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Once again there's not much to say about this one. It's pretty straightforward and hopefully pretty good. as always I'll let you guys be the judge of that though! Read on and hopefully enjoy!

All of Hyrule Castle was quiet as Princess Zelda peered out from her dimly lit chambers, beads of sweat trickling down her face and a nervous little smile spreading across her face. Her wide, sapphire eyes darted back and forth as she looked down the shadowed hallways that'd seemed so familiar in the warm light of day. Hearing nothing and seeing even less she disappeared back into her room to take a deep, calming breath before emerging from her room dressed in little more than a soft, elegant robe draped around her shoulders. Bathed in darkness the moment she closed the door behind her she spent another few heartbeats steeling herself for what was to come. Reassuring herself she could do what needed to be done. That she had the courage to take such a bold step and do something so reckless and wild and wholly beyond anything she'd ever known. There was no doubt in her mind she wanted it, but convincing her legs to move as she stood rooted in place was another matter entirely. One only solved by the knowledge that time was very much of the essence. She had a frighteningly small opportunity to reach the castle dungeons before anyone else did and if she missed her chance she'd have to wait another week to try again. The thought of another week spent distracted and listless as she both looked forward to and dreaded what she was planning would've been unbearable. She wasn't entirely sure how she'd managed to get through the two weeks it'd taken her to build up the courage to reach that point but she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she couldn't last another week.

Everyone around her was already starting to notice how strangely she was acting and the mealy mouthed excuses she gave whenever they asked after her well being wouldn't tide her family over for long. If for no other reason than finding some kind of return to normalcy Zelda's feet started moving long before her mind could settle on a course of action. And by the time she'd made a conscious choice to truly go through with her insane plan she was traipsing across cold stone and down endless flights of stairs into the deepest and darkest parts of the castle. Guided by little more than memory she fumbled about in the dark wandering past cell after cobweb filled cell with only her own pounding heart and ragged breath to fill the silence of her journey. The stale air was almost stifling as she descended into forgotten places carved into the rock hundreds or maybe even thousands of years before her time. Through caves and tunnels so roughly hewn she could barely take a step without stumbling or falling to her knees among jagged outcroppings. Naturally twisting paths wound deeper and deeper into the earth in a nonsensical maze she had little hope of navigating and even less hope of navigating in the dark. And yet as absurdly impossible as it seemed after what felt like an eternity of wandering she finally spotted a glimmer of light within the endless darkness. A tiny beacon that shone like the sun after so long in shadow. Letting out a relieved sigh only to immediately clap a hand over her mouth Zelda stopped one last time as her nerves got the best of her and she squinted at the sliver of amber light shining from beneath the frame of a door.

Inelegantly yet effectively shoved into a small frame at the far end of a random tunnel within the deepest dungeons of the castle it was the last obstacle in the way of her finally satisfying her curiosity after close to a month of waiting and wondering. But it was also the true last chance she had to turn away and spare herself from what she was trying to do. If she turned around now nobody else would ever known she'd been there. Nobody else would ever known she'd discovered the guard's secret meeting place. But could she really return so easily? Beyond her own insatiable need to see and experience what she'd discovered for herself she knew she'd arrived before the men she was hoping to trick. In the deafening silence pervading the tunnel there was no doubt in her mind the room beyond was empty, just as there was no doubt it wouldn't remain empty for long. Men were no doubt winding their way through the tunnels even as she stood there in the darkness. Every last off duty soldier would be making his way down to the meeting place as covertly as they could. Soon she'd heard the armored stomp of their boots and the soft crackle of their torches as they smartly navigated the darkness with more than their nervous wits. Trying to flee now would surely send her headlong into one or more of the men sworn to protect and serve her. Men who would surely question what she was doing in such a forgotten place. Men who would surely guess that she'd discovered their secret and perhaps even put an end to their meetings because of it. She couldn't risk that happening. Not before she satisfied her own interests. She had to enter the chamber.

“Goddess give me strength.” She quietly prayed.

