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Man, it's been a hot minute since I wrote anything set in Blue Valley, though not really by choice. Regardless of why I'm glad I had a chance to change that with this story. Hopefully y'all enjoy this little return to the closest thing I have to OCs lol

Oh and since it's been a while here's a link to all the other stories set in the same universe. as well as a link to the very first one, since this chapter is kind of a sequel to that and it's probably worth a refresher lol

The entire cafeteria erupted into laughter and jeers as Irwin Bell's slacks were pulled down to his ankles in the middle of the lunch line. Throwing his arms up in in triumph Brad Johnson rejoined the rest of the football team to point and cackle at the acne riddled geek they'd just pranked. Even the lunch ladies joined in on the ridicule as he stared at them like a deer in the headlights. All the color drained from Irwin's face in an instant, his entire body freezing up in abject shock. He didn't even have the presence of mind to pull his pants back up. He was too stunned to think, let alone act. Instead he could only stand there like a statue while the laughter continued and dozens of kids hurled insults at him.

His ears started to ring and blood rushed to his face as the true scope of his newest humiliation really sank in. Goosebumps dotted his scrawny legs and flat ass as the cold air of the cafeteria swirled around his half naked body. Rooted there for what seemed like an eternity, his fingers holding his lunch tray so tightly all the blood drained from his knuckles, he couldn't move so much as a muscle regardless of how embarrassed he might been. He just wanted a hole to appear at his feet and swallow him up. For a tiny meteror to crash through the ceiling and completely erase him from existence. Anything would've been better than the humiliation of pulling his pants up and fleeing. But he wasn't that lucky. Irwin had never been that lucky. And after a couple seconds spent in abject disbelief his instincts finally kicked in even while his mind was still reeling.

Dropping his tray and bending over as fast as he could Irwin slammed his forehead against the counter top. The kids around him laughed even harder as he tumbled backwards and fell right out of the lunch line, “Nice going loser!”

“Watch your head nerd!”

“I guess he's not that smart after all!”

“What a geek!”

“I can't believe he did that!”

“I know right?!”

Desperately rolling onto his stomach and tugging at his pants Irwin mindlessly pulled them up as far as he could while clumsily pushing himself upright. Before he was even fully on his feet he unwittingly staggered towards the football team. Brad shoved him back with a laugh while one of his buddies shouted, “I think he's tryin to get some Brad!”

“I don't swing that way nerd!” The quarterback jeered, “Try some of your other butt buddies!”

Stumbling away from the source of all his school woes Irwin fumbled and tripped over his feet as he kept trying to pull his slacks up. He slammed into the counter once again and knocked all the air out of his lungs in a heartbeat. Suddenly he was clutching his stomach with one hand and desperately yanking on his slacks with the other as he staggered out of the cafeteria entirely. Forgetting all about his food, the backpack he'd left with his friends, and the broken remnants of his suspenders he sprinted away as fast as his legs could carry him. And throughout it all dozens of students continue to laugh, hurl insults, and even throw bits of trash or food at his back. Their mockery followed him down the hall and into the nearest bathroom, every second of laughter and humiliation reverberating through his mind while he collapsed into handicapped stall.

Back in the cafeteria Brad and the rest of the football team were still basking in their success and the delight of everyone around them. Although one table wasn't the least bit amused by his antics. None of the cheerleaders had so much as cracked a smile during Irwin's embarrassment. And when the quarterback looked their way Rebecca was quick to flip him off and dismissively turn away from him a second later. The rest of the squad followed suit and Brad was left to contend with the tiniest dose of reality they could give him. It didn't last long of course, the rest of his buddies gassing him up again in seconds, but at the very least they could feel marginally better about themselves as the fervor finally started to die down. Though mostly they just felt bad for Irwin.

“Brad's such a dick.” Rebecca stated.

“Yeah!” The rest of the squad agreed, nodding and looking at one another as they did.

There was a short, almost contemplative silence before Jennifer said, “Speaking of dicks . . . did you see what Irwin was packing?”

In a flash the entire mood changed as the girls that'd actually glimpsed his cock lit up in excitement while the rest could only shake their heads. “You just can't help yourselves can you?” Tabitha wondered, smiling as she looked at the four cheerleaders across from her.

“What?!” Chloe innocently replied, “It's not every day you see a guy with a third leg!”

Most of the table erupted into giggles at that remark. Not even Rebecca could resist cracking a smile at their comments, although her delight was quickly stifled when Brad strutted up to them immediately after and said, “I knew you ladies would come around! Watching that nerd get—”

“Fuck off Brad.” She immediately replied, not even bothering to look at him.

