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Here's my first attempt at writing a story with this subject matter. I'm definitely curious what y'all think about my efforts so don't hesitate to let me know one way or another! Oh and usual warnings about futa apply lol

When most people thought of top secret research labs they probably pictured amoral scientists, suit wearing government officials, alien autopsies, and a bunch of other stuff they'd seen on T.V. or in about a thousand sci fi movies. They definitely didn't picture all the file clerks, office assistants, and day to day workers that helped facilitate the alien autopsies through mountains of paperwork and red tape and bureaucracy both within and without the compound. And they definitely didn't think about all the normal jobs like janitors, I.T., or secretaries. Why would they? None of those jobs were interesting in the wider world and they still weren't very interesting even inside the kind of place that had more layers of security than the White House. Most of the low level workers didn't have the slightest clue what they were working just a few floors or even a few rooms away from. With the absolute lowest security clearance they existed on a need to no basis and there was never a situation where they needed to know much of anything.

The vast majority of them were employed entirely thanks to the typical government bloat that always seemed to happen with any moderately sized projects. Shady dealings, miscommunications, and eve flat out nepotism just sort of ballooned the number of people until it was probably some kind of security risk. But that never seemed to stop anything. Anyone too curious for their own good was fired and new people were brought in to replace them like clockwork. The ones who knew how to keep their heads down and not ask questions about the heavily redacted files handed to them or the weird smelling liquid they were told to clean up had about as much job security as a person could hope for. To many of them it was pretty much like a normal job. If normal jobs occasionally had mass evacuations with armed guards escorting them out of the facility. Or people in hazmat suits locking down random wings and barring even the scientists that worked there from entering. But aside from little things like that it was practically mundane!

Or at least that's what Maya told herself anytime something weird happened. Some days she repeated it so often the words lost all meaning and sounded like gibberish. Other times she didn't whisper them to herself for weeks on end and the sentiment was actually kind of true. But no matter what happened around her she knew to shut up, do what she was told, and keep her head down. Sometimes quite literally when things got really crazy and the people in charge were looking for someone to yell at. But the pay was way better than her old job and on very, very, very rare occasions she had a chance to see her sister during lunch. Once every couple of months they even carpooled! It wasn't much but compared to how often she'd seen Laila before getting hired at the facility a few years ago she didn't really have any complaints. Although there were certainly things she didn't exactly love about this particular job and after a week long quarantine of the east block had been issued one of those things was storming towards her desk while she did her absolute best to look busy. Not to mention ignore the alarm blaring through the complex.

“Basu!” He shouted, “What do you think you're doing?!”

“Filing the paperwork Mr. Reynolds gave me sir.” She replied.

“Do you not hear the alarm?!”

“I do sir. But no one's come by to escort me out yet.”

“You!” Mr. Torres barked, pointing at a nearby guard, “Escort her out of here. And then get back to your post!”

“Right away sir!” With a quick nod the guard hurried forward while Maya stood up and walked around her desk. In short order she was escorted to the upper levels like she had been hundreds of times in the past. Dozens of people were already milling around the waiting area and none of them seemed the slightest but perturbed by what was happening. “Someone will come get you when it's safe to return.”

“Thank you.” She said with a smile. “And stay safe!” She added as the guard jogged away.

“Like they have any say in the matter!” A familiar voice laughed.

Maya whirled around to see her sister sitting at a small table nearby, her dark hair tousled and her lab coat heavily wrinkled but otherwise looking none the worse for wear, “Laila! What're you doing up here! Is your lab the one being quarantined?!”

“One of them.” She said with a smirk as Maya sat down across from her.

“Well I'm glad you're okay!”

“Me too.”

There was a short pause as both women sat there for a moment before Maya said, “I can't believe I get to see you three times in one day! That hasn't happened since we were kids!”

“You've only seen me twice today!”

“Yeah but we're carpooling home.”

“Right.” Laila heaved a dramatic sigh and looked around the room at her coworkers, “Odds are good we'll be going home a lot sooner than expected.”

“Really? How much sooner?”

“Hey Klaus, do you have the time?”

The scientist she was shouting at looked down at his watch, “It's a quarter past three.”

“Thanks! I'd give it another forty five minutes. At most.”

“Well that's only an hour earlier than usual.”

“Yeah but it'll give us a chance to hang out a little. Maybe we can finally grab that dinner you're always trying to have.”

Pure, undiluted excitement washed of Maya as she beamed at her sister. In an instant she was clapping her hands and bouncing up and down in her seat as she exclaimed, “Yay!” with unapologetic enthusiasm.

Even her normally dour and reserved sibling couldn't help but crack a smile. “Don't get too excited. I won't have enough time for your to cook anything. We'll probably just grab something on the way home and eat in the car.”

“That's okay with me! I don't have anything at home to cook anyways!”

“Perfect. I've been craving some Mexican food lately.”

“Me too! We should go to that one place Mom took us to a few years back! They had the best tacos I've ever eaten!”

“Oh did you finally decide they were the best? I thought that food truck was the winner of your prestigious award.”

“They were but then they stopped showing up in their usual spots. So I had to pick a new one.”

“Fair enough.”

They continued to talk about food for the remainder of their time spent in that waiting area. Or rather Maya continued to talk about food while her sister listened, occasionally chiming in with an observation or two. About half an hour later they were all sent home, just as Laila predicted. Though not before she made a quick trip back down to her lab to 'grab a little pet project'. How exactly she managed to get inside a quarantined area and what she even brought back with her were questions only she could answer. Her sister was much too smart to ask, despite her insane curiosity upon seeing the heavy looking metal case being loaded into the back of her car. Big enough to completely fill the trunk of her hatchback she could actually feel her car sink a little as the box settled. And she could see the blue glow of a screen in the reflection of the rear window. A screen and some sort of keypad. But that was about all the information she got as Laila slid into the passenger seat and they left the facility soon after.