Hurrying forward before she could delay any longer Zelda wrenched the door open and quickly shut it behind her. As she turned around an odd sense of relief coursed through her. Looking almost exactly the same as the last time she'd been inside the room around her was the definition of unremarkable save two small details. The first was the lingering, cloying scent hanging in the air and the second was the rather large and rather strangely laid out table and additional wall directly opposite the only way in and out. Made of the same aged wood as the door behind her someone had erected another wall some ten or fifteen feet away, carving a waist high hole in the very center and adding a large, padded plank to sit within the opening. Hanging down on both sides of that was a pair manacles fitted with a similar type of padding and looking every bit as out of place as the wall they were attached to and the table they were flanking. Aside from the already lit torches in their sconces it was the only other Hylian made object within the naturally formed cave and had she stumbled upon it at any other time she almost certainly would've been confused beyond measure by what she was seeing. Not to mention what purpose such a thing could have. Luckily she'd managed to find it at exactly the right time a few weeks prior and the mystery of such a strange setup hidden far beneath the castle was solved the moment she had. Now it was little more than the curiosity of testing out for herself driving the princess forward and it was a curiosity stronger than anything she'd ever felt in her life.

Slipping out of the now dirty, dust covered robe she'd been wearing Zelda bundled up the soiled cloth and carried it beneath one arm as she walked naked across the room and towards her new home away from home for the rest of the evening. She pushed her garment through the hole in the wall and out of view, tucking it away in the small space between the wood and the stone. Only after she was certain nobody would be able to see it and guess who she was by the embroidery she climbed onto the table. For a moment or two she simply sat on the edge with her legs hanging off and a slightly perturbed expression on her face. Despite knowing what she needed to do actually getting into position was a little harder than she expected as she look at everything available to her. She might've spent a little while considering how to wriggle through and get into place, while at the same time stalling for time in a last ditch effort to put off actually going through with her plan, had the sound of voices and approaching footsteps not filled the room. In the blink of an eye she was lying flat on her back and hastily squirming through the space only just barely big enough to actually fit her body. Cut so finely she actually had to suck in her stomach and thank the Goddess her breasts weren't any bigger the hole shrouded her entire upper body from view while leaving everything just above her navel completely exposed to anyone who might walk in. And as soon as she slid her feet into the manacles her legs were naturally splayed open to reveal the soft, plump, and shamefully aroused contours of her womanhood. A little shiver ran down her spine as she felt her outermost lips open like the petals of a flower and the glistening pink inner folds reveal themselves. Warm fluids trickled down her alabaster skin, drifting across the goosebumps covering every inch of her body and pooling on the unexpectedly comfortable padding beneath her tightly clenched buttocks.

For a moment or two she just laid there panting and shivering as she waited for the soldiers to arrive but when her mind conjured up an image of the servant girl she'd discovered in the same position after all the men had left she realized her mistake. With a soft little gasp and an eager giggle she gripped the edges of the table and slid forward another couple of inches, her toned ass sliding across the plank until it was almost hanging off the edge entirely. The manacles around her ankles forced her legs even further apart as she moved and lifted them up just high enough to make her feel like a piece of meat on display. And with both her trembling sex and tightly quivering asshole on full display as the door swung open a piece of meat was what she'd become. A piece of tight, fuckable meat all the soldiers of the castle would enjoy, never knowing they were really fucking their beloved princess the entire time. That secret alone was enough to send shivers through her body and the rush of air that accompanied the first men entering sent another. Even more warmth trickled out of her pussy and onto the padding beneath her buttocks, a few errant drops even managing to drip off the wood entirely and fall to the ground in a steady plip. Even though she couldn't see any of them and they had no chance of seeing her face Zelda could feel at least two sets of eyes staring at her womanhood.

“She's already here?” One of them asked.

“I guess someone must've sent her down early?” Another suggested.

“Or maybe she's already been here before and she wanted another go?” A third offered.

“Nah we've never had this girl before!” The first replied, “I'd remember that hairless pussy and tight little ass!”

“Me too!”


Oddly flattered by their words and impressed tones with which they were spoken Zelda shifted ever so slightly as the three soldiers approached her, sucking in a breath and doing her best not to give herself away. “Don't worry miss, you'll have plenty of fun with us. Assuming you already know what you're here for?”

“Of course she knows! It's not like she could've ended up naked with her legs open by accident!”

“Well just in case I wanted to make sure. If you want us to stop just speak up miss. We're not here to take advantage of anyone. Just to blow off some steam and have a little fun. And that includes you too of course. Understand?”

Zelda nodded only to realize they couldn't see her face. Unsure of what to do she clenched her toes and rattled her manacles for a second. “Was that a yes?” One of the men asked.

She did it again even more emphatically and the first chuckled, “I'd say so. I'm thinkin our newest guest doesn't want us hearing her voice unless absolutely necessary. Hopefully she doesn't mind us hearing her moan!”

