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Here's something short, sweet, and to the point. I tried to keep this one deliberately restrained and simple (by my usual standards) and I think I managed to pull it off somewhat well. As always I'm more than happy to hear what y'all think if you have any thoughts to share lol

Oh and this was based on a picture you can find here!

Shepard had never been so sore in her entire life. Not even during basic training or after the battle on Elysium. Every muscle ached and the simple act of moving felt like a herculean effort. But the allure of a steaming hot bubble bath couldn't be ignored and despite her body's protests she managed to haul her ass into the luxurious hotel bathroom she'd booked for herself. With the rest of the crew enjoying their own R&R after a lengthy, downright brutal mission she finally had a chance to enjoy herself. And the moment she dipped a toe into the almost scalding water of a pool sized bath she knew there wasn't anything she wanted more. Wincing and sighing with every slightest movement she slipped into the water.

Another moan escaped her lips as soon as soon as her feet touched the first step and her aching calves disappeared beneath the surface. It might've been too hot to bear outright but the wave of soothing relief that washed over her the moment any part of her body was submerged sent chills down her spine and a smile lighting up her face. Tiling her head back and heaving her most dramatic sigh yet she moved down another step. The water rose up to her thighs and she had to pause and adjust to the heat of it. Or at least that's what she should've done. But as her near constantly trembling muscles finally began to relax she couldn't help staggering forward several more steps. Even if she'd wanted to wait her body didn't. Practically tumbling into the wonderfully deep bathtub Shepard barely had time to laugh before she flopped into the steaming water, a near perfect outline of her body left in the bubbles coating the surface.

If it'd been even a few degrees cooler she would've stayed underwater for as long as she could hold her breath. The thought of floating there weightless couldn't have been more appealing. Unfortunately she'd chosen to turn the temperature up as high as she could go and the heat around her face was nothing short of unbearable despite her soreness, “Son of a bitch!” She exclaimed, throwing her head back and rising out of the water. Pushing her dark red hair out of her eyes and laughing at her own antics she quietly added, “It's a shame the Normandy's water doesn't heat up so quickly . . .”

Once again lamenting her ships lack of amenities despite knowing full well it wasn't a pleasure cruiser she waded to the edge of the bathtub and sat down on the spacious shelf extending from the side. More akin to a normal bath than the swimming pool behind her it afforded the perfect change to stretch out and rest her head against the surprisingly soft edge. For the first time in a long time she could actually close her eyes and let her guard down just a tiny bit, just enough for her breathing to slow and her mind to water as she lay there. Half floating in the water with her hands drifting idly back and forth she managed to find a small semblance of peace. One she knew wouldn't last long but one she was determined to enjoy all the same. Eventually she'd deal with the laundry list of problems that needed her expertise but for a few minutes she could be selfish. For a few minutes she was going to reward herself with something other than a new gun or an expensive peace of armor. It was finally time to just exist and be content.

Little did she realize two of her companions were already midway through interrupting that serenity in the most unexpected way imaginable. “Are you certain it's her room?” Liara asked.

“If it's not I'll make sure the concierge regrets lying to me!” Miranda said with a laugh.

Both women smiled at one another as they entered Shepard's hotel room with a keycard they'd 'acquired' the front desk into giving them. As soon as they stepped inside and saw her armor and clothes strewn about like she'd exploded in the center of the room they knew they were in the right place, “This is your last change to turn back.” Liara remarked with a knowing grin.

“Oh shut up!” Her companion replied as they peeked around the corner to see Shepard lounging in the bath, her back conveniently to them. “Not all of us get to be raised as open minded as the Asari.”

“I know.”

Miranda made a face at her partner in crime while both of them retreated out of sight of the bathroom and started undressing. She couldn't begin to hide her nervousness or her excitement and alongside the much more calm beauty next to her she looked like a jittery maniac. A far cry from her normally unflappable demeanor, “Stop smirking!” She hissed at Liara.

“I wasn't smirking.” Her friend replied, making no effort to hide her amusement. “I'm just enjoying this more . . . Human side of you. I never thought I'd see it.”

