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Looks like you guys have another massive installment to enjoy! I hope you're in the mood for some good old fashioned romance (involving a trans/futa character) because if you are this story is definitely for you! If not then you may want to give it a pass. I hope you enjoy the rather massive chapter, those of you who do read it, and for those who don't you can expect more holiday themed fun before the end of the month!

“And coming up next we've got a real special treat for you this Christmas Eve! You know her! You love her! GIVE UP FOR CHASTITY!”

Raucous cheers and bawdy catcalls filled the Love Factory a split second before the booming house mix version of 'Santa Baby' drowned them all out. The heavy red curtains that formed the back 'wall' of the stage were thrown open and the lovely dancer they were cheering for stepped into view. Casting a sultry look across the dimly lit room she walked with a practiced saunter down the runway and towards the pole around which her rather famous routine was centered. But before she started she did a little strut around it, her left hand sliding erotically up and down the polished metal while her tight yet curvaceous body bounced with every step. As the first, and so far only, trans stripper to work at one of Portland's most famous strip clubs she would've been a standout regardless of how she looked. Since she also happened to be drop dead gorgeous and exceedingly talented she was elevated to a status few other girls could reach. Her fame was unquestionably why the place was packed and it was almost certainly why the place was practically a madhouse as soon as she'd appeared in her modified Santa costume. After the owner had quietly seeded the idea that she'd be doing a big show on Christmas Eve it was practically inevitable. And luckily for all of them Chastity was more than capable of living up to her reputation.

Standing at barely an inch over five feet tall even with heels on she was every bit the fiery Latin goddess many of her more ardent fans saw her as. Her normally straight black, shoulder length hair had been, with painstaking effort, given a bouncy curl for the occasion. One that framed her strong, feminine face quite nicely without distracting from her overall beauty. A light dusting of mascara sat around her almond colored eyes while a similarly gentle application of blush lay on her wide and broad nose. Covering her thick, naturally pouty lips was a deep, sultry shade of crimson while the rest of her features were left without any makeup. Save the lightest bit of foundation across her slightly masculine jawline, a last minute application made in a fit of self doubt. The rest of her body, along with her attire, followed that similar stout yet buxom trend that made her such a pleasure to watch. Sitting just snugly atop her head to not fall off was a classic Santa hat tilted at a jaunty angle while a necklace of fake mistletoe hung around her neck. Across her modestly sized, perfectly proportioned breasts was little more than a tube top colored the same red with fuzzy white accents as her hat.

Both her richly tanned shoulders and tight little belly were left bare along with her nicely muscled arms while a similarly matching skirt hung around her impressively wide hips. Falling just low enough to technically count as clothing it left very little to the imagination with much of her large, round, and beautifully toned ass visible whenever she turned her back. The tiny little candy cane colored thong keeping her 'modesty' in take was cut so finely around her contours one could squint and make out just about everything. And many were trying as she finished her little strut and started her routine. But for all the beauty found in her face and upper body for a not insignificant amount of people it was her legs that really made their mouths water. Although not as long as a taller woman's they were still every bit as curvy as one might expect and wonderfully thick to boot. Toned to just the right degree without losing the curvaceousness that characterized the rest of her body her thighs and calves were just as perfect as the rest of her. If not a little more so thanks to the pear shaped silhouette they lent her.

And like a thousand times before the moment those crooning lyrics kicked in after the instrumental opening Chastity started her routine to the delight of everyone watching. With loud whistles and various catcalls as backing vocals she slowly climbed her way up the pole as effortlessly as a normal person might ascend stairs. After doing a long, seductive spin right back down she repeated the process with a bit more flash in an entirely different manner. But as skillful and hypnotic as her movements were it wasn't until she casually removed her top that people really went crazy. Without any hesitation and in a move so casual it couldn't help being intensely erotic she slid out of the thin strip of cloth keeping her full, heaving breasts contained. A particularly intense chorus of cheers filled the room as her rather large, richly dark brown areola were revealed. Alongside the rest of her near perfect tits. To many the fact that they fact didn't matter one iota, to others it only enhanced her beauty in a way hormone therapy never really could, and to others still they didn't even realize or question it. They simply applauded and cheered as her naked breasts bounced pleasingly along with the rest of her as she continued her routine. Anyone that had a problem with her being less than one hundred percent natural was, and had been, invited to fuck right off.

She launched into another acrobatic routine, this time with ample attention paid to her newly bared chest and all the lovely things that could be done with a soft pair of tits. The crowd was noticeably more enthused as danced, jiggled, and swayed on or around the pole for the remainder of that first song. Most of them knew she wasn't going to leave the stage so dressed up nor would she be satisfied with a single number but for the few unaware of that trait it was a rather amazing surprise when another holiday themed song started up and she continued. Albeit at a slightly different tempo to match this new, slower rhythm. Going for just long enough to make the less ardent of her fans wonder if she really was going to do a fully striptease Chastity finally indulged what they were hoping for as she dismounted the pole, spun on her heels, and pushed her buttocks towards the audience. For a handful of seconds she gripped the metal with both hands while swaying and rotating her hips but after a few passes she fell into a provocative squat that really emphasized how tight, round, and beautiful her ass cheeks really were. Then she stood up with her feet spread a good distance apart and the obvious bulge straining against her panties clear for all to see. Another furious round of cheers, whistles, and barely audible catcalls filled the room and she cast them a coy look over her shoulder. They knew where it was going, she knew where it was going, all she had to do was get there.

She spent the remainder of her second song teasing them with flashes of her thong clad buttocks and, occasionally, her thong clad cock as well. Periodically bending down to scoop up the money being thrown to her or collect it right out of the hands of the men offering it in a licentious manner Chastity slowly built to the big finish. When the music faded and another track started up the cheering yet again climbed to near deafening levels in that momentary silence. After striking a dramatic pose and looking out across the crowd she resumed her dance at a slightly faster pace to match the tempo, all the while grinning in a way that drove her audience wild. When she paused for a second time after doing a long, luxurious spin around the pole that resulted in her crawling on her hands and knees towards the front of the stage anyone even remotely familiar with her show knew what was coming next. Whistles and other characteristic noises filled the air as she lifted up her leg and gave everyone a nice upskirt. While they were reacting to that Chastity rose and sultrily removed her skirt entirely, tossing it out into the crowd with a sexy flick of her wrist. Suddenly standing before them all essentially naked she proceeded with the rest of her routine to the delight of all those watching. Especially when, at certain points in the song, she'd flash her ass or cock in a way that gave them just enough of a taste to want more.

