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It's been a while since I wrote a commission I could actually release on Patreon (one that wasn't also funded by Patreon)! I think this one a perfect candidate to share with y'all, it's fun and simple with a bit of heart and a lot of perversity. Plus there's nothing too over the top so it should be a good read for pretty much everyone! I hope you guys like it!

Nervously smoothing his sandy blonde hair for the umpteenth time Connor looked at himself in the rear view mirror just long enough to confirm, yet again, that he was at least slightly presentable before finally getting out of his car. He grabbed the flowers and wine he'd bought on the way over and took several deep breaths as he walked down the winding path to Sofia and Jazmin's front door. While all but certain neither the fancy bouquet he'd brought nor the well tailored suit he was wearing were necessary he couldn't help but dress up for what seemed like such a momentous occasion. Even if it did leave him feeling pretty silly as he stepped onto their front porch like a high school kid about to take a date to prom and paused to take a deep breath. As he looked down at his tall, athletic frame and smoothed out the nonexistent wrinkles in his coat and slacks with his free hand he tried his best not to overthink the situation. It was impossible not to be at least a little self conscious when two gorgeous Latina women invited him to their place after work. The fact that both were long time friends of his did little to assuage the butterflies in his stomach. But obviously they didn't think he was hideous or they wouldn't have asked him to come over in the first place and while the prospect was rather nerve wracking for a myriad of reasons it also left him feeling quite giddy in a way few things could. So once he'd finished his last minute fretting he rang the doorbells and waited for them to answer with a shy grin and a heart about ready to burst out of his chest.

Little did he realize his coworkers were less than ten feet away doing the exact same thing. Standing in the entryway anxiously making sure they looked their best for such a big event the two of them had spent the better part of an hour getting read, Jazmin had curled her normally straight black hair as if she was going to a wedding while Sofia had put on the elegant necklace her grandmother had left her. Both of them were wearing the kind of form fitting, stylish cocktail dresses they'd wear to a high class event, like an art gala or fundraiser, and both of them were constantly reassuring the other how beautiful and amazing they looked. Not that either should've needed the assurance. While perhaps a bit shorter than they'd have liked at five foot four and five foot six respectively anybody with functional eyes could see the two women were beyond gorgeous. Plump and curvaceous in all the right places without being intimidatingly so the two looked more like models than saleswomen at a medical supply company. And while some of that could certainly be attributed to the makeup they'd carefully applied to their softly angular features, particularly the mascara highlighting their stunning brown eyes and the crimson lipstick adorning their plump lips, they would've been just as gorgeous dressed in burlap sacks. Of course it was hard for them to think like that as they got ready for what was easily the biggest event in their otherwise banal, though no less wonderful because of it, relationship. But they'd waited long enough to pull the trigger and neither of them could stand waiting any longer. It was finally time to take the plunge!

They were spared any further worrying when the doorbell rang, even if it did nearly give them heart attacks. Rushing to the door and pulling it open Jazmin and Sofia greeted Connor with near identical smiles and the same high pitched, “Hello!”

“Wow!” He replied, his eyes going wide and his mouth falling open for a moment, “You two look amazing! I feel-I feel under dressed now!”

“Don't! You look very handsome!”

“Better than I've ever seen you!”


“What? It's a compliment!”

Connor smiled at their exchange, slightly relieved his friends weren't acting too different even under the circumstances, “I-I bought these for you!” He said, handing the flowers to Jazmin and the wine to Sofia, “I wasn't sure if I-I should but it seemed weird to show up without something and flowers seemed like the best choice because I know you don't eat chocolate and—”

“They're beautiful.” She interrupted, “Thank you so much!”

“Yeah you picked a great vintage!”

“You're welcome.”

The two of them looked over their gifts for a moment with Sofia nodding approvingly while Jazmin smelled her freshly cut flowers with a dreamy smile on her face, “Come in already! We can't do this standing on the porch!”

“Right . . . of course not!”

Sharing an apprehensive but genuine laugh the three of them stepped into the house. “Did you guys ever hire that decorator?” Connor asked as he followed them into the living room.