“Well now that you have you can stop admiring it!” Her tone was harsh but her eyes sparkled with a shared delight and her lips naturally curled upwards in spite of her words. Before long both of them were naked and ready to make their move, “Are you ready?” Miranda unnecessarily asked.

“Of course.” Liara replied. She very nearly asked the same question but managed to restrain herself and simply say, “After you!”

Not quite asleep but not quite awake Shepard drifting in that comfortable space between, her mind wonderfully empty and her breathing slowing by the second. She could've easily floated there for the rest of the day without complaint and very likely would've if not for the sudden interruption of a familiar voice, “Room for two more?”

Snapping back to full consciousness Shepard lurched upright, instinctively covering her breasts with one arm as she turned to see Miranda and Liara standing less than a foot away. But their presence wasn't anywhere near as shocking as the mere sight of them, “Oh my God!”

Both women were completely naked and neither of them were making any efforts to cover their bodies as they stood confidently before her. As she stared up at them, unable to avoid drinking in their beautiful curves and subtly cocksure expressions. Although their normal attire had never done much to hide the wide, womanly swell of their hips nor their gorgeously ample breasts actually seeing her friends and crew mates without even the tiniest scrap of clothing was so much different. After hours upon hours of relentlessly flirting with both of them and never expecting anything to come of it Shepard was suddenly on the back foot as she all but drooled over her companions. Their downright enormous breasts lightly heaving with ever breath each woman took. Their deliciously oversized areola covering even more of their goosebump dotted skin than she would've expected. To say nothing of the teasing hints of plump yet toned ass just barely visibly while they towered over her.

Or the subtly muscular sculpt of their legs, arms and stomachs and the way it contrasted so perfectly with the mouth watering curvaceousness of their bodies. They might've been from different species but Miranda and Liara had remarkably similar builds. Aside from the disparate color of their skin and small details like Miranda's flowing black hair or Liara's scalp crest the two were practically mirror images of one another. Right down to the plump, juicy folds peeking out from between their toned thighs. Already glistening with unmistakable arousal and giving just the barest hint of the soft flesh hidden between the perfectly hairless lips around it their sexes were every bit as jaw dropping as the rest of their gorgeous bodies. Perhaps even more so as Shepard watched a little bead of arousal roll down Liara's thighs while several more beaded across Miranda's pussy. When she managed to meet their knowing stares she couldn't help but blush in embarrassment but neither woman acknowledged her roaming gaze or even their own excitement. They simply smiled and waited for a response their Commander couldn't find the wherewithal to actually give.

“We'll take that as a yes.” Miranda laughed, casually tossing aside her silky black hair the way Shepard always liked.

“As long as you don't mind.” Liara added, idly licking her lips in yet another display that made their companion shiver.

“I-I don't mind!” She remarked. Finally finding her voice and speaking much more shrilly than she expected she let her hand fall away from her breasts and nervously swallowed, “Of course I don't mind!”

Though not at all embarrassed by her own body a small part of her couldn't help being the tiniest bit envious of her friends. She might've been as tall as them and certainly every bit as capable in a fight but where they were a blend of muscular and buxom Shepard leaned very much toward the former. Her own breasts were much smaller and far more perky and her nipples matches as well. Her ass was nothing short of incredible but it was also tight and toned in ways Liara and Miranda's never could be, at least not without significant effort. With far larger and more defined muscles she tended towards intimidating more so that sultry, at least in her own eyes and finally seeing the two women she had a crush on naked only threw that into sharper relief. It also made her ever so slightly annoyed with herself for not finding the strength to shave the curly thicket of red hairs between her legs. Even though she knew neither of them would care she was still a touch embarrassed about her wildly overgrown tuft. Embarrassed yet simultaneously elated that something might lead to her companions discovering first hand what she'd left growing out of control between her legs.

“Wonderful!” Liara cooed.

“I told you she wouldn't mind.” Miranda teased.

Approaching without any hesitation at all they dipped their feet in the water and winced much the same as Shepard when she first stepped in. And much like her they didn't wait more than a few seconds before sliding in regardless. Although they gave her a little show of it as they sat down at the edge of the tub, their legs coyly parted just enough for her to see their plump pussies before gliding into the water and sinking down low. Miranda let her head fall back with a sigh, her hair spreading out beneath the surface in a shimmering cloud, while Liara stared directly at her Commander. After a second or two both of them were sitting comfortably at the edge with their backs resting against the lip of the tub and both watched her with a mixture of excitement and expectation.

