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So this was originally going to be a lot shorted and come paired with another, shorted story alongside it. As you'll likely find out when reading this story isn't short at all, not by the standards I was aiming for lol. So I think this will have to do for the time being and the other story I've already started will sit on the backburner for the moment. I'm already far enough along that I'll finish it but I can't rightly say when. So hopefully this is enough for y'all!

Despite knowing full well what would happen, and indeed relying on that very knowledge, Princess Peach couldn't help feeling more than a little nervous as she approached the undersized green warp pipe hidden away in a forgotten corner of the palace gardens. After stumbling across it a good month or two earlier and learning first hand why the gardener had seen fit to allow a Piranha Plant in such a quiet and peaceful place she couldn't have been more eager to return and visit the strange offshoot lurking in the mysterious piping as soon as possible. Unfortunately royal duties and multiple 'kidnappings' by her love had prevented her from exploring any further. But after sneaking away from all her obligations and hurrying across the castle as fast as her feet could carry her she was finally standing before that seemingly innocuous little tube. Just shy of waist height and nowhere near large enough to actually fit a person, or even a Toad, it'd been placed like a decoration in the corner of a small pathway skirting the outermost edge of the gardens. Thankfully it was far from decorative and though she felt a bit silly and more than a bit nervous Princess Peach lifted up the skirt of her trademark pink gown and stepped over the unassuming little pope.

Straddling it as best she could and turning back towards the path behind her in the unlikely event someone happened to come she slowly lowered herself onto the tubing's wide rim. Long, gooey strands of warmth leaked from her naked pussy as she did so, dripping into the shadowy confines and hopefully awakening the entity that lurked within. Her tightly clenched little asshole winked and trembling in anticipation of what was to come and goosebumps erupted across her whole body. She did her best to find a somewhat comfortable place to sit but the whole thing was too narrow to afford much room. The best she could really manage was a slightly awkward half squat, her knees bent forward just a bit more than normal and her plump bubble butt perched on the outermost rim. Thankfully after a few seconds of squirming and adjusting and doing her best to look as natural as possible while she stood there waiting for something altogether unnatural something finally stirred within the pipe. Roused by the endless trickle of arousal seeping from her puffy cunt the Piranha Plant hidden within slithered up towards it's latest meal. And had it been any other Piranha Plant in the Mushroom Kingdom she never, ever would've put herself in such a position. This one was different in a most delicious way. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say these ones were more different in a most delicious way.

Made up of two small heads about the size of her clenched fist colored a soft pinkish color instead of the usual red and possessed of at least three or four even smaller no bigger than the tip of her finger the plant slowly coming to life beneath her didn't have any of the painfully sharp teeth shared by nearly all the other members of it's species. What it did have was unaccountably long, slimy tongues within each mouth and large, soft lips. Two features that left her absolutely breathless as she felt and heard it rising like a snake from within the pipe and two features that occupied every solitary thought within her mind as she spread herself open just a little bit more and sucked in a ragged breath. Although she couldn't actually see the Piranha Plant approaching she could sense it drifting with amorous intention towards her bare sex and trembling asshole. She could almost perfectly imagine it's lips parting and those amazingly long tongues emerge from the main buds. A few nervously exhilarating moments after she'd sat down Princess Peach was given a chance to do more than simply imagine what they looked like between her sodden thighs. Without any real warning and no preamble whatsoever the plants found her freely offered body and they waster no time nourishing themselves on her juices.

