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I hope y'all were in the mood for another long story lol. I tried to keep this one short but needless to say it got away from me despite my intentions! Hopefully the end result is worth the extra effort!

Oh and this story is a sequel to a previous one so I'll go ahead and include a link to what is now the first chapter here!

From the moment she set foot in Ashai's classroom and experienced her first lessons in dealing with voe Mirwani couldn't wait to leave Gerudo Town. Every single day she asked her mother when she'd be able to explore the rest of Hyrule and every single day her mother told her 'soon'. And for several years that was enough to tide her over and keep her mind racing. She bombarded every vai that passed through the gates with questions about the world behind the desert. Many were happy to answer her endless queries to the best of their ability and by the time she was old enough to attend and understand the special lessons Ashai gave for the whole town Mirwani had grown exceedingly impatient with her lot in life. Watching her teacher have sex with a Hylian, Zora, and Goron almost back to back while she was left with only other Gerudo women was the very definition of unfair. She'd been waiting what felt like decades for a chance to have those same experiences and watching her aged but still apparently very limber and enthusiastic teacher enjoy the company of three virile men only confirmed all the rumors and stories she'd heard growing up. Especially those furtively whispered to her by Pasha, Dina, and Risa whenever the three returned from their travels with suspiciously brilliant smiles and so many lavish gifts they could barely carry all the loot in their pack. And while she didn't care much about the expensive gemstones and beautiful clothing Mirwani desperately wanted the adventure, the fun, that came with traveling the world. She wanted to meet new people and have new experiences. A sense of wanderlust greater than anything she'd ever known had been growing inside her and after reaching adulthood it'd become downright unbearable.

Thankfully she wouldn't have to bear the discontent and unrest for very long. Within a week of her first birthday as a grown woman she was called back to Ashai's classroom for a private ceremony. Since she was the youngest member of her class by almost a full year she hadn't been able to leave with the rest of the students after the special demonstrations were finished, a fact that'd only further served to frustrate and madden in a way few things could. But after one final lesson, during which her teacher answered every single question Mirwani had without hesitation, she was finally allowed to leave. All but sprinting from the classroom back to her home she said goodbye to her teary eyed mother and hurriedly packed all the things she'd been planning to bring along for close to a decade. In about twenty minutes she was ready to go and the only obstacle left was her understandably but no less frustratingly worried parent blocking the doorway to give out some last minute advice. The same advice she'd been doling out for ages. Advice her daughter could quote from memory as easily as she could quote the many, many lessons she'd memorized along the way. After another twenty minutes spend reassuring her mother with ever growing impatience Mirwani was locked into a long, bone crushing hug from which there was no escape. Not until both of her aunts, who'd arrived late as usual, appeared to say goodbye and helped their young niece escape her mother's clutches. Two infinitely shorter goodbyes were said and she was given a spear and a shield as a means of protection. With weapons in hand and a heavy but neatly organized rucksack on her back she made her way to the gates of Gerudo Town. For the first time in her life the guards there made no move to stop her and she couldn't help but strut a little as she stepped across the burning sands away from her home and towards the entire rest of the world. And while she told herself she'd never look back she couldn't help but cast one more glance at the only place she'd ever known before it disappeared into the shimmering heat waves.

But after that moment of unavoidable melancholy she turned her eyes fully and completely towards the horizon. And towards everything that might be waiting for her beyond it. Despite all the years she'd spent dreaming and fantasizing about escaping Gerudo Town and seeing the rest of Hyrule for herself Mirwani didn't have anything close to a plan. The map she'd been given marked all the main roads, a few notable landmarks like stables, Goron City, Rito Village, Zora's Domain, and the handful of small villages where most Hylians lived. Unfortunately this wealth of information along with her own desire to see and experience everything before she even thought about returning home left her more than a little indecisive about where to start. With the entirety of Hyrule available to explore and nothing but her own willpower stopping her from doing so where should she start? Where was the best place for a young Gerudo women to be? She spent nearly a full day pondering the question and wondering what in the world she wanted to see first. But after a night spent sleeping under the stars beside a campfire with a belly full of seasoned meat she realized there was only one sensible way to approach things. If she started her journey at the Rito Village she could visit every major township in Hyrule in the order of her personal interest. It was such an obviously perfect solution she almost couldn't believe she hadn't come up with it as soon as she looked at the map!

She set off the next morning all but skipping down the dirt worn path and although it took several days of fairly intensive travel, as well as the purchase of several elixirs to protect her from the cold, she was able to reach her first destination without ever losing her excitement. Once she arrived at the strangely laid out home of the Rito and rented herself a room Mirwani would spend nearly three full weeks in the company of the feathered voe and vai. Especially the voe. By the end of her first week she was intimately familiar with every unattached voe inside the village and the surrounding area. But thanks to how easily they traveled across the world compared to the other races she had the chance to meet many, many more during her stay. And while not all of them were as amazing as Ashai had demonstrated during her 'lessons' they were nonetheless skilled with their bodies and more than capable of making her cry out long into the night. In fact they were so adept and making her scream in ecstasy she was eventually asked to enjoy herself away from the main part of the village so the rest of the Rito could sleep in peace. She happily complied with their request and spent most of her nights deep in the nearby woods being ravished by several Rito males at once. The knowledge that none of them could ever impregnate her no matter how many times they tried gave her free reign to enjoy them as often as they could be enjoyed, though her often insatiable appetite usually left them near dead from exhaustion in the days afterward.

It wasn't until she eventually left Rito Village and made her way to Goron City that the tables were turned on Mirwani. True to their reputation and what little she'd managed to learn about them during both her travels and educations the Gorons had no difficulty at all completely ruining the overconfident young Gerudo. Something she learned in the best possible way the first night she arrived. Mistakenly thinking she knew more than everyone else who'd told her about the rock eater's sexual prowess she gathered up three unattached voe to spend the night with and made contact with another five in the event their brethren couldn't finish the job. She woke up the next morning barely able to move and entirely unable to form a coherent thought as lay sprawled on the bed she'd rented devastated like never before. There wasn't a single inch of her left untouched by the exhaustion, strain, and satisfaction those three had given her. In fact it was such a debilitating experience she couldn't even get out of bed for the rest of the day. Another three days would pass before she was anywhere close to full strength and a full week before she could sit down and stand up without wincing. Of course that humbling experience did nothing to stop her from seeking out another batch of Gorons to be broken by and the process repeated itself all over again. She spent over a month being annihilated by them and recovering, her throaty cries echoing across Death Mountain once a week while her whimpering moans echoed through the city for the remainder of the week.