Much too busy enjoying her sister's company to think about anything else Maya forgot all about the crate undoubtedly damaging her already crappy suspension. Hanging out with her older sibling for the first time in months was way too much fun to worry about anything else. Especially when Laila insisted they get desert after their meal, clearly enjoying herself just as much as she was. What was supposed to be a quick little detour on the way home ended up distracting them for several hours longer than they realized or expected. Which suited Maya just fine. She didn't have anything important to do aside from a taking out the trash and boring stuff like that. Her sister definitely couldn't say the same but she wasn't about to point that out as the minutes ticked by and they just kept hanging out as if it wasn't already seven o'clock. Laila did eventually notice what time it was, or she finally acknowledged it, and their fun came to an end much sooner than her sibling wanted. Thankfully the drive back to her house was just long enough for them to have a little more fun before finally parting ways. All things considered it was pretty much the perfect end to an otherwise unremarkable day and Maya couldn't have been happier.

It wasn't until she got back to her apartment that she realized her sister hadn't taken her mysterious case with her. “Uh oh . . .” Climbing out of her car as fast as she could Maya hurried around to the trunk and popped it open, staring at the big metal box for several seconds before pulling out her phone to call her sibling, “Come on! Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!”

“You've reached Dr. Laila Basu. Please leave your name and number and I'll return your call as soon as I'm able.”

“Heyyyyyy Laila it's me! You, uhm, you left your pet project in my car! I guess you must've forgotten it because you were in such a hurry to get home and do your other work . . . so yeah . . . uhm . . . call me back as soon as you get this! Okay? Love you! Bye!”

She hung up and stared at the case the case for a little while, unsure of what to do but about as sure as she could be that leaving it in car was a bad idea. Her neighborhood wasn't exactly bad but at the same time she definitely didn't want to leave anything valuable in her car overnight. Not while it was just sitting out on the street where anyone could walk by and see a fancy looking case inside! Not knowing what was actually in the box just concerned her all the more and the longer she thought about it the more worried she made herself. After a minute or two she'd all but made up her mind. Although she did reconsider her choice as soon as she actually tried to lift the insanely heavy case. But through a combination of sisterly love and boundless paranoia she managed to lug the cumbersome thing out of her car and up three flights of stairs. Getting it inside her apartment was another hassle but she managed it eventually and after sliding it into a corner and covering it with a blanket she was free to go about her evening worry free.

Or at least she would've been if she didn't work at a top secret lab where her sister was some kind of geneticist! That alone was enough to keep her endlessly glancing back at the crate no matter where she went, as if it might disappear without her constant staring. Every so often the keypad and screen would light up beneath the blanket and she'd rush over but the text it showed didn't make any kind of sense to her. Either it was encrypted in some way or the whole thing was malfunctioning. Maya did her best to assume the former even while constantly worrying about the latter. She called Laila a few more times just in case but didn't hear anything back from her sister. And when all her fretting finally caught up to her she even went as far as dragging the case into her room so she could see it from her bed. Every time it lit up she rushed over to check the screen and every time it seemed to show the same incomprehensible stuff. But even if it had been different she couldn't make heads or tails of it. Not that simple facts like those stopped her from checking all the same. Fortunately for her exhaustion settled in eventually and she passed out despite her concerns. And she slept so soundly she didn't even notice the quiet hiss of the crate opening. Nor the wet slither of something emerging from inside.

Maya didn't wake up again until the faint yet distinctive clink of glass colliding with glass disturbed her fretful dreams. Her eyes flew open and she sat bolt upright as soon as the strange sound pierced the sleep deprived haze clouding her mind. Without even thinking she glanced at the metal case, just about passing right back out again the moment she saw it open. More clinking filled the air and she leapt out of bed as quick as she could. Pulling a robe on to hide her naked body and grabbing a security baton her sister had given her for just such an occasion she peeked through her slightly opened bedroom door with bated breath. The hallway beyond was empty but she could see light coming from the kitchen. It was oddly discolored and flickering, seemingly shifting in time with the sounds that'd woken her up in the first place. She didn't know what to think as she pushed the door open and gripped her baton a little tighter. So naturally her mind went completely wild with speculation as she crept down the hall and towards her kitchen. But no matter how crazy her thoughts might've gotten or how wildly she might've speculated nothing could prepare her for what awaited her beyond.

Upon reaching the edge of the wall leading into the living room and kitchen area Maya took several deep breaths. Clutching her weapon with both hands she leapt out of hiding and screamed, “What are you doing in—”

The rest of her question died in her throat as she laid eyes on the intruder. It might've had the silhouette of an absurdly curvaceous woman yet it was anything but a woman. Seemingly made entirely of a shimmering, translucent goo the figure standing in front of her fridge was like nothing she'd ever seen before. It was like something of a sci fi movie! When it turned it's head to look at her Maya could see all the features of a human face alongside what almost looked like hair. Or whatever passed for hair with a creature made entirely of greenish blue slime! The rest of it's body turned towards her a moment later and she was struck by how bizarre the entity truly was. Every inch of it looked like some kind of bizarre, jell-o mold of a person. Down to absurdly fine details like nipples at the center of her quite massive breasts and even what seemed like some sort of vagina between her plump legs.