At nearly the exact same time two unimaginably soft, long, and sinewy tongues pushed against her aching holes. One effortlessly parted the gooey, blonde hair coated outer lips of her cunt while another smeared fluid all across her far tighter but every bit as puffy asshole.  The former didn't hesitate to push even deeper between her lips, slowly but surely finding her quivering entrance while it's lips completely enveloped her vulva. It might not have reached her impossibly sensitive clit but under the circumstances she couldn't begin to complain about that fact. Not while one tongue perfectly teased her slit and another slowly lathered her asshole. Peach sucked in a sharp breath and unleashed it in a long, shuddering squeal as her body reflexively pulled away from the stimulation only for her her rational mind to send herself right back down again. She wanted both their appendages inside her as soon as possible but she was smart enough to know there was no use trying to force it. The Piranha Plant would go at it's own pace it wouldn't go at all. Of course she couldn't exactly complain as the small tip of one tongue pushed and rubbed and teased the stubbornly clenched entrance to her ass. Evidently no stranger to working with such tight little places it swirled across her plump ring and wriggled as deep as it could go whenever a wild shudder coursed through her. Distending outwards just a little bit as the stimulation mounted her well trained rectum, familiar as it was with Bowser's massive cock, slowly opened more and more for the strange yet strangely erotic intruder trying to find access. By contrast her pussy had no trouble at all parting like a blossoming flower for the tongue writhing around her entrance and teasing her with the ever looming threat of pleasure. If anything the Piranha Plant had to actually pull back as Peach grinded against it in sudden, involuntary movements. But every time it pulled away the return was made all the more delicious and she couldn't help but relish in the toe curling ebb and flow as it developed between them.

Little by little she managed to find ways to respond without giving away what she was doing to anyone who might stumbled across her. Although she could do nothing about her flushed cheeks and glassy eyes nobody would suspect what transpired beneath her dress as her legs spasmed and her body convulsed in tiny bursts. None of her kind but oh so naive subjects could imagine the pleasure she felt as two separate but deliciously identical tongues burrowed deeper and deeper inside her. While the one pushing against and gradually parting the puffy contours of her anus continue to work it's slow magic the one sending thick streams of arousal cascading down into the depths of the pipe quickly abandoned whatever measured restraint it'd been exhibiting. No doubt coaxed deeper by her wantonly aroused sex and the promise of even more succulent warmth it stopped teasing her pussy just as suddenly as it'd started. Yet instead of pulling away from her like it'd done in the past it held itself firm against her quivering hole until she reflexively grinded against the slimy member poised to slip inside her. And the very moment she did that the Piranha Plant gave Peach exactly what she wanted. Stretching open wide enough to nearly envelop the entirety of her trembling folds it sent it's tongue plunging into her depths so fast and so forcefully she actually let out a little squeak. Her whole body tensed as her once half closed eyes shot open again.

What little progress the second tongue had been making on her asshole was halted entirely in the wake of her sudden tension but she hardly even notice the lack of pleasure to her sensitive ring. The ecstasy of feeling that long, slimy appendage shoved so amazingly far into her cunt momentarily drowned everything out. It's sinewy, viscous contours felt absolutely incredible writhing and straining against her inner walls. Like nothing she'd ever experienced and certainly nothing like any tongue she'd felt within her. The way it could and did move inside her trembling pussy felt indescribably good from the very first moment she experienced the toe curling sensation. Her already furious blushing cheeks turned an even deeper shade of crimson while her shimmering blue eyes rolled back in her head. At some point her lips parted in a soft, barely audible whimper while her gloved hands grabbed fistfuls of her gown and held on for dear life. She could tell without a shadow of a doubt that hers was not the first cunt that Piranha Plant had tasted, the way it writhed against all the most sensitive places inside her and pushed against her cervix proved that in a heartbeat. It seemed to know it's way around her cunt better than Bowser! Maybe eve better than she did! The pressure it applied to the entrance of her womb was nothing short of breathtaking and yet not quite so overwhelming that she couldn't bear it. In fact every time she feared she might reach her breaking point the tongue pulled back just enough to allow her a few moments of respite.