Mirwani almost didn't want to leave their hospitality and more than one Goron invited her to stay with him for as long as she wanted. Though tempting her insatiable need for sex still remained weaker than her insatiable need to travel and she bid farewell to her lovers despite their tempting offers. Her very sore and often barely functional legs carried her to the Zora Domain and exactly the respite she needed from the overwhelming heat and unrelenting ferocity of the Goron. Like the previous two races there was no fear of impregnation and she spent just shy of a month enjoying that fact with somewhere close to a dozen different Zora voe. While not quite as powerful as their rock eating allies to the north they were a good bit stronger than their winged allies to the west and she quickly learned that trying to take on more than two or three at a time was simply impossible. The sheer amount of stimulation to keep track of made for an overwhelming experience and she often left some unlucky partners by the wayside as a result. Although they were certainly compensated the following evening when she sought them out personally to 'apologize' for her lack of experience. And once that lesson was learned it was absurdly easy for Mirwani to settle into the same rhythm she'd enjoyed in Rito Village and Goron City. During the day she explored the surrounding countryside fighting monsters and experiencing everything the region had to offer and at night she enthusiastically got to know the voe of the area. It proved every bit as wonderful with the Zora as it had with the rest and she very nearly lamented her own wanderlust as she departed yet again.

Her intention was to stop in each of the major villages occupied by Hylians and maybe pay a visit to some of the nearby stables in case any handsome voe happened to be present there as well. But not two days after she left Zora Domain a terrible thunderstorm swept across Hyrule. Torrential rain so thick and relentless she could barely see an inch in front of her face pounded the air while the ceaseless boom of thunder and relentless crackle of lightning drowned out nearly every other sound. She was even forced to abandon her spear and shield for fear of the electricity charging the air. Mere seconds after she discarded her metal gear and hurried beneath the boughs of a nearby tree a massive explosion of lighting, flame, and power crashed down where her equipment had been. Enormously glad she'd attended Ashai's lessons on the dangers of the Hyrule instead of staying home thanks to some ineptly cooked stew Mirwani heaved a sigh of relief and slowly sat down among the roots. She couldn't travel under such conditions without risking further injury or some sort of illness but according to her map there weren't any stables nor villages nearby. The closest were more than a days travel away if she was willing to turn around and go back or two days travel if she tried to continue her present course. Neither option was very appealing but if given the choice between backtracking and making progress she knew which one she'd pick ninety nine times out of a hundred. So after lighting a small fire to warm herself up and sear a few apples for nourishment she set off again. The muddy road beneath her feet seemed to suck and pull at her shoes with every step while the rolling fog banks almost deliberately hid every last feature of the terrain around her from sight. As if the world itself was trying to bar her path. But she refused to give in to a little rainstorm, no matter how dark and gloomy it was. Assuming the storm remained for any length of time it would nearly double the length of her journey to Hateno Village and she could scarcely afford to waste any more time letting the elements get the best of her!

Of course it was easy to say and think as much during the waning daylight hours when there was at least the smallest amount of light coming down from the overcast skies. But as the hours ticked by with a miserable slowness even that small comfort was taken away. Like nothing she'd ever seen before the world around her was consumed by a deep, endless darkness and the brief flashes of blinding light as lightning struck the earth nearby did little to alleviate the endless shadows. The unrelenting crash of rainfall around her only served to further disorient the young Gerudo as it masked all other sounds save the peal of thunder and roar of lightning. Any attempts to light a torch were instantly smothered by the storm and she was left stumbling through the darkness guided solely by the feel of mud beneath her feet and the hopes that she'd remained on the right path. In her haste to continue without stopping she'd failed to realize where her stubbornness was leading until it was too late. Traipsing through an endless storm might've been possible, though still unpleasant, when she could find shelter beneath the trees of a forest or even an occasional copse sprinkled across the landscape. But out on the plains she'd foolishly traveled to there was little hope of relief, little hope of anything save perhaps a rock to hid beneath were she desperate enough to sink that low. And in spite of her pride and her staunch refusal to give up that option was becoming more and more appealing with every moment she spent trapped between nature and her own foolishness. Nobody would ever have to know about it and some small relief from the sensation of being pelted by an endless barrage of droplets as large as her thumb would make all the difference in the world. Even if it was only for a short while. Surely her pride could stomach such a small blow in return for a moment of respite? She'd always been thickheaded but surely she wasn't that thickheaded?

Mirwani was spared answering those questions as rounded some sort of bend in the road and spotted a faint but unmistakable glow in the distance. Flickering dully through the rain it seemed almost too good to be true but as she stared in disbelief the light neither moved nor vanished. It simply remained as it was hundreds of feet away yet so tantalizingly close she couldn't help but move towards it the moment her legs could be persuaded to follow her desires. Even if it was some dirty, dingy hovel barely held together by rusted nails and wishful thinking whatever building housed that light was nothing short of a miracle sent to her by some greater being. As she approached another warm light appeared near the first and although it was near impossible to be certain Mirwani thought she glimpsed the silhouette of someone or something behind it. Momentarily worried she might be stumbling into a Moblin hideout, or something even more dangerous, she paused for a moment to weigh her options. Just as she was about to throw caution to the wind and take her chances with whatever foe might be inside another bolt of lighting crashed down nearby and the world around her was momentarily illuminated. In the split second she had to witness it she saw a quaint little farmhouse lit up by the glow and any fears she had were gone. Elated beyond words she gathered what little strength she had and rushed towards her salvation with a brilliant smile spread across her face. Little by little the lights she stared at grew ever larger and ever more bright even while the figures occasionally glimpsed behind them remained hidden in shadow. Eventually the interminable mud sucking at her feet gave way to the comforting rigidity of wooden steps and she all but leapt up them to arrive on a porch. Suddenly finding herself sheltered from the rain beneath a wooden awning was almost enough to send her to her knees in relief but the knowledge that most folks, Hylian or otherwise, didn't appreciate strangers collapsing at the door, kept her from giving in.

Doing her best not to knock too loudly and scare whoever might be inside Mirwani tapped her knuckles against the wood and leaned heavily against the door frame as exhaustion crept through her. She heard the faint sound of voices inside but the storm all around covered what was being said until a feminine voice called out, “Who's there?!”

“Mirwani of the Gerudo!” She replied with a weary smile, “I apologize for calling so late but I've been caught unawares by the storm and yours is the first home I've stumbled across.”

“What do you want?” A younger sounding, male voice asked.

“Shelter. If you're unwilling to allow me inside I'll gladly sleep on the porch. Or indeed anywhere free of the rain.”

There was another bout of unintelligible conversation and the female spoke up again, “We have a spare bedroom you can use . . . as long as you promise not to rob us in the night!”

“I promise not to rob you!” Mirwani replied, “Nor damage your property, do any harm to your person, or the persons of anyone else within the house!”

