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And here we have another lengthy installment of near total smut!  I went in a slightly different direction with the ending of this one for reasons that make sense right now but could very well be ridiculous later on. Hopefully y'all enjoy the end product regardless of my foibles lol

Like the tall, Nubian goddess she was Candace Stevens, known by everyone present as Sugar, sauntered into view to the uproarious delight of a club full of excited men and women. An upbeat pop song blared over the state of the art sound system, drowning out the cheering and whistles while the star of the show strutted towards the glossy metal pole around around which most of her routine was centered. Bright, warm lighting illuminated every inch of her voluptuous figure for her rapturous audience, here curvaceous body almost completely naked save for a few strips of shimmering golden fabric to match the eye shadow and lipstick adorning her beautiful face. Their lustrous color was matched by a few bangles around her wrists and ankles as well as a deliberately African styled series of rings about her neck. She'd styled her rich black hair into a massive afro that gave her already imposing stature even more height. A feat also assisted by the gold stiletto heels on her feet. And yet as bright and even garish as her jewelry and makeup were it paled in comparison to the tight little sling bikini she had on. Though not quite stylistically fitting the rest of her appearance it did an amazing job of showing off her body while simultaneously leaving just enough hidden to entice those wanting to see more. Her ample, downright massive breasts were only barely restrained by the tight fabric and every slightest move seemed poised to send them spilling out in every direction. While the barely inch wide strips covering her nipples did so with admirable effect the rest of her remarkably large and incredibly puffy areola were entirely exposed by the meager 'clothing' she had on.

Their dark, oval shape contrasted beautifully with the warm ebony color of her skin in a way that demanded attention. Of course with the utter confidence visible in every step she took and move she made no part of her could go a moment without demanding attention. From her strong, angular face all the way down to her long, muscular legs she was every bit the queen she played on stage. Muscular without being over the top, plump without losing her tightness she was what many considered to be the perfect woman, her broad shoulders and wide hips giving her a curvaceousness most could only dream of. Though her belly remained flat and smooth her figure was wide and curvy with an ass that could, and often did, smother a man with ease. For most, if not all of the men and women already throwing money at her as she took hold of the pole and spun around with effortless grace she was the picture of womanhood. The sort of person that seemed entirely impossible to find in real life. Like a beautiful African superheroine that'd walked right off the pages of a comic book to dance for their pleasure. And nowhere was that quality more apparent than between her deliciously thick thighs. Because instead of the plump, barely concealed pussy one might've expected 'hidden' beneath her bikini Candace sported a remarkably thick, amazingly long cock and a pair of weighty, pendulous balls to match. More than five inches soft at at least twice that fully hard her member was a sight to behold as it slowly pulsed and swelled as she performed for her adoring fans. No bikini in the world could hope to contain and the one she'd chosen was so woefully inadequate she might as well have emerged fully naked.

While it struggled and strained to keep her sack tucked away behind golden fabric her dick was actually cradled and lifted by the fabric. Held aloft so it could hang with a gentle curve before her what should've been hiding her most private are instead showed it off like one might show off a trophy. Something she'd carefully planned out and something her adoring fans were all to happy to admire while she danced. The hypnotic rhythm of her movements was only enhanced by the constant throbbing of her member and the way it swung back and forth as she pivoted drew as many eyes as her heaving breasts and wide, voluptuous ass. She was, to say the least, a breathtaking sight to behold long before she removed her bikini at the midpoint of her routine and threw it into the lap of a lucky man sitting a foot or two away. Once she was fully naked and free to move about the stage teasing and titillating everyone watching Candace quickly proved why she was The Platinum Club's biggest draw and best earner. For just shy of half an hour she commanded the attention of the entire club and earned thousands of dollars as she danced, crawled, strutted, and stretched across the stage in an unforgettable display. And when it was finally over more than a dozen people were clamoring for a private show, each and every one of them thirsty for a chance to spend even another minute in her presence.

But she wasn't going to fulfill those desires. Not that evening at least. As much as she might've wanted to Candace had to rest up for an even bigger event the next day. What could very well be the biggest gig she'd ever been hired to perform at. It was all she could think about as she headed backstage to get dry herself off and get dressed. And she wasn't alone in that obsession. “Are you really gonna do it?” A newer girl asked as soon as could.

“Of course!” Candace laughed, her deep, husky voice easily drowning out the muted hum of the next girl going on stage after her. “For what they're paying how could I not?”

“But those girls are crazy!” Another dancer added.

“Did you hear what they did to the guys from The Stud Farm?” A third remarked.

“They're like animals! The last time a group fo them came in here Lacey had to call the cops to break them up!”

“She didn't have to call the cops! Ricky and Ken could've dealt with it!”

“They were too afraid to go anywhere near them!”

“No! They just didn't want to hurt any of them! Half those girls are barely out of highschool and most don't way as much as Ricky's leg!”

“That only makes it worse! How can girls that small be so destructive?”

“I'll be fine.” Candace assured her coworkers. “I've heard how wild Alpha Kappa Phi girls can be. I'm not worried about it.”Everyone around her exchanged doubtful looks and she couldn't help but shake her head and laugh, “I've dealt with crazy parties before! I doubt anyone in Minnesota can hold a candle to the wild shit New Yorkers get up to!”

“Famous last words.”

“It's not too late to back out you know.”

“You should definitely bring Ricky along. Or Ken. I'm pretty sure Ken's gonna be off tomorrow and I know he's more than happy to run security for us!”

“As much as I'd love to have Ken along I don't need him! I'll be fine!” Throwing her damp towel aside and wiggling into a tight, specially made thong that could actually hold her cock and balls Candace grinned at her friends again, “Why are you guys so worried? It's not like they're gonna eat me!”