Or what passed for respite while her most intimate places were being similarly teased by the constantly shifting length of tongue rubbing and pressing and sliding against her innermost walls. What little breath she managed to take in never failed to be exhaled in sudden, ragged bursts and though she'd managed to remain upright thus far the urge to double over and squeal in abject delight was growing stronger with every second she remained perched on that pipe. Only the absolute certainty that someone would hear her and come running kept the Princess quiet and still. But fighting such urges slowly took their toll on her rapidly graying mind. Especially as the convulsions attempting to tear threw her grew more wild by the second and all the time she'd spent fantasizing about this very moment came back around in the most pronounced way imaginable. Warmth seeped from her cunt in a near constant stream, nourishing the very plant causing such a deluge and only encouraging it further. Her pussy tightened in spasmodic waves around it's tongue but no matter how hard she convulsed it never seemed to slow and never seemed to tire. Not even her beast of a lover could boast such a feat and the sheer, unending nature of what she was experiencing left her so unaccountably dazed she was barely functioning within a few minutes of that first penetration. Every fiber of her being hidden beneath her glowing pink dress was tensed like never before, her legs vibrating as her muscles spasmed and her taut belly trembling so hard she was actually sore. It was impossible to breath and even more impossible to think as she was teased and stimulated better than she ever dreamed. Any thought of what else the Piranha Plant might be capable of vanished from her mind alongside all the rest.

Thankfully her mysterious companion wasn't quite as limited and the second appendage waiting it's turn to strike finally seized the opportunity during a particularly violent convulsion. As pleasure ripped through her body Peach couldn't help but shudder in it's wake, a veritable deluge of pussy juice gushing from her sex as she was treated to a small, mind numbing orgasm. Though it wasn't much more than a prelude to what she'd experience later it was enough to send her body into a momentary burst of shuddering. Her well fucked and well trained asshole puffed outwards as pleasure erupted from her sex and the very moment her puffy ring opened just a little bit more than normal the second head of the Piranha Plant lashed out like a coiling snake. By the time the dewy pink rosebud always threatening to emerge any time she was truly enjoying herself was visible the tip of the creature's appendage had wormed inside her. Nowhere near deep enough to rival it's companion but certainly enough to be felt and adored by the woman it was trying to please. Jerking out of the slump she'd slowly been sinking into and sitting bolt upright with a wide eyed expression of pure delight on her face Princess Peach let out a small, almost imperceptible whimper. She simply couldn't hold it back as she felt that impossibly long appendage wriggled deeper and deeper into her asshole. A second pair of lips closed around her puffy outer ring and the slimy tendril glided deep into her body, deeper than the first could ever dream of going and deep enough to leave her feeling out of breath and bloated from the sheer amount of tongue inside her.

Of course no matter how she might've felt there was nothing she wanted more than to feel it writhing and squirming and shifting inside her just like the first. Fortunately that was a wish she hardly needed to make, her partner fulfilling it almost immediately while she was left to gasp and strain and grunt as quietly as she could manage. Before long her eyes were shut tight and her teeth were bared in an almost feral grimace as she did everything in her power to stay silent and not reveal herself to the Toadstools undoubtedly looking for her at that very moment. She couldn't help but relish in the thrill of being caught, despite how mortifying such a thing would've been, and the sheer pressure of trying to stay quiet added a thrilling adrenaline rush to the already intoxicating experience. Whenever she felt those sudden spikes of clarity and anticipation the pleasure that followed soon after was made that much more clear. Peach could well and truly feel the tongues squirming inside her pussy and asshole, she could feel them straining against the thin wall separating the two and moving in sync with one another in a way that simply defied comprehension. And when she inevitably sank back down into the ecstasy welling up inside her it wasn't long before the fear of being caught sent more adrenaline through her system. Once again she was swept up in the absolutely divine ebb and flow of a sexual experience she never could've imagined being as wonderful as it was. One that only seemed to grow more lascivious with every passing moment. Within a handful of minutes she could actually hear the wet sloshing and lewd squelching of her holes being violated, even over the soft breeze rustling the greenery around her.