It was a mantra she'd been taught by Ashai for use with any Hylians that might be wary of allowing a stranger into their home and just as promised it seemed to worked like a charm. After a few seconds of waiting she heard the audible thunk of a heavy lock being slid aside and soon after the door opened to reveal a pair of Hylians standing in the entryway. Both were dressed in the colorful but modest clothing most of their people seemed to favor with the woman wearing a robin's egg blue dress while the man had on a green tunic and brown breeches. As she straightened and offered the pair a word of thanks she couldn't help but notice a variety of small, unmistakable similarities between the two. They had the same bright gray eye color, wavy dark brown hair, strong yet angular features, and striking nose. Her lips were considerably larger and more pouty than his own and he was a few inches taller than she was, but still nowhere near as tall as Mirwani herself of course. He was also a good bit more muscular than her whereas she had a soft plumpness around her belly and arms that gave her a rather pleasing series of curves to juxtapose his more bulky and broad frame, including an ample pair of breasts and hips that seemed barely able to fit through the door she was standing in front of. Their skin was a lot more tan than most of the Hylians she'd met, nowhere near as dark and bronzed as her own but certainly a shade or two darker than the pale as the driven snow people she'd met in her travels. His looked to be ever so slightly deeper than hers but it could've easily been a trick of the light or her own imagination as she stood before them half delirious from exhaustion. It was abundantly clear the two were related and although she wasn't a betting woman Mirwani would've put at least a hundred Rupees down on them being mother and son. But even if she was wrong such matters could wait until she'd had some time to rest and dry herself off.

“Oh my goodness!” The woman exclaimed, “You really are a Gerudo! I-I've never seen one of your people up close before!”

“Neither have I!” The man remarked.

Both of them sounded more than a little awestruck and despite how tired she was Mirwani couldn't help but strike a little pose and then bow, “Well I hope I've done my people justice!”

“And then some!” He exclaimed with a shy smile.

Oh hush Elsin!” The woman beside him chided, “Please come inside! You'll catch your death out there and we've just lit a fire in the hearth!” Stepping aside she gestured into the house and smiled in a charming display of sincerity.

“Thank you very much madam.” Mirwani said with a nod of her head as she entered their cozy little home with her hosts following close behind.

“My name is Amira!” She replied, her voice a bit higher than before, “This is my son Elsin!”

“I knew it!” The Gerudo woman thought to herself, “It's a pleasure to meet you both.” She said aloud, setting her pack down and stretching her arms above her head. The whole time she could feel their eyes glued to her muscular back and when she turned around both looked away just a bit too slowly to hide their stares. “I hope my staying here won't be too much trouble for you.”

“It's no trouble at all!” Amira exclaimed, “We've heard nothing but wonderful things about Gerudo travelers I have every confidence you'll be a delightful guest.”

“Unfortunately a lot of unsavory types have heard of your people's reputation as well.” Elsin explained to Mirwani when she offered a slightly quizzical look, “Some have pretended to be Gerudo or Goron late at night to convince people to open their doors.”

“I see. How did you know I wasn't an imposter?”

“Your accent and the phrase you used. I've heard it spoken by other Gerudo women before and I knew you must be the genuine thing!”

Mirwani dried off her face and arms while her host spoke and as she was patting down her beautifully lustrous crimson hair she asked, “Have you had any trouble with these bandits?”

“Not recently. They rarely bother us.”

“Do you know where the might be hiding?”

“Why?” Elsin asked.

“Because I'll drive them out for you.”

“I-I don't want anyone hurt or killed!” Amira gasped as she emphatically waved her hands back and forth.

“A few bruises and a damaged ego won't kill them. But it will ensure they don't return.” Mirwani said with a laugh, “But if you're certain . . .”

“I am!”

“They don't live nearby anyways. Last I heard they were more than three days east of here by horse,” Elsin stated.

“Perhaps I'll pay them a visit after the storm lets up.”

“Are you hungry Miss Mirwani? We just finished supper and there's more than enough soup to fill another bowl if you like?”

“No thank you,” She answered, “I couldn't eat your food and sleep in your bed. I have my own supplies in my pack.”

“It's no trouble at all.” Elsin remarked, “It's even still warm!”

Amused by their genuine desire to feed her and the obvious attraction both had Mirwani flashed them a knowing smile, “Perhaps in the morning. In truth I'd prefer simply going to bed. If you don't my using your bed in the state I'm in!”

Both of them assured her it wouldn't be any trouble at all before Amira said, “I can show you to your room right now if you'd like to get some sleep!”

Her son threw her a slightly suspicious look and added, “I can show you to your room as well. I'm sure my mother has to tend to the fire.”

“You can both show me where my room is.” Mirwani said with a laugh. Although she hadn't been away from Gerudo Town long she was already well acquainted with the experience of two people fighting for her attention. “But I insist you accept some form of payment for allowing me to rest here.” She added as she lifted her massive rucksack and retrieved a purple Rupee from one of the pockets, “I won't allow you to say no!”

Despite looking very much like they wanted to say no Amira and Elsin couldn't hide their amazement at seeing so much money in a single place, “I-if that's what you wish.” She stammered, taking the payment and stowing it in her apron, “Right this way Miss Mirwani.”

The three of them made their way to the second floor of the house and down the hall to the last door on the left. Amira and Elsin stepped inside the relatively small room and did their best to show it off as if it were some lavish and wonderful place to stay, despite Mirwani immediately telling them it was perfect and more than she could've hoped for after being trapped in the rain for much of the day. Both of them then apologized for the bed not being as large as she was accustomed too and she again assured the two that everything was perfect after which she expressed her gratitude once more. Although clearly not happy with how little they had to offer her neither said anything else about the room and instead both simply wished her a pleasant night's rest before leaving with slightly red cheeks and a pair of nervously earnest smiles. Mirwani wished them a pleasant nights rest as well and followed them to the doorway to smile and wave. They returned her gesture and stepped into their bedrooms further down the hall after a moment or two. Amira quickly reemerged looking thoroughly embarrassed and muttering something about still needing to finish preparing food for the next day. Elsin wasn't very far behind her as he stammered out a similar explanation as well. Their guest made a valiant effort not to laugh at their embarrassment and was saved from doing so by shutting the door and covering her mouth with both hands. Once her mirth had subsided she settled down for a much needed rest, thoroughly delighted by the pair she'd stumbled across and already making plans to reward them for their hospitality with more than just Rupees. She fell asleep imagining all the fun thing she'd do with the two of them, separately of course, and woke up quite a few hours later feeling considerably more refreshed than usual. The storm was still raging outside and what little light there was filled her room with a melancholy grayness that did nothing to dampen her spirit.

When she ventured downstairs she found her Amira and Elsin in similarly bright moods, thought it was difficult to say how they'd been feeling before her arrival. After she joined them for breakfast the two were like rays of sunshine and their excitement was completely infectious. Although she refused to eat any of their food for fear of inadvertently cleaning them out and forcing them to spend the money she'd given them the previous night Mirwani still sat with them and ate her own food, occasionally sharing some with her companions whenever they seemed interested in the more exotic items she had available thanks to her travels. The three of them chatted like old friends throughout the meal and well into the afternoon while the storm raged on outside. A handful of times one or both were called away to deal with some issue caused by the weather or else take care of a chore they'd been neglecting up until that point but couldn't put off any longer. During those instances their guest was more than happy to talk with whoever remained and even do a little less than subtle flirting. Amira responded quite flirtatiously to any advances while Elsin stammered and blushed and acted like the nervous young man he was any time she was anything more than subtle. When she was completely alone Mirwani was content sitting in the main room listening to the storm and watching the fire. She offered to help every time her Hylian hosts left but they refused her offers in an instant and she knew better than to try and force her way into whatever they were doing.