Oregon might have allowed full nudity on stage but she rarely indulged in that. It was much more lucrative to tease the more excitable among her clientele and let those unsatisfied turn to the many, many other woman that enjoyed being naked. And considering how little covering her g string afforded she was functionally nude anyways. Just about every man or woman seated directly next to the stage could make out her appealingly small cock as it throbbed and strained against the confines of her panties. They could see it's petite, shaved contours as well as they could see any other part of her and yet when she took the time to flash them an 'unobstructed' view they appreciated it as if she was wearing something actually modest. Especially when that flashing involved showing off her tight, round ass and giving it a nice little spank. In the rare instances she managed to spread open her cheeks and give them a little tease of her asshole the reaction was always raucous. Money was thrown at her in remarkable quantities and soon she was spending more time seductively taking it from patrons than dancing. Which still afforded her plenty of chances to tease and encourage those not currently at the center of her attention.

All told she wasn't on stage more than twenty five minutes but by the end of her show she'd earned more cash than a lot of her peers did in twice that time. With wads of bills sticking out of her g string she strolled off stage so the DJ could announce the girl replacing her. Once she was fully out of sight she went about gathering up her cash and fixing her thong so she wasn't strutting around naked. Nobody would've batted an eye if she were to do that but it still wasn't something she enjoyed doing. A very small part of her couldn't help but read some small judgment in even the most minor glances her coworkers gave her. Regardless of whether or not such things were actually present. Paradoxically the moment she was back in the communal dressing room sitting at her little vanity she felt unaccountably safe and content. In the blink of an eye she was laughing and joking with her friends as she went about removing the makeup from her face and getting dressed. Since her shift was over she had little reason to stick around and she was all too eager to get home and enjoy the last few hours of Christmas Eve, possibly with a friend if she could finally summon the courage to persuade him to join her. If she chickened out again she'd spent the night alone with her thoughts and with the holidays being as stressful as they were such an alternative was no ideal. So outside of the many, obvious reasons to convince him she had yet another motivating factor to take advantage of. One that would being put into practice all too soon as she finished pulling on the last of her clothes and saying goodbye to her friends and coworkers.

Compared to how she looked on stage, and consequently how most of her fans knew her, Carmen Rojas couldn't be more different behind the scenes. Sure her hair and face were the same but just about every other facet of her appearance was different. The dark blue 'mom jeans wrapped around her legs did very little to show of her sex appeal while the comfy and altogether nice green sweater covering her chest simultaneously hid pretty much any semblance of her femininity. Though not for any purposeful reason beyond simply liking it a whole lot. She'd tied her hair into a loose ponytail so it would get in her face and slung across her shoulder was a relatively old messenger bag she used instead of a purse or similar item. Rounding out her cute but plain look was a pair of white and black sneakers that wouldn't look out of place on a punk skater archetype. And yet as unassuming and downright boring as she looked Carmen was quite happy with her appearance. Although she certainly felt confident strutting around naked on stage there was a certain understated strength to be found in dressing how she wanted and knowing, or at least believing, that she was still a damn attractive woman despite her attire. Sadly that confidence was, through not fault of the man in question, always a little less solid whenever she was around her friend and fellow employee of the Love Factory Jan Eriksen.

Emerging from the changing room and peeking into the main floor to find the man in question Carmen had little difficulty spotting him among the patrons. Partially because he was busy dragging one of them out by the scruff of his neck and partially because Jan was and always had been a massive human being. More than six and a half feet tall and built like a Scandinavian truck he was nearly impossible to miss no matter where he was. His shoulders alone were the width of two of her stand side by side and the rest of his body followed suit in much the same manner. She couldn't help but laugh as he effortlessly hoisted a grown man off his feet and tossed him out of the club like it was nothing. His giant hands could've easily fit around the offender's head and more than once she'd seen him do that very thing. Yet for all the obvious appeals of his brawn and sheer size that wasn't what'd attracted Carmen, and many of her coworkers, to their hulking bouncer. Rather it was a combination of his gentle and sincere personality along with an absolutely gorgeous face. Because on top of being a meat slab of a human being that could lift any of the girls there with one hand like a strong man from a cartoon he also had the looks of a movie star. Maybe not quite on the same level as the most desirable men in Hollywood but definitely a close second. Add to that a good hearted and genuine attitude that saw him treating all the girls with honest respect and it was no wonder most of the dancers had at least some sort of crush on him. Or why nearly every one of them asked him to escort them to their cars whenever it was time to leave.

In fact that was such a common tradition when Carmen waved him over Jan knew exactly what she was going to ask the moment he was able to speak to her, “Ready to go?!”

Carmen nodded, smiling up at him as he hunched over her to speak while the music in the club blasted through the speakers, “Meet you out back?!”

“Of course! See you in a second!”


He grinned at her and she bit her lip as butterflies filled her stomach. From afar it was easy to ogle and fantasize about him but up close, when she could smell the shampoo in his short blonde hair and count all the hairs in his slowly developing beard, things were a whole lot different. Looking directly into those sky blue eyes of his and seeing the earnest smile spread across his appealingly large lips turned her bones to jelly. It was impossible not to imagine that face looking down at her as she lay sprawled across the bed waiting for him. Of course she'd imagined that many, many times over the last year so it wasn't really a difficult thing to conjure nor did she ever bother avoiding. As he walked away she let herself stare at his tight, muscular ass as it was hugged by the plain black jeans wrapped around his waist. Like so many other times she imagined yanking those off him and grabbing two nice, big handfuls of his buttocks. In much the same way she imagined ripping off plain black shirt and seeing the muscles she knew was under there in a more intimate setting. Assuming she didn't chicken out yet again that might actually happen. Instead of simply being another in a long line of fantasies.

Upon realizing she'd been standing there for several seconds grinning like an idiot Carmen made her way to the back of the building where she usually met Jan, “Sorry, I was . . . distracted.”

“No need to apologize.” He replied, still smiling, “Did you forget your hand mirror again?”

“I-yes,” She nodded, “Yes I did. But I've got it now so let's go!”

Stepping out of the Love Factory alongside her beefy escort she didn't make it two steps before starting up a conversation“So what are you doing for Christmas?” She asked as the two of them walked towards her car.

Jan shrugged and gave a noncommittal grunt, “Nothing. I'll probably pick up another shift tomorrow and then . . . make a T.V. dinner . . .”

“What?” Carmen exclaimed, stopping mid stride and rounding on her friend with a fiery glint in her eyes, “That's like the shittiest way to spend Christmas!”