“Hey what'd I do?!”

“She said fuck off Brad.” Tabitha added.

“Yeah! Fuck off Brad!” The rest of the squad exclaimed.

Throwing his hands up and rolling his eyes Brad turned away after a couple seconds, angrily muttering, “Whatever!” as he returned to his buddies.

“What were we talking about before that idiot pantsed Irwin?” Casey asked.

“We were discussing new routines to pitch to Coach Hershel.” Rebecca stated.

“Oh right!”

“That's right!”

“I still like the idea Tammy came up with!”

“That's way too dangerous, Coach will never go for it!” Tabitha replied.

In no time at all they were locked once more in an animated discussion about cheerleading routines and their stubborn coach. For most of them what'd happened to their classmates remained in the back of their minds for the rest of lunch and even the next period. But for Debbie, Crystal, Jennifer, and Chloe it was a constant drain on their thoughts. They couldn't get what they'd seen out of their minds and they really didn't even try after the first few minutes. Instead they shared covert little glances and sneakily made plans that would only get more coherent as they went off to class together. All of them were pretty much convinced they hadn't imagined what they'd seen but they wanted to make absolutely sure their minds weren't playing tricks on them. Or at least that was the flimsy justification they said out loud as they planned out their eager little ambush. The real reason was about as obvious as their antics, though neither Rebecca nor the rest of the squad did anything to stop them. If nothing else Irwin deserved a win.

After hiding out in the bathroom for the rest of lunch Irwin was called up to the principal's office under the guise of making sure he was okay. The school nurse was even there to offer some genuine comfort while he was interrogated. Of course he wasn't really there for his own benefit. He was there because nobody wanted him to make a big fuss about what Brad had done. Nobody wanted him to risk the school's chances of going to State by getting their star quarterback in any kind of trouble. It was a game Irwin knew all to well and one he'd been playing for the better part of four years. Not that the principal, vice principal, superintendent, or anyone else cared. They still went through the same rigmarole he'd heard a hundred times at least. And he still told them everything they wanted to hear. It was practically a conversation in an RPG by that point. Although there was one small silver lining, aside from spending a little more time with Nurse Aguilar.

By the time they finally let him go back to class sixth period was over and seventh was already in full swing. And since he had seventh period off he could head straight home without suffering the aftermath of Brad's latest stunt. His friends had even brought his backpack to the office for him. Everything was about as perfect as could be after such a miserable experience. He couldn't even fathom anything else happening as he walked through the school with his head down and his thoughts already turned towards the video games he'd escape into. Which meant he couldn't have been more surprised when a door suddenly flung open and two different pairs of hands grabbed him.

He was pulled into a mercifully empty classroom before he could even look at the people grabbing him, his instincts kicking in as he stumbled towards the teacher's desk, “I-I don't have any lunch money left!”

“Well that's a shame.” A cheerful, feminine voice remarked while he was busy recoiling, “I was gonna shake you down for some cash after we finished.”

Instantly confused by what sounded like a girl's voice Irwin looked up to see four cheerleaders standing across from him. “W-What's going on?”

All four women were looking at him with the same ear to ear smile, their perfectly straight and perfectly white teeth sparkling in the warm afternoon light spilling in from the windows. They'd all tired their long, platinum blonde hair back into loose ponytails that left a few strands falling down their cute faces. Their sparkling blue eyes lit up like nothing he'd ever seen from a girl as they looked him up and down, their gaze lingering around his waist for just a bit longer than normal. But of course Irwin was far too dumbstruck by their beauty to really notice that. He didn't have any classes with them and had never seen any of the main cheerleading squad up close before. Like anyone else with eyes he'd been able to tell they were incredibly beautiful with their wide, shapely hips and downright jaw dropping breasts but admiring them from a distance was nothing compared to seeing them standing just a couple feet away. To say nothing of the oddness that was all of them looking completely identical despite wearing entirely different outfits and not actually being related to one another. As far as he or anyone else knew.

Though naturally the mystery of what they were doing there and why he was allowed to be anywhere near them in the first place was more distracting than anything else, “I-Is this some k-kind of trick?! A-Are you gonna d-do something to m-me too?!”



“What? We are!”

“Well you don't have to say it like that!”

“Yeah you make it sound like we're gonna hurt him!”

“Or worse!”

“Well I think he'll figure out what we're gonna do pretty soon!”

“That doesn't mean you need to scare him first!”

“Especially after what Brad did to him at lunch!”

“Why are you bringing that up?! You're gonna ruin the mood!”

“What mood?! We haven't even done anything yet!”