Had she known even a single thing about farming or woodworking she might have tried anyways but her total lack of experience would only increase the difficulties the two were facing. So she simply waited and whiled away the day in the company of two very charming and very kind people. An enjoyable, if understated lunch was eaten well past the midpoint of the day while dinner was served long after night had fallen. Not that any of them seemed to mind as she told them all about Gerudo Town and the desert beyond while they told her all about their lives in that little corner of Hyrule. Their conversation flowed freely and without any of the slight awkwardness of the previous night, although the obvious attraction both of them had towards her and her own hand in helping that interest blossom did make for an ever so slightly comical dynamic as they hung on her every word no matter what she walked about. Midway through an incredibly boring story about Durian fruit she noticed just how eagerly they were listening to her and Mirwani couldn't help but burst into laughter as she cut her story short. Amira and Elsin were understandably caught off guard and confused by her sudden display of mirth but they were easily assuaged when she'd finished chortling. The remainder of the evening was considerably more jovial after that experience and all three of them went to bed with smiles on their faces. Of course they had no idea the true reason behind their guest's delight, but they'd learn soon enough.

An hour after she'd disappeared into her room Mirwani emerged with an ear to ear smile. She crept down the hall one carefully placed step at a time, dexterously avoiding any creaky floorboards as she snuck past Elsin's bedroom and towards Amira's. Though she had ever intention of visiting both before the night was over for reasons she didn't care to examine the young Gerudo woman was downright hungry for the pleasures of being with a vai. After growing up around, and exclusively having sex with, women her entire life she'd often told herself there was no chance she'd ever bother with females again once she left Gerudo Town and the entirety of Hyrule's voe were available to her. But after spending so much time entirely with males she started to crave the touch and taste of another woman. Luckily for her and the Hylian no doubt lying awake in her bedroom at that very moment Mirwani could satisfy all of her desires with ease. While simultaneously fulfilling the desires of another and thanking her host for all the generosity she'd shown. Even if she hadn't been lusting for the pleasures of another female it would've made all the sense in the world. And when she reached her companion's bedroom door just in time to hear the unmistakable sigh of an unsatisfied woman very much in need of intimacy, or at least that's how it sounded to the Gerudo listening from the hall, she felt even more confident in herself and in her actions. Standing up as straight as she could only to lean against the door frame and adopt the most sultry pose she could think of in case her soon to be lover decided to answer Mirwani knocked as gently as she could and bit her lower lip in anticipation. Within a few seconds she heard the soft, kind, and unmistakably hopeful voice of Amira whisper an adorable response.



She heard a soft, almost mortified gasp and the rustling of fabric before her host said in a clear yet very nervous voice, “C-come in!”

Waiting just long enough to add a little mystery and anticipation Mirwani slowly pushed the door open, quickly returning to her sultry pose as it swung inwards. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and her smile just about reached her ears as she stared into the modestly furnished bedroom. It was every bit as simple and utilitarian as she expected but the woman lying on the small bed in the corner was anything but. Dressed in a cozy looking white nightgown with her hair all tousled and her face steadily turning a deeper shade of crimson Amira couldn't have looked more beautiful. She was stretched out on her side in what she probably thought was a seductive pose but in reality looked more like she'd been caught in the middle of something embarrassing but was unsure of how to proceed. Her blanket lay in a crumpled heap behind her and in the handful of seconds that passed before either of them spoke a word she slid her hand from her waist to the bedding in front of her stomach, and then to the back of her head while the other hand kept her propped up. Even hidden beneath the flowing cloth of her gown it was beyond obvious her legs were pressed tightly together, her thighs none to subtly shifting back and forth as she rubbed them against one another while her toes slowly curled inwards. Quite enamored with the simple elegance and beauty of the woman before her Mirwani softly whispered Amira's name and stepped into the bedroom, quietly shutting the door as she did.

Her companion let out a nervous breath and gasped Mirwani's name in a voice so quiet it was barely audible over the sound of the storm outside. But it didn't matter if she heard the almost pleading excitement in her host's voice. The evidence of what she wanted, what she needed, was etched onto her face. It was the most sincere and earnest display of arousal she'd ever seen and such a welcoming sight she started undressing without a second thought or ounce of hesitation. The flustered Hylian woman watching her let out another, even more pronounced gasp as pieces of Mirwani's elegant attire fell away one by one to reveal her beautifully muscled body in all it's dusky skinned glory. Her modest sized breasts were the first to be laid bare and the lovely dark brown nipples at their center looked simply mouth watering. The second part of her to be revealed was the curly tuft of downy hair about her sex. Colored the same shimmering crimson as the fiery mane atop her head it was like a siren song to the Hylian woman watching, a tempting whisper of everything they could do and everything she'd wanted to do for her entire life. When the soft, glistening folds of her sex were unveiled a moment later she couldn't help but suck in a sharp breath as she glimpsed, for the first time in her life, another woman's sex. Amazed by the similarities between her own and the one her eyes were feasting on Amira actually sat up upon seeing the plump, almost fat outer lips of her soon to be lover's vulva and the swollen little bud almost hidden away between curly hairs. Visibly licking her lips she swallowed several times in quick succession and offered a nervous smile as the last scraps of Mirwani's attire fell away and she stepped out of the pile around her.

“You're beautiful!” She whispered.

“So are you.”

Blushing and turning away Amira automatically replied, “I'm not as beautiful as you . . .”

“Yes you are.” Mirwani retorted, “It saddens me to think you don't see it too . . .” Slowly approaching with a confident saunter she cupped her partner's face as soon as she was able and slowly turned her partner's head to look deep into her eyes, “I'll have to do my best to show you . . .”

“H-How?” She asked, her hands covering Mirwani's while her body subconsciously leaned towards the gorgeous being standing naked before her.

“However you want . . .”

“Oh . . .”

With a soft chuckle Mirwani asked, “You've never been with a woman before have you?”

“N-no . . .”

“I see . . .”

“I'm s—”

“Don't you dare apologize.”

Despite the tone and seriousness in her companion's face Amira couldn't help but smile and give a little nod, “I-I wouldn't even know where to start . . .”

“Why don't you start by tasting me?” Mirwani suggested, “Then I'll taste you . . .”

“T-that s-sounds . . . that sounds . . . lovely . . .”

