. At least until he finally started working her asshole again.

Letting out a giddy moan the moment she felt his tongue start moving again Faydra pushed even deeper into his ass. Pushed even harder against his quivering ring. She couldn't help it. The pleasure crashing through her was so wonderfully overwhelming she had to respond in kind. Hearing the sloppy, downright over the top sounds of both of them working each other's assholes was the most exhilarating thing she'd ever experienced and feeling him inside of her while she was inside of him somehow even more so. She'd never experienced anything like it with anyone else and getting to experience it with him was truly more than she could've expected. Especially as they unwittingly started to move in time with one another as the seconds slipped by and his cock absolutely drenched her in thick, creamy loads of precum.

It wasn't even something she was aware of at first. Between the pleasure of straddling his face and tormenting his asshole Faydra was too lost in herself and his breathy little moans to think about anything. And after cumming so hard barely a minute or two before she wasn't even thinking about her own orgasm. What few thoughts she had were almost entirely dedicated to making him explode as messily as she possibly could. But not before making him squirm and whimper and moan for as long as she possibly could. Because if there was one thing she loved more than damn near anything else it was feeling him tremble and cling to her as his body was wracked with pleasure. Putting him in such a deliberately embarrassing position before shoving her tongue into his asshole seemed to excite him all the more and she was quick to take full advantage of that. Mostly by stretching open his quivering little ring and absolutely ravishing the depths of his asshole. But even when she wasn't going completely wild just swirling her tongue around his entrance and kissing his hole as she did never failed to make her shudder in abject delight.

Just like the impressive amounts of cum he sprayed all over her chest as she mercilessly teased his prostate, gleefully taking advantage of his greatest weakness while he was left almost entirely at her mercy throughout. How he managed to keep licking at her asshole while she was so viciously attacking his was a mystery she couldn't begin to solve. Particularly when she smothered his face between her cheeks and really grinded against him as she worked herself into a frenzy. But it was one she enjoyed almost as much as pushing him towards his inevitable eruption. At least until she heard him let out that breathy moan she loved so much.

His whole body tightened as he cried out to her. He tried to say her name but he couldn't even manage that much while she was so wildly teasing him and when she wrapped her fingers around his cock a second later he couldn't even make a peep. Faydra stroked his wildly twitching length in almost complete silence while he shuddered like he was being electrocuted and his manhood was swelling more than ever before.

She worked his prostate in an absolute frenzy and stroked his cock almost as fast, relishing in every last moment before he finally exploded. And when she felt him tighten against and around her one last time Faydra pulled back just long enough to whisper, “Cum for me you little fucker! Cum all over me!”

The words had barely left her mouth before her tongue was pressed against his prostate once again and thick, gooey strands of jizz were spraying across her armor. Absolutely drenching her chest in a fountain of creamy, intoxicating spunk he coated everything in just a few spurts, rivulets of his seed rolling down her already messy stomach before she could even moan. And in the time it took her to let out a throaty squeal she could feel his warmth soaking into the hair above and around her pussy. And alongside the way he bucked and squirmed and convulsed against her it was almost enough to push her right over the edge all over again. The heady smell of his cum was such a thrilling bouquet alongside everything she was just about at her limit after a few seconds!

Had he been able to keep working her asshole she probably would've cum too. But with her man far too busy gasping in pleasure and clinging to her like he was drowning Faydra stayed just lucid enough to feel every last twitch of his cock. To feel his muscles spasm harder and harder before finally starting to relent again after some twenty seconds of ecstasy. But even more than that she got to feel his jizz cascading down her body and soaking so much of her skin she regretted not taking off her armor before they started.

Perhaps best of all those last dregs of sense and sanity let her lower him back onto the cart and roll off his face without too much trouble, her body still responding to her scattered thoughts and barely coherent mind. “That's a good boy . . .” She murmured, laying down beside him and sliding a hand uder his shoulders to hug him close. Kissing the top of his head and even holding his hand she stroked his hair and continued to murmur, “That's my good boy . . .” while he shivered against her.

C-Cody . . .” He murmured, cuddling up beside her and all but kissing her neck as they snuggled close, “My name i-i-is Cody . . .”

Faydra's heart skipped a beat and her stomach did a little flip as she listened to those words. Little bursts of adrenaline surged through her body while a small but radiant smile lit up her face. She kissed him again and softly whispered, “I . . . I don't . . . it's nice to meet you Cody . . .”

Her cheeks immediately darkened as she said that and he laughed at her remark a second later. But she knew he wasn't laughing at her as surely as she knew what he'd say next, “I'm really glad I met you Faydra . . .”

“I'm really glad too . . . I didn't need all that other shit, but you're worth it.”

Snuggling even closer to her and letting out a long sigh Cody kissed her neck and softly whispered, “So do you . . .”

A little shiver ran down her spine as a truly radiant smile spread across her face. Faydra held him close for what seemed like hours on end as she stared up at the darkness. Neither of them spoke and neither of them needed to speak. They just basked in the pleasure of being with one another for as long as they possibly could . . .


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