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Like I always do when I have nothing but good ideas in a suggestion post I picked between them at random and this was the big winner. Anyone turned off by futa should give this a pass. If that's your cup of tea then you should definitely read on lol. Oh and this was based on a picture you can find here!

“I'm so fucking booooooooooored! What the hell is taking Monique so goddamn long?”

“Maybe she was asked to stay late again?”

“Yeah well she should've fucking called! How long are we gonna wait around for her lazy ass to get home?”

“I think we owe her a few more minutes at least. I'll try sending her a text.”

Retrieving her bright pink, fake jewel encrusted phone from an equally gaudy purse Annabelle typed out a quick message to her friend only to immediately delete the whole thing and start over. Tasha watched her repeat the process three more times before leaning across the couch and snatching the phone out of her hands, “Gimme that!” Immediately deleting the polite message her companion had been working on she instead wrote and said aloud, “Get your fat, black ass—”

“Oh I shouldn't say things like that!” Annabelle gasped, her alabaster cheeks immediately flushing red as she cover her mouth with one hand in shock.

“Yeah well you aren't. And Monique's gonna know you didn't as soon as she reads it. Now stop[ talkin, you're breaking my concentration. What was I saying again? Oh right! Get your fat, black ass back home now or we're gonna start without you. And finish without you! Hurry up bitch!”  Looking very pointedly at her friend as she hit send Tasha threw her phone onto the nearby love seat and put her feet up on the coffee table, “I'll give her five more minutes.”

“To respond or to come home?”

“Both. After that we're starting without her. I don't care how much she bitches.”

“Okay . . .”

A nervous but eager smile spread across Annabelle's face as she contemplated that prospect. As much as she didn't want to start without both of her lovers she couldn't help being excited. After close to a month of scheduling conflicts and work getting in the way all three of them had finally figured out something that worked for them. Or at least it had until Monique didn't show up when she was supposed to. Now her friends were left sitting around in her apartment with nothing but time on their hands and nothing else to do. And they couldn't have made for a more comically disparate pair if they'd tried.

Dressed in pinks and whites and pastel colors Annabelle was sitting about as prim and proper as could be, her knees pressed together, her back straight, and her posture quite deliberately composed. Exactly the way she'd been brought. She didn't even to think about it as she sat on the couch next to Tasha watching the television screen without ever really processing what she was seeing. Her almost waist length blonde hair was tied back into a pair of wildly age inappropriate pigtails, her dark and perfectly plucked eyebrows looked absolutely immaculate above her warm blue eyes, and her naturally full yet collagen enhanced lips were covered in a warm pink gloss that matched the rest of her ensemble. Because no matter how prim and proper she might've dressed or acted beneath her pleated skirt, button up blouse, and sweater vest Annabelle was as slutty as could be. Anyone who knew her well knew she was a bimbo throughout and through and anyone who didn't just had to look a little more closely at the way she carried herself. That not so subtle gleam in her eyes when she looked at anyone she thought was the slightest bit attractive. The faintly vacant nature of her stare that betrayed very little going on behind her bright gaze.

A pair of absolutely massive tits created by the finest plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills and a fat, round ass similarly crafted for maximum appeal. With a slender waist and arms but wide hips and long, plump legs she looked more like a sex doll come to life than a real person. Especially when she flashed her perfect, pearly white teeth to anyone and everyone around her. Through years of careful dieting and expensive surgeries, not to mention good old fashioned genetics, she'd turned herself into a perfect slut and while she might pretend otherwise when she was out and about it didn't take much for the veneer to slip and her real self to shine through. Most days she didn't need much more than a sexy smile from a handsome man or sexy woman to drop her panties and bend over the nearest trash can, mailbox, or car for a good old fashioned dicking. At least until she'd met her new best friends Tasha and Monique a year or so back. As long as they were around she didn't need to troll for dick anywhere near as much, some days she even turned down random hookups because she was too exhausted or too sore, and she certainly didn't need to bother with silly things like panties. But she did have to go all in on birth control for the first time in her life, a sacrifice she was more than willing to make for her new besties and their insatiable appetites!