But those little flashes of familiarity just made it all the more strange. Maya honestly couldn't rationalize what she was seeing no matter how long she stared, nor could she figure out why she was noticing how shapely the creature, the thing, was. With the fattest ass and widest hips she'd ever seen on a vaguely humanoid thing it was buxom to a ridiculous degree but that was hardly what she should be focusing on. The fact that it was made of some kind of weird goop should've been her main focus! Alongside the fact that it seemed to see and acknowledge her despite having no realistic way to do such a thing. She could see right through it to the fridge it was standing in front of and while the contents were distorted by whatever the thing was made of there were no organs inside it. Nothing but more goo. And when it spoke in a deep, almost soothing voice the sheer absurdity of what she was experiencing only got worse!

“You must be Laila's sister Maya. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Your sister talks about you all the time!”

“I—y-you—L-Laila—I—Oh my God . . .” Completely incapable of understanding what was going on Maya dropped her baton and slumped against the wall. Her vision flickered and she continued to babble like a maniac for several seconds.

When her vision finally cleared she found herself looking directly at the face of the creature that'd been raiding her fridge. It immediately asked, “Are you all right? Were you frightened by my appearance?”

“What the hell are you?!” She finally manged to ask.

Holding out a hand the entity cheerfully replied, “I'm Subject 1879T355A. But your sister calls me Tessa for the sake of convenience.”

“You know my sister?”

“Of course! She helped create me. And she's helped hide me from your government. She usually keeps me fed too but it seems there was some sort of mistake.”

“What . . . how . . . you . . . my sister . . . what is going on?!”

“Your sister helped create me and she helps keep me safe.” Tessa stated. “But it seems I ended up with you instead of her.”

“You . . . you were in the crate?”

“Yes I was!” She fixed Maya with a bright smile before looking back at the fridge and saying, “I'm sure you still have a great deal of questions but would you happen to have any food? Particularly anything rich in protein?”

“I . . . I . . .” Maya honestly didn't know how to react or what to say. But after a few seconds of staring and stammering she finally managed to reply with the truth, “I was gonna go shopping tomorrow . . .”

“Oh, that's a shame. I need sustenance rather urgently. If I don't consume enough protein every day my body starts to break down.”

Finally pushing herself upright Maya stared at the entity in front of her for several seconds, “What the hell are you?”

“I'm Subject—”

“I-I know all that! I mean . . . WHAT the hell are you?!”

“Oh! According to your sister I'm a new kind of life form. A gel based entity filled with—”

“Okay!” Holding out a hand and shaking her head she cut off the strange creature before it could say anything more, “You're some kind of slime creature. That's . . . that's all I need to know . . .”

“Really? It's honestly quite fascinating! I'd be more than happy to explain everything your sister has told me and everything I've learned on my own!”

“I'm . . . good. I wouldn't understand it anyways.” She stared at Tessa for a few seconds before a healthy dose of suspicion washed over her, “You know my sister Laila?”

“I do! We're good friends.”

“What's her last name?”


“What kind of scientist is she?”

“A geneticist.”

“What's her favorite food?”


“What's her boyfriend's name?”

“She doesn't have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend.”

Slightly more convinced Tessa actually knew her sister Maya could only shake her head at the sheer absurdity of her situation. “I feel like I'm dreaming.”

“Laila said the same thing the first time we met.”

“Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is nuts!”

“You aren't.” Tessa assured her with a smile. “Now, if you're satisfied I'm telling the truth could I trouble you for something to eat? It's been quite a long time since my last meal.”

“Right . . . food . . . food . . . uhm . . .” Shaking her head and doing her best to wrap her mind around all of this and help her sister's 'friend' not die Maya walked into her kitchen to rummage around her fridge like Tessa had, “Does it have to have lots of protein?”

“Yes. My cells produce everything else of their own accord. Laila is doing her best to rectify that issue so I'll be completely self sufficient.”

“That's good . . . but . . . uhm . . . I don't . . . I don't think I have anything . . . I was gonna go shopping earlier but I didn't get the chance . . .” She turned to face her bizarre guest. “I'm really sorry . . .”

A worried look flashed across Tessa's face as she folded what passed for her arms. After a few moments she somehow managed to snap her fingers and say, “I have a solution! What about you?!”

Terror gripped Maya's heart and she immediately pulled away from the murderous slime best standing before her. “Don't you dare come any closer! I-I'll scream! I-I'll set you on fire! O-Or melt you with bleach!”

Genuine confusion spread across Tessa's glistening features, followed by realization, “Ohhhhh I understand your worry now! I didn't mean I would consume you! I'm terribly sorry about the mixup! I was referring to your sperm!”

“My sperm? How do you—who told—Laila told you about that?”

“Yes she did. She said you used to be teased about it when you were younger. And that she was very proud of how well you learned to handle it.”

In an instant Maya felt a rush of affection towards her absent sibling. Laila had said that to her on more than one occasion over the years and while she wasn't thrilled about her most personal secrets being told to some slime girl it was hard to feel too irritated. “That definitely sounds like her.”

“Your sister cares for you a great deal. Every time we speak she talks about you.”

“Really? I never would've guessed . . .” Maya's smile widened just a little bit before she suddenly remembered what'd led them to this conversation. “You can't be serious though!”

“About consuming your sperm? Of course I am. It's a viable source of protein and I'm certain you have more than enough. Unless you've started dating somehow new since the last time your sister and I spoke?”

“Of course she talked about my dating life!” Maya scoffed, shaking her head and losing some of the affection she'd been feeling.

“Indeed she did. Now perhaps I'm misunderstanding something but what's the issue with you giving me your sperm?”