“No,” Jazmin sighed, “We had no idea how expensive it would be!”

“We could've rented another house for what that shyster wanted to charge!” Sofia exclaimed.

Their guest chuckled and sat down in his usual spot on the love seat beside the central couch, watching as his companions collected a vase and filled it with water for the flowers. Once that'd been taken care of the two sat down next to him, their posture almost as stiff and uncertain as his own. All three of them exchanged looks in the silence that ensured. Each of them were thinking the same thing, that much was clear from the nervous gleam in their eyes, but nobody was sure how to go about bringing it up. Or if they even should talk about it. The whole endeavor had been talked about at length over the last month and the fact that Connor had shown up was proof he didn't get cold feet. And yet even with that small but meaningful amount of reassurance silence still reigned over them for much longer than any of them wanted.

“So uhm . . .” He started to say after clearing his throat, “You two look amazing . . .”

“Thank you!”

“You already said that!” Sofia teased.

“I-I know . . . I just thought it was worth repeating . . . you guys really do look incredible . . .” Both women smiled at him, albeit with wildly different bents to their expression and he continued with his fumbling attempts at conversation, “D-did it take long to get ready?”

“Not too long . . .” Jazmin replied, “But it was worth the effort regardless . . .”

“Yeah . . .” He said in a slightly more awestruck voice than he'd meant to. Despite trying his best not to ogle her Connor couldn't help but stare at Jazmin's voluptuous body any time there was a lull in the conversation. His eyes would dart back to her faces as soon as she or Sofia spoke but the instant they stopped his gaze would drift back down like clockwork.

Although nowhere near as obvious Jazmin was doing exactly the same thing, her shyly curious stare taking in the sight of her friend's boyishly handsome features for what felt like the first time. Flickers of anticipation were coursing through her body and while she did her best not to keep them under control every so often a small shiver would run down her spine. Before long she was sitting with her knees pressed tightly against one another and her back as straight as a ruler while a sincere but stiff grin had spread across her face. Whether subconsciously or not Connor had mirrored her movements before long and the two sat there like a pair of badly made windup dolls for what seemed like an eternity, all while Sofia watched with a vastly more relaxed posture and a delighted grin. She couldn't really blame either of them for acting so weird about it but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy their awkwardness a little either. Especially when they tried to reignite the conversation yet again.

“So how was the drive over here?”

“Pretty good. There wasn't any major traffic or anything.”

“You live ten minutes away!” Sofia laughed, “Where would you hit traffic?”

Connor blushed and looked down at his lap for a moment while Jazmin threw her girlfriend a dirty look and continued trying to salvage what passed for chitchat, “H-have you eaten already? We have some leftovers in the fridge if you're hungry . . .”

“Oh no thank you, I had a big dinner.” He said with a relieved smile, “But not too big! I won't-I won't be sluggish or anything . . .”

“That's good!” Suddenly it was her turn to blush and look away as she thought a little more about what he was referring to. “Y-you wouldn't want to be too full . . .”

“Right . . .”

As another pause threatened to overtake the conversation Sofia let out a chuckle, clapped her hands on her knees, and stood up, “Let's go!”


“Go where?”

“To the bedroom! I'm tired of watching you two pretend like he's not here to knock you up!” She said, pointing at their guest while grinning at her girlfriend, “It was funny at first but now it's just painful! So both of you get off your asses! It's time to fuck!”

While her companions blushed furiously and avoided looking at one another Sofia took her girlfriend and their soon to be baby daddy by the hand and led them into the bedroom like a pair of ducklings lost in the woods. As soon as they were inside and the door had been shut she pushed Connor onto the bed and slipped behind Jazmin with a sultry grin. He landed hard on the unexpectedly soft mattress and quickly sat back up again, both wildly curious about what was going on and more nervous than ever as it unfolded. While lavishing her partner's bare neck and shoulder in kisses Sofia sensually wrapped her arms around Jazmin's curvaceous body, her wrists crossing as she clutched the hem of the tight black dress that was suddenly in the way. Her eyes met Connor's as she slowly tugged the silky fabric higher and higher up a pair of thighs already slick with arousal. Although he stared right back at her for a moment his gaze was understandably pulled away when he discovered his would be lover hadn't worn any panties for the occasion. So instead of a lacy little thong or some tasteful lingerie he was treated to a full unobstructed view of her mouth wateringly damp sex. Like the rest of her body it was the perfect blend of plump and soft while remaining almost astonishingly cute. And because her outer lips had the same beautifully dusky shade as the rest of her body the moist inner folds were a vibrant shade shade of pink by contrast. Yet as gorgeous as her pussy was the rest of her body deserved just as much awe as it was revealed to him. Including the cute little tuft of well maintained hair sitting atop her slit and all but pointing back down towards it.

