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Once again I thought this would be a quick little story without too high a word count and once again I ended up going overboard lol. Thankfully I didn't go quite as mad as I usually do so it's still a bit shorter than my 10,000 word average. But regardless of all that I hope y'all enjoy, I tried to get at least a little creative with this one!

For the sixth time that day Hilda strolled through the doors of the Nimbasa PokeCenter, marched up to Nurse Joy, and handed over six Pokeballs filled with exhausted Pokemon. “Do you ever plan on letting them rest?” She asked. “For longer than a few minutes?”

“They'll have a nice long vacation as soon as we're ready to fight Elesa.” She leaned against the counter and idly hummed along with the music while Nurse Joy carefully arranged her Pokeballs in a tray before sliding them into the machine that would heal them. After a second or two of thinking about her plans she quickly added, “As soon as we beat Elesa. I'm not resting until we take her down and I can finally get my Bolt Badge!”

“Of course not.” After years of dealing with stubborn Trainers and their Badge collecting obsession she knew better than to argue or even engage with their antics. It wasn't her place to try and dissuade them from doing what they were supposed to do. So she just bit her tongue and calibrated the machine that let them continue their battling. “I can only hope this last week has been enough.”

“Me too!” Hilda agreed, pulling out her Pokedex to check the information on Elesa's Pokemon, “If not you'll be seeing a lot more of me next week!”

“How did I get so lucky?” Nurse Joy quipped, finishing her calibrations and starting the machine. As it lit up with the familiar glow and that telltale chime of energy surging through the Pokeballs filled the air she offhandedly remarked to herself, “At least they're enjoying themselves inside there . . .”

Too wrapped up in her research and strategizing to fully comprehend what Nurse Joy had said Hilda looked up from her Pokedex after a second or two and said, “Hmm? What'd you say?”

“Oh nothing, I was talking to myself.”

“Yeah but what'd you say?” She asked, a hint of excitement creeping into her voice as she quite suddenly found herself teased with the answer to a question she'd had for nearly twenty years. For as long as she could remember in fact. “You said something about my Pokemon enjoying themselves inside their Pokeballs.”

“Yes I did.” Nurse Joy replied, pulling the tray out of the machine and handing Hilda's Pokemon back to her. “Why?”

“Do you know what goes on inside Pokeballs?”

“Of course I do.”

“Really?!” Instantly overwhelmed with the kind of excitement she hadn't felt since Professor Juniper had let her pick her first Pokemon. “All the other Nurse Joys I've asked didn't know!”

Perturbed and a little amused by the sudden swell of enthusiasm Nurse Joy chuckled and turned away to attend other matters, “They knew. They just didn't want to tell you.”

“Can you tell me?”

“I could. . .”

“But you won't?”


“Why not?!” Hilda demanded, leaning forward so far she was practically climbing over the counter as Nurse Joy walked away.

“Because you don't need to know. As a matter of fact, it's better that you don't. There's a reason only medical professionals like myself know. And of course the people who make Pokeballs.”

Obviously more curious than ever Hilda wasn't about to let the matter drop even after the woman she was trying to interrogate walked into the back of the PokeCenter, “Oh come on! Now you've gotta tell me!”

“No I don't!” Nurse Joy called out from the back room. “And I suggest you give up on your little fixation. Finding out won't do you any good!”

More curious than ever and genuinely weighing the merits of following Nurse Joy into the back and demanding answers Hilda eventually decided against it. If only because she didn't have any real way of making her talk and the last thing she needed was a run in with the police. Instead she spent a few seconds glaring at the doorway her elusive nurse had disappeared through before turning away and marching out of the PokeCenter. Though not before throwing out what she thought was a cutting remark.

“Thanks for nothing!”

“You're welcome!”

Within a few seconds she was back on the street and doing her best to figure out how to get some kind of answer from someone who actually knew something. While it wasn't a full blown obsession the mystery of what went on inside a Pokeball had been in the back of her mind for pretty much her entire life and Nurse Joy had just brought it back to the forefront again. Everything else she'd been thinking about and focusing on took a back seat to her rekindled fascination and before she even knew what she was doing Hilda started marching down the road.

In no time at all she was walking into the nearest PokeMart, studiously browsing their collection of Pokeballs for reasons entirely separate to the other Trainers around her. And after a minute or two she finally settled on just buying the very best she possibly could: a single Ultra Ball. Soon enough she was back outside and idly bouncing her newest purchase between her hands like a plaything, all the while considering what she was gonna do next. She'd always had a rather crazy notion of trying to use a Pokeball on herself but she'd always dismissed it as just a little too crazy to actually consider. Until now. After what Nurse Joy had said and what she'd awakened inside her that 'crazy' idea didn't really seem all that crazy. At least not compared to the irritation of not knowing. If nothing else she could try it just to scratch that idea off the list and give herself on less thing to think about.