Blushing so furiously her cheeks were practically aflame Amira stared up at Mirwani for a moment or two before wordlessly sliding off her bed to kneel on the floor. Her companion took a small step back as she did so, not far enough to give her any real breathing room but just far enough to bring her face within inches of the first pussy she'd ever taste. Though unaccountably nervous and beyond unsure of herself the Hylian woman slowly laid her hands on her lover's muscular thighs and let out a shaky breath. The hot air buffeted Mirwani's sex and she couldn't help but shudder at the stimulation. Little drops of arousal formed across her lips like morning dew on a flower while the delicious smell of her arousal clouded the air. Without even realizing it Amira took a long, deep breath to try and steady herself but only ended up drinking in the scent of her partner's slit. It filled her nostrils and made her head spin as she tried and failed to regain some measure of composure. She only succeeded in drawing another long, shuddering breath that further saturated her mind with the smell of a wet, delicious pussy and sent shivers running down her spine. Releasing her pent up breath in a sudden gasp she licked her lips and looked up at Mirwani one last time, as if asking permission for what her body, mind, and soul were begging her to do. As intimately familiar with that look as one could be the Gerudo woman gave a small, knowing nod and tenderly brushed aside some of the hair that'd fallen across Amira's face. With nothing else standing her in way except her own hesitation the inexperienced Hylian very nearly gave in to that weakness and pulled away. The intimidation of being with a woman as beautiful, experienced, and confident as Mirwani almost got the better of her. But at the last possible moment, just as she was opening her mouth to proclaim she couldn't go through with it her instincts took over for a fraction of a second. Just long enough to send her lurching forward with a breathy moan.

Amira's lips pressed against the wet folds of Mirwani's pussy with a force and passion neither woman was expecting but both women thoroughly enjoyed. A perfectly timed crash of thunder hid their breathy moans as all the pleasure they'd been hoping to experience washed over them in a sudden wave. For an all too brief moment they forgot where they were and what had let them to that point as their bodies connected in one of the most intimate ways possible and the pure satisfaction of fulfilling all the desires that'd brought them to that point overshadowed everything else. It didn't matter if her movements were a little clumsy and her utter lack of experience was obvious from the moment she inexpertly pushed her lips against her lover's folds. Nor did it matter that she didn't have the slightest idea what to do after she'd taken the single most terrifying leap in her life. The simple fact that she'd done it was enough to set her body on fire. Mirwani's soft, strong fingers tangling themselves in her hair accompanied by a messy deluge of fluids from the depths of her sex a moment later was proof enough she was at least doing something right. And the same instincts that'd pushed her forward in the first place were quickly telling her to bring her tongue into the fray. So without a second thought she slid her nervously eager appendage from between her lips to brush it across as much of the plump, quivering vulva she was tasting as possible.

The sound of her companion's delighted moan as her tongue stretched outward and pushed between her chubby outer lips was music to Amira's ears. Fueled by a desire to hear more of those beautiful sounds she pushed even deeper between her folds while gently suckling at anything she could wrap her lips around. Little did she realize her lips had inadvertently found the swollen, hyper sensitive bud at the crest of her lover's sex, though she was able to figure out that little detail when she was given a sudden deluge of warm fluids a heartbeat later. Mirwani's juices splashed across her lover's face and dribbled down her cheeks to soak into her nightgown in a constant reminder of the wonderful yet lewd act she was performing. Of her own, long denied attraction to other women and of the beauty that came with finally satisfying that desire. If only for a single night. Over come by the sensation and hungry to experience more of it she lapped at her companion's cunt like a wild animal, her movements quickly growing in speed and ferocity as she submitted to her instincts more and more with each passing second until she was all but completely ruled by them. Frantically kissing at her clit while licking the rest of her pussy Amira hardly even breathed as she worked and when she did each breath came in the form of a slurping, ragged gasp. And she wasn't the only one. Though of course her partner didn't so much slurp as moan. But in the end the similarities between their noisy bursts of euphoria were quite striking, even if neither had the wherewithal to truly notice.

Growing more passionate and more enthusiastic by the second Amira tongued and suckled her lover's cunt for what felt like an eternity as she explored and slowly unleashed her latent sapphic desires in the most direct way she could. Not even the smallest, most inconsequential thought could pierce the haze clouding her mind and the longer she remained kneeling on the floor being soaked in Mirwani's juices the more aware of her own body she became. Although she'd had plenty of wonderful experiences with men, especially her late husband, none of them had ever quite matched the sheer excitement of what she shared with her dusky guest. Without so much as a single moment of attention her own sex was already sopping wet and the undergarments wrapped around it had been so thoroughly drenched they barely did anything to stop the trickle of arousal leaking down her thighs. The temptation to pull a hand away from her partner's thighs and attend to her needy, aching slit was nearly overwhelming and being able to feel every slightest shudder of the cunt she was licking only heightened her neediness. But just as she was about to give in and selfishly pleasure herself at the cost of Mirwani's pleasure something incredible happened. Her companion's already firm grip on her hair tightened even more while the rest of her body seemed to tense for a moment, then violently shudder like she'd been struck by a bolt of lightning. Her trembling vulva seemed to contract and a messy torrent of sweetness gushed out of her in a sudden waterfall.

Amira barely had time to understand the significance of what was happening before she found herself being pulled even tighter against the pussy she'd been eagerly attending for what seemed like the entire night. Simultaneously pulling thrusting her hips forward while pulling her lover into her Mirwani started grinding her cunt against the overwhelmed Hylian woman beneath her in a frantic, thoughtless bid to heighten her own orgasm. After so long without any foreplay or any real attention paid to her sex beyond a convenient hole to stuff a cock, something she loved tremendously but could still tire of just as easily, the feeling of a warm, tender mouth against her slit was everything she could've hoped for and more. All of her muscles trembled independently of one another while each and every breath she managed to take arrived in a shuddering gasp as she smothered Amira with the gooey folds of her sex and unleashed a near constant stream of slick arousal all over the flustered woman's face and chest. Every inch of the bedroom smelled of their wild sexual exploits and although the sounds of their passion had quieted considerably every slightest whimper or gasp felt as loud as the storm raging outside to the two of them. Even the slow descent down from the peak they'd reached and the afterglow that accompanied it managed to somehow be a heavenly experience for the two of them, though they had little comprehension of that in the heat of the moment. It was en experience neither of them would forget anytime soon and one that left both women utterly euphoric by the end.

Only when Mirwani's unwavering rip finally relented did Amira have a chance to pull away from her pussy and take her first, real breath since hearing the knock on her door. But rather than trying to keep any sense of dignity or composure she just slumped backwards against the bed in a panting, moaning heap. Her legs stretched out across the damp floor and her head tilted backwards until she was staring up at the ceiling while the juices still clinging to her face slowly trickled down her cheeks to soak into the sodden mess that was her nightgown. Somewhere off in the distance she heard her companion's soft laugh but it sounded so far away she could hardly tell if it was real or simply her own imagination. She had a much easier time discerning fantasy and reality when a pair of strong hands slid beneath her rump and across her back to calmly and effortlessly lift her off the floor and lay her on the bed. Immediately assuming her companion thought she was finished for the evening Amira clumsily grabbed Mirwani's wrist and mumbled something about it being her turn. Her words were met with another laugh, then by a soft kiss. Much too overcome to really think abut what was happening she kissed her lover back with every ounce of passion she could muster and basked in the sapphic experience for as long as it lasted, and then a little while afterwards. It'd been so long since anyone kissed her like that she'd all but forgotten what it felt like.