Neither the lips smothering her cunt and her asshole nor her own straining groans could overshadow the sloppiness of her body as it was continuously and ferociously worked over by a plant. She wasn't nearly lucid enough to appreciate the absurdity of that fact but she was undoubtedly aroused enough to revel in the sounds of her cunt being fucked and her asshole being stretched. After years of spreading her legs for Bowser's massive dick she was more than familiar with how wet and gooey her body could get when she was properly excited but the pure, undiluted creaminess of her holes as they were coated in slime and stimulated with such effectiveness truly boggled her mind. In what was fast becoming a trend the experience was unlike anything she'd ever felt and there was nothing she could do but be swept up in joy. Excepting of course furtively grinding against both tongues as her inner walls spasmed like never before and wild tremors cascaded through her constantly shivering limbs. That much she could and very much did do whenever she had the chance. Nothing else made sense as her pleasure climbed ever higher and she felt like she was being smothered in the sheer onslaught of bliss trying to consume her. Every time her body pushed outwards in some desperate bid to resist the tongues inside her they seemed to double their efforts. Every time she relented because she lacked the strength to go on they lessened their assault. No matter what she did it was met with some form of ecstasy. It wouldn't be long before she was entirely overwhelmed.

But as she hurtled closer and closer to her bliss Peach forgot, or simply didn't care, to keep herself under any sort of control. With every pounding beat of her heart and frantic convulsion of her aching cunt or greedy asshole she lost the composure that'd kept her hidden. Low, soft moans turned into long, loud grunts. Her once nearly paralyzed body visibly spasmed and convulsed as she grinded against the warp pipe beneath her. At some point her fingers found the edge of it beneath her dress and held on for dear life. Slowly but surely she gave in to the temptation of ecstasy coursing through her senses and the more she gave in the louder her pleasure grew. Gone were the soft whimpers and cute little moans that often accompanied the earliest stages of her bliss. In their place were deep, throaty sounds made during only the most passionate moments of ecstasy. Sounding less like the cutesy Princess everyone thought she was and more like the unapologetic slut lurking beneath the surface she unleashed ever more pronounced groans and cries. The wet slurp and endless squelch of her holes being violated was swiftly drowned out in their entirety by sounds more akin to wild animals than a prim and proper royal woman like her. And as a soft, cool breeze continued to flow through the gardens her pleasure was carried far beyond where it might've traveled. Far enough to reach the ears of those searching high and low for their beloved monarch. Though not a single one understood the true nature of the sounds filling their ears all felt a strange rush of embarrassment alongside the adrenaline. Somehow they knew the noises belonged to Peach even if they couldn't possibly explain how they knew such a thing or even what the reason for such sounds could be. They simply followed the breathy grunts and lengthy groans across the grounds and towards their source, more and more Toadstools joining in until there were nearly a dozen hurrying down the pathways towards their nearly orgasmic monarch.

“Princess!” A shrill voice called out, “Are you okay Princess?!”

Immediately thrown back into reality in the most unpleasant way imaginable Peach straightened so fast it was a miracle her spine didn't snap. Though pleasure continued erupting through every fiber of her being the splash of cold water that was a dozen of her subjects running towards her with frantic expressions and flailing arms put a stop to her impending climax. Or rather that's what she assumed as she sat up right and attempted to look prim and proper once more, the truth was far more insidious and far more explosive. As Toads gathered around her with fearful looks on their faces and endlessly repeated questions spilling from her mouth the tongues writhing inside her cunt hadn't slowed even the slightest bit. Neither of the Piranha Plants assaulting her cunt and stretching open her asshole had any reason to stop what they were doing. Indeed as her body reflexively tightened around their appendages both organisms naturally responded in kind. Writhing even harder against her convulsing inner walls and pushing back against the trembling spasms suddenly wracking her they seemed to actively fight her attempts to calm down. And though she certainly felt their redoubled efforts Peach was nothing if not a master of acting however she was expected to act in the moment. She'd been selling her many kidnappings for years and nobody but a few of Bowser's most trusted allies and Toadette understood the true nature of her relationship with him. Unfortunately for her the Toads fretting and worrying themselves into a tizzy had seen beneath the mask she always wore. They'd seen the slut she really was and putting that particular genie back in the bottle wasn't something she could easily manage. Of course she still tried anyways.

“I'm fine!” She insisted over and over again, her trembling voice and ever so slightly quivering limbs betraying her lie more than her convulsions and grunting ever had, “I was . . . I was dreaming . . . I must have dozed off sitting here . . . and I had a terrible dream.”

“Was it about Bowser?!” One of her subjects screamed.

