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It's time for another story featuring the Twi'lek character that's slowly becoming what amounts to an OC of mine! Anyone in the mood for a simple but hopefully lewd threesome between three Star Wars races should find a lot to enjoy here!

Oh and since it's been a little while I'll link the previous chapters featuring her, even though they aren't direct prequels or anything: An Easy Day Earning Credits - No Credits Required 

Of all the exotic places and fascinating sights Itara had experienced throughout her life the inside of a Rebel cell on some repurposed freighter scarcely able to break atmosphere was, without a doubt, the worst by a laughably wide margin. It certainly wasn't the first time she'd been apprehended by some sort of authority and thrown into a dingy, poorly lit room still reeking of the previous occupants and in dire need of a thorough wash. But it was the first time she'd ever been bothered for anything more than sex by anyone from the Rebel Alliance. From the moment they approached her in the Mos Eisley streets she knew who the cadre of surly looking aliens were and what they were about. They might as well have worn flashing signs above their heads with every step they took. Fortunately for them and unfortunately for her none of the Stormtroopers milling about seemed to notice a gaggle of absurdly suspicious entities constantly eyeing their surroundings and keeping their hands, or whatever appendages served as such, near their weapons. Incorrectly assuming they were interested in her rather famous services she greeted them warmly enough. But the moment they responded she knew they weren't interested in having any fun. Indeed it seemed like a few of them had never enjoyed anything in their entire lives. At least if their grim expressions and gravely voices were any indication. Blasters were covertly drawn and aimed at her as the demanded she come with them. In no position to refuse and confident she'd find a way out of her latest predicament Itara had followed them into the spaceport without any fuss. The sight of her traveling alongside a group of offworlders was hardly a rare one and few bothered to glance twice as she passed. Though some did look sideways at the aliens she traveled with in a place like Mos Eisley nobody was about to stop and demand and explanation. Even the 'authorities' knew better most of the time.

Upon reaching the aforementioned hunk of junk masquerading as a spaceship she was ushered on board and guided into a cell. Before long she felt the freighter rumble to life and soon enough they'd left Tatooine entirely. At least as far as she could tell. Without any windows or amenities aside from a bucket she refused to examine in any detail her furnishings were quite sparse. Yet despite that fact and the nature of her abduction Itara wasn't particularly worried about her circumstances. In part because of who'd 'captured' her and in part because the vessel around her was in such shoddy condition she was confident she could break free by pushing hard enough on any random wall panel. Assuming she could bring herself to actually touch the filth encrusted metal long enough to do so. If that didn't pan out there was always the backup plan of fighting her way to the bridge, taking a hostage, and contacting some of the many, many friends she'd made throughout her travels. Unless they planned to take her out of the galaxy entirely rescue wasn't too far away and that fact alone was enough to send a smile spreading across her beautiful features. And when nobody came to interrogate her she occupied her mind with yet more escape plans and a myriad of other, entirely feasible but no less bombastic fantasies. Alongside a few more rational thoughts like who she'd contact once she broke free and what she'd do with the Rebels after she was rescued. Part of her wanted to simply let them go and be done with it but another part felt more than a little annoyed by their tactics. Whatever they wanted from her could've easily been acquired on Mos Eisley and probably even in her home. It certainly would've spared everyone the time and effort of whatever was going on!

Her musings were interrupted when the only way in and out of her cell suddenly opened and she was met with the sight of a heavily tattooed Zabrak man and a fierce looking Chiss woman. “You're coming with us Imperial.” The latter said in a deep, commanding voice.

“Try anything and we won't hesitate to kill you.” The former added, his tone every bit as dire but his voice far softer and much higher.

“I'm not an Imperial.” She replied as she walked towards them and obligingly held out her arms for whatever restraints they intended to place on her.

Both Rebels looked at one another for a moment before the Chiss fastened a pair of cuffs around Itara's wrists and jerked her head towards the hallway beyond, “Let's go.”

