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All right, so this one gets pretty extreme towards the end. I tried to keep the middle part of the sex scene 'normal' so those turned off by really over the top things still had a lot to enjoy. But once it gets into the latter half fair warning lol

Princess Peach was exhausted. Mentally, emotionally, and often physically exhausted. The treaty she'd spearheaded between the Mushroom Kingdom and the denizen's of Bowser's kingdom was supposed to alleviate the headaches and frustrations that often accompanied their clashing domains. And while it seemed poised to do that in the long run the short term was an absolute nightmare of logistics as both she and King Koopa himself sought to integrate their peoples and abolish the borders that'd separated their lands for so long. Many on both sides had embraced the peace and just as many had rejected it, some with force. Neither she nor her join ruler wanted to crush the dissenters outright, although he didn't seem nearly as opposed to it as she did, so naturally many negotiations and peace talks were held to try and make everyone happy. On top of that was the migration of those previously stuck in the more uninhabitable or undesirable parts of the world to ares previously denied to them. Since they were near universally members of Bowser's kingdom their vast emigration to the Mushroom Kingdom was met with no small amount of trepidation from the residents already occupying those regions. Her castle was near constantly inundated with terrified messages from her subjects and pleas for aid even when those coming to share their lands had no ill intention. And while she could scarcely blame them Peach found it harder and harder to sympathize with the often ridiculous attitudes of the Toads flocking to her palace in droves to squawk terrified gibberish. Every last one of them had been made aware of her plans years in advance and every single one had agreed with them when she first proposed the idea. There hadn't been a single dissenting voice at the time and yet now that they were asked to follow through with what they'd been so willing to do before many seemed unable or unwilling. But despite their irrational and overblown reactions she was making progress. Painfully, maddeningly slow and incremental progress but progress all the same.

To his credit Bowser had done an exemplary job of keeping his people in line and alleviating as much of Peach's stress as one fire breathing lizard king could. Any time a conflict had broken out between their now united subjects he was there to offer an imposing and uncomprising presence behind her soft and understanding demeanor. In the rare instances an issue was started by someone from his lands directly he was more than happy to step in and personally talk with them. Although he often had to be reigned in a little before he fell back into old habits. And when they were alone he did a fantastic job of making her forget about everything and everyone causing her stress. Often several times a night until her whole castle was shaking at the foundations and she was in no state to rule a tea party let alone an entire kingdom. Yet as the pressures of their unified world continued to grow even his gigantic, thorny cock failed to provide the satisfaction and stimulation she required. Though she still made sure to enjoy it every single night under the guise of symbolizing the bond between their kingdoms. After six months of near tireless effort and painstaking work broken up only by the times she was quite literally fucked into unconsciousness for several hours by her husband Peach knew she had to something for herself soon. Before she went absolutely crazy and lost all semblance of reason and sanity. In the past taking a vacation had been as easy as hopping aboard a plane after her new king was defeated and visiting some tropical getaway. Or even simply hopping into a warp pipe and letting it take her somewhere far away from the kingdom for a while. Back then her people had little trouble under Toadsworth's gentle hand for a short while. Especially during times of peace or in the wake of a grand festival that left all of them in a stupor for days on end. But now, with another celebration fast approaching and the challenge of planning that out as well? There was no way she could leave her kingdom alone for any length of time no matter how much she might've needed it. The thought was unconscionable.

Maybe in a year or two she could afford to take a break. Maybe in a year or two the headaches she was dealing with on a daily basis would be gone. Or she'd been numb enough to them that a break wouldn't even be necessary. It was a depressing thing to think about but no amount of self pity could remove the simple fact that she was responsible for her own torment. Peach knew that was a dramatic way to put her current frustrations but it felt oddly apt as she met with yet another gaggled of inconsolably frantic Toads trying their best to explain why the Koopa Troopers moving into their woods would be the doom of everything they held dear. Toadette and Toadsworth did a remarkable job of calming the group down and once they were capable of hearing reason their Princess explained to them in laborious detail all the benefits of a united kingdom. She went over every solitary facet that could prove even the slightest bit comforting, like she had five times that day alone, and by the time her near perfectly rehearsed speech had concluded her subjects seemed a lot more amicable to what was happening. But because she knew they weren't fully convinced, none ever were, she added a personal plea for them to trust her. It was something Peach had come up with a few days prior after being forced to meet with a different group of Toads for the third time since the unification had begun. And so far that little extra push had shown a remarkable amount of success, though it was still much too early to say with any confidence if it would continue to work.  Eventually the mollified and at least slightly satisfied group left and she spent her very brief moment of solitude, or as close as a leader could get, looking sidelong at the massive throne she'd brought in for her husband and king. Bowser so rarely used the thing she was considering storing flowers and other pleasant smelling decorations on the expansive arm rests. If only for something nice to enjoy while being squawked at. His 'in the field' style of ruling was something she envied and quietly resented at the same time. Perhaps she'd adopt that strategy for a time and get herself out of the castle a bit more?


A soft, kind voice stirred her from her thoughts and Peach turned her head to see Toadette standing beside her throne with a cheerful smile, “Hmmm?”

“King Bowser has returned!” She said with abundant excitement, “And I believe he has a surprise for you!”

“He does?” Unable to contain her excitement as she thought of all the perverted, downright humiliating things he might have in store for her to break up the monotony of day to day life she immediately stood up and asked, “Where is he?”

“Still on the air strip. I don't think he's left his airship yet!”

“Thank you Toadette!” Peach lifted the hem of her skirt to rush down the dais steps and out the door only to stop herself and ask, “Do I have any other urgent appointments?”

“None that Toadsworth and I can't handle Princess!”

“Thank you Toadette!” She squealed, bending down to kiss the top of her companion's head and flash a smile born of pure gratitude, “This kingdom would collapse without the two of you! I hope you know that!”

“Thank you Princess!” Her friend and confident exclaimed, blushing a furious shade of red as she did her best not to stare bashfully at her feet. “You'd better hurry before the next group of Toads arrive and see you!”