“Sorry,” He chuckled, shrugging at her indignation and only make her more aghast in the process, “I don't have anything else to do and Tanner was looking to get his shift covered.”

“Fuck Tanner!” Throwing up her arms in an exaggerated but wholly characteristic fashion she stared up at him for several uninterrupted seconds before announcing, “You should at least do something for Christmas Eve!”

“I don't get off for another half hour.”

“Yeah, which still leaves . . . two hours before Christmas Day!”

“Okay . . . I'll get something from that all night bakery and watch . . . It's A Wonderful Life . . . or something . . .”

“Yeah and you'll do it at my place!” Carmen added, jabbing her finger into his broad chest like she was a crotchety librarian, “I'm not gonna let you have a shitty Christmas Eve AND a shitty Christmas Day!”

As he laughed at her antics Jan was both unwilling and unable to find an excuse to refute her, “All right, that sounds nice. Should I bring anything?”

“Yes!” Folding her arms and looking at him to cover her surprise at how easily he'd agreed, not to mention the fact that she'd spoken before thinking, Carmen paused for a split second and said, “Wine glasses! I need to get a new set, the last ones broke at Michelle's party.”

“I can do that.”

“Good! Then it's settled!”

“It sure is.” A momentary silence stretched between them as she smiled triumphantly up at him while he grinned bemusedly down at her. It ended shortly after they resumed walking and Jan asked, “So are you visiting your brother again this year?”

“No, he and his wife decided to go on a cruise for the holidays. I guess they didn't feel like hosting a big family get together.”

“I can't really blame them. If things are anywhere near as crazy as you say.”

“Oh they're wild!” Carmen promised, “Maybe next year I'll bring you along so you can see the shitshow for yourself! Since you probably won't be doing anything next year either!”

“You know me so well.”

“Yes I do.” She remarked as they reached her car and she unlocked it, “Which is why I'm gonna write down my address so you don't get lost again.”

“Your sevens look like ones!”

“They do not! And shut up!” Once more Jan chuckled as Carmen scribbled down her address on a napkin in her chicken scratch handwriting, “Here, can you read that?”

Squinting in the dim light he scanned what passed for letters and numbers, “Yes. Thank you.”

“Sure. Don't leave me waiting Eriksen! I'm not a patient girl!”

“I remember Michelle's party.”

“Shut up!” Carmen laughed, her cheeks darkening a little, “See you in an hour!”

“Forty five minutes if I don't shower first.”

“Oh God please shower first!” She exclaimed as she sat down in her sporty little hatchback and quietly hoped he wouldn't.

“Of course.” Jan smiled. He shut the door behind her and waved as she buckled her seat belt. She waved back and pulled out of the parking lot while he traipsed back to the Love Factory for the last part of his shift.

Somewhere in the realm of forty minutes later Carmen was somewhat nervously pacing back and forth in her apartment waiting for Jan to show up. She'd thought getting him there would be the hard part but now that she was facing the prospect of seeing him one on one in a more romantic setting she couldn't believe how easy that first part felt in comparison. It didn't help that she'd spent a significant amount of time trying on clothes only to be wildly unsatisfied with everything she selected. If she dressed up too much it might send the wrong message and she lacked the courage to dress sultry enough for her main desire to be apparent. So after going back and forth through her wardrobe for what felt like hours she eventually settled on a sexy evening gown. Black and form fitting it left her shoulders bare and a good amount of her legs visible. It was the closest thing she had to a lucky outfit and under the circumstances it only made sense to go with something that'd worked in the past. Carmen was startled out of her fretting by a sudden knock on the door. Letting out an excited squeak she rushed to the entryway and peered through the peephole.

“Just a minute!” She called with a hand over her mouth to simulate being far away. His good natured chuckle on the other side of the door lifted her smile another couple of centimeters as she hurriedly fluffed her hair and strategically tugged on her dress. Once she was comfortable with how she looked, relatively speaking, Carmen opened the door and exclaimed, “Hey you! I wasn't sure you'd make it in time! Come in!”

“Sorry,” He replied with an affable grin, “I had to break up a fight right at the end of my shift and it took way longer than it should've so I—”

“Oh just get in here already!” She laughed.

Laughing yet again Jan nodded and stepped into her apartment, his broad frame looking even more sexy in the white button up shirt and black dress pants he'd chosen. Carmen rather quickly noticed the small, poorly wrapped present in his giant hands, “Oh!” He remarked after spotting her inquisitive glance, “I-uhm-I got this for you! I was gonna give it to you after Christmas but since I'm here now it seemed like the obvious time to give presents. So here you go!”

She took the present from him as soon as it was offered, her curiosity far outstripping her sense of decorum. Pulling off the stick on bow and tearing through the wrapping paper Carmen's heart skipped a beat as soon as she laid eyes on the box underneath. Immediately recognizing the logo from her favorite jewelry story her mind ran absolutely wild with speculation on what could be inside. The most outlandish fantasy involved an engagement ring and him getting down on one knee. She wasn't even sure she really wanted that to happen but apparently her crazy, speculation filled brain didn't really object to the idea. When she actually opened the box and found an absolutely beautiful pair of silver earrings inlaid with pink tourmaline she wasn't the least bit let down. If anything finding an elegant yet understated set of earrings with her birthstone was even more wonderful. Looking from the gift to the man that'd given it to her several times in quick succession Carmen found herself at a loss. Not only had she failed to get him a gift, the thought hadn't even occurred to her when she was planning all this, but he'd gone and given her something almost perfect. She was so dumbstruck by them she didn't have any idea how to respond so she simply stood there staring until Jan finally said something.

“Do you like them?” He asked in a blatantly hopeful tone, “I asked Jennifer and Tawni and Lacey what kind of jewelry you liked and I remembered your birthday was in October so I thought maybe—”

“They're perfect!” She finally gasped, “They're—they're—they're—”


“Yeah . . .” Carmen sighed, “But they must've cost a fortune! And I didn't get you anything and we didn't talk about getting gifts this year!”

“I thought it would be a fun surprise . . .”

“Fuck yeah it's a 'fun surprise'!”

“Good . . .” Jan laughed, “That's really good to hear . . .”

She nodded and chuckled as well, every ounce of willpower she had dedicated to not getting teary eyed while she pulled one of the earrings from the box. “I've gotta try these on . . .” She said more to herself than to him, “M-make yourself comfortable! I'll be right back!”

“Oh, okay!”