Immediately put at ease by their words and confident she fully understood the misunderstanding that'd caused this whole affair she stepped out of her cell and started walking without complaint. A coy little grin even found it's way onto her face as the Zabrak stepped in front and the Chiss moved in behind, both of them staying completely silent as they marched her through the ship for several minutes of what might've been tense silence under different circumstances. But thanks to what they'd given away in the first few seconds she already knew exactly what they wanted and exactly how to get out of whatever they might have planned. All she had to do was bide her time and wait for the interrogation to start. Of course while she was walking between them and while they passed all manner of aliens, from Human to Wookie and even a few she'd only ever glimpsed from afar, Itara couldn't help but flaunt just a little bit. For her own amusement and to throw off her captors just a little bit. Dressed as she was in flowing yet revealing teal clothes that hugged her voluptuous figure she hardly even had to try. With every confident step her beautifully rounded breasts jiggled and bounced within the confines of the bodice trying to keep them restrained. Her cleavage alone was enough to disappear into and the soft mounds of vibrant orange just about bursting out with any slight movement drew more than a few wide eyed looks from men, women, and everything in between.

But if that wasn't to their liking her amazingly curvaceous hips casually swaying back and forth in a hypnotic rhythm certainly accomplished everything she was trying to do and more. Though nowhere near as exposed as her breasts or indeed much of her upper body her nicely toned yet incredibly plump ass truly was a sight to behold as the underside of her entrancing rump peeked out from beneath the deliberately skimpy skirt she'd donned that morning. In more ways than one her shapely figure all but demanded the attention of everyone she passed no matter how grim or serious they might've been. Between her long smooth legs and the simple richness of her fiery orange skin she cut a striking figure indeed, even for a Twi'lek. As a matter of fact many of the Twi'lek she passed by did a small double take, their mouths falling open while their eyes roamed her voluptuous curves almost as much as the Chiss following behind. Her own deep crimson eyes sparkled with knowing delight and her full, angular features were shining with open amusement as she flaunted her beauty and left countless Rebels drooling in her wake. By the time she'd reached the interrogation room most of the ship had caught a glimpse of her and anyone who hadn't was already hearing about the 'Imperial' agent they'd captured. Itara sat down on the grimy chair opposite the door while her captors sat down opposite her. Setting down a small, circular hologram projector the Zabrak pressed a few buttons and a projection of her standing in the midst of a group of Stormtroopers appeared.

“Still think you can lie your way out of this Imperial?” The Chiss asked.

“We know you're working for the Empire.” The Zabrak continued. “And we want to know everything you've been told.”

“I don't work for the Empire.” Itara laughed, “I work with the Empire.”

“And the difference is?”

“And the difference is that I'm an independent contractor. I don't serve the Empire in the way you think and I certainly don't know anything that'd be useful to your cause.”

Both her interrogators looked at one another, then back to their captive with open skepticism, “You'll have to do better than that.” Her blue skinned captor replied.

Leaving forward and resting her elbows on the table despite how filthy it was Itara smirked and fixed them with a wide grin, “Your spies really need to hone their craft.”

“What do you mean?” Her horned captor asked.

“I'm not an agent of the Empire, I'm a dancer. A companion. This image,” She gestured to the hologram for a moment, “This was taken not ten minutes before I was having sex with every single one of those Stormtroopers at the same time.”

In an instant the entire atmosphere of the room changed as her interrogators stared at her with wide eyed surprise. Their disbelief only lasted a moment before the Chiss said, “And why should we believe that claim? You're an Imperial agent. You'd say anything to trick us.”

“I assume your spies continued following me after this was taken?”

“Of course.” The Zabrak stated.

“Then go collect those holograms and look through them. Assuming your spies aren't busy enjoying the show in their quarters.”

Her words were met with a stony silence and for a moment she worried they might actually be so stubborn they didn't listen to reason. But evidently curiosity got the best of them and at the exact same time both her captors stood up and said, “We'll return momentarily.”

They left the room in a barely contained hurry and Itara slowly leaned back against her chair with a wide, almost gloating smile. Her interrogators return a few minutes later looking much less grim and a lot more astonished. “Did you enjoy my performance?” She asked, “Normally I charge a fair few credits to watch but under the circumstances I'm willing to skip payment.”

“It seems you were telling the truth.” The Chiss remarked.

“But we're not entirely convinced.” Her companion declared.

“How is that possible? What information could I possibly gain from being ravished by Stormtroopers all night long? What kind of Imperial agent spends her nights with a cock stuffed in every orifice and a doze more waiting to do the same?”

“None that I've ever encountered.”


“Which only makes it all the more suspicious!”

Looking at both her captors in turn with an expression of pure disbelief Itara struggled to comprehend how purposefully dense they were being. “Aside from my fraternizing with Imperial soldiers do you have any evidence at all that I'm one of their agents? Anything whatsoever?”

“We know you've spent time aboard at least one Star Destroyer in the past.”

