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As promised here's the final installment of the Sweet Anthology. Sorry again that it ended up being so late, I cannot overstate how much I appreciate your patience and kind words! Hopefully the sheer weirdness of the story will make up for that a little bit. I think I've only written something like this once before, amusingly enough about Veronica's daughter Sarah, but I've always wanted to write more. I don't want to say much more than that but those put off by extreme and over the top stuff may not want to read too far into the story! For everyone else i hope y'all enjoy!

Oh and for those who might not be familiar here's a simple reference image for Veronica! 

With a grunt more appropriate to a wild boar than a stylish, upper class woman Veronica jerked awake from her nap. Continuing to make sounds like those heard at a particularly raucous zoo she began the laborious process of climbing out of bed. With one hand cradling her massive, pregnant belly and the other clumsily groping at the headboard for support she was about as ungainly as could be. Even after she'd gotten her feet on the ground and the prospect of actually rising seemed impossible. When she tried she managed to lift her big, round ass maybe a couple centimeters before she fell back down against the mattress in a heap. As her whole body jiggled from the force of her impact and the bed springs creaked she couldn't help but blame Henry. It was his fault she was in this condition. So it only made sense that he should stop whatever he was doing to come help her. Since he couldn't carry the babies for her. Just barely managing to push herself upright again Veronica let out a dramatic sigh before shouting for her husband.

“What?!” He called back from somewhere deep in the house.

“Help me!” Veronica demanded.

“On my way!”

Scoffing at the tone of his voice she waited for him to free her from the tyranny of their comfy bed. As soon as the door opened she reached out with both hands not unlike a child and said, “Pull me up!”

Letting out a small chuckle Henry grabbed his wife's wrists, leaned back, and pulled with all his strength. “There we go!”

“Thank you.” She said in a curt tone.

“You're welcome sweetheart.” Veronica rolled her eyes at him and waddled past towards the bathroom only to be stopped by a kiss on the cheek and an added, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Although her scowl didn't agree with her words the little blush in her cheeks did and he let her go without any further stops, “Did you make an appointment to see the doctor yet?”

“No.” Veronica replied as she shut the bathroom door and sat down with a thud on the toilet.

“Do you want me to do it?”

“I'll do it in the next few days.”

“That's what you said last week.”

“Well last week I was busy throwing up and eating like a pig thanks to the demon spawn you put inside me!”

“They're at least fifty percent yours too my love.” He teased.

Wishing she could yank open the bathroom door to glare at him Veronica settled on simply scowling at the wall and saying, “Well it's your fifty percent that's playing kickball with my bladder every day.”

“I'm sorry dear.”

“As well you should be!”

There was a lengthy pause as Henry laughed. Upon hearing the toilet flush he waited about twenty seconds before asking, “Do you need help up?”

“Yes . . .” Came the annoyed reply.

He stifled a laugh as he stepped into the bathroom and helped her to her feet again. Knowing better than to stick around Henry quietly left before his wife could say anything. Veronica was left to stare at herself in the mirror and lament her new appearance like she had so many times before. Her already huge boobs were absolutely enormous, barely fitting inside the beige sweater dress she so often wore, while her ass and hips had similarly grown to absurd proportions. Her clothes only nominally fit around her new, incredibly plump figure thanks in no small part to her tremendously swollen belly and the two children growing inside it. Although to some her impossibly thick thighs and generally rounded appearance was actually an improvement she could help but miss how tight and svelte she'd looked before getting pregnant. Especially around her face and neck. She couldn't remember the last time her jawline had looked so chubby or her cheeks had looked less slender. Were it not for her warm auburn hair and bright green eyes she might have thought it was a different, much fatter woman staring back at her. One that had no business trying to wear the same clothes she used to and one that really needed to buy some proper underwear before she stretched out and snapped all the pairs she used to wear.