Although she was every bit as sexy as her companion and as the woman they were waiting for Tasha's demeanor and attitude couldn't have been more different. Dressed in a comfortable gray tank top and a pair of white and blue exercise shorts, with bright red sneakers she'd kicked off as soon as she set foot in Monique's house, she couldn't have looked more unlike the bimbo sitting next to her. If the dark brown color of her skin and long, intricately made braids spilling down the right side of her head weren't different enough all on their own. Years of working as a personal trainer had left her impressively muscular but an insistence on never using any supplements or drugs meant she wasn't grotesquely beefy like many of her peers. Instead she had a very natural beauty about broad shoulders and generally wider frame. One that again stood completely at odds with the slut she'd been sitting beside for a good half hour without doing anything fun. Graced with both feminine curves and enough muscle to throw a grown man out of her gym whenever she wanted Tasha often likened herself to a Nubian goddess whenever she was drunk.

Or when she took her top off and got a load of her absolutely massive, completely natural tits and ass. They weren't quite as big as Annabelle's but compared to a lot of her friends and other women she interacted with her breasts were nothing short of enormous. Paired with her her tight, toned butt and a naturally sculpted physique that let her towering over just about everyone she met and she made for a quite imposing figure indeed. Her dark eyes and beautiful features only further enhanced that wildly unapproachable aura she gave off, her full yet so often pursed lips and rather strong nose in particular. But for all her imposing stature and truly impressive muscles nothing could ever be more intimidating than the truly massive bulge in her shorts. Prominent enough to put just about every guy she came across to shame her downright absurdly meaty prick and equally heavy sack were truly a sight to behold even when she wasn't sitting with her legs splayed wide and the full scope of her business  resting between her muscular thighs. Big enough to make jaws drop wherever she went and far too massive to ever hide beneath anything she wore her cock and balls were nothing short of unreal even when the former was completely soft.

But while she might not have had any trouble staying soft in her day to day life sitting next to the hot piece of ass that was Annabelle for so long without doing anything fun made it downright impossible to not get at least a little hard. Especially as boredom sank in and Tasha found herself glancing at her companion more and more with every passing second. After five minutes were up her cock was about ready to emerge from her shorts and she was so thoroughly done with waiting she hardly even bothered to check her friend's phone, acting more out of self interest than for any real concern about Monique's whereabouts.

After watching her friend's cock slowly growing for almost five minutes straight and doing her best not to stare directly at it Annabelle was even more excited than Tasha and when her gorgeously hung, amazingly muscular friend suddenly stood up to grab her phone she couldn't help but ask in a breathy voice, “Did she respond?!”

“Yeah . . . what's your passcode again?”

“One, one, one, one, one, one!”

“When did you change it?”

“About a week ago. I realized zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero was too easy to crack!”

“Of course.” Chuckling to herself anf shaking her head Tasha unlocked Annabelle's phone and read the message Monique had sent aloud, “Give Annabelle back her phone you impatient skank. I'll be home in twenty minutes. Your bitches better wait for me!”

“Oh . . .” For a moment Annabelle's shoulder's slumped and her posture deteriorated as she tried her best to stay positive and failed, “Well twenty minutes isn't that long! I'm sure we can—”

“Fuck that!” Tasha said, tossing her friend's phone back to her and folding her arms, “I'm not waiting twenty more minutes for her ass!”

“But she asked us to wait for her! I don't want to—” Annabelle immediately fell silent as her beautiful goddess of a lover suddenly removed her tank top. Revealing the full scope of her truly gorgeous breasts in a single movement she stood there, topless and smiling without a hint of shame or an ounce of hesitation. Her tits softly heaved with every labored breath and her dark puffy nipples slowly stiffened right in front of her lover's eyes. “Oh my goodness . . .”

“I'm going to Monique's bedroom.” She stated, turning around and walking off, her perfectly toned ass swaying back and forth with every step. Disappearing from view a few seconds later she left Annabelle sitting in an ever growing stain of her own excitement as she tried her best to do what her other friend had asked. And to her credit she actually managed to resist the temptation for much, much, much longer than ever before. Long enough for Tasha to call out, “Bring that fat booty in her right now! And don't forget that spinner thing!”

Standing up before she even thought about what she was doing Annabelle grabbed the 'spinner thing' from her purse and hurried into the bedroom, every part of her bouncing and jiggling with excitement as she let out an enthusiastic giggle, “Coming babe!”