And while nothing could rouse her from her stupor save the relentless march of time that kiss did an admirable job of waking her up enough to appreciate the sight of her companion sliding onto the other end of the bed. With a charming smile Mirwani slowly spread her lover's legs as wide as they could go and pushed her nightgown yp until it was resting beneath her heaving breasts in a crumpled heap. Her grin widened a little as she grabbed the all but ruined panties still glued to her hips and ripped them off with ease. The fabric split into soaking wet tatters in an instant but before the woman who owned the now ruined undergarment could react she felt her lower half rising off the bed as her legs were lifted into the air. The crook of her knees came to rest on Mirwani's broad shoulders and suddenly she was treated to the beautiful warmth of hot breath against her pussy. But much like everything else going on she didn't have very long to appreciate the sensation because something even more incredible came along to overshadow it: namely the skilled, wet, and thoroughly unbelievable touch of female lips against her pussy for the first time ever. That first, tender kiss against the sensitive folds of her naked sex was very nearly enough to send Amira careening down into a deep, dark abyss of pure ecstasy. But luckily she was able to hold on for a bit longer and experience a little more of what the woman between her thighs had to offer. Though she was forced to clap both hands over her mouth to keep from screaming until her throat bled and her lungs collapsed. Especially when Mirwani slid her tongue between her quivering folds a moment later.

Pleasure lanced through Amira's body in a powerful surge beyond anything she'd ever known. Her legs stiffened, her toes curled inwards, and her fists slammed against the bed as her lover's tongue glided between her outer lips to caress every inch of trembling flesh from her tightly clenched opening all the way to her ever so slightly oversized bud. And if that wasn't enough she finished her first pass with a teasingly little flick that sent another surge of ecstasy coursing to the tips of her fingers and toes. But before she could even begin to wrap her mind around what'd happened Mirwani was already in motion again, her tongue retracing the same path it'd taken before while at the same time pushing deeper than ever and applying so much force it was downright maddening. By the time she reached Amira's clit the utterly flustered Hylian couldn't so much as gasp amid all the pleasure flooding her senses. Her eyes crossed as an almost comically over the top look flashed across her face and she bared her teeth like some sort of wild animal. The last scraps of air in her body were released in an almost bestial grunt and her madly trembling hips lurched upwards in time with the motion of her lover's tongue. Nowhere near as dexterous or measured as the gyrations Mirwani had displayed when she was the one being licked her movements were little more than spasmodic reactions, involuntary shudders as she did her best to react in some way to the pleasure of a tongue caressing her sex.

Thankfully she didn't have anywhere near enough strength to actively hamper what her companion was doing. If anything her haphazard and wildly uncontrollable gyrations only added to the steadily increasing pleasure of a skilled tongue drifting across her sex. It certainly seemed to urge her lover onward as she moved even faster and even harder in response. Of course noticing that sort of thing was well and truly beyond Amira as she tipped closer and closer to her first real orgasm in so many years. Around the time her eyes were rolling back in her head and her thighs were reflexively trying to squeeze together in some desperate bid to save herself from what was happening she lost any semblance of self and awareness she;d kept. It didn't help that Mirwani had taken that opportunity to plunge her tongue inside her cunt at nearly the exact same time. Actually being penetrated by something other than her own fingers couldn't have felt better after all the build up leading to it. Amira didn't even last a full minute with that writhing, sensuous tongue swirling around inside her licking at every sensitive spot she had, many of which she'd never known about until it was assaulting her with pleasure! But it wasn't any of those incredible sources that finally sent her careening into a churning sea of ecstasy. Instead it was the momentary burst of sanity that let her eyes return to their normal position just in time to stare deep into Mirwani's gaze. Seeing a beautiful woman hungrily lapping at her sex, her nose smothered by pubic hair and her eyes sparkling in abject arousal, was far too much for the poor Hylian widow to handle.

With an adorable whimper she collapsed against the bed as every solitary inch of her body started to shake uncontrollably. A veritable fountain of juices exploded from her pussy to flood her companion's mouth while her mind and soul were consumed by ecstasy. And through it all the talented woman nestled between her thighs continued the expert ministrations that'd brought her to such a climactic finish. Her tongue never once stopped moving as it it pushed back against the wild contractions of her inner walls nor did her lips ever pull away even as the wild bucking of Amira's hips all but demanded she do so. With the practiced ease of a woman with years of experience she met each every reaction the frantic Hylian could give and never once relented for even a second. Which was almost certainly why and how her orgasm managed to stretch onward far, far longer than anything she'd ever felt. Normally she'd start coming down within a minute but even after three she was still unleashing gooey torrents of arousal into Mirwani's mouth and violently twitching against the sweat soaked bed. In the heat of the moment it felt as if she'd been writhing there for years, maybe even decades and that complete inability to parse time or even space all but ensured she remained locked in an endless cycle until she was set free by the woman responsible. But only after she was certain her beautiful lover had been given an experience she'd never forget did the Gerudo finally begin to relent. Though even that took another few minutes as she tenderly guided her back to reality one gasping breath and coaxing lick at a time. When she finally pulled away completely to let Amira's body rest against the sodden sheets Mirwani couldn't quite believe how well her lover had done. Even if she was near completely comatose the simple fact that she'd been able to handle an experience many Gerudo women couldn't was impressive. But add to that the simple truth that she'd been able to make her cum and it was downright stunning. She almost felt guilty about slowly creeping out of the bedroom soon afterwards. Fortunately for her conscience the woman she'd just finished with was in no state to enjoy a cuddling afterglow. Were it not for the shaky rise and fall of her chest one might've believed she'd somehow died from the cunnilingus she'd been forced to endure. And while she remained for a little while to see if her companion might recover and seek out more carnal satisfaction the moment it was clear Amira couldn't do much of anything save lay there twitching while her breathing slowly leveled out Mirwani gave her one last kiss and slipped out of the room. Sauntering down the hall naked as the day she was born and ready for a good, hard cock she knocked on Elsin's door and chuckled at his response.


“It's me . . .”


“Who else?”

“W-what do you w-want?”


There was a short, tense pause, “W-what?”

“I want that fat, throbbing cock of yours.” She told him, “And I'm sure you want to give it to me don't you?”

“Uh—y-yeah! O-of course!”

Laughing loud enough for him to hear Mirwani pushed the door open and sauntered into Elsin's room without a hint of shame. Though different in a myriad of small ways it was mostly identical to his mother's room, complete with the stunned Hylian sitting on the bed staring at her. But unlike his mother he hadn't many any attempts to look sexy or seductive. Instead he was halfway through sitting up, one hand nervously pulling the blanket over his body while the other clutched the frame of the bed. Another chuckle spilled from her coquettish lips as she saw the boggled eyed, disbelieving look spread across her soon to be lover's face. It was abundantly clear he didn't expect her to come in nor to be naked when she did. Just as it was abundantly clear he had more than a little interest in what he was seeing as the blanket tried but failed to obscure the swelling bulge around his groin. Eager to see what she'd be working with Mirwani sauntered towards him with a cocksure strut, her hips sway back and forth with every alluring step. By the time she reached him Elsin had managed to sit up properly and rub his eyes twice while staring with his jaw nearly touching the floor. His dumbstruck gaze roamed every inch of her naked body the entire time only to settle on her face when she stopped and looked down at him with a knowing smile. He let out a nervous chuckle and swallowed as he waited for her to act and she let him dangle just long enough for a worried look to cross his face.