Once she was done lamenting her appearance for the next few minutes Veronica shuffled out of the bathroom and downstairs to get something to eat. Although it was nearly three o'clock and dinner would be ready in a little over two hours she couldn't wait that long. In fact just the lumbering trek down to the fridge was enough to make her wish they had a second one upstairs. Preferably right next to the bed so she wouldn't even need to get up. Her husband had, perhaps wisely, shot down that idea so instead she spent a little longer gathering up everything she'd be gorging on as well as planning out what she'd be eating the next time she was so ravenously hungry. Once a nice, stereotypically random assortment of foods, toppings, sauces, and drinks had been gathered she waddled into the living room to feast. The way Jack and Sarah scurried out of the way so she could sit on the couch made her feel more than a little monstrous but considering the benefits she was mostly okay with that. At least it meant neither of them would try and sneak some of what she was eating. They'd long ago learned how unwise that was!

She finished off her pre-dinner meal just in time for dinner proper and Henry wisely brought the pizza directly to her instead of insisting everyone eat at the dining room table like normal. In fact all of them ate in front of the television and while she wasn't wild about the mess it would make Veronica quite enjoyed the overall experience. The hour or so they spent ceaselessly mocking some melodramatic Lifetime movie was an absolute joy. Even if she did laugh hard enough to pee herself a little. And the ice cream they all had together after their food had settled was a lovely compliment. By the time her children were heading off to bed she felt a lot less comically annoyed with her husband for knocking her up in the first place. Partly because of how sweet he was being and partly because he kept bringing her everything she wanted like a servant. Around the time he was making her tea and rubbing her feet Veronica was prepared to say she still loved him in spite of what he'd done to her. She announced her decision not long after it was made and Henry responded in a quite typical manner.

“Well that's a relief!” He laughed.

“Yes I'm sure you were losing sleep over it.” Veronica remarked.

“Oh hours and hours. It was honestly killing me.”

“Shut up.”

“Yes dear.”

Shaking her head and smiling at him she let out a long sigh, “God I can't wait to have these babies and be done with it. You're getting fixed by the way.”

“I think it's called a vasectomy with humans.”

“Yeah well the way you paw at me you might as well be a dog!” She said, unable to keep from smiling as she spoke.

“I can't help myself.” Henry replied as he pushed his thumbs into the swollen balls of her feet hard enough to make her gasp, “As I recall you used to love that about me.”

“Four kids later the charm is beginning to wear off.”

He laughed while she smirked and a comfortable silence stretched between them. It would last for the remainder of her foot massage as Veronica felt herself starting to nod off. Between his rather skilled efforts and her own constant exhaustion staying awake for long periods of time had been near impossible during her third trimester. Constantly putting herself into a food coma probably didn't help either. The first time she fell asleep she was woken up by the clink of ceramic as Henry gathered up the dishes. She managed to stay awake long enough to have a short conversation about the car payments and other banal things before that unfathomably tedious subject put her right back to sleep. When she woke up the second time it was thanks to her husband gently shaking her awake, his smiling face looking incredibly punchable as her eyes fluttered open. Her ire diminished when he offered to help her upstairs and into their vastly more comfortable bed. Lured by that prospect Veronica allowed him to pull her off the couch and walk with her to the master bedroom. Just as she allowed him to help her take off her sweater dress and slip into silky nightgown that was similarly ill suited to her new body shape. After spending the requisite amount of time lamenting that fact she finished getting ready for bed and settled in for a long night of getting up to pee followed by the inevitable morning sickness.

She was apparently giving her body too much credit however because her eyes had scarcely shut all the way before she felt an intense pressure against her bladder. Lurching upright, as much as she was able. Veronica swore and threw the covers off herself. But as she did so she took a proper look around and realized why the air felt so different and the once orange glow from the streetlights had taken a violet hue. Although she was still in her bed the room surrounding it was no longer her own. Instead it was the undeniably alien yet oddly comforting architecture of a room she'd been dreaming about for nearly a full year. All at once her irritation melted away as Veronica struggled to her feet and waddled towards the massive window set in the wall opposite her bed. She knew without even turning around that her mattress and everything else surrounding it had already vanished but she didn't care. Outside the glass was an unfathomably beautiful landscape of glittering stars, vibrantly colored nebula, and planets not of her solar system. No matter how many time she saw it her breath was taken away and she couldn't help but stare out at the vast swathe of space before her. Even if that was the only eventful part of her dream it would've been worth having for that alone. But since it wasn't she knew there was more to look forward to.