“Sound advice as always my friend. Thank you again>”

She gave Toadette a radiant smile before hurrying down the steps and into a side room directly off the main hall. A short trip down a lavishly adorned hallway and through the kitchens and she was standing on the garden path leading to a recently created airstrip. One that housed her partner's massive ship and little else. Filled with excitement at the mere prospect of something new Peach lifted her dress a little higher to avoid catching undue amounts of dirt and rushed down the cobblestone path. The blades that inexplicably kept Bowser's ship aloft were still slowing down and many of the Koopa Troopers staffing the mechanical oddity were still in the process of disembarking when she arrived. Every single one of them stopped what they were doing upon seeing her and bowed, although she immediately asked them to stop and thanked them for their courtesy. Knowing full well that was behavior her husband had told them to engage she couldn't help but smirk as she stepped onto the gangplank and hurried towards his cabin to reunite with her man. All but bursting through the door she spotted him standing at the far end of the moodily lit quarters with his back to her. Hunched over the table pressed against the far wall he was clearly preoccupied with something but she just didn't care. Calling out his name she rushed to his side as quickly as her feet could carry her. He turned around before she could reach him, conspicuously blocking what he was doing as he did. For the moment Peach ignored his actions in favor of leaping into his arms with an exasperated but delighted sigh. He caught her like she weighed nothing at all and held her aloft as they shared a long, sloppy kiss. In public the two did their best to maintain an aura of civility and decorum but when no one else was around she let her rampant lust take control. He did the same, though tempered slightly thanks to his impressive size and prodigious strength. As his tongue writhed around in her mouth she sucked on it as eagerly as she'd sucked on his cock the previous night and the two of them moaned.

“I missed you my King!” She panted between bouts of frantically lewd suckling, “What kept you away from our kingdom? And from me?”

“I was searching for something.” He replied, his whole body shivering at her words and the corners of his mouth curling upwards into a grin like they did every time she called him her king.

“Did you find it?”


“What did you find?”

Bowser let out a rumbling laugh and slowly set her down on the coarse wooden floor, “I found the last ingredients I needed for a special potion.”

“You never told me you were making a potion!”

“I only started a month ago. Once I realized how frustrated you are.”

Flattered that he'd noticed but unsure of where he was going with it all Peach tried to lean around him to look at the potion in question but his frame was too massive, “What does it do?”

“Well . . .” He stepped aside and gestured to the bubbling crimson concoction sitting atop a bright blue flame and at the center of a large series of alchemical instruments. To her surprise the flask was easily as big as her entire body with enough liquid inside to fill an entire bathtub! “It's a mixture of the rarest and most potent aphrodisiacs I could find . . . all brewed into a single magical potion for you . . .”

Gasping in delight she stepped closer and stared with bright eyed hunger at the bottle. Thankfully she had the strength to resist the urge to snatch it up and guzzle the whole thing, “And I'm going to drink it before we have sex all night long?” She guessed, “Or maybe even all day and all night?”

“Close. I'm going to rub it across every inch of your body, let it soak into your skin, and then leave you in a room surrounded by a dozen of my most talented soldiers with at least a hundred more waiting for their turn outside.”

Her eyes slowly widened as she listened to what he was saying and she stared at the bottle in a new and even more delicious light. She slowly turned to look at her husband with the most loving and aroused expression he'd ever seen, “You mean . . . you actually arranged . . . you organized a . . .over a hundred soldiers?”

“At least. Once word spread they started lining up for their chance with you.” Bowser smiled. “I didn't think you'd want to turn any of them down . . .”

“No!” Peach emphatically shook her head, “No I wouldn't!” Literally shaking with excitement as the prospect of fulfilling her deepest and most arousing fantasy loomed over her she could only stare at her man in utter amazement, “Why-why did you do this for me? Out of the blue?”

“Because I love you.” He said, lumbering towards her and lightly stroking her chin, “But also because you need a break. And a day spent being ravished by as many soldiers and citizens as can be found will help. As well as satisfy something we've both wanted to experience for a very long time.”

“You'll be there too?” She gasped.

“As much as I can. I'll be taking over your duties while you're away but I plan on sneaking out as often as I can to see your progress.”

Marveling at the man she married and the depth of love she had for him Peach gathered as much of her wits as she could and asked in a tremulous voice, “When can we start?”

Bowser smiled at her and stepped aside, gesturing to the recently added bathroom nook he'd installed after their marriage, “Right away Princess.”

Just about ready to burst with excitement Peach rushed into the bathroom and towards the bathtub she instinctively knew would be the main focus of their little sojourn. In a very unladylike manner Peach lifted her dress up over her head and peeled off the skim;py lingerie she'd taken to wearing underneath it. Her crown, jewelry, and everything else were discarded as casually as one might discard a candy wrapped and in a few moments she stood naked before her man blushing like it was their wedding night all over again. He lumbered towards her holding the massive flask of bubbling crimson potion in both of his giant claws and staring rapaciously down at her naked body. She could tell he wanted to set the container down and ravish her like there was no tomorrow. His cock was beginning to emerge from between the scaly plates around his groin and the sight of it never failed to make her entire body shiver as the prospect of being violated by that massive, thorny red prick sent chills through her. And she very nearly dropped to her knees to pleasure his gigantic member. The urge was near overwhelming after the day she'd had. But thankfully Peach managed to control herself and instead of slobbering over her husband's turgid length she simply licked her lips and turned away. Although she couldn't help sticking her ass out a little for him in a last ditch effort to see if he might be interesting in turning her pussy or asshole inside out she was glad he resisted the temptation as well. After a split second she let out a soft giggle and climbed into the expansive bathtub. Stretching out seductively and smiling up at him like she'd done many, many times since it was installed Princess Toadstool moaned her lover's name, then nodded at him as she reached down between her milky thighs. Burying two fingers inside her cunt without a second thought she pinched and kneaded he rnipples at the same time and watched in utter delight as he tipped the flask forward, the neck resting against the lip of the tub as he prepared to pour the whole thing inside. Only a single moment of clarity managed to pierce the veil of arousal her mind was clouded by.

“Wait my love!” She moaned, “Should we let it cool down first?”

“It's been simmering for several hours.” He replied, “I made sure it was as hot as the water is whenever you take a normal bath.”

“I love you so much!”

“I love you too!”

Peach shuddered and fingered herself even more enthusiastically, ready to be drenched in the magical aphrodisiac, “Pour it all over me!” She gasped, echoing a similar request the first time he'd cum while she was slurping on his cock, “Drown me it my love!”

“As you wish . . .” He replied, saying exactly the same thing he'd said before blasting her with enough jizz to quite literally knock her back onto the bed she'd been kneeling on. “As you wish!”