“Right. And what do you think I was doing aboard those ships? Do you really think I was receiving nefarious orders to hunt down Jedi and spy on the perverts of Mos Eisley for years on end?”

“No . . .”

“It seems unlikely . . .”

“It's very unlikely. In fact it's downright impossible. Do you have any idea how hard it is to focus on anything but sex when you're literally surrounded by cocks? When every single soldier on board a Star Destroyer is waiting to fuck you? Even the officers had their turn and I can promise you the women are every bit as insatiable as the men!” Leaning in once more to grin at both of them Itara continued, “I've always worked WITH the Empire, because I work with anyone who has the credits to afford me. If that means spending a few weeks on an Imperial cruiser serving as the entire ship's pleasure source then so be it. I'm good at what I do. Actually I'm incredible at what I do. And I love doing it. There's nothing more to it than that.”

A comically long, comically stunned silence followed her impassioned speech and as she watched her captors Itara could see their disbelief fading away. Realization spread across their faces for a second only to be replaced with embarrassment and quickly smothered beneath an obvious attempt to preserve what little dignity they could after accidentally arresting a dance and prostitute. “I see.” The Chiss eventually answered, “It's . . . certainly not impossible to believe what you're saying . . .”

“But we need—”

“You need more proof?” Itara asked.

“You could simply be a deep cover Imperial agent committed to your mission and willing to do anything to see it through. You wouldn't be the first.”

“Right . . . but if I suck your cock and tongue your pussy then you'll definitely believe me?” She asked as a knowing smile spread across her face.

Her interrogators looked away, both of their cheeks darkening as they fidgeted in their seats and refused to meet her gaze. “It would certainly help you case.” The blue haired alien stated after another lengthy silence.

“Is that so?” Waiting just long enough to leave them both uncomfortable and uncertain Itara finally gave them the answer they were hoping for when she said, “Then let's get these cuffs off . . .”

Both captors immediately looked at her, their bodies shivering ever so slightly at the sultry tone of her voice. No words were spoken as all three of them sat there for a few deliciously tense heartbeats. An instant later, in a flurry of movement and eager panting, Itara found herself kneeling on the squalid floor with her lips wrapped around a barbed Zabrak cock and her fingers shoved knuckle deep inside a deliciously wet Chiss pussy. Like it was nothing at all she throated all ten and half inches of alien prick, cupping and playing with his balls as her tongue danced across his length and her cheeks turned concave from the force of her enthusiastic slurping. Yet even as she completely rocked his naive little world with her oral talents her soft, dexterous fingers went to work inside her second lover's impossibly tight cunt. Pushing against her inner walls and teasing all the most sensitive places in the depths of her almost certainly virginal slit she sent rivulets of warmth cascading down her partner's thighs as surely as she sent spit and precum drooling down her own face. Within seconds she had both of her former interrogators so distracted and overwhelmed had she actually been an Imperial spy she could've killed them before they even had a chance to realize what was happening. Luckily for all three of them the buxom, sex loving Twi'lek making them shiver so fiercely was nothing more than what she appeared to be: Mos Eisley's most beautiful, enthusiastic whore.

Putting decades of experience to use as easily as a moisture farmer worked their machines she bobbed back and forth on the amazingly shaped member embedded in her mouth and sliding down the back of her throat. More than familiar with both the species she'd been called to serve and more than happy to show off that familiarity she slobbered all over his shaft and tongue every rounded barb with a deliberate yet frenetic energy. And upon reaching the head of his shaft she flicked it with her tongue just hard enough to make him groan, just hard enough to stimulate the extra nerves housed within his tip and send his hands darting towards her own head. Like so many others he grabbed hold of her thick, soft tendrils and held on for dear life while she repeated her success over and over again all the while gulping down his remarkably savory precum like it was her favorite treat in the world. And for the first minute or so her hand never once moved from his rather large, rather heavy sack. Constantly kneading and groping and fondling his balls she coaxed more and more seed from his tip until her belly was full of the stuff and he was ready to burst. Yet rather than actually continuing until he did erupt she capitalized on yet another bit of sexy knowledge she'd gained over the years, her fingers disappearing from his loins to slide between his legs and find the tightly clenched hole only a few inches away. Even if the Zabrak as a species lacked that oh so special spot that Humans did their assholes were still uncommonly sensitive. So much so pushing a single digit into his quivering ring was enough to make him cry out it like never before.