“Not literally no.”

“But figuratively . . . they're gonna eat you alive . . .”

“They can try. I've seen most of those girls. I'm pretty confident I can handle myself no matter what they try. Even if I didn't outweigh all of them by a hundred pounds I'm a decade older than them and they're a bunch of drunk sorority girls. I'll be fine!”

Though still clearly unconvinced her friends and coworkers didn't argue the point any further, many of them going back to what they were doing beforehand. None could resist the urge to glance in her direction like it was the last time they'd ever see her and while she did her best not to react Candace struggled to find their over the top reactions anything but amusing. She deliberately changed the subject as she slipped into a comfortable pair of thoroughly broken in jeans. Her companions seemed all too happy to talk about anything else, even if their tone and expressions betrayed what they were really thinking about. About twenty minutes later she left tThe Platinum Club and drove the twenty or so miles back home, eager to have a quick shower and crawl into bed. After playing with her cats and perpetually jealous dog of course. By midnight she was snuggled up nice and cozy beneath the covers, surrounded by pets with the soft sound of rain coming through her phone's speakers. Yet as tired as she was she spent a good half hour lying there thinking about what her coworkers had said and the overall reputation of the sorority she'd been hired to dance for. A small, very small, part of her wondered if there might be some merit to their concern. By all accounts those girls were beyond wild and the boys from The Stud Farm had been completely devoured. But they hadn't known what they were getting themselves into. Not like she did. With all the warnings and eleven years of experience under her belt she was confident she could manage. So confident in fact she pushed aside any doubts and went to sleep with a smile on her face, already fantasizing about what she'd do with the money she'd make from a single night's work.

She woke up the next morning more excited than she'd been in a long time. Even though she wasn't due at the sorority house until much later in the day she found it difficult to commit to anything else for long with that prospect hanging over her. So much so in fact she spent most of her time choosing the out fit she'd wear for the occasion and deciding on a routine to do. The girls that'd hired her hadn't been the least bit picky and seemed eager to be surprised, a fact that only made Candace more eager to show up and wow them. But with a closet full of costumes and a myriad of routines to engage in, plus many more if they were willing to splurge for the deluxe packages, she was about as spoilt for choice as the lucky coeds she'd be entertaining. Eventually she did manage to settle on the classic police officer look coupled with a similarly dominating routine that'd show off every one of her best features in as provocative a way possible. Her hair didn't quite match the look she was going for but under the circumstances that didn't really matter much to her. It was unlikely any of the girls would complain about that little detail no matter how much it might've bothered her.

Of course once all that was decided and she was ready to go she was dismayed to find at least three or four hours in the way of her big show. Just enough to be a hindrance but not enough to do anything fun like meet up with one of her fuck buddies for a little midday delight. Amused and annoyed in equal measure Candace occupied her time running errands and generally distracting herself with all the banal, uneventful housework she was constantly putting off. She took her dog for a walk, groomed her cats to the best of her ability, and cleaned as much as she possibly could. Although she couldn't do quite as much as she wanted and risk tiring herself out. Yet even with that minor hindrance she did a good enough job of distracting herself and eventually enough time had passed to justify leaving a bit earlier than she might've normally. The drive across town filled out another decent chunk of time as she of course hit every red light she possibly could and ended up stuck behind people who seemed to mistake their brake pedals for the gas. By the time she arrived on campus she was remarkably on time, exactly how she liked it. She parked her car outside the address she'd been given and smirked at the house as she stepped onto the sidewalk.

Outwardly it looked like all the other houses around it and pretty much exactly like a stereotypical sorority house straight out of an eighties sex comedy. But between the legendary reputation the girls of Alpha Kappa Phi had earned and all the subtle details Candace couldn't help but look at the place with a knowledge that completely changed it's entire demeanor. From the unmistakable sound of booming techno music barely muted by the walls of the building to the way all the windows and curtains were shut there was no denying something was different about the place. With every step towards the porch the music grew louder and by the time she was standing in front of the door she felt it rattling her bones and shaking the foundations of the house. The windows were rattling from the bass and it was nothing short of a miracle they hadn't been visited by the actual police yet. Hopefully that luck would persist as long as she was around, the legality of what she was doing had long bee in a sort of gray area and she had no desire to test her luck. Though that didn't stop her from adopting the same swaggering, cocksure stance most cops seemed to have as she banged her nightstick against the door several times in quick succession and called out to the girls within.

“Police! Open up! We've had a noise complaint!” She held her prop as menacingly as possible, waiting for a response that probably wouldn't come. “Police!” Candace shouted again, “Open the door! We've had a noise complaint!”

Knocking and repeating herself three more times Candace was rapidly losing her patience. She hated being late under any circumstances and if the girls inside continued to miss her any longer she'd end up tardy entirely through no fault of her own, something that irked her even more. Thankfully she was spared that small but persistent annoyance before she could do anything like open the door herself and simply walk in. First by the music suddenly cutting off entirely, then by the sound of furtive whispering on the other side of the door. Any irritation she felt vanished in an instant to be replaced with amusement as the college students inside reacted the same way as nearly every other client she tricked with her routine. Upon hearing the sound of the sliding deadbolt she wiped the grin from her face and replaced it with a more fittingly serious look. Even though her blatantly slutty imitation of a police uniform and sultry pose did little to support her facade. After a few more seconds the door swung open and she was met with the sight of three pale as the driven snow sorority girls, each wearing the same pledge outfits she'd seen when first recruited for the job. None of them were present when at that initial meeting and all of them looked absolutely mortified as they stood before her. Though as they looked her up and down before speaking there was a tiny hint of confusion in their eyes. Candace was quick to squash those misgivings as she barked out orders.