All of them shared a laugh and Zelda blushed even more furiously, her hands drifting up to cover her mouth in preparation. After a short chuckle silence fell over the room and the obvious leader of the bunch spoke again in an eager yet reassuring tone, “Are you ready miss?” She responded the same way as before and the man replied with, “All right then. Let's get going!”

Before she had a chance to regret or rejoice her decisions Zelda heard the guardsmen step closer and felt his hand grip the chains keeping her legs splayed open so shamefully wide. A stifled whimper filled her section of the room and a knowing laugh filled theirs as something warm, wet, and amazingly hard pushed against her trembling slit. A violent shudder coursed through her body the instant she felt his cock head pushing against her sex and the stickiness of his precum as it smeared across her vulva sent another moan tumbling from her lips. Her hands pressed down even more tightly against her mouth the second she felt him start to push, only to suddenly leap away and clutch the edges of the wooden plank she was resting upon as his unexpectedly thick member slid amazingly deep into her pussy. While not at all unfamiliar with the pleasures of sex she'd never done anything as perverted as enjoy it with more than one other person at a time and she'd certainly never offered her body up as a communal pleasure source for dozens upon dozens of men over the course of an evening. And because of that she honestly had no idea what to expect with regards to her own pleasure. Part of her feared she might not enjoy it as much as she thought and part of her feared she might've hated it outright. Both those fears were put to rest by the time that first guard had hilted his manhood inside her. In the blink of an eye she wasn't worried about enjoying herself, she was worried about enjoying herself too much. As she gritted her teeth and held on tight to the wood beneath her Zelda feared she'd give herself away if she moaned too loudly.

If she cried out enough someone was sure to recognize her and put a stop to the whole thing for fear of her father's wrath. But when that first guard pulled out a moment later and his calloused hands wrapped around her waist it was impossible not to squeal in pleasure. He stretched out her inner walls so nicely and the intense thrill of knowing at least two other men were watching as he did so couldn't be ignored or stifled. The best she could do was grunt in a most unladylike fashion when he reversed course and sent his prick slamming back inside her soon afterwards. Sounding less like the princess of all Hyrule and more like a beast of burden or a bitch in heat was her only defense against being recognized and as that first guard started thrusting in earnest, his breathing already labored and his companions already remarking excitedly about their turns, she found it easier and easier to do make those sounds. Indeed within a minute or two she didn't even have to consciously try to sound like a wild hog as her back arched and her eyes rolled back in her head. More men had filtered into the room and the sounds of their conversations filled her ears in a constant reminder of who she'd become and what she was doing. Although some were certainly talking about her 'tight cunt' and 'even tighter ass' just as many were talking about completely unrelated matters. As though there wasn't a woman laying splayed on a table being enthusiastically fucked by one of their companions. It was both unexpected and more than a little thrilling to discover just how normal this depravity was for them. How entirely unremarkable yet still thoroughly enjoyable ritual had become.

She found herself wondering just how many other women had been fucked senseless down here. How many had been basted in countless loads of cum and served countless guardsmen with their tight, trembling holes? Knowing she wasn't any where near the first and indeed wasn't even that special sent waves of pleasure and anticipation flooding through Zelda's body. Her already quivering inner walls tightened around the cock busily slamming into her with an increasing roughness and her gasping exultations quickly echoed throughout the cave loudly enough to force the men to shout if they wanted to be heard. To his credit the very first guard to enjoy her pussy managed to last much longer than she expected, much longer than any man she'd been with in her admittedly sheltered life. But after several minutes of fucking her cunt like there was no tomorrow he finally reached the end of his endurance. But rather than pulling out like she expected he let out a lewd groan and shoved his entire prick inside her. Faster than she could react his cum flooded the depths of her womanhood, spraying against the entrance to her womb and coating her inner walls in a toe curling deluge of gooey warmth. Although it wasn't enough to push her over the edge into an orgasm of her own the pure thrill of actually feeling a man finish inside her put the princess so tantalizingly close she was almost frustrated she had arrived by the time he was finished pumping her full of so much jizz it leaked out even before his dick withdrew.