And in the face of such a reaction she couldn't help but approach them. Even though her heart was racing and her mind spinning at the thought of anything happening. Until they suddenly appeared in hotel room she hadn't even known for certain whether or not Miranda and Liara shared her amorous intentions. They'd always been just as flirty as she way but it'd never seemed like anything other than playful banter between the three of them. She'd even gotten it into her head that Miranda wasn't actually attracted to women, though she couldn't have been happier to learn the truth as she approached them. Although a small voice in the back of her head was still advising caution. Still telling her they might just be there as friends and nothing more, no matter how absurd it might seem.

Sliding between her companions as casually as she could manage Shepard even went as far as leaning back and stretching her arms out behind them. She didn't have the courage to actually lay her arms across their shoulders but she could ask, “I thought you two were staying aboard the Normandy?”

“I needed to meet with a former Cerberus agent.” Miranda replied. As she spoke she leaned in a little bit closer and let her voice grow just the tiniest bit more sultry.

“Tali needed my help with a small project she's trying to finish.” Liara remarked. Mirroring her partner and being far more blatant about it she even went as far as smiling at Shepard with a knowing gleam in her beautiful blue eyes. “Would you prefer we stayed on the ship?”

“No! I-I mean . . .” Shepard cleared her throat and tried to act casual, not to mention stifle the tremor in her tone, “I don't mind spending a little time with you. With both of you.”

She looked at Miranda as she spoke those last few words and found the same excited glimmer in her friend's alluring dark eyes, “Good.” No single word had ever sounded more loaded nor elicited so much excitement and what followed was even better.

Sitting up just a bit straighter and moving in close enough to finally bring their bodies into contact Miranda's gorgeously massive breasts ever so slightly brushed against Shepard's. Just enough to make contact and not so subtly squish against her suddenly trembling skin, “Yeah . . .” She said in a wildly high pitched voice, “Yeah it is!”

Both of her companions smiled, looking at one another for a moment before glancing back at their nervous Commander. Though not quite as brazen as her partner, at first, Liara quickly made up for her apparent restraint by laying a hand of Shepard's leg. Reaching across her body and none too subtly pushing her breasts together as she did her gorgeous alien friend casually touched her thigh, her fingers softly squeezing her just below the knee as she said, “Breathe Shepard . . . you shouldn't be so tense . . .”

“It's a little hard to be anything else!” Shepard admitted. Half laughing and half moaning at the soft, tantalizing feeling of another woman's hand on her body she glanced at Miranda as if looking for some kind of support. Instead she was met with a lascivious grin.

“I get that.” She murmured, comfortably stretching an arm across their Commander's shoulders and offering up a small giggle. “We're certainly not making it easy for you.”

“N-No.” She agreed. “Y-You're really not!”

Shepard intended to say more but quickly found herself interrupted by a soft gasp as Miranda's fingers brushed against her cheek, her hand rising up from her shoulder to gently brush aside some of the wet hair clinging to her skin. It was impossible not to react to such a blatant gesture, her skin turning an even deeper shade of red as her crew mate tilted her head to one side, “Do you want us to stop?”

“Because we can . . .” Liara added, “If you want us too . . .”

Everything about her tone and the smiles spread across their faces told Shepard which answer they'd prefer and she would've been lying if she said it wasn't what she wanted too. Of course that didn't make it any easier to actually respond as she sat there naked, with two gorgeous and equally naked women on either side of her. It was like something out of a dream and part of her was half expecting to wake up. To suddenly bolt upright and realize she'd drifted off to sleep in the bath. But until that happened there was no reason not to lean in to the insanity she'd helped cultivate and have a little fun. All three of them had been building towards this moment for ages, their sexual tension boiling just below the surface until her partners seemingly couldn't take it any longer. It was finally time to explode.

“Don't go . . .” She finally murmured, “I . . . there's more than enough room for all of us . . .”

In an instant both of her companions were grinning at her with unbelievably radiant smiles, “Yes there is . . .” Miranda said in a breathy tone.