And if it somehow worked? Well she certainly couldn't complain about getting that particular Mankey off her back after so many years. “This is crazy.” Hilda stated as she wandered through Nimbasa for several uninterrupted minutes, “I'm definitely crazy.”

But if those words were meant to dissuade her they had the opposite effect. Finally decided to go through with her admittedly wild idea she made her way back to the little inn she'd been staying at for the last week or so. Without speaking to or looking at anyone she returned to her room, set down all her gear, and stretched out across her bed. Everything about what she did next felt absolutely insane but that hadn't stopped her before and it certainly wasn't about to stop her now.

Holding the Ultra Ball at arms length like she did every time she recalled one of her Pokemon she took a deep breath and slowly spun it around to face her. After a few tense moments Hilda let out a pent up breath and pressed the little button at the center of the Pokeball. She really didn't expect anything to happen and when that beam of light erupted from it the surprise she felt was second only to the absolute joy. Of course she only had a split second to feel anything as the ball cracked open and every part of her was absorbed into it faster than she could ever hope to comprehend. After that the world was a blur unlike anything she'd ever known.

Feeling all at once like she was moving at a thousand miles an hour yet somehow completely still Hilda was surrounded by an incomprehensible swirl of lights and colors. Somehow still aware of her body and completely apart from it she couldn't shield her eyes from the dazzling display. She couldn't even be sure she still had eyes to cover. Nor hands. Even though she felt an overwhelming tingling suffusing every fiber of her being. And while the madness only lasted for a second, or maybe it was a century, she wasn't any closer to understanding what'd happened or what was happening when it stopped. She'd only given herself more questions as she found herself 'standing' in an empty void absent even a single landmark. There wasn't so much as a speck of dust or drop of water to break up the wide, infinite expanse of white all around her.

Yet when she stepped forward she felt something solid beneath her shoes. She could look down and see her body exactly as it'd been outside the Pokeball. And she didn't feel like she was falling. Though she didn't feel much of anything around here. It wasn't warm, it wasn't cold, it wasn't anything at all. Like everything else Hilda had never experienced anything like it. Goosebumps erupted across her skin almost immediately and a soft gasp tumbled from her lips soon after. For reasons she couldn't describe she felt almost . . . comfortable. Despite how undeniably strange it all was.

“This is really weird . . .” She said aloud. Her voice didn't echo across the vast expanse of nothingness but it wasn't really stifled either. Like everything else it seemed to exist in the most plain, unremarkable sense. Which of course just made her all the more curious, “This is REALLY weird!”

Taking a few more steps forward and very much feeling like she was moving even as nothing around her changed, because there was nothing too change, Hilda started walking without really knowing why or what it was in aid of. She just wondered what Nurse Joy had meant about her Pokemon enjoying themselves inside their Pokeballs.

“Do they actually like this?” She asked aloud, “Is it different for Pokemon? Maybe it doesn't work on humans . . .”

Although she couldn't say her surroundings were unpleasant they certainly weren't anything to enjoy either. Even if she did feel a certain sense of comfort from the unchanging nothingness that surrounded her at all times. It was impossible to truly describe or even understand but she continued to feel rather content in ways she never expected. Despite the worry that she'd done something wrong by using a Pokeball on herself. The worry that she'd gotten in way over her head and maybe even trapped herself inside an Ultra Ball that was never meant for humans. No matter how disconcerting that thought might've been she was still oddly content with her surroundings. Enough to almost smile even while her mind had begun to race with concerns about her situation. To say nothing of wondering how she'd get out again.

Finally coming to a stop after what could've been seconds, minutes, or centuries she sat down on the same nothingness she'd been standing on and said, “I'm sure someone will let me out when they come to clean my room. I just have to wait until that happens. Hopefully it won't take too long . . .”

More satisfied with that explanation than she should've been Hilda let out a long sigh and took a deep breath. The air didn't taste like anything. It didn't have any sort of smell and there wasn't even the faintest hint of a breeze. But it didn't feel stagnant either. Just like everything else it somehow managed to exist as it did without any other details or factors. She couldn't help but be fascinated by it. Before long she was even looking around as it that might accomplish anything. But of course she didn't see anything other than the white void she'd found herself in from the very beginning. Though she did notice how mild and pleasant the lack of color was. That it didn't feel blinding or difficult to stare into as she gazed idly around.

“I guess this isn't so bad.” She stated, stretching out across the emptiness and clasping her hands behind her head as she idly crossed her ankles “I'm not 'enjoying' myself but I guess I can't complain . . . but I wouldn't mind having some snacks while I wait . . .”