“I—it's—you—there are a lot of issues?!”

“Like what?”

“Like me giving you my sperm!”

“I don't understand!”

“You don't have to understand! I'm not—I-I shouldn't—I can't do it all right!”

Even as she spoke Maya's rather sizable cock started to perk up at the notion of donating her sperm to something other than tissues or the shower drain. She did her best to tuck both it and her rather weighty balls between her thighs but the soft friction of her skin didn't help alleviate her arousal. Tessa was seemingly too tactful to draw attention to her squirming even as she said, “Are you incapable of producing more?”


“Have you experienced some sort of medical issue that would prevent ejaculation?”

“Of course not!”

Tessa's shimmering brow furrowed as she folded her arms once more, eventually stating, “I don't understand the problem you're having.”

“It's embarrassing!” Maya exclaimed. Pulling her robe a little tighter around herself she added, “It's crazy and it's embarrassing! I just met you like ten minutes ago! And you're a slime creature! And your my sister's friend! And your a slime creature!”

“You said—”

“I said it twice on purpose! Because this is crazy!”

“I see . . .” Tessa didn't say anything for several moments, seemingly lost in thought. “But if you don't help me I'll likely die.”

“Oh that's not fair!” Maya replied.

“Perhaps not. But unless you can find me a better source of protein soon there's no other choice.”

“Oh my God . . .”

“I apologize if this seems coercive but I have no other choice.”

“I can't believe this is really happening. I can't believe this is my life!”

“I'm sorry.”

Heaving a dramatic sigh Maya looked at her companion and saw the genuinely apologetic look on her slimy face. She let out another sigh and folded her arms, “Don't be . . . it's not your fault . . . if anyone's to blame it's my sister.”

Tessa laughed, “I'll be sure to tell her as much the next time I see her.”

“No! You can't tell her about this. You can't tell anyone about this. Okay? That's the only way I'll give you—that's the only way I'll do it. All right? Do we have a deal?”

“We have a deal.” The slime girl standing before her said, extending a hand and flashing a smile.

Despite how utterly insane it all was and how crazy she felt for even doing it Maya shook her strangely wet yet not wet hand and said, “Good . . . then I guess . . . I guess we should get started . . .”

“Thank you. I appreciate how strange this must be for you.” Tessa said as she dropped to her knees like it was the most normal thing in the world. A moment later she politely opened her mouth, laying her hands on her thighs and none too subtly pressing her enormous breasts together as she did. All the while the soft squishing and squelching of her slime body filled the air.

No matter how hard she tried Maya couldn't begin to wrap her head around the insanity that was unfolding in her kitchen. Even as she slowly opened her robe to reveal her madly throbbing cock the 'woman' made entirely of goo kneeling in front of her continued to boggle the mind. As did her own arousal. She couldn't even explain why she was so turned on by the curvaceousness of the creature she was looking at. By all rights it should've been as arousing as looking at a jell-o mold of a sexy woman or something equally absurd! But somehow she was harder than she'd been in a very long time! Thick beads of precum were drooling from the almost painfully swollen head of her prick long before she'd wrapped her fingers around it and when she did a gooey little spurt actually erupted out of her to splash across her companion's face. Before she could apologize for unintentionally shooting a load straight into Tessa's 'eyes' she watched her pent up fluids seep inside her. They clung to what passed for her skin for a moment or two before being absorbed into her body and slowly disappearing into a milky cloud, only to vanish entirely after a few seconds. All while Tessa continued to kneel there with her mouth open and her body shimmering in the warm glow of the fridge neither of them had thought to close. It should've been a terrifying or off putting experience for Maya and yet she found herself even more turned on than before. Apparently she was an even bigger pervert than she realized!

Unintentionally proving that notion correct as she stepped a little closer and pulled aside her robe she started stroking her cock with one hand and lightly pinching her nipples with the other. Cupping her small, perky breasts and even groping them like she always told her lovers to do she teased and tormented herself just a little bit more than necessary while her hand flew up and down her prick so fast it was a blur. After a few seconds Tessa slid a little closer and positioned herself beneath Maya's length, tilting her head back to catch every creamy droplet of precum that dripped out. Oddly fascinated by what she was watching she couldn't help but stare at every drop that fell onto her 'tongue'. Although she certainly had some of the superficial characteristics of a flesh and blood person those elements almost entirely fell apart within seconds. She didn't need to swallow the cum steadily falling into her mouth or indeed anywhere else. Within seconds of it touching any part of her surface it was absorbed just like that first load. Over and over and over again she watched her cum dissipate into a milky cloud before disappearing altogether not long after. Her companion's smile seemed to widen with every morsel she was given but the rest of her body didn't move at all. She didn't tremble or quiver, she didn't moan or pant, she didn't do anything Maya was used to. And after a minute or so she found herself focusing on all those little differences more than anything else.

“I don't think I can do this!” Maya exclaimed. She stopped masturbating altogether and took a step back, “Maybe I can just . . . I don't know . . . do it inside of a cup? Then you can drink it and get your protein that way?”

“That would work too.” Tessa replied, conspicuously not getting up or moving from her provocative position, “But it would be far more expedient if I simply gave you a blowjob.”

Maya was sure she'd misheard her slimy companion as she stood there staring in open mouthed disbelief, “You want . . . you want . . . how . . . why . . . how would that even work?”

“How it would work with any other entity capable of fellatio. Would you like me to give you a demonstration? If you wish to stop again you only have to say so.”