“And we never will if y'all keep arguing!”

“You're right.”

“That's true.”


Irwin watched their little exchanged with a mixture of growing amusement and continued disbelief, his eyes darting between each of them as they spoke. When they finally turned back towards him and smiled he couldn't help but recoil a little and ask, “Y-You're not gonna do anything to me?”

“Of course not!” One of them said.

“Nothing bad!” Another corrected.

“We just wanna see your cock!” The third stated.

“Again.” The fourth added.


One of the cheerleaders stepped closer and looked at the small bump on his forehead, “He must have hit his head harder than we thought!”

“Or maybe he's just confused by what we're asking!”

“Only we're not asking.”

“Well then he's confused by what we're demanding!”

“I-I don't understand . . .” Irwin stated.

“See? I told you!”

“You wanna see my . . . uhm . . .” His cheeks darkened and he looked down at his feet, “You wanna see my c-cock?”

“That's right!”

“You got it!”


“Yes sir!”


“We wanna see how big it is!”

“Yeah we saw a little bit of it in the cafeteria but we wanna make sure we weren't imagining anything!”

“And we made sure there wasn't anybody else around! So you wouldn't feel embarrassed or anything!”

“So whip it out already! Let us see your cock!”

So completely dumbfounded by everything they were saying and how cavalier they were about saying it Irwin just stared at them for several seconds. He just watched them smile at him with their cheerful, identical smiles as he tried to wrap his mind around their demands, “You want to see my cock?”

“Yes!” All four women exclaimed simutaneously.

Their tone was insistent but not threatening or intimidating. They all sounded and looked genuinely excited by the prospect of seeing his dick and that only made things more confused. “R-Really?”


After a second or two they stepped closer to him and he felt a small flicker of fear. It passed almost instantly as he looked at their faces and felt the sincere eagerness all but radiating from them. Looking like they were in the middle of a pep rally all four women continued to beam at him as he slowly, nervously straightened. He might've been taller than them by a head but he was about as skinny as a freshman, maybe even a middle schooler, and nowhere near as athletic. If he tried to fight them off or run away they'd be able to chase him down just like Brad and the rest of the football team. Although he wasn't even sure why he was thinking that as he stood there staring at them for several uninterrupted seconds. Those were just the first thoughts that popped into his head as the awkwardness continued, not that any of the cheerleaders reacted to his bumbling nervousness. They just continued to smile and wait while he worked up the courage to do what they wanted.

“A-And if I say no?” He finally asked.

“Oh if you don't wanna do it you can leave whenever you want!” The woman closest to the door stated, gesturing to it with a cheery grin.

“But you don't wanna say no.” Another assured him.

“Trust us.”

“When are you ever gonna have this kind of opportunity again?”

“I . . . uhm . . . I-I guess that makes sense.”

“Great! Then show us your cock already!?”


“Whip that thing out!”

“Don't be shy!”

No matter how hard he tried Irwin couldn't figure out what was happening. He couldn't believe this was real. He'd stumbled headfirst into a hentai! With every passing second he was more and more convinced that he'd knocked himself out when he hit his head. It was only logical explanation he could think of and certainly the only explanation that made any kind of sense! And yet as insane as their request was he still found himself slowly going through with it despite his certainty. Setting down his backpack and swallowing past the lump in his throat he reached for his belt with shaking hands. The moment he grabbed it all four cheerleaders let out excited gasps. An instant later they'd dropped to their knees, laying their hands on their thighs as they watched with bated breath.

More certain than ever he was dreaming Irwin took another breath and closed his eyes. He let his head tilt back ever so slightly as he braced himself for even more embarrassment. With a final burst of strength he yanked his pants down and revealed his undoubtedly pathetic cock to a deafening chorus of utter silence. He was too terrified to open his eyes and too ashamed to pull his pants back up. He just stood there holding his shirt up with both hands while four beautiful women ogled his unimpressive dick and balls. When he hear them suck in a breath and finally speak after an eternity of silence, all four speaking in unison of course, he braced himself for the insults.

“Oh . . . my . . . God . . .”

Their tone didn't sound mocking but he was so convinced it was coming he couldn't fathom anything else. “I-I'm sorry . . . I know i-it's not very—”

“It's huge!”

“It's even bigger than I thought!”

“I've never seen such a big cock!”

“How the hell are you walking around with that thing?!”

So completely stunned by their reaction he had to open his eyes and look at them Irwin was shocked to find all four women hovering mere inches away from his dick. Their faces were lit up with a mixture of delight and amazement as they stared at his prick and eagerly licked their lips, “I-I don't understand . . .” He whispered.

