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This story takes place in the Fallout 3 DLC The Pitt and since the first two parts are pretty much directly connected I'm uploading them as a single installment here. The third part is currently being written and I'll probably release it in January. It's not even remotely holiday themed though lol

Bloody and bruised but somehow still alive the Pitt's newest slave stumbled out of the Hole yet again, inexplicably alive after his most brutal fight yet. Dozens of raiders were angrily shouting at one another and even breaking into fights as they lost hundreds or even thousands of caps in an instant. No one expected some nineteen year old kid from the Capitol Wasteland to survive his first fight let alone more than ten back to back brawls in a row! No one except Faydra of course. Because while all of her buddies thought their new entertainment was just staggering in and out of the arena for however long it took them to find a new batch of challengers the reality was a lot more underhanded. And a lot more profitable. Everyone knew she supplied the combatants with weapons to keep things interesting and dosed them with RadAway so they didn't keel over too soon but no one could've guessed she was giving the new meat Stimpaks and Med-X on top of it all. More than enough to keep him going between fights and apparently more than enough to make an absolute killing in the process.

Hell they probably should've guessed she was pulling something the first time he came back standing on his two feet but most of them were too stupid to put anything together. Or to change their bets after watching him desperately fight his way through more battles than anyone had ever managed. Luckily for her only a few raiders were even smart enough to think that far ahead and most of them weren't smart enough to avoid betting altogether. Which left her filthy stinking rich and most of the drugged up assholes watching so completely broke they couldn't even afford their next round of chems. She really couldn't have been happier as she watched her slave sink to his knees the moment he finally reached the entrance area. His bloodstained bat clattered to the floor as he gasped for breath and stared up at her with dazed, almost blank expression on his face. Approaching him with an air of smug indifference despite her concern she folded her arms and smirked at him.

“You just won me a lotta money kid.” Her slave didn't respond and she just grinned at him for a couple of seconds. It was hard not to admire his brutality and how well he fought. And even harder to pretend like she hadn't grown attached to him since he first arrived. “Get up!” She finally said, “I'm sick of lookin at you like this!”

“W-Who's next?” He dazedly asked.

“Nobody. You killed em all.”

“Oh . . .”

“Yeah. Now get up!” Bending down and grabbing his arm she pulled him to his feet and added, “Goddamn you stink!”

“Sorry . . .”

“Shut up.” Pulling him away from the arena and outside she said, “Let's get you cleaned off. Before all that blood and shit makes me puke!”

Her slave didn't respond as he was led away but a few not so thrilled raiders quickly filled the silence as she led him past, “We wanna have a word with your little bitch!”

“Yeah he owes us a few—”

Drawing her rifle and blasting a hole clean through the raiders head Faydra stated, “He doesn't owe you shit. Now fuck off before I murder all of you!”

The raiders immediately scattered and she resumed marching her prize winning slave back to her place, “Thank you . . .” He said after a little while.

“Shut up.” She replied. “I'm just protecting my interests! As soon as you stop makin me money I'll kill you myself!”

Before long they were in the bombed out but technically livable apartment she called home and Faydra was helping him clean all the blood and grime off himself. Neither of them said a word for a good few minutes and neither of them really needed to. Despite her roughness and her earlier threats there was no pretending she didn't care about him in some way. Even she could admit that and her slave had certainly picked up on it after a while. Around the first time she administered a Stimpak when it would have been so much easier to just kill him and be done with it. After multiple doses of Med-X on top of the Rad-X and RadAway it couldn't have been more clear. No matter how much she acted like he was just some annoyance she could easily discard. By the time she was done cleaning him up, as brusquely as possible of course, her expression had softened just enough to reveal her true feelings. If only for a moment before her mean streak returned in full force.

“Take off those fuckin rags.” She said, shoving him onto his feet while she remained sitting beside the cracked bathtub she'd been cleaning him in.


Standing up and glaring at him she said, “Because I fuckin said so.”

Removing his bloodstained shirt and pants her slave couldn't seem to look her in the eye as he undressed while she watched. Although he managed to look up from the ground when she suddenly pulled down her own pants, revealing a curly thicket of brown hair peeking out from between her unexpectedly plump thighs. Her pussy was almost completely hidden by the tangled mess around it but somehow that didn't stop him from nervously swallowing at the sight. He clearly didn't understand what was going on as she stepped closer, grinning lasciviously at him for a moment. When she sat down on a nearby chair and spread her legs open nice and wide to reveal the chubby folds of her pussy tucked inside that dense tuft he actually let out a soft gasp. And when she started rubbing her clit in long, slow motions he instantly covered his eagerly throbbing cock. As if she hadn't already seen him getting hard at the sight of her naked cunt.