“I don't . . . this is crazy! This is absolutely crazy!” Covering her face with both hands and shaking her head she peered through her fingers at the slime girl still kneeling there on her kitchen floor waiting for an answer, “I . . . I . . . I guess you can . . . you can try it . . .”

The words had left her mouth before she even considered what she was agreeing to. By the time she was actually thinking about it Tessa had slid forward, her entire body distorting then reforming as she moved, and wrapped her slimy lips around her cock. Startled by the warmth and delighted by the wetness Maya couldn't help but gasp as she watched tip disappear inside the slime girl's mouth. Her shock quickly turned to full blown pleasure as her companion effortlessly enveloped all nine and a half inches of throbbing dick without any trouble at all. Most people needed way more time to come anywhere close to deepthroating her but of course a creature made entirely of weird, sentient goo didn't have any troubles at all. It was a thought she couldn't stop herself from having but thankfully one that vanished soon after as she watched her prick slid down what amounted to Tessa's throat. Getting to see her prick throbbing away inside her companion was beyond surreal. Actually witnessing every thick spurt of precum that erupted from her tip to be absorbed by Tessa's 'body' genuinely made her head spin. Though nowhere near as much as the sheer, indescribable pleasure washing over her in the short time it took her partner to fully absorb her entire prick.

Tighter and wetter than any mouth she'd ever felt the pressure was nothing short of overwhelming. It was downright unbearable in the best way possible. Not even the best, most enthusiastic blowjobs could compare to the simple ecstasy of standing there with her cock balls deep inside a slime girl. And it only got better when Tessa effortlessly enveloped her sack soon after. Taking full advantage of her amorphousness she swallowed up the entirety of her loins without any trouble. Maya was still reeling from the sheer insanity of it all but those thoughts were getting harder and harder to process amidst the endlessly crashing waves of pleasure. Had her mysterious companion stopped there and done nothing else there was no doubt in her mind she would've cum within a couple minutes. But of course she didn't stop at that. Within a few seconds and just as she was starting to adjust to the toe curling intensity of the pleasure hitting her like a truck she felt the slime around her dick shifting.

Contracting and shuddering like a real mouth or a real pussy it somehow tightened even more, squeezing her entire length in a burst of ecstasy that sent her reeling. With a loud, breathless moan she stumbled backwards until she collided with the cabinets behind her, all while Tessa surged closer to keep pace with her and continue applying the same absurdly overwhelming pressure. In the blink of an eye Maya was pinned between her cabinets and a very attentive slime girl and she could do nothing about it except moan and cling to anything she could rap her hands around. Part of her wanted to scream at the absurdity of what she was doing, part of her wanted to scream at the ecstasy, and part of her just wanted to make it even 'worse' for herself. Unfortunately she couldn't pull her hands away from the edges of the counter to actually follow through on any of her wild desires. Fortunately for her Tessa seemed to read her mind.

Her warm and wet but somehow not wet arms slithered up Maya's naked body while her head slowly pulled back. Between the retreating pressure around her cock and the unexpectedly thrilling sensations of slime rubbing against her skin she was left completely at her companion's mercy. Somehow even more than before. And when she felt those slimy hands completely envelop her breasts she knew what was about to happen even if she was struggling to remember her own name. The same unbearable tightness that'd enveloped her prick was suddenly applied to her nipples. At the exact same moment her slimy lover glided back down to the base of her shaft, once more enveloping her balls and just about destroying any hope she had of not completely losing her mind. Especially when she started gliding back and forth along her dick immediately afterwards. Moving faster and faster with every pass she took full advantage of her strange nature to deepthroat Maya's cock with complete abandon. Any human lover would've struggled at least a little bit as her ferociously throbbing cock pulsed harder and harder with every pass but she kept bobbing along her shaft with amazing ease. All the while teasing and tormenting her nipples like no one ever had and groping her breasts as roughly as any normal hands could. With that kind of ecstasy tearing through her how could the human she was pleasuring not completely lose her cool?

Maya had never been all that dominant. She might've dabbled from time to time but it really wasn't her go to style. But after a minute of experiencing true ecstasy all that went right out the window. In the blink of an eye she'd pushed herself away from the cabinet's to grab Tessa's head. She felt her companion's 'skin' harden just a little bit more at her touch and she responded by gripping her more roughly than she ever would've held a human. An instant later she was thrusting in and out of her mouth with complete and total abandon. Like a wild animal in the throes of passion she lost whatever self control she might've hand and simply went mad with lust. Precum erupted from her cock in constant spurts while breathless moans tumbled from her lips as she slammed every last centimeter of her length inside her strange lover. Before long the meaty slap of her balls colliding with the gooey surface of Tessa's body joined in the cacophony as she stopped try suck her trembling sack amidst the madcap flurry of movement. Although she didn't stop teasing her breasts for even a second. If anything she seemed to play with her nipples and grope her tits harder than ever as Maya fucked what passed for her throat like it was the last thing she'd ever get to do.

“Oh God!” She gasped, her voice deep and guttural as the pleasure of it all continued to build to heights beyond her comprehension, “Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!”

Reaching the absolute peak of her ball slapping frenzy within a few seconds Maya struggled to maintain her wild ferocity after so long with only herself for sexual gratification. It'd been so long since she last had sex her body couldn't keep up with the desires coursing through her, let alone the pleasure flooding her senses. As desperately as she wanted to keep going until she couldn't handle another second of it she had to slow down almost immediately after hitting her peak. Her trembling, uncooperative muscles simply didn't have the wherewithal to continue past the first few, wonderful seconds of relentless pounding. She didn't even realize how completely overwhelmed she was as she hunched over Tessa, clinging to her as much for security as she did for leverage. Her hips still managed to keep thrusting away in spite of her weakness but that uncontrollable burst that'd taken over was already fading just as quickly as it'd arrived. Unlike the ever mounting waves of sheer bliss crashing through her.