Although a small part of him was ever so slightly worried about what might happen if she ingested too much of the potion he'd been assured by every lackey under his rule that the quantity he'd produced wouldn't and couldn't cause any long term issues. Short term it would turn her into a rampaging whore that could only be satisfied with cock, cum, and endless sex. Which amusingly enough wasn't really all that much of a change from her normal demeanor. It would just remove the veneer of respectability and control that kept that side of her hidden away from her relatively innocent people. And that alone was worth seeing enough for Bowser to set aside his concerns and dump the concoction all over his wife's upturned face and heaving tits. Peach let out a watery, gurgling moan as the thick, tingling contents of the potion cascaded down her face and body. By luck or design it managed to be almost exactly the same in both consistency and texture as semen and with the sheer amount being poured onto her with every passing second she only had to close her eyes and it was unfathomably easy to pretend her King was blasting another fiery load of jizz all over her. Especially as it began to fill up the tub and soak the few places not already covered by the cascading liquid. The excited tingling she'd been feeling since the first droplets touched her skin grew into an almost painful burning as the magical aphrodisiac went to work. Soaking through her skin to infuse every fiber of her being it wasted little time accentuating the already rampant arousal so often lurking within her thoughts and desires. Helped along in no small part by her fingers writhing around inside and furiously stirring up her cunt and inadvertently allowing even more fluid to soak inside her.

The mixture flooded into the depths of her aching pussy to soak her inner walls and swell against her cervix as the rising water level quickly submerged her entire cunt in a toe curling sea of pleasure. And before long the entrance to her womb had opened to allow the potion deeper still, all while she squealed in breathless agony as the entirety of her existence and function was melted down into a single, overriding desire. Conscious thought vanished from her mind and wouldn't return for hours, possibly even days. But it wasn't missed in the slightest and Peach couldn't even begin to care about what she was doing or how she looked doing it. All she wanted was pleasure in any way she could find it. When she rolled onto her stomach to lift her round, perky ass out of the bubbling stew she was submerged and spread her buttocks invitingly with one hand Bowser knew beyond a shadow of a doubt his mixture had worked. He watched with equal parts delight and amazement as she shoved three of her fingers inside her winking rectum and spread it open remarkably wide. Wider than he expected and wide enough to reveal the quivering pink depths of her hole just waiting for a dick to be rammed against them. He deliberately kept himself from offering that dick and after a few seconds of whining and swaying her hips Peach quickly plunged her ass back down beneath the surface to let even more of the liquid rush inside her anus and fill up another part of her. For good measure she opened her mouth and swallowed a few mouthfuls in some wild need to be consumed by the aphrodisiac before it somehow lost it's power.

Of course even if she'd been told that was a pointless concern her mind would've have understood the information being given. She was so well and overtaken by the effects of the potion she was little more than an extremely realistic fuck doll. Something she could at least slightly comprehend as she finally managed to stand up and turn towards the only cock available to her in that moment. Seeing Bowser's gigantic, thorny prick twitching away mere inches from her hand was such an enticing sight without the aphrodisiac, with it's effects she very nearly leapt out of the bathtub like a feral animal pounding on her prey. Fortunately for all the soldiers waiting for their chance to fuck the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom her husband had enough wherewithal to anticipate her actions and catch her before she could hurt herself or grab a hold of his cock. Easily restraining her with one muscled arm he carried his wife away from the tub and into the main cabin where manacles and restraints had been set up on their bed for this very occasion. With some difficulty he managed to tie her up and keep her from getting away long enough to issue an order to his crew while Peach howled in desperate need of cock. She thrashed against the bed and squealed incoherent gibberish while sending flecks of potion flying every which way. Immune to the effects and thoroughly enjoying what was happening to his woman Bowser simply watched the display and teased her as much and as often as he could during the mercifully brief trip to the specially prepared hideaway where she'd been spending the next twenty four hours or so. Once or twice he did make some attempt to mollify her a little for fear she mind genuinely go mad without any sort of stimulation at all, usually rubbing her pussy or letting her suck on his cock for a short while. It was difficult to tell how much of an effect either attempt had but it hardly mattered in the end. Soon enough they were disembarking with Peach hogtied and gagged in a fancy chest so nobody would see her until the big moment.

Bowser lumbered into the underground fort through a hidden back door that nobody else could access and carried his furiously struggling love into the room that would be her home for as long as there were cocks to be fucked by and an aphrodisiac coursing through her system. Most of the space was filled by a massive, fluffy mattress and countless pillows, all colored varying shades of pink, with around four or five feet of space between it and the walls in the event those waiting would like to watch Peach being absolutely ravished while they waited. Beyond the secret passage in the stone bricks that he'd emerged from the only other entrance to the room was a large wooden door sitting in a recessed alcove intended to give it room to open in either direction. Moody red lights adorned the walls and cast a seductive glow over everything and it would only grow more seductive when Peach was freed from the chest by somewhat comically dumping he rout of the padded interior. All of the potion clinging to her skin and hair had been completely absorded and both her alabaster flesh and golden locks looked as radiant as if she'd spent the entire day preparing herself for the event. While she was still tied up her husband took a moment to retrieve the small black strip of cloth he'd tucked away inside the chest and fasten it around her eyes. Although it seemed unnecessary and would likely fall off at some point he vividly recalled during the lust induced tirade that'd revealed her deepest, darkest desires to him she'd mentioned more than once being blindfolded during the even so she could never see and would never know who'd been fucking her the entire time. And since he wanted to give her everything she desired he couldn't leave something as important as that out. Once it was secured and everything else was in place he removed the restraints keeping her tied up and hurried out of the room as quickly as he could. While the door to his secret passage was closing he shouted into the room, fully aware of the many, many people waiting on the other side for their chance to fuck the Princess.

“She's all yours boys!”

The horde of aroused men waiting in the hallway beyond all perked up in unison while the rampaging slut that was Princess Peach unleashed a needy moan in response. Although her mind couldn't fully comprehend what her husband's words meant she could certainly smell the potent stench of male arousal clouding the air when the door opened and the first ones stepped through. Turning towards the heavenly aroma and crawling on her hands and knees like a wild animal the once dignified monarch squealed like a wild animal and opened her mouth wide for any cocks that might want to penetrate her wet, needy throat. And of course the sight of such a beautiful woman naked, on all fours, begging for cock in every way she could without speaking as her tongue lolled out of her mouth was all the various men standing in the doorway needed to see. Elbowing and shoving one another out of the way they charged the bed, leaping onto it's soft expanse and onto Princess Peach's even softer contours. Within seconds Princess Toadstool was surrounded by dicks of every imaginable shape and size as the luckiest among those waiting reached her first. Before she even had a chance to enjoy the medley of pungent smells assaulting her nose or feel the precum oozing onto the sheets all around her three of them were giving her exactly what she wanted. A fat, barbed dick was shoved into her asshole in the time it took her to suck in a ragged breath while a long, slick tendril like cock wriggled down her throat and into her stomach a split second later, and a slightly more normal prick was embedded in her cunt only for it to suddenly become wonderful as a bulbous knot smashed against her outer folds.