“Get on your knees slave.” She ordered, “I think it's time you paid me back for all the help I gave you!”

Dropping to his knees like he was told her plaything crawled closer and naively asked, “Paid you back how?”

Faydra smirked at him for a moment, then grabbed two fistfuls of his hair and pulled his face against her pussy with a laugh. His lips pressed against her quivering folds before he even made a sound and a split second later his tongue slid between them to clumsily swirl around her entrance. A delighted moan filled the air as she leaned back in her seat and continued to smile down at him. One of her hands vanished from his head to grab the wall behind her while she inched forward just a little bit and offered even more of her pussy up to him. But since he seemed content just mindlessly lapping up the juices seeping from her cunt she guided him a little bit higher.

Bringing both his tongue and the rest of his soft little mouth up to her clit she none too subtly pushed him into wrapping his lips around her swollen and wonderfully sensitive bud. Another, even more passionate moan exploded out of her as pleasure lanced through her body. Her grip on his hair tightened even more only to immediately relax. Shudders coursed through her in toe curling bursts as he sucked on her clit and frantically moved his tongue across her entire pearls. He wasn't particularly good but she didn't mind so much, she'd have plenty of time to teach him how to lick a pussy. Right now she was focused on a much needed orgasm, eagerly grinding against his mouth  in time with his efforts. After a few more seconds of bliss her grip tightened once again and she gave him another command.

“Put those fingers to use slave!” She panted, “After everything I've done you owe me a lot more than a little pussy licking!” Within a second or two he was sliding his middle finger inside her pussy, curling it backwards towards his palm and brushing against her g-spot with surprising skill. “Maybe you're not completely hopeless after all!” Faydra said in a delighted moan.

For a minute or two she was content letting him work her clit and finger her cunt while the pleasure of his efforts just kept building and building to even greater heights. Her juices were dripping down his chin and onto the floor within seconds of his his lips touching her aching bud and the longer he kept at it the more she soaked him. Before long her inner thighs were glistening as she reflexively closed them around his head only to open them once again. More and more her back was arching and her eyes were rolling back in her head while she grinded against him. Cursing as often as moaning she swore at him, she swore at the pleasure, sometimes she just swore to cover up the almost frantic whimper trying to escape her lips. It'd been way too long since anyone made her cum and having some cute slave bringing her to the heights of ecstasy made it all even better! And so did the memories of how brutal he'd been in the Hole. Something about that really turned her on like nothing else and the closer she got the more desperately she craved her release. So much so she gave what'd end up being her last order before hitting the big moment.

Pulling him off her clit and guiding his tongue inside her pussy she cried out, “Put that tongue to good use slave! And don't you dare stop playing with my clit!”

In an instant his fingers had taken over for his tongue while his tongue was moving wildly deep inside her cunt. Somehow managed to hit her g-spot and make her moan even louder than before her new favorite slave was constantly surprising her. Although she didn't get to be surprised for long, ecstasy quickly took over everything else while she bucked and moaned and grinded in a frenzy of mindlessly excited movement. Suddenly she was holding on to him with both hands for support as she sank further down and lost even more of her already waning composure. Her warmth absolutely coated his face and a sloppy little puddle had already formed on the ground beneath them. All the while the sloppy sound of his tongue relentlessly swirling around inside of her joined the echoing squeal of her increasingly unhinged moans. Of course Faydra didn't notice any of that as she hurtled towards ecstasy. Her mind was almost completely blank as instinct and pure, unmitigated desire took over. As long as her slave's tongue and fingers kept moving she didn't have any hope of escaping. And when she finally tipped over the edge into a desperately needed eruption it was every bit as incredible as she hoped.

Throwing her head back and screaming at the ceiling she buried his face in her cunt and unleashed a messy geyser of warmth. Squirting all over him, herself, and pretty much everything within several feet she completely lost herself in the pleasure. Her whole body shook and her already breathless cries swiftly turned into guttural moans and frantic groans as she was hit by the endless tides. Wave after toe curling wave crashed down upon her in quick succession, each one made even more potent by her slave's continued ministrations. He hadn't stopped or slowed down at all despite her nearly drowning him in her juices. And while she couldn't exactly comprehend how much more pleasure that added she could certainly enjoy the added bliss as it hit again and again and again for well over a minute. More than twenty uninterrupted seconds of gushing all over his face and crying out in abject delight followed by the satisfying afterglow as she pulled his mouth away from her pussy. Faydra continued to pant and moan for another minute or so, her body still trembling in the aftermath of her climax. Every inch of the curly thicket surrounding her pussy was coated in her warmth and her slave was positively dripping in the fruits of his labors, a sight she enjoyed almost as much as her satisfaction.