“Do you girls have any idea how loud you're being?!”

“W-We didn't m-mean to be s-so loud Officer!” One of them stammered.

“W-We can turn the music down!” Another promised.

“A-And we'll keep it down t-too!” The third said.

Candace stared at them for a moment or two, pretending to consider their words before loudly sniffing the air. Although she didn't smell anything but alcohol as soon as she inhaled what little color was left in the pledges faced drained away and she couldn't resist pouncing on the opportunity. “Is that marijuana I smell?”


“Of course n-not!”

“W-We would never smoke anything like that!”

“Step away from the door please. I'll have to search the premises.”

“T-That's not—”

“Step away or I call this in and have all of you arrested!”

One of the girls seemed ready to faint at the prospect while the other two barely kept it together as all three of them retreated into the entryway. Candace stepped across the threshold and shut the door behind her with a loud bang. The entire house was eerily silent as she strolled through, her every step echoing as her heels collided with the wooden floor, “P-Please officer . . .”

“Save it for the judge druggie.” She snapped, brandishing her nightstick and corralling the trio together and down the hall in front of her, “You girls are in a lot of a trouble . . .”

Looking at one another and whimpering with open fear the three girls backed up into the main room of the house where the rest of the sorority was waiting. Four other girls were standing in the center of the room wearing the same shirts as the trio Candace was tormenting while all the other members were standing in a rind at the edges. Each and every one of them was badly concealing a smile as they watched the stripper they'd hired play with their unsuspecting pledges. None of them said a word while the first three were marched at the end of a nightstick towards the rest and made to sit down. The pair that'd accompanied the senior members of the sorority looked visibly confused, their brows furrowed and their mouths parted in a half formed question. They might've found the courage to speak up and say something about what was going on, had the 'police officer' threatening all of them not spotted their recognition and acted. Approached the two in question and slamming her nightstick down against a nearby table hard enough to make everyone in the room jump she towered over the suddenly timid and afraid teenagers. A wicked smile spread across her face as stared at them until they couldn't meet her gaze a moment longer, finally speaking after they and the rest of the poor girls standing or sitting close by were looking down at their feet.

“You girls are in a lot of trouble . . .” She said again, “It looks like I'll have to punish you all . . . by . . . myself!”

The cadence of her words and the sudden uptick of volume in her voice as she spoke the last one made all seven pledges lift their heads at the same time. Just as Candace dropped her nightstick and lifted her leg to rest a stiletto heel against the arm of a chair one of them was sitting in. uproarious laughter filled the room as all the sorority members in on the joke finally lost it. Clapping, whistling, cheering, and hotting soon joined the cacophony as they wasted no time getting into the spirit of their soon to utterly wild evening. Someone turned on the first track their dancer had requested and despite the dumbstruck look on the face of the girl she was looming over Sugar didn't hesitate to launch into her first, incredibly provocative routine. She started with perhaps the most vulgar display she could, thrusting her swelling member into the face of the girl in front of her. Although hidden underneath a barely adequate thong and a miniskirt that might as well have a been a belt the size and scope of her dick was as plain as the embarrassment on her first customer's face. She even recoiled a little as that impressive bulge came within an inch of her face, but the potent, musky scent of her loins stopped the girl from leaning away too far. And when Sugar pulled back only to thrust forward again in time with her song the girl didn't flinch the second time. Instead she licked her lips and cast an excited, if still nervous look at the girls on either side of her. They could only stare in amazement at both the well endowed dancer in front of them and the ring of drunken sorority girls that'd closed in around the seven pledges.

That first lucky coed only had a few seconds to enjoy being the center of attention before another part of the song kicked in and the woman thrusting into her face danced away towards one of the girls standing upright. Like it was the easiest thing in the world she strutted towards the second girl and lifted her leg into the air once again, effortlessly doing a standing split and resting her calf against the much shorter woman's shoulder. That wasn't the only thing to rest against her body though and the teenager gasped as something thick, hard, and throbbing pushed against her. Wrapping a hand around the startled pledge's neck and holding her close she grinded and gyrated against her for another few seconds, every movement tied to the music in the background. The excitement of the crowd around them was growing faster than her own and the sounds of their appreciation were drowning out the song she was moving along with. Thankfully she didn't really need it to get nasty and before long she was sauntering away from her second partner and towards her third. One by one all seven of the girls were given a little taste of things to come as she danced for, atop, and against each of them over the course of a maddeningly catchy pop song. By the time it was over every single pledge had bathed in the intoxicating scent of her loins and if the looks on their faces was any indication they didn't have any problem with what they'd experienced so far. A trend that would continued through the next part of her routine as Sugar removed her uniform piece by piece to the raucous cheering of the women around them.

Starting with her top and moving down she revealed her massive, jiggling tits in an explosion of flesh that all but smothered the girl she was dancing for. In the blink of an eye her face and much of her head was buried in Sugar's gorgeously huge breasts. Cheers and laughter filled the house and rattled the more than the music ever had the moment she exposed her chest and their delight only climbed higher as she bounced the pledge's face between her big, natural melons. But as over the top as the rest of the sorority was at first their excitement climbed to another level entirely when the girl being batted around by the biggest pair of tits she'd ever seen suddenly grabbed them, her fingers groping and fondling without restraint as she lost herself in the moment. Drinks were downed and refilled in seconds as the spectacle of their meek little pledge motorboating and pawing at a stripper's tits thrilled everyone in the room, including Sugar herself. Laughing and grabbing the back of the girl's head she pulled her deeper between her breasts and continued playing with her for a few seconds longer than planned. Just long enough to leave the teen breathless and wanting more when she pulled away. The next girl visibly sat up a little straighter as she was approached by the voluptuous danced. But rather than getting a front row seat to the landslide of flesh that was her tits she was smothered by an entirely different set of mounds when that slutty little miniskirt hit the floor.

