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Once again I chose this by rolling a six sided die. All the suggestions were good enough that I just couldn't decided between them so I late chance do the thinking once again. Hopefully y'all enjoy the results! Usual warnings about futa apply.

Oh and this was based off an image you can find here!

Zarya stepped out of the gym dripping with sweat and smiling like she'd just won the lottery. A bag full of the clothes she'd meant to change into after the showed she'd just skipped was dangling from one hand while the other held her brightly glowing phone. Despite smelling to high heaven and in desperate need of a quick rinse, at the very least, she hurried off into the chilly autumn night without so much as a second thought. But instead of heading in the direction of her cozy little home a good three miles away she went in the opposite direction. Walking deeper into the heart of the city and paying no attention to the many sidelong glances and scrunched up noses her musky scent earned her she practically skipped the eight blocks to her new destination.

She might've been losing out on the second half of her cardio routine by walking such an incredibly short distance but she knew she'd more than make up for that temporary loss. And even if she didn't it hardly mattered. She was so full to bursting with excitement she hardly thought about anything other than getting to The Olympus Hotel as fast as humanly possible. In fact she cared so much about it she actually broke into a light jog the moment she spotted the towering skyscraper she was headed towards, earning more than a few extra looks as people watched her towering, muscular frame barrel down the street with a bright grin. Her single minded determination carried her all the way to the lobby, past throngs of well dressed business men and woman, and up to the concierge desk where she stood out like a sore thumb against the elegant décor and finely dressed employees.

Head and shoulders taller than just about every other flesh and blood being around her powerful frame would've drawn more than a few looks even if she'd been dressed appropriately for such a high class establishment. But considering she was dressed in a sports bra, skin tight shorts, and a pair of well worn sneakers she couldn't possibly stand out more. Everything from the tattoo on her left shoulder and forearm to the toned musculature of her six pack was on full display. Not to mention glistening with so much sweat despite how cold it was outside she looked like she'd just walked off the set of some kind of modeling shoot. Although part of that was likely caused by just how large and perfectly well defined every last inch of her was. Her incredibly thick thighs and calves alone were a sight to behold and the sheer size of her biceps put many of the men standing around her to shame. Especially the ones that'd arrogantly thought themselves the pinnacle of fitness. Yet at the same time there was no ignoring the wide, curvaceous shape of her hips and the modestly sized perky sculpt of her breasts. She might've kept her bright pink hair short on the top and closely trimmed on the sides but there wasn't a person in the lobby who could pretend she wasn't beautiful and feminine in her own way. Particularly when she leaned against the desk to speak to the concierge and push her tight bubble butt out in the process.

Of course while pretty much everyone else was busy staring at her Zarya was thinking about the text she'd just received and the instructions it'd given, “I'm hear to see Miss Algid in room two ninety seven.”

“Yes madame,” The concierge replied without missing a beat. Collecting a keycard from beneath his desk and handing it to her he added, “Miss Algid left you a message alongside the key.”

Taking the keycard before she'd even processed the words she was hearing Zarya paused midway through straightening to ask, “What was the message?”


An ear to ear grin lit up her face as she said, “Thank you!” and turned away.

Practically skipping towards the elevators and darting into the first one that opened Zarya wiggled her way past the people trying to get out, completely oblivious to everything around her. Including the less than appreciative looks people gave as they inhaled her musk. Although she was lucky enough to get the entire elevator to herself thanks to that musk so she wouldn't have had much to complain about even if she'd been paying attention. Thankfully her time was much better spent excitedly shifting from one foot to the other and watched the electronic floor counter tick higher and higher. By the time it came to a stop at her floor she was grinning like a fool and practically vibrating with excitement. As soon as the doors opened she came barreling out like a charging bull. Luckily for her nobody was waiting to get on and nobody happened to be in the hallway. So she and her stinky gym bag had the run of the place as she rushed towards her long time booty call's room. Indeed she was in such a hurry she went skidding right past the door in question as she tried to come to an abrupt halt. But after a couple of seconds of fumbling and steadying herself she was pressing the keycard against the scanner and waiting with bated breath for the door to open.

But the scanner didn't register her card and the door didn't budge. “Is it backwards?” She muttered to herself, flipping the card over and trying again. This time her actions were met with an annoying beep and a red flash of light. “Well that's not any better!” Zarya tried it for a third time only to come up with the same results, “Oh come on!”

“What's the matter?” An all too familiar voice asked from within the room.

