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Boy I hope you guys are in the mood for another long one because this is technically less of a short story and more of a full on novella lol. But unlike previous instances I actually planned on this one being as long as it was. I felt the setup and payoff, as well as the sex itself, needed more room to breathe compared to previous stories. I hope y'all feel the same way!

“We have zero tolerance for those who destroy school property here at Castleton High School young man, regardless of where they come from.”

“I understand sir.”

“If that were true you wouldn't have broken your locker.”

Sota looked at the principal for several unbroken seconds, his anger simmering to a boiling point beneath his calm exterior. But like he had so many times before he slowly exhaled through his nose and let the anger subside as much as possible. He only had one semester left before senior year was over and high school was just a memory. Blowing it now would just make all the shit he swallowed up until that point meaningless. Unfortunately much of his self control was predicated on the reprimanding ending after the initial chastisement. Like it usually did. The principal would call him in, posture for a while, and let him go with a slap on the wrist no matter what actually occurred. But rather than concluding as they had dozens of previous times Mr. Anderson resumed his meaningless display with full force while Sota was left to sit there and be chided for something entirely beyond his control. Yet again.

“It feels like every week you're in here for something.” He continued, “What I don't understand is how a student with an outstanding academic record has time to cause so much trouble.”

“It's not by choice sir.” Sota replied, his frustration instantly resurfacing as the conversation continued for absolutely no reason at all.

“Oh really, how is that?”

“Charlie Cooper stuffed me in my locker.”

“Is that so?” He stood up from his chair and folded his arms, “And why did you mention this before?”

“I didn't have a chance. As soon as I walked in you started talking to me.”

“How convenient.”

“Especially for dickhead principals who play favorites.” Sota thought to himself.

“You know what I think Mr. Ito?”

“No sir I don't.”

“I think you're trying to get Mr. Cooper in trouble for some good natured ribbing because you don't understand how American youth culture works.”

“I've lived in this country for a decade you stupid prick.” He thought again, “That might be the case sir.”

“I thought as much.” Mr. Anderson sat back down and looked at the student across from him as he drummed his fingers on the table, “Now I'm sure Mr. Cooper was simply overzealous in his antics . . .”

“Of course you'd think that, he's the only reason anyone gives a shit about you!”

“But . . . that doesn't give you any right to vandalize school property! Much less your own locker!”

“You're absolutely right sir.” Sota replied as a white hot fury bubbled up inside him, “I'm . . . I'm sorry . . .”

A self satisfied smile spread across Mr. Anderson's pudgy red face and he nodded approvingly, “Very well . . . these things happen after all. Just make sure it doesn't happen again and I see no reason it should warrant any punishment.”

“Thank you sir.”

“You can go back to class now Mr. Ito, we're done here.”

“Thank you sir.” Sota rose from his chair and collected his backpack as calmly as he could. Although filled with the overwhelming urge to whip one of his largest and heaviest books at Mr. Anderson he left the main office without a word only to run headlong into Charlie and his band of goons not ten feet into the hallway, “Son of a bitch.” He muttered under his breath.

“How's it going Soda?” He called out while his lackeys guffawed, “How did your meeting with Mr. Anderson go?”

“The same as always.”

“Yeah? I didn't know it was time to hand out Skinny Nerd Awards!”

Ignoring their pathetic attempt at an insult Sota tried to push past the cluster of football players but was stopped by a large hand pressing against his chest, “Where ya going?”

“To class.”

“Not dressed like that you aren't!”

Looking up at the quarterback with abject loathing Sota briefly contemplated punching him in his smug grin. It was a wholly useless fantasy though, even if Charlie hadn't been a foot taller and a couple dozen pounds heavier he had more than enough help to win any fight before it even started. Like every other time he didn't have any choice but to sit there and take whatever they dished out and hope they got bored sooner rather than later. As the Letterman jacket clad gang closed in around him Sota took a deep breath to calm his nerves. The principal was no doubt watching what was going on from the office, somehow entirely unconcerned by the five and a half foot student being flanked on all sides by leering giants. That was just how things went at Castleton High School. The staff played favorites so blatantly one could make a chart of who was in which teacher's graces. Luckily for him being a model student left him with a few allies among the faculty, one of whom was coming down the hallway at that very moment.