“You've got the fattest—”

“—and longest—”

“—cock I've ever seen!”


“This things a monster!” One of the cheerleaders exclaimed. Without any hesitation at all she reached out to touch his prick, wrapping as much of her hand around his ungodly thick shaft as she could while he was left moaning in disbelief as someone else touched his prick for the first time, “I can't even get my fingers all the way around it!”

“And look at those balls!” Another cheerleader moaned. Just like her companion she reached out like it was the most normal thing in the world. Cupping his massive balls with both hands she struggled to contain their sheer size in her palms and she wasn't the least bit shy about lightly squeezing them with her unbelievable soft fingers, “They must be as big as my head!”

Though she was absolutely exaggerating he was still left reeling in confusion as they continued to fawn over his dick, “Y-You mean I'm not—my cock i-isn't—w-what?”

“Irwin.” The woman holding his dick said, her tone suddenly serious even while her companions started rubbing and caressing and admiring every last inch of his dick from tip to base, “You've got the biggest cock we've ever seen!”

The others nodded in agreement as they practically drooled over the foot long pillar of meat throbbing between his thighs, “R-Really?”

One of them let out a laugh and lightly pushed the others away, holding up hr forearm and resting it against his prick fore reference, “Really!” She laughed.

“I've seen horses with less impressive dicks!” Another remarked.

“You're bigger than the whole football team put together!”

A wild shudder surged through Irwin's body as he processed those words. Surprise, excitement, disbelief, confusion, and a certain amount of vindication swirled through him in a hurricane of near incomprehensible sensations. He tried to respond to that absurd comment, to argue against it or at the very least downplay her assertions as his instinctive self deprecation kicked in. But before he could do anything more than open and close his mouth like a fish one of the cheerleaders suddenly lifted his cock up, holding it out while the rest moaned and leaned in even closer. Their breath felt amazing against his length and the softness of their fingers was beyond comprehension. Not even his deepest, wildest fantasies could compare to the simple pleasure of someone touching his dick. The simple fact that he was being touched by four women at the same time was absolutely insane! To say nothing of their continued excitement.

“How is it still getting bigger?!”

“There's no way it'll get much bigger right?”

“Oh my God!”

“Holy shit!”

All four women watched his prick swell more and more in their hands. Slowly but surely realizing he hadn't even been hard when he first revealed his prick to them they looked on in awe as his already monstrous shaft grew another couple of inches in length and a few more centimeters in girth. By itself those changes weren't anything special bit when his cock was already so massive they were sore just from thinking about fucking him any extra growth was nothing short of jaw dropping. And when it finally stopped swelling the tree trunk of a cock endlessly throbbing against their fingers was without a doubt the most exciting thing any of them had seen! With the constant tightening and quivering of his enormous balls coming in a very close second.

Even if they hadn't been compelled to teasingly stroke and caress every inch of his shaft with both hands it still would've taken at least two of them to comfortably hold his dick up. And at least one more to properly massage and cradle his sack while he stood there. But of course none of them wasted any time enjoying every last centimeter of his prick. After working themselves up into a bit of a frenzy just waiting to see it the pleasure of having all their suspicions confirmed, and then some, was too much for any of them to bear. To say nothing of the musky, overwhelming scent of his cock as it throbbed away, as it unleashed gooey spurts of precum with nearly every twitch.

The girl lucky enough to be directly in front of his enormously swollen tip was quick to open her mouth and catch the first bitter load of jizz. And she didn't hesitate to moan in abject delight as his cum flooded her mouth. Nor did she close her lips or do anything to stop the next spurt from streaking onto her outstretched tongue while the others looked on in jealousy. Irwin stared down at her in utter disbelief, completely incapable of processing the amazing sight he was being treated to. When she leaned in after a few seconds and softly kissed the head of his cock he couldn't help but groan like he'd never groaned before. His whole body trembled and it if hadn't been for the desk he was already leaning hard against he would've collapsed then and there. Because even with it propping him up he could barely manage to stay on his feet. Not that any of the women surrounding him cared. They were much too eager sliding across the floor and switching positions for reasons he couldn't begin to fathom or care about. Not until they finally stopped and his entire world came crashing down in the most lascivious way imaginable.