Before he could say or do anything she suddenly leaned forward. Her soft, pillowy breasts pressed against his face while he was still too preoccupied with hers and while he was distracted by their softness she grabbed the blanket covering him up and tossed it aside. After letting him enjoy the warm contours of her tits for a moment she stood up and looked down at his cock. Her expression melted into a surprised, then wildly delighted look as she saw just how thick and fat his member really was. Nowhere near the longest she'd ever seen his was certainly among the most girthy. Easily as thick around as several of her fingers, maybe even her entire hand! It looked almost out of place on his slender body but she certainly wasn't complaining about it. Or his equally large and undoubtedly very full balls half hidden between his thighs. She could have fun with just about any cock but looking at Elsin's she knew there was a lot of fun to be had with her second lover of the night. Between that and his obvious lack of experience with women she'd have every opportunity to enjoy herself with his dick, while he in turn got a little lesson in just how fun it could be when a woman was in charge. Something the Goron, Rito, and Zora hadn't quite learned as of yet. But he'd be learning it over and over again if she had her way. And considering how easily he let her push him onto his back it seemed like there was little misunderstanding between them. But just in case Mirwani made her intentions abundantly clear.

“Just lie back and let me do everything.” She whispered, “Tonight your all mine Elsin . . . for as long as you can possibly last . . .”

“O-okay!” He stammered, laying across the bed and looking beside himself with excitement, “T-thank you Miss Mirwani!”

“Save the gratitude for the morning.” Mirwani laughed as she climbed onto the bed and squatted above his cock, one hand closing around the turgid shaft to hold it upright while the other pressed flat against his chest to steady herself, “When you can't walk straight . . .”

Elsin had just enough time to chuckle and hide his confusion before Mirwani slide down onto his cock in a single, effortless motion. A long, shuddering groan spilled from his lips as her warm, sopping wet inner wall enveloped the entirety of his dick faster than he could react. His hands instinctively jumped to her breasts while she in turn pressed both of hers against his chest and slowly gyrated her hips while letting out a soft laugh. The adorable look on his face combined with the wild throbbing of his prick and the unmistakable feeling of be stretched and filled by a throbbing shaft was absolutely perfect. She did her best to give him a little time to adjust to the sensations undoubtedly washing over him but the urge to start moving, to start riding his lovely cock, was all but overwhelming. In fact she was only able to resist upon noticing the uncertain, almost pained expression flashing across Elsin's face. As soon as it changed into an apologetic grimace she knew what was about to happen. But rather than lament his understandable lack of stamina she swooped in for a tender kiss, her hands cupping his face while he frantically wrapped his arms around her shoulders. A moment later his manhood throbbed like never before and a warm jet of creamy spunk erupted from the swollen tip. Mirwani's radiant smile widened even more and she kissed him even harder as his cum sprayed into the depths of her sex. Barely able to kiss her back but wholly enjoying every facet of what was happening the young Hylian thrusted as much as he was able to with every spurt, his natural instincts overshadowing his inexperience.

Though he was certainly guided by the greedily contracting walls around his prick as they squeezed and milked him for every last drop he could give. And for fifteen head spinning, toe curling seconds he unloaded some twenty years of pent up arousal inside the first woman he'd ever had a chance to be with. All while she encouraged him in every way she could without breaking their kiss. It was only after the last drops of cum were slowly leaking from his tip and Mirwani had finally broken their kiss that he started to feel shame at just how pathetic his endurance was. He tried to look away from her and make some excuse for his weakness but she pressed a finger against his lips as soon as they opened. She even held it there as she slowly sat upright and smiled down at him. With his cock still buried in her pussy despite how quickly it was softening she gradually leaned back and smiled at him with an enticing glint in her eyes. More unsure of what was happening than ever Elsin sat up as much as he could and watched as she teasingly pinched one of her nipples while bringing her free hand down to the swollen bud at the peak of her sex. His brow furrowed and he opened his mouth to ask what she was doing but the answer he was given put to rest any questions he might've had. Along with any distracting feelings like guilt or shame and any distracting thoughts. Simply by pressing two digits against her clit and rubbing in a gentle, circular motion she overshadowed everything else in a barrage of pleasure that swept them both up.

Her already impossibly tight pussy clamped down even more around Elsin's sensitive member and a rush of discomfort and pleasure surged through him. Simultaneously wincing and moaning he gripped the sheets beneath him until his knuckles cracked while the rest of his body shuddered even more than when he'd climaxed. Another adorable look spread across his face as his eyes locked with Mirwani's and his cock started throbbing once more. When his hips lurched upwards after a few moments she smiled down at him and softy giggled. Though ever so slightly apologetic for the momentary burst of discomfort she'd caused the feeling of his prick once more straining against her inner walls and pushing her open again made it difficult to feel truly remorseful. Within a minute he was back to full attention and any displeasure on his face had completely evaporated, replaced with a slightly awestruck smile as he looked down at his prick and then back to her. Responding to his unanswered question with a wink the Gerudo beauty atop him slowly leaned forward again and slid her arms around his head. This time around he managed to understand what she was going for and even take her by surprise for a moment as he eagerly buried his face between her breasts. Another quiet laugh spilled from her mouth but it quickly turned into a moan as he wrapped his lips around one of her large, sensitive areola and started sucking with all his might. The unexpected but very welcome burst of pleasure from his affection was more than enough to send her hips gliding upwards to the very peak of his cock.

Some of the spunk he'd so selflessly dumped inside her of her started dribbling back out again but she didn't let it get very far as she plunged back down to the base of his member with enough force to make the bed creak and the floor groan. Of course neither sound was anywhere close to the gasping pleasure of the young man she was riding. Nor the storm booming outside. Another pair of sounds quickly joined the cacophony: Mirwani's initially quiet but increasingly noisy moans and the wet slap of their bodies colliding over and over again. Both were fueled by the same pleasure of his thick cock gliding wetly in and out of her as well as the continually surprising but thoroughly delicious efforts he made with his mouth. When he started to nibble and bite at her areola, after switching to the other one no less, she couldn't help but respond by slamming herself down into him with even greater force. It didn't matter if the bed was starting to scrape against the floor as it shifted away from the wall and it certainly didn't matter that the well built but old frame was creaking like never before. As long as Elsin's lips were pressed against her tits and his teeth were biting down on her nipple in a tender but every so slightly forceful way she had no way of stopping. By the time he was switching areola again she was slamming down against him as hard as she possibly could, her greedy pussy visibly distending as it clamped down around him each and every time she rose upwards.