She wasn't sure why she said that, she wasn't even hungry, but as soon as she did something around her changed. As soon as she thought that there was an imperceptible ripple in the nothingness. One that instantly made her bolt upright in an instant. And after being surrounded by empty space for so incredibly long finally seeing something else was nothing short of jarring.

“Are those . . . are those treats for Pokemon?” Hilda asked the void, leaning forward and reaching out to the small pile of reddish brown nuggets sitting in front of her. Grabbing the very top most one and bringing it to her nose she sniffed the strange object and immediately confirmed her suspicion, “But how did they get there?!”

Dropping the treat and standing up she looked around once again, half expecting to see something else in the void. Some kind of device that could've delivered the food. But once again she was left with no explanation whatsoever. And after a few moments she started walking away from the food, inexplicably convinced she could find something if she kept going. Like a wall or an edge or something that else tangible. She walked for what felt like minutes on end, doing her best to keep track of time as best she could, only to find the same featureless void as before. But when she turned around the food she thought she'd left behind was sitting less than a foot away from her. Like it'd been shadowing her every step. Or like she hadn't actually gone anywhere at all . . .

“Now I really don't know what's going on.” She stated, finally admitting defeat. Or at least getting as close to it as she could without saying anything too absolute. Folding her arms and taking a deep breath she glanced at her 'surroundings' yet again before stating, “I wish I had something to enjoy while I'm stuck in here.”

Doing her best to feel it as well as say it she wondered if the Pokeball could tell the difference. Or if there was even that much to the whole thing. It was impossible to really know, like just about everything else around her, but she did her best regardless. And she was rewarded with that same feeling of a ripple spreading through reality.

Instinctively spinning around upon seeing nothing but that little pile of food in front of her Hilda was met with something even more expected. It looked uncannily like some sort of dentist's chair, only made out of a really soft material she couldn't identify. Not even when she stepped closer and ran her hand across it. The whole thing was a dark brown, almost like some kind of leather, but so much softer in every imaginable way. It felt so good she climbed onto the chair and stretched out across it before she could second guess that instinct. And as soon as she did she couldn't help but let out a contented sigh as she settled into the comfortable material. It seemed to perfectly conform to her body like nothing she'd ever encountered and she didn't think twice about closing her eyes as the sheer comfort of the mysterious chair overwhelmed her. Nor did she hesitated to lay her arms on the rests  flanking it, another sigh spilling from her lips soon after.

“I can definitely enjoy this!” Hilda admitted. Half laughing and half moaning at the strangely intense sense of relaxation washing over her she repeated herself without really thinking, “I can definitely enjoy this . . .”

There was no telling how long she laid on that seat enjoying the odd serenity of being completely alone in an impossible place. Without any sounds or smells or sensations of any kind to distract her from the comfort of her seat she could sink deeper and deeper into it's embrace. So deep in face she was left completely blind to anything else that might've been happening. Hilda didn't feel any more ripples like the ones that'd brought the food or the chair into existence so she simply assumed nothing else could be happening. Not one did it occur to her that the recliner itself could do anything more than fill her with a sense of profound comfort and relaxation. Not until she felt something pressing against the seam running down the middle of her jean shorts.


Lifting her head and looking down at the object she was startled to find a bulbous, cylindrical object pressing rather hard against her groin. Not enough to be unpleasant in a physical sense but she was certainly caught off guard and a little weirded out by its presence. At least until the strange white object started vibrating with an intensity that sent shock waves coursing through every inch of her body.


Throwing her head back and moaning before she could even think to move away from the device Hilda was absolutely ravished by pleasure. Even with her jean shorts and panties getting in the way the sheer strength of the toy buzzing against her pussy was absolute madness. Especially when she wasn't expecting such a thing to happen and especially when she'd gone more than a week without any kind of self pleasure. She'd been so focused on training her Pokemon and beating Elesa she hadn't so much as thought about touching herself once in a good eight or nine days. And now all of a sudden she was paying the price for that focus as the object pushed even harder against her body. Or maybe she was pushing herself even harder against it. She honestly couldn't tell and she really didn't have the wherewithal to care. Not when it had started to shift up and down in a slow thrusting motion that sent it's entire length rubbing against even more of her pussy than ever before.


In the blink of an eye her panties were soaked and a messy little stain was spreading across her shorts as convulsions tore through her body. The once droning hum of the toy buzzing against her pussy suddenly grew a lot more wet as it's constant motion excited her even more. And within a few seconds her back was arching while her fingers tightened around the arm rests she was left clinging to. Long, breathy moans filled the emptiness around her as she struggled to catch her breath in the face of such a wonderfully exhilarating pleasure. Although she hadn't made the conscious link yet deep down she was beginning to understand what Nurse Joy had meant. And perhaps even why she'd been warned away from finding out the truth.