One of them buried her face in his balls, another started licking up and down his shaft, and the last two shared a long, sloppy kiss around the head of his cock. Faster than he could ever hope to comprehend Irwin was beset on all sides by beautiful, comically horny women he seemed hell bent on slobbering over his entire prick no matter what happened. If there'd ever been a worse time to wake up from a dream that was it. But somehow he didn't wake up. Somehow he kept on dreaming. Kept on watching four unimaginably horny cheerleaders all but worship his cock and moan like pornstars as they did. He spent all of a moment or two reeling from the sheer insanity of his life and the turns it'd taken before the truly unbearable pleasure of their efforts washed over him. After that he couldn't form so much as a single coherent thought let alone worry about waking up from his dream or worrying about anything else. Four women were lavishing his dick and balls in more attention than he ever thought he'd get and that was the only thing he cared about. That and lasting as long as humanly possible.

Despite masturbating several times a day, ever single day since he was old enough to cum Irwin was so utterly overwhelmed by the pleasure of their efforts he could already feel his energy fading not ten seconds after they'd started. Just watching two women passionately kiss each other and the head of his cock would've been enough to make him erupt in seconds. The way they moved their tongues around and against his unimaginably sensitive tip, moaning all the while, was the closest he'd ever get to heaven. And the way they moved their lips as they made out with more and more passion was somehow just as amazing. It might've been even better, he truly couldn't say!

But when all of that was happening alongside another woman absolutely lavishing his balls with attention while a fourth did the same for the rest of his cock it was a miracle he hadn't blown his load as soon as they started. How he didn't do that every second after was one of life's great mysteries because the pleasure assailing him was well and truly beyond comprehension. He never imaged a woman tonguing his balls like some sort of relapsing addict could feel so indescribably good. That her soft lips kissing every inch of his sack as she panted and moaned and smothered herself with his musk could actually rival what the other cheerleaders were doing! And while he wasn't the least bit surprised by how amazing it felt to have a beautiful woman running her tongue up and down his prick he was still overwhelmed by the toe curling ecstasy of her efforts. Not to mention the hypnotic rhythm of her movements as she glided back and forth in a constant barrage of movement, only stopping to plant another lipstick coated kiss somewhere on his increasingly marked shaft.

If it'd been up to his conscious mind and rational thoughts he would've given in and cum as fast as possibly. He wouldn't have held back for even a second. But years of watching and reading all sorts of porn had conditioned him to think cumming too fast was the worst thing a man could do. That finishing before some nebulous, arbitrary point was worse than anything else. It was a notion he clung to like a drowning man atop a piece of driftwood and before long it was the sole focus of his ever weakening mind.

Over and over and over again he told himself not to cum too quickly. Like some sort of mantra he repeated the phrase 'Don't cum, don't cum, don't cum!” hundreds, if not thousands of times. Every time any of the four beautiful women around him did anything he thought those words. Even if they hadn't been doing anything at all he would've thought those words as his pathetic excuse for stamina drained fasted and faster with every moment. All their eager kisses, sloppy tongue lashings, and genuine moans hammered away at what was left of his endurance and he tried like hell to last as long as he could for them.

Never once considering they didn't want him to last long. That all four cheerleaders were beyond eager for his cum and quite literally drooling at the prospect of him emptying his massive balls all over their faces and into their mouths. Irwin was so fixated on himself he completely failed to notice the way they looked up at him as they lavished his dick with affection. The telltale glimmer in their eyes and the lewd bent in their smiles. Especially the two basking in every gooey dollop of precum he sprayed across their tongues and lips. Their unabashed  excitement for even the tiniest morsel and how eagerly they played with every drop should've been a dead giveaway. But like so many other virgins they'd guided out of inexperience he was too in his head to process their obvious signs. He might've heard their moans and felt the amazing softness of their lips and tongues but it never quite pierced the unfounded certainty filling his mind. Luckily for him Debbie, Jennifer, Crystal, and Chloe were nothing if not masters of getting what they wanted and getting as soon as they wanted. Nobody denied them anything and Irwin wasn't about to be the exception!

Moaning even louder and kissing one another with more intensity than ever before the pair making out around the head of his cock grew more and more wild with every frantic heartbeat. What'd started off almost restrained, or as restrained as such a lewd thing could be, was turning into an ever more over the top spectacle. Precum and spit drooled down their chins as their lipstick smeared and they started caressing one another in fits of unbridled passion. Although he could barely see what was happening Irwin still caught little glimpses of both cheerleaders fondling one another. Of their hands roaming each other's bodies to grope and squeeze and fondle their tits and ass with a passion that made his head spin and his already trembling knees buckle even more. And it didn't take long for them to go even further than that!

The first time he watched one of their hands slide into the other's pants he damn near passed out from the insanity of it all. And when he heard the soft, wet schlick of fingers gliding across a wet pussy he couldn't help but groan. A particularly violent shudder tore through his body and a particularly thick jet of precum erupted into both women's mouths. His cock throbbed harder than ever and he was left staring in open mouthed amazement as one cheerleader teasingly fingered the other. All the while still making out around his cock and lavishing him with so much attention he couldn't begin to keep up with either of them.