He smiled as she darted out of the entryway and into her bedroom both to try on the earrings and to hide the more potent aspects of her emotional response. But the moment Carmen was gone Jan heaved a sigh of relief. Nervously wiping his sweaty hands on his legs he took several deep breaths to try and calm his pounding heart. Although he imagined how she'd react to the gift a thousand times since he bought it he was still taken aback by how much it obviously meant to her. Not to mention how nerve wracking giving such a romantic gift had been for him. In the past he'd always stuck with things that sort of walked the line between friendship and romance. This was the first time he'd gone with anything overt and he could honestly say he'd never been more nervous in his entire life. Even after seeing how well the earrings went over did little to assuage the butterflies in his stomach or the sweat beading on his forehead. The latter was wiped away before it could show while the former was left to flutter as he walked into the living room and awkwardly stood next to the couch. Entirely too excited to sit down but too nervous to pace like he wanted Jan could only stand there until he heard Carmen return. His head snapped in her direction so fast it practically gave him whiplash, although neither of them really noticed.

Carmen stepped out of her bedroom looking almost exactly the same as before yet somehow totally different. Her hair was tucked behind her ears to show off the jewelry she'd been given and while it added a lovely bit of extra flair to her already gorgeous appearance that wasn't the reason she seemed so unlike how she'd been before. Rather it was the smile spread across her face and the look in her eyes as she sauntered towards her companion. After receiving such a blatantly romantic gift there was little room for uncertainty. She knew how he felt and he could almost certainly guess how she felt as she slowly strolled towards him. Her stomach was still doing nervous flips and goosebumps were steadily spreading across her body with every step but they no longer seemed quite as overwhelming. As he turned to face her Carmen let out a small laugh. He laughed as well and a short, slightly tense silence stretched between them. In spite of that she continued walking towards him and in the blink of an eye she was within arm's reach. Because he was so much taller than her she couldn't simply leap onto him in a flurry of passion like she wanted. Instead she had to move in nice and close, slide her arms around his waist, and look up at him with an expression as unmistakable as his present. Visibly swallowing as he looked at her gorgeous features Jan draped his hands around her shoulders and slowly rubbed her unimaginably soft skin with his thumbs. It felt like he should say something but nothing he came up with seemed right.

In lieu of standing there like a dolt trying to come up with a perfect line he let out the pent up breath he'd been holding and lifting Carmen off her feet. A soft gasp slipped from her lips a moment before they were pressed against his in a sudden, unexpectedly tender embrace. Practically melting against him as more than a year's worth of fantasies and unspoken desires were satisfied she threw her arms around his neck and leaned in hard. Her legs soon did the same with his waist, her ankles crossing as she endeavored to pull herself as close as she could to him. Although he kept his hands respectfully on and around her hips Jan's lips were anything but restrained. Kissing her like he was making up for a lifetime of being unable to the sheer passion in his every movement would've caught her off guard if she hadn't been giving him every ounce back. At some point their tongues met between their mouths, although neither of them could remember making the conscious choice to move them. They were nonetheless delighted to find the other's practically waiting for them. And the two of them were all too happy to take full advantage of that unintentional mirroring.

Operating on naught but instinct and an overwhelming urge to be with the woman he cared about Jan staggered towards Carmen's bedroom. His lips refused to pull away from hers for even a moment to see where he was going just as his hands refused to leave her supple waist to feel out the path. All he cared about was kissing her and somehow getting them both to the bedroom. In that order. Miraculously he managed to accomplish both without any serious obstacles, although he did bang his knee on the door frame and his elbow on her dress. Both instances were the only time their kissing ended for longer than a second as she couldn't help but giggle at him. Thoroughly delighted by the sound of her laugh he shared in her mirth despite the mild discomfort in his limbs and much sooner than expected the two of them were on her bed. Still wrapped around her man but now with the aid of a mattress and sheets pressed against her back Carmen was all but vibrating with excitement. She could feel his rippling body tense and shift against her and she knew without a doubt that she'd be feeling a lot more than his moan inducingly broad shoulders and muscled back. Her guess was proved right even faster than she could have imagined as Jan shifted ever so slightly atop her. Their bodies connected in a way she'd dreamed about for ages and a bolt of pleasure lanced through her body. The kiss they'd been passionately sharing ended soon after and without saying a word she knew he was every bit as excited as she was.

“I didn't bring any condoms . . .” He said almost on instinct.

“Do you need condoms?” She asked with a smile.

“No but . . . I . . . never mind . . .”

“You were worried about getting me pregnant weren't you?”

“I mean—it wasn't a serious—I know I can't—never mind!”

Giggling like crazy at his flustered expression and the clearly automatic nature of his initial fear Carmen slowly cupped his face and bit her lip, “I don't want anything between us.” She murmured in a beautifully husky voice, “I just wanna feel you . . .”

Jan's eyes widened and she heard an audible gulp as her words coursed through him. But even better than that she felt his bulge physically throb against her, “Me neither . . .” He quietly replied.

“Good . . .”

They shared another kiss, this one considerably shorter and far more sloppy as the prospect of having sex loomed larger and larger. When he pulled back it was with a breathy grin as his eyes roamed locked with hers in an undeniably lascivious manner. In an instant she knew what was one his mind and what he was after. Luckily her own thoughts were filled with the same desires and urges. Before he could act on his Carmen beat him to the punch. Pulling one hand away from his face she tugged on the front of her dress. For a split second her efforts were stymied by the skin tight nature of her garment but it quickly gave way. Her breasts suddenly bounced into view as they were launched from her gown in a wildly erotic manner. Jan sucked in a breath as he stared at the incredible sight. Working at the Love Factory he'd seen pretty much every girl in varying states of undress and while she was no exception none of those previous instances made any difference at all. It might as well have been the first time he'd ever seen her topless and it was all he could do to keep from pouncing on her like a wild tiger.

Blushing a little at how intensely he looked from her face to her breasts Carmen almost didn't know what to do next. Thankfully her body didn't have that restriction and before she could even think about it her fingers were shakily unbuttoning his shirt. They managed to get the first few undone in not time but as more of his broad, appealingly hairy chest was revealed she found herself fumbling more and more. Having never seen him without a shirt before she didn't have any expectations whatsoever, just a whole lot of fantasies. Many of which were coming through. Particularly when he laughed and took over unfastening the remainder of the buttons on his shirt. Straightening for a moment as he removed the garment entirely when Jan bent back down over her it was without any shred of clothing above his navel and she just wanted to squeal. Instead of doing that she pulled him into another kiss while her hands ran down his broad chest. Her fingers tangled themselves in the curly blonde hairs spread across his pecs as the drifted down to his taut, firm abdomen. While he didn't have the six pack abs she half expected there was no denying how strong and amazing his stomach was. Carmen had no idea how much or how sensually she was rubbing his skin until she felt him suddenly shiver. Assuming it was a sign of his pleasure she repeated the motion that'd caused his reaction only for Jan to let out a small laugh and arch his back. Suddenly denied her sensory stimulation she looked at him with a quizzical stare.