“All the room we could need.” Liara whispered.

Everything seemed to pause for just a moment as she stared at her companions. A moment that somehow stretched out into an eternity while her heart raced and the rest of her body was wracked with small, excited tremors. She wanted to reach out and touch her partners. To in some way reciprocate what they were already doing. But she couldn't consciously move so much as a single muscle. Luckily for her neither woman beside her was having the same trouble.

With a soft exhale and a gentle laugh Liara slipped her free hand beneath the surface of water. The soft, almost inaudible splash of her fingers disappeared into the bath was immediately drowned out by a sharp inhale as Shepard felt those soft digits drifting along her stomach. It only lasted for a heartbeat but it was more than enough to send a shudder tearing through her entire body. And by the time she'd finished trembling her would be lover's fingers were drifting through the curly thicket of hair above her sex.

A soft moan escaped Liara's lips as she felt Shepard's soft tuft. Her eyes darted to Miranda for just a moment and both of them stared with an even greater intensity at one another. But her attention quickly returned to the woman between them not a moment before she found her real prize. Before her soft, skillful digits gently glided across the swollen bud hidden away in an untamed forest of hair. Yet again Shepard stiffened, this time a bolt of pleasure lancing through her senses alongside the shock and anticipation she'd been feeling since they first arrived. Though she tried not to act too absurdly controlling herself was beyond difficult as she finally had a taste of what she'd been craving for so unbearably long. Despite her best efforts her eyes widened in surprise and her lips pursed in a comical of genuine incredulity. Of all the ways she could've reacted that was the only one that made sense as Liara teasingly rubbed her clit beneath the water. And she didn't even realize how pronounced her reaction was, she was much too busy stiffening in pleasure.

Her hand instinctively jumped to Liara's shoulder when another bolt of ecstasy lanced through as her companion's fingers started moving in small, circular motions. But she couldn't hold on for more than a second before the pleasure of it all sent her fingers curling inwards. A split second later her thighs pressed together in a reflexive burst only to be gently yet firmly parted by the women still resting their hands on her knees. Shepard let out a small, almost timid whimper as she looked from her Asari partner to Miranda, her eyes struggling to stare at anything for more than a moment or two. Especially as the fingers dancing across her sex moved faster and faster with every second.

Though it felt like Liara was moving in a frenzied burst of movement, the toe curling exhilaration flooding Shepard's body already overwhelming her, in reality she was still moving so gently she barely even disturbed the water. The only thing churning up the bath and sending bubbles drifting lazily through the air were her own breathless movements. The frantic rise and fall of her chest and the spasmodic shudders running down her spine what seemed like a dozen times a second. To say nothing of how much her legs were quivering as the simple pleasure of Liara's touch set her nerves alight.

Although she barely even felt Miranda's fingers caressing her cheek or the softness of her breast pressed against her own it all mixed together in a truly thrilling blend. Her head was spinning so fast she could hardly form a coherent thought. It couldn't have been more than a handful of seconds since her partner started teasing her but after all the teasing and flirting and playful back and forth the three of them had shared it felt like so much more.

Her back started to arch entirely of it's own accord while the rest of her body acted in similarly uncontrollable ways. There was no chance of Shepard controlling herself. She'd lost any hope of that as soon as she laid eyes on her naked companions and the truth of the matter was only made more and more obvious. Though nothing could reinforce how little composure she had left quite like a deep passionate kiss from the smiling, ex Cerberus operative sitting beside her.

Finally joining the fun in the most direct and unapologetic way she could Miranda turned Shepard's blushing face towards her. The two of them locked eyes as she leaned in, a heartbeat before their lips met Shepard tried to lean in as well. Another heartbeat passed and she was melting against her partner as a long, pent up moan filled the room. Their tongues coiled around one another as their lips instinctively parted and the soft, wet sounds of their tender embrace quickly joined the growing cacophony. For the first time in her life Miranda kissed another woman on the lips. Before meeting her relentlessly flirty, fiercely beautiful Commander she'd never even considered it. Now it was all she'd been able to think about for months on end. One of many lascivious thoughts filling her mind and urging her onward.