Approaching her seated plaything only to quickly spin around and bend over she reached back with one hand and grabbed her partner's head, pulling her between her soft cheeks and against the musky fabric barely concealing her asshole. A split second later she started twerking against the overwhelmed girls face, grinding and gyrating with even more force and making sure the young pledge felt not only her massive ass but also her heavy, cum filled balls. It was a sight that sent the women looking on into a frenzy, their enthusiasm reaching an entirely new level as they witnessed the lewd spectacle. And their excitement didn't wane when Sugar eventually gave her customer a chance to breath and her throbbing, ten and a half inch cock was revealed in all it's glory as she straightened. Sticking up from her thong to press against her stomach and leave a visible trail of precum smeared across her taut ebony skin it was exactly what the sorority girls wanted to see and exactly what their pledges had been hoping for. In spite of their continued embarrassment and uncertainty. Keenly aware of how enraptured every in the room was with her dick she made sure to give them all a little more teasing as she approached another of the seated pledges to grind against her as well. Only this time she was half sitting on her lap and making sure the flustered teen couldn't look anywhere but the fat dick rubbing against her small, perky tits.

“Oh my God!” The girl moaned.

“I get that a lot!” Sugar laughed, biting her lower lip as left smears of precum across the pledge's shirt in ever thicker strands.

“What the fuck are you doing pledge?!” One of the sorority girls drunkenly exclaimed as she stumbled up to the young woman from behind, “Get in there!”

Downing the last of whatever was in her solo cup and throwing it aside she grabbed her companion's shoulders and pushed her against the meaty dick pulsing away between her breasts. Sugar moaned while the teen she was grinding against whimpered, “T-Tracey!”

“Shut up! You love it slut!” Tracey laughed. “And I'm sick of watching you pretend you don't! Lemme help you so more!”

“W-What are you—” Any other questions she might've had died in her throat as the drunken sorority member behind her reached around to cup her modest tits and push them together around Sugar's cock, all while keeping the rest of her trembling body hunched forward with her own. “T-Tracey!” She gasped again, this time with a far higher pitch.

“It feels even better if you take your top off!” A nearby woman shouted.

“And your bra!” A second added.

Sugar glanced in their direction with a knowing grin but her smile quickly melted into a look of genuine surprise as she spotted the two girls in question. Both were already half naked and pawing at one another, their tight, nubile bodies writhing in time with the music and one another's movements in a remarkably hypnotic way. And they were far from the only ones to have descended into lascivious fun, all around them women were in varying states of undress, sexual gratification, and drunken debauchery the likes of which she hadn't seen in a long time. Some were already completely naked and on their knees in front of three or more women, fingers buried in cunts and tongues lapping and clits with what could only be described as pure lust. Others were bent over tables, couches, or anything else that could support their weight while a woman knelt behind them tonguing their assholes or cunts. A rare few had even produced sex toys seemingly out of nowhere to use on themselves and those around them, strapon dildos and vibrators were wielded with delicious efficiency on anyone and everyone close enough to be a part of the fun. And she could already tell that was only the beginning of the madness. A fact made all the more clear when the girl she was tit fucking voluntarily removed her top and unclasped her bra to take over while Tracey wandered off towards another group of women. Taken aback by how quickly and effortlessly everything had taken a turn for the lascivious while she was distracted Sugar was both impressed and amazed by it all.

It was like a switch had been flipped and al the women around her had shed the veneer of respectability to reveal the rampant sluts they really were. But she couldn't dwell on it for too long as the barely legal teenager she was grinding against suddenly wrapped her lips around the cock squished between her tits. Pleasure washed over her in a sudden, delicious barrage as she looked down at the slut timidly sucking her off with a wild grin. Her hands closed around the young woman's head and she pulled her even deeper onto her length within seconds, throwing her head back and moaning at it all. Although she'd certainly had better blowjobs everything else that accompanied her unexpected bout of oral pleasure was an absolute treat. Even the dumbstruck, nervous faces of the pledges that clearly didn't expect everything to get quite so pornographic enhanced her enjoyment more than she could say. Glad she'd worn a g-string that could be untied instead of just pulled down her legs Sugar unfastened her thong with a couple tugs and stood fully naked save for her heels a split second later. Planting both feet squarely on the ground she slid her cock as deep as she could between her current partner's breasts and started fucking her cute little tits and mouth in earnest, wholly unconcerned with everything else going on around her. At least until she heard more of the sorority members shouting over the music none of them were even bothering to listen to.

“Are you just gonna sit there are fucking night?!” A half naked woman demanded, pulling away from the girl she'd been going down on to approach one of the more nervous looking pledges, “We didn't hire a stripper just for you to watch!”

“B-But isn't that illegal?!” The teen asked.

“So fucking what? Get up bitch!”

Without really putting up much of a fight the freshman was pulled from her seat, dragged behind Sugar, and forced to kneel. She watched the whole thing out of the corner of her eyes, all at once intrigued and wary of what might happen. “I-I don't know—”

“Eat her ass!” The woman ordered, shoving her companion forward and burying her face between the massive, jiggling cheeks of the dancer in front of her, “Eat it like a fucking ice cream cone! Maybe that'll loosen you up a little!”