“Nothing! I'll be there in a second!”


Trying several more times in quick succession she couldn't get the key to work. All the excitement she'd been feeling was quickly turning into irritation, “Did he really give me the wrong key?!”

“Hang on!” Her softly spoken companion exclaimed, “I'll get the door for you!”

“Thanks!” In a flash her excitement was back as she stood there biting her lower lip. But after a few seconds of waiting and the door staying closed she couldn't help but ask, “Is everything all right?”

“Y-Yeah . . . it's just . . . can you cover your eyes?”

“What?” It was impossible not to chuckle at the unexpected request, despite her best efforts.

“Can you cover your eyes? I kinda had this whole thing planned out and coming to the door kind of ruins it . . .”

“Oh! All right then. I'll cover my eyes.”


“Of course!” Half tempted to not do it in spite of what she'd said Zarya put a hand over her eyes and resisted the urge to peek through. “They're covered.”

“And you're not peeking?”


“Okay!” The door opened and the familiar scent of perfume and lotion filled her nostrils. A soft hand grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her inside a moment later, “Don't take you hand away!”

“I won't!” Zarya chuckled.

She was led into the hotel room proper before her companion's fingers disappeared from her skin and a few quiet moments passed. The sound of rustling sheets and soft, breathy gasps quickly filled the empty space, followed soon after by the four words she was dying to hear, “You can look now.”

Her hand fell away and her jaw dropped as she Mei waiting for her on the bed, her fat ass lifted into the air and face shyly buried in a pillow. In all the time they'd been casually hooking up with each other she'd never seen her plump, vivacious companion in such a lewd position. Even without seeing her face she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt Mei's cheeks were beet red. One pair of cheeks at least, the other pair were practically glowing in the light spilling into the room from the window. As pale as freshly fallen snow and already dotted with goosebumps her enormously round, beautifully chubby ass actually made Zarya salivate. In no small part because her faint trembling sent her juicy cheeks jiggling in ways that gave just the briefest glimpses of the tightly puckered little ring hidden between them. In addition to the equally plump and every bit as delicious pussy nestled between her sopping wet thighs. But instead of pouncing on her long time fuck buddy like she very much wanted to she held herself back and simply watched. Delighting in the spectacle before her and the knowledge that her easily embarrassed partner was no doubt mortified by what she was doing Zarya didn't do anything more than set down her bag and slowly fold her arms. Although she did watch a few rivulets of arousal bead on Mei's soft pussy only to cascade down her legs or drip right onto the already soiled sheets. And nothing could stop her from licking her lips as she continued to admire her companion's puffy labia and her quivering little ring.

It wasn't until Mei finally pushed herself upright to look back at her that Zarya tore her gaze away from the mouth watering sight. “W-What are you waiting for?!” She demanded.

“Nothing.” Her friend said with a smile. “I was just admiring the view!”

“W-Well cut it out! This is really embarrassing you know!”

“I know!”

Mei's soft, round face flushed an even deeper shade of crimson as she pouted at those words. Trying her best to look annoyed in spite of how turned on she was she asked, “Are you just gonna stand there all night?”

“I wasn't planning on it.”

“Ugh!” Looking away to hide how hot and bothered she really was, somehow both entirely aware yet completely ignorant to the fact that her lover could see her naked pussy the entire time, she glanced back with as dramatic a look as she could manage. “Just take off your clothes and get on the bed with me!”

Holding back just a moment or two longer Zarya finally broke. Laughing at her companion's adorable attempt to look annoyed she removed her sports bra and kicked off her shoes without any further hesitation. Suddenly it was Mei's turn to admire the beautiful woman she'd invited to her hotel room,all but drooling at the sight of her modestly sized yet amazingly perky breasts as they bounced into view, though her gaze quickly turned elsewhere as she bent over to remove her shorts. On the way down she drank in the sight of her partner's muscular stomach and indeed every other part of her well toned body as it glistened and shivered in the soft light. But the moment her shorts hit the floor Mei couldn't look anywhere other than the extra tight underwear keeping her lover's deliciously thick cock tucked back and out of sight. As soon as those were removed all ten and a half inches of Zarya's rock hard, smoothly shaved prick lurched into view. Throbbing like crazy as it twitched higher and higher her prick just kept going until it was somehow pointed straight in the air despite being as thick around as one of her wrists. The absolutely massive pair of balls hanging beneath her shaft looked somehow even more tasty she could already smell that musky tang she adored so much and her lover was still several feet away!