“Mr. Cooper!” A harsh, accented voice called out, “Shouldn't you be in class right now?”

Charlie and his thugs turned towards Mrs. De Leon in unison, their bravado melting away before her stern, uncompromising demeanor, “W-we were just getting something from the office for Mr. Cartwright ma'am.”

“Well you almost got it this time,” She replied in a voice dripping with sardonic overtones, “But the office is actually right there, not in the middle of this hallway.”

“Right. We were just—”

“Going into the office and leaving Mr. Ito in peace?”

“Yeah . . . exactly.”

“Good. I'll see you in Biology Mr. Cooper. I hope you finished your essay this time.” As Charlie and his band departed Mrs. De Leon approached Sota. She waited for his tormentors to vanish before asking, “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, thanks Mrs. De Leon.”

“Of course. I had a feeling I'd need to come down here after you got called into the office.”

“How did you hear about that?”

“The entire school heard about it. While I'm not advocating the destruction of school property I”m rather impressed you managed to break out of your locker.”

“It honestly wasn't that hard,” He admitted with a smile, “But I completely regret doing it of course.”

“Of course.” She smiled affectionately at him, an expression few other students saw and one that made dealing with all the idiots in the school so much more tolerable for Sota, “Did you want me to write you note? Mrs. Hewitt has a sub in today.”

“That would be great, thanks Mrs. De Leon.”

“Any time Mr. Ito.”

As good as it felt to beat Charlie, if only for a moment, Sota spent the rest of the day looking over his shoulder. Every other time he'd been rescued by a teacher or some other authority figure his tormentors had come back at him twice as hard. In fact that tendency was exactly why he'd been forced to break open his locker to escape earlier that same day. Luckily for him the quarterback and most popular student in the school was actually rather busy and the two didn't cross paths again until the last bell rang. As he walked out of AP Chemistry holding a stack of papers and books Sota heard the telltale laughter of his tormentors and he knew they must be coming for him. Having long ago memorized his schedule for maximum access they loved to accost him right outside of classrooms where there was as big an audience as possible. In an effort to avoid retribution for the time being he rushed out of the school using a side door not meant for students. Although most of the school used it anyways so he was hardly conspicuous in his hasty departure. Once he was out on the quad  sitting at the front of the school he felt reasonably safe. With the presence of so many proper adults, teachers, and general witnesses Charlie would have quite a hard time pulling any of his usual bullshit. Especially with the teachers from the elementary school across the street also present.

“Where ya going Soda?” A voice called out among the general hustle and bustle of departing cars and shouting students, “You ain't even gonna say goodbye?”

“Fuck me.” He thought. Turning to see Charlie and his henchmen pushing their way through the crowds he simply said, “Goodbye.”

But his attempt to actually leave was stopped as the group closed in around him, “It's been a while Soda . . . were you avoiding us.”


“Ouch, now that hurts!” Looking at his friends while exaggeratedly putting a hand over his chest Charlie stepped closer to Sota and said, “I guess my buddies and I will have to teach you some manners huh?”

Sota glared up at him but otherwise said nothing. At the very least he wouldn't get it as bad as if he'd stayed inside the school. Yet as he loomed above his favorite punching bag Charlie seemed to hesitate for split second. His eyes darted towards something Sota couldn't see past the ring of lumbering idiots around him and his posture seemed to change. Looking visibly frustrated he glanced back down at his victim for a second. His buddies soon picked up on his hesitation and made their confusion clear.

“What's going on dude?”

“Yeah what's the hold up?”

“Are we gonna do this or what?”

“Shut up.” Charlie replied, “We need to get to practice.”

“Yeah but we got time for—”

Silencing his companion's protest by knocking all the papers and books out of Sota's grasp with a quick smack Charlie cast another look in the same direction and said, “Let's go.”