Her back curved even more harshly as she pressed herself against toe toy with all her strength. Utterly unconcerned with the the thought of it breaking from the force of her movements she slowly started bucking and grinding and gyrating against it. Doing her best to move in time with the device Hilda gasped for breath and smiled up at the emptiness above her with far more exhilaration than she could've expected to feel. All the while never once considering that it could get even better.

Except when she decided to finally remove the shorts that were only in the way. “I've gotta take these off right now!” She panted.

With a frantic little gasp she pulled herself away from the toy and threw her legs up into the air, desperately wriggling out of shorts and panties as quick as she could. And while she had a couple of seconds to think about what she was doing and the absurdity of it all Hilda didn't spend those moments second guessing herself. If this was what Pokeballs were built to do it only made sense for her to discover just how far they could go. After wondering for so long what went on inside them how could she not test out their capabilities to the fullest? Or at least that was the justification she gave herself before pressing her plump, hairy pussy against the toy and almost completely losing her mind.

The moment she felt it spread apart her lips and rub against her impossibly sensitive clit without anything in the way was the moment Hilda knew she couldn't stop herself. A wave of toe curling, mind altering pleasure surged through her and it didn't fade or diminish in the slightest. Instead it echoed throughout her entire body as another crashed down on her. Then another. Then another. Then another after that. Over and over and over again she was drowned in ecstasy that seemed to completely flood every inch of her. Moving in the perfect way to tease and stimulate every part of her sex, and in particular her aching clit, the toy matched her movements perfectly. Or maybe she matched its movements perfectly. There really was no way to tell when her eyes were rolling back into her head and her entire body was overcome by sheer bliss. Before long she'd even managed to forget where she was and the circumstances of how she'd gotten there. The pleasure was simply too much.

All she could do was hold on the arm rests and tremble in uncontrollable fits while ecstasy assailed her senses. Warmth gushed out of her pussy and absolutely drenched the chair, her legs, the device vibrating against her pussy and whatever passed for the 'ground' but the pleasure didn't stop. Nothing did as the seconds slipped by one after another. Perhaps they were minutes or even hours. Time hadn't meant anything before and it certainly didn't mean anything now!

Really the only thing that could break her out of her stupor, before sending her into an even deeper one, was some other unexpected thing happening. Like a smaller by no less shocking addition sliding up between her tightly clenched buttocks. Hilda felt a slender, almost prehensile object coated in a gooey substance brush against her skin and immediately let out a gasp. She lurched upwards even higher when it tried to glide between her cheeks and she sucked in a ragged breath as it effortlessly bridged the tiny gap she'd created. Despite her best instinctive efforts the object pressed against her asshole faster than she could really comprehend. And it slid inside her ass even faster than that, gliding deep into her virgin hole and stretching her out in ways she never dreamed of.

Practically screaming as she shock wore off and a whole new kind of ecstasy washed over her Hilda collapsed onto the seat and the tendril buried in her ass moved a little deeper. She didn't have the strength to hold herself upright for long and the intense pleasure that was finally feeling something inside her asshole made it impossible to maintain even a shred of control. And since that wasn't already enough to completely ruin her she unwittingly pressed herself against the first toy only moments after the second had stretched her quivering ring open deliciously wide. The combined ecstasy of both would've overwhelmed her regardless of how long it'd been since she last masturbated but after her unintentional bout of prudishness Hilda was so vulnerable to the pleasure of it all she didn't stand any chance. Particularly when that long, slick tendril expanded against her inner walls and what felt uncannily like a thousand little  bumps and ridges formed across it's previously smooth surface over the span of a few seconds.

“Oh no . . .” She whimpered, her voice tight and high pitched as she stared up at the white void, “Oh no . . .”

Less than a heartbeat later the second part of the machine tormenting her with pleasure had started thrusting in and out of her asshole. Gliding even deeper than before only to pull out and absolutely assault her quivering entrance with it's newly grown contours the second toy was every bit as relentless as the first, maybe even more so. At least the first didn't fly in and out of her pussy fast than she could fathom. So fast the wet sputter and squelch of her asshole being turned inside out quickly joined the lewd cacophony of her pleasured screams. So quickly it pushed her over the edge as soon as it started. So quickly Hilda didn't even have time to breath before her eyes were rolling back in her head and every fiber of her body was awash in ecstasy.