Throwing his head back and gasping for air he clutched her tendrils so tightly it was almost painful. His cock throbbed so fiercely it nearly reawakened her nonexistent gag reflex. But most of all the rest of his body tensed so ferociously it was like he'd been paralyzed. Which only meant Itara sucked that much harder and pushed her middle finger that much deeper inside him. While the remaining for pushed apart his thighs as best she could that lone digit went to down within his rectum, swiftly matching the pace and enthusiasm of her mouth as she continued to fly along his dick with such ferocity. Wet slurps and constant, throaty gurgles emanated from her mouth with every passing second and she made no effort to stifle the lascivious noises as they reverberated throughout the room. Between her own, sloppy sounds and the constant, trembling groans coming from the man she was sucking off the interrogation chamber was an absolute madhouse of perverted sounds and perverted sights. Especially as the beautiful Chiss woman she was pleasuring started to cry out in ecstasy too. Because even thought it seemed like he'd been her one and only focus from the very beginning her second hand had never once stopped working to make her scream. It didn't matter that she couldn't be anywhere near as creative as she might've wanted with only a couple digits, like a true professional Itara made it work and then some with every tender yet skillful stroke of her fingers against the madly quivering pussy she'd buried them  inside. Chiss anatomy was near identical to Twi'lek and Human, a fact she took full advantage of time and time again while her former captor struggled to keep up.

Experienced enough to make any woman scream in ecstasy, talented enough to do it with just one hand, and smart enough to know how to keep a partner guessing Itara was truly a force to be reckoned with as she worked her lover's cunt. Though much of her focus remained on the most sensitive spot hidden deep within her companion's slit she never dedicated all her attention solely to it. Indeed just as often her fingers pumped in and out of her pussy in sudden bursts of movement or buried themselves deeper than her partner thought possible before stirring up her insides in absolute frenzy. And every time she did thick strands of pussy juice gushed from her sex, droplets of it showering both women and even the man standing beside them as the Chiss being fingered convulsed like never before. The sweet smell of her arousal clouded the small room as surely as the stench of Zabrak precum and together the heady mixture sent all three of their heads spinning. But no matter how potent or pungent his seed might've been the sheer amount of warmth seeping from her slit as two amazingly talented Twi'lek fingers worked her over ensured the aroma of her sex smothered almost everything else. Left resting around her ankles her pants were absolutely drenched in her own juices and a nice, sticky puddle was already forming between her constantly shifting feet.

Even more erotic than that were the rivulets of warmth rolling down Itara's forearm and dripping from her elbow, their soft plink as they hit the metal floor all but completely drowned out by everything else yet no less erotic despite that. Especially on the rare occasions her fingers slid completely free to rub at the swollen bud almost hidden away at the crest of her labia. Any time she so much as brushed against that impossible sensitive spot the absolute downpour that followed couldn't be more erotic. More than once she had to actually resist the urge to focus all her attention on that one spot and send her companion into fits of ecstasy. Though in truth the only reason she had to resist that urge was an unnecessary yet wholly overpowering desire to show off by making them both cum at the same time. There truly was no reason at all for her to do such a thing, both Rebels were more than convinced she was telling the truth and in no state to do anything more than hold on for dear life as she made them explode. But it didn't matter if what she was doing didn't expressly need to be done. Between the challenge and the thrill of making two completely different aliens erupt simultaneously Itara truly couldn't help herself. Even if she'd wanted to she couldn't stop slurping on Zabrak cock nor could she have stopped fingering Chiss pussy. It was simply too much fun to ever consider doing anything else. Particularly when both of them started to grunt and gasp and moan like wild beasts, their bodies clamping down around her and their faces twisting into expressions of pure bliss. Adrenaline coursed through her body as she fingered both of them and sucked him off with all her considerable might, her body falling into an almost trance like state as she let well honed instincts take over completely. At least for the minute or so it took her companions to finally reach the limits of their endurance.

