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And here we have the second story of the lot. Since they're so short I decided to release two a day for the next few days rather than spreading them out like normal. Hopefully that doesn't end up burying any of them but I suppose it can't be helped. Oh and just like before this was based on a reference image you ca find here!

Of all the magical and wondrous things Princess Zelda had experienced in her life nothing more incredible than what Link shared with her in the wake of Calamity Ganon's defeat. In his usual, taciturn way he'd all but carried her to the royal bedroom they'd spent many hours hidden away inside of before the world fell apart, shut the door, and pounced on her life a wild animal. After so long apart she could hardly blame him for desiring her, she certainly desired him! Even if she still gasped as her clothes were torn away from her body and she was all but tackled onto her bed. Lying naked before him with her plump, hairless sex on full display was just as embarrassing as ever and Zelda couldn't stop herself from blushing a deep furious crimson. Particularly when Link removed his own clothes and she was treated to the sight of his smooth, rippling muscles for what felt like the firs time. The moment his near foot long cock was revealed she had to cover her face with both hands to hide the lewd expression that lit up her features. Thinking about that monster pushing it's way inside of her again was more than her long neglected libido could handle! She had no idea what his real intentions were until his hands were pressing against her thighs and she felt her round, quivering buttocks suddenly lifting off the bed entirely. Another gasp burst from her lips and she stared at him from between her trembling fingers as her perspective rapidly changed. Before she had the wherewithal to ask him what he was doing she found herself staring up at her own sodden pussy as her body curled over her in an utterly humiliating display. All while her man stood at the edge of the mattress grinning down at her with his hands resting against her thighs and keeping them shamefully spread open..

“W-what are you d-doing?!” She stammered, her voice shrill and quavering, “D-don't you want t-to make love like w-we used to?”

Link's mischievous grin was the only response she received and it did little to assuage the butterflies in her stomach. Or perhaps more accurately it was the only response he gave before diving between her quivering legs mouth first and redefining what she knew to be pleasure. Because rather than burying his tongue inside and pressing his lips against her naked, lustful sex as he had in the past her man instead put all his focus on the tight, pink ring only a couple inches lower. It was a spot she'd always wanted him to play with but she'd never actually found the courage to tell him so. Apparently she didn't have to as his tongue plunged into her inexperienced asshole faster than she could react. His swirling appendage stretched out her tight little ring and glided across her inner walls in a flurry of sloppy but enthusiastic movement. Long strands of creamy arousal leaked from her pussy almost immediately as her thoughts struggled to comprehend what was going on. Her eyes had trouble actually processing the sight of her love furiously licking away at her ass while her mind seemed wholly incapable of keeping up with the sudden barrage of pleasure assaulting it. And the instant her mind did catch up with her body she screamed his name in a desperate, almost pained cry. Grabbing the sheets beneath her and holding on for dear life Zelda couldn't believe what was happening but even more incredible than her man somehow knowing one of her deepest secrets she couldn't believe how incredible it felt! Maybe a century without his touch had taken more of a toll on her body than she realized but as he furiously suckled at her quivering ring she liked to think it was just because of how lewd she was deep down and the pure love she felt for her man. That seemed a far more pleasant explanation.

Of course whatever the reason was it didn't and couldn't change the fact that Zelda wasn't even a little bit equipped to handle Link's ferocious mouth. In the past he'd managed to make her cum within thirty seconds using nothing but his amazingly dexterous tongue and soft lips. But he'd been focusing on her pussy all those times. A place she was, at the very least, used to experiencing pleasure. Her woefully unprepared asshole was another story entirely. Feeling all at once better and more intense than any of the times he'd licked her sex his furious ministrations against and inside her tightly clenched ring were nothing short of mind altering. In the blink of an eye she was writhing against him in a frenzy of lustful desire, frantic gasps exploding from her lips with every passing second. He responded by pushing even deeper inside her asshole and pressing down even harder on her legs. His hands glided down her thighs and past her knees to press against her calves and send her ankles flat against the bed. Had she not been so busy shutting her eyes and gritting her teeth Zelda could've looked to her left and right at any point and witnessed her feet flanking her head, all ten toes curling inwards while ecstasy surged through her entire body. She was much too distracted with the orgasm welling up inside her though. Almost as if it'd been building for an entire century the pleasure rising up within was like a tidal  wave threatening to destroy the meager little fishing village that was her rationality. When it came crashing down even that not so pithy comparison failed to do it justice.

