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And here's the third suggestion I'm writing from the post two weeks ago. I honestly didn't think I'd manage to get it finished before it was time to start on the next batch. Luckily I managed to sneak this in under the wire. I hope y'all enjoy!

Gliding peacefully above the clouds while a seemingly endless expanse of ocean stretched out beneath them Toothless and Hiccup were starting to contemplate turning back towards Berk. In the weeks since meeting Elsa and Merida life had been oddly quiet. Although since both women were living in his home now, along with Astrid, it was probably more reasonable to say things were gratifyingly tranquil compared to what he was used to. Spending day and night with three exceedingly beautiful women was definitely a dream he never wanted to wake up from but some mornings it was near impossible for him to get out of bed. Not that any of his companions seemed to mind. If anything they took no small amount of pleasure being the reason he was stuck there. So any chance he had to sneak off and enjoy some time to himself was a welcome relief. Particularly after three days of waking up to various special, erotic surprises arranged by Astrid. No matter how creative and amazing they were he was only human. Just thinking about the last one made his heart skip a beat and his body ache. But it also put a wide grin on his face. For all his griping there was no pretending he didn't love every second of it just as he loved her and was starting to fall in love with Elsa and Merida. Maybe when he returned he'd tell them that. They probably already assumed as much but hearing it was always nicer than simple assumptions. Perhaps he could convince them to celebrate in a slightly less perverted manner. After that he could stop snow from falling and the moon from rising.

“Maybe we should head back bud.” He said aloud, “We can make it back by morning if we turn around right . . . what's wrong?”

Noticing the way his companion's eyes were narrowed and his ears were flattened Hiccup followed his dragon's gaze. Though difficult to see through the clouds he managed to catch a glimpse of what looked like a ship far beneath them. More importantly it was surrounded by the same winged black monsters that'd attacked Elsa and imprisoned Merida and Astrid. As he unsheathed his sword and donned his helmet Toothless dived towards the embattled vessel like an arrow. A bolt of energy launched from his mouth and obliterated one of the creatures in a flash. Another fell while the rest turned towards the newcomers. The people on the ship scattered as both Viking and dragon landed on the deck. Hiccup leaped off his mount and ignited his blade. Bringing it down in a powerful strike against the nearest monstrosity he cleaved the thing in two. A second met the same fate when it tried to attack hi from above. The third was pierced through it's fanged mouth as it lunged at him. Toothless continued to bombard the ones swarming around the ship. Somewhere behind them the sound of splashing water and wood striking flesh could be heard. Once he'd dispatched all the foes courageous enough to approach him Hiccup turned towards the strange noise to see a woman standing alone some twenty feet away at the opposite end of the ship. Wielding and oar as efficiently as he wielded his sword she battered the creatures into the ocean where they were swallowed up by plumes of water and dragged beneath the surface. In just a few seconds she'd handily dispatched several of the creatures while the ocean itself had snatched even more as they swooped in.

“Wow . . .” Hiccup exclaimed, looking at Toothless to see a similarly impressed expression on his friend's face, “I don't think she needed our help . . .”

“No but I appreciate it all the same!” The woman said with a smile as she smacked a creature over the head and followed it with another strike that sent it's crumpled body tumbling into the sea, “I'm Moana!”

“I'm Hiccup and this is Toothless!”

Pausing mid swing to look at him with a disbelieving grin Moana clobbered the monster trying to crawl away from her and laughed, “It's nice to meet you!”

“Likewise!” Hiccup replied while his companion scoffed at her amusement.

It only took a few minutes for them to finish the rout and drive off every remaining creature. As the survivors fled in terror Hiccup and Moana approached one while Toothless watched with narrowed eyes. Unlike his immediately enamored companion he already knew where this was going. In fact he could tell how things would turn out the moment they landed and a female appeared. Neither of the humans noticed his mild annoyance however as the two looked at one another properly for the first time. Both were immediately taken by the other's, from their experience, exotic appearance. He'd never see a woman with tanned skin and dark hair like hers. Just as she'd never encountered a man with such pale skin and light brown hair. It was enough to render both of them momentarily speechless while they stared gormlessly at one another. They were so enamored with the differences of the person standing in front of them neither even realized they'd been staring for nearly half a minute before someone finally spoke up. Although the person that finally broke that spell certainly wasn't either of them.