Apparently satisfied with the most cliche of all bully activities his posse followed him towards the field while Sota was left to pick up his things. Both grateful and surprised by the uncharacteristic hesitation he couldn't help but try and figure out what had caused his bully to restrain himself of his own accord for the first time ever. Looking through or past the groups of students still milling around the area he managed to spot one of the elementary school teachers standing by the entrance with her class. All of a sudden everything clicked into place as Sota realized what had happened. On a typical day Mrs. Cooper wasn't standing with her students as they were picked up, usually she was busy with some larger errand or important job pawned off on her by the less qualified people running things. Her unexpected presence and Charlie's justified fear of letting his mother find out what a piece of shit he was had stayed his hand. It was perhaps the luckiest break he'd ever had and not anything he could even remotely count on to avoid future harassment. But as he stared at his former sixth grade teacher he started to wonder if there was a way he could capitalize on the weakness his opponent had shown. His mind filled with ideas, many of them as elaborate as they were impractical, and they were soundly dismissed just as quickly as they arrived. But as he stood there some two hundred feet away from Mrs. Cooper she happened to glance up from one of her second graders to spot him.

Immediately standing up straight she gave him a kind, characteristically tender smile. When he waved back her grin widened and he felt the usual flutter that accompanied her attention. Because unlike many of the teachers in Castleton Mrs. Cooper would have been more at home on a high fashion runway that a classroom. At least where looks were concerned. Nearly six fee tall and built like a plus sized model she was everything a puberty stricken schoolboy, or girl for that matter, could want in a fantasy. Her legs seemed to go on for miles beneath the dresses she always wore and no amount of loose fabric could conceal the wide, shapely contours of her waist. And with an ass big enough to completely envelop an average gradeschooler's desk when she sat on it she already had more that enough to drool over. Yet her beauty continued well beyond that point as her buxom shape continued and was perhaps even exemplified by her large, almost unreal breasts. No matter how modestly and professionally she dressed there was no pretending Mrs. Cooper didn't have a bust that could smother anyone in an avalanche of soft, milky skin. To anyone familiar with the term she was the definition of a milf plain and simple. But for all the beauty of her body it was her face that really drew Sota's gaze. Her platinum blonde hair was fashioned in a somewhat generic pixie cut but it worked with her soft, slightly rounder features astonishingly well. Her full, plump lips were always smiling beneath her small, slightly upturned nose and her warm green eyes always seemed happy. Even to a casual observer she was a woman of singular beauty and depth, far removed from what others expected to find in school and she was almost certainly, though no doubt unwittingly, responsible for many a sexual awakening over the years. She could certainly claim as much with Sota himself, he'd long carried a torch for her despite never even remotely entertaining that notion. Until now.

As she turned away to attend a student pulling on her sleeve Sota realized the answer to his Charlie problem was staring him right in the face. It was kind of shitty and awful but at the same time it would fulfill a lifelong fantasy of his and, if his hunch was correct, accomplish something that both parties wanted. The fact that his dickhead bully would absolutely hate it was more like a bonus. Though he'd be lying if he tried to pretend there wouldn't be an incredible amount of enjoyment to be had in that aspect. Beyond the move obvious side of things. Of course all of that was speculation based solely on past interactions with Mrs. Cooper. Until he sealed the deal there was no way to know for sure if his plan would work. He watched her for a few more seconds as memories of how she'd acted around him filled his mind. Even looking at them with a cold, unbiased eye there was no denying she'd always shown him a certain amount of favoritism. Nothing like what the other teachers had done but one of the many things to admire about Mrs. Cooper was the way she treated him less like a student and more like an equal. Even when he was one of her students she'd always talked to him as though her were another teacher. That treatment hadn't gone away in the years since and just about every time they'd both been at some sort of school function she'd seemingly gone out of her way to be around him. Often including arranging things so they'd be working at the same booth or on the same projects. A less hormonal and less vengeance focused person might have interpreted that as a teacher spending time with a student she liked but in Sota's mind it was more than enough to base an entire revenge plan around. Hell if he did everything right she wouldn't even know about his ulterior motives and both of them could just enjoy the illicit and far more obvious side of things.

Thinking specifically of a plan he'd concocted after she'd worn a particularly lovely blouse and skirt combo some years back Sota made his way across the street as casually as he could manage, “Hey Mrs. Cooper!”

“Sota!” She said in a delighted tone, “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“I was just waiting for my mother to pick me up and I thought I'd wait over here.”

“Well I'd love to have your company!” Practically beaming at him Mrs. Cooper motioned for her former student to stand behind the second graders all waiting on the sidewalk, “You're not walking home anymore?”