Just a few short miles away Monique was stuck in some of the worst traffic she'd ever seen. Which was pretty much the perfect end to an already shitty work day spend putting out countless fires all over the office and covering for incompetent bosses so worthless at their jobs a scarecrow in an appropriate overprice suit could've filled in for them. If nothing else the scarecrow couldn't cause more problems than the gaggle of upper management she was constantly dealing with. But as maddening as it was and as much as it made her want to rip her hair out the absurd amount of money they paid her was too good to pass up. And while she might've bitched endlessly about her job any other time she actually had something, or rather someone, to look forward to that day. Someone she'd been fantasizing about from the moment she woke up and someone she was so eager to meet back up with she wanted to ram the car in front of her and go full GTA just to get home.

Thankfully she resisted that urge and instead focused on keeping her cool and not flying off the handle like she always did when stuck in Southern California traffic. Mostly by watching videos of Annabelle getting fucked on her phone as she inched her vehicle forward at a maddeningly slow pace. With a few dozens clips, hundreds of pictures, and close to a dozen full length videos to choose from she had plenty of material to get herself primed for the wild afternoon she'd planned with Tasha. Their new favorite bimbo wasn't even a little bit shy about getting filmed and it really showed as Monique watched herself shove an entire hand into her lover's pussy while she throated their friend's dick and moaned like the slut she was. Some part of her knew it wasn't smart to tease herself while she was still so far from him but she just couldn't help it. No matter how uncomfortably tight her slacks got she just had to have something to take the edge off before she went completely nuts.

Compared to the two sluts waiting for her Monique was without a doubt the most respectable looking of the three. Always dressed in well made, perfectly matching suits and giving off a constant air of professionalism nobody who looked at her would have any idea what a raging pervert she was. That particular day was no exception, her light gray blazer and matching pleated slacks paired with a white blouse underneath and glossy black heels were the picture of appropriate business attire. Were it not for the absolutely massive bulge constantly straining against the fabric of her pants she would've looked like she just walked out of a catalog selling offices supplies. Although she was only a couple inches shorter than Tasha she still towered over Annabelle and most of the other people she met. But thanks to a comparatively less muscular build she didn't look anywhere near as imposing as her friend. She still had a pair of wide, curvaceous hips and a big round ass that could knock a person flat when she put on a skirt and her tits were still massive and all natural like the rest of her but in spite of that she remained far more approachable than her muscular friend. In no small part thanks to the way she styled her wavy hair to fall freely around her face, elegantly framing her softer features and drawing attention to everything from her almost dainty nose to her plump, often smiling lips. Aside from her aforementioned preposterously large cock and equally massive balls perpetually stretching the fabric of her slacks and naturally drawing the eye to her shapely silhouette she had a carefully cultivated demeanor that completely hid who she really was. At least when anyone saw her out and about in the broader world. Behind closed doors it didn't take much to turn her smile lascivious and make her green eyes sparkle with lust. Much to the endless delight of every man and woman she'd brought home to fuck stupid and leave walking funny for several days after.

The longer she watched Annabelle getting wrecked by hers and Tasha's cocks the faster that veneer of professionalism started to slip. Little by little Monique stopped paying attention to her surroundings, except when the traffic shifted forward of course, as she licked her lips and none too subtly leaned back in her seat. Before long her free hand was groping her tits through her blouse, pinching her nipples through her bra and sending all kinds of shivers down her spine. When that wasn't enough she let her fingers drift even lower to rub her aching cock through her much too tight slacks. Trailing up and down the full length of her constantly swelling prick she switched over to another, even more perverted video before long. One where Annabelle had her legs lifted into the air and her gaping pussy on full display, the cum drenched cavern that was her cunt open and winking for the camera all the way down to her thoroughly battered cervix.

It was one of the first times she'd ever hooked up with them and the memories it brought back were some of the most delicious ones she could imagine. Monique watched her cock plunge back inside her friend's thoroughly devastated whole, a jealous moan tumbling from her lips as she listened to her past self having so much fun. Fast forwarding a bit and unzipping her slacks she shoved a hand into her sodden underwear just as her bimbo fuck toy was screaming at the top of her lungs and thrashing against the bed like she was having a seizure. Despite how ridiculously over the top she was in pretty much everything she did Annabelle had never looked hotter. Especially when Tasha's dick appeared to slide down her throat and stop her squealing for a few seconds. What followed next was several minutes of uninterrupted, ball slapping sex. Exactly the kind of thing she should've been having at that moment. Instead of sitting in her car fantasizing about it and practically committing a crime as she rubbed her dick.