Although the girl being smothered by Sugar's enormous, round ass couldn't exactly respond as she lapped at her tightly clenched little ring the woman suddenly having her hole tongued was in no such predicament, “You girls are fucking crazy!”

“You haven't seen the half of it!” One of the women that'd hired her shouted while two women lapped at bother her ass and pussy simultaneously, “Just wait until after you've fucked every one of our pledges!”

The five women not currently occupied by Sugar's asshole or cock blanched at the prospect, each of them looking at her and then at the leader of the sorority. “What?”

“We can't do that!”

“She'll destroy us!”

“I've never been with anyone that big!”

“I-I'm still a virgin!”

“Tough shit bitches! This is the last part of the initiation! Just be glad it's only one cock! When I was initiated I had to fuck six guys at once!”

“I had to fuck ten!” A voice shouted.

“Yeah because you asked for more dicks you slut!”

“Hell yeah I did!”

A loud cheer filled the room following that seemingly unrelated statement and Sugar couldn't help but laugh, “This'll cost extra you know! A Per girl!”

“We don't mind!” The leader moaned, shuddering as she convulsed back and forth against the two girls licking her holes, “We'll pay up after you're done!”

“Perfect.” Looking down at the pledge in front of her, then to the one still nervously running her tongue in slow circles around her asshole, “Let's get to it then!”

a second cheer filled the room and this time she joined in while the pledges turned an even brighter shade of red, “If you don't like it you can get the fuck out right now! We don't want any prudes in our sorority!”

Several other women loudly voiced their agreement and the girls about to be split in half by a massive futa cock looked at each other. The self professed virgin as well as the girl eating her ass looked at one another for a moment, then stood up and hurried out of the room. Boos and jeers followed their retreat but nobody made any effort to stop them. The remaining four showed no signs of leaving and after a few seconds the head of the sorority spoke up again, “Looks like we've got some really sluts on our hands! Get naked and get ready! Girls in Alpha Kappa Phi don't stop until they pass the fuck out! Isn't that right girls!”

Yet more cheering filled the room, this time mixed with gasping and moaning and cursing as some of the more sensitive members started to cum. The pledges did as they were told and undressed while Sugar stepped back to watch them, slowly stroking her cock as she did. “Who wants to go first?!” She asked once they were all naked.

The smallest of the pledges, a slender little ginger haired girl barely topping five feet, slowly raised her hand into the air while nervously holding the other in front of her hairy pussy and said, “I-I'll go first if no one else wants t-to!”

None of the others stepped up to challenge her and after a few moments Sugar grinned and said, “Good . . . turn around.”

“O-Okay . . .”

She did as she was told and Sugar approached her with an ear to ear smile. The girl couldn't help but look back at the towering ebony goddess bearing down on her, nor could she stop the surprised squeal that burst from her mouth when she was suddenly lifted off the ground like she weighed nothing at all, her knees lifted up until they were pressing against her chest and her ankles were flanking her amazed face, “What're you doing?!”

“Initiating you into Alpha Kappa Phi!”

Without any hesitation and to the raucous cheers of the women around her Sugar plunged all ten and a half inches of her cock into the pledge's tight, hairy cunt. Her freckled fuck doll squealed in agonized pleasure as she was split open by the biggest cock she'd ever taken bar none, her inner walls stretching wider than she ever thought possible in the blink of an eye. Fluid gushed out of her wantonly quivering sex in a sudden torrent while goosebumps erupted across her body and shudders took hold of her muscles. And before she could even begin to adjust or comprehend what she was feeling the massive head of that already massive cock slammed against her cervix as the woman fucking her bottomed out in the span of a heartbeat. Her whole body tensed as she lurched upwards from the unexpected and altogether breathtaking impact. Never in her life had she felt anything so wonderful and the wild moan that spilled from her lips as soon as her body processed the sensation was the most genuine display of passion she'd ever uttered. Grinning like a fool and panting like a wild animal as her cock was squeezed by such a fantastically tight pussy Sugar interlocked her fingers behind her partner's head and widened her stance a little further. The moment she was in the perfect position to go completely wild that was exactly what she did. Using every last ounce of sexual experience she'd gained over the years coupled with her own, often uncontrollable libido she fucked that petite little slut like it was their last day on Earth. Swiftly and expertly building into the kind of ball slapping, toe curling, ecstasy fueling rhythm that her lover had been lacking her entire life she didn't hold anything back.

Her cock pounded against the young woman's cervix over and over again, forcing her breath out in sudden gasps and ensuring she couldn't take another for what must've been hours at a time. All while her weighty sack repeatedly slapped against her nubile body at a constantly increasing pace. Many of the women around them had no choice but to watch in delight, some openly jealous of the fucking their pledge was getting while others were nostalgic about their own initiations. But regardless of how they felt the sight of their soon to be member getting destroyed was more than enough incentive to spur them into greater and greater feats of debauchery. More sex toys were brought into the mix as women rode sybians, screamed through ball gags, spanked one another with paddles, and clamped all manner of things on their nipples or clits. One or two fingers writhing around inside pussies and assholes were soon upgraded to three or four as entire fists were slowly shoved inside the most eager of sluts. Gushing orgasms soaked the faces and bodies of those responsible for bringing them about while the stench of sex and cum clouded the air until it was impossible not to breath in the aroma. Screams of utter pleasure rang throug the house and into the yard beyond, only just drowning out the wet cacophony of colliding flesh. And at the center of it all was Sugar pounding away at her squirming fuck toy of a lover. Seconds blended into minutes as she hammered her tight little cunt without mercy. There seemed to be no end in sight for the little whore. At least not until her whole body tensed and she let out a piercing scream that managed to outdo nearly all of the women around her.