“No I'm still doing that, just not today.” He lied, “At least that's the plan. You know how my parents can get sometimes.”

She laughed and nodded, “I certainly do.” There was a short pause as helped one of her students into their parent's car and waved to the parent, “So how are you classes? It feels like years since we last talked!”

“Yeah it kind of does doesn't it? School is good. Nothing new there to report. Although I did have a really funny conversation with Mrs. De Leon the other day!”


For close to ten minutes he told her about the notable events of his life, excluding any mention of her son of course, while she listened with rapt enthusiasm. One by one the students she was watching were picked up and the quad across the street slowly emptied of older kids. Before long they were standing pretty much entirely alone sharing stories and talking about the other faculty members. Sota had just finished a telling her about a particularly comical even involving one of Castleton high's most famously stuffy teachers. When she was finished laughing Mrs. Cooper wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and looked down at him with no small amount of respect.

“You did not correct Mrs. Jones on her pronunciation.”

“I didn't say I corrected her” Sota clarified, “I just asked if it what she'd said wasn't pronounced a different way.”

“That's the same thing!”

“I suppose, but either way I was right and she had to admit it in front of the whole class.”

“She didn't have to admit anything.” Mrs. Cooper remarked, “In fact I'm amazed you didn't get chewed out in front of the whole class. She must be slipping in her old age.”

“Oh yeah she's a real sweetheart. Now when she assigns five essays in a week she let's pick which books they're about.”

Once again Mrs. Cooper started to laugh and Sota couldn't help but smile at her joy. Even taking his plan out of the equation it was good to laugh and talk with her again, “Well that's what you get for being so smart. Nobody told you to take AP Literature!”

“Except my parents. And my guidance counselor. And you as a matter of fact.”

“I was hoping you wouldn't remember that conversation.”

“I guess it's one of the perks of being 'so smart'.”

“Much like being a smart ass.” She teased.

“It would seem so.” He grinned.

She smirked at him for a few seconds and then glanced down at her watch, “Oh my, I didn't realize it was getting so late! Are you sure your mother is supposed to pick you up?”

“Not as sure as I was ten minutes ago.” Sota replied, “But it's fine, I can walk home if she doesn't show up.”

“All right. Well I have to go back to my classroom and get things ready for tomorrow's lesson.”

“Oh, right. I won't keep you then.” He said, thoroughly confident she would invite him in.

“You're more than welcome to help me while you wait.” Mrs. Cooper stated.

“Really? That'd be awesome, thanks Mrs. Cooper!”

“Sure thing sweetheart.”

The two of them walked inside the elementary school with their conversation picking back up as though it'd never been interrupted. Sota enjoyed both the excellent company of his lovely teacher and the nostalgia of being back in his old elementary school. It'd been at least a year since he last walked the halls and it was remarkable how much smaller everything seemed. Despite him not being any taller since the previous time. Soon they were back inside Mrs. Cooper's classroom and he helped her setup a presentation for the next day. His assistance pretty much began and ended with plugging in a projector and making sure everything was connected to her computer. All while she arranged the slides and tested out the remote that would let her flip through them without returning to her desk. It all took less than five minutes to accomplish and as soon as they were done Sota and Mrs. Cooper went back to chatting like old friends. She sat down at her desk while he pulled up a chair. Minutes passed by in seemingly no time at all as they discussed everything from college to places they'd eaten in the last few months. Of all the teachers he got along with none were as easy to talk to or as affable as her and it was funny how often he forgot that despite his attraction. In fact it wasn't until nearly half an hour had gone by that he remembered his plan and what step he was even on. It might have been in the back of his mind the whole time but he was having so much fun connecting with her he hadn't acknowledged his motivations at all. But once they'd returned to the forefront of his thoughts he had no intention of making that same mistake twice. As she finished her story and didn't get the laugh she expected Mrs. Cooper looked at her former student with a curious expression.

“Man I can't believe I'm gonna do this.” He thought while she talked, “This is really fucked up . . . but I can't pretend I didn't want to sleep with her before now . . . I guess I'm just making a slight addendum to that urge . . . right . . . right!”

“Sota?” She said upon noticing the strange look on his face, “Is something wrong?”

“No.” He replied, “Nothing's wrong.”