“Moana!” A man called from a nearby ship, “Are you hurt?”

Starting a little at the exclamation she turned towards her companion and called back, “I'm fine! Was the rest of the fleet damaged?”

“Fleet?” Hiccup asked, looking past her to see at least a dozen other ships he's missed during the fighting, “Oh . . .”

“We managed to drive the creatures off! Is you ship damaged?”

Moana looked around the somewhat damaged vessel, “We'll need a new sail but I think she's still seaworthy!”

“Should I order the rest of the fleet to stop while you make repairs?”

“Yes, it shouldn't take more than a few minutes!”

The man on the other ship nodded and one of his crew blew into a large horn. All around them the ships slowed as their sails were rolled up and their anchors dropped. “Wow . . . you really didn't need our help!” Hiccup marveled as he watched dozens of towering, bronze skinned and heavily tattooed men move across their ships, “I feel kinda stupid for thinking you did . . .”

“Well don't,” Moana laughed, “You definitely helped save my ship and for that I'm grateful.”

Grinning at her and rubbing the back of his head Hiccup nodded and said, “Well . . . you're welcome Moana. I suppose I should be off now.”

Toothless nodded in agreement while their dark skinned companion smiled at both of them, “I understand. Would you at least stay long enough for a meal? It's the least I can do after your help.”

“Yeah I don't see any harm in—what are you doing bud?” Hiccup asked as Toothless bumped him with his head and almost knocked him over, “We'll find something for you to eat too!”

“I don't think your lizard like me.” Moana observed.

“He's a dragon and I'm sure he's just hungry. We'd love to stay for a meal.”

Dramatically rolling his eyes and plopping down on the deck of ship with enough force to make the entire vessel rock Toothless continued to grumble while Hiccup and Moana ignored him. “Have you ever eaten a coconut?”

“I have no idea what that is.”

Flashing him an ear to ear grin Moana took Hiccup's hand and pulled him towards the aft of the ship, “We have so much to talk about!”

And talk they did, for nearly five hours the two shared stories of their adventures, their lives, and the place they'd come from. Since both were completely unaware of the other's world there was a great deal to share. Long after they'd finished eating Hiccup and Moana continued to talk, much to Toothless' dismay. But his protestations were soundly ignored and in the end it wound up being the  slowly encroaching night that put an end to their sharing. But even as they found themselves drifting off during one another's stories it was hard for them to actually part ways. Mostly because of the intense and immediate attraction they felt towards one another but also because of the knowledge that it could very likely be the last time they ever crossed paths. Thankfully as tired as she was Moana had the presence of mind to explain in great detail the course she'd charted for her fleet and the directions they planned to travel. Once Hiccup slapped himself awake he plotted out her direction on the maps he'd been slowly developing over the last few years and a plan to reunite gradually formed. After he'd given her a few tips on navigating the more treacherous parts of the ocean and advice on which islands to avoid. Only once a firm deal had been struck to meet in two days did Hiccup finally part with the Motonui fleet and it's beautiful leader. Though it was still done with no small amount of trepidation.

He returned to Berk and told Astrid, Elsa, and Merida about the fascinating new woman he'd met. As expected all three of them were intensely curious about her as well and he spent most of his free time relaying the stories she'd told him. At least when his mouth wasn't busy and he wasn't otherwise distracted by their insatiable needs. Telling them about his intention to see her again only seemed to turn them on even more. All three were incredibly aroused by the thought of him being with such an exotic, beautiful woman despite him not once mentioning any kind of sexual attraction to her. Or any kind of indication that she harbored one towards him. By the time he left Berk again his head was filled with perverted thoughts planted by the trio of sexually liberated women that basically ran his life. It was all he could to not imagine Moana naked every time he thought about her. And when he actually found her fleet again he blushed so hard his entire face turned crimson. Thankfully actually landing and seeing again managed to diminish those issues considerably. If only because she was such a pleasure to be around he naturally relaxed. The two of them picked up exactly where they'd left off with Toothless distancing himself from them immediately. This time he was swarmed by eager sailors as the Motonui seemingly came out of the woodwork to meet a dragon. That was how Hiccup learned that none of them even knew what one was and he spent the better part of the day explaining to everyone, Moana included. Towards the end it almost felt like he was teaching a class, albeit one with a group of adults all hanging off his every word. 