A fountain of sweet smelling arousal sprayed out of her pussy as she bucked and grinded and spasmed like never before. Squirting onto the toy rubbing so fiercely against her sex it splashed all over her goosebump riddled body, instantly showering her in warmth and adding one more layer of perversity to the wildness that was her pleasure. And yet no matter how spectacular her ecstasy might have looked nothing could compare to the storm raging inside her. To the waves of bliss tearing through every sense and overwhelming her mind. It felt like every last one of her nerves had been set on fire just from those two simple toys assailing her body and she truly couldn't get enough.

Hilda was too far gone to form so much as a conscious thought or coherent desire but she still managed to writhe and shudder against both of the objects responsible for her pleasure. In fits of spasmodic lust and incoherent need she pressed herself harder against the toy rubbing along her pussy. Or slammed herself down onto the one gliding in and out of her ass. Anything that could stoke the fires raging inside her and send more ecstasy reverberating through her body.

All the while she screamed in abject delight and shuddered like she'd been struck by lightning. All the while she was positively destroyed by the kind of overwhelming pleasure she'd dreamed of but couldn't ever find on her own. Without even meaning to she'd stumbled headfirst into the exact kind of release she'd longed for since the first time she figured out how to rub her pussy and make herself feel good.

Though she couldn't say she was addicted to the pleasure coursing through her body, because she couldn't say or think anything while she was still in the throes of ecstasy, Hilda very much acted like an addict. Even as her body weakened and her already uncoordinated spasms grew even more haphazard she still tried her best to continue grinding and gyrating like she had before. She still did everything in her power to make herself feel even better, to prolong her already endless pleasure just a little bit more. But of course she didn't have any real control over herself or the situation. There was no stopping her muscles from going limp or her limbs from completely ignoring what few urges were left in her ecstasy addled brain. No matter how desperately she tried she couldn't stop herself from collapsing against the chair in a crumpled, sticky heap after well over a minute of orgasmic convulsions. And she certainly couldn't stop the toys themselves from shifting and changing soon after.

The once devastating strength of the toy buzzing against her pussy diminished to an almost gentle hum that barely even registered in the afterglow that'd settled upon her. The once ferociously thrusting tendril gliding in and out of her ass had come to a complete stop at nearly the same time. Neither pulled away from her body or gave any signs they would. But both were almost afterthoughts compared to what she'd felt before. Even as they remained against or inside her trembling etrances while Hilda lay there in a state of heavenly delirium.

“Wow . . .” She croaked, staring dazedly up at the void above her with a smile, “I think I get why Nurse Joy didn't want me finding out about this . . .” Shivering at the tendril still buried in her ass and the softly buzzing orb pushing against her sensitive pussy she snuggled a bit closer to both and mindlessly said, “I wonder what else can happen?”

She really hadn't considered the ramifications of those words before she spoke them and even after they were left floating through the air Hilda was utterly oblivious to what she'd done. With her head still spinning and her mind only barely lucid enough to form coherent sentences in the first place she didn't have the wherewithal to consider much of anything. After posing that idle question to nobody in particular her eyes drifted shut and she let out a contented sigh. Without even realizing it she'd made herself as vulnerable as possible to the whims of whatever systems had already wracked her with truly incomprehensible pleasure. And she was about to get a taste of what could really happen inside of a Pokeball.

Barely five seconds after she unknowingly offered up a challenge to her mysterious surroundings a rigid metal band slid across her stomach. Hilda gasped at the surprise of it sliding across her belly and she tried to sit up the moment she felt something strange. But before she had a chance to do anything two more bands slid across her wrists. All three pinned her down to the chair so completely she couldn't possibly get up. And for a moment she didn't feel excitement or desire or anything other than confusion and fear. She felt something inside the chair moving, like gears were turning or some machine underneath her had been awakened.  A nervous little whimper tumbled from her lips faster than she could consciously react and by the time her brain had caught up with the rest of her body she was sitting up as much as she could and frantically calling out to whatever might be listening.

“S-Stop! Stop it right now!” The words had barely left her lips before everything around her changed in an instant. Although the chair remained all the additions that'd popped up since she sat down retreated. In the blink of an eye it was back to 'normal' and she was left completely alone with her surprise, “Really?” She asked aloud, “That's all it takes?” Looking around as if something might talk back Hilda eventually remarked, “Well that's . . . that's good to know . . .”

Torn between quitting while she was ahead and letting things go in the direction they were already headed she slid off the chair and grabbed her shorts, all the while glancing at her seat with a mixture of curiosity, apprehension, and desire. It was hard not to think about going further after enjoying an orgasm so powerful her legs were still shaking. When she was finding it hard to stand well after her ecstasy had subsided.