A low, endless hum filled the room soon after she'd waddled over to the windo but rather than reacting with fear as she did the first few times she let out a soft giggle. Although quite silly there was something charming about that noise and the way it always arrived before her companion. Like when a child attempted to scare their parent but were so cute in their ineptitude it just made their efforts all that more charming. She turned around to look behind her, expecting to see the figure that so often greeted her in this particular dream. When she discovered nothing but an empty room another laugh emerged from her lips. Apparently she'd gone to bed a lot more horny than she realized because in the place of a handsome yet dreamily undefinable human was a writhing mass of tentacles emerging from the walls, ceiling, and floor through glowing portal like openings. As she had every other time Veronica could only shake her head in amusement at what her mind had conjured up. If she'd known watching one of Sarah's 'hentai animes' would leave such a lasting impact on her psyche she never would have clicked on the file. Or maybe she would've done so a lot sooner. It was hard to say as she approached the slick, dark purple tendrils and held out her hand. The nearest one slithered around her fingers in an almost cordial manner and she let out a little laugh. When it pulled her closer towards the forest of appendages waiting at the center of the room she allowed it to do so, already looking forward to the filthy wet dream she was about to have.

What little clothing she had on was peeled off her body with an always surprising amount of tenderness without her ever breaking stride and by the time she was standing among the tentacles Veronica was naked as the day she was born. Every inch of her plump, pregnancy swollen body was already covered in goosebumps and something warm was trickling down her thighs before anything had even truly started. When she felt those warm, unaccountably soft tendrils snake around her legs starting at the ankles and slithering their way up to her knees the flow of juices leaking from her under sexed pussy increased dramatically. A full body shiver ripped through her and she let out a small, appreciative moan. No matter how many times she enjoyed the feeling those weirdly satisfying tendrils were nothing short of amazing against her skin. Maybe that was the clear, slightly viscous fluid they often secreted, maybe it was the way they moved as sensually as caressing fingers, or maybe it was because she knew they'd be stuffed inside her cunt and asshole before too long. Whatever the reason she had quite a wide smile spread across her face before the other tentacles closed around her forearms and a much thicker one slid around waist. Once that happened she realized what direction her fantasy was heading in and happily let herself fall backwards. Her certainty was immediately rewarded when yet another appendage came to cradle her head as the rest of her body was suspended in midair.

Yet more tendrils moved across her body soon after but unlike those keeping her aloft they had something far more licentious in mind. First two modestly thick ones wrapped around her massive, milk laden breasts. Starting at the base and slowly working their way up to her sensitive nipples they seemed to move across every inch of tits in a way that left her moaning and breathless in just a few seconds. By the time they'd reached her areola Veronica was about ready to climax as juices seeped out of her pussy in long, gooey strands while the rest of her body weakly shivered against the other tendrils holding her aloft. She watched in equal parts delight and amusement as the incredibly small tips of the tentacles wrapped around her chest visible shrank before coiling around her nipples as well. They spun so tightly around her pert buds she almost couldn't see them beneath the appendage. Although she could certainly see and feel the milk squirting out in sudden bursts. Just as she could feel the pleasure of literally being milked by some strange entity washing over. While it wasn't quite as degrading as she might have liked there was still something enormously arousing about having her tits groped in such a way. Especially when the tentacles started moving in a fashion that pulled her soft, quivering mounds upwards as though her nipples were being pulled by invisible hands.

“Ohhhhhhhh God!” She panted, her back arching and breast milk continuing to streak from her tits in powerful jets, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh God you're such a fucking tease darling!”

Not the least bit sure of who she was addressing Veronica was nonetheless happy when her companion responded, in it's own way. Continuing to squeeze, milk, and grope her tits it sent another tendril weaving up through the air towards her body, this one aimed considerably lower. Since she couldn't see much of anything beyond her massive pregnant belly and the position she was laying in the sudden presence of a tendril against her asshole came as quite the appealing surprise. She reflexively tensed at the sensation even while a shudder coursed through her body. The tip of it smeared that strange, highly arousing secretion against her puckered hole for several seconds while the 'body' did the same with her plump, jiggling buttocks. After a few seconds it started to seep into her skin and the arousal she was already feeling increased substantially. To the degree that she was nearly begging for it to plunge inside her asshole. Which the tendril happily did. Between the liberal coating of lubrication on her quivering ring and the naturally slick properties of the appendage itself it had no trouble at all pushing into her well trained asshole. In fact it managed to slide more than a foot inside of her without encountering any resistance at all. And once it did reach the depths normally untouched by anything penetrating her the tentacle simply continued at a more gentle pace. Which just left Veronica gasped for air and breathing like she'd just tried to break into a light jog.