The rest started panicking even more, some looking to the skies while others just stood there trembling in abject fear. Peach watched them and did her best not to smile. Their antics were absurd and the pleasure of the tongues writhing inside her slowly returned in spite of how desperately she tried to push it away. “I-I don't remember what I was dreaming about!” The end of her sentence was marked with a sharp gasp as the tongue within her ass swirled around her puffy doughnut of an entrance hard enough to once more fill the air with the lewd sounds of her spit slimy hole being violated. Hearing those wildly indecent sounds and feeling their toe curling effect was incredible all on it's own ut surrounded by her unsuspecting subjects felt somehow even better. She was spared them discovering her rectum being stretched and resized by their own squawking insanity. “I promise you!” She called out above the wildness around her, “I'm okay!”

“But your face is all red!”

“And you were groaning really loud!”

“You sounded like you were in pain!”

“You definitely sounded like you were in pain!”

“Are you sick?”

“The Princess is sick!”

“No she can't be sick!”

Pursing her lips for a moment to stifle the moan trying to escape Peach opened her mouth with a soft smack, more than ready to silence their fears and send them on their way. Before she could do more than exhale the Piranha Plant beneath played what she could only assume were it's last cards all at once and she was utterly powerless to do anything but stiffen. Her eyes widened and glazed over, her whole body went rigid, and every fiber of her being was set alight within seconds as the mysteriously talented entity beneath her finally made use of the smaller mouths orbiting the largest stalks. One darted towards her swollen, wholly neglected clit with unerring accuracy. It's small lips closed around her bud and it's dexterous tongue swirled across it faster than she could possibly react. Pleasure lanced through her like a bolt of lighting and there wasn't a thing she could've done about it. Not by itself and especially not as three other mouths found her plump, well fucked ring. Their lips pushed against the contours of her asshole while their tongues wriggled into her already full canal. But rather than joining the larger appendage in stimulating her sensitive walls and sending her head over heels into pleasure they did something even better. With a frightening strength and incredible accuracy all three of the new, vastly smaller tongue curled around the taut, gaped edges of her hole and started pulling. Pulling away from each other and pulling away from the central pillar of slimy plant still writhing about inside her. At the same moment her clit was finally given the attention she'd wanted from the very beginning her already sloppily stretched anus was pulled even further open. Wider than anything she'd experienced with Bowser and wide enough for the larger Piranha Plant to start pushing it's way inside her fleshy pink rosebud. Not just it's tongue but it's entire head.

“What's the matter Princess?!”

“Something's wrong!”

“Someone get Toadsworth!”

“Someone get Mario!”

“No!” Peach growled, her voice deep and guttural and wholly unlike her normal sweetness. As pleasure swirled through her body and an orgasm threatened to overwhelm her the last thing she wanted around was that mustachioed cuckold. “I'm fine!” Her body started to quiver as more and more of the Piranha Plant's head wiggled into her asshole. The three smaller offshoots continued pulling her open despite how fiercely her trembling ring tried to close. No matter how hard her body convulsed nor how furiously her innermost walls spasmed they continued widening the fleshy chasm of her ass centimeter by centimeter. “I'm fine!” She repeated. But as she grit her teeth and held on to the pipe below her so tightly her knuckles cracked even the naive Toads around her couldn't believe that lie. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, i''m fine!”

She didn't mean to repeat herself as much as she was. She didn't even know she was doing it at all after a few moments. The entirety of the Piranha Plant assaulting her asshole had finally popped inside her with a soft squelch and a toe curling final thrust. Her asshole was stretched wide around it's bulbous contours and it's constantly writhing tongue had pushed even deeper into her body. So deep she wondered if it was about to erupt from her mouth at any moment. Sadly no such thing occurred but between the unimaginable pleasure of being gaped wide and stuffed full and the unending joy of yet another tongue inisde her cunt assaulting her cervix she was well and truly beyond saving. No amount of self control could protect her from what was happening and the little mouth wrapped around her clit all but ensured she was sent spiraling down into the deepest reaches of ecstasy before long. As the Toads around her continued to squawk and fret, and panic she doubled over for a moment. Groaning like a wild animal and slamming her knees together hard enough to send them bouncing away in a quite painful burst she made one final attempt at keeping herself under control. One last ditch effort to stop herself from cumming in front of her subjects and shattering the illusion that she was anything but a sex addicted whore dressed like a monarch. Her efforts were, of course, laughably unsuccessful but for a single moment it almost seemed like she might actually succeed. In her frazzled, broken mind she was actually making some kind of progress towards staving off her own sluttiness.