Knowing, or at least assuming, she wouldn't be able to get out until someone came along to free her didn't help matters much easier. With the prospect of hours or even days of waiting ahead the temptation to spend at least a small portion of that lost in pleasure was stronger than ever. Coupled with the fact that she could put a stop to things whenever she wanted Hilda was finding it remarkably difficult to think of a downside. Beyond maybe soiling the comfy chair even further and maybe getting released in the middle of a very compromising situation. But neither 'issue' was enough to offer any real downside and before long she was climbing back onto the chair with a giddy smile.

“Okay . . .” She said aloud, pulling off her vest and shirt while kicking away her shoes to lay completely naked on the seat, “Uhm . . . let's start over . . . I guess? Or pick up where we left off at least . . . is that how this works? It don't know why I'm even asking questions. It's not like anything is gonna respond to—”

Before she could finish her rambling the vibrator that'd kicked everything off reappeared. And before she could even think about pressing herself against it the tendril that'd slipped into her ass did so yet again. Only this time it already had all the bumps and contours that'd felt so amazing the first time around. Hilda couldn't help but moan as it slid deep into her body, so deep she could actually see her once flat belly distending ever so slightly, and clutch the seats. She moaned even more passionately as the first toy started vibrating once again but sucked in a ragged breath when the metal restraints slid across her stomach and wrists. While she wasn't exactly nervous it was hard not to wonder why something so extreme was really necessary. And what she was about to experience if the programming or whatever it was felt she needed to be kept in place. Of course at the same time it was so amazingly thrilling she let out a soft gasp before she could even think about what might come next. And by the time it'd tumbled from he lips she was already finding out in the only way she could've wanted.

Several things happened near simultaneously, all of them taking place too quickly for her to consciously follow. All at once something small and uncannily like a suction cup wrapped around her still swollen and amazingly sensitive clit while another bad of metal covered her perky breasts and that very first toy shifted it's position. Whatever was wrapped around her clit started sucking with an incredible amount of force almost immediately, absolutely destroying any hope she had of processing everything else.

She was much too busy crying out in pleasure and straining against the restraints keeping her in place to feel the bands around her tits squeeze against her chest just a little bit more. Just enough squish them down and completely smother their supple curves beneath a material far softer than the metal she could see. And the way that first, incredibly bulbous device had turned towards her pussy as it was about to slide inside went completely unnoticed. All the pleasure lancing through Hilda's body as her aching pearl was assaulted overshadowed everything else. At least until the other devices made their moves too.

Thrusting forward with even more strength than the appendage buried deep in her ass the vibrating toy stretched her poor little pussy open wide as it glided into her. Wider than she could possibly describe, so wide it felt like she was being torn in half as her inner walls stretched around it. And yet Hilda didn't scream in pain or tell it to stop. Not even as she felt the toy push deeper and deeper until it was pressed tight against the entrance to her womb.

Instead she let out a long, guttural moan as a strangely exhilarating pressure built up inside her. She'd never felt so full and so overwhelmed by anything in her life. Not even when she'd tried her hand at masturbating with something other than her fingers and tried to use a rather large cucumber. The oddly shaped device buried so unfathomably deep in her cunt seemed to hit ever single part of her inner walls at the same time. Seemed to stretch her open and absolutely wrack her with pleasure no matter how she moved around or against it. And it wasn't even vibrating yet! A simple and not so simple detail that left her flush with apprehension as she started down at her lower half with breathless anticipation.

But before that particular hammer could fall she felt something clamp around her nipples. Something cold, metal, and altogether exhilarating. Squeezing her buds tight and eliciting another moan whatever it was didn't get revealed until the band covering her chest withdrew. And when it did Hilda was left both confused and stunned by what she saw clinging to and covering her areola.

“A-Are those electrodes?!” She gasped.

Suddenly overcome by a whole different sort of apprehension Hilda very nearly said 'stop' again as she stared down at the little devices covering her nipples. Thankfully before she could second guess what she'd gotten herself into the tendril like device in her ass started moving again. Pushing even deeper into her body and expanding even more it slid out just as the pressure of it filling her guts was reaching nearly unbearable levels. A heartbeat later she was overwhelmed by the toe curling pleasure of it's ribbed length sliding out of her quivering ring and filling her with the kind of pleasure she could lose herself in. And alongside the toy already shoved so wonderfully deep in her pussy every time that second one pushed into her the overwhelming feeling of fullness was downright ruinous.

It wasn't quite enough to make her cum outright but it was certainly enough to leave her gasping and grunting and shaking as that wonderfully unfamiliar pressure kept building. Yet no matter how amazing both devices felt inside her she couldn't quite forget about the electrodes attached to her nipples. The tension of when they'd go off just continued to build while the weight of them as her breasts heaved served as a constant reminder of what was going to happen soon. Which in turn left her so completely unprepared for anything else she couldn't have been more vulnerable.