Which only made it that much more devastating when both of them started playing with one another, each woman stirring up the other's pussy and groping her massive tits at the same time. How they could do all of that while still making him groan in pleasure was beyond him, but then again most things were as the pleasure only continued to build. He could watch them shudder and squirm against and because of one another and listen to the ever more lewd sounds they made as they did. Within a few seconds their already noisy classroom was filled with another sound as the pair moved fasted and faster, everything they did growing just a little bit more enthusiastic as the seconds ticked by and he unknowingly denied them the cum they wanted so badly. There was no telling how far they'd go or what else they had in mind but Irwin wanted desperately to see. To find out and experience everything they could possibly indulge in. He wanted it almost as badly as he wanted to paint their faces in torrents of fresh jizz.

But while the two directly in front of him certainly put on the best show, their sapphic antics proving especially jaw dropping, the other cheerleaders certainly couldn't be ignored or forgotten. The one slobbering over his balls had taken to sucking on as much of his sack as she could fit in her tiny, adorable mouth. Short of unhinging her jaw she'd never be able to completely wrap her lips around one of his balls but that didn't stop her from trying her best. Nor did it stop her from absolutely lavishing every solitary inch of his sack with kisses and giddy strokes of her tongue.

Moving like she'd never experienced anything so amazing in all her life and moaning so desperately she outshined all the others she completely smothered her face in his sack as she sucked in long, ragged breaths. Even in his half conscious state Irwin could tell she was reveling in the smell of his body. In the musky scent of his balls. It was clear in the almost frantic moans that tumbled from her lips every time she exhaled, if the almost mindless way she bired her face in his sack wasn't already enough of a giveaway.

Compared to the others the cheerleader slobbering over the thickest parts of his dick was downright tame. Of course she was still acting like the sluttiest, most intense pornstar he'd ever seen but when she had such impressive competition she couldn't help coming across downright reserved. Even while her tongue coated every last inch of his prick in saliva and her kisses dotted his cock in so many lipstick marks he felt like a hentai protagonist. As if having four beautiful women fawning over his dick wasn't already hentai enough! But while she might've done most of her work with her mouth she wasn't the least bit shy about stroking his dick either. While the two at the head of his prick were too busy groping each other to do anything else the ones worshiping his balls and licking his entire shaft were more than happy to pick up the slack.

The latter constantly groped and massaged and squeezed his loins with just enough strength to make him shudder yet just enough tenderness to overwhelm him all the more. At the same time the woman working all fourteen inches of his shaft was wildly stroking nearly every centimeter she could reach. Anywhere her tongue wasn't she was rubbing. Sometimes with both hands sometimes with one but the enthusiasm and skill never diminished regardless. She might've been stopped from going absolutely mad by her fellow cheerleaders but nothing could stop her from getting as wild as she could regardless of their involvement. And just like the others her endless ministrations only added to the messy cacophony filling the air around them. So much so their lewdness spilled into the hall outside. If even a single person had walked by they would've heard the unmistakable sounds of sex and probably come looking. Fortunately for Irwin they remained entirely alone. Or so he assumed as he teetered on the edge of a truly mind boggling orgasm.

Brad strolled through the halls with a cocksure swagger, a smug grin plastered onto his face. He couldn't help but laugh as he glanced down at the note Casey had passed to him in class. Rebecca and Tabitha might've been too high and mighty to appreciate a good joke but he could always count on one of the cheerleaders getting turned on by a real man. And he wasn't at all surprised by who it was this time around. Debbie had fucked her way through most of the football team, it only made sense that she'd come back for seconds after seeing how funny he was. The fact that she wanted to hook up in an empty classroom was even hotter than her usual preference for the back of his Mustang. Brad loved the idea of getting caught by a teacher or even the principal, he was so untouchable they'd probably just ltet him finish and send in a janitor to clear up after.

“Shit!” He muttered to himself, shivering at that crazy hot mental image, “I fucking hope we get caught!”

He drifted back into more fantasies as he rounded the corner and spotted the door to the classroom he was supposed to meet Debbie in. But not two steps after laying eyes on it he was taken out of his head by a voice frantically crying out, I-I'm gonna cum!”

“What the hell?! Who the fuck is there with Debbie?!” Flushed with anger and jealousy he sprinted towards the classroom and threw open the door, unwittingly giving himself a front row seat to the fireworks, “What the fuck?!”