A loud an thoroughly mood killing honk startled her out of her fun and Monique looked up from her phone to see a massive space open in front of her. Without even thinking she sped forward and waved her precum soaked hand in the air as she said, “Sorry! Sorry about that!” Blushing a little bit as she locked her phone and put both hands back on the wheel she let out a pent up sigh, “God I hope this traffic lets up soon!”

Half an hour later she finally pulled into her apartment complex. All but certain her friends had started without her and so unbelievably eager to catch them in the act she almost forgot to turn her car off as she climbed out. She certainly didn't spare a thought to any of the other crap she lugged to and from work every day, it'd be safe enough in the garage. Or at least that's what she told herself as she hobbled towards the door, her almost painfully hard cock throbbing uncontrollably in her slacks. In the time it took her to reach the stairs she couldn't even bend her left leg as her rapidly swelling prick extended down the leg of her pants well beyond her knee. Hoping against hope none of her neighbors saw her as she awkwardly shuffled up the stairs one at a time like she had a fake wooden leg Monique eventually reached her apartment on the third floor.

Even from the hallway she could hear the telltale slap of a massive cock plunging into a tight pussy and before she'd even slid her key into the lock Annabelle's throaty scream filled the air. Both annoyed and excited she hurried inside, shutting the door as quietly as she could behind her and frantically undressing right there in the entryway. Within a minute she was completely naked, her massive dick swinging back and forth between her legs and her balls hanging down between and even behind her thighs. Her equally bountiful tits bounced wildly as she practically jogged towards her bedroom as the sounds of her friends going at it slowed for just a minute. Even though she couldn't actually see what was happening she could still picture it clear as day. And thanks to that foreknowledge the could pause just long enough to grab a pair of skin tight, thigh high leather boots from her office. It only seemed right to dress the part considering the punishment she was about to inflict on them for not waiting like they should've.

The moment she was ready Monique strutted toward her bedroom door with unabashed confidence, pushing it open with a flourish and grandly announcing her presence with a laugh, “I knew you perverts wouldn't wait for me!”

Tasha froze mid thrust, a look of surprise flashing across her face for just a moment before a wholly unapologetic smile replaced it. Her grip on their bimbo's thighs visibly tightened as she slammed the whore riding her down onto her massive cock one more time. Too overwhelmed by the pillar of throbbing cock almost as thick as her thigh suddenly plunging into the depths of her cunt to react to anything else Annabelle cried out in pleasure. Throwing her head back and squealing in pure delight as big, fake tits heaved and the rest of her body trembled uncontrollably she couldn't even look in Monique's direction for several seconds. Far too busy straddling Tasha's muscular body and grinding against her delicious fat prick she'd barely even heard her friend come in. Let along what she'd said as she grandly announced her presence. But it didn't take long for her tremors to subside and her round, surgically enhanced ass to stop bouncing as she tried to ride the woman beneath her.

Comprehension finally dawned on her face as she clumsily steadied herself by grabbing a handful of her lover's soft breast. A sheepishly nervous smile lit up her face as she leaned down to snatch her spinner off the already soiled sheets, wordlessly holding it out to Monique as her expression turned hopeful. All the while little shivers ran down her spin and arousal seeped from her thoroughly stretched cunt as the massive dick buried inside her continued to throb relentlessly in the depths of her womb. With hands on hips and an inscrutable look on her face the third member of their little menage a trois glanced down at the circular piece of laminated paper her fucktoy was holding. Separated into four quadrants with a spinner in the middle each quarted had a lewd drawing on it. The first was a pair of tits, the second was a pair of lips, the third was a pussy, and the fourth was an asshole. A sultry grin slowly spread across her face as she looked at Annabelle for a moment or two, then at Tasha. Without a word she reached out and slowly spun the little plastic pointer at the center until it landed on the section depicting an asshole. Their extra slutty bimbo sucked in a sharp breath, her inner walls tightening even more as some of the color drained from her face.

“B-But you've never put it in my butt! N-not at the same time a-as my pussy!”

In spite of her nervous tone and worried expression it was abundantly clear what Annabelle really thought of the idea. Her sudden bout of shuddering and the unmistakable spasms tightening her already tight inner walls betrayed her real feelings even more Tasha let out a soft groan. “I guess you shouldn't have started without me then!” Monique eventually replied as she sauntered aroundher bed to move behind her mewling slut of a friend, “I hope you didn't need sit down for a while!”