“I'm a little ticklish . . .” He bashfully admitted.

“That's very good to know . . .” She replied.

Carmen reached down as if to resume tickling him only for her fingers to continue sliding down his taut stomach and towards the belt and slacks hiding what she really wanted to see. Jan realized what she was doing a moment later and a fit of nervousness flooded his body. As much as he wanted to keep going down this road part of him immediately started to worry she wouldn't be satisfied with what she found in his pants. That she'd be left wondering why she was ever interested in him to begin with. He almost certainly would've continued down that road had she not hungrily undone his belt and unzipped his pants. The sheer speed of her movements along with his own trepidation left him completely at a loss even as his suddenly unrestrained dress pants were sliding down his waist. With nothing left but a pair of boxer brief's keeping his modesty intact he glanced at her face, suddenly unsure of what he wanted. Too engrossed in what she was doing to notice his expression Carmen reached into his underwear with a delighted giggle. The moment her fingers closed around his cock her eyes widened in surprise and she lifted her head to stare at him. A furious blush crept into his cheeks as all his fears were realized. Or at least that's what his wildly neurotic brain told him in the split second between her locking eyes with him and a shudder running through her body. Licking her lips and staring more intensely than ever she yanked down his boxers as fast as she could.

“Oh my God . . .”

His cock was everything she could've hoped for and more. Maybe seven inches in length it had a lovely upward curve and a nice, thick tip that would almost certainly feel amazing inside her. She was a little surprised to find him circumcised but such a thing paled in comparison to the most mouth watering, goosebump inflicting aspect. Without exaggeration or qualification Jan's cock was the thickest she'd ever seen, both in reality and in various pornographic films. Although it was almost certainly a product of her overactive imagination his dick looked as big around as one of her biceps. Possibly even larger than that! Just the thought of such a monster actually entering her body made Carmen ache in the best possible way. It was a good thing she didn't have to work for a few days because there was very little chance she'd be able to walk after handling a monster like that. She was already starting to tremble at the prospect and they hadn't even done anything. Of course that didn't stay true for long as she happily grabbed his amazing dick with both hands.

“Oh my God!” She repeated, “You're absolutely huge!”

“W-what? Y-you're not disappointed?”

“How the fuck could I be disappointed in this?!” Carmen exclaimed, her fingers squeezing his cock and shaking it a little for emphasis, “This thing's gonna split me in half!”

“Isn't that a bad thing?”

“Not in my book!”

Heaving an enormous sigh of relief Jan swooped in and kissed her before she could say anything else about his penis. Carmen happily returned the gesture while at the same time gently stroking his length and shivering. Eventually one of her hands slid a bit lower to find his balls and free them from their cloth prison as well. Though it didn't matter quite as much her delight continued to rise as she felt a nice, weighty pair hanging below his cock. Just a little too big for her to hold both in one hand she was forced to alternate between them as she groped and fondled his perfect loins while lustily kissing his even more wonderful lips. His fingers caressed the side of her face in an extraordinarily gentle way and while her focus was definitely a whole lot lower that gesture did send a nice ripple of emotion through her all the same. As did his smile when their kiss ended. Pulling back just long enough to grin at her Jan quickly bent down again, only this time he started kissing all along her jawline and down her neck in a way that genuinely made her lightheaded. For whatever reason she hadn't really noticed his beard when they made out but as he kissed her everywhere but her neck she couldn't stop noticing those soft yet ever so slightly prickly hairs brushing against her. It was kind of like being spanked or experiencing any other 'uncomfortable' sensation alongside something pleasurable. It was certainly distracting enough that she didn't really think about his intentions until his cock was sliding out of her hands while the rest of his body shifted lower.

Around the time his lips were closing around one of her incredibly sensitive areola Carmen realized what her man had planned. Letting out a quiet moan as his tongue flicked her nipple and his teeth ever so slightly bit down. Reflexively pushing her chest outwards she grabbed the back of his head with her right hand while the left clutched the sheets beside her. He quickly put one of his own large mitts to use by groping her unattended breast in a timid but clearly experienced manner. Between the size of his palm and the length of his fingers he could cover her entire mound with room to spare and Jan made ample use of that ability as he pawed and fondled her exactly how she'd hoped he would. In fact every time she fantasized about being with him the size of his hands and how good they must've felt running across her body was near or at the forefront of her thoughts. And she wasn't the least bit disappointed by reality. Especially not when his lips and hand switched targets and she was left with no choice but to softly call out to him. Words couldn't describe how good it felt to whimper his name and have him actually hear her. Little explosions of pleasure were already filling her senses and flooding her body and they hadn't even done anything serious! Even if he came the moment he entered her Carmen would still call this night an unqualified success.

Fortunately for both of them Jan wasn't quite that excited, though he was so incredibly eager to hear more of her moans it consumed his thoughts. Entirely without thinking he slowly pulled his mouth away from her tits to continue kissing down her body. Usually he did so without any clothes in the way but even doing it through her dress had the desired effect. Every inch lower he traveled was another layer of shivers and moans from the woman he adored. By the time he was at her navel she was an absolute wreck and his hands still being on her chest all but ensured she'd stayed that way. Sadly he was forced to remove them from her soft, heaving mounds after a little while, if only to do something even more amazing instead. As soon as she felt his hands against her thighs Carmen knew what was about to happen. Suddenly it was her turn to fear what he might think. Obviously he knew she was trans but somehow that did little to assuage her. When his thumbs dipped beneath the hem of her dress and started lifting it she couldn't help but whimper a little. In the past guys had known and were still put off by finding a cock where they expected a vagina. Everything in her heart told her that Jan wouldn't be one of those dudes but unfortunately her brain was a whole lot louder. It told her to stop him, to keep that part of herself hidden and never let him see it. That was the only way he could enjoy being with her.

Actually giving in to her fears for Carmen's hands jumped to his and she timidly whispered, “Jan . . .”