Debbie, Crystal, Chloe, and Jennifer were kneeling in front of Irwin, their faces pressed together as close as could be while they stroked and teased and massaged his ungodly massive cock. Brad watched in utter horror as they moaned and licked their lips and encouraged him to cum in every way imaginable. All the while the python they were playing with throbbed against their hands and sprayed thick jets of precum across all four cheerleaders. None of them had so much as glanced at him but there was no way they didn't know he was there. They just didn't give a shit about him watching. At least that's what he assumed in the split second before some geeky little dweeb absolutely drenched four of the hottest girls in Blue Valley with more cum than any human should be able to produce.

So completely oblivious to the rest of the world he genuinely didn't notice Brad standing there Irwin clutched the desk behind him so hard all the blood rushed out of his knuckles. He threw his head back a split second later and let out a long, desperate groan as pleasure unlike anything he'd ever felt in his life washed over him. Wave after waver of ecstasy surged through his body as those four, gorgeous women continued to tease and play with his dick. His eyes disappeared into the back of his head almost immediately and the refused to return as he sank even deeper into the pure bliss that was his first real orgasm.

And while his mind was busy drowning in delight and reeling from the sheer joy of their efforts his body was ravished by uncontrollable shivers. He thrusted his hips in wild, spasmodic bursts while his knees trembled so hard they banged together and back arched so harshly he looked like he was trying to do gymnastics. But of course nothing compared to the incredible deluge of cum erupting from his madly throbbing dick with every ferocious twitch.

His first load was enough to completely drench one of their faces outright while showering the others in gooey droplets of cum an instant later. In the blink of an eye she was so thoroughly coated in his spunk it was dripping off her face and soaking into her hair before she'd even had a chance to moan or taste her bitter reward. By the time she was licking her lips and shuddering at the sheer weight of Irwin's spunk against her skin the girl next to her was getting the same treat. One after another all four of them were given the thickest, creamiest facials imaginable. One after another all four of them were splattered in such an incredible deluge of jizz they actually struggled to keep up with him. No matter how much they caught in their mouths or how quickly they swallowed he always unleashed more faster than they could handle. Even with four of them there to share his loads and get absolutely splattered in his jizz they still couldn't match the geysers of cum erupting from his throbbing dick. But that didn't stop them from trying!

Rivulets of cum dripped onto their clothes or splattered across the floor as he emptied his massive balls all over them. Every twitch brought another fountain of cum that somehow managed to completely outshine two or three of his peers simultaneously. With just a single spurt he produced more than two or three guys could across their entire orgasm and he spent well over fifteen seconds dumping an absurd amount of cum onto their faces. All while they moaned in abject delight and stroked his throbbing prick as fast as they could, subtly guiding him to spray his cum across all of their faces as equally as possible. Partly so they could share in the ocean of jizz he was soaking them in but mostly because none of them could've handed his orgasm entirely on their own. Not without letting so much of it go to waste.

Because even with four of them there to share his cum they still couldn't keep up. For nearly twenty uninterrupted seconds they tried but Irwin was just too much for them. No other man had been able to completely overwhelm them just by cumming and they reveled in that fact almost as much as they reveled in his jizz. Although the utter humiliation of the asshole that'd embarrassed him was definitely a thrilling addition to their pleasure. They couldn't exactly see Brad through the layers of jizz pooling on their faces and smothering their eyes but they could sense him nearby. Feel his presence as he gawked at them. But they didn't pay him too much attention. Why would they when there was so much fresh cum to gulp down and lick off their faces. Or in Debbie and Jennifer's case, to lick off one another's faces.

With a final groan Irwin collapsed against the desk, the last few strands of cum dribbling out of his cock and onto the floor as his body went limp. Still completely unaware of his surroundings and already drifting off to heaven he dazedly whispered, “That was amazing . . “ as he listened to his four lovers enjoy his cum.

“You're dead!” A horribly familiar voice shouted.

Adrenaline surged through his body as he bolted upright and looked at the door, “Brad?!”

Barreling towards him in a mindless fury the quarterback raised his fast and snarled like some wild animal. Irwin winced and braced himself for the beating of a lifetime, shutting his eyes tight and weakly covering his face before he was pummeled. But before Brad could reach him Chloe jumped in the way. Forcing him to stop dead in his tracks she wiped the jizz from her eyes and and aggled a spunk coated finger in his face.

“Not so fast mister!”

“Gross!” He exclaimed, flinching away from the flecks of cum flying in every direction, “Watch it!”

“You're not gonna lay a finger on him!”