“Ohhhhhhhhhh God!” Annabelle moaned, her whole body descending into a fit of quivering as she slumped forward. Smothering Tasha's big, natural tits with her own she wrapped her arms around her muscular companion and buried her in a frantic kiss as Monique gave her fat, fake ass a good smack before grabbing her cock, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Goooooooooooooood!”

Lifting her equally massive dick into the air and pressing the tip against her lover's puckered little oval she waited for all of a second before plunging every last inch of her dick inside her ass. Holding nothing back as grabbed onto Annabelle's shoulders and completely split her open Monique sent nearly a foot of throbbing cock flying into the depths of her butt so fast and so ferociously even a world class whore would've struggled to take it all. “FUCK!” Her voice was barely audible over the breathless screams of the woman she was sodomizing but that didn't stop her from saying, “We should've done this years ago!”

“She's so fucking tight now!” Tasha groaned, her words similarly inaudible as their plaything continued to squeal like the cock drunk slut she was.

Annabelle didn't hear a word either of them said. She was far too busy holding on to Tasha for dear life as waves of pain tinged pleasure crashed through her senses. Before Monique's sudden arrival she'd been so amazingly close to orgasm she could practically taste it. And now with a second, wonderfully thick and impossibly long shaft embedded in her ass she was hurtling towards ecstasy so fast she couldn't keep up. All the hours and hours and hours of anal training with the biggest toys she could find were finally paying off. Whatever pain or discomfort she felt at being so abruptly sodomized couldn't possibly compared to the ecstasy of having both her lovers inside her ass and pussy at the same time. It was something she'd fantasized about for years and the ecstasy of being double stuffed and stretched so unimaginably wide she felt like she was being torn apart, in the best way, more than lived up to her fantasies. Waves of pleasure coursed through her faster and harder than she could describe as her inner walls spasmed uncontrollably around the dicks twitching inside her holes.

Neither of them had to move so much as a single muscle, the simple act of taking them both, of feeling them both rubbing against one another through the thin wall separating their pricks, was enough to leave her in a state of complete and utter delirium. Befor long she'd buried in her face in Tasha's shoulder as her delicately painted nails clawed at the sheets beneath them. Warmth all but exploded out of her pussy as her hips reflexively lurched back and forth against the dicks gaping her open. Her usually inactive mind was totally empty in the wake of the ecstasy setting alight all five senses. Too overwhelmed to appreciate how much her once flat stomach was bulging outward around their absurdly thick shafts and too dazed to feel Monique spanking her shuddering ass cheeks Annabelle was well and truly overwhelmed in the best possible way. Had she been capable of even the slightest thought she would've been certain this was as good as it could ever be. Nothing else could top her pleasure in those wonderful moments after she'd taken both her friend's dicks simultaneously. A notion her companions would have immediately and gleefully disproven the moment they started fucking her tight holes properly.

Monique's strong but gentle hands closed around her wrists, pulling her arms back and lifting her off of Tasha. Too overwhelmed to do much of anything except breathlessly squeal Annabelle didn't even have the strength to lift her head up as the woman beneath her brought both hands down against her ass with a deafening and toe curling smack. Spreading her already wide open cheeks even more she thrusted upwards hard enough to make the bimbo straddling her convulse even harder. The unbelievably hung beauty behind her let out a soft laugh and for a moment nothing seemed to happen at all. Though to the slut they were about to completely destroy that moment seemed to last for an eternity as pleasure coursed through her in endless waves of absolute bliss. And as soon as that single moment came to an end it was replaced with a truly mind altering cacophony of pleasure. Both of her lovers simultaneously pulled out, Monique's hips flying backwards while Tasha lifted Annabelle off her cock every big as quickly. In the blink of an eye nothing but the heads of their cocks remained buried inside her slackened holes and she felt so unaccountably empty she might've been amazed if she was capable of having such a complicated reaction. The simple, orgasmic pleasure of the retreat all but ensured she could do nothing but groan and drool, her tits jiggling wildly from the force of her spasms and her inner walls convulsing in the sudden absence of cock.