Nightfall ended up being the logical conclusion to his impromptu lesson as everyone returned to their ships to sleep or begin their newly created lookout shifts. In just a few minutes Hiccup was left alone with the woman he'd come to visit and both of them were all too happy to enjoy the solitude. Stories continued to flow with Moana doing most of the talking now that he'd gone on for several hours almost without stopping. She told him about everything she'd seen since leaving her home, about all the wonderful sights the ocean had to offer, and how many things lay beneath the waves as well. They talked long into the night with neither one acknowledging how late it was until they were practically falling asleep in each other's arms. Only when Hiccup suddenly jerked awake and found Moana sleeping with her head against his shoulder as both of them sat on the edge of the ship did he realize just how exhausted he was. Doing his best not to wake her he slowly laid back against the slightly damp wood. All they needed was a few minutes of rest and they'd be perfectly fine. Toothless was already sound asleep so it's not like he could even leave. And he definitely had no interest in disturbing his companion's rest either. Almost the moment they were flat on their backs the gentle rocking of the ocean lulled him back to sleep. He managed to keep his eyes open long enough to smile down at Moana and wonder what new tales she'd tell him in the morning. Then his dreams took him and everything went dark.

Hiccup woke a few hours later as the orange flow of a rising sun fell across the ship. His eyes fluttered open as unexpected warmth stirred him back into consciousness. He tried to turn away from the light but found his arm and part of his chest pinned beneath something. Looking down through heavily squinting eyes he saw Moana's curly black hair and adorably content face resting against him. More awake then ever Hiccup's heart skipped a beat and he stared intently at her for a moment. Although he had absolutely no recollection of anything sexual going on it seemed impossible that he could wake up in such an intimate position with a woman without something happening the night before. Everything about the way she was cuddled against him with her arm stretched across his chest and her body pressed tightly against him reminded Hiccup of the way Elsa, Merida, and Astrid behaved after a night of lovemaking. Yet no matter how hard he searched his memories he couldn't find anything even hinting at such an event. Not even so much as a kiss. Of course now that the seed was planted and her attraction to him had been demonstrated it was all he could do to fight off those thoughts. Particularly the memories of his lascivious housemates eagerly encouraging him to pursue that kind of thing. He was torn between the desire to follow those urges and the always present fear that he might be misreading her feelings. Knowing there was one beautiful woman attracted to him in that manner was incredible. Two seemed to defy reason. Three was downright absurd. But four? Four just couldn't be possible. Fortunately for him Moana woke up before he could further work himself into knots wondering.

“Good morning.” She murmured as she lifted her head from his chest, “How did you sleep?”

“Pretty well.” He admitted, “This wood's a lot more comfortable than you'd think . . .”

“Wood? That doesn't . . . oh . . . we fell asleep on the deck . . .”

“Yeah, did you think we were somewhere else?”

Moana's cheeks darkened and she sat up a bit too quickly and shook her head a bit too emphatically, “Of course not! I just feel guilty that we didn't sleep in a proper bed-I mean that I didn't give you a proper bed to sleep in.”

“Right.” Hiccup nodded, suddenly feeling a little awkward about her obviously flustered behavior and the reasons for it, “Well it's not a problem. Next time I'll make sure we find your bed-I mean I'll make sure we find a bed-for each of us.”

“Good.” She smiled at him and brushed some of the hair from her face, “Would you like something to eat?”

“That would be great.”