The moment she felt them tense and realized what was about to happen her mind took over once more and she pulled herself off the madly throbbing cock she'd been so fiercely sucking on. Wrapping her fingers around his length and stroking so fast her hand was a blur she pushed him right over the edge at the same moment her other hand brought his companion to her end. Thick jets of cum erupted from his cock to splash across her face and completely drench her smiling countenance. Or at least they would've drenched her glowing orange skin had it not been for the massive fountain of pussy juice spraying across her features at nearly the exact same time. Arriving just a second or two after the first of his loads a sudden, powerful jet erupted from her cunt to spray Itara and clean away any of the jizz left clinging to her features. Instead it was sent trickled down the rest of her body in a gooey mixture, much of it disappearing between her breasts and the rest soaking into her soiled clothes. Every time he unleashed another massive spurt of jizz the Twi'lek between them coaxed another squirting eruption from his companion. Both of her interrogators watched in utter amazement as she was doused in cum and pussy juice over and over and over again for what felt like an eternity. In truth it only lasted the better part of a minute but as she guided both of them to ecstasy and did everything in her power to prolong that bliss it was an easy mistake to make. Just as it was an easy sight to get lost in as she was drenched in their fluids and left dripping in their arousal.

By the time her hands finally pulled away and Itara rose to her feet she was soaked from head to toe in a lurid mixture of cum and pussy juice. Every inch of her supple orange body glistened with their arousal. The warmth of it all sent constant shivers coursing through her and a wild eyed grin spreading across her face as she looked at her companions. “Do you believe me now?”

Barely able to stand after what they'd experienced and in no state to question anything both the Zabrak and Chiss nodded and said, “Yes . . .”

“Good . . . now we can all have fun!”

Grabbing her companion's shoulders and practically throwing her onto the table Itara joined her stunned lover on the flimsy metal, burying her face between her thighs before she could do more than gasp. Her tongue plunged inside her creamy pussy and her fingers returned with even greater force a split second later. In the blink of an eye the Chiss was crying out in pleasure once more, her back arching in a harsh curve as she fell against the table. Both hands clutched the edges of the table above her head and held on for dear life. Before she could even comprehend how good an actual tongue felt writhing around within her sex the pleasure of it sent her eyes rolling back in her skull and another warm deluge seeping out of her pussy. Almost too sensitive to bear such an onslaught her body convulsed and trembled harder than ever, her hips bucking and her legs doing their best to wrap around Itara's head. Whether to encourage or stop her neither of them could say. But while that beautiful sight was unfolding right before their stunned companion's eyes another was about to greet him as the impossibly excited Twi'lek reached back, pulled down her skirt, and exposed the full scope of her wide, round ass and deliciously plump pussy. It took a moment or two for the Zabrak to notice what she'd done and what she was offering, his eyes glued to the sapphic passion taking place a little further up, but the moment he spotted her soft folds and pert bum just waiting for attention he understood what she wanted.

His slowly hardening cock sprang to life and he practically tripped over himself in a rush to get behind the orange skinned whirlwind of sex. By the time his hands were on her waist and his barbed length was poised to slam inside her Itara had completely smothered her gasping partner's cunt with her talented lips. Keeping one hand pressed down against her trembling thighs the other went absolutely wild inside her trembling folds while her tongue and mouth stimulated every last sensitive spot she had on the outside of her sex. Both of their juices flowed freely from their wantonly aroused slits, long messy strands cascading down their goosebump riddled skin and soaking the table with every passing second. But as bountiful as Itara's sex was the deluge trickling down her legs reached new heights when her second partner slid his prick between her trembling buttocks and against the tightly clenched hole hiding between them. Surprised yet not at all surprised by choice she moaned as loudly as she could and let a ferocious shudder course through her the second she felt him prodding her ring. It was the only thing she could bother doing and fortunately for both of them he understood the message loud and clear. Moving with an adorable gentleness and restraint that wasn't even remotely necessary in her case, though she was flattered and charmed all the same, his slowly pushed his entire length inch by inch into her asshole until his balls were resting against her trembling cunt. Suddenly all three of them were drowning in their own arousal as she basked in the pleasure of a nice, fat cock shoved deep inside her body while he got to experience first hand why so many people within Mos Eisley payed absurd amounts of credits to be with her.

A lesson the gasping, shuddering Chiss completely at her mercy was learning over and over and over again with every stroke of her tongue and twitch of her finger. And it didn't take any of them long to truly settle into the wild, unexpected passion that'd fallen over them. Of course Itara practically lived in that place but her companions were deliciously easy to draw in as well, she just had to coax them out of their dowdy shells. Firstly by slamming herself down on the Zabrak's cock the first time he pulled out. Retreating just as gently as he'd entered he pulled back with an almost maddening lack of ferocity and that simply wouldn't do. The very instant he reversed his course and she felt him sliding back inside her she lurched backwards with all the force she could muster. His prick vanished inside her so quickly it was like a sleight of hand magic trick. Her partner groaned and she let out a messy cry of her own as his barbed length tore up her asshole in all the right ways. When he pulled back again he moved considerably faster than the first time but it still wasn't anywhere near fast enough. So Itara plunged herself onto his cock a second time. Then a third. And a fourth. Soon she was doing it each and every time he tried to thrust inside her all while his own movements grew more and more ferocious at the same time. It wasn't long before he was pounding away at her even harder than she expected and every bit as hard as she wanted. Which only sent her bouncing forward into the pussy she'd been working in a beautiful burst of give and take.