Urging her to reciprocate all of Shepard's sly comments and off color remarks. And she couldn't have been happier after finally taking the leap. Adrenaline coursed through both of them as surely as pleasure and the longer they spent kissing the more deeply they embraced. Miranda's hand disappeared from her companion's leg soon after, mindlessly jumping to her perky breasts to lightly cup her supple curves. When she teasingly trailed a finger across Shepard's soft pink nipples an even more wild shudder ran down her lover's spine. Her legs tried to close around the tenderly moving hand buried between her thighs but Liara wasn't dissuaded for a moment. Her soft laugh filled the air as she moved just a tiny bit faster and watched her companions kiss.

Though ever so slightly jealous of them and the unmistakable pleasure they felt she knew her time would come soon enough. Though she couldn't help feeling the tiniest bit impatient while she watched Miranda lean in even more, while she watched Shepard reciprocate as best she could while her eyes slowly rolled back in her head. Soft, sapphic, and altogether beautiful their passion radiated outwards in a thrilling barrage.

Turning their heads and kissing one another more deeply than ever before both women started to moan almost immediately. At some point Shepard's arm found it's way to Miranda's hip, noisily splashing into the water before resting against her buxom curves. Soon after she was pulled them even closer and losing more of herself by the moment as she did. And all of it was fueled by the increasingly feverish movements of Liara's fingers across her clit.

But it didn't take long for all that pleasure to reach a breaking point inside Shepard's body. It'd been so frustratingly long since she had any real satisfaction even what amounted to foreplay was already overwhelming. She didn't want to pull away from Miranda but she couldn't help it as a strained whimper spilled from her lips. Finally breaking their kiss and turning to look at Liara once more she breathlessly cried out, “Oh my God!”

Her partner offered a knowing smile and moved her fingers even faster while she sidled up even closer and said, “Don't fight it Shepard . . . embrace eternity!”

Liara's eyes turned black in that uniquely Asari way and the woman beside her all but lost herself in them as they stared into one another's souls. Ever so slightly put off by not being included Miranda let out a small scoff as she slipped down into the water. Moving between Shepard's legs and tenderly groping her breasts she loudly whispered, “Now you're just being selfish!”

A second later she was biting down on one of her lover's pert, sensitive nipples. Biting down just hard enough to cause a little flash of pain alongside the pleasure lancing through her she snapped their lover out of her little trance and earned herself a frantic cry of, “Miranda!”

“Sorry.” Liara replied without a hint of regre in her voice. She planted a soft kiss on Shepard's neck, just below her ear, and added, “I couldn't help myself.”

“Of course you couldn't.” Miranda laughed, speaking as she switched to their lover's other nipple. Her lips closed around her partner's swollen bud and she started sucking with all her strength while playfully flicking her tongue back and forth across her areola. After a moment or two she pulled away to enjoy the sight of Shepard leaning back with a look of ecstasy spread across her face, “And I can't really blame you either!”

Both of them shared a laugh while their Commander was left to moan and whimper in pleasure as they had their way with her. As one teased and played with her breasts while the other continuously rubbed her clit until she felt like she was going to explode. Neither showed any signs of stopping and she never wanted them to. Especially as the ecstasy building within her reached unbearable heights. Before long she was clinging to both of them like she was drowning. Her head had fallen back against the edge of the bath as her eyes rolled back and her mouth hung open in a constant scream. Even when she didn't have enough air in her lungs to cry out her lips remained parted as she trembled and shuddered against her lovers. It hadn't been more than a minute or two since they started tormenting her in earnest but she was already approaching her limit and desperately eager to be pushed right over the edge. With her legs splayed as wide as she could get them and every part of her once relaxed body tightening in spasmodic bursts she'd never been more ready for a desperately needed release.

Which only made it all the more agonizingly wonderful when Miranda stopped sucking her breasts to disappear beneath the water. The sudden absence of lips around her nipple and the messy splash of her companion disappearing was the only warning Shepard got. And she was far too overwhelmed to comprehend it. One moment she was reveling in the pleasure of a beautiful woman teasing her breasts, the next she was being pulled forward as her legs rested on her partner's shoulders and a tongue plunged into her trembling sex. She barely had time to scream before a wave of ecstasy crashed down on her. Before she was clinging to Liara in a burst of mindless desire, burying her face against her companion's gorgeously soft breasts and crying out until her voice was hoarse.