That alone would've been enough to carry her to an eventual orgasm but she knew full well her dream wasn't finished yet. That much was clear when the parts of the tendril already stuffed in her ass slowly began to inflate. At first it was quite a subtle sensation as her inner walls were slowly expanded outward to fit the growing size of the tentacle buried inside her but after a few seconds Veronica really started to feel, and enjoy, the way it further pushed open her once tight hole. Her moans climbed higher in tone and volume as she felt herself getting stretched well beyond what was capable of any human cock. Hell before long she was being stretched open well beyond the capabilities of any dildo she or her daughter owned. About the only thing that could've matched was a pair of hands slowly pulling her asshole open like it was some sort of extremely perverted cartoon. Except that sensation went beyond just her entrance. Though she knew it wasn't the case it felt like the appendage had slithered into and was expanding everything from her asshole all the way to her stomach. And all Veronica could do was moan and quiver while she further soaked her own thighs and the floor beneath her. When the tendril eventually came to a noticeable stop she knew what came next as surely as she knew her own name but that knowledge did nothing to  reduce the pleasure. If anything it helped build a rather incredible amount of anticipation.

Because with only one place left untouched, for whatever reason these dreams never included oral play of any sort, it was hardly a struggle to imagine what would come next. Of course knowing that her pussy was about to get stuffed by the biggest and most powerful tendril yet only made her ache that much more in the time it took for the tentacle to finally arrive. Once she felt it's slick tip rubbing against her puffy and engorged outer folds Veronica was practically salivating at the thought of it being shoved inside her. It'd been so goddamn long since she had a good, hard fuck in real life her dreams had been almost exclusively dedicated to that very subject and fortunately this one was proving to be no exception! Not needing any sort of preamble or build up thanks to her sopping wet cunt the tendril was able to slide inside her like it was nothing, despite being as thick as her wrist at the tip and as thick as her bicep pretty much everywhere beyond that. Even more pleasured screams filled the air as she writhed against the appendages holding up her and shuddered with increasing force. In the blink of an eye her entire cunt all the way up to the cervix was stuffed with alien tentacle and every sensitive spot inside her was being stimulated at once by those toe curling secretions.

“Fuck that feels so GOOD!” She squealed. As silly as it was to scream such things to a creature that never responded, especially in a dream, she couldn't help herself. “Oh God FUCK ME YOU BEAST!”

Her words reverberated through the room in an almost deafening blast but she didn't care about her ringing ears. All that mattered was the feeling of that tentacle pressing up against her cervix hard with enough strength to drive the air from her lungs. It worked in tandem with the two still massaging and milking her tits and the one gaping her asshole to provide three unimaginable sources of pleasure that sent her spiraling down into ecstasy before she could utter another word. Screaming and flailing as much as she was able to Veronica felt her eyes roll back in her head but with her vision going completely black it was near impossible to tell. Just as it was similarly impossible to comprehend anything beyond her own bliss as waves of pleasure crashed down on her one after another. Each one hit like a runaway freight train careening off the tracks and each one was met with an increasingly hoarse scream. Juices exploded out of her pussy in hot, messy torrents while her legs quivered and her arms tensed. Copious amounts of milk sprayed from her overflowing breasts and her tongue hung out of her mouth like a dog. But thanks to the tendrils keeping her in place no matter how violently she shook her body was always restrained in a manner that felt utterly amazing. Like she was some plaything, an experiment to be teased and pleasured for unknowable reasons. It spoke to the very depths of her fantasies in a way few things could and only further enhanced the sheer ecstasy of every moment she remained in the dream.