Thankfully she didn't have a chance to lament her lack of bliss for long. Within five seconds of the first guard pulling out and stepping away another took his place and she was thrown right back into a churning sea of pleasure long before her body had a chance to recover. The newcomer's prick wasn't quite as long but it managed to be even thicker than his predecessor and in a delightful turn of events he didn't waste even a single moment building up to the same frenzied speeds his companion had reached before. He just pounded away at her tight pussy with all his considerable might the very instant his dick slid inside her. Once more taken aback and overwhelmed by it all Zelda could barely take in enough air to cry out as her pussy was hammered like an obstinate nail and ecstasy cascaded through her like never before. Radiating outwards from the deepest part of her body and echoing as far as the very tips of her fingers and toes it consumed her like nothing she'd ever felt. Each and every facet of what was happening contributed to her eventual explosion in ways she'd never imagined possible. Everything from the way the first man's cum oozed out of her to the heady stench of musk and sex filling the room as more men entered and more men undoubtedly freed their own cocks made her head spin and her already arched back rise just a little bit higher. In a fraction of the time it normally took the first guards to step up and make use of her body sent the princess of Hyrule into a shuddering, grunting, panting frenzy of pure bliss.

Warmth gushed out of her pussy in a sudden, messy torrent as every last muscle in her body trembled uncontrollable. For the first time in her young life, though certainly not the last, she absolutely drenched the man slamming into her pussy in her fluids. Every thrust of his cock sent a wild contraction through her body and every wild contraction sent a jet of arousal arcing from her sex. Even if they rapidly diminished in quantity and power her orgasm didn't and for the remained of the second soldier's time she was little more than a writhing mess of a woman. A lewd, pleasure addled bitch with little in the way of wants or needs beyond more cock and more sex however she could get it. And as luck would have it both were in plentiful supply that evening. The man responsible for her unrelenting bliss emptied his seed into her much the same as the first, his cum flooding her trembling slit and adding a much needed fresh layer of semen to her aching body. A much needed fresh layer that was quickly squeezed right back out again as she continued to shiver and tense in the throes of her pleasure and the eventual afterglow that followed. Zelda was so enraptured by her own bliss she barely noticed the man that'd caused it pulling out and another taking his place. Although she certainly felt the absence of throbbing cock buried inside her it was hard to care about or be concerned with such things as cum bubbled out of her pussy while her messily fucked womanhood trembled in the open air. And nothing short of unconsciousness could've stopped her from feeling another dick plunging into her waiting sex what seemed like a heartbeat later, even if that sensation was almost lost among the ebb and flow of her waning pleasure.

What wasn't lost among he waves still crashing upon her shore was a profound sense of surprise when the third man to join in on the fun barely managed five good thrusts before letting out a groan and shoving his cock as deep as he could inside her. With barely enough time to feel and enjoy his dick she was almost disappointed by his lack of stamina and hasty climax. Then she remembered how the servant girl had looked after the soldiers were done with her and she remembered the sheer number of men already in the room waiting for their turn. Disappointment turned into pleasure and she cried out in genuine delight as even more spunk flooded her sex, the warmth of it sending chills throughout her body. Being filled to the brim with a stranger's semen was a sensation she never thought she'd feeling and certainly not one she ever expected to enjoy and yet as it happened for the third time in less than ten minutes it was impossible not to be enraptured with the sensation. To adore it almost as much as the feeling of a stranger's cock slamming in and out of her pussy as she was fucked like a common whore in the seediest parts of the city. That much she could say for certain after another less than impressive soldier stepped up to replace the previous one. He managed to last close to a full minute before emptying his balls inside her pussy but compared to the first two he was still laughably inadequate. At least if she was measuring solely in the amount of time they could and did fuck her. But luckily for all of them Zelda wasn't anywhere near that limited in her pleasure.

Indeed by the time the first hour of being a fuck doll for the entire castle's soldiery had finished, not that she had any inkling of how long it'd been, the princess was all but delighted by anything and everything he endless succession of partners could provide. If that meant a toe curling barrage of rough thrusts that felt like they'd break her pussy and ruin her for all other men then she was happy. If that meant a few clumsy thrusts before draining their balls and flooding her pussy in cum then she was happy. If that meant some middle ground of the two she was happy. At the end of the day her aching sex was utterly drowned in semen and no matter how many men didn't have enough stamina to go the distance there were always a handful who did. But even when she was given several endurance lacking lovers in a row Zelda still managed to writhe and pant and moan like the slut she'd become. As the puddle of jizz beneath her continued to grow and the endless tingling of pleasure from the endless line of cocks and spunk being given never wavered it was easier and easier to find exactly the sort of bliss she'd sought out. She didn't need every orgasm to be a mind shattering, world altering, reality reshaping experience. In fact enjoying a myriad of smaller but no less welcome bursts of ecstasy among the highest peaks and lowest valleys was just as welcome. Those almost quiet moments of laying on her little table whimpering as fresh cum was emptied into her pussy and even more trickled onto the soiled padding beneath her were wonderful.