Instantly and totally overwhelmed by the ecstasy she was feeling Princess Peach succumbed to her first of many orgasms as a wave of pure satisfaction crashed down on her. A long, gurgling scream burst from her lips while the rest of her body violently convulsed and each one of her holes tightened around the dicks responsible for her much needed release. A fountain of creamy fluids sprayed out of her cunt to soak whoever was sprawled beneath her and drench the man behind her in a hot torrent of pure arousal. Another squirted out of her wantonly quivering cunt a second later, arriving at the tail end of yet more wild contractions and full body shudders. None of the three creatures inside her had even started moving beyond the mad throbbing of their dicks and thanks to the incredible tightness of her holes there was little chance they could. At least not until she was finished cumming all over them and shaking like she was constantly being electrocuted. And that wouldn't happen for more than a full minute as the combination of her rampant sluttiness and a powerful magical aphrodisiac lengthened an incredible orgasm into something that defied words and reason. By the time she was done gushing all over the two behind her and slobbering all over the one in front of her they trio were about ready to cum as well. All around them others were frantically stroking their cocks as they watched the unbelievable display and waited their turn to enjoy it personally. The luckiest among them wouldn't have to wait very long at all if the way the first three began to groan the instant they started thrusting was any indication.

Every bit as overwhelmed by it all as the Princess they were fucking the first three partners Peach had  did an admirable job of fucking her silly in the brief time they had to do so. Had she been even a little bit lucid she would've appreciated their efforts enormously and rewarded them with plenty of affection  and maybe even a messy little show of her playing with their cum when they finished. But in the state she was in they were forgotten the instant their cocks retreated from her holes and new ones took their place. Thankfully while they were inside her there was nothing else in the world she could focus on and the sole purpose of her existence was dedicated to the worship and enjoyment of the dicks slamming in and out of her holes. Each was so different from the other she could bask in them all without a thought, which was rather fortunate given the mental state or lack thereof she was operating with. The biggest and most obvious source of pleasure was the barbed shaft absolutely tearing up her asshole with every slightest movement. While it certainly didn't draw blood nor did it actually elicit any serious pain the constant flashes of discomfort alongside the ecstasy found in having what had to be at least three or four dozen separate points of stimulation at once was beyond what she could've hoped for. It would've been enough to send her careening into an orgasm even without the aphrodisiac or the other, throbbing dicks using her body. Luckily she wasn't denied those other factors and could enjoy them all in equal measure.

Like the fat knot of unyielding flesh smashing against her pussy with increasing ferocity as the person it belonged to did everything in his power to bury his whole length inside her before his time came. Every impact sent a wild shudder through her system and pushed the oute rlips of her cunt a little further open. Given enough time there was no doubt he'd have managed to full embed his prick inside her tight slit. But thanks to the other stimulation she was receiving alongside the pleasure he was giving to her there just wasn't any chance he'd manage it. Certainly not while a long, seemingly prehensile dick was writhing around in her throat and rubbing against places in the depths of her belly she didn't even know about! It expanded the whole of her throat until it felt like she was going to vomit yet still managed to hold back just enough that she didn't actually spew what little food she had left inside her stomach. Which left her in a constant state of uncertainty that only served to further enhance the pleasure she felt and ensure she was sloppily moaning around the dick in her mouth for as long as it remained in her mouth. Of course the better she felt as a result of all three of them the better they felt as a result of her slutty body tightening around their dicks and encouraging them to let loose with every subtl clench and not so subtle shiver. Something none of them could ignore as they fucked her with all the strength they could muster and quickly succumbed to the anticipation of being with one of the most gorgeous women in existence. Really it was nothing short of a miracle the three lasted as long as they did, even if that time was only a couple minutes.

But in the absolutely unhinged state Peach was in their lac of endurance was nothing short of a blessing as her cock addled, cum craving body would soon attest. Because when the time finally came and each of them buried their dicks inside her holes for the final time she was nothing short of ecstatic. Knowing full well what was about to happen through instinct alone she grinded and writhed against the three of them with all the force and gusto she could muster while each of her holes squeezed the dicks pulsing away inside them hard enough to make the creatures they belonged to gasp in equal parts pleasure and discomfort. They would continue to moan and pant in uncontrollable lust for quite some time as each one descended into the same ecstasy that Peach was eternally trapped in. Or at least as close as any of them could get. Three jets of wildly different and beautiful intoxicating spunk erupted into her body from three different places but all of it managed to flood the very core of her being and coalesce into something beyond what she'd previously know. The cock in her ass disgorged a thick, almost soupy stream that arrived in a constant barrage that filled her rectum up so fast it was hard to recall when she hadn't had an asshole full of jizz. The tendril like prick in her throat sprayed out a slimy liquid that was equal parts revolting and orgasmic as it coated everything it touched in a film that made her guts burn in the best possible way. And last but not least was the watery spurts of chillingly cold semen ebing emptied into her pussy and womb by the knotted dick inside her slit. Almost painfully cold and arriving not unlike how a more average dick might dispense such a juicy load the cum erupting from that shaft was made all the more spectacular by the way it drowned her womb and drenched everything inside in a wonderfully frigid mixture. And because all three were so amazing by themselves when savored at the same time like Peach was doing it quickly proved to be a recipe for yet another orgasm. Although her resulting climax was all the messier thanks to the jizz squirting from her cunt, asshole, and gullet at the same time and alongside the arousal normally seeping from her pussy.

Unfortunately the men directly responsible for her second orgasm in an incredibly short amount of time had no hope at all of enjoying it. Thanks to the enormous pressure of her body around their cocks and the natural sensitivity that came directly after climax the trio were all but forced to pull out the instant Peach started cumming again. The discomfort was simply too great for them to handle and there was no way they could hope to match her for a second longer. So they did what any sane creature would do and freed their dicks from her quivering holes as hastily as possibly while the Princess collapsed onto the bed in a quivering heap of trembling limbs and messily evacuating holes. Her cunt and asshole just barely managed to close in the wake of the fucking they'd received while her mouth, naturally, had little trouble shutting tight. When it wasn't flying open to let out watery gurgles and desperate screams. And because her pussy and anus could still close properly they had little trouble messily discharging the spunk that'd been dumped inside them all over the bed around her and, soon after, all over the new trio of partners that climbed on to start fucking her themselves. Peach was flipped onto her back, lifted up, and then lowered asshole first onto a fat, bulbous dick shaped more like a series of anal beads than any cocks she'd ever known.