“That was a good start,” She moaned, “But you still got a long way to go. Guess we gotta keep practicing!”

“Okay . . .” He said with a smile that made her shiver just a little bit.

“Good!” Pulling his face back into her pussy and moaning in delight she sat up a little straighter and said, “Now this time I want you to lick everywhere, not just my clit and the inside of my cunt!”

In spite of her words and the eagerness in her tone Faydra was a little too spoiled by his talents to give up his tongue right away. Add to that the fact that she couldn't quite find the strength to stand after cumming harder than she had in a good few years she was more than happy to let her slave work his magic on her pussy. Or rather she was more than happy to roughly guide him as his tongue swirled around her depths and hit all the same places that'd made her erupt in the first place. Only now with the added adrenaline and excitement of knowing exactly what he was capable of!

Of course that anticipation was a double edged sword as she grinded harder and harder against him, all but drowning her plaything as little aftershocks sent her arousal spraying across his face and dripping down her already messy features. By the time she had the strength to stand again Faydra was horny enough to seriously consider just letting him make her cum right then and there. But as her mind filled with lewd thoughts and eager desires her urges quickly got the better of her.

Gripping his messy hair even tighter she forced his head back as she stood up. A little shudder coursed through her spine as she watched him stare up at her with that cute little face while he knelt on the floor. While he knelt in a puddle of her arousal with his cock poking out from between his legs like the good little slave he was.

“Get on my fuckin bed right now!” She growled, something truly ferocious awakening inside her.

Half shoving him away as she hurried over to the, relatively, clean mattress she slept on she slowed down just enough to watch him scramble to his feet and onto her bed, “W-What do you want m-me to do?”

With a nervous yet excited expression that perfectly matched his tone her playing watched in awe while she removed the rest of her clothes and stretched out across the mattress, grinning at him with a lascivious look few people had ever seen, “I want you to put that fuckin tongue to work! I want you to lick everywhere! And I want you to do it right fuckin now!”

Her tone was exceedingly harsh but the glimmer in her eyes and everything that'd already passed between them softened it just enough to avoid frightening her plaything. Or at least that's what she assumed as he gave her a nervous little smile while moving between her outstretched legs. He certainly didn't seem to have any reservations about laying down and running his tongue along her puss one more time before moving higher. Faydra certainly didn't have any complaints about feeling him gliding across her clit before disappearing into the curly, untamed thicket of hair above and all around her unimaginably wet pussy. She absolutely loved watching him nervously look up at her for approval as he drifted higher and higher. In fact she loved it so much she grabbed a fistful of his hair again and let out a delighted moan.

“That's right you little fucker!” She moaned, “Keep going higher. Don't you dare stop!”

His tongue emerged from her messy tuft to glide across her taut, muscular stomach before she'd even finished speaking and Faydra couldn't help but moan in utter delight as it did. Her smile widened all the more as she grabbed his head with both hands but rather than completely dominating her plaything she let him explore her sweaty body for a little while. It was abundantly clear he didn't know what he was doing, or at the very least what she wanted, but that didn't stop him from trying. His tongue glided across her skin in long, messy strokes every bit as random and unpredictable as she wanted. She couldn't begin to tell where he was going next as he drifted across her abs and slowly made his way up to her heaving breasts and she absolutely adored that uncertainty. Almost as much as the domination that came with making him taste so much of her. And of course getting to watch him work never failed to send shudders tearing through her body and warmth cascading out of her sex. The temptation to shove him back down between her thighs was nearly unbearable but somehow she resisted long enough to let him reach her tits.

And the moment he did Faydra was thrilled with her own, wildly uncharacteristic, patience, “That's right you little fucker!” She moaned, relaxing her grip just a little to idly stroke his hair instead of trying to tear it out, “Just like that!”

She felt him shiver as her roughness changed but she barely even thought about that fact. She was much too enamored with the pleasure of his lips wrapping around her nipple as his tongue darted back and forth across her areola. Between their unspoken bond, her earlier ecstasy, and the simple thrill of having a plaything she could command he was able to make her back arch and her whole body shudder just but eagerly sucking on her tit. He wasn't even sucking all that hard and he switched to her other nipple after only a few seconds but somehow that was still more than enough to leave her breathlessly squirming and panting beneath him. Especially as the force of his efforts increased with damn near every passing second!