Connor's jaw had just about hit the floor by the time Jazmin's dress was rolling past her taut stomach and towards her impressively large breasts. While perhaps not the largest he'd ever seen, that honor still went to his high school girlfriend, her bust was nonetheless glorious as it all but exploded from the confining black cloth of her dress. Momentarily caught by the tight fabric when her perfectly rounded tits finally made their appearance it was with a veritable avalanche of madly jiggling flesh. Her large, strikingly dark nipples visibly stiffened beneath his awestruck gaze and Jazmin couldn't help but blush as she watched and felt his eyes follow her bouncing areola. But when Sofia lifted the dress up over her head and tossed it aside she found him staring directly at her face with a look she'd never seen from him before. It was an almost primal arousal, like some animal had been awoken within him. The bulge in his slacks had grown substantially since she last glanced at it when he first arrived and the sight of such an impressive swelling sent a little trickle of arousal running down her thigh. It was soon followed by another as Sofia put her newly freed hands to good use, sliding one down between her girlfriend's thighs to slowly rub her clit while the other reached up to idly grope and play with her breasts. A quiet pair of moans spilled from their mouths and for a moment or two Connor simply watched them, his cock throbbing madly in his pants but the rest of his body paralyzed by the beauty of what he was being allowed to see. His unintended hesitation was broken when Sofia metaphorically kicked him in the seat of his pants yet again.

“What are you waiting for Walsh?” She asked, “Don't you want to fuck this tight little pussy? I can tell you from experience it's an incredible feeling!”

“Sofia!” Jazmin moaned, turning to look at her partner for a moment before look at Connor, “Don't be so perverted!”

“Why not? I thought you wanted this? Weren't you telling me how horny the thought of being fucked by a guy made you? Weren't you talking about how much better it would be than a sperm bank? You're already so wet and he hasn't even started yet! I thought—”

The rest of her teasing was cut short by the sudden burst of movement from their once immobilized sperm donor. All but leaping to his feet Connor starting undressing as fast as he could. His jacket, tie, and shirt were tossed aside in a flurry of rustling cloth while the women in front of him took a moment to ogle him instead. His undeniably good genetics and impressively clean bill of health had been the main reason they asked him to be their sperm donor and an incredible fear of the process being messed up, helped by more than a few horror stories, had been the motivation behind asking him to donate his samples in person. But now that they were actually seeing his nicely toned, athletic body in something other than business suits the two were quite happy with their choice. Jazmin would get to have sex with a tall, boyishly handsome, and sincerely nice friend while a now slightly jealous Sofia could watch the two of them go at it like a pair of horny rabbits. When his rather impressive cock was revealed that envy spiked a little higher. More than long enough to rival some of their favorite dildos and about as thick he had exactly the sort of dick a pair of bisexual women with little experience in heterosexual relationships could hope for: big but not intimidatingly so and complimented by frankly enormous, to them at least, balls that'd have no trouble getting Jazmin pregnant. Thick strands of precum were already oozing from the tip of his member by the time he'd stripped naked and the faint, musky odor was making it hard for either woman to think clearly. Not that they really needed to under the circumstances.

“Looks like he's even more ready than you are honey,” Sofia cooed, her breath hot in her lover's ear, “I guess it's time he dumped a fat load of cum inside this tight little pussy . . . maybe two or three just to be safe . . .”