A gigantic, almost scaly shaft was stuffed inside her throat shortly afterwards and the new trifecta was rounded off a split second later by what seemed like a mass of writhing and totally independent feelers all coalesced into a vaguely phallic shape plunging inside her cunt. That one proved to be the main focus of her reality for the time it spent inside her, mostly due to the way it could wriggle and shift against her inner walls in a manner that hit all of her most sensitive spots at the same time while also pushing so incredible deep she could've sworn it was sliding down into her Fallopian tubes to play with the eggs hidden in her womb. A fact Peach only became more and more sure of with every passing second the cock remained inside her. Though with her brain all but completely useless for anything beyond keeping her body alive it was difficult to say for sure what was happening. Thanks to the dick in her throat and the way it turned her head she couldn't even see her stomach bulging from the tendrils moving inside her womb. Everyone else could see them though and everyone else was more than happy to gawk and enjoy the sight of her taut belly shifting around and bulging outwards in front of their eyes. In no small part because of the obvious ecstasy it caused the woman all of them wanted to fuck. That ecstasy and their own enjoyment was quickly amplified to another level entirely when the creature possessing that strange dick along with the other two started fucking her. And since they started off hard and they started off fast there was a lot to enjoy.

Unlike the first three that'd enjoyed Peach's sweet, succulent body the second group were nowhere near as limited in their endurance. Either as a consequence of their species or because of good old fashioned self control they managed last more than three times as long as their predecessors. But not only did they fuck the moaning, desperately horny Princess for nigh on ten minutes straight before blowing their loads all three were able to keep up the same frantic and downright brutal pace throughout. Something the mewling fuck toy that used to be a monarch greatly appreciated as her asshole was savagely ruined by one cock, her pussy was thoroughly violated by another, and her throat was constantly expanded by the third. Being unable to see any of the creatures devastating her body and sending waves of pleasure cascading through her senses heightened the ecstasy in every way she could've hoped for and more. It was exactly what she'd wanted when she first concocted the elaborate scenario her husband had kindly set up for her. And thanks the aphrodisiac she was able to enjoy every single moment of it without delay or recuperation. Though none of the men fucking her were as well endowed as her man so that could've easily played a part in why she had no trouble being a cocksleeve for all three of them at the same time for what felt like an eternity. She even managed to cum twice during their run at her tight holes and by the time she was coming down from the second one the experience had left her feeling so dizzy and lightheaded she could hardly move.

Thankfully none of the men happily turning her inside out needed her input at all and the more limp and comatose she became the more easily they were able to completely have their way with her. Including a spectacular few minutes where the three somehow found the absolute perfect rhythm that always saw one of them sliding in balls deep, one of them fully retreated save for the head of their dick, and one of them either in the process of pulling out or thrusting back inside. Which meant Peach got to enjoy all three facets of being fucked at once and if there'd been any hope for her sanity overcoming the magical potion she'd bathed in they were utterly dashed within long before her second crop of lovers managed to cum. When they did finally climax she was once again treated to the glorious pleasure of three separate and distinct, from one another at least, methods of insemination. The fact that all three of them more or less mirrored the first three just in different holes and with slightly different effects, like multi-headed tendril unleashed dozens of different streams at the same time rather than a single unified one, barely even registered to her. If anything it proved to be even more arousing as the familiar was juxtaposed with the unfamiliar in the perfect and only way her cock addled mind could comprehend as she was pumped full of yet more jizz. And because a good deal of the cum that'd been drained into her the first time had remained she was filled to bursting by the second group of men. Her belly literally inflating her her pussy totally overflowing by the time all three had finished and were pulling out.

Flushed with pleasant memories of the first time she'd been turned into a cum filled balloon by Bowser on their wedding night Peach just barely managed a watery gurgle before messily spraying cum out of every orifice that contained it. A fountain of slime coated spunk burst from her mouth as she threw her head back and puked it directly into the air above her haid while twin jets of pussy juice splattered and plain old untainted semen squirted from her cunt and asshole as she clumsily lifted her hips off the bed while the rest of her body lay thrashing and sprawled across the sheets. The men responsible barely managed to get out the way in time while those eagerly climbing onto the bed for their chance at her body tumbled right back off again as three geysers of fresh spunk gushed like a fountain from her gaped and quivering holes. Though not quite as plentiful as the sheer amount her husband liked to pump inside her the lesser quantity was more than made up for by the aphrodisiac coursing through her system and the knowledge that there were dozens if not hundreds of other men waiting to fill her up again as soon as she was finished evacuating the depths of her asshole, womb, and stomach. Which only took a few seconds of fantastically lewd, impossibly sloppy discharge to accomplish. A handful of weaker willed men were immediately turned away by what they were witnessing as the true depravity of the situation was made clear to them but the rest were only emboldened. While their comrades fled a group of nine different men climbed onto the bed to surround Peach, none of them giving any thought to how exactly all of them were going to fuck her when their cocks outnumbered her holes three to one and she was in no state to accommodate that many dicks. As a matter of fact she was in no state to do anything at all as the pleasure of cumming so many times in quick succession along with quite literally spraying cum out of her every hole proved too much for the Princess to handle. For the first time she lost consciousness, though it would certainly not be the last.

The last thing she consciously noticed or felt was her body being lifted up at multiple pairs of cocks pushing against her gaping rectum and stretched open pussy as the men arranging her body intended to capitalize on the devastation that'd already been wrought. Peach slipped into unconsciousness with an ear to ear smile spread across her face. She'd expressly told Bowser how arousing it would be to wake up being fucked if she were to somehow pass out during a massive gangbang and he'd apparently taken that sentiment to heart. Little did she know he'd given every single soldier of his express orders not to stop fucking her for any reason, save her own commands. Unless she outright told them to stop they'd been given free access to any hole she possessed for as long as they could last with the only caveat being that none could return for a second attempt until everyone else had a chance to try her. And since the line of men waiting was over a mile long it seemed unlikely anyone would have a second chance to be with the Princess. Which was exactly why all of them made sure to enjoy her in every way available to them in the brief moments they had. Including stuffing multiple cocks in her pussy, asshole, mouth, or all three in whatever configuration they could manage. Her body continued to quiver and react to whatever they did and with their Lord's orders ringing in their ears the group of nine took turns passing their new monarch around between them like a cheap toy. They fucked her for as long as they could managed and reveled in how perverted it was to be ravishing an unconscious Princess. Though just how unconscious she truly was remained to be seen as she still managed to climax and react to them in ways a normal woman likely shouldn't have. But by her earlier and far more active standards she was without a doubt not possessed of what little control she had earlier and it didn't end up returning for the better part of an hour. Long enough in fact for several other groups to have their way with her body and empty absurd amounts of cum inside her in the process.