But in her all encompassing pleasure Veronica completely failed to notice the small deviation from what normally occurred. How could she notice the tendril buried in her pussy constantly secreting a stream of thick, highly stimulating goo against her cervix? With everything else the same and her entire existence being boiled down to the carnal satisfaction rushing through her naked body and shattered mind it was quite an easy thing to miss. And yet as her orgasm wore on part of her did start to realize what was being done. Or at the very least part of her noticed the most basic implications of it. As more and more of that mysterious substance smothered the entrance to her womb she began to feel a strange but still incredibly arousing sensation. It was almost like the contractions that normally preceded giving birth yet somehow orgasmic instead of painful. Veronica had all of a moment to reach this conclusion after the first ravished her body before a second arrived to shatter any follow up thoughts. A breathless cry rent the otherwise quiet air as she started to shake and convulse in an entirely knew manner. Her back arched as sharply as it could wile she hunched forward, her teeth gritting and a feverish groan bursting from her mouth. Because while it still felt utterly amazing the newfound intensity of whatever was going on left her wholly unprepared for it.

In fact she was so caught off guard by it all she didn't even realize the tendril inside her cunt had withdrawn until another contraction hit her and she felt her pussy tighten around a distinct lack of dark purple tentacle. Her eyes shut as tightly as they could and then suddenly flared open when yet another ripple of intensity cascaded through her body. Although she'd given birth twice before this was so unlike either of those times she might as well have been a virgin for all the relevance her experience had. Because not only were the contractions so pleasurably intense she felt like she was gonna pass out after each one but the time between them was also shrinking at an alarming rate. The first two had been less than a minute apart and not long after that they were coming in less than fifteen seconds. In no time at all it'd gotten to the point where she couldn't even catch her breath before what little she'd managed was forced out of her in a sudden gust. This lent an already strange and hard to understand experience a lightheaded quality that made things even more surreal. Veronica didn't even have the wherewithal to question why her dream had suddenly taken such and odd yet wonderful turn.

She was much to busy using what little brainpower she had left to wonder just what her contractions were leading towards. While the answer probably should've been obvious as stared uncomprehendingly at her own belly the notion of giving birth never really occurred to her. That was too simple, too clean of an answer for what she was experiencing. But no amount of speculation could change the truth and as her cervix was stretched ever wider by the strange fluids smeared across it there was no denying the truth. At least there wouldn't have been if the beginning of the birthing process hadn't robbed Veronica of every last shred of sanity she still clung to. Around the same time she felt one of the babies inside her move an explosion of pure, unbroken ecstasy flooded her every nerve and overwhelmed her ever sense. It was like every atom in her body had been stimulated all at once as soon as she felt the head pushing against the exit to her womb. Screaming so loud she nearly tore her vocal chord and punctured her eardrums Veronica threw her head back against the tendril cradling it. Had it not been soft as a cloud made of fluffy pillows she probably would've given herself a concussion. Thankfully she avoided such a fate and was able to enjoy every solitary moment of the birthing process. Bucking her hips and grunting like a wild boar she alternated between glass shattering screams and rapid fire panting as the shoulders slipped beyond her cervix as well.

Her wholly unprepared vagina tightened around the strange contours of whatever was passing through it even while the rest of her body fully understood what was going on. As much as such a thing was possible because more than a few elements left her quite unable to process the events affecting her, beyond the utterly orgasmic sensations tearing through her shattered mind and frail body. Like the copious amounts of slimy residue cascading from her pussy like it was some sort of outflow pipe for strange substances. Or the tentacles that remained affixed to her breasts and stuffed inside her asshole in a manner that felt both wildly inappropriate for the situation and yet undeniably necessary. But as strange and wild as that all was nothing could compare to the simple yet indescribable feeling of what she assumed to be another human being slowly being forced out of her cunt. Veronica didn't even know she was consciously pushing until her weakened muscles suddenly stopped and the infant making it's way through her strained canal similarly stopped. Of course after a couple seconds of that experience and the toe curling, mind altering pleasure that came with it she had to resume pushing or risk losing her already fragile grip on reality. With another scream so guttural and intense it could only be made by a woman giving birth she resumed the monumental effort of pushing that first baby out. The notion that she'd have to do the same with a second didn't even register.