Miranda's tongue moved in an absolute frenzy of wild, toe curling strokes. Her movements were completely unpredictable yet so perfectly controlled it all but destroyed Shepard within a few seconds of experiencing her lover's talents. Without even thinking she bucked her hips against the intense pleasure flooding her senses. Almost frantically grinding against the lips pressed tight against her sex and shuddering with ever slightest shift of the tongue hitting all her most sensitive areas she was complete ruled by her instincts and her emotions. Even if Liara hadn't been teasing and rubbing her clit throughout Miranda's ministrations she still would've been reduced to a squealing wreck but getting to feel that kind of pleasure alongside everything else? That was more than she could've handled even without a good few years of sexual frustration adding to her delight.

And yet for all the pleasure coursing through her body and setting fire to her very soul what finally pushed Shepard over the edge wasn't Miranda's tongue, Liara's fingers, or some wonderful combination of the two assaulting her sanity. Instead it was another passionate kiss given at the perfect moment and leaving her completely devastated. Cradling her lover's chin and lifting her head up Liara didn't think twice about pressing her lips against Shepard's. About pushing her tongue into her partner's mouth before she even had a chance to react.

By the time she did the sweet taste of her companion's spit and the altogether incredible experience they were giving her finally proved too much. In a final cresting wave all the ecstasy that'd been building up inside her came crashing back down. If she'd had even the tiniest shred of control left before that moment it disappeared into a spasmodic haze of pure bliss. Every last one of her muscles tightened simultaneously before descending into the kind of wild spasms that nothing but pure bliss could provide.

Her inner walls clamped down around the tongue still swirling through her sex while her nails dug into Liara's skin as Shepard held her tight, the only part of her body still working as intended. A cloud of ever so slightly opaque arousal gushed from her sex almost immediately after she succumbed. Filling the water around Miranda's head and utterly submerging her in a torrent of sweet warmth it was immediately followed by another. Then another. Then another after that as every spasm sent more arousal gushing from her sex. Spasming with every eruption her hips bucked and grinded like never before as she lost herself in the pleasure of their affections. A pleasure that never seemed to diminish no matter how long it swirled through her. Both women had continued their ministrations unabated and both women continued to torment her with endless swells of ecstasy for what might as well have been an eternity. Their movements might've slowed in time with her own weakening body but they never stopped completely. At least not until Miranda was forced to come up for air.

Breaking the surface just as Shepard was wracked with another spasm and another cloud of arousal filled the water around her quivering sex Miranda brushed her sopping wet her out of her face and smiled at the woman in front of her. Liara broke away from their shuddering Commander to share in her companion's mirth before both of them turned their gazes upon Shepard once more. Without a soft pair of lips to support her she'd slumped back against the edge of the bath tub in a trembling heap, tremors still coursing through her body almost constantly. Although the overwhelming ebb and flow of her orgasm was beginning to even out her partner's fingers guaranteed she couldn't relax. Guaranteed she continued to squirm and whimper. And things were only made 'worse' when Miranda swooped in for another kiss.

With a soft giggle she slipped between her lover's outstretched legs and gently cupped her face. Acting entirely on instinct Shepard wrapped herself around the woman suddenly pressed against her. She leaned into the indescribably soft swell of her breasts as they smothered her chest and pushed her back against the edge even more. One hand might've been digging into Liara's shoulder but the other eagerly glided across Miranda's back, her nails scraping long red lines into her skin as their lips reunited. When their tongues met a second or two later she moaned in delight and held both of her lovers even tighter, her mind still lost in a haze but her body absolutely flooded with desire. When she felt the tender affection of kissing all along her neck she trembled harder than ever, pulling both women in closer with a throaty moan.