Every time he stopped sucking on one of her nipples he released it with a wet pop and a breathy little moan that made her shiver like nothing else. Without even realizing what she was doing Faydra had all but completely stopped gripping fistfuls of his hair. Without even realizing it she'd ended up holding his head like some kind of lover. And while she didn't consciously notice the difference her slave absolutely did and his growing enthusiasm only made her cry out even more feverishly as she basked in the pleasure of his ministrations.

Yet as good as it felt she still wanted more. If anything he was doing too good a job! After denying herself a second round of pleasure earlier she'd been teetering on the edge of another explosion for so much longer than she wanted. Usually when she was ready to cum she just did it without any hesitation whatsoever. Often without even thinking about who she might've been fucking at the time. But everything was different with her plaything. She couldn't stop thinking about him nor could she stop fantasizing about feeling him everywhere else. The closer she got to another toe curling bout of ecstasy the more wild her thoughts became. After a minute or two of letting his suck on her tits and lavish attention on her nipples she was so far gone she didn't even care how she sounded.

“You're doin so fuckin good!” She moaned, guiding him back down her stomach and towards her pussy in a halfhearted attempt to delay the inevitable, “How about a little treat?”

They locked eyes as she spoke and seeing the excitement in his stare thrilled Faydra to her core. And yet despite that unabashed excitement she took him completely by surprise as she pushed his head away from her body entirely. Though it only took her a moment to make everything clear as she rolled onto her stomach, pushed her ass into the air, and teasingly spread her cheeks for him.

Holding her toned buttocks with both hands she let out a giddy moan and said, “Time to eat slave!” in the most breathless voice yet.

Her words hung in the air for all of a second before she felt his breath against her tightly clenched asshole. A split second later, before she could even let out a moan, his tongue was buried in her ring and  swirling around even faster than before. He pushed into her as deep as he possibly could, hitting places she never dreamed of in an absolute frenzy. And she couldn't get enough of it!

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!” She screamed, reaching back to hold on to his head as she bucked her hips and grinded against him all over again, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUCK!”

His tongue pushing open her quivering ring and lathering her inner walls shouldn't have felt as good as it did. Faydra couldn't quite believe how good it felt. But she really didn't even try as she pushed back against his face harder and harder and harder with wild gyration. As long as he kept moving as she kept responding in kind nothing else mattered. Especially as he pushed back even harder against her while he sloppily tongued her asshole. She could feel his excitement with every stroke of his tongue and even though she'd never given a fuck about that before she was absolutely enamored with it now. Enough to actively revel in it almost as much as her own pleasures. Though of course her personal ecstasy still managed to win out as it continued to build and build to nearly unbearable heights.

There was no greater testament to how much she was enjoying herself than how she reacted when her pet suddenly pulled back to catch his breath. Under any other circumstances someone stopping her pleasure for any reason would've earned them a verbal beating, if not a physical one. Instead she moaned even louder and said, “Spank me!”


His hand smacked against one of her cheeks a heartbeat later and Faydra squealed in delight. A torrent of arousal gushed from her sex as she nearly came on the spot and she just barely managed to shout, “Again!”

Another deliciously painful smack arrived on her other cheek and she squealed until her voice was hoarse and her whole body was trembling. Although she wanted him to spank her again she didn't have the wherewithal to actually say it aloud. Luckily for her the cute little slave responsible for her bliss didn't need to be told twice. Spanking her ass several times in quick succession he absolutely wracked her with pleasure. Her cheeks were a brilliant shade of crimson by the time he stopped and she could barely keep herself upright as she squirmed and shuddered and moaned. When he gave her one last smack for good measure Faydra collapsed onto her mattress in a quivering heap, moments away from absolutely exploding.

And she was pushed right over the edge as soon as her lover's tongue returned to her ass. As soon as he shoved deep into her quivering ring after smacking both hands against her cheeks and spreading her open so deliciously wide. Faydra barely had time to scream before her breath caught in her throat, her eyes rolled back in her head, and every last inch of her body was seized by convulsive shudders.

Another geyser of warmth erupted from her sex within a heartbeat and it splashed across her slave's chest in a fountain of heady arousal. Her hips bucked in uncontrollable spasms while she clawed at the mattress beneath her. At some point she buried her face in the fabric but it did little to stifle the breathless scream she unleashed the moment she managed to suck in the tiniest scrap of air. And when she threw her head back a moment later her ecstasy reverberated through her bombed out apartment like never before. Anyone within a hundred feet could hear her crying out as her asshole was so viciously tongued she could hardly believe it. Everyone within a hundred feet could hear her ecstasy for the nearly full minute she spent drowning in it as waves of pleasure crashed through her body. All thanks to some punk nobody from nowhere and the strange little bond they'd formed together.