But before she could miss either of her partners they both slammed back inside of her as hard as they possibly could. Knowing full well she could take anything and everything they were capable of dishing out neither Monique nor Tasha had any reason to anything less but completely destroy her. So that's precisely what they did. Burying every single inch of their madly twitching shafts in her holes at the same time the pair immediately withdrew before Annabelle even hand a chance to scream. The meaty slap of their colliding flesh was still ringing out in the bedroom as the flared heads of their pricks were tugging at her trembling entrances. By the time she was reacting to the indescribable bliss of being impaled by just under two feet of throbbing meat so thick it'd broken countless other sluts, not to mention the almost painful slap of their massive balls against her tender flesh, the pair were retreating once more. Any hope she had of recovering from her ecstasy, or even her ecstasy lessening, went right out the window. Her lovers went absolute wild as they pounded her quivering holes like it was the last time they'd ever have the chance. Annabelle could do nothing but cry out until her voice was hoarse and the window panes were rattling in their frames. Every last one of her friend's neighbors absolutely hated when she came over and it wasn't at all hard to understand why as she made sounds like a beached whale all while the frenetic slap of their bodies smacking against one another rang out in an endless barrage of pure lewdness.

For minutes on end they utterly destroyed her asshole and cunt, wrecking her beyond anything her other lover's had ever managed. Constantly and ruthlessly plunging their cocks in and out of her holes at the same time Tasha and Monique fucked Annabelle like a cheap plaything while she screamed loud enough to wake the dead. And when her companions eventually got sick of that position they didn't think twice about pulling out, flipping her over, and switching places. Though not before giving her a chance to feel how massively they'd gaped her once pretty little pussy and tightly puckered ass. Soaked in precum and thoroughly unable to close even the tiniest bit those slackened caverns had been so thoroughly molded to the dicks ravishing her body nobody else could hope to satisfy her. Luckily for Annabelle she didn't need anyone else as Tasha's prick slammed into her ass while Monique's plunged into her womb just as her mind was starting to process the devastation they'd wrought. Any shred of composure and awareness went right out the window as they started thrusting in earnest again. Moving like they'd never stopped both women resumed the back break, ball slapping, mind breaking frenzy that so often left Annabelle in a fugue state for hours or even days after. Of course they didn't stop at simply pounding away like machines, as much as they enjoyed jackhammering her slutty body until she was practically unconscious from the ecstasy. Because no matter how fun to was to just let loose and go completely wild it was always better to coordinate their efforts and completely ruin her properly with a concentrated attack. One that she couldn't begin to predict coming in spite of how often they'd resorted to such an assault on her mind, body, and soul in the past.

After several more minutes of thoroughly incomparable fucking that sent her tumbling down into yet another orgasmic fit Tasha suddenly stopped moving altogether. At least for a second. Pulling their writhing bimbo plaything down onto her dick and holding her there she let Monique pound her cunt for a few heartbeats while Annabelle just grunted like a wild animal with every stroke. What felt like both an eternity and an instant later she started moving again, this time directly counter to her friend's wild strokes. In the blink of an eye she'd settled into the same ball slapping frenzy as her partner but in an entirely different and somehow even more wonderful cadence. Every time one of their cocks slammed into her body the other pulled out, immediately creating the sort of ebb and flow that'd driven her completely wild whenever they'd spitroasted her. But this time it was even better. So much better she struggled to process the swell of emotions and sensations crashing through her body. Staring dimly up at Monique with glassy, half closed eyes as her voice failed her and everything came crashing down Annabelle was well and truly at a loss. An experience she knew all to well in her regular life but not one she'd ever encountered during her sexual adventures. As their cocks glided in and out of her pussy and asshole in a maddening frenzy, rapidly distending each in turn before shoving them right back inside before she could completely prolapse, she well and truly lost it. Collapsing against the woman beneath her as she succumbed to the building pressure like never before she did something she'd only ever dreamed of before that moment. Something she'd always wanted to accomplish and something that would be her crowning achievement as a cock addled bimbo slut.

Filling the air with a strangled groan her high pitched squeal rapidly lowered in pitch until it was a deep, almost guttural sound. Her hips bucked wildly against the pair of beauties destroying her from both sides and her whole body seemed to tighten at once. For just a moment she was paralyzed by ecstasy, all of her muscles seizing up and no part of her moving. Except of course her massive, fake tits as Tasha continued to grope and tease them. A heartbeat later everything came to an explosive head as a jet of clear, sweet smelling fluid erupted from the depths of her cunt. Squirting into the air so hard and so fast it splashed across the ceiling and rained down on all three of them her first proper ejaculation was nothing short of spectacular. Both of her companions actually faltered as they felt her Annabelle's warmth sprinkling across their bodies and both of them watched with open mouthed amazement as she unleashed another throaty grunt. It was immediately and messily followed by another fountain of pussy juice streaking into the air and falling down on them in a fine mist. Although it couldn't quite reach the ceiling neither of them even noticed. They were far too busy gasping and shuddering as her inner walls squeezed them so ferociously they almost pulled out entirely as pleasure washed over them too. Lesser woman probably would've followed that instinct but fortunately for all of them Tasha and Monique weren't about to be bested. No matter how much their plaything's body convulsed or how many times she squirted all over them, the bed, and most of the bedroom. Meeting her challenge head on they moaned in pleasure, gripped her even tighter, and resumed the mind blowing frenzy that'd brought them all to such an explosive point. Much to Annabelle's unending delight.