“Oh God . . .” Pushing her glasses higher up her cute little nose and brushing some of her tousled brown hair out of her face Mei stared like it was the first time she'd ever seen that beautiful, beautiful cock. Practically drooling as she looked at it she pushed herself upright and turned to better face the monster of a dick she was about to enjoy. “I can't believe it's only been a month!”

“A month and three days.” Zarya remarked. Sauntering closer with an ear to ear grin she looked at both her partner's face and her quite ample breasts as they heaved with every ragged breath Mei took. Even kneeling on the bed it was obvious just how plump and shapely she was. How perfectly chubby and wonderfully curvaceous her full bodied figure looked. Nothing excited her more than a girl with a curvy figure and she'd never met anyone who looked as good as the beauty waiting for her to reach their bed, “Now lay back down and stick that fat little ass into the air for me . . .”

Embarrassed beyond belief by those words and yet overjoyed to do exactly as she was told Mei turned back around and buried her face in the pillow, shyly wiggling her ass back and forth and saying, “Can you do that thing I really like?” in a muffled voice.

Finally reached the edge of the bed Zarya leaned forward and grabbed Mei's hips with both hands. In lieu of a proper response she just pulled her to the edge of the mattress and gave her fat little buttocks a firm smack. While her lover was busy squealing in surprise and drenching her thighs in more arousal she finally gave a proper answer, “Only if you say it out loud.”

Once more lifting her head up to look back at her Meir was positively mortified, “I-I can't do that!”

“Then I won't—”

“Fine! Fine. Fine . . .”

“Say it.” Zarya commanded, both hands still holding on to her partner's hips and her cock throbbing just a couple inches from her pussy.

“Please . . . please . . .” Taking a deep breath and looking away she hid her face from view and said it all in a burst of shy lust, “Please-stick-your-tongue-in-my-butt!”

Genuinely taken aback by the words she was hearing Zarya could only stare in amazement at the sexy woman trembling before her. Then the shock wore off and unbridled lust took over. She slid right off the bed and plunged her tongue into Mei's asshole without a second thought. Her lover squealed in abject delight and trembled harder than ever as soon as her tight little ring was stretched open. A messy deluge of warmth gushed out of her pussy at the same time. Much of it splashed across her already wet thighs while the rest sprayed across Zarya's face. Long strands of sweet smelling arousal dripped from her chin as she swirled her tongue around inside her partner's quivering hole and even more was added soon after as she leaned in. Pressing her lips against Mei's furiously clenching ring she planted a sloppy kiss on her goosebump riddled skin while simultaneously shoving her tongue even deeper. As deep as she could possibly get it. All the while pushing and straining and gliding across her amazingly sensitive inner walls in an absolute frenzy. Once upon a time she'd been more than a little uncertain about something as perverted as analingus but it didn't take long for her lover's breathy moans and constant shuddering to win her over. Particularly when she discovered just how hard she could make her cum after a couple minutes of rimming her ass. Of all the many sexual weaknesses Mei had a tongue shoved deep into her trembling hole was without a doubt her greatest. The smell of Zarya's musky body was a close second though.

Even without her face buried in a pillow Mei couldn't stop breathing in the musky, sweaty scent of her companion's body. That uniquely masculine and feminine odor no one else had ever possessed paired with the intoxicating aroma of her precum as gooey strands of it rolled down her prick with every passing second. She could all but picture each and every spurt as they were unleashed by her relentlessly throbbing member. And alongside the downright frenetic movement of her tongue it sent so many shudders coursing through her body she was about ready to collapse within a few seconds. After a few more it was nothing short of a miracle she was still upright. The wet, sloppy sound of her asshole being stretched open and lathered in spit quickly joined her frantic yet muffled gasps and it wasn't long before the entire hotel room was filled with the sounds of their pleasure.

As well as the overwhelming scent of Zarya's body. In those moments the only way her life could've been better was if she'd had the foresight to grab her partner's discarded gym clothes. Burying her face in those while she was getting her asshole licked was heaven on earth and if she'd had any functioning brain cells left Mei would've lamented the fact that she didn't get to experience it again. Fortunately for her the tongue moving faster and faster around her asshole pretty much ruined any hopes of thinking clearly. Particularly when it started gliding in and out of her tightly clenching ring at the same eager pace it was moving around in her depths. After the dozens if not hundreds of times they'd been together the pink haired goddess giving her everything she wanted knew exactly what made her squeal and best of all she wasn't shy about taking full advantage of that knowledge.