“Are you sure?” Their eyes met and she watched a strange intensity wash over him, “You seem . . . you seem different . . . all of a sudden . . .”

Both of their hearts started to beat a little faster as the pervading silence of the school around them started to sink in. Suddenly she was aware of just how close they were sitting and just how intently he was staring into her eyes. It was enough to make her stomach do a flip. Sweat filler her palms and her breathing grew just a little bit more ragged while she held his stare for much, much longer than she should have. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew what was about to happen. On some purely instinctive level she could read his intentions like an open book. Fortunately for both of them those notions didn't make it to her conscious thoughts. So when her former student suddenly leaned in for a kiss she was caught entirely off guard by his advances. In the best possible way she could have been surprised.

Their lips met and fireworks went off inside both of them. The culmination of all the sexual tension they'd shared, for the time being at least, it was simultaneously thrilling and terrifying. Mrs. Cooper couldn't believe how inappropriate the whole thing was while Sota was just amazed at how soft and inviting her lips were. Yet despite her trepidation and the knowledge that anyone could see them she leaned into the kiss without a second thought. It felt too good to waste what might be her only chance to do something like that with him. Her hands nervously bunched up her dress while her whole body seemed to alternate between trembling and complete rigidity. Part of it was how unexpectedly nice it felt to share such an intimate embrace with someone she'd had a crush on for far longer than was appropriate and part of it was the simple fact that she hadn't been romantically involved with another person in several years. And the way Sota pressed himself against her with every passing second, a palpable sense of urgency and passion in his movements, only reinforced that long absence. When his tongue slowly emerged from his lips to slip inside her mouth she couldn't help but let out the smallest of moans. Her own tongue moved to meet his and she felt his hands brush against her cheeks. A shiver ran down her spine and she couldn't believe what was happening. Even though he was the one taking the lead Sota couldn't believe it either. Just about everything he'd wanted or hoped for was coming true with that kiss. The mere fact that she hadn't rebuked him immediately was enough for the whole thing to be a success even if nothing else came of it. But eventually good sense returned and Mrs. Cooper broke off the kiss with a breathless exclamation.

“Sota!” She gasped, leaning back from him and turning a brilliant shade of crimson, “What are—how could you—why did you—oh my God!”

“I'm sorry Mrs. Cooper . . .” He replied, “I just thought . . . I've wanted to do that for so long . . . I thought maybe you . . . I'm sorry . . .”

The entirety of his plan hinged on how she responded next. If his hunch was correct and she did harbor some inappropriate feelings she'd brush off his apologies and make some excuse. If she didn't she'd reprimand him and insist he leave her office. Of all her many good qualities acting was not one of them and Mrs. Cooper had always worn her emotions on her sleeve. He watched with bated breath as she stared at him for several seconds, her mouth forming a dozen different words. Her cheeks continued to darken and her shocked expression softened considerably in a way he couldn't help but view as a good sign. When she nervously started to fidget in her seat and fan her blushing face he was all but sure his instincts were right on the money. Her words confirmed it soon after.

“T-there's no need to apologize Sota,” She said in a remarkably higher tone than usual, “You're just—it was just—I understand why you kissed me.”


“But it's inappropriate for us to engage in such behavior. Even if you weren't my former student you're quite a few years younger than me—”

“I'm not that much younger than you.”

“I appreciate the flattery.” She replied with total sincerity, “But it's still out of the question for us to—to . . . . do anything more.”

Delighted by how fast her mind had gone to such things and even more delighted by the prospect of doing those things with her Sota nodded, “Okay . . .” He said with a note of severe melancholy, “I understand . . . I'm sorry . . .”

“Don't apologize!” She said again, reaching out to rest a hand on his forearm, “You didn't do anything wrong.”


“Of course not. In fact taking all the other stuff out of the equation . . . you've . . . well . . . you've actually made my day!”


“Yes, but I still meant what I said. This can't happen again.”

“Of course.” Sota took a deep breath and suddenly stood up, quietly thrilled by the look of surprise on Mrs. Cooper's face, “I should probably go then.”

“That . . . that's probably for the best.” She stated, her words not at all matching her expression. 

“Goodbye Mrs. Cooper.”

“Goodbye Sota.”