Almost instantly her eyes rolled back in her head and another messy font of pussy juice erupted from her cunt as her lovers resumed their ferocious thrusting. She would continued to squirt all over them for a few more seconds, each het less than the last, but even when she finally stopped dousing them in enough of her arousal to leave all three women glistening the pleasure setting fire to her very soul didn't fade in the slightest. If anything it only seemed to stretch on and on for a truly impossible length of time as she was once more denied the bliss of her afterglow in favor of more mind and body breaking sexual madness. Before long all of them were crying out loudly enough to make their long suffering neighbors consider moving yet again. Because in their thoughtless haste to keep fucking their bimbo's tight holes Tasha and Monique hadn't given any thought to themselves. Or the weeks both of them had waited for this very afternoon fun. Weeks that'd felt like months and weeks they'd fantasized about almost constantly from the second plans had been made. Too enamored with just how tight Annabelle was and how much they enjoying fucking her stupid, or rather more stupid, neither really noticed how fast they were approaching their own ecstasy. Although nowhere near as far gone as the slut they were turning inside out and completely ruining for all other men and women their minds were still so far gone they couldn't begin to realize how close they were to cumming until it was too late, until they felt the telltale rush of adrenaline coursing through their bodies. And by that point there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it.

Not that they would've done anything different as they hurtled towards their own ecstasy. Between some excellent birth control and their own insatiable needs to pump her full of jizz at every opportunity Monique and Tasha were always going to creampie their drooling slut. Even when she was just sucking them off as a prelude to the real fun they insisted on emptying their balls inside her pussy or ass. A trait she'd done everything in her power to encourage over the years and one she was reaping all the benefit of as ecstasy continued to flood her senses and drown her in ever rising tides. Somewhere in the depths of her broken mind she could feel her lover's cocks swelling. She could tell what was about to happen as gooey spurts of precum flooded her womb and colon like the first warning signs of an impending flood. No conscious part of her would ever be able to acknowledge it but thankfully that wasn't the slightest bit necessary for the rest of her body. Convulsing just a little bit harder and holding on to both of her lovers just a little bit more fiercely Annabelle screamed out a jumble of half formed syllables and barely comprehensible words as she tried to moan their names. Tasha and Monique understood the gist of it despite how completely nonsensical her babbling was, in part thanks to the truly frantic spasming of her holes around their cocks and the almost desperate way she clung to them. They managed to hang on to that fun for just shy of another minute before the pleasure was finally too much and both of them couldn't help but succumb to their ecstasy once and for all. Monique continued thrusting with complete and utter abandon while Tasha buried every last inch of her cock inside Annabelle's tight ass but both of them let out nearly identical moans as cum erupted from their swollen pricks.

Truly absurd amounts of spunk flooded into her body, drowning her womb and filling her guts in what felt like gallons of deliciously warm seed. With a single spurt both of her friends produced more than most of her past lovers could make in a single night. And that was only the beginning, the first first of so many loads. Their massive balls tightened and the entire length of their cocks twitched as they unloaded jet after creamy jet inside her. Thick strands of cum sputtered out of her pussy almost immediately as the cock plunging in and out of her slackened cunt sent it erupting out of her as surely as it pumped more right back in. Aided of course by her uncontrollably spasming inner walls and even by the sheer size of the prick buried in her ass. But even more absurd than that was the ungodly amount her already inflated belly swelled up as her guts were soaked in sperm. Without any real limitations to stop her from filling their bimbo to the brim Tasha emptied her balls deep inside their plaything's quivering asshole. With nearly a foot of cock already buried inside her colon and every twitch adding another helping to what she'd already unleashed she was practically receiving a cum enema. All while being subjected to her own ecstasy as she convulsed and shuddered with each drop and every spasm of the cocks filling her so wonderfully. For almost a minute straight she was nothing more than a conveniently realistic fleshlight for her lovers. An easy place for them to pump their jizz after they'd satisfied themselves with her body.