Battered again and again by unrelenting surges of bliss no matter what she did Maya could feel her stamina draining away with each passing second. And it only disappeared even faster when she sporadically found the strength to resume her animalistic thrusting. Each burst of adrenaline might've lasted about as long as the first but they never failed to completely wreck her regardless. Or rather Tessa never failed to completely wreck her as she moved in time with the wild pumping and uncontrollable throbbing of the cock inside her. Perfectly matching every slightest movement in ways only an entity made of slime could she practically tortured her companion with the kind of ecstasy a normal human wasn't meant to feel. Even without the relentless pressure around her breasts it was more than enough to leave her gasping for breath and moaning like she was being paid by the decibel. With that added pleasure on top of everything else? It was nothing short of a miracle she lasted two full minutes before blowing her load.


Two minutes had never felt more like an eternity and yet at the same time like mere seconds as she finally succumbed to her ecstasy. Thrusting one last time and plunging every single inch of her dick in the tight, wet hole her slimy lover had created for her Maya lost it. Gritting her teeth and sucking in a sharp breath she unleashed a truly massive amount of cum. The first spurt alone would've been enough to completely paint a person's face as it erupted from her swollen tip. The second would've sent jizz running down their cheeks and onto the rest of her body in massive strands. The third would've left them resembling a pornstar at the end of a sloppy gangbang. And she still had so many more to unleash as her balls trembled and tightened. Helped even more by the warm goo enveloping her sack soon after she started cumming. Squeezing and massaging her loins with the same unbearable pressure as before Tessa all but milked her dry, coaxing out more spunk than ever before and absorbing every last drop she was given with ease. All the while Maya was left grunting and panting and shuddering both during and in the aftermath of her indescribable bliss. Even when the intensity started to relent and the ecstasy naturally began to fade she was descending from such an impossible high the difference barely even registered. Of course the seemingly voracious slime girl still squeezing cum out of her didn't make things any easier.

“Oh my God . . .” She panted, “Oh my God . . . I can't believe . . . that was . . . I can't believe . . . oh my God!” Finally straightening even as shudders continued to tear through her Maya immediately slumped back again the cabinets once more, “Oh my God . . . that was . . . insane . . .”

Her eyes drifted shut and her entire body relaxed even despite the continued pleasure assailing her somehow still hard dick. Had she kept them open she might've seen Tessa's form shift and swell as it suddenly transformed from the spectacle of a kneeling woman to that of one straddling her cock, both legs wrapped around her waist and her hans clinging to her shoulders. She certainly felt the warm slime that made up her companion's body moving across her skin but she didn't and couldn't comprehend what was truly happening until she heard her speak despite seemingly still deepthroating her cock.

“Would you be able to provide more sperm?”

Opening her eyes to find herself staring straight into Tessa's face Maya immediately recoiled, sucking in a ragged breath and exclaiming, “What on earth?!”

“My apologies. I thought this would be the easiest way to speak with you. And collect an errant sperm that might leak out.”

Looking down at her cock still throbbing away inside what was now Tessa's pussy she looked back at her face and said in a slightly bemused tone, “I guess that makes sense . . .”

“Wonderful! Now do you think you're capable of giving me more sperm?”

“You want more? That wasn't enough for you?!”

“Oh it was more than enough to satisfy me for the rest of the evening. But you seemed to enjoy yourself and I found the experience quite pleasurable too. So I thought we might continue as long as you're capable.”

“You enjoyed that?” She asked, her cock twitching a little harder.

“I did. Not in the same way as you but it was undoubtedly pleasant and rewarding.”

“Right . . .” There was no denying how much she'd like to continue and it would've been silly to even try. Regardless of how quickly the absurdity of their actions was coming back into her mind after she'd cleared her head with an incredible orgasm. “Okay . . . let's keep going . . . but can we do it somewhere else?”

“Of course. I have no preferences one way or the other.”

“Good . . .” Pushing herself off the cabinets once more Maya was surprised by how weightless her companion felt. Although not completely without any sort of mass she was much lighter than expected, so much so she barely had to adjust her movements as she shut the fridge door and left the kitchen for her bedroom. “You won't get my sheets too messy will you?”

“Not if you don't want me to.”

Laughing and shaking her head Maya climbed onto her mattress and laid Tessa down against her rumpled sheets, “So do I just . . . start thrusting? Like I would normally?”

“Why don't you lay on your back and allow me to do the work? I imagine that would be the most easy solution for you.”

“You're probably right.” She said with another chuckle. In short order she was stretched out across the sheets instead while Tessa straddled her. “Okay . . . I guess you can . . . start now?”

Tessa laughed at her awkwardness and gave a little nod before slowly reaching out to once again smother her breasts like before. Maya barely had time to moan at the pleasure of her nipples being teased before the intense pressure that'd milked her cock dry returned in full force. It actually felt even more powerful than before, no doubt thanks to how sensitive she was so soon after such a mind numbing climax. But whatever the reason her back was arching and her fists were clenched withing a few seconds of experiencing that toe curling bliss. In the time it took her companion to glide up her cock she was back to panting and moaning like she was trying to make as much noise as possible. And of course all that was only the beginning. An appetizer to the real pleasure that was Tessa plunging down onto her cock with an incredible amount of force. Enough to make her old bed frame creak and send it sliding across the floor. Not to mention filling her room with the wet slap of colliding flesh and warm goo. Though it was quickly drowned out by her pleasured cry as she mindlessly thrusted upwards with all her strength.