“Yeah!” Debbie agreed, similarly springing to her feet and approaching him. She too wiped the cum from her eyes to glare at him.

They took a step closer and he instantly took several steps back, “Don't get any of that shit on me!”

“What's the matter Brad?” Jennifer asked, joining her companions and deliberately flicking the jizz she cleaned off her face onto his Letterman jacket, “Can't handle a little friendly fire?!”

“Maybe he's jealous!” Crystal laughed. She stood up too and suddenly all four of them were bearing down on him.

“Well he should be!”

“I would be if I just saw what a real cock looks like for the first time!”

“I bet he loves it but he's too ashamed to admit it!”

“There's nothing to be ashamed of Brad!” Debbie teased. Holding out her cum glazed hand with a wicked smile she cheerfully added, “It's okay to be curious!”

Frantically backpedaling away from the four of them Brad ducked under her hand like it was the most deadly thing in the world, wildly screaming, “Cut it out!”

“Don't be embarrassed Brad!”

“Yeah just because your dick isn't even half the size of his—”

“—and you couldn't cum that much if you had a whole month to try—”

“—doesn't mean you should be afraid!”

“A real man would've even care about a little cum!”

“I don't think anyone ever thought he was a real man!”

“Why would they when guys like Irwin exist?”

Absolutely seething at their words even as he was humiliated beyond reason Brad just kept backing away from them until he'd nearly stumbled out of the classroom entirely, “You're dead Bell!” He shouted, looking past his tormentors to glare at Irwin, “Next time I see you you're—”

“Not gonna say a fucking word!” Rebecca stated.

Spinning around to see the rest of the cheerleader standing behind him Brad was too proud, and too stupid to take the hint, “Oh yeah? What're you gonna do to stop me?”

Before he'd even finished speaking he was surrounded on all sides by very angry, very serious cheerleaders. And despite towering over all of them he'd never felt smaller in his life. “Wanna find out?” Tabitha asked in a grim, serious voice.

Brad stared at all of them for a few seconds, his confidence draining away as he tried and failed to stand up to their intimidation. Only after he was completely emasculated did he finally relent, pushing his way through the cheerleaders and running off without another word. The entire squad burst into laughter as they watched him flee and they continued to laugh for a good few seconds after. All while Irwin watched from the classroom, unable to believe what he was seeing. He didn't even have the presence of mind to pull his pants up as the cheerleaders spilled into the room soon after.

“Wow!” Rebecca exclaimed.

“I guess you guys were right!” Tabitha laughed.

“Told you!” Debbie replied, smugly folding her arms and smiling at them while cum continued to drip down her face.

Finally realizing how exposed he was Irwin hastily slid off the desk and pulled up his pants while stammering out a meek, “Th-Thank you!”

“For what?” Jennifer asked, “You've got a giant dick! Why wouldn't we be impressed?”

“N-No I meant—”

“We know what you meant.” Rebecca said with a smirk, patting him on the arm and chuckling at his nervous shiver, “And don't mention it; Brad deserved a whole lot more.”

“And he's definitely had that coming for a while!” Crystal added.

All the other cheerleaders nodded and agreed but Irwin still felt compelled to say, “Still . . . nobody's ever done anything like that for me.”

“Well . . . we didn't JUST do it out of the kindness of our hearts.” Debbie laughed.

“I did.” Rebecca stated.

“Me too.” Tabitha said.

Just about every other cheerleader, except Jennifer, agreed and after a couple of seconds Debbie threw up her hands and said, “Fine! I didn't do it out of the kindness of my heart!”

“Me neither.” Jennifer agreed.

Both of them sidled up nice and close to Irwin, pressing themselves against him and hugging his arms against their chests as they licked their lips. “Oh man . . .”

“Well good luck with that.” Rebecca laughed, “And if Brad gives you any more trouble just tell us. I'll personally make sure he regrets it for the rest of his life.”

“O-Okay . . . thank you!” His entire face was bright red as he tried to ignore the two women teasingly rubbing his cock through his slacks.

“Don't mention it!”

“See you around Irwin!”


“Don't let those two keep you here forever!”

“Like he has any say in it!”

“Yeah you're right!”

Talking amongst themselves the rest of the squad  left the classroom while Debbie and Jennifer stayed behind with him. He looked down at them with a nervous, thoroughly uncertain smile and they beamed up at him without any hesitation whatsoever, “Now . . .” the former murmured, “How about you thank me properly?”

“Both of us.” The latter whispered.

Excited and terrified beyond words Irwin looked at them both several times in quick succession before timidly saying, “Oh God . . .” as the classroom door swung shut.


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