A sudden, creamy deluge of arousal gushed out of her pussy as her inner walls clamped down around Sugar's relentlessly thrusting cock while the rest of her body was consumed by spasms. Her eyes disappeared into the back of her head and her mouth fell open in a silent scream after what little air she'd managed to suck in had been expelled once more. Any breath she managed to suck in was immediately and completely expelled in a sudden gust by her wildly contracting body or the intense, somehow constant feeling pressure against the entrance to her womb. No part of her could even begin to follow what was happening and in the time it took her to react to each blow of that fantastically thick member against her deepest spot another had arrived, then another. It was well and truly overwhelming in the best possible way and nothing had ever or could ever match that. At least as far as her sex addled brain seemed to think. For close to a minute straight she wasn't much more than a quivering sack of flesh barely held together by the woman ravishing her pussy. The endless waves of pleasure crashing down on her paired with her lover's unceasing movements all but ensured she couldn't be anything else for the length of her delicious extended orgasm. She had no awareness of anything around her save the cock still pounding away at her cervix and sending particularly violent jolts of ecstasy lancing through her senses. Neither the comments of her peers nor the delighted gaze managed to penetrate the fog clouding her mind or douse the fire that seemed to be raging through every last nerve in her body. Even after she started to come down from her orgasmic high the continued thrusting of the downright ferocious woman inside her all but ensured she remained deaf, dumb, and blind for several minutes afterwards.

“Look at the little slut go!” Someone exclaimed.

“I bet I can make her cum that hard!”

“I'd like to see that!”

“Me too!”

“Here's your change!” Sugar laughed. As gently as she could she lifted her half conscious partner off her cock and all but offered her naked, quivering body to the women that'd been speaking. One look at the gaped, precum soaked ruin that was her pussy and at least half a dozen eager women descended upon the pledge to have their way with her. She was carried off to experience more toe curling ecstasy while the dancer responsible turned her sights on the suddenly much more eager four left. “One down,” She remarked, “Four to go . . .”

Rather than asking which one of them wanted to go next and letting any of the pledges decide Sugar cut out the middle man entirely and simply descended upon the remain three like a lascivious force of nature. Stepping towards the closest one, a quite chubby blonde girl, she lifted the seated freshman's legs off the ground and spread them open before wrapping them around her waist. Faster than the young teen could react a massive black cock was buried inside her quivering little pussy and by the time she was able to give an appropriate response pleasure was already washing over her. She couldn't do much more than squeal and clutch the back of the chair she suddenly found herself half fallen out of while a beautiful woman pounded away at her cunt without the slightest bit of hesitation. The other three watched for a few seconds before nervously approaching their would be lover, not at all sure what they wanted to do but certain they couldn't stand by and watch a moment longer. Eager to include them Sugar wrapped her arms around two of them, pulling both in for long, sloppy kisses. The odd girl out was given the same treatment a moment or two later and told to stand behind her. She did as she was instructed while the dark skinned beauty between them slid her hands between the thighs of the other two, teasing and playing with their dripping slits without ever slowing the madcap thrusting already sending her second partner into shuddering fits. With no further instructions given but a desperate need to participate overwhelming her the girl standing behind Sugar did the only thing that made sense: pressing her naked body against the much taller woman's, wrapping her arms around her beautifully muscular form, and fondling her breasts  with the awe of a high school freshman.

Her efforts were rewarded with an appreciative moan and a wild shudder than swiftly translated into even more lewd antics as she buried a finger inside the other girl's cunts. Both of them cried out soon after and grabbed onto her wrists for support as their legs buckled. After watching their fellow pledge get fucked so well for what seemed like such a long time they were beyond excited and ready for sex. So much so that even her strong digits were enough to make them gasp and whimper like the rampant sluts Alpha Kappa Phi would turn them into. The girl actually being fucked by the same massive dick as the first didn't fare any better, depending on how one might look at it, and her seemingly inevitable orgasm was approaching faster and faster with every thrust. Yet instead of making her cum straight away and denying all the others a chance at getting split open Sugar did something nearly unthinkable, pulling out entirely at random to bend one of the girls she'd been fingers over and jackhammer her pussy for a few wonderful minutes as well. Utterly thrilled by the sudden turn of events and much to excited to consider such a thing happening to her the athletic, auburn haired cutie simply screamed and panted like a bitch in heat as her body lurched forward and her pussy sent streams of arousal leaking down her thighs. But much like the first she didn't get to cum until all four pledges had a chance to feel her cock and she held to that newfound ethos with surprising dedication. Retreating from one of the tightest pussies she'd ever fucked with as little hesitation and ceremony as the first time she set her sights on the second blonde of the group, a stereotypical girl next door that couldn't wait to get fucked.

Quite literally jumping into her partner's arms she moaned like a pornstar and moved like a wild animal as she was fucked silly just like all the others. Her unspoken yet blatant attempt to stop her companion from switching to the last girl proved modestly successful for a time. The sheer brazen sluttiness of it paired with her own rampant libido saw Sugar fucking her a bit longer than she intended to, though still nowhere near as long as any of them would've liked. As soon as she realized she'd been playing favorites in a way her sopping wet cock emerged in a shower of pussy juice and the final member of the pledges, a dark haired girl with distinctly goth like makeup and a body torn between plump and fit in the best way, finally got to experience her sexual prowess first hand. An experience she adored just as much as her fellow freshman, it not more thanks to the time she'd been forced to wait. And because of that delay she didn't experience the teasing frustration of being denied a much sought after orgasm even if her mind and body assumed she would. Instead she was simply fucked hard and fast for minutes on end until she was a screaming, squirting wreck and her companions were unabashedly jealous. Their envious looks were changed quickly enough though. Sugar made sure of that as she turned to each of them one by one and finished the job she'd started with a ball slapping, toe curling, ecstasy laden prowess they were all too happy to enjoy.