Enough in fact to bloat her once delicate form and leaving her constantly oozing semen no matter how much was sprayed out of her. When she finally returned to whatever passed for consciousness while under the effects of the potion Peach found her belly to be all but permanently swollen with cum and unable to deflate even when her body was bent into positions that pressed her knees against it and sent massive torrents of mixed jizz gushing out of her cunt, asshole and throat. Not that she had any qualms at all about permanently or at least semi permanently displaying just how much of a cum addled whore she really was. Had she been capable of that sort of reflection she would've worn it like a badge of honor alongside her widely gaped pussy and downright cavernous asshole. All three served as constant proof of her sluttiness and just how depraved her inner self was compared to the prim and proper lie she was forced to propagate while ruling her people. The endless line of dicks ready, willing and more than happy to continue proving that were a blessing that never seemed to wane as she was fucked in every conceivable position by what seemed like every resident the Mushroom Kingdom and the lands around it had to offer. Though it was impossible to tell for sure by feel alone Peach had a good amount of experience with the mating habits of a few different species native to her kingdom and even in her barely lucid mental state she could recognize some of the familiar ones alongside those that continued to shock and delight her.

Like the tendrils of the Blooper violating all of her holes at once and pumping her full of inky cum that felt all at once viscous and runny in ways that defied reason. Or the massive and enormously pleasurably tongue of a Boo plunging into the depths of her asshole to phase through all the cum flooding her inner walls while at the same time pressing against those inner walls with enough force to lift her off the mattress. At one point she was even graced with the intimately familiar presence of a massive, thorny cock she knew better than she knew her own body. It was shoved deep into her slack cunt without any fanfare or preamble and despite how wide her pussy had been stretched it was still no match for the size and contours of Bowser's dick as he buried it inside her womb. Since she was busy deepthroating another, almost as well known human cock Peach could in no way react to the sudden arrival of her husband's dick. Except by unleashing a gurgling scream on the dick inside her throat while messily spraying out a fountain of pussy juice and cum from her freshly violated hole. And when she felt two of his scaly fingers push into her asshole and start stretching her even wider as they pulled away from one another Peach very nearly passed out again. Fortunately she managed to stay conscious long enough to be hit by another orgasm around the time her man was blasting his fiery hot spunk into her womb but there was little chance of her staying awake for much longer. Certainly not when her husband ripped his cock from her pussy so hard and so fast she lost all control of her body and did something even more shamefully erotic than what she'd already displayed.

Because even in the utterly demented and completely debauched condition she was in Peach still felt a little twinge of embarrassment when a torrent of hot, golden piss erupted from her trembling body. Well beyond the point of self control and in no state to prevent it from happening after her husband's violent exit from her pussy she nonetheless moaned around the cock inside her mouth and blushed a furious shade of crimson as she pissed all over herself, the bed, and Bowser's thorny cock. Some small part of her tried to stem the flow but she would've had better luck overcoming the potion still infusing her every sense. She hadn't even realized how full her bladder truly was until she was messily spraying a near endless stream of urine alongside the copious amounts of semen and pussy juice already gushing out of her body. It was without a doubt the most humiliating and arousing thing she'd ever experienced in her life and if she'd known that would only be the start of the depravity going forward she might not have been able to handle the knowledge. Luckily nobody elected to fill her in on their plans and the only clue she was given arrived in the form of her man's impressed and very aroused laughter. As piss continued to stream out of her shuddering body and she very nearly collapsed into the puddle she'd created her lover's cock slid beneath her cunt and between her thighs to effortlessly hold her aloft with naught but it's turgid strength. She gasped at the molten heat radiating off it's length and shuddered in growing arousal and shame as she felt her waning stream splash across the base of his length. In a more lucid state she might've remembered a few of the things Bowser told her about when they were sharing their deepest kinks. She might've remembered him saying how aroused he was by a woman losing all control and completely succumbing to pleasure in every sense of the word.

But she didn't and couldn't remember that sort of thing and so it was nothing but a surprise when she felt her body being lifted by his throbbing member. His strong, scaly touch a few seconds later arrived as yet another surprise and she could only moan in delight around the cock still vigorously fucking her throat. Especially when it started to throb and pulse in that telltale fashion. With her bladder nearly empty and only a weak little stream of urine dribbling out of her pussy Peach was treated to two wonderfully different pleasures at the same time. The first and most immediate was a deluge of cum erupting into the depths of her throat to fill her already overflowing stomach and add yet more fuel to the fire that was her wantonly aroused body. Second but no less wonderful was her husband's slimy cock gliding across her belly as he tipped her forward and pressed the tapered end against her gaped and quivering asshole. As the last few drops of piss trickled unrestricted onto the bed he rammed his dick into her stretched ring with every ounce of power he could muster. Peach's ensuing scream reverberated through the entire complex like a beautiful song enticing all those who heard it to come forward. But only a few could as she was lifted off the bed entirely and her pussy was offered to anyone willing to go toe to toe with Bowser. Surprisingly more than a few immediately stepped up to fill that spot and the Princess' slack, cum filled cunt was quickly filled by a dick almost as thick around as her husband's but even longer than his. The enormous, equine dick filled her slit so completely she couldn't remember what it felt like without a dick that size inside her and once it and Bowser's shafts started moving she was thrown headfirst into yet another orgasm while the sounds of creatures all around them furiously masturbating filled her ears and sent delighted shivers down her spine.