“Yeah . . .” Jazmin panted. Her eyes feasted on Connor's body as surely as his feasted on hers, “T-that sounds like a good idea!”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

Rubbing her lover's swollen clit and teasing her nipples for a moment Sofia rather abruptly pulled away at the same time Connor stepped forward. His hands slid around Jazmin's waist and she cast one last look back at her partner before the two of them climbed onto the bed. The excitement spread across her beautiful face was intoxicating and the sight of her laying down and shyly opening her legs while a guy moved between them was something Sofia would remember for the rest of her life. And since the topic of what she'd be doing or where she'd be during the impregnation hadn't come up she elected to stay in the bedroom and watch the fun. Even going as far as sitting down on the edge of the bed and eventually stretching out beside her girlfriend in the moments before she was penetrated. Neither of them paid any real attention to the lasciviously grinning beauty next to them. Connor was focused almost entirely on guiding his cock towards the pink, quivering entrance of the woman he was about to knock up while Jazmin was too busy thinking about how it would feel to actually have a man inside her. Because unlike her partner she'd never actually had proper sex with a guy before. Everything from the feel of his body between her legs to the warmth of his cock as it rubbed against her sex was brand new. When she felt him slowly rub her outer folds with the head of his prick and smear precum across her swollen clit she couldn't help but let out a moan. One hand leapt behind her head to grab the headboard while the other covered her mouth. She stared with a doe eyed look of arousal at Connor, subtly nodding. As he nodded back all three of their hearts skipped a beat.

Absolutely brimming with excitement and adrenaline he squared his shoulders and shifted his knees a bit further apart before slowly pushing forward. Although he didn't know it was Jazmin's first time with a man he nonetheless wanted to be as caring as possible. She'd always been so sweet and kind to him it seemed like the least he could do. For an all too brief moment his throbbing tip simply pressed against her tight entrance but as the pressure continued to mount he eventually managed to slip forward just enough to send the head of his cock sliding inside her with a soft squish. His quiet gasp was instantly drowned out by Jazmin's surprised whimper and the far more lustful moan Sofia gave a second or two later. While the former quickly wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her hands against his smooth chest the latter slid a hand between her thighs to rub her own aching clit. The added perversion of masturbating during her child's conception added a whole new layer to the joy of watching her lover fuck a man. Or perhaps more accurately get fucked by a man. As Connor slowly pushed deeper and deeper inside Jazmin and his moans grew deeper Sofia's previously ignored jealous was only getting more pronounced. Every inch of his cock to disappear inside her girlfriend's pussy was an inch that could very easily have been sliding inside her own! But she managed to push aside her envy for now and instead focus on the open mouthed, half lidded expression of delight spreading across Jazmin's face as he penetrated her. Eventually culminating in an adorable short whimper when his hips at long last made contact with the outer lips of her sex. Amazed by how different it felt and delighted to share such an intimate experience with such a dear friend and the love of her life she couldn't begin to describe the rush of emotions welling up inside her. Nor could Connor for that matter.

Eager to let her girlfriend experience the pleasure of her first cock in full Sofia waited quite a long time before she finally spoke up, “How does it feel baby? Do you like his big, hard cock?”

“Yes!” Jazmin panted, nodding eagerly as she looked up at Connor and then at her partner, “It feels amazing! Y-you feel amazing!”

“I'm glad . . .” He replied in a soft groan.

“How sweet! Now that we've got that out of the way it's time to dump a nice, fat load inside her. Fill my girlfriend's tight little pussy with cum Walsh! Don't hold anything back!”

As much as it made his heart flutter and his stomach do flips hearing Sofia talk like that while he was balls deep inside Jazmin there was no denying how effective her vulgarity was. He didn't even realize how much his cock was throbbing as he slowly pulled back. But the woman he was trying to knock up certainly did. The flurry of breathy gasps that escaped her lips in the short time it took his hips to retreat as far as he could manage were like music to Connor and Sofia's ears. They even shared an appreciative smile before he thrusted forward again and they were treated to Jazmin's adorably high pitched moans. Her nails dug a little deeper into his skin while her toes curled inward and her pussy squeezed him even harder. Which in turn encouraged him to move a little faster and add a little more force while the woman beside them rubbed her clit with a little more enthusiasm. She didn't make any effort at all to hide how turned on she was and soon the wet schlick of her eagerly moving fingers joined in the myriad of other sounds echoing throughout the bedroom. Connor and Jazmin eventually noticed this lewd accompaniment and while it certainly darkened their cheeks neither could pretend it wasn't an incredible turn on. Enough to send his hips slamming forward with even more vigor while she started panting soft, barely coherent encouragement that made his whole body shudder.

“Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah!” Jazmin gasped, “Right there! Oh God right there! Harder Connor! Fuck me harder Connor! Please! Oh God your cock feels so good!”

Something about hearing the normally soft spoken and very averse to swearing Jazmin say 'cock' filled him with an urge to just let loose. To go completely wild and pound her amazingly tight pussy until she was screaming every profanity she knew. Apparently he wasn't alone in that thinking either. Barely ten seconds after Jazmin had descended into passionate whimpers Sofia pulled her sticky, drenched digits from her own pussy to slid them between her lover's thighs instead. Like they had so many times before her index and middle fingers pressed down against her partner's highly sensitive clit and started rubbing in a fast, circular motion. A trio of moans reverberated through the room as Jazmin was overcome by a rush of pleasure that completely took her by surprise while Connor was wracked by the ecstasy that came from a wildly quivering pussy squeezing his cock like there was no tomorrow. Sofia's gasp was more of delight than outright bliss as she watched the two of them squirm. She didn't waste any time pressing her body against her girlfriends and lavishing her neck and jaw with kisses, occasionally adding a few well places nibbles on her ear lobe. The results were immediate and spectacular as her back violently arched and her whole body trembled like she was having a seizure. Her eyes rolled back in her head and within two minutes she was a screaming mess of uncontrollable quivering and messy torrents of arousal. Connor could barely keep up as Jazmin writhed beneath him grunting like an animal and soaking his lower half in copious amounts of pussy juice. Thankfully he didn't have to keep up with either of them and the one thing he was really there for was approaching like a speeding train.

“I'm cumming!” He soon groaned, purposefully ignoring the usual instinct to try and last longer, “I'm cumming!”

Although barely able to remember her own name amidst the flood of ecstasy crashing through her body Jazmin nonetheless understood what he was saying and reacted about as well as she could. With a wild squeal and the sort of clumsy, shuddering attempt to pull him deeper inside her that barely qualified as deliberate. Sofia was only marginally more controlled as her fingers went crazy on her lover's clitoris and she moaned in abject delight. Connor meanwhile barely even noticed their responses as her buried his cock inside his friend's pussy and unleashed a thick, ropey spray of pent up jizz. After avoiding any sort of release for more than a week his body couldn't be happier to unload every last drop of cum it'd been saving since they first concocted this little plan. Or at least what felt like every last drop as each twitch of his member sent another powerful jet of spunk deep into Jazmin's ovulating pussy. Having no experience with it beyond what she was enjoying in that moment it certainly felt like an incredible amount of semen as he continued to unleash it for thirty uninterrupted seconds, each one lasting what seemed like an eternity. And when he added to the already incredible pleasure by pushing his hips even harder against her in time with the last spurts of cum to trickle from his tip she couldn't help but marvel at how amazing the whole experience was. As much as she could when her brain was swimming in a haze of pleasure and her thoughts were barely coherent enough to be considered rational. She certainly didn't process how hard his dick remained well after he was done coating her inner walls in jizz.

Maybe it was because he'd never in a million years pictured himself having a threesome. Maybe it was because he knew this wasn't something he could ever expect to happen again. Maybe he was just really, really horny. But whatever the reason his cock had barely softened at all by the time he pulled out of Jazmin's quivering pussy and it was soon back to full attention as he stared down at her sloppy cunt and the little dribble of cum leaking out of it. But while the woman he'd, hopefully, just impregnated was much too busy gasping for air and shuddering to notice that detail Sofia couldn't stop herself from staring at his glistening shaft. Nor did she make any effort to try as she threw a leg over her girlfriend's waist and casually slid into Connor's line of sight. Sliding a bit closer to his twitching cock and lifting up her hips so there was no confusing what her intentions she looked back at him with a comically expectant look. As if this had always been part of the agreement and wasn't some spur of the moment decision made because she was turned on by the thought of fucking him and ever so slightly jealous that her partner was the one getting pregnant. Jazmin rather quickly weighed in on the sudden turn of events, as soon as her hazy mind registered the familiar sensation of her lover's body pressing down against hers.