For a brief yet paradoxically endless moment she found some sort of normalcy within the lunacy of her current situation. More and more of the baby was emerging from her womb but the head hadn't quite reached the opening of her vagina yet. Such a thing should have been impossible but under the circumstances it was merely relegated to another in a long line of absurdities. Of course when she finally did feel the head pushing and straining against her tight little hole the ecstasy of it all reached a new level of indescribable. What had once been more all encompassing and mind blowing was nearly transcendent as her gooey folds slowly parted like the petals of a blossoming flower. She felt the head slowly emerge from her slit as explosions of pleasure lanced through her body. No longer able to push or even function as anything other than a broodmare Veronica's moans turned into whimpers as she experienced the unmistakable and wholly unique sensation of another being slide out of her body. She couldn't even begin to question what was happening to the child as it emerged, her mind so utterly bereft of conscious thought she'd forgotten her own name. Fortunately the creature responsible for all this cradled the newborn with one of it's many tendrils as it slowly emerged from her slack, ravished cunt.

Upon feeling the last of the baby slip free along Veronica breathed a sigh of relief. Some part of her knew there was still another child but in the sweat drenched, orgasmic state she was in that sort of fact just didn't have any real bearing on her reality. Even as the baby started to push through her utterly ruined cervix to enter the once snug canal that was now more like a damp tunnel. Her body hardly had to do any pushing as the second child gradually slid through her quivering pussy. Waves of pleasure continued to crash down on her with a strength and frequency that all but ensured she would somehow die from cumming to hard. At some point juices started squirting out of her pussy alongside the gooey substance still leaking from her but she didn't even realize it was happening. In fact despite it being the reason she was experiencing what she was experiencing Veronica wasn't even cognizant of where the child was inside her body. She was simply wracked by an perpetual stream of ecstasy that seemed to have no end. Her nerves were completely shot and her mind was in tatters and still she climaxed as her second child gradually emerged from her pussy. About the only time she consciously felt it again was when the head emerged and a new surge of bliss washed over her sweat drenched form. But after that everything faded into the miasma that'd gripped her so completely it was hard to imagine she'd ever break free. It almost didn't matter that she was nearing the finish and soon would be able to pick up the shattered remnants of her psyche. Such a thing seemed so impossible as she was forced to cum more than any human being ever had or ever should.

One last shuddering scream burst from her lips as all the strength left in her body vanished. Collapsing against the tendrils holding her upright Veronica could only whimper as the second baby within her slid from the cavernous hole that was once her tight little pussy. The tentacles inside her ass and coiled around her breasts slowly started to retreat with the former sliding away almost without any fanfare while the latter squeezed her milk swollen tits in an almost perverted manner before departing. All the rest gradually lowered her to the floor. Though she felt the slimy excretions of her strange birthing lap against her skin and coating her back she was far, far too delirious to be disgusted by it. Indeed she was too delirious to feel much of anything save a giddy euphoria that was most certainly not present during the birth of her human children. But then again considering the circumstances surrounding this dream it only made sense that she wouldn't react in a normal way. But in the back of her mind she did wonder what'd happened to the creatures she'd given birth to. Where they might be and what the being that'd impregnated her planned to do with them. Yet even as she asked those questions of her empty mind the thoughts became more scattered with every passing second. Her eyes had already drifted shut and there was something oddly comforting about lying naked in a puddle of warm, almost creamy fluids. It didn't matter that they'd come from her own body. As she expended the last of her energy rolling onto her side and curling into a ball she let out a quiet, contented noise. It wasn't quite a whimper but it wasn't quite a sigh either. Whatever it was it proved to be the last sound she made before darkness took her.

When she regained consciousness Veronica found herself in a hospital room surrounded by her family, all of whom were sleeping. The sudden snap back to reality after such a vivid dream left her in a state of shock that only continued to grow when she sat up. Immediately noticing how much easier it was to move, albeit with a considerable soreness, she looked down to see the complete absence of the baby hump she'd grown so accustomed to. Her confusion at seeing such an impossible sight was so great she actually lifted up her blanket to look at her stomach. When that didn't satisfy her she ran a hand along her belly as if expecting there to somehow be a huge yet inexplicably hidden mound. But aside from a some swelling there was nothing to indicate she'd been pregnant. Aside from her weakened body, massive tits, and the general chubbiness left everywhere else on her body. But those were little more than side notes and she couldn't help but let out a quiet gasp upon lifting up her gown to actually see her tanned stomach. With no other choice but to accept what'd happened her mind quickly turned towards how it'd happened. Though the question of what still lingered in a certain sense. Before she could dedicate much time to that line of thought Henry stirred, apparently roused by her astonishment.