In spite of Toothless' protests Hiccup spent the better part of the day with Moana, wholly unaware that she was thinking the same lustful thoughts as he was. Their conversations slowly took a more intimate turn as he helped her with various tasks on the ship and they subtly wound up closer and closer to one another in the process. Only the occasional interruption from another member of her crew stood in their way. By early afternoon she was all but ready to kiss him and he was only a step or two behind her. But by that point it was far too late. Having already shirked his responsibilities long enough Hiccup just could justify staying out with her another night. Even with everything her lips and beautiful dark eyes promised. So he made his excuses and left after a particularly intense bout of staring while they hoisted the sail. A different woman might have treated his sudden departure as a sign he wasn't interested or that he was some kind of coward. Luckily for Hiccup's reputation Moana knew better. She knew his stammered out reasons weren't excuses and the reason for the awkward, fumbling delivery was exactly why she should continue to pursue him. He was clearly just as interested as her and his intimidation was kind of charming. Partly because he had no reason, that she was aware of, to be intimidated by her and partly because it eased her own trepidation significantly. When he came back she'd make a move and find out once and for all what his feelings really were. Though she already felt as confident as a woman could about which way things would go.

He returned a few days later to find Moana waiting for him with a bright gleam in her eyes and a smile that never seemed to fade. Not even another attack by those black, winged monstrosities seemed to dampen her spirits. Moana had always been a cheerful sort yet something about her current attitudes was a whole different experience. Initially it was a little disconcerting and Hiccup was reminded of when Astrid, Merida, and Elsa were playacting before some massive surprise that often left him in a state of near unconsciousness for a few days. But since he was quite certain she wasn't going to tie him up and ride him until his manhood was about to break those feelings of trepidation gradually slipped away. Before long her exuberance had grown rather charming. The way she remained a constant source of enthusiasm started to infect him as well. Hiccup stopped questioning why she was in such a good mood, his experiences at the hands of the three over sexed lunatics he lived with dulling his perceptions considerably. He was happy to be in the company of at least one female that wasn't trying to have sex with him every waking moment. No matter how great such things were a break was always nice and his budding friendship with Moana fulfilled the desire nicely. Even if in the back of his mind he continued to think about their brush with that side of things not so long ago. As it always did time slipped away in the blink of an eye with only the occasional grumble from Toothless or a periodic interruption to deal with sailing related matters breaking up their bonding. 

Later that night as the two of them stared up at the stars things took a took for the romantic. As he lay on his back staring up at the cloudless sky with his hands resting beneath his head Hiccup noticed Moana shifting next to him. At first she merely rolled onto her side to grin at him, something she often did when there was a lapse in conversation. But when he turned his head to smile back he noticed something new sparkling in her dark eyes. Something altogether different from what he'd seen from her. Before he could ask why she was looking at him with such intensity or even furrow his brow in confusion she'd sidled up even closer to him. He blushed a deep crimson as she ran her hand across his chest plate but his surprise and embarrassment was just beginning. In the blink of an eye Moana had thrown a leg over his waist and slid onto his lap, comfortably straddling his prone form while smiling down at him with that same wild eyed gleam. For a moment she just sat there with her soft body pressed against his and her hands flattened against his armor. When he tried to sit up she wordlessly pushed him back down and let out a small giggle. There was something infectious about the excitement radiating from her and while he knew exactly what she had in mind Hiccup still felt a pang of uncertainty. Part of him couldn't help but question why all these beautiful, intelligent, and highly capable women were attracted to him seemingly out of the blue. But at the same time an entirely different part of him was finding it difficult to question that kind of providence as long as her plump buttocks were pressed against his groin.

“Moana . . .” He finally managed to say, “Are you—”

“Yes I'm sure.” She replied in a notably higher pitch than usual, “Don't you want me?”

“Of course I do!”

“Then why should we hesitate?”

“Because we barely know each other. We only met a week ago and . . . and . . . I'll stop talking now . . .”

“Good.” Moana laughed and bit her lower lip, “You'll be my first . . .”