By the time both of them had finished she was so completely bloated with cum and overwhelmed by pleasure she could barely keep her eyes open. Whatever breaths she managed to suck in were short, ragged, and altogether weak and more often than not when she exhaled it was in a loud, gurgling burp as Tasha's cum actually managed to reach her previously empty stomach and fill her throat with a lewd gas. Soon enough she could even taste her lover's seed in the back of her throat as she continued to belch and groan. At some point her hands managed to find her stomach, weakly roaming the unfamiliar yet not at all surprising contours of her inflated skin. Pleasure continued to swirl through her in greater quantities than she was capable of handling but random, disparate thoughts were actually managing to penetrate the daze clouding her mind. Thoughts like the realization that neither of her lovers had pulled out yet despite how much they enjoyed seeing the sloppy aftermath of their impossible girth. Which eventually led her to wonder if they planned to keep fucking her. Neither Monique nor Tasha were ever satisfied with a simple creampie and considering how long they'd been forced to wait it seemed impossible that it'd all be over after one go. Of course as simple as those thoughts were it took Annabelle ages to actually have them, long enough in fact for her partners to have an entire, silent conversation she wasn't privy to. Once it was over their plans were made abundantly clear.

A long, wet squelch filled the bedroom as Monique pulled her cock free of the cum drenched cavern that'd once been Annabelle's tight little pussy. Admiring the mess for a little while she only turned away to pick up the discarded spinner lying on the floor. Flicking the plastic dial with one finger she watched it rotate for a second before coming to a stop. Her face immediately lit up, prompting Tasha to ask, “What'd it land on?”

“Ass.” Monique replied.

“Heh, sounds good! Just let me—”

“Oh I wasn't spinning it for her.”


Tasha didn't have anywhere near enough time to react before Monique pounced on her. Suddenly and wildly flipping both her and Annabelle over like a couple of patties on the grill she climbed atop the pair while their bimbo puked cum from both ends as a muscular hunk of woman pressed her cum inflated belly against the stomach. When another, only marginally less full bodied woman joined in the fun all the spunk that'd been emptied into her guts came rushing back out again in a single continuous het as she choked and sputtered and clawed at the sheets. But Monique didn't pay their slut any mind, her attention was solely on the tight little oval hidden between Tasha's toned buttocks. Spreading her friend's cheeks and pushing her cock against that well fucked hole she didn't give her companion even a second to comprehend what was about to happen. She just slammed every last inch of her glistening prick into her partner's trembling ring, her whole body ramming against Tasha's and sending Annabelle sinking even deeper into the mattress. Cum sputtered out of her still open mouth alongside a throaty groan as she finally caught some semblance of a breath. It would be short lived though as Monique wasted no time absolutely drilling her friend's asshole, comfortably sliding an arm around her neck to lightly choke her in the crook of her elbow as she did.

Despite her moans and the delicious tightness of her ass Tasha still managed to offer a weak, wholly insincere protest, “What are you doing?”

“Punishing you!” She grunted, her hips slamming against her friend's juicy ass cheeks in a wet frenzy of movement.

“H-How c-c-come I-I-I-I ne-e-e-ver ge-e-e-e-et t-t-t-t-to fu-u-u-u-ck y-o-o-o-o-u-u-u-u-u-?”

Leaning in close and playfully nibbling on Tasha's earlobe Monique whispered the answer her friend already knew, “Because I never start without you!”

Both of her companions cried out in delight as pleasure washed over them, their bodies descending into fits of shuddering as they were bounced against each other by Monique's dick. It was an experience they knew all too well and one they'd get to enjoy for quite a long time before she finally stopped 'punishing' her friend. Much to the chagrin of the neighbors and really anyone within earshot of their apartment. Not that any of the three women gave even a single fuck as they had sex for hours and hours without ever once slowing down. Every last one of Annabelle's holes were completely destroyed by her friend's cocks and Tasha's ass was almost turned inside out thanks to her impatience. Which was exactly what she'd wanted all along. And when they were finally done fucking like sailors on shore leave the three collapsed in a sticky mess of cum, pussy juice, sweat, and spit. All three of them were coated in a lurid mixture of two or more fluids and none of them had any hope of opening their eyes for the remainder of the evening. The next morning however, was an entirely difference story.


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