“Hey . . .” He said in a low voice as he rose from his chair, “I didn't think you'd be up so soon! The doctor's said you'd be out for at least another couple of hours!”

“What happened?” Veronica asked, wholly unconcerned with how strange that question had to sound.

“Your water broke last night and I drove you to the hospital and you gave birth to a beautiful pair of twin boys!”

“This all happened last night?”

“Of course.” Clasping her hand and looking at her with concern Henry asked, “Is something wrong sweetheart?”

Looking around the room with a wide eyed uncertainty she eventually pulled her gaze back to him and said, “N-no . . . of course not . . . I just . . . I'm just having a little trouble remembering all that . . .”

“Maybe it was the drugs they gave you?”

“Maybe . . . that's probably it . . . I'm sure that's why my memory is so . . . unreliable . . .”

Henry nodded, reassuringly squeezing her hand while he smiled. Eventually Veronica managed a halfhearted smile as well and that seemed to mollify him, “Do you want to meet your sons?”

“Y-yeah, that'd be nice!”

“Okay, I'll go get them!”

She watched him leave still maintaining the smile she'd been feigning. The moment he was gone it dropped from her face and she looked around the room as if expected answers to suddenly appear in front of her. Jack and Sarah were still snoring contentedly and she was at least grateful they usually slept like the dead. It allowed her a chance to try and parse out what'd happened in peace. Because despite what Henry said and the logic behind it Veronica knew that wasn't the truth. It couldn't have been. Then again her current theory was even more insane than drug induced short term memory loss so maybe it wasn't that absurd. But even as the rational part of her mind tried to swing back towards sanity her gut convictions refused to let it go. There was just no way it was all her imagination. It was too coincidental! Any further waffling she might have done was cut short when Henry returned along with a nurse, the two of them carrying the boys she'd apparently given birth to.

“Here they are . . .” He murmured, “Aren't they beautiful?”

Veronica held out her arms almost on instinct, cradling one of her babies against her chest without a second thought. She continued to wonder what on earth was happening even as she smiled down at her new child. There was no denying how cute he looked swaddled in his blue cloth with his head covered by a beanie. As she softly cooed and at his adorable face his eyes slowly opened and he yawned in a way that just melted her heart. Delighted to find them the same color as Henry's she stared down at him while the rationality of what'd happened finally started to sink it. But just as Veronica was truly starting to accept the logical explanation she'd been given her son looked at her. There was something purposeful in his stare, something that went beyond the curious wanderings of a newborn. At first she smiled down at him, holding his stare and wondering what must have been going through his mind in those moments.

Then his pupils started to dilate. It was subtle at first, barely enough to warrant commenting on, but when they continued to grow she found her heartbeat quickening. Soon they were larger than they had any right to be and the blue around them was little more than a sliver. In an instant that unfathomable blackness had begun to encroach on the white surrounding it. Feeling more and more faint Veronica watched as the whole of his eyes were swallowed up by the darkness. Her whole body froze and she couldn't even summon the terrified scream longing to burst from her lips. But it was a good thing she didn't because only a moment later something else appeared in his eyes. Though subtle at first they grew one by one until the once featureless black was filled with as many stars as the night sky. But it wasn't just stars. In his tiny, unblinking orbs she could see all the celestial bodies that'd once been visible outside the window in her dream. Though impossibly tiny she knew them beyond the slightest doubt.

Suddenly her heartbeat slowed and her lips curled upwards in a radiant smile. When she pulled her gaze away from the child in her arms to look at the one Henry was holding she found it staring at her with those same eyes. Nobody else seemed to notice what was happening and their apparent lack of comprehension only widened her grin. As Sarah and Jack huddled around their new brother, blocking Veronica's view of him for a moment, she looked down at the baby in her arms with a newfound understanding.

“They're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.” She quietly remarked as her baby slowly closed his eyes, “They're the most beautiful think I've ever seen . . .”


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