Feeling his heart skip a beat and his stomach do a flip Hiccup's eyes widened at her unexpectedly frank admission. He didn't have a chance to respond though as she suddenly bent down to share a kiss with him. With no real idea what she was doing and instinct guiding her every step of the way she slid her hands around his head and pressed her lips against his. Almost immediately her eyes closed as a shiver coursed through the rest of her body. Everything from the feel of his mouth to the way his hands gently moved around her shoulders was exactly what she'd hoped for. Perhaps even a little more as little explosions of light danced behind her eyelids and her whole body seemed to shake with anticipation. Moana leaned harder into the kiss with every passing second and it wasn't long before Hiccup found himself instinctively doing the same. If only to avoid being flattened against the ship by her enthusiasm. And the longer they remained locked in that passionate embrace the more comfortable she started to grow with the act itself. All the butterflies dancing in her stomach started to fade while a palpable feeling of anticipation replaced them. She started to notice all the little ways his body reacted to her touch and the sensation filled her with no small amount of wonder. From the subtle spread of goosebumps across his face to the roaming touch of his hands everything about his reaction solidified her desire.

Their kiss ended nearly a full minute after it started as both of them pulled back in unison, each smiling at the other with a newfound understanding. Breathing much more heavily than she expected Moana swallowed several times and said, “That was . . . that was . . . nice . . .”

“Well I always try to aim for nice . . .” Hiccup joked.

She let out a soft laugh at his words and quickly added, “It was very nice!”

“Yeah it was . . .”

“But I'd like to do more . . . if you want . . .”

“I . . . uh . . . I'd like that . . . but only if you're certain . . .”

“I'm certain.” She replied.

“Oh . . . good. That's-that's great!” 

As Hiccup's cheeks reddened even further and he fidgeted beneath Moana she felt something brush against her. Both rigid and malleable at the same time it throbbed against her buttocks with enough strength to make it seem like her clothes were completely nonexistent. “Oh!” She gasped as her mind realized just what it was that'd pushed against her, “Is that your-I-I think I just-n-nevermind!”

Well aware of what had her so flustered he tried his best not to look amused and charmed by her behavior, “Do you want to kiss again?” He suggested.

“Yes please.” Moana replied with an emphatic nod, “Very much!”

Their lips reunited and she wasted no time grabbing his hands. He expected her to guide them around or waist or maybe even to the firm buttocks he definitely wasn't thinking about. Instead she led them beneath her form fitting top and he felt her large and remarkably stiff nipples brushing against his palms. The sudden stimulation made her shake while his member throbbed madly in his breeches. But despite how taken aback he was Hiccup was no stranger to this sort of thing and before he even realized it his fingers were gently groping her breasts exactly as she wanted. When Moana softly moaned into his mouth and pushed her body more insistently against his he knew there was no way things wouldn't progress further. And he definitely wanted everything that prospect conjured. They continued to kiss for quite some time while his hands slowly worked her unexpectedly sensitive chest and she started to grind against his aching manhood. Although much of her movements were instinctual there was no denying how good it felt to feel his member against her body. Every time it made contact with her damp underclothes she felt a little shock of pleasure in much the same vein as the sensation that came from his tender attention to her nipples. It wasn't long before she was actively seeking both sources and moaning near constantly as a result. 

Soon their kiss was ended as she hastily leaned back to lift up and subsequently discard her top. A small flicker of embarrassment crossed her face but it was quickly disregarded as the look on Hiccup's face inspired a wide, blushing grin. Unable to help herself moaned his name and pressed herself even harder against his hands, reveling in the way his rough yet gentle fingers teased her. It was almost enough to make her forget everything else she wanted to do. At least until a sudden shiver worked it's way up her spine and she felt his cock against her glistening womanhood. Realizing she'd been unintentionally stalling out of some strange fear of what might happen Moana immediately set about rectifying that mistake. Sliding backwards a few inches she slid her fingers into the waistline of his breeches. He had all of a split second to react before she'd tugged them down to reveal his turgid length. Gasping at the size and thickness of both his member and balls she stared for several seconds, much of the uncertainty she'd felt returning. But after yet another glance at his face she managed to stifle those misgivings long enough to unfasten her skirt and do the same with her undergarments. Both of them fell away and she was suddenly naked before the man that would be taking her virginity. The way his eyes roamed her body as she moved back into place above his manhood made her feel oddly powerful. His amazement and adoration was evident in every facet of his expression in a way that felt more like she was being worshiped than ogled. Of course being ogled wasn't a bad thing either. She definitely enjoyed how intently he stared at the curly forest of hair above and around her sex. 