Even though they weren't real or even necessary watching Tessa's massive tits bounce and jiggle from that one movement still turned Maya on even more. The part of her brain that cared about anything beyond sex and all the pleasure it provided had already shut off. And it would stay off for as long as her beautiful companion continued to ride her. Something she seemed more than happy to do as she immediately rose back up to the tip of her throbbing cock only to come flying back down again even harder than before. But she didn't stop and let her thoroughly overwhelmed lover bask in the mind numbing ecstasy tearing through her body. Instead she lurched back up even higher, her smile widening and the pressure of both her pussy and hands increasing just a little bit more. Maya's breathy squeal filled the room a split second before being punctuated by the wet smack of their bodies colliding once more. No doubt waking up her unfortunate neighbors, although their well being was the furthest thing from her mind as her companion continued riding her faster and faster with every second. When she started grinding against her cock after slamming down the pleasure of it all threatened to overtake her yet again. Just like it had before and undoubtedly to the same results.

The second time around it took a good deal longer as she was left recovering from her first orgasm and stunned by just how eagerly Tessa could move. She hadn't really believed her when she claimed she enjoyed sucking her cock but the longer she watched her gooey companion ride her dick the harder it was to deny. Her companion genuinely seemed to like having sex! Even if she wasn't moaning and gasping and shuddering like a human might the smile spread across her face and the undeniable passion in her movements spoke volumes. Which in turn only excited the woman she was straddling that much more. Knowing her bizarre, inhuman lover was actually having some kind of fun turned her on far more than she could've expected. Indeed she didn't even realize how much that worry had been weighing on her until it was completely assuaged. And once it was gone she could really settle into the abject pleasure that was being ridden by an eagerly grinning slime girl. Little by little she sank back down into the same mindless sea of pleasure that'd overtaken her the first time. Precum squirted from her cock in thicker and thicker jets while the rest of her body started to react to the endless bliss of a tight pussy wrapped around her dick.

First to move were hands. Instinctively jumping to Tessa's waist Maya grabbed hold of her buxom hips and slammed her down onto her cock with all her strength. For just a moment she felt her partner's shimmering form weaken as a surprised look flashed across her face. A ripple seemed to course through every part of her, radiating outwards from the center of her figure while she froze in place. But before her companion could worry she'd done something wrong or gone too far the gooey vixen straddling her let out a laugh. She immediately started riding her again and that little moment of shock quickly vanished from both of their minds. Especially as Maya started thrusting upwards in time with her lover's ferocious descent. It wasn't anything she consciously thought about doing but rather just another mindless urge washing over her as the pleasure grew too unbearable to resist. There wasn't much else she could do in her position but it was certainly enough to send shivers down her spine and even more precum erupting from her cock. And since that was pretty much the entire reason they'd started fucking in the first place it gave her every excuse to keep pounding away. Slamming Tessa down onto her cock and slamming her cock balls deep into Tessa. All while watching and marveling at the strange, otherworldly beauty of the entity riding her. Not to mention the more immediate beauty of her massive tits and shapely curves trembling from the force of each impact.

“Oh my God . . .” Maya gasped, relenting for a moment to simply lay there and moan, “How do you make it feel this good?!”

“I can control every part of myself.” Tessa replied. As if to reinforce her claim she suddenly squeezed the head of her lover's cock even harder than the rest. Then, just as Maya let out a startled moan, she enveloped her balls in a slimy cocoon and gently massaged them. “And it doesn't take much to pleasure most humans.”

“Ohhhh my God no it doesn't!”

Tessa's laughter filled the bedroom as she continued to ride her companion,, furiously grinding against her every time their bodies collided and lurching back up her cock just as she was about to lose her mind from the pleasure. Perpetually teetering on the edge of pure bliss Maya was practically tormented by her companion and yet she couldn't get enough. Even as her slimy lover started anticipating the wild thrusts that sent her cock plunging inside her amazingly tight pussy. Subtly taking away what little power she'd managed to find without any trouble at all she had her gasping partner so completely overwhelmed they could've been there for hours or even days for all she knew. With only the endless smacking of their bodies and the constant ebb and flow of pleasure to mark time everything else just sort of faded away. Sometimes she tried to keep up with the insanity of it all but as the seconds slipped by faster and faster even that was entirely beyond her. Although she never really stopped thrusting eventually she couldn't even comprehend what she was doing amidst all the pleasure. Her mind was once again blank. She didn't hear her neighbors pounding on the wall or the teasing giggles of the creature trying to completely drain her. It was all part of the same toe curling, back arching, reality breaking blur.

And when she suddenly rolled over to put her companion beneath her it was entirely on instinct, no part of her rational mind even realized what was happening. One moment she was staring up at Tessa, the next she was staring down at her. A split second later she was watching those massive, shimmering breasts bounce and heave like never before as she launched into a mindless flurry of thrusts. Pumping her hips with complete abandon and completely losing herself in the moment she once again gave in to the mindless desire she'd never felt with anyone else. A kind of animalistic need no other lover had brought out in her but one she was lost in nonetheless, particularly with the tables turned and the absolute freedom to pound away without restraint. Teased for too long, or maybe just long enough, she launched into a veritable frenzy for even longer than her previous bursts. Long enough to take Tessa by surprise and replace her laughs with impressed smiles. She still didn't gasp or moan or even draw breath but that hardly mattered as Maya fucked her like a woman possessed. Hell, like so many other things happening around her she didn't even notice those kinds of meaningless details. Just the pleasure of the 'pussy' wrapped around her dick and the ecstasy of the teasing of her nipples.