Although there wasn't much more she could do to make her Chiss companion squeal and convulse in ecstasy Itara still did everything in her power to make her scream. Her tongue moved in an absolute frenzy across her pussy and her fingers honed in on all the same spots that'd melted her barely a minute prior. And perhaps most importantly of all her lips were positively relentless in their stimulation of her swollen, impossibly sensitive clit. More often than not they were all but glued to her swollen bud as she lavished her most intimate place in the sort of attention nobody had ever paid it before. All while continuing to work every other facet of her womanhood and even making a few subtly passes at her tightly clenched, entirely untouched asshole to boot. But no matter how much she might've wanted to explore those depths and show her everything another woman could offer Itara resisted the urge for the time being. Partly because she loved the taste of her lover's pussy and party because she was much too focused on her own pleasure to dedicate too much time to theirs. With a deliciously textured Zabrak cock stirring up her asshole and a beautiful pussy trembling beneath her tongue she was exactly where she wanted to be. Exactly where she belonged.

And as seconds blended into minutes and the anticipation of pleasuring both of them finally paid off it was easier and easier for their Twi'lek 'prisoner' to sink down into her own pleasure. With every thrust of her body against his own and every mouthful of sweet juices gulped down into her belly she felt a little more faint. A little more overwhelmed by it all. Her head was spinning and her nerves were on fire. The wet slap of his balls against her untouched pussy sent bolts of arousal lancing through her senses and the barbed contours of his length felt nothing short of incredible against her trembling ring. She buried her face more and more deeply into the cunt she'd been licking, instinct taking over as rational thought slipped away. Waves of pleasure were rising higher and higher inside her, each one ready to come crashing down at a moment's notice. But it would take almost five unbroken minutes of being fucked in the ass and sucking on a sweet little cunt before she finally succumbed. Five minutes of rising pleasure and breathless excitement before her eyes rolled back in her head and her body all but collapsed against the Rebels she was pressed between. Though she didn't actually collapse in the traditional sense as ecstasy surged through her and warmth erupted from her pussy there the shuddering, convulsing mess she became was such a dramatic departure from how she'd acted before she might as well have. Gurgling screams and breathy moans erupted from her throat with every trembling gasp as all of her muscles spasmed uncontrollably. Holding on to her lovers as much as they held on to her she was left entirely at their mercy for the first time, completely unable to do anything but shiver and bask in the bliss cascading through her as surely as pussy juice cascaded from her pussy.

Their lascivious little hideaway was an absolute madhouse of lewd noises, the wet slap of colliding flesh and the constant, throaty groans of Twi'lek, Chiss, and Zabrak alike bouncing off the metal confines in an almost deafening cacophony. All the ship could hear of their wild passions and only a few were foolish or innocent enough to not recognize the sounds for what they were. Especially as Itara unleashed a string of breathless profanity as she lifted her head from her lover's cunt to take a ragged breath. But of course no matter how obvious something might've been someone was always going to misinterpret matters. That much could be assumed even before a bright eyed young Human burst into the interrogation chamber thinking they were harming the prisoner they'd taken. Arriving alongside a handful of other new recruits she and every last one of her companions froze in place the moment they saw the truth of the matter. The moment they saw Itara squirting all over the cock slamming into her asshole while viciously tonguing the naked cunt about to do the same. Though her companions similarly froze or stumbled upon seeing their allies she did not. Truly she couldn't have even if she wanted to. About the best she could manage was once more lifting her head to offer a glassy eyed, pussy juice coated smile at the newcomers. It was a look that sent a few recoiling in surprise and the rest staring in amazement, a look walking the line between abject lust and undiluted excitement. When her trembling lips parted and she spoke to them in a throaty whisper they almost couldn't believe what she was saying even as her words rang out clear as day in the silence.

“Why are you just standing there? Watching is so much less fun!”


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