But there was only so long she could remain perched above his cock without doing anything about it and she'd used up all of her patience waiting all day to make her move. Looking paradoxically determined and uncertain Moana stared down at Hiccup as she slowly lowered herself onto his manhood. Her puffy outer folds parted against his member and both of them inhaled sharply at that first contact. She winced a little as the head slipped inside then moaned softly as more followed soon after. As big as he'd felt in her hands he seemed a hundred times larger as her inner walls were stretched open to accommodate him. Forced to stop after a few inches she let out the breath she didn't even realize she was holding and looked down at where their bodies were connected. Seemingly emboldened by the sight she moved a little bit further until a sudden, sharp pain lanced through her body. Stiffening in surprise and letting out a hoarse cry she pitched forward at the same time Hiccup sat up. Their heads collided with an audible thunk and both of them recoiled. She let out a noise somewhere between a whimper and a laugh and he did the same. They locked eyes after a couple of seconds and their smiles widened. Neither of them noticed the trickle of blood seeping from her vagina but even without it they both knew what had happened. He slowly sat up to look at her while she adjusted to the discomfort still very much present in her body. Although the pain wasn't anything impossible to overcome it did, for the moment vastly outweigh the pleasure she initially felt. At least until his arms slid around her waist and he pulled her into another kiss. Feeling his lips against hers was tremendously reassuring. Little did she know it was a mere distraction as Hiccup put some of his experience to good use.

While their tongues lightly wrestled in each other's mouths and she continued to shiver atop his member he furtively moved one hand. Sliding it along her waist and towards her womanhood he trailed his fingers across her beautiful brown skin. As they drifted through the curly thicket of hair above her sex he extended a thumb towards the sensitive little bud hidden in that overgrown thicket. The moment he made contact with her clit Moana's entire body tensed. Suddenly a bolt of pleasure far stronger than her pain assaulted her senses. She was forced to break off the kiss and whimper with renewed vigor at the wholly unexpected sensation. When his thumb slowly started to move across her swelling bud it was all she could do not to cry out. Fluid trickled from her pussy and a strange pressure started to fill up her stomach. Or rather somewhere near her stomach. Her grip on his shoulders tightened and she started with uncomprehending pleasure at his eyes. Watching the smile gradually spread across his face and feeling his manhood throb inside her did little to make sense of what was happening. Some part of her could probably figure it out with enough time but the gentle yet insistent movements of his digit against her clit didn't allow for such things. In fact it was growing more difficult to focus on anything but his touch and his cock with every passing second. Moana didn't even realize she'd slipped down another couple of inches as her legs trembled too hard to support her. It was only when she'd dropped all the way to the base and could feel his body pressed tightly against hers that she had any certainty at all.

“Wow . . .” She panted, “Wow . . .”

Pulling his thumb from her sensitive bud for a moment Hiccup smiled at her and asked, “Do you want to keep going? Because if it's too uncomfortable we can—”

“I don't want to stop.” Moana interrupted, “Please . . . don't stop . . .”

His eyes widened and his shaft swelled a little at the neediness in her voice. It was such a strange but wonderful departure from her normally strong, confident tone, “Okay . . . I won't . . .”