Still coming down from the high of a truly exquisite orgasm and what she hoped would be the first of so many more Shepard reveled in Liara's kisses just as much as Miranda's. Maybe even a little more when she felt her Asari partner lightly nibble on her earlobe after working her way up from her goosebump riddled collarbone. She'd forgotten all about the world beyond her hotel room, the galaxy she still needed to save. For the first time her mind was at ease and her body relaxed. Or as close to relaxed as she could be with two gorgeous women on either side. And as more of her mind cleared she could feel just how excited they were. Feel the curve of Miranda's lips as she smiled into their ksss or the subtle way Liara's fingers trembled across her clit. They were every bit as eager for more as she was and something about that thrilled her like nothing else had. By the time she could think clearly again her mind was absolutely racing with fantasies she could turn into reality. With all the lewd thoughts she'd had about them. But not even in her wildest dreams did she imagine being with them at the same time. Even that seemed to crazy to be real! Yet somehow that was exactly what'd happened and now she could reap all the rewards of such an absurdly wonderful experience.

Almost on instinct she grabbed a handful of Miranda's plump ass, squeezing as hard as she'd always wanted to and even letting her fingers slip between her plump cheeks. And her companion only kissed even more fiercely. She didn't recoil or indeed do anything, even when Shepard's fingers brushed against her quivering asshole. At the same time Liara's fingers slipped down from her clit after what'd felt like an eternity. Effortlessly pushing inside Shepard's pussy and curling upward to rub her g-spot she sent another swell of pure delight crashing through their Commander. One that was eagerly reciprocated as she pulled her hand away from Liara's shoulders. Plunging it down into the water and finding her amazingly plump pussy she didn't think twice about sliding a finger inside of her lover's cunt too. Feeling her already tight inner walls tighten even more as soon as she entered her was nothing short of exhilarating and hearing her moan send shills down her spine. Hearing both of them moan was intoxicating.

But as their breathless cries and the splashing water filled the bathroom none of the three women could hear the soft rush of air as someone else entered the hotel room. Nor could they hear the frantic sound of approaching footsteps as Tali rushed in looking for her, “Shepard I—I'M-SO-SORRY-I-DIDN'T-KNOW-YOU-WERE-WITH-ANYONE!”

Immediately recoiling and covering her mask as all three women looked at her Tali stumbled backwards like she'd just witness something horrible. “What is it?” Shepard asked with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. None of them made any attempt to cover themselves or even stop playing with each other.

“Admiral Hackett is trying to contact you! He's been trying for at least twenty minutes. He says it's urgent!”

“What does he want?”
“He won't tell me. He needs to talk to you first!”

Finally slowing the gentle movements of her fingers as she teased and pleasured her companions Shepard heaved a weary sigh, “Tell him I'll contact him immediately.”

“R-Right! Of course. I'll see all of you back on the Normandy—I-I meant I'll see all three of you back on the Normandy! F-Fully clothed! Like always!”

“We'll see you back on the Normandy.” Her Commander laughed.

“Geedbye Tali” Miranda cooed.

“We'll see you soon!” Liara teasingly added.

The three of them watched Tali scurry off while Shepard let out another, even more dramatic sigh as she pulled away from her companions and climbed out of the bath, “I knew we wouldn't get away with having too much fun.”

“You say that like we're finished.” Miranda laughed.

“We are, you heard Tali. Admiral Hackett—”

“Wants to talk to you. We're staying right here.”


“You can join us when you're done.” Liara offered as the two women moved in close. Slowly caressing each other and pressing their wet, soapy bodies together she leaned in and gave Miranda a long kiss before pulling back to cheekily add, “If we're not finished by then . . .”

Staring at both of them with her mouth hanging open Shepard was beyond tempted to jump right back in and join her companions regardless. But before she could Miranda, who was busy groping Liara's ass with both hands, said, “You'd better hurry up Shepard! It sounded important.”

Turning away from them and storming out of the bathroom Shepard started drying herself off while the telltale sounds of kissing, moaning, and giggling filtered in from the bathroom. In the time it took her to get dressed both of her lovers were going at it with complete abandon and she walked out of the hotel room stewing in her own frustration and muttering darkly to herself. Everyone she passed had the foresight to immediately get out of her way and all of them stared at her back as she departed. They had no idea what she'd just given up nor did they understand what she was muttering about but they weren't foolish enough to try and found out. Which meant Admiral Hackett would face the brunt of her wrath as she boarded the Normandy not long after, still grumbling to herself as the airlock closed and she returned to her duties only slightly less tense than before.


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