Indeed she reveled in it as her lover tried to pull away in a reflexive bid to spare herself the ecstasy she was enduring. Tightening her grip and keeping her right where she belonged Zarya didn't let her companion move even a single inch away from her. If anything she pulled her even closer as her tongue danced in the most erratic and unpredictable manner humanly possible. The amount of fluids seeping from her untouched yet maddeningly aroused pussy were nothing short of absurd after only a minute or so of being tormented. Rivulets of her warmth rolled down her lover's chin and across her softly heaving breasts in a constant stream while the sheets beneath them both were completely soaked in ecstasy. And the stain was only growing wider by the second as she continued her furious ministrations without any signs of stopping.

Which only made the waves of pleasure crashing down upon her moment after moment that much harder to resist, no matter how much she might've wanted to. Regardless of how desperately she would've loved to drag it all out and really be driven crazy. Mei was such an anal slut she didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of fighting the pure, undiluted bliss coursing through her with every feverish stroke of Zarya's tongue. In fact she was so completely enslaved to her own pleasure she even started grinding and gyrating against her partner's face before long. Despite wanting the exact opposite thing, or at least telling herself she did before her friend showed up, she only hastened it along. Clutching the sheets beneath her like she was clinging to a life raft in the middle of the ocean she wiggled her fat ass up and down against the beautiful woman so happily tonguing it. Practically bouncing her lover's head between her plump cheeks and moaning like the unabashed slut she really was deep down Mei completely let loose after about ninety seconds. Any trace of her timid, sexually shy outer shell had completely disappeared to leave behind the depraved, horny lunatic that'd always lurked just beneath the surface.

And the moment it did was the moment Zarya did the last thing she ever expected. Pulling her tongue out so fast the whiplash just about killed her slutty companion she stood up and grinned down at her while Mei was left gasping and shaking in the aftermath. Her slightly gaped asshole winked in the absence of the tongue that'd been violating it while the rest of her body squirmed like she was being tortured by her own pleasure, “W-What are y-you doing? P-Put it back iiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn!”

Smiling wickedly at her lover's choice of words Zarya straightened, wrapped a hand around her cock, and shoved every last inch of her throbbing length into her asshole with a single stroke. In the blink of an eye Mei went from desperately needy to completely overwhelmed as her sloppily lubricated ring was pushed open by the fattest dick she'd ever had the fortune to take. She hardly even felt her companion's fat balls slap against her pussy, one of her favorite little bursts of pleasure, amidst the surprise and delight of being so suddenly and so ferociously impaled. Her plump ass rippled from the impact of their colliding flesh while every other part of her trembled in uncontrollable bliss. In an instant her eyes were rolling back in her head and another messy deluge of warmth erupted from her sex. All as her suddenly stretched open ass convulsed around the cock now buried inside it. Suddenly Mei wasn't the only one filling the hotel room with moans as Zarya took a moment to bask in the sheer tightness of her lover's body. Every slightest quiver or spasm sent a wave of pleasure coursing through her as the single tightest asshole she'd ever fucked squeezed her so fiercely it was honestly a bit overwhelming. Even after all the times they'd been together. Just standing there, balls deep inside her partner was without a doubt the hardest thing she'd done that day. Deadlifting the weight of a small car was nothing compared to the sheer endurance of not blowing her load as Mei's madly quivering asshole just kept shuddering and convulsing around her.

Of course Zarya wasn't the only one struggling to keep herself under control as the ecstasy continued to build. After a month of near total isolation while she worked on her research Mei was so unbelievably horny she'd just about cum from that single stroke. Being 'forced' to lay there with a massive cock in her ass right afterwards was nothing short of pure torture. Her moans grew more breathless by the second while the shudders tearing through her limbs grew more convulsive. The deluge of warmth seeping from her relatively ignored pussy were had so thoroughly soaked both herself and her lover the two of them were quite literally dripping with pussy juice. And it'd only been a few moments. No more than five or ten seconds. But it felt like an eternity as she was once again tormented by the only woman who could rile her up so effectively and yet completely deliver on everything she wordlessly promised with her furiously twitching cock. Although when exactly she'd fulfill that promise it was impossible to say and the uncertainty was absolutely killing her. So much so she had to bite down on her pillow to keep from screaming in anguish. She stried to look back at the no doubt smugly grinning beauty standing behind her with her cock stuffed balls deep in her ass. But even that was already beyond Mei's abilities as she sat there struggling to keep herself under any kind of control. Just for a little while longer. Just long enough to enjoy what was sure to happen any second now!