Eventually the wildest, most convulsive spasms began to subside and the madness she was lost in started to fade. Little by little her sanity returned to her as she came down from the high of yet another unbelievable orgasm. His tongue continued to ravish her ass long after she'd stopped screaming and she was positively overjoyed to feel it even as he made it so much harder to recover. Amidst the endless aftershocks his ministrations were simply perfect. Even if she still pushed him away eventually.

“Good job . . .” She panted, reaching back to shove him away as she pushed herself up, “Maybe I won't kill you after all . . .” Rolling onto her stomach and smiling up at him Faydra teasingly added, “I might even give enough of a fuck to bother learnin your name . . .”

“My name is—”

“I said might!” She interrupted. “I don't give a shit about your name yet!”

As she spoke her lips curled upwards into a smile. Her slave smiled back at her and though she found herself reveling in his grin she was far more excited to see his madly twitching cock still throbbing away between his legs. And when he spoke again she just about squealed in delight, “What should I do next master?”

“Next? Next you're gonna fuck me . . .” Pulling her legs up and spreading them nice and wide she beckoned to him with an outstretched finger, “I don't give a fuck how fast you cum . . . I wanna feel all that cum inside me. And I want to feel it now!”

Once again her tone was harsh and commanding but her entire demeanor betrayed that so spectacularly her slave couldn't help but smile. And when she didn't admonish him he scrambled closer, moving between her thighs and pressing his cock against her pussy. Faydra could tell he was about to have his first time and she was beyond thrilled by that thought. Taking his virginity excited her far more than she expected and when he nervously slammed his cock into her pussy the wave of pleasure that crashed down on her was so, so much better than she could've guessed. Enough to make her back arch and send her arms wrapping around his body as she pulled him in close, her fingers tangling in his hair as she brought his lips within inches of her own.

“You're mine.” She whispered. Their eyes locked as she stared into them and she felt his already madly throbbing cock swell even more inside her. Another surge of pleasure tore through her as her inner walls trembled around him and he stretched her open so deliciously wide. As he filled her up so perfectly it was downright perfect. “You're mine . . .”

All at once a declaration and a promise her words sent chills through both of them. He gave a small nod as she spoke them and she smiled back at him as his whole body tensed. There wasn't anything else to say as far as she was concerned and her lover seemed to agree. Barely a couple heartbeats after that wonderful remark he withdrew, lurching backwards in a clumsy burst of excitement only to stop halfway as her inner walls tightened even more. As her entire body trembled at his retreat and he let out a shuddering moan. Her slave looked down at their connected bodies, then back to her as if waiting for some kind of admonishment. Or perhaps even an encouragement.

Faydra gave neither. She just smiled back at him a little more and his body seemingly reacted of it's own accord. In the blink of an eye his cock was balls deep inside her pussy once again. And somehow even faster than that he was pulling out once more. By the time she was moaning in abject delight he was thrusting with complete abandon, pumping in and out so much faster and harder than she expected of him. Though after seeing his prowess in the Hole there was no reason to suspect him of anything less and her surprise faded away almost immediately. In its place was a constant swell of excited pleasure and pent up desire. There was no way he'd be able to make her cum again so quickly. And she didn't want him to. This was for him and him alone. She wanted to feel his ecstasy and see his face twist as he lost himself inside her. It was all she could think about all she truly desired as the wet smack of their bodies colliding with one another filled the room.

Although she wouldn't get to enjoy both as he reached his limit barely a minute after losing his virginity. Not when he suddenly buried his face in her chest and clung to her with a frantic desperation that very nearly melted her heart. Before she knew what she was doing Faydra was holding him close and tenderly stroking his hair as he slammed into her a few more times. And when she heard his telltale groan she couldn't help but whimper right back.

An instant later his warmth was erupting into her sex. An instant later his seed was soaking her inner walls and flooding her body with a dull, overwhelming heat that positively ravished her frayed and barely lucid mind. Every twitch sent another fountain of cum exploding into her body and every twitch saw him clinging to her even more tightly. All the while he gasped for breath and kept his face hidden away in her chest. Faydra barely knew how to react after the first few moments and she didn't have any clue what to do after nearly fifteen seconds of holding him tight as he well and truly lost himself in her like she wanted. She could only hug him tight and reassuringly stroke his hair for what felt like an eternity. Nothing had felt so strange or so right in a very, very long time. If it'd lasted forever she would've been happy but even when his cock stopped twitching and his once trembling body relaxed she continued to bask in whatever had just happened between them.

“Your mine . . .” She cooed, kissing the top of her head and smiling as shivered, “You're all mine . . .”


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