Utterly misinterpreting the tone and meaning of her soft response he smiled a little bit wider and lifted her dress past her waist before she could stop him. Another, even more bashful sound escaped her lips, this time in the form of a squeak as she felt his eyes fall on the tiny, lacy black thong she'd put on for the occasion. She knew he could see pretty much everything through the sheer fabric. Every neatly shaved inch of her damp, throbbing member as it strained against her panties. What she didn't realize was how intoxicating the sight was to him, how amazing the smell of her precum was as it filled his nostrils. Absolutely amazed by how small and cute her cock and balls looked tucked away behind her g string he found himself almost at a loss. When he looked up at her he finally noticed the downright mortified look on her face and even through his lust he understood what was going through her mind at that moment. As much as he could at least. So without a thought and without breaking eye contact he slowly moved down and planted a big, tender kiss right on the head of her dick. Jumping like she'd been shocked Carmen audibly gasped, both surprise and pleasure surging through her. She stared at his grinning face for what seemed like an eternity and watched with continued disbelief as he repeated the gesture once more, this time holding his lips against her for twice as long. When they departed it was with a soft kissing sound and the last shreds of her self doubt.

“Did you say something?” He asked in an extremely rare moment of cheekiness.

“Don't stop.” Carmen whispered, “Please.”

His sincere grin and eager nod were perhaps the sexiest responses she could've gotten. At least until he slid his hands beneath her thighs to lift them off the bed. Wondering just what he was planning she followed his lead and her ankles slowly rose into the air. Since he knew full well how flexible she was Jan had no qualms pushing her legs up and eventually back until Carmen's knees were almost pressing against her chest. It was around this time, and when he kissed the tip of her cock again, that she started to clue in to what he was doing. Especially when his lips moved a little bit further down and she truly understood just how exposed she was in that new position. Because after a couple inches and a couple kisses she immediately and pleasurably discovered that the only thing separating her tight, quivering hole from his mouth was a thin, practically useless cord. And yet despite how easy it would've been to pull that aside and plunge his tongue, fingers, or cock inside her Jan didn't. Instead he planted another slow, lingering kiss on a place nobody had ever bothered to kiss before. A sharp inhale was followed by a loud moan as the sensation of his lips against her asshole was one she never realized she wanted until it was being given. In just about every fantasy she'd had he was the one lying down while she slavishly pleasured his cock before he fucked her silly. That seemed like the most logical outcome given her often submissive nature and yet her current situation wasn't anywhere close to a disappointment. If anything it was a lovely subversion of her expectations.

Particularly when his tongue did emerge from his lips to slip beneath her thong and run across her tightly clenched ring in a long, slow motion. Moaning even louder as the unexpectedly strong arousal coursing through her took hold Carmen gabbed the back of her knees for want of something to hold on to. In a perfect world she'd have grabbed his head and held on for dear life but there was little chance she could do that and keep her legs raised for him. Certainly not when his hands left her legs to find her breasts and resume fondling them for a moment. When his tongue made another pass across her tight hole and the continued stimulation of his fingers against her chest really settled in all she could do was smile up at the ceiling. The night wasn't going at all like she planned and every single deviation had proved better than she could've anticipated. While also leaving her so, unfathomably eager for the moment he buried his cock inside her. Hopefully that wouldn't be too far away because as good as it felt to have him going down on her she was the kind of girl that needed a good, hard stuffing before she could call it a night. That was something Jan would soon learn if she had any say in the matter. Until that point though she was more than happy to lay back and save every pass of his tongue as it pushed a little harder against her asshole with each pass.

Of course being happy with something and being content to do nothing else were not the same and it didn't take long for her to add a little spice of her own to the fun. First by reaching down and wordlessly pulling aside her panties to expose not only her wildly throbbing cock and balls but also her nicely glistening hole to his lustful gaze. Once that was done she grabbed one of his hands and lifted it off her chest and up to her mouth. As her lips closed around his middle finger she let out a long, utterly delighted moan. Sucking on his digit as eagerly as she might have sucked on his prick Carmen went back to enjoying the feeling of his tongue gliding across her asshole. At least that's what she expected to happen after her brief interruption. Instead she was given an altogether more exhilarating treat when Jan capitalized on her nudity. The moment she felt his warm mouth close around her cock was the moment she knew he was the only man she wanted to be with. No other man had done anything like that for her and the effortlessness with which he did it spoke volumes. It was a silly and perhaps overblown reaction to a simple blowjob but after all the garbage she'd dealt with finding someone as great as him warranted those sorts of responses. Especially as he happily swallowed all three and half inches of her member in a single movement and then started bobbing his head up and down without a moment's delay.

Fully expecting him to stop after a few seconds once she was good and hard Carmen was utterly delighted when he continued well after her partially erect dick had gotten as stiff as was possible. He continued slowly and pleasurably moving along her shaft with such conviction she even started to wonder if he was trying to make her cum. Though she would've loved to do that actually ejaculating was kind of difficult for her after years of HRT and she didn't want him spending the twenty or thirty minutes it would take to accomplish that. Not when there were so many other, wonderful ways to make her scream without giving his jaw an workout he'd feel in the morning. She needn't have worried though because after a couple minutes he pulled back with a soft pop. The two of them locked eyes as he grinned at her from behind her erect, wet, and throbbing cock. Everything about the look on his face sent shivers down her spine. She could tell what he was going to do next even before he moved back down to her ass and she felt his tongue return to her aching hole. Except rather than resume the licking and prodding he'd been doing before Jan went full bore and pushed inside her ass like he'd been teasing earlier. There was still a noticeable amount of restraint compared to what could be done but there was also no denying just how eager he was to really get in deep.

Carmen moaned his name loud enough to make her throat sore upon feeling that first, wonderful penetration. Her inner walls clamped down around his tongue and her whole body shuddered at the incredible stimulation. While she was a lot more familiar with the feel of someone eating her ass she couldn't remember the last time it'd happened with someone she cared about as much as Jan. The sheer emotional weight of it being him added so much more to what was already a lovely feeling. She didn't even question why he was so good at it when he started moving his tongue around inside her ass, stretching out her ring and massaging her inner walls. Carmen was just glad she possessed the foresight to clean herself up before he arrived. Her hopefulness was paying off in spades as he pushed himself against her hole and worked it in ways that sent her toes curling and her eyes rolling backwards. At some point she'd resumed sucking on his finger almost out of instinct and covering his remaining hand with her own. He wasn't moving it nearly as much as he had before but under the circumstances that was perfectly fine. Better even. As long as it meant the bulk of his attention was on her asshole where it belonged!