Of course even after she'd fucked all four girls into submission and left them gasping and quivering heaps on the floor she knew her job wasn't finished. Not according to the head of the sorority and certainly not according to her still wildly throbbing cock. Each of the four pledges could still move of their own volition and seemed at least slightly cognizant of their surroundings, even if they barely had the wherewithal to do more than shiver. And that simply wouldn't do! Grinning like the wantonly horny sex maniac she'd become Sugar pulled them all close enough to fuck at her leisure, laying the blondes on top of one another while the auburn haired slut and the goth were left sprawled on either side, one on her back and the other on her stomach. None of them protested in the slightest about being moved like sacks of potatoes and they certainly didn't protest when she buried her almost painfully hard prick inside them not long after. Fucking each of their still sensitive cunts in turn and fingering anyone she could reach when they weren't being ravished by her cock she went absolutely, unabashedly wild on the three of them. Nothing was held back and nothing was off limits as she turned them inside out over and over again without hesitation. Many of the women able to do so watched her absolutely wreck her four playthings but some couldn't sit back and watch for long. Two disentangled themselves from the piles of writhing bodies and glistening flesh in which they'd lost themselves to approach the two prone girls and make use of them. One simply straddled the freshman already on her back and put her mouth to much better use while the other flipped the second over before doing the exact same thing. And when it came time for Sugar to spread open their cunts both were all too happy to rub their clits and grope their tits for a little extra pleasure.

They weren't the only ones to join in on the fun though, another well endowed young woman strolling up not longer after the first. Her cock was literally dripping with pussy juice and massive globules of precum oozed from the tip as she knelt down in front of the blondes laying atop each other. “You'd best get acquainted with my dick now!” She moaned as she slid her length between their faces, “You're gonna see a lot more of it after this!”

“Good!” Sugar exclaimed, her remark ending in a moan as the blonde she was fucking tightened even more around, “These sluts need a real cock!”

“You don't have to tell me!” The other futa laughed, “Half the bitches in this sorority can't get enough of my dick and the other half are just lying!”

“I know the feeling!”

They smiled at one another for a moment but were quickly distracted by the mewling sluts they were both enjoying, “Don't tell me you're done already!”

“Oh she's not done until we say she is!”

“You're goddamn right!”

Stopping just short of high fiving over the pair of freshman they were enjoying the two futa instead focused their attention where it belonged: the quivering sluts between them. Sugar couldn't do much more than she was already doing but her equally well endowed partner could easily slid her cock into the top girl's mouth while giving the bottom one a lovely pair of balls to suck on while her counterpart gagged and sputtered. The one being throated naturally shuddered harder than ever as she was filled from both ends while the one being smothered by a giant pair of quivering balls had much the same reaction, albeit slightly less pronounced. And for several thoroughly enjoyable minutes that was the only thing any of the four had reason to focus on. Being spitroasted was certainly a new experience for the girl at the center of the two futa and it was one the pledge beneath her experienced soon enough as well. Neither of the girls lying on either side of the blondes needed or even thought about the attention they were being denied at that time, their mouths far too occupied with the pussies grinding against their lips and the fingers teasing at their clits. Seeing an opportunity some of the more dominating members of Alpha Kappa Phia seized the chance and made use of their exposed, nubile cunts, eagerly stuffing near foot long dildos inside them as soon as they could. One was a strapon while the other was a vibrator but the effect was much the same for the comparatively inexperienced freshman: utter shock followed pain flashes of discomfort and rounded out with identical surges of ecstasy that made them shudder and convulse like they were being tortured. Noticing and relishing in the way her partners squirmed Sugar couldn't help biting her lip and letting out a delighted giggle as fucked the pair in front of her with just a shade more enthusiasm. There wasn't much else she could offer but it certainly made all the difference to the girl being double teamed by massive futa cocks.

After experiencing that joy several times over across however many minutes it'd taken to enjoy the sensation she was little more than a slave to her ecstasy. All of them were but she was particularly overcome as an orgasm crashed down upon her. The second blonde slut lying sprawled beneath had a similar revelation not long afterwards and both were sent spiraling down into churning seas of ecstasy in much the same way. Their gushing releases and uncontrollable quivering was truly a sight to behold and the pair of hung women responsible drank in every last second of it before pulling away to let them recuperate for a moment. At least, that was the intention. The other girls in the sorority had no such desires and descended upon the two as they lay smothered against one another in a quivering heap of glistening flesh and barely functional limbs. One was pulled away entirely while the other was lifted off the ground to be licked, fingers, and stuffed by a ring of eager sorority members. Her companion was given much the same treatment in a slightly different format as she was passed around to a number of strapon wielding females or made to partake in the sybians and other devices laid out for the enjoyment of anyone and everyone in the house. For a moment or two Sugar watched the absolutely incredible sights around her, idly stroking her cock and smirking as the girls thoroughly proved their infamous reputation without any trouble at all. But when she was approached by her It wasn't until her fellow futa approached her and asked which slut she wanted to fuck next that she realized how spoiled for choice she truly was. Every single girl at the party was ready, willing, and able. She only had to pick which ones she wanted to play with.