The only warning she had before everything went completely insane was the toy already pushing against her cervix pressing just a little bit tighter against it. Just enough to actually take her breath away and make her groan like a wild Tauros. An instant later, before she had any hope of catching her breath or doing anything more than starting down at her distended belly, the toy started vibrating again. In an instant it was at full strength as it pushed against the entrance to her womb, every last inch of the device lighting up in an absolute frenzy of indescribable pleasure. Hilda was instantly and completely overwhelmed the moment it started and she didn't have any hope of gathering her wits. Pleasure flooded her body and ravished her senses as wave upon wave of ecstasy surged through her all over again.

Torrents of arousal squirted from her pussy as she was thrown into another mind breaking orgasm. Her entire body locked up for several moments, all of her muscles freezing as she stared up at nothingness with wide, uncomprehending eyes. A split second later she'd descended into uncontrollable spasms so wild and so visceral she barely even looked human. Without the restraints keeping her in place she would've tumbled right off the chair in an instant. Even with them keeping her anchored the ferocity of her every twitch and the madcap pace of her shuddering still seemed to strain the entire machine to it's limits.

And while she never quite overcame the strange device she was strapped to and ravished by Hilda came remarkably close. Especially when the toy buried in her pussy started thrusting much like the one already sliding in and out of her asshole. For all of a second its retreat was almost a welcome reprieve as the pressure faded from her cervix. Even as it continued to vibrate against the rest of her innermost walls and hit all the most sensitive places imaginable. But around the time it was nearing her tightly quivering entrance and threatening to pull out entirely any relief she might've felt was utterly destroyed when the entire thing plunged back into her once again.

Slamming into her cervix so hard it positively wracked her body with pleasure the toy bounced off the entrance to her womb and withdrew before she could even fathom what was happening. All while the one in her ass quickened it's pace to match the strength and ferocity of the toy inside her pussy. Their rhythms might've been perfectly alternated but the sheer intensity of their every movement was perfectly synchronized. A perfect storm of absolute ruin completely beyond her wildest dreams.

And she couldn't do anything about it except squirt and groan and shudder in abject delight as her orgasm was prolonged for what felt like an eternity. She had forgotten all about the electrodes wrapped around her nipples. Really she'd forgotten about damn near everything. Even her own name and where she was were hard to come by amidst the hurricane of pleasure swirling through her body and ravishing her senses. Which of course only made her that much more susceptible to the agonizingly wonderful jolts of electricity that lanced through her body barely two minutes after she'd started cumming.

An almost unbearably strong jolt of energy surged through her body at the very height of her pleasure, when she was the most vulnerable and the most overwhelmed. Pain tinged ecstasy crashed through her already devastated senses and made her spasming muscles lock up even more. Hilda didn't even have a chance to scream before what little remained of her mind was completely destroyed. Before she was broken in the most profound way imaginable by that single burst of electricity dancing through her body and wracking her more than anything else could. By the time she found her voice and managed to unleash a frantic squeal the utter agony of what'd just happened was washing over her. All the aftershocks of that first jolt were tearing through her body and she was left in such a fit of convulsive pleasure she looked like a lunatic. And that was only the first taste of what those electrodes had in store for her.

In spite of how devastating that first jolt was Hilda managed to settle down eventually. She might've been wracked with pleasure and lost so deep in her own ecstasy that what little reality existed inside the Pokeball was meaningless but her body still relaxed and her mind still recovered. To a certain, impossible to codify extent. Somehow both helped and hindered by the toys busily thrusting in and out of her pussy. Compared to anything she'd known before her little experiment every slightest stroke proved more devastating than every single orgasm she'd had before.

Compared to the visceral ecstasy that was being electrocuted just the tiniest bit they were a comforting source of stability she could cling to while her mind, body, and soul were slowly being pieced back together. And she certainly didn't hesitate to cling to that comfort as she collapsed against the chair and whimpered in the aftermath of the electrodes activating. Even her orgasm began to subside despite the continued efforts of the devices assailing her pussy and asshole.

Everything seemed to be coming down in the most relaxing yet inexplicably still exhilarating way imaginable. Her afterglow and comedown were unsurprisingly short lived but she still reveled in them just as happily. And she still panted and whimpered and smiled like the fool she'd become when that heady respite shifted back into toe curling ecstasy once more. Hilda was still far too overcome to form a coherent thought and she'd practically forgotten all about what had caused her to feel so amazingly exhausted in the first place. Somewhere in the depths of her pleasure addled brain a strange sense of foreboding and apprehension continued to linger but it remained such a tiny, easily missed sensation she had no trouble at all burying it. At least until the electrodes fired again.