Enjoying nearly three full minutes of uninterrupted rimming and ass play the two of them all but completely lost themselves in the pleasures of finally being with each other. As the main recipient of it all Carmen was growing more and more breathless with every passing moment. She'd already been nervous and lightheaded since their kiss but now that the former had evaporated it was replaced by a constant feeling of excitement. No matter how long Jan remained between her legs tonguing her ass like it was going out of style the fact that he was the one doing it never failed to be thrilling. She only had to look down and see his handsome features to experience a little rush of pleasure just from that alone. Often times this translated into a sudden, powerful shiver running down her spine which led to a sudden contraction of her inner walls around his intruding appendage. And because he loved feeling her every slightest quiver and tremble Jan always responded in kind against her body and it's weak attempts to rebuke him. Any time he felt her asshole squeezing him like it was trying to push him away he moved in a little deeper, slurped a little louder, and tongued a little faster.

By the time he pulled back both of them were out of breath and feeling paradoxically faint and invigorated. He was panting almost as hard as she was, although such a reaction was pretty reasonable while looking at the spit covered, eagerly winking hole he'd been worshiping so eagerly. When his tongue emerged from her asshole Carmen was so wonderfully close to cumming she was almost annoyed by his sudden departure. But then she saw her man looming over her with an obvious glint in his eyes any irritation she'd felt was gone in a flash. The finger she was sucking on moved away as he flattened his hand against the bed while the other grabbed his member and brought the head against her aching hole. She was so unbelievably ready to take him she didn't even think about how thick his cock was or the fact that she'd never had anything that wide inside her. Hell she didn't even think about the total lack of adequate lubrication on his dick. Her mind was completely and irrevocably focused on the feeling of his large, precum soaked tip rubbing against her asshole. He slid it up and down her trembling ring not unlike how he'd first moved his tongue and she could only moan. With both of her hands holding the back of her knees she could only stare up at him with the neediest look she could muster as the desire to have him inside her reached nearly unbearable levels.

But as badly as he wanted to plunge his cock into her ass and never look back Jan was just lucid enough to stop and ask in hushed tones, “Do you have any lube?”

“Uh huh!”

“Where is it?”


With a nod Jan pulled away and hurried towards her bedside table. While he was distracted doing that Carmen just as eagerly sat up and removed her dress. Her panties weren't far behind and when he turned back around he discovered the wildly arousing sight of her lying stretched out across the bed grinning at him. For a couple seconds he just stared with the bottle of lube in one hand and his cock in the other but after she laughed he seemed to snap back to the present moment. He removed what remained of his own clothes and joined her on the bed, grinning from ear to ear. One liberal coating of lube later and he was ready to go. But rather than lifting up her legs like she had before Carmen opted for something unexpected but just as thrilling. She rolled onto her stomach and lifted her ass in the air, one hand pulling on her buttock while the other lay flat against the crumpled sheets. Hardly needing any more encouragement than that or the look she gave him after getting into position Jan happily moved behind her and pressed his cock against her slick hole once again. For good measure he poured a little extra lubrication on her quivering ring. That momentary pause in the fun stretched just long enough to leave her whimpering in anticipation. Now that the moment had finally arrived she couldn't wait another second to experience. Since her man was just as eager as she was neither of them were forced to.

Moving as gently as he could he pushed his throbbing tip inside her ass. For a brief moment she seemed to resist him but before he could even consciously notice it her body had relaxed just enough for him to slide an inch or two inside. Both of them groaned in mutual delight as the first moments of that penetration washed over them. While they knew exactly what to expect at a basic level they were thrilled to learn just how much better it could be with an emotional connection. After pausing for a fraction of a second Jan continued his slow thrust and with every centimeter that entered her Carmen was more and more certain she never wanted any other man inside her. The discomfort she'd expected to feel after seeing how thick he was certainly arrived and it remained for a good deal longer than she'd have liked but between the lube, his calming presence, and her own determination it was easy enough to ignore. At least when the pleasure of having his entire cock inside of her finally arrived and she could focus all her attention on that amazing sensation. When he pulled out a few seconds later there was yet another pleasure to enjoy, just like when he thrusted back in after a brief moment. He didn't hesitate at all to start and maintain a wonderfully gentle pace and although it did so gradually her discomfort faded while her arousal skyrocketed.

Any semblance of time and space melted away as he slowly increased the rhythm of his thrusts. While she'd enjoyed how soft and gentle Jan had been at the beginning Carmen was absolutely thrilled to feel him increasing his speed after what felt like an eternity. Both of fantasizing about this very thing and experiencing it. Every time he pushed forward with a little more force her body tightened a little more and it wasn't long before that tightness was forcing him to really work to fuck her. Rather quickly he discovered just how snug her asshole really was as it squeezed his dick with enough force to make him gasp. Add to that frequent glances backwards during which she gave him the sort of looks any man would be glad to receive and it made for the motivation to really pound her into submission. Which was exactly what he started to do after a particularly amazing shiver ran down her spine and sent her whole body into a momentary spasm. Watching such an amazing, perfect woman bury her face in the pillow as she screamed his name all but demanded he give her everything he possibly could. Maybe even a little more if such a thing was possible. So without even making the conscious choice he increased the speed and force of his thrusts at nearly the exact moment Carmen was wracked by what she hoped would be the first of many orgasms with him.

Crashing down on her like waves in a turbulent sea the pleasure she'd been feeling since they first kissed had finally reached a breaking point. Barely able to think straight and certainly in position to resist it Carmen let the ecstasy wash over her, a climactic moan bursting from her lips. Every inch of her body shook at once as she lost all control. Her hips gyrated and grinded with total abandon both against the man responsible for her bliss and against the bed she was sprawled on top of. Somewhere in the back of her mind she noticed Jan's hands also pressing down atop the sheets and without a thought she grabbed his tree trunk like wrists for some semblance of stability. But that made almost no impact on her uncontrollable quivering. It just allowed her to dig her nails into his skin and somewhat focus herself as she moaned and panted like a bitch in heat. Her feet leapt into the air as high as they could go while her toes curled and her thighs squeezed him as tight as possible. Since he was behind and on top of her she couldn't fully close her legs but she was certainly going to try as his cock slid in and out of her ass at a consistently amazing pace. Just like she couldn't really arch her back very high but that didn't stop her from taking every centimeter available whenever her body was capable of moving in that way. About the only consistent aspect of her beautifully genuine reaction was how her head was laid against the bed, her face turned to one side and her tongue hanging out. A nice puddle of drool was already staining the sheets and it would continue to grow as that orgasm ravished her for nearly a full minute.