A fountain of creamy white juices exploded from her pussy, spraying high into the air before raining down on her face and chest in a shower as unabashedly perverted as it was totally amazing. Every last inch of her pale body erupted in goosebumps while uncontrollable shivers coursed through her limbs in violent spasms. Although her inner walls clamped down tight around the tongue responsible for her pleasure they couldn't even begin to stop his frenzied movements. If anything the harder her body tried the more furiously he responded in kind. Which created a rather amazing ebb and flow as little bursts of ecstasy were sent through her senses while the much larger, sweeping waves of pleasure continued to hit over and over again. She could hear her man's wet slurping and labored breath as he assaulted her poor little ass like a crazy person. If her eyes had been capable of opening she might've seen the almost absurdly intense look on his face as he viciously tongued her hole but even something as basic as vision wasn't functional in the wake of her climax. About all she could do was grit her teeth and squeal like a Bokoblin on fire as Link worked her over. Increasingly sloppy jets of arousal continued to burst from her nubile young pussy as the roiling pleasure within her refused to settle down and though she had no awareness of time whatsoever more than a minute had passed since the start of her climax. In fact by the time it was 'ending' she was left in such a state of euphoria Zelda could feel another orgasm welling up inside her. It seemed almost impossible under the circumstances and yet no amount of reasoning, or what passed for it in her case, could change what was happening. Link was pushing her into a second climax before she could even truly come down from the first.

“Oh my Goddess!” She thought, “He's making me cum AGAIN?!”

That was the last rational thought she'd have for quite some time as her mind was once more lost in the surge of ecstasy brought about by Link's talented ministrations. Another, powerful jet of arousal gushed out of her pussy only to rain down upon her pleasure wracked face a moment later. Only this time it was far sweeter and far more copious than the initial burst. As if that first orgasm had been little more than a test run for the true pleasure she was currently experiencing. That would certainly explain how and why she managed to unleash jet after thick, gooey jet of arousal all over herself and the bed she was sprawled again despite how much she'd already squirted before that point. Although such an explanation hardly did justice to the sheer, unbridled pleasure that'd consumed every fiber of her young body. Not was it a fair representation of the incredible work Link did as he swirled his tongue around inside her asshole and pushed against every last sensitive spot she didn't even know she had. How he managed to know about and assault all those places in the depths of her asshole was beyond her but then again most things were beyond her as she felt his tongue strain against the thin wall separating her two holes. She didn't even realize he was moving in accordance with her explosive bursts of arousal and not so subtly guiding them with his movements no did she comprehend the almost perfectly paced energy of his movements and how well they seemed to keep her on the edge of insanity while never actually sending her over. Not to mention how his tongue guided her ecstasy down from the messy crescendo she'd been experiencing and towards something approaching normalcy all in a way that felt completely natural.

By the end of her second orgasm in barely five minutes Zelda was a complete and utter wreck. Every last shred of composure and dignity she'd been clinging to was gone and it's absence left nothing more than a quivering, naked wreck of a Hylian princess. If her man decided to continue there was no doubt he'd break her mind so completely she'd probably never recover. But in the heat of the moment as her own juices leaked down her face she found it hard to worry about that prospect. Her head was swimming in a sea of roiling pleasure unlike anything her body had felt before and no matter the risks involved it was impossible not to hope for more. To wish that he would continue tonguing her asshole more viciously than he'd killed Calamity Ganon and transform her into the gibbering, pleasure addled whore she always sort of wanted to be. His lips were still pressed against her aching ring and though it'd slowed down considerably his tongue hadn't left it's position at the center of her ass. Which meant there was still hope. All he had to do was start moving again and she was helpless to stop him. All he had to do was resume the efforts that'd sent her spiraling into ecstasy and she was done for. Perhaps that was why he quietly pulled back instead. Why he retreated as suddenly as he'd arrived with nothing but a soft kiss against her slightly gaped asshole marking his departure. Zelda was far too overwhelmed to think about his motivations with any clarity and even if she had Link's thoughts had always been his own.

With a characteristic gentleness he slowly laid her down on the bed and moved to lie beside her. The moment she felt the mattress shift from his weight she lurched in his direction in a clumsy attempt to be closer to him. Her arm flailed across his bare chest and leg practically kicked his as she rolled onto her side and then onto her stomach. But no matter how artlessly she accomplished it Zelda still managed to get her limp, barely functional, pussy juice slathered body atop her man's. And the moment her head was resting against her chest and she felt the smooth muscles of his stomach against her how she let out a contented sigh. Some part of her noticed his throbbing, wholly unattended cock pulsing away between and against her thighs but no matter how much she wanted to give him even a fraction of the pleasure he'd given her that just wasn't possible. As selfish as it was awkwardly rolling on top of him had spent the last of her energy and there was no chance she could do anything further. Not for at least six or seven hours! Her eyes were already fluttering shut and the sound of his slowly calming heartbeat seemed to pound in her ears louder than anything else ever had. When his arms wrapped around her she felt the widest, most satisfied grin spread across her face. After a century and more of waiting they were finally together again. Everything else could wait until the morning. In that one, perfect moment she was happy. Sleep gradually overwhelmed her emotionally and physically exhausted mind and the last thing she consciously did was slide her hands beneath Link's shoulders and hug him close. The last thing she felt him to was kiss the top of her head and smile as he did so. She never slept more soundly in her life.


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