Passing out again almost immediately Peach barely had a chance to enjoy the feeling of being split in half by her lover and another cock that actually rivaled his own. She hardly got to enjoy the contrast of their enormous dicks furiously violating both of her holes at the same time, each one pushing against the other through the thin wall separating her cunt and ass like they were trying to stake some sort of claim on her body. What little she did experience before slumping backwards against Bowser's massive chest was beyond heavenly. It was everything she wanted to feel and more summarized in a handful of seconds. Squirting cum and pussy juice all over both of them the Princess descended into a regrettable yet oddly comforting blackness as her consciousness faded yet again and her body went as limp as a doll's while two men utterly ruined her holes. The true extent of how much 'damage' they were actually doing wouldn't be discovered by her or anyone else for the better part of half an hour. Because when Lord Bowser arrived to fuck his wife he was gonna fuck his wife for as long as he damn well pleased, including breaking his own rule by emptying a massive torrent of cum into her asshole and continuing to fuck her even after he'd finished. Of course nobody called him out on that little discrepancy though, most were too scared and the rest were having too much fun watching the reserved and regal Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom become and absolute cum filled, cock addled whore by their master and one of his best lieutenant's hands. They had no idea the two weren't doing anything more than letting an already existing whore show off as they turned her asshole and cunt inside out with every thrust and fucked her harder than just about every other being there could manage. In fact the force and ferocity of their ceaseless thrusting alongside the massive deluge of hot, bubbling cum blasting into her guts was actually enough to bring Peach back from her stupor around the time both men were finishing up. Just in time for her to feel the true devastation that'd been wrought.

After dumping enough cum inside her womb to inflate her belly even more and filling every single part of her stretched body in thick, creamy strands of spunk the equine dick buried in her cunt slowly made it's departure. And at first everything felt the same as it always did: intensely pleasurable to the point of almost being uncomfortable as her aching inner walls were stimulated by the gigantic phallus. It wasn't until the flat and flared head of his dick reached her gaping cervix that anything went amiss, in the best way possible of course. Rather than simply popping out from the slightly tighter seal formed by her thoroughly ravished entrance the unique head of his dick actually caught the edges of Peach's cervix and pulled it down as it continued to retreat, aided in no small part by the wild contractions still rushing through her body with every passing second. And once her greedy little entrance latched on to his cock it simply refused to let go even as he kept pulling out and subsequently dragging her entire womb down with him as a result. Wracked by orgasmic convulsions as she felt the very core of her womanhood shifting in a way it was never meant to the Princess couldn't even scream as she clutched her husband's beefy forearms and looked down at her pussy. The blindfold still wrapped around her eyes prevented her from seeing what was happening but the reactions of everyone around her along with the sensation of literally being turned inside out was more than enough to illustrate what'd happened. Though nearly every inch of his massive horse cock had technically emerged from her pussy the tip was still snugly enveloped by her womb even as that innermost part of her hung out of her slackened cunt like a fleshy pink tail.

Everyone that could see the erotic display gasped in shock while Peach herself convulsed like she was being electrocuted. The humid, heady air of the room buffeted her distended pussy and sent a wave of new sensations crashing down on her before she could think. It was quickly enhanced by yet another barrage of experiences when her love yanked his dick entirely free and left her inverted womb to hang from her cunt in some fantastically lewd display of just how far she'd sunk. And if the sight of her bright pink and cum slathered womb hanging out of her pussy wasn't ridiculous enough the instant the cock responsible for her new state of perversity pulled away completely all the jizz it'd sprayed into her began to gush right back out like water from an unsecured fire hose. Moaning louder than ever and tightening around the remaining dick inside her asshole the Princess writhed and trembled in abject pleasure as she messily released all the cum inside her cunt, her distended womb flopping lewdly about as it was propelled by the force of her body and the force of the spunk evacuating her every which way it could go. By itself that would've been enough to burn into the minds of every last creature watching the unimaginably erotic display but that just wasn't enough for Bowser nor for his screaming wife, even if she couldn't say as much. So in spite of how good her asshole felt convulsing around him he started pulling out too. But unlike his companion he didn't do so at a measured, temperate pace. Instead he mirrored his own, earlier retreat and yanked his dick from the depths of her anus like he was trying to tear her up, fully aware of what effect his departure would have on her asshole.

Everyone watching had no idea what would happen when that titanic cock was ripped out of her tight little asshole and every single one of them was utterly floored by the sight. In no small part because of how well it paired with the lewdness of her distended womb. Because much like her greedy little pussy Peach's anus was unwilling to let go of the pleasure she'd been enjoying and much like her greedy little pussy her once normal rectum paid the price. Inverting with a wet, gooey squelch the fleshy red inside of her ring was suddenly pulled right out of her asshole in a lewd and rapidly descending rosebud that seemed utterly incapable of letting go of her man's cock even as it retreated far enough to be totally free of her body had she not so messily prolapsed to keep him inside. Crying out in a hoarse, almost pained voice Peach thrashed madly against Bowser's hands as she felt her rosebud emerge from her asshole in a long, lewd display every bit as perverted as what she'd endured with her womb. By the time his dick had finally departed from her quivering red tail it'd distended almost as far as her softer and more pink distension with both of them hanging nearly six inches out of her body while her husband held her aloft for everyone one to witness. She barely heard their astonished cries as she succumbed to yet another orgasm and a fountain of jizz squirted out of her prolapsed asshole in much the same way it was still squirting out of her prolapsed womb. And thanks to her violent convulsions and near constant shivering her twin tails actually managed to slap against one another in a messy and impossibly arousing impact that locked her every muscle and paralyzed her for a few seconds. It took almost a full minute for her to realize Bowser was actively helping her distended holes make contact as he none too subtly jerked her body around to make sure her utterly ruined holes smacked against one another in a way they never could've before that moment. Although in no state to appreciate his efforts beyond the selfish ecstasy they gave her it was absolutely glorious all the same and she simply couldn't get enough!

And that was something her husband was well aware of as he unceremoniously tossed her back onto the bed like he was disposing of a piece of trash. Peach landed hard against the mattress, squeaking in surprise while everyone watched gasped at the sight of her prolapsed womb and asshole slapping wetly against one another and the soiled sheets. And thanks to the force of her impact, the subsequent bounce that sent her several inches off the mattress, and her return to it flat on her stomach another torrent of cum gushed out of her lewdly flopping holes before anyone could even think about doing anything with her suddenly free body. Of course an instant later she was surrounded by amorous creatures yet again and any freedom she might've had was gone. Although rather than pushing her distended holes back inside her so they could fuck her properly several of the more perverted men instead grabbed her rosebud and inverted womb, squeezing both hard enough to send a bolt of pleasure and pain lancing through her system as she was touched in ways that defied logic and reason. Crying out even louder and clawing at the bed Peach writhed against the sheets and quivered uncontrollably as they started to pull on her fleshy tails like the udders of a cow. Experiences a torrid mixture of ecstasy, humiliation, shame, discomfort, and delight she very nearly tumbled into yet another orgasm the instant they began manhandling her sensitive prolapses. What remained of her sanity managed to hold on for a little while longer though, long enough for someone to make use of her throat. Putting an end to her desperate cries as effectively as possible something shoved an enormous, slimy, and throbbing cock deep inside her belly while at least four different hands continued to squeeze her prolapses and milk what little spunk hadn't already been squirted out. There was no telling how long they intended to do so no telling what they wanted when they were done but Peach was given her answer quickly enough. Though it seemed like an eternity to her as she violently climaxed all over them the entire time.