They made the ensuing pleasure of being ravished by cocks bigger than her bicep and as long as her forearm that much more potent in much the same way those orgasmic bursts of joy made the ensuing afterglow of being used as little more than a bucket for soldier jizz heavenly. Although at first she'd tried to keep track of how many men finished inside her and how men she'd satisfied with her body as orgasm after orgasm crashed over her it was downright impossible to keep any consistent number. Sometimes it felt like hundreds if not thousands. Other times it almost seemed like the same handful just taking turns over and over again. Her mind was swimming in a sea of carnal satisfaction and her pussy had long ago drowned in the warm, gooey cum of at least a few different guards if not more. Understanding anything beyond that was nothing short of impossible and she couldn't even find there wherewithal to try. As stranger after stranger stepped up to unwittingly fuck their princess' tight cunt and add another creamy helping of jizz to the sopping mess that was her womanhood Zelda could do nothing but lay there in a state of bliss. Nearly unconscious between climaxes and a writhing, gasping mess during them she'd been reduced to something so far removed from what she'd been upon entering the chamber it was doubtful she would've recognized herself, and even more doubtful she would've ever stopped of her own accord. So long as there were soldiers ready and willing to fuck her messy, cum drenched excuse for a pussy she had every intention of laying there taking the endless supply of cocks and semen available. Putting an end to it didn't even occur to her, nor did it occur to the men enjoying her cunt and lining up for a chance to add their own spunk.

As time went on and shifts changed guards from all over the castle and even the surrounding town found their way into the cave and like every other week they didn't hesitate to make full use of mewling Hylian slut waiting for their attention. No matter how long it took or how sloppy she'd become each and every soldier to set foot in there had his turn before leaving. Some tried to go again before others had enjoyed her cunt but they were thrown out the instant they were discovered and none were foolish enough to try and return. It took more than three hours of endless fucking and endless cumming for the amount of men waiting to truly diminish. While the numbers constantly fluctuated as some left and some remained to watch and enjoy the spectacle  it wasn't until three unbroken hours of relentless dicking that Zelda finally started to get the reprieve she didn't really want. But it took another three before the amount of available cocks truly dipped into dangerously limited amounts. Until the number of voices and the amount of soldiers waiting around approached the same numbers that'd first appeared what seemed like years prior when she first slid into position and offered herself to them. She didn't want the fun to end. She didn't want things to go back to normal. She just wanted to lay there being fucked for the rest of her life. Maybe if she offered up her asshole they'd stay longer? Nobody had ever put anything more than a finger inside her bum but that didn't matter so long as she could prolong her bliss just a little more. Especially as what she thought would be the last cock of the evening slid free of her pussy and she heard the door swing open soon after.

Thoughtlessly sucking in what little breath she could to beg them to fuck her forever, entirely heedless of how easily she'd be discovered the moment she opened her mouth, Zelda was interrupted by a soft feminine voice. “Let's get you cleaned up sweetheart . . .” A pair of soft hands brushed against her trembling skin and the princess let out a surprised whimper. Her incredulity only leapt higher when she was treated to the familiar warmth of a fat cock head against her sloppy cunt, “But first . . . you don't mind if I have a little fun do you?”

Thoroughly dumbfounded by such an incredible turn of events Zelda couldn't begin to express how much she didn't mind that prospect. Thankfully panting and moaning like a bitch in heat seemed to be enough of a confirmation for the woman poised to fuck her one last time and she let out a soft giggle in the split second before ramming her cock balls deep inside the gooey mess that was the princess' messy cunt. And in an even more wonderful surprise this newest stranger proved to be not only more girthy than anyone that'd come before but so much longer the head of her prick actually slammed against her mewling fuck doll's cervix at the same moment her fat, pendulous balls slapped against her flesh. Crying out louder and more passionately than ever before the drooling whore impaled on what must have been more than a foot of throbbing dick couldn't believe her luck. Nor could she believe how utterly amazing this newest and most feminine prick felt buried inside her. Somehow feeling even better sliding out again it was everything she could've wanted and more. Even if she only lasted a few thrusts getting to feel such a beast of a dick before the night was over would be everything she could've wanted. It was the perfect ending to a perfect night and more than she had any right to expect. In what was fast becoming a trend she was thrown off guard yet again when, despite what she expected and what she assumed would happen, the woman enjoying her pussy didn't cum right away. In fact she seemed to last longer than any of the men that'd come before her with maybe one or two exceptions.