Hilda's anguished scream rang out once again as electricity coursed through her limbs and sent her into another fit of spasmodic quivers. The already escalating pleasure she'd been feeling jumped to even greater heights as she squirted all over herself, the chair, and the empty space around her. She managed to be every bit as shocked as the first time and she remained completely devastated by the surge for so, so much longer. What felt like an eternity at the very least. Even though they didn't shock her again and she was left entirely alone, save of course for the toys relentlessly pounding her cunt and asshole, Hilda continued to shake and spasm for so much longer than before. And throughout it all that same apprehension and anticipation flooded her senses. There was no articulating why in the state she was in but it remained no matter what.

Even while she was lulled into as close a sense of security as she could feel. Because whatever or whoever was controlling those electrodes knew how to time each and every shock. In a predictable yet incomprehensible cycle every single time Hilda managed to completely forget about what those little devices did she was given one hell of a reminder.

Every time her own madness overshadowed everything else, bit during the heights of her ecstasy of in the beautiful afterglow that followed, she was given another painfully delicious shock. It happened over and over and over again while she was left screaming in fits of desperate ecstasy. All but tortured by the pleasure yet wholeheartedly unwilling to free herself from the rhythm. No matter how many times Hilda was jolted and no matter how many times she was left screaming, cumming, and squirting in an absolute wreck she couldn't stop herself from loving the next surge. She couldn't even fathom such a thing as she lay there in that void for what could've been decades for all she knew. Her body didn't feel any real hunger, nor thirst, nor anything other needs beyond the desperate craving for pleasure. A desperate craving the void seemed more than happy to provide.

For what seemed like the hundredth time already Hilda collapsed against the chair beneath her in a ruined heap. Her body was dripping in sweat, her hair was plastered to her face, and every inch of her skin was flushed. But for the first time since it started no shock arrived to jolt her back into whatever passed for lucid at that stage. Instead she was left to moan and shiver and whimper in the aftermath of so many orgasms until her mind had pieced itself back together. Or at least until she was capable of looking up at the robotic limbs now hovering over her and actually realize what she was in for.

Staring at the motley assortment of toys, devices, and things she flat out didn't understand attached to the many jointed limbs surrounding her like the bars of a cage Hilda could only offer a dim, barely conscious smile as she said, “Huh . . .”

It'd been almost a week since Nurse Joy last spoke to Hilda and she couldn't help but wonder what'd happened to the Trainer. Clearly she wasn't still training her Pokemon half to death but Elesa hadn't come by to heal hers at any point so it was unlikely she'd finally earned her Bolt Badge. Which really only left one option, although she was hoping against hope that wasn't the answer. Instead she chose to believe Hilda had taken some sort of vacation. That she'd come to her senses and enjoyed a little relaxation instead of constant battling and training. But those hopes were quite thoroughly dashed around day six of the Trainer's sudden, inexplicable absence.

Stumbling through the doors looking more disheveled than anybody Nurse Joy had ever seen Hilda instantly confirmed everything she didn't want to believe. Her clothes were crumpled ant stained with something she could smell from across the PokeCenter while her skin was crusted over with dried sweat and other fluids. Everything from her wildly unkempt hair to her mismatched shoes betrayed where she'd been for the last week or so.

“You found out what inside a Pokeball.” She stated as Hilda approached the counter and practically collapsed against it.

“I did.”

“And I trust you understand why I told you not to keep looking?”

“I do.”

“Good.” folding her arms and staring at her barely coherent companion for a few moments she narrowed her eyes ever so slightly and asked, “You plan to go back inside again don't you?”

“Yes.” Hilda panted, dropping the Ultra Ball she'd been locked inside of onto the counter, “But I need you . . . to take this away from me . . . until . . . until I'm ready . . . I can't . . . I can't go back inside . . . not yet . . .”

Picking up the Pokeball and smirking at her choice Nurse Joy replied, “And why would I do that? You can just buy another one at the PokeMart.”

“I won't . . .”

“Why not?”

“Because I'm gonna pass out . . .” Hilda groaned.

A moment later she collapsed onto the counter in a heap, her whole body going limp and nearly dropping to the floor before Nurse Joy caught her, “I need some help out here!” She shouted, “Nobody ever listens to the warnings.” She added under her breath.


Keith Rogers

What a super fun story.


Thanks! I was pretty much going for a fun, simple story so it's good to hear that's how it came across. Now if I could just rein in my tendency to go way overboard with the word count lol


You really got inventive with this story!


I really appreciate that sentiment! I was definitely trying to make it feel different and have a more unique vibe from a typical sex/fucking machine story. Though I probably could've gone further I'm at least content with how it turned out.