“What are you doing?!” She gasped.

Sofia offered her girlfriend a wild eyed grin while tempting their friend with a loud, enthusiastic spank and a teasing wiggle of her voluptuous ass, “There's no reason we have to put all our eggs in one basket or all Walsh's cum in one pussy!” She laughed, “We might as well have a little redundancy . . . just in case!”

“You're such a slut!”

“I'm only doing this for the sake of procreation. I won't get any enjoyment out of being fucked by that fat cock.” As she spoke Sofia grinned at Connor, her eyes darting to his still hard dick, “So hurry up and finish your business Walsh! I don't have all night!”

Despite very much wanting to ram his dick inside her pussy with a single thrust and go wild he couldn't help but pause just long enough to ask, “Are you two sure about this?”

“If that's what Sofia wants then I don't have any problems!”

“You heard the lady! Fuck me raw and dump another load into my—aaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!”

More than a little confident he could get away with being a lot more rough with Sofia he didn't think twice about ramming his cock inside her before she could finish her dirty talk. Nor did he in any way hesitate to pull back and slam forward again long before she'd finished squealing in delight at his initial penetration. His reward was getting to see her big, jiggling ass ripple from the frenzied impact of his hips and the deluge of creamy arousal that gushed from her pussy. Along with the slightly less amazing sounds of Jazmin moaning in delight as her lover trembled madly atop her. When she clumsily tried to push herself backwards onto his prick midway through the next thrust he knew fully and without a doubt she wanted him to go wild. The look in her eyes when she smiled back at him and the way her tongue seemed to hang from her mouth like a panting dog's would've confirmed it no matter what. So naturally he flashed her a wide smile, grabbed her hips, squared his stance, and proceeded to fuck her with every ounce of power he could muster. Everything he'd been holding back and everything he'd wanted to do with Jazmin was instead directed at her equally amazing and equally perverted girlfriend as he rammed his dick inside her sopping cunt like a madman. Within seconds the entire room was filled by the sounds of wet, colliding flesh while her delighted moans rattled the nearby windows. More pleasure was soon added on when Jazmin started to kiss her lover's neck and collarbone while eagerly groping her breasts. Suddenly treated to the intense pleasure of watching the love of her life getting fucked she was every bit as enamored as Sofia had been earlier and much like her now pleasure soaked partner the thought of not participating was downright preposterous.

Impossibly aroused by the cross eyed look on her girlfriend's face Jazmin couldn't lay there basking in the afterglow while her lover and their friend had sex above her, “Hey Connor . . .” She cooed, her hands sliding around Sofia's waist to smack loudly against her buttocks, “You know what Sofia really likes when you're fucking her from behind?”

“Noooooooo!” Her partner mewled in a tone fraught with over exaggerated embarrassment.

“What's that?” He asked in a husky voice.

“Shove a thumb into her tight little asshole!” She instructed, helpfully spreading her companion's ass open to reveal the winking little ring in question, “Nothing makes her cum faster!”

“Is that right?”