Though she did notice when her companion's legs stopped wrapping around her waist like so many others had in the past. How could she not when the shudder inducing sensation of slime gliding across her skin washed over her once more? Especially when that sensation slowly enveloped her tightly clenched ass cheeks in much the same way it'd enveloped her breasts? Startled by a new sensation and quite enamored with the feel of it she didn't and couldn't think about what was happening. Not until she felt the goo slipping between her buttocks. Gently pushing her cheeks apart as it slithered towards the tight little hole hidden between. Of course by the time she realized what was happening it was far too late to do anything more than gasp and stiffen. Not that she would've done anything to stop Tessa from sliding a thick pillar of slime into the depths of her ass. The pleasure she felt as soon as her ring was stretched open made her cock ache like few things could. It sent a jet of precum erupting from her tip in an instant while her whole body locked up for several uninterrupted seconds. As soon as she had any kind of control over herself she launched back into the same wild frenzy as before, beyond desperate to cum now that she'd been pushed so close to the edge.

Her ever smiling companion didn't help matters much, or rather she helped tremendously, by matching her wild movements and fucking Maya's ass every bit as hard as she fucked her pussy. And without any issues whatsoever, yet again demonstrating her bizarre superiority even as her companion struggled to comprehend her own name. Within a minute she was all but drowning in her ecstasy and so far beyond the point of no return she couldn't have been stopped by anyone or anything. A minute after that and she was about to pass out from the sheer, overwhelming bliss hitting her from every side. Her every last nerve was on fire and pleasure seemed to radiate from the very core of her being to the very tips of her fingers and toes. Had she been able to think she would've wondered how on earth she was able to keep thrusting as she lost herself in the bliss cascading through her. Like some sort of machine she just kept pounding away for much, much longer than she should've. Her pace might've been slowing and her body might've been about ready to collapse but somehow she managed to drive her painfully hard cock balls deep inside her slimy lover's pussy until the very last moment. Then, and only then, did she finally stop as she unleashed a long, throaty scream.

Once again a truly remarkable amount of cum exploded from her cock, every pulse sending another massive load spraying into her companion's body. It flooded her stomach and even into her chest in a thick, milky cloud before being absorbed like all the others. But this time she had so much more to give thanks to the slime filling up and pounding away at her ass Tessa couldn't fully absorb each spurt before the next arrived. In some cases she'd barely even started. More and more her translucent figure was clouded by the incredible amount of jizz being pumped into it. Even the half conscious woman atop her noticed the sheer quantity of spunk flooding her lover's 'guts'! Though of course she couldn't begin to process that information, nor did she even try. She just gave every last drop she had as she was milked completely dry for the second time in one singularly amazing night. It was thirty seconds of abject bliss followed by minutes of delirious afterglow as she collapsed into her partner without so much as a thought in her head. She barely even felt Tessa hugging her as she lay there in a pleasure addled heap. The best she could do was grin like a fool and bury her face between those massive, nonexistent tits and let exhaustion claim her once again.

Maya snored herself awake quite a few hours later, pushing herself upright a few minutes before her alarm was set to go off. And in her half conscious delirium she almost convinced herself the night before had been nothing more than a wild dream. Until she rolled over to see the metal crate sitting right where she'd left it. Everything came rushing back in full clarity as she sat up and stared at the box in a disbelieving stupor. There was no telling how much longer she would've stared if her phone hadn't started buzzing soon after. One look at who was calling snapped her awake like a bucket of cold water and she answered the call as fast as she could.

“Hey Laila I—”

“Did you open the case?”

“No. But Tessa got out anyways.”

Of course she did.” Sound less concerned and more amused her sister sighed, “Did she convince you to give her . . . protein?”

“Yeah . . .”

“By protein I mean—”

“Yes!” Maya interrupted. “Why? Should I not have done that? Did I mess something up? Am I gonna get sick or something?”

“No, no of course not! You're totally fine. I just knew she'd try something like this.”

“You did?”

“Yeah she's always trying to interact with more people and ever since I told her about you she's been trying to engineer this exact situation.”

“Oh . . . that's kind of—”


“I was gonna say flattering!”

“Well call it what you like now that she's gotten her fill I assume she's back in her storage container?”

“Yeah I think so.”

“Good. I'm obviously not going back into the lab today so I can swing by and pick her up in an hour or two. Could you call in sick and wait until I pick her up?”

“Of course! Maybe we can spend the day together?”

“I've got some meetings in the afternoon but my morning is free.”

“Yay! I'll see you soon!”

“See you soon. Oh and don't let her out again. She'll just try and get more protein.”

“Right. I won't let her out. Goodbye sis!”


Maya hung up the phone and looked over at the case. She thought about what her sister just told her and actually listened to the advice for at least ten or fifteen seconds. Then she stood up, sauntered over to the box, and nudged it with one toe, “Hey Tessa . . . are you in there?”

Almost immediately goo started spilling out from seams she couldn't even see and within a few heartbeats her slimy companion had fully materialized, “What is it?”

With a smile both exhilarated and lascivious Maya replied, “We have a couple hours to kill before my sister gets here . . .”


Jimmy TwoTries

Great. A nice erotic, high concept idea that you pretty much nailed imo


Well that's definitely a relief to hear! Part of me doesn't quite believe you but I won't argue the point. Instead I'll just say I'm genuinely relieved at least one person liked this little foray into something different!