Had she managed to glance back at her lover she would've seen the most amazing look of desperation spread across Zarya's face. A loot she almost never had and one that probably would've pushed Mei right over the edge as soon as she laid eyes on it. Fortunately for moth of them her eyes were too much too busy rolling back in her head to do anything as silly as look at things. And after a few more seconds of doing her damnedest to keep things under some semblance of control she finally gave in to the temptation of her partner's tight little asshole. Letting out a shuddering moan as her whole body stiffened and her cock swelled even more she lurched backwards with all her strength. In an instant her entire cock had slid completely free of the sloppy little ring it'd been stretching open, leaving her once tightly clenched ring gaped deliciously wide in the aftermath. Mei cried out in a mixture of pleasure and frustration as she felt her lover's uncircumcised length gliding along her inner walls. The unexpected thrill of her rather swollen tip emerging from her ass was instantly marred by one simple fact: it wasn't inside her anymore. Luckily that issue was quickly and wonderfully remedied by another ferocious thrust that sent her cock plunging back into her so hard the wet slap of their bodies smacking together drowned out their near identical moans. If only for a moment.

In the next moment both of them could be heard clear as day while Zarya pulled back and Mei's greedy little asshole distended around her cock. Stretching outward further and further until the soft pink flesh normally hidden within her hole threatened to blossom outwards her ring tightened like crazy around the cock retreating from her body. But instead of pulling out entirely like she'd done before her beautiful lover suddenly and ferociously reversed course at the very end. Just as her cock head was about to slip free of her quivering hole. Their bodies reunited with a meaty slap and another hypnotic ripple spread through Mei's ass from the impact.

A throaty squeal erupted from her lips while she continued to bite down harder than ever on the pillow beneath her and yet even that couldn't do justice to how amazing it felt. Particularly when her companion immediately retreated all over again a split second after burying her full length inside her quivering hole. Her fat cheeks hadn't even stopped jiggling and Zarya's cock was already slamming back inside of her after gliding out as far as she could bear to go. And with every new stroke she moved a little bit faster and a little bit harder, effortlessly yet eagerly building up to the ball slapping fury her partner loved so much. Anyone trying to sleep in the rooms next to theirs was in for a very noisy experience.

Not that either of them cared even the tiniest bit how loud they were being. How could then when Mei's tight little asshole was quivering so hard and Zarya's fat, throbbing cock was moving so fast? The fact that they could still remember their own names after a few wild strokes was quite an impressive feat, anything more complicated than that was simply impossibly. Especially as her already frantic pace reached it's zenith within a few seconds and she was able to comfortably settle into the sort of animalistic frenzy that so often left her friend unable to walk the next day. Because while most people had to pace themselves and occasionally slow down to catch their breath Zarya was practically a machine. Outmatched only by specially made sex bots designed to completely break a person's mind with pleasure she ravished Mei's ass like there was no tomorrow. Slamming those fat cheeks against her hips every bit as ferociously as she plunged her cock balls deep inside the mewling slut beneath her she took advantage of every second they'd been apart since their last hookup. Every bout of morning wood, unsatisfying attempts at masturbation, and idle fantasy was poured directly into completely and utterly destroying her lover in every way possible.

The meaty slap of her toned body slapping against those big, wet buttocks was nothing short of deafening. Complaints were already being lodged with the front desk and she'd barely started! After a few more seconds the phone had started to ring. But neither of them could even hear it over the increasingly desperate squeals erupting from Mei's lips. Despite being fucked so hard and so well she couldn't take a proper breath she still managed to groan like a dying animal as her asshole was turned inside out and all the pleasure she'd been craving was finally delivered. With a month of celibacy to make up for and an entire night to enjoy it some part of her knew she should pace herself. But that part was drowning in a churning sea of ecstasy as she bounced along her partner's gorgeously thick member over and over and over again. All the while her incredibly sensitive pussy was being battered by Zarya's weighty sack almost as hard as her rump. Sometimes her oh so fat balls even managed to slap against her clit, each and every impact sending the most powerful jolt of pleasure lancing through her.