But eventually, after some indeterminate amount of time, their grip of her distended holes abruptly vanished and she was left flailing in the void left behind by their absence. Had her throat not been full of cock and her chin battered by a wet pair of balls she might've turned to look in the direction of the men that'd suddenly left and begged them not to go. Of course they had no intention of leaving her alone and after just long enough to send her hips bouncing needily on the bed and her legs spreading apart as wide as she could get them the four creatures pounced. With some difficulty her holes were shoved back inside her where they 'belonged' and a quartet of dicks were added for good measure. She gurgled in satisfaction as the return to familiarity allowed her frazzled mind some semblance of control in the wake of what she'd experienced at her husband's hands. It wouldn't last long though as the unique and wholly bizarre cocks plundering her gaping orifices went to work and the ecstasy of her previous orgasms, which had never truly diminished, returned with a screaming vengeance. The five beings happily devastating her holes did so for an impressively long time, all of them clearly eager to destroy the absolute whore they were fucking in the wake of glimpsing just how depraved she could really become under the right circumstances. They pushed her right into another orgasm after at least fifteen minutes of unmitigated thrusting and around the time they were nearing the half hour mark Peach lost consciousness yet again. She didn't wake up for even longer as her brain did it's best to recover from everything that'd been done to it and naturally tried to fight of the magical aphrodisiac that'd suffused her very being. It failed at both and she was eventually stirred by another group blasting her insides with cum and then pulling out for the next group. It was during their retreat that she and everyone else discovered how easy it'd become to make her holes prolapse and just how arousing their Princess found it each and every time. Although the second half of that discovery almost went without saying.

Putting her through as much as they could as often as they could swiftly became their main goal, each new group doing everything in their power to gape, prolapse, ravish, and otherwise devastate her body in some new and astonishing fashion. And amazingly many of them were successful. So successful in fact Peach started to pass out each and every time she climaxed. The pleasure and humiliation of being treated in such a way by underlings, by creatures that used to be her enemies, was beyond her ability to deal with no matter how long it lasted or how many times she was subjected to same handful of cocks and the occasional wild card that sent her careening through ecstasy laden insanity. Being stuffed full of massive Blooper tendrils or tongue fucked by a horde of Boos never seemed to lose it's luster no matter how many times it happened to her. If anything it seemed to be growing more potent every time her brain managed to comprehend what was happening. Because she was quickly spending so much of her time in an endless haze of barely lucid pleasure the few moments of lucidity became like little islands in the infinite and roiling sea that was her mind. Time lost what little meaning it's managed to keep up to that point, as did any sense of self or being she had. Peach was utterly and completely consumed by the pleasure she was subjected to and the magical potion that made such a depraved and unceasing joy possible in the first place. Hundreds of different creatures enjoyed the pleasures of her body and save for the handful that managed to elevate themselves through some remarkable feat all of them melted into a single, endless blur of pure satisfaction. Lacking the awareness to have a true out of body experience the Princess was trapped inside her own body as her mind grew increasingly fractured from the sensations she was being subjected to and the eternal nature of both the aphrodisiac she'd absorbed and the men waiting to fuck her. Neither seemed like they had any end or could ever end and though she couldn't even begin to truly appreciate that prospect what little there was in her head was glad to be in such a circumstance. There was no place better in existence for her.

Of course no matter how it felt her pleasures were far from infinite. The potion had a distinct endpoint as dictated by the dosage and ingredients used while the men waiting to fuck Peach had already started to thin out by the halfway mark. Towards the end of their allotted time the once absurdly long line of eager creatures had thinned so considerably it was downright astonishing to image a single woman had been with so many in such a relatively short time. Though they only had to glance at the senselessly fucked, utterly sloppy, and almost grotesquely ravished woman at the center of the chamber to know without a doubt she'd been fucked by hundreds of men in such a short span of time. The lavish and well made bed she was sprawled atop had been so thoroughly soaked with cum and pussy juice it was ruined beyond repair, save perhaps some incredibly powerful magic, and the floor around it was so coated in the various loads of cum that'd been squirted from her holes or simply oozed down the sodden sheets it was lapping at the stained wooden frame supporting the mattress. Some creatures literally had to wade through it if they wanted to fuck the princess and many were turned away by that notion. Justifiably so, even the most perverted among them would agree. But the siren song that was Peach's body and her unflinching desire to be fucked by anyone and everyone that was able to proved too alluring for many of the men waiting and still they continued to ravish her holes and pleasure themselves with her pussy, asshole, and mouth for as long as they had. Only the arrival of Bowser could slow their eagerness and put a stop to their lusts, though he was magnanimous enough to allow those already fucking her and those closest enough to be going next, their chance with his wife before ending the entire thing. First by hoisting her off the bed and throwing her limp, mewling form over his shoulder and then by telling all those left to scram before he set them on fire. They wisely hurried away as quickly as their feet could carry them and soon the two monarchs were alone together in the aftermath of their debauchery.

“It's over now.” He told her as he lumbered towards the secret passage, “The aphrodisiac is wearing off and you're gonna start feeling sore. Real sore. I had Kamek whip up another potion that should help with that though. You're gonna have to soak in it for a long time. At least six hours if not more. She can tell you more when we get there. Of course I don't even know why I'm saying any of this. You don't understand a single word I'm saying right now.”

Bowser laughed as Peach moaned and shivered against him, his assumptions seemingly confirmed for a moment before she quietly murmured, “Th . . . thank . . . y . . .yo . . .you . . .”

His cheeks darkened in surprise and he immediately slid her off his shoulder to cradle her in his arms and against his chest, “You're welcome.” He said in a gruff voice. “I love you.”

Peach smiled dreamily up at him, her eyes still rolled back in her head and her body endlessly shaking from the pleasure she still felt, “I . . . love . . . y . . .you . . . t . . . too . . .”


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