Then she experienced what her odd little lover was truly capable of when the remaining, smaller heads found her clit and her flagging sanity was assaulted by three separate tongues and three separate mouths around her most sensitive bud all once. Although none could envelop her pearl as fully as the first simply having three separate appendages dancing across the peak of her sex and moving with the same unrelenting enthusiasm as all the rest proved once and for all how truly powerless the Princess was. Throwing her head back and sending her crown bouncing into a nearby hedge she offered a silent scream to the cloudless blue sky, here eyes widening for a moment, then rolling back in her head until nothing but a field of white was visible. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her lips trembled in an uncontrollable frenzy as what little air was left in her lungs burst out in a single gust. All the babbling and worrying and screaming of the Toads around her faded into nothingness. As loud as they were her pleasure was infinitely louder. She forgot all about them, all about herself, all about everything except the pure ecstasy coursing through her senses and swallowing up her very soul. Juices exploded from her cunt in a sudden eruption unlike anything she'd ever felt. A veritable geyser of sweet smelling warmth squirted from her sex, spraying into the mouth still pressed against her pussy and flooding it so completely her warmth spilled over within seconds. Her tautly quivering, brutally stretched open ring finally managed to escape the tongues pulling her open in a flurry of spasmodic twitching. As her body convulsed so hard the Toads around her feared she was dying the trio of Piranha Plants responsible for gaping her so wide finally lost their grip.

They tumbled away as her quivering hole tightened around the head shoved so wonderfully deep within her. It was pulled even further into her depths by her madly convulsing hole and despite how tightly she was squeezing it the plant never failed to continue it's assault, it's tongue moving relentlessly against places that'd never been stimulated before. Pleasure ripped through her body in countless explosions. Each one radiated outwards to the very tips of her fingers and toes in a beautifully maddening burst of sheer bliss. And before it had a chance to fade another took it's place, then another, then another. Entirely at the mercy of the plant beneath and inside her Peach was a slave io whatever it wanted. She was forced to squirt over and over again as the ceaseless ebb and flow left her no room to breath, no time to recover, no chance to gather herself or understand what was happening beyond the most primal ecstasy. Her limbs spasmed more uncontrollably with every passing second and the longer she was subjected to her pleasure the less her convulsing muscles functioned. It was nothing short of a miracle she'd remained upright for as long as she had and with the Piranha Plant showing no signs of slowing every second she remained was another miracle. Even the Toads around her couldn't help but gawk as she slumped against the pipe in a twitching, heap of barely connected limbs and slack jawed bliss.

Each and every one of them was still utterly clueless about the reason for her convulsions but that didn't stop them from panicking and running about in a tizzy of uncertainty. They continued to cry out random, thoughtless suggestions and wholly unhelpful remarks, all of them trying to do something but finding themselves utterly helpless as their Princess twitched and grunted in a terrifying way. For what felt like an eternity she convulsed and stared up at the sky, utterly unresponsive and utterly incapable of doing anything but swaying back and forth. She was blind, deaf, and dumb to their words and nothing they tried made any difference at all. It was until she finally, suddenly collapsed to the ground that they had any idea what'd happened. In a burst of spasming movement and flailing limbs Princess Peach tumbled forward, her body wholly unable to support her for a moment longer and the Piranha Plant inside her incapable of keeping her in place. None of her subjects expected her to fall and none of them could do anything but watch in fear as she collapsed against the garden path. A loud, wet pop filled the air a moment before the thud of her body hitting the earth. Before any of the Toads could wonder about that strange noise they were met with the sight of the plant she'd been sitting up still writhing and squirming in the open air. Slick with her fluids and visibly unsatisfied with what it'd been fed it continued to writhe for much, much longer than any of them expected. Long enough for Peach to slump down against the ground, her face pressed against the stone and her ass lifted into the air with only her sodden dress hiding her modesty. A soft gust of wind removed even that much and a chorus of gasps filled the air as all twelve Toads standing around finally glimpsed the mess that was her asshole and cunt.