And yet even when her most tender area wasn't being hammered like a stubborn nail the abject bliss of being sodomized by six and a half feet of pure beauty was more than enough to send her careening towards a mind boggling eruption. Her pussy was already wet enough to irrigate an entire field of crops and somehow the impending deluge would still manage to outdo that once it arrived. Which only took a minute or so of being dicked so wildly her limbs were all but useless and her muscles couldn't stop trembling.

Without the strong, calloused hands holding her upright she almost certainly would've collapsed against the bed in a sopping wet mess of jiggling flesh and spasmodic twitches. Even with Zarya's firm grip her convulsions were still growing more and more outrageous by the second as waves of pleasure crested higher and higher within her. Around the two minute mark they'd climbed so high the experience was unbearable. The release she craved, the release she needed more than anything, felt less like an orgasm and more like a mercy. An end to the desperation coursing through her. And it was a mercy her companion was more than happy to give as she continued pounding away at her asshole without hesitation or restraint.

Mei was finally overwhelmed by ecstasy soon after, every last fiber of her being tensing all at once as a wave unlike any other came crashing down upon her. A wave only Zarya had ever been able to conjure and one she mercilessly enhanced in the handful of seconds her plump lover was all but petrified by the sensations coursing through. An instant later she succumbed to those same sensations and descended into a frenzied barrage of shaking and convulsing so wild and so uncoordinated most of her partners found it unsettling. Grunting and panting and sounding more like a wild animal giving birth than a human woman locked in the throes of ecstasy she lurched back against the cock still wrecking her asshole while simultaneously trying to pull away and collapse against the bed. All as veritable geysers of warmth squirted from her pussy one after another. Each time her whole body tightened in unison and a particularly feverish grunt spilled from her lips another jet of arousal sprayed out of her cunt. Some gushed onto the bed beneath her, some splashed all across her lover's balls, but all of them filled the air with the overwhelming scent of her bliss. A scent Zarya couldn't get enough of and one she breathed in like a drug addict taking a hit.

Although she couldn't fuck Mei any harder nor could she fuck her any faster she could grip her a bit more tightly as that intoxicating aroma washed over her and she continued the furious pounding that'd brought her companion to the brink of madness. And pushed her right up to the edge of a desperately needed release of her own. Because between the impossible pleasure of her asshole squeezing her so tightly it actually took her breath away and the ever beautiful sight of her lover shaking so hard she looked like she was having a seizure Zarya was hard pressed to hold back. In fact no part of her could even think about such a thing as she kept thrusting with all her rapidly waning strength. Every second felt like an eternity as her partner convulsed against and around her and the longer she went on the more frantic her desperation came. Much like the cock addled slut bouncing on her cock she was craving the ecstasy building within her more than her next breath. And much like her hopelessly addled companion it didn't take much to get her there. Not while the two of them were together.

Still lost in her cock drunk ecstasy Mei had no idea what was happening until the first load of pent up cum exploded into her ass. She didn't feel any of the throbbing, quivering, or tensing of her lover's massive dick as it strained against her inner walls. It was all too pleasurable to notice anything out of the ordinary in the maelstrom of toe curling bliss assaulting her. Much too busy squirting all over herself and Zarya she was completely taken aback by that first eruption. In the best way imaginable, one moment she was lost in her bliss and the next her inner walls were painted in a deliciously copious flood of spunk. Heat radiated through her body and a breathy moan tumbled from her lips as that truly enormous load was pumped into her so fast it felt like she was drowning in cum. Another followed immediately after and she scarcely had time to voice her delight before her companion did the same with a beautifully protracted moan.

Grunting as much as moaning she continued slamming balls deep inside the tight little hole milking her dry, all the while struggling to move even a single muscle amidst the crashing waves of ecstasy coursing through her. Mei's unimaginably tight hole somehow squeezed her even harder as sent jet after gooey jet of spunk gushing deep into her ass. And despite being so overwhelmed her brain had basically shut off she still found the wherewithal to lurch backwards onto the dick flooding her asshole with cum. Especially when the woman that'd been fucking her so well for so long finally started to slow down. Zarya didn't want to slow down, nor did she want to stop completely after a good fifteen or twenty seconds of emptying her loins and painting her lover's guts in yet another flood of jizz. But she just couldn't help it. Pleasurable almost to the point of being painful she simply couldn't refuse the abject pleasure of Mei's spasming little hole wrapped around every single centimeter of her cock.