There was only one way their frantic, late night passion could be better and entirely without her input or encouragement Elsin stumbled across it within a few minutes. The first time he thrusted upwards at the same moment she was plunging down the force of his cock pounding her tight, sloppy cunt was almost enough to send her into an orgasm. She actually had to stop for a moment to cry out and stare up at the ceiling with a wide eyed smile. He continued to weakly push upwards while she pressed down against him and much like his continued efforts with her nipples she gladly rewarded him. Though her reward really wasn't much more than resuming the frantic pace at which she'd been riding him. But she did make an effort to pant his name and whisper soft encouragements with increasingly breathy gasps each and ever time she felt a particularly strong burst of pleasure. Which happened to be just about every time he buried his dick inside her cunt with all the youthful vigor she'd hoped for. And unless the noticeable swelling of his dick was just a figment of her wild imagination he was enjoying the frantic, breathless words tumbling from her mouth. When his hands suddenly smacked against her ass at nearly the same time she felt about as certain as she could that he was enjoying himself. She was certainly enjoying herself as she came to yet another shuddering stop while her pert, round buttocks jiggled from the impact of his palms against the fleshiest parts.

But rather than spanking her again or doing anything else she might've expected he instead grabbed two big handfuls of her rump and pulled her cheeks apart like he was showing off the tight little hole hidden between them. It was a sensation she'd experienced more than a few times when surrounded by eager voe unwilling to wait their chance to enjoy her messy cunt. But with nobody around to see or enjoy what she had to offer being spread open like that felt somehow even more lewd for reasons she couldn't quite explain. Nor did she care to examine them as, for the second time, she lurched back into flying up and down his cock. By that point most if not all the cum he'd given her had been forced out by the wild contractions of her inner walls but it didn't get a chance to settle on Elsin's waist for long as a sloppy deluge of fluids quickly washed it away and coated his pale skin. Keenly aware of just how close she was to an orgasm and desperately in need of another one after her experience with Amira she rode him as hard as her barely functional limbs would allow, the wet smack of their bodies and the throaty moans of her satisfaction echoing throughout the room in a constant testament to her sheer perversion. Whether or not Elsin truly understood how good of a job he was doing or exactly what his accidental skill was leading to hardly mattered. One way or another she was about to show him what a woman was like when a man bothered to try a little. Hopefully his bed would survive the ordeal, it wouldn't have been the first time she broke a bed during sex!

Overcome by a sudden burst of animalistic speed Mirwani slammed herself down onto his cock with an unabashed lust no other race could manage. She moved so fast and so hard Elsin actually winded more than once as her body smashed into his with enough force to leave bruises. But that wasn't anywhere near enough to get him to stop suck on her breasts and thrusting upwards as much as possible. Nothing short of a broken pelvis was going to stop him from doing everything in his power to give the woman on top of him as much pleasure as she'd given him within the first minute of entering his room. And his efforts were rewarded in the most spectacular way barely a minute after she started moving with that bestial fervor. After slamming herself down against him one last time Mirwani's entire body seemed to crumple against his. Her feet slid backwards as her knees pressed against the bed while her amazingly soft breasts smothered him even more as his head was pushed against the pillow. In what had long ago become a trend by the time he was able to pricess the sudden shift in her body language and the sudden cessation of her movements he felt the most incredible, mind numbing pressure around his cock. Every centimeter of her inner walls clamped down around him at once while a fountain of wet, sticky fluids sprayed across his waist and thighs. Flecks of her arousal even splashed up the rest of his body to reach as high as his stomach and chest.

The incredible tightness of her sex around his member continued to grow until it felt like she was going to rip his cock off through naught but the force of her orgasm. Then just as it was about to become too much for him to handle her body relaxed. Only for a split second but it was long enough for him to catch a metaphorical breath and prepare for another bout of impossibly tight spasms. Along with another deluge of fluids erupting from her pussy to splash across his body and soak his undoubtedly ruined bed. Over and over again the process repeated itself while Mirwani gasped and groaned into his ear in a very unladylike tone that couldn't have been more erotic. But with each new contraction the amount of time he spent overcome by her sex lessened and little by little Elsin was able to actually think and appreciate the tightness of her sex. At least as much as he was capable of doing either of those things with a beautiful Gerudo woman writhing and squirting atop him. But even with that steady and noticeable decline in her strength it still took the better part of two full minutes for her to finally go limp against him and for the not quite as endless as they seemed streams of pussy juice erupting out of her to finally stop. But he hardly had time to bask in that sensation as her arms coiled around his shoulders and her legs slid beneath his as she seemed to tighten around him. Her breath was hot in his ear as she pressed her cheek against his and whispered perhaps the most arousing thing he could possibly imagine.

“Keep thrusting . . .” Mirwani begged, “Keep thrusting . . . fill me up with your cum . . . I want to fall asleep . . . with it leaking . . . out of me . . .”

Not quite able to believe what he was hearing Elsin stared up at the ceiling in shock for a moment, his grip on her ass tightening and his cock throbbing harder than ever but the rest of his body absolutely motionless. He didn't stay that way for long though. Right around the time Mirwani started kissing and nuzzling his neck while repeating that incredible request as often as she could his instincts kicked in and his body took over for his mind. Pulling her down against him at the same time he thrusted up the inexperienced but eager young Hylian man did everything in his power to grant her wish. Although he couldn't move very much and there was no way in hell he could lift a woman as big and muscular as her up he thrusted as fast and as hard as he could all the same. He stopped caring about being a caring partner like his mother had always told him and he stopped thinking about what might feel best for her, because in this one instance that just so happened to be what felt best for him as well. And maybe it was that notion, along with everything else that'd happened, that helped spur him into another orgasm despite how much longer he thought he could've gone before. Knowing she wanted a belly full of his seed more than anything else was the greatest motivator he could think of and in just shy of one or two minutes he was giving her exactly what she wanted. Their lips reunited as she found the strength to lift her head and kiss him in a weak but passionate embrace while he buried his cock inside her and unleashed another massive torrent of hot, fresh cum directly into her womb. Only barely diminished after his earlier climax the jizz flooding her sex felt even more amazing than she hoped in the afterglow of her orgasm. The warmth and thickness of it splashing across her inner walls and flooding the deepest reaches of her body was simply divine. She moaned into his lips and wriggled against him in a cute but ultimately impossible bid to get him even deeper. And when she was finished she held both her body and his for much, much longer than she needed to.

“Thanks handsome . . .” She finally said after a while, “This was everything I wanted and more . . . I'll have to remember how good you are the next time I come around here . . .”

“W-when are you leaving?” He asked as his cock slipped out of her with a soft squelch and she slowly lifted herself upright.

Mirwani looked out the window just as a flash of lighting lit up the sky, “At least until the storm passes, maybe a little longer . . .”

Elsin's face lit up in a grin and he watched her rise off the bed and slide a hand between her thighs to keep too much his cum from seeping out, “It seems like the storm might last a while . . .”

“I know.” She coquettishly replied as she sauntered towards the door and winked at him. Without saying another word she opened it and stepped into the hallway, “I hope it does . . .”


Jimmy TwoTries

I'm a bit biased, but: It's wonderful! I really like the framing device of Mirwani making her way through the different races of hyrule. Also a mother getting taught real pleasure by a powerful, more liberated woman is always great.


I'm glad you liked the beginning. I really didn't have any reason for adding that except my own whims so it's nice to hear that went over all right. I knew full well you'd like the rest since it was your idea lol