As his finger continued to glide across her clit and little bursts of pleasure filled her body Moana found it harder and harder to simply remain as she was. With every passing second a need to move, to react, filled her and it wasn't long before that need was overwhelming. In much the same way she'd slid all the way down his member she soon felt herself rising back up it. Though she didn't move any faster than before she still managed to move a few inches all while Hiccup kept his thumb pressed firmly against her bud. Upon reaching as high as her trembling legs would allow Moana promptly fell right back down again with a soft smack of wet, colliding flesh. Several wonderful seconds passed before she managed to find the wherewithal to repeat the process. Only this time she did so with just a bit more vigor as the pleasure from the first iteration spurred her on. Feeling her body gradually adjusting to not only the size of his cock but also the medley of emotions that came with him being inside her was simply wonderful. The more she moved up and down his shaft the more she wanted to keep doing so. All of a sudden the fascination so many of her peers had with sex made sense. Minutes passed faster and faster, almost in direct proportion to the speed of her hips. 

Although she never quite reached the same frenzy as his other partners Hiccup was still impressed at how quickly she managed to adjust after her initial reaction. It was both humbling and arousing to watch her. His eyes moved constantly from her smiling face and half closed eyes to her beautifully plump vagina as it stretched and wrapped around him. The faster she glided up and down his length the more his own body started to move in response to her. While he couldn't go wild like he was used to something about the more tender and restrained pace he was called upon to adopt actually suited him a bit more. Every time she moved down he could push up to meet her in a languid yet wonderful experience that made both of them tremble. As a contrast to the frenzied and often uninhibited sex with which he was familiar being with Moana was distinctly wonderful. Especially when her gentle motions reached their peak and she started to pant his name with increased frequency.

“Hiccup!” She gasped, her fingers digging into his skin as her whole body tightened, “Hiccup!”

Absolutely confident he knew what that breathless cry signaled Hiccup continued to gently thrust upwards and rub her clit even as he feigned ignorance, “What is it Moana?”

Only able to whimper and clench her teeth she held on to him for dear life as her first orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave. Throwing her head back to stare blankly up at the starry sky she had all of a second to marvel at how wonderful everything felt before being overwhelmed. Her entire body started to shake as a deluge of warm, creamy juices gushed from her pussy. No longer able to grind against him she could only sit there and tremble while her back slowly arched. He watched her perky breasts heave and her taut stomach clench until his gaze was naturally drawn to the matted patch of hair above her slit. Already soaked through from their earlier exertions it was all but dripping as her arousal streaked out from between them. Although she couldn't make the conscious effort to move her hips the constant and spasmodic movements of her body mimicked the movements well enough to have the same effect. Her juices sprayed across his stomach and soaked her inner thighs so thoroughly they might as well have dived into the ocean around them. All while the corners of her vision darkened and her breath caught in her throat. 

The fact that his thumb hadn't once left her sensitive bud the entire time combined with the slow, tender pace of his thrusting made her euphoria all the more amazing. Pleasure radiated out from the very core of her body to reach the tips of every extremity while her body seemed to be set ablaze as it passed. And that was before it came echoing back to meet another pulse caused by any number of breathtaking sensations. There was no telling how long she remained in the blissful state, utterly dead to the world and totally overcome by pleasure seemingly hitting every sense she had. All she could be certain of was that by the time she was finished every part of her body seemed to go limp at the same time. Had she not felt the sudden desire to smile down at the man responsible for her bliss she probably would've fallen backwards in a heap. Instead she pitched forward where her lover was ready to catch her. After realizing what she was going to do of course.

As she collapsed against his chest in a quivering mass of beautiful, barely cognizant woman Hiccup did his best to slow down and let her recover from what had obviously been an incredible experience for her. He tried not to focus on how wonderfully tight her pussy had grown or how good it felt to have her juices cascading across his body. He tried not to dwell on how soft yet firm her buttocks felt as they quivered in his hands or the subtle way she continued to grind against him. He tried not to think about how badly he wanted to cum inside her or how hard his cock was throbbing against her warm inner walls. And he almost managed to get away with it, until Moana started kissing his neck. The passionate yet clumsy way she pressed her lips against him and ran her fingers through his hair proved to be his undoing. Gritting his teeth and letting out a sound somewhere between a gasp and a moan he started thrusting with all his might. Holding her as tightly as he could against his waist he rammed his cock inside her quivering, sodden mess of a pussy for several seconds. She cried out in surprised and held on to him for dear life, her ecstasy laden body only barely managing to keep up with the sudden flurry of emotions and feelings assaulting her senses. A barrage of half formed encouragements and breathless whimpers filled his ears while a fresh torrent of juices trickled out of her slit. After a few seconds she was back to shaking so violently every muscle in her body seemed to have a mind of it's own. At nearly half a minute there was nothing left to do but accept her place in life as a mewling, sex addled shell of her former self. And then Hiccup climaxed.