Many were already eyeing her from wherever they were and some were even outright beckoning to her while they played with others. With so many choices available and her cock raging for the warmth of a tight, wet hole to fuck she didn't, and couldn't, spend any more time delaying. She just hurried towards one of the more eager looking sluts and shoved her dick balls deep inside the girl's asshole while she fucked another with a strapon. All three of them cried out in pleasure and their delight was mirrored by another group as the second futa joined them in much the same way as the first. It was at that point that Sugar well and truly lost herself in the madness of the orgy around her. That she stopped thinking entirely and let her often necessarily stifled urges run wild for as long as she could possibly sustain them. It didn't matter who she was fucking or where they might have been, so long as her prick was slamming into someone she was on cloud nine. At least until other women noticed she wasn't quite as busy as she could've been and some of the many toys they'd brought down were shoved into her previously unattended asshole. As soon as a deliciously thick vibrator at least as long as her own cock was buried in her tight little ring, all the pussy juice coating it providing ample lube, she knew what pleasure really was. And her already rampant frenzy reached something of a nirvana as her sensitive hole was stimulate and her mind went completely blank. She almost didn't notice the first time she blew her load as the pleasure cascaded through her body in beautiful waves that seemed to reverberate to the very tips of her fingers and toes.

Thankfully that sudden spike in pleasure was just too delicious to completely ignore and she managed to find a little shred of clarity as the first messy fonts of cum were erupting out of her dick. Of course her momentary bout of sanity was made a little easier to come by as she stared down at five kneeling women all sitting beneath her with their mouths open, each and every one begging for the cum she was giving. Though she'd enjoyed such a sight before it'd been a very long time and she made sure to bask in the satisfaction of painting their flushed, upturned faces in spunk. Both as a reward for their efforts and because she truly couldn't stop herself. Load after hot, sticky load erupted from her member, each and every one accompanied by a loud moan as she furiously stroked her dick with both hands. More cum than a normal person could produce in at least three orgasms sprayed from her pent up balls to drench the girls eagerly waiting for it. Gooey streaks splashed across their skin in layer after layer with only their mouths visible before long as they couldn't resist swallowing the semen given to them and eagerly parting their lips for more whenever the opportunity arose. And thanks to Sugar's uniquely incredible physiology that opportunity was as prevalent as the jizz she sprayed across them. Even the slow diminishing of each load across the thirty seconds she spent pumping them out was more than enough to coat a single woman's face and leave her dripping with spunk. As a parting gift the girl closest to her even enjoyed a few amazingly humiliating smacks from the same massive cock that'd painted her face.

“Ohhhhhhh fuck!” Sugar sighed, tremors running through her body as she let her cock land with a meaty thud on her cumslut's grinning face. Covering her entire cheek, one of her already closed eyes, and much of her forehead the contrast betweenher lily white skin and the dark color of Sugar's length was absolutely delicious. Almost as delicious as the way her apparently relentless partner licked at the underside of her shaft while unapologetically moaning. You girls really are crazy . . .”

“Yes we are!” A voice behind her exclaimed. She turned her head to see the leader of the sorority approaching. Every inch of her body was dripping with what could only be pussy juice, her curly dark hair plastered against her face and neck. A vibrator was still buzzin away inside her cunt and while there was no direct proof it was safe to assume something similar was embedded in her asshole. But if either were affecting her to any degree she hid it well. “But don't sell yourself short honey! You're every bit as crazy as we are!”

“I do my best!” She replied, smiling back at her approaching employer while sliding her half hard cock into the mouth of the girl she'd let it rest upon, “But you guys are on a whole different level. It's no wonder those guys from The Stud Farm were overwhelmed!”

“Those guys were bitches! They couldn't keep up with us at all! Not like you . . .” The leader wrapped her arms around Sugar's waist and hugged her tightly from behind, “You should stick around a little longer . . .I don't think some of the pledges are really broken in yet . . .”

“Oh yeah?” Thrusting her hardening cock in and out of the tight mouth she'd buried it inside the grinning futa bit her lower lip for a moment, “Is it the pledges I still need to fuck . . . or someone else?”

Licking her lips and flashing a coquettish wink the head of the sororty stepped back and removed the vibrator whirring around inside her cunt. She knelt down behind her Nubian goddess and stuffed it deep into her asshole without any fanfare or hesitation. Sugar moaned in delight and lurched forward, shoving her whole cock balls deep inside her fuck toy's throat and eliciting a wet gurgle for her entirely welcome roughness, “Come find me when you're done with Tawny . . . if you can still walk after she's finished with you!”

She was about to laugh and promise that wouldn't be a problem but before she could do either Tawny let out a noisy slurp, her mouth and throat clamping down with amazing force around her cock. A moment later her hand slid between Sugar's suddenly trembling thighs to find the toy stuffed in her ass and start pumping it in and out while simultaneously gliding back and forth across her dick. “Fuuuuuck me!” She groaned.

“Oh she will!” The leader called back. “She will!”

Laughing with equal parts appreciation and amazement Sugar grabbed Tawny's head and started fucking her throat in earnest, confident she wouldn't have any trouble taking every last centimeter and proven right within seconds. As facefucked another sonority slut she cast a glance around the room, admiring the debauchery on display and slowly shaking her head as she thought about the milquetoast town it was all taking place in. Even if the rumors she'd heard were half true she had at least another four or five hours of sex ahead of her. A prospect all at once thrilling and a little terrifying. In the best way possible. Letting out a contented sigh she fucked Tawny a little harder and quietly chuckled as she said, “Alpha Kappa Phi girls are crazy!”


Sophia Dearden

That was phenomenal! The kind of wild, filthy content I expect from you, executed on incredibly well!


Thank you very much, that's both much appreciated and remarkably flattering to say the least!