At least until she felt the veritable flood of hot spunk erupting from her cock beginning to slow and she saw her partner shakily lifting her head up from the pillow she'd been squealing into for the past few minutes. Even without seeing her expression she knew the look on her friend's face. She knew her tongue was hanging out of her mouth like a panting dog, she knew one eye was half closed and rolling back in her head, she knew the other was staring blankly forward without seeing anything, and she knew her cheeks was flushed a brilliant shade of crimson. Just as she knew there was one more thing she could do to really make her squeal. So with the last of her fading strength Zarya did the exact opposite of what she wanted. Pulling her cock free of the sloppily winking hole it'd been so comfortably shoved into, and causing one final geyser of warmth to erupt from her pussy in the process, she draped her throbbing length between her fat buttocks and down her lower back.

A few more, comparatively smaller spurts of cum erupted from her swollen tip to trickle down Mei's body and softly glaze her pale skin exactly the way she liked. Within seconds her cum was rolling down her lover's body in a steady dribble, quickly reaching her shoulders to drool onto the pillow she was clutching so fiercely. All while her companion gasped for breath and shuddered at the warmth oozing across her skin. Not to mention the warmth pooling in the depths of her ass. Some had even managed to drip out of her messily gaped hole and drip down her still untouched pussy thanks to her relentlessly quivering walls. And like she always did Mei absolutely adored every last sensation. From the toe curling delight of fresh cum soaking into her skin to the fiery warmth of Zarya's still throbbing dick against and between her buttocks she loved it all. She couldn't get enough.

But instead of pulling back and shoving that gorgeous fat cock back inside her ass, or pussy, Zarya did the unthinkable and withdrew completely. With a soft groan and a long sigh she collapsed beside her still quivering lover with a weary smile on her face, “Ohhhhhhhhhh I needed that . . .”

Keeping her trembling ass in the air Mei slowly turned her head to look at the woman beside her with a mixture of confusion, adoration, and frustration, “You're not . . . you're not done are you?”

“Hmm?” Her friend's eyes had already closed and her breathing had already slowed, two signs that sent shivers of fear down her spine.

“You're not done fucking me are you?”

“Of course not . . . I just need a few minutes . . . gotta catch my breath . . .”

“That's what you said on New Year's! Then you slept all night.”

“But I made it up to you in the morning didn't I?”

“Yeah but—”

“I'll just take a quick little nap. An hour or two at the—”

“I thought it was a few minutes!” Lurching upright to stare down at her friend in disbelief Mei scooted closer and bit her lip before exclaiming, “Now it's an hour?!”

“Relax . . . you can cuddle up next to me while I sleep . . . I know how much you love cuddling . . .”

“I hate cuddling!”

“Right . . . that's Tracer and her girlfriend . . . sorry . . .”

Puffing out her cheeks and folding her arms she fixed her companion with a glare that could curdle milk. But somehow Zarya just continued to smile with her eyes closed and a dream grin spread across her face. Until she felt a familiar weight pressing down against her waist. “What are you—”

Opening her eyes and sitting up to find Mei straddling her cock with a determined look on her face Zarya was actually at a loss. Usually it took no end of coaxing and foreplay to get her into such a bold, exposed position. “I'm not finished yet!” She said as she lifted herself into the air and guided her friend's dick towards her pussy, “You can sleep after I'm finished!”

“Oh yeah?” Suddenly flushed with adrenaline at the prospect of watching her partner ride her she laid back down and casually grabbed onto distracted companion's waist. “Is that so?”

As she spoke Zarya pulled Mei down onto her cock with all the strenght she had. In the blink of an eye her entire length vanished into that tight little pussy. Her thoroughly stunned companion couldn't even begin to fashion a response as shudders coursed through her body and the most delicious jiggles sent her tits bouncing every which way. Cum sputtered out of her still cavernous asshole to streak across the bed and splatter her companion's legs in gooey strands. But after a few seconds of shaking she managed to find enough wherewithal to cry out, “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss!”

The phone beside them started ringing again and Zarya glanced at it for a moment, “How about we get ourselves kicked out of this hotel too?”

“Uh huh!” Mei panted, leaning forward and grabbing her partner's tits as she did, “Let's get kicked out as fast as we can!”

“I'd love to!” Sliding her hands a little further back to cup her lover's ass she teasingly asked, “Are you ready?”

“Just fuck me already!”

“You got it babe!”



Excellent work as always!


Thanks! It feels like a bit of a freebie when the idea is so straightforward but I always appreciate a compliment regardless lol