While some part of her mind probably knew it was going to happen that kind of rational thought was nowhere near what Moana was capable so soon after her first real orgasm. So when her man suddenly buried his member inside her and groaned loud enough to make her heart skip a beat she had no earthly idea what was going on. Everything was made crystal clear shortly afterward though. A sudden, powerful jet of cum exploding deep inside her had that effect. It basted her inner walls in an instant and made her toes curl as the warmth and thickness reached her pleasure soaked mind. Her whole body tensed at the same time his cock did and when another creamy jet erupted inside her it was met with more passion than ever. Lifting her head and pressing her lips against his Moana pulled Hiccup into a long, tender kiss as he filled her with his seed. For close to thirty wonderful seconds she felt every last drop of his spunk flood her trembling body and once he'd finished the mere presence of it swirling around within her was enough to keep her legs shaking and her heart racing. It didn't matter one bit that his cock started to soften not long afterwards. The afterglow of the moment combined with the intense feeling of closeness proved to be all she needed.

Even after his cock slipped free and cum started leaking from her pussy Moana remained atop her companion. Too weak to move and too enamored with him to try she softly kissed his neck. A little shiver danced down her spine as he stroke her skin, one hand still pressed against her back while the other rested on her thigh. Although both of them felt like they should say something neither had any idea what that something would be and the silence stretched on between them. But it was a warm, comfortable silence that both of them actually enjoyed quite a lot. Simply laying there with one another under the stars was a fitting end to their lovemaking. Especially when Moana lifted her head to smile down at him. Hiccup grinned at her and offered a shrug. Her expression brightened and she leaned in for a kiss. As their lips met a little shudder coursed through both of them. She felt his hands slid to her buttocks and she happily pushed herself against his firm grasp. He gave her a soft squeeze and she moaned into his mouth. Several seconds passed as they kissed and grinded against one another until he pulled back to ask the question both of them had been avoiding.

“What happens now?”

“I don't know . . .”

“Neither do I . . .”

They stared at one another for a moment and Moana said, “You can't stay with me can you?”

“No,” Hiccup replied, “I can't leave my people behind . . .”

“I know the feeling.”

“Yeah . . .”

“Where's your home?” She asked after another pause.

“Northwest of here. At least twelve hours by dragon, why?”

Moana shrugged and said, “I can't stay with you but maybe I could visit . . . I'd like to see this Berk place.”

“That'd be nice.” He said without thinking.

“It would.” She rested her chin against his armor and smiled at him, “We still have a few more hours until the sun comes up and my people wake . . .”

“We do . . .” Hiccup grinned, “I don't suppose you'd want to fill that time with talking?”

Biting her lower lip and leaning down to whisper a few of the things she wanted to talk about into her man's ear Moana slowly pulled back to find him blushing a deep red. She also felt his cock swelling against her pussy and a subtle tightening of his grip on her buttocks. Furtively grinding herself against his member she arched an eyebrow and flashed him a wild grin. He stared at her in amazement for a few seconds before finding the words to express his surprise.

“Wow . . . I thought you were . . . I thought that was your first time?”

“It was,” She casually replied, “But that doesn't mean I'm clueless about sex. I just wanted my first time to be something gentle and wonderful.”

“And now the second time you want to be—”


Hiccup shuddered and slowly shook his head, “I'm in trouble aren't I?”

“Yes you are.” Moana cooed, “But don't worry, you'll figure something out I'm sure . . .”



Everything I was hoping for and more, excellent work as always!


I'm delighted to hear it! I know this one's been a pretty long time coming lol