Sofia's pussy instantly tightened at the thought and she looked back at him with a comically desperate expression on her face. Though whether or not she was desperate for him to do it or desperate for him to resist he couldn't say. But as the frantic pace of his thrust slowed and his hands slid across her fat ass and Jazmin's retreated there was very little that could stop him from indulging. Unless she outright told him not to he had every intention of seeing how accurate her girlfriend's assertion was. Taking a second to rub his thumb across the gooey folds of her pussy he brought the freshly soaked digit against her furiously puckered hole and start pushing. Almost immediately Sofia let out a deep, guttural moan and turned away from him. Both incredibly aroused and wildly embarrassed she instead fixed her lover with an expression that was almost accusatory. In the split second before his thumb pushed inside her well trained ass and a flood of pleasure surged through her body. Her mouth fell open and her eyes tried to vanish into the back of her head while a nice little squirt of fluids exploded from her pussy. Quite a bit thicker than Jazmin's and what felt like miles longer Connor's thumb seemed to plunge even deeper than his cock as he teasingly buried it in rectum. By the time he'd stopped moving Sofia found it hard to breath between panting gasps and loss of basic functions only continued to mount when he resumed thrusting soon afterwards. While he couldn't go nearly as fast or as hard as before the pace he managed to strike up without removing his thumb from her ass might as well have been the same. It sent her spiraling down into an orgasm in a handful of minutes regardless and all but ensured she spent every last moment gasping like she was drowning and leaking enough pungent juices to drown someone else.

And yet as spectacular as her climax was and as gratifying as it was to help bring a second woman to orgasm in such a short amount of time it wasn't quite enough to send Connor over the edge alongside her. No doubt because of how recently he'd blown his load he continued thrusting inside her quivering pussy and wriggling his thumb around inside her ass almost entirely unabated. In fact he managed that same pace throughout her climax and it wasn't until Jazmin quietly lent a help hand that he finally hit his limit yet again. Not long after he'd shifted into long, smooth strokes that pushed his cock forward at a much more gentle pace and kept it buried inside Sofia for longer he felt an unexpected but very much welcome source of pleasure. Reaching down beneath her mewling, half conscious girlfriend Jazmin found her friend's tightly clenched sack. She softly cradled his balls one at a time, tenderly massaging them whenever he thrusted inside her partner and somewhat regretfully letting go whenever he pulled back. It didn't take long for that added stimulation to build up and none too subtly discourage his hips from retreating. Which in turn gave Sofia's tight and still quivering pussy more chances to milk him dry as surely as Jazmin's had.

Soon enough even small thrusts were beyond him as the pleasure rose ever higher and he his flagging strength all but failed him. A long, shuddering groan erupted from his heaving chest as the warning he tried to utter died in his throat. Not that it mattered in the slightest as he unleashed another thick fountain of cum, this time basting Sofia's womb in his seed while Jazmin basked in the pleasure her companions were enjoying. Only slightly diminished by his earlier orgasm the amount of cum flooding her pussy was more than enough to make her shudder and certainly enough to get her pregnant, she hoped. Despite being more familiar with the sensation of cum flooding her body than Jazmin she was still rather impressed by the volume of hot, gooey jizz erupting from his dick with every pulse. She felt almost sickeningly full by the time he was winding down and little strands of his spunk were even started to dribble out before he pulled back! There was no way in hell he didn't knock her up with a load like that. It just wasn't possible!

As the last drops of cum leaked from his rapidly shrinking prick Connor felt a sudden exhaustion wash over him. Going from basically celibate to sleeping with two beautiful, amazing women in the same night was a lot more tiring than he expected. The effort it took to slide off the bed and not immediately fall over as his legs tried to buckle underneath him was more taxing than the sex! But it was well worth it as he admired the sight of Sofia and Jazmin lying in a heap with his cum bubbling from their nicely fucked and amazingly gooey cunts. Both women were panting and kissing one another, their trembling bodies sensually writhing and shifting as they enjoyed the afterglow of the moment. He could hear them whispering sweet nothings to each other, although he couldn't make out what was being said and he was much too embarrassed to try. In the blink of an eye it felt like he was intruding on something personal and far too private for his perverted staring. Yet he couldn't quite bring himself to look away from their fat, round asses and the tight little pussies he'd all but claimed for himself. If only for one amazing evening. But as his legs continued their valiant efforts to turn into jelly he knew it was almost certainly time for him to leave. Trying to move as quietly as he could Connor slowly gathered up his discarded clothes while Jazmin and Sofia all but ignored him. It wasn't until he tried to grab his slacks and accidentally dropped them that the two finally registered his presence. As the loud thunk of a belt buckle echoed through the room both women turned towards the source of the disruption with near identical smiles.

“You're still here Walsh?”

“Where are you going Connor?”