After hilting her dick inside Zelda's tight, cum soaked pussy yet again and reminding the entrance to her womb what a cock felt like she pulled out to repeat the process all over again even faster. With each and every thrust she moved a little bit quicker, pushed forward with a little more strength. It took no time at all for her to build into the sort of frenzied, ball slapping rhythm many of the soldiers before her had enjoyed but unlike all of them she managed to hold it for the entirety of her time ravishing the princess' womanhood. At no point did she slow down to gather her breath or pull back to seemingly enjoy the mess that was the cunt she'd been fucking. For at least ten uninterrupted minutes she just fucked her pussy like some sort of machine. For ten wonderful, world shaping minutes Zelda was left to writhe and scream and pant in utter bliss as her pussy was molded around the biggest cock and most perfect she'd yet enjoyed. Though she had no earthly idea how many times she actually managed to climax as she was being destroyed by yet another stranger's dick in the heat of the moment it almost felt as if she'd been subjected to a single, endless orgasm. As if the entire duration of her time laying there being broken and remade by a woman's prick comprised a single, reality defying cascade of ecstasy. Whether or not that was actually true she couldn't say but it hardly mattered in the end. Those ten minutes of pure bliss rivaled the six hours she'd spent as a communal cock sleeve for the entire garrison stationed at the castle and that alone was all she'd ever concern herself with.

It was the only thing her broken, pleasure drenched mind could begin to focus on until her mysterious companion finally hit her limit just like all the others. In a flurry of movement somehow even more frenzied that what'd come before she pounded Zelda's cunt and sent her reeling in joy. Then, just as she was starting to find some semblance of coherence among the churning waves, cum exploded into her already overflowing pussy. And in a turn of events that wasn't the least bit surprising her jizz proved to be even thicker and even more voluminous than all the spunk she'd enjoyed that evening. Although the difference wasn't exactly night and day as her pussy was drowned in another eruption of hot sperm and thick spurts of the messy concoctions slopped out of her stretched cunt there was no denying just how much more impressive her newest lover was. How unquestionably better she'd been than any single member of the guards, or even any small group of them. Well and truly overwhelmed by it all the princess finally collapsed against the table in a shuddering heap, all of her limbs going completely limp as she was given the explosive finale she didn't even realize she wanted. The countless pieces of her half broken mind drifted away on clouds of sheer bliss while her body continued to quiver and spasm for what seemed like hours on end. She'd never been more satisfied in her entire life, nor had she been more divorced from reality. As far as she was concerned life simply couldn't have been better.

Until the serving girl that'd just fucked her into a state of pure euphoria saw fit to free her ankles from the manacles they'd been resting in and pull her limp form out of the identity concealing hole she'd been hidden within. “P-Princess Zelda!”

Jolted back to life by a burst of adrenaline the future queen of all Hyrule sat up amidst a flurry of lewd squelching and wet sputtering, her cunt messily spraying out the cum still swirling around inside her as she looked to the kneeling woman before her. “Yes . . . I am . . . I am Princess Zelda . . .”

“M-My Lady forgive me! I-I had n-no idea it was y-you! I-I never would have acted a-as I did if I-I'd known it w-was you!”

“Then I'm glad . . . then I'm glad you didn't know . . .”

“M-My Lady?”

Swaying back and forth as she struggled to remain upright Zelda smiled at her companion and seized the opportunity provided by the reveal of her identity, “I won't . . . I have no desire to . . . punish you . . . in fact . . . I wish to . . . reward you . . . for your actions.”

“R-Reward me?”

“Yes . . . in return for staying silent and . . . keeping my secret . . . you may fuck me . . . whenever you desire . . .”

Slowly looking up with a confused yet delighted expression the servant girl couldn't believe what she was hearing, “I-I don't understand M-My Lady . . .”

“You won't . . . you wont' tell another soul what . . . happened here . . .” Zelda said with a delirious smile, “And . . . in return you can use your Master Sword on me as much as you want . . . As much as I want . . .”

“Oh . . .”

“Do we have a deal?”

The princess held out her hand and after a moment her servant shakily grabbed it, “O-Of course we do My Lady . . .”

“Wonderful . . .” Falling back against the cool stone floor Zelda heaved a wild sigh and laughed, “Then clean me up . . . and . . . and take me back to my chambers . . . we're far from finished . . .”

“Y-Yes My Lady! Right away!


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