Completely exposed to their stunned gaze and the bright rays of the sun her puffy ring was absolutely destroyed by the sudden exit of the plant shoved inside her. Gaped wide enough to fit two fists without even touching the inner walls her fleshy pink rectum spasmed in the open air. The soft breeze responsible for revealing her caused a faint whistling sound as it flew past her cavernous tunnel, filling her gooey walls and swirling down into the shadowy depths hidden from view. None of her subjects had ever seen anything so lewd in their lives and for many it was more than they could understand. In comparison to the yawning, ruined mess that was her asshole the glistening, slightly gaped contours of her pussy were downright normal. Even stretched open enough to fit at least three fingers inside with ease juxtaposed with her anus it was a night and day difference. Paired together alongside everything else they'd witnessed and the sight of her plump ass jiggling and her milky white thighs coated in fluids it made for a very entrancing, very confusing sight for her subjects. One they couldn't help staring at for what must've been minutes on end. Nobody knew what to do and in the twilight state she'd been reduced Peach didn't even know her body was exposed, let alone that a dozen of her subjects could see her most intimate places. But had she know about . . . in truth she wouldn't have given a damn. After the pleasure she'd just experienced nothing else in the world mattered. Not even the arrival of the one and only Toad aware of her sexual proclivities.

“What are you looking?!” Toadette demanded, rounding the corner and immediately scaring nearly all of her fellows out of their skin, “Can't you see the Princess needs to be alone! Shame on you!”

“But we were—”

“You were spying on the Princess during a private moment! And now you're taking advantage of her when she's weak and helpless! You're despicable!”

“We didn't do any—”

“Get out of here! NOW!”

Frightened by her words and in no position to refuse the Toads scurried away in a frenzy, tripping over themselves and slamming into one another as they ran off in every direction they could. Toadette watched them flee with a fierce scowl and darkly narrowed eyes, her uncharacteristic ferocity surprising herself as much as them. But her ire vanished almost instantly upon hearing Peach softly warbling her name a few moments later, “Tooooooaaaaaaad . . . etteeeeeeeeeeeee . . .”

Turning towards her friend and moving behind her to survey the mess that was her cunt and asshole she let out a soft laugh, “You just couldn't help yourself could you Princess?”

“Noooooooo . . .”

“Do you need help getting up?”

“Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss . . .” She croaked.

“All right . . .” With hands on hips and a wide smirk lighting up her face Toadette quickly remembered who she was dealing with and amended her question, “Do you want me to make you cum again before I help you up?”


Peach wiggled her ass back and forth as best she could, her face slowly turning to the side as she looked at her companion with a glassy eyed smile. “Good.” Her friend replied, rolling up her sleeve and curling her fingers into a fist. Her other hand reached out to hold open the slowly tightening ring she was about to brutalize and she paused just long enough to ask, “Are you ready slut?” The Princess gave a quick little nod and a moment later she was screaming once more as Toadette's fist and indeed most of her small but fantastically pleasurable arm was buried in her asshole. She spent the rest of the day with her ass in the air and her friend's fists pumping in and out of her holes, her endless squeals echoing across the castle grounds for all to hear. But nobody came running to her aid. Nobody was foolish enough to disturb their monarch again and she was left to wallow in ecstasy until darkness finally swallowed her mind.


Sophia Dearden

This was outstanding. I adored this story and you took my idea in directions I would not have thought of myself. I loved every word of it. Great job!

Jimmy TwoTries

Simply the best. Perfect idea and execution.


Well I can't take credit for the idea but I can certainly be grateful for the other compliment!


Thank you so much for the kind words! I'll never tire of hearing how incorrect my neurotic assumptions are lol