Unsurprisingly the wild contracting of her asshole along with the invigorating sight of her body writhing beneath him left Jan teetering at the edge of an orgasm of his own. He did his best not to give in and continue thrusting but every pump saw his cracking foundation weakening just a bit more. In some alternate reality he might've been able to overcome that through sheer force of will and a desire to fuck her until morning. But sadly that wasn't the reality he occupied because not ten seconds after realizing how close he was Carmen looked back at him with the sort of adoring, orgasmic smile that most guys fantasized about. Seeing that look plastered on her face while simultaneously fucking her swiftly and irrevocably proved to be the final nail in the coffin for his waning libido. Yet even as he succumbed to his own bliss he refused to do so in a way that would leave his woman anything but happy. Groaning loud enough to make her jump he slammed his cock into her ass like a wild animal, every thrust driving her body deep into the mattress. Caught off guard and utterly overwhelmed by this response she could only squeal his name and hold on to his hands until cum finally exploded from his cock. Once it did she found herself entirely unable to form even a single syllable. The pleasure and overwhelming satisfaction of the moment was just too great.

Relishing every creamy jet as it sprayed so amazingly deep inside her Carmen was all but screaming in delight before she knew it. Everything from the way his cock felt as it swelled with each spurt to how his body shivered against her throughout was heavenly. Even though she was still in the throes of her own climax so much of her attention had been diverted to him she almost didn't notice her own ecstasy in the wake of his. Her hips pushed upwards against him as he continued to slam down while her inner walls reflexively pulsed around every inch of dick they could get. And thanks to his impressive ability to keep thrusting all that lovely cum was smeared across so much of her asshole the ensuing warmth was felt all the way to the tips of her fingers and toes. But even if he'd shoved his prick balls deep inside her and emptied his sack into the depths of her ass she'd have loved every solitary moment of the experience. That much was clear after a glorious twenty five seconds of feeling more connected with another person than ever before. As his movements gradually slowed to a crawl and his pushed his cock as deep as it could go inside her there was nothing more in the world Carmen wanted. In the post coital bliss of those moments life was perfect. At least that's what she assumed until he planted a soft, tender kiss on her neck. Then it really was perfect. Sadly nothing was permanent in the world and even with the tight confines of her ass still quivering around him Jan couldn't help but start to soften. Nor could he help but be affected by the sudden sensitivity washing over him. So after giving her another kiss he started to withdraw, albeit in a manner that almost left her content with the choice. Almost.

At an absolutely incredible pace his cock slowly emerged from her thoroughly ruined asshole. Whether by accident or design the almost maddening speed, or utter lack of it, found in his departure left Carmen almost as breathless and light headed as the sex itself. Somehow feeling every inch of him glide back out of her for the final time had an entirely different feeling to what'd come before. All the cum he'd emptied inside her was beginning to settle and although Jan was still quite hard there was no denying he wasn't starting to go limp. Thankfully the swollen tip of his shaft remained just hard enough to rub pleasingly against her sensitive inner walls all the way to her open and quivering ring. When his shaft finally did emerge the soft pop that accompanied his pulsing head sliding free put an embarrassed smile on her face. She buried her face in the pillow to mask her humiliation at being such an unfathomable pervert, even if that one example hadn't really been her fault anyways. She heard him let out a small chuckle and when she felt his lips kiss her bare shoulder a good deal of her shame melted away. It seems even after ravishing her body more completely than anyone ever had he was still a sweet man.

The mattress beside her creaked and shifted as her man reclined beside her and when she turned her head to look at him Carmen found Jan laying on his side already grinning at her, “That was . . . really amazing . . .” He said in a husky tone, “A little unexpected but . . . amazing . . .”

“Yeah,” She replied with a noticeable croak in her voice, “I mean . . . it wasn't all that unexpected for me . . .”

“What do you mean?”

Blushing a little and wondering if she should even admit it Carmen shifted a little bit to look at him directly, “I sort of . . . planned this?”

“You did?”

“Yes . . . uhm . . . when I . . . when I invited you over . . . I wanted to-to do this with you . . . that was kind of the main reason I invited you over . . .”

“Oh . . .” Rolling onto his back and looking up at the ceiling Jan seemed almost disappointed by what she was saying. At least until he clarified his feelings a moment later, “I'm really glad to hear that . . .”

“You are?!” Pushing herself up to look down at him Carmen practically shivered as adrenaline surged through her body, “Y-you mean . . .”

Turning his head to look at her with cheeks as red as Santa's outfit Jan quietly, “I kind of . . . have . . . feelings . . . for-for you . . .”

Her mouth fell open in shock and she stared at him with wide eyed amazement. A tidal wave of barely contained emotions had been rising within her the moment he mentioned being glad. Hearing him flat out admit he had romantic desires for her sent that wave crashing down on her with a force that left Carmen utterly speechless. For several seconds she could only stare at his handsome and cutely hopeful expression while her mind attempted to parse out everything she was feeling in that moment. And yet the more she tried the less successful she was. Happiness and relief were about the only things she could actually acknowledge among the flurry and it wasn't long before those two coalesced into a purely instinctive action. Letting out a quiet little gasp she lunged towards Jan like a feral animal. One arm hand slid beneath his head while the other flattened itself against his chest as her lips all but slammed against his. In her eagerness to physically express how overcome she was Carmen practically headbutted him. Thankfully he was just as overwhelmed as she was and he didn't seem to notice or mind the clumsy exuberance of her motion. A long, passionate moan filled the room as he wrapped his beefy arms around her body and hugged her tight.

She leaned as deep as she could go into their kiss while he did the same and they spent nearly thirty seconds locked in that embrace before either of them thought to pull away. When she finally did Carmen found herself grinning like a drunken idiot, her head spinning and her whole body covered in goosebumps. She wanted to say something deep and profound, something that would mark their passionate occasion forever in their memories. But nothing came to mind and as she stared down at him with a wild grin she noticed the clock on her nightstand. At some point during their lovemaking it'd passed midnight and while such a fact was usually insignificant in this one instance it actually did mean something. Unfortunately the moment her brain latched onto that fact it was all she could focus on and in the blink of an eye she was spouting off a completely meaningless and unimportant fact in what should have been a magical moment.

“It's Christmas . . .” She murmured.

Smiling a little wider Jan looked back at the clock she was pulling that information from, “Yeah . . . Merry Christmas Carmen . . .”

“Merry Christmas Jan . . .”


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