“Oh I-uh-I thought I'd leave you two alone with your-uhm-with each other.” He said, “This didn't seem like something that really involved me anymore.”

“You're right, it totally doesn't.”


“What? That doesn't mean he has to leave!” Rolling off her partner Sofia grinned at Connor for a moment and patted the bed next to her, “We've got more than enough room and you look like you're about to pass out!”

“I am kind of tired.”

“Well then stay here!” Jazmin smiled, “I'll make breakfast in the morning and we can talk about baby names!”

“Or fuck again.” Sofia offered, “Just to make sure one of us is pregnant.”

“That too.”

“That sounds good . . .” Connor replied as he climbed onto the bed, “Just . . . just wake me if I start . . . if I start snoring . . . my last girlfriend . . . said I did that . . . a lot  . . . after . . . sex . . .”

He unconscious within seconds and the two women beside him immediately shared an amused grin, “I guess we really took it out of him . . .”

“I guess so . . .”

“Are you tired?”

“Not even a little bit!”

Six months later the three of them were leaving work around five thirty like always. Though only one would be coming back the next day. “Are you sure you guys don't need anything?” Connor asked for the umpteenth time, “I feel like I haven't done anything since we got this whole thing started!”

“We're fine sweetie!” Jazmin replied as she waddled out of the elevator clutching her enormous belly with one hand.

“If you really wanna do us a favor you can stop asking that question!” Sofia grinned as she followed her girlfriend sporting an only slightly smaller stomach.

“I just feel bad!” He explained as he darted around them to hold the door to the parking lot open for his friends, “You're always complaining about being pregnant and I didn't do anything except the naughty parts.”

“We knew what we were getting into when we fucked you.”

“But it's very nice of you to offer!”

“Plus that's just how it goes with dudes. You get to have all fun the and we get all the annoyances!”

Connor nodded, unsatisfied with their answers but unable to think of a counterpoint, “All right. But if you guys need anything I want you to call me all right?”

“We will.”

“You're gonna regret that when I'm craving ice cream at three in the morning.”

“Maybe so but we'll deal with that when the time comes.”

Jazmin and Sofia grinned at him for a moment as the three of them walked towards their cars. Or rather as Connor walked while they tottered back and forth on swollen feet holding their gigantic bellies with one or both hands. “You're still coming over for dinner on Saturday right?”

“Of course!”

“Then we can talk about all this on Saturday!”

He chuckled as their odd little trio came to a stop midway between their parked cars, “I'll try and keep that in mind the next time you guys text me complaining about how swollen your feet are!”

“You're the one that's always asking us how we feel!”

“Which is very sweet of you.”

“I'll drive myself crazy if I don't.” He laughed.

“Just focus on not driving us crazy!” Sofia replied as she shuffled towards him and opened her arms for a hug.

Happily wrapping his arms around her and squeezing as tightly as he felt comfortable Connor smiled a bit wider, “I can do that.”


They broke apart and Jazmin waddled up for a hug soon after, “Thanks again Connor,” She murmured, squeezing him hard enough to send all the air rushing from his lungs, “I can't tell you how much your help means to us . . .”

“Of course!” He wheezed, “It's almost literally the least I can do and I wouldn't want you thinking I'm some deadbeat who won't help out.”

“We'd never think that about you!” Jazmin smiled.

“Not anymore at least,” Sofia teased, “I wasn't so sure at first!”

All three of them shared a laugh followed by a slightly weighty pause. Despite knowing full well this wasn't the last time they'd be seeing one another it still felt oddly significant. “I'll see you guys soon,” Connor said with a slightly wan smile, “Should I bring anything on Saturday?”

“Just your appetite!” Jazmin smiled.

“And whatever else we're craving at the time.” Sofia added with an ever so slightly mischievous gleam in her eyes.

“Sounds good!” His cheeks darkened a little at the implication but he otherwise played off the prospect of sleeping with the two of them again rather smoothly, “See you on Saturday!”

“See you then Walsh!”

“See you on Saturday Connor!”

After a moment of smiling at one another the three parted ways feeling a lot more emotional than any of them expected but at the same time a lot more excited about the future. Life was about to get a lot more interesting!


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