He walked out of the classroom before anything else could be side, unaware that Mrs. Cooper had stood up the moment he departed. The urge to rush after him was remarkably strong and it was only held in check by a professionalism that hadn't shown itself until that moment. Unable to fully believe what had happened she eventually sat back down and let out a long sigh. Her entire body was tingling and her head was absolutely spinning. All from a single kiss. If they had sex she'd probably just die from the experience! Her eyes closed and she started to fantasize about what that might be like only for her sense of propriety to step in and immediately shut down her thoughts. With her cheeks practically on fire they were so red Mrs. Cooper did her best to return to normalcy and put what had just happened behind her. But no matter how hard she tried thoughts of her young companion, his warm lips, and his handsome yet small body remained in her mind. It didn't take long for her to finally acknowledge there was no way she'd be able to simple move past it. The only logical course of action was to go home, take a cold shower, and avoid talking to Sota for a few days. Tomorrow was Friday and she'd have the whole weekend to cool off. Maybe then she could examine how she felt in a more unbiased light. And figure out what the hell she was supposed to do.

After school the next day Sota made his way to Mrs. Cooper's house to enact the second phase of his plan. Charlie was at practice and she'd gone home significantly earlier than usual, all but running out the door when he showed up at her classroom after the final bell. While he did feel the slightest bit guilty about using her in such a manner if everything went according to plan they'd both walk away happy and she'd never know his true intentions. But all of that relied on him being able to seal the deal as people said. Which was undoubtedly the trickiest part of the whole endeavor. It was with no small amount of nervousness that he knocked on the front door and went over his scheme. As expected there was no response but he did notice the light coming from the peephole go dark for a few seconds right after his knock. Confident she was still nearby Sota tapped his knuckles against the white painted wood yet again. The peephole darkened for a bit longer and he looked directly at it with a smile. Once more his efforts were met with silence so instead he rang the doorbell. Hearing it echo throughout the house and imagining Mrs. Cooper fidgeting on the other side was actually kind of amusing. Even if he completely understood her trepidation. Hell he even shared it a little despite his best efforts to remain calm. When his efforts were met with no response yet again he moved to ring the doorbell a second time only for the door to swing open before he could. He was greeted by the thoroughly embarrassed face of his former teacher as she stood in the entryway trying to act like her face wasn't bright red.

“Hello Sota!” She said in a high pitched voice, “To what do I owe this unexpected visit?”

“Hi Mrs. Cooper . . . I uh . . . I thought maybe . . . we should . . . talk . . . about yesterday?” Part of his trepidation was an act and part of it was very much genuine nerves.

“Oh! Uhm . . . I-I guess that would be . . . smart . . . uhm . . . do you want to come in?”

“S-sure . . .”

“All right!”

They stared at one another for a few seconds until Mrs. Cooper realized she was still standing in the doorway. Laughing in an effort to ease the tension she stepped aside and ushered Sota in. He stepped into the entryway and then all but flattened himself against a wall so she could move past and lead him beyond that point. The two of them made their way to the rather nicely furnished living room, each sitting down on opposite ends of the couch. A few seconds of awkward smiling and furtive looks passed by as neither of them had any idea what they should say.


“I was thinking—”

Realizing they'd both accidentally interrupted one another Sota and Mrs. Cooper fell silent for a moment and then simultaneously said, “Y-you were saying?”

Embarrassed grins spread across their faces as they glanced at one another. She motioned for him to talk and he nodded, “So about the kiss . . .”

Mrs. Cooper's stomach did a flip and her heart skipped a beat, “I've been thinking about that.”

“Me too.”

“It was inappropriate.”

“Of course.”

“I could have ended up in serious trouble because of it.”

“I know. I'm sorry.”

“And I want to do it again.”

“That makes total sense—you do?” Sota's face lit up in genuine delight. He'd fully expected her to be nervous and hesitant. Hell he'd come there expecting to woo her, to sweep her off her feet before they did anything else. “I . . . wow . . . that was easy . . .”

Although his heart dropped like a rock as he inadvertently let his thoughts be heard aloud Mrs. Cooper laughed at his response, “You came here to try and win me over didn't you?”

“Uh . . . yeah . . . yeah I did. I, uhm, I didn't think you'd be so receptive.”

“Neither did I.” She admitted, “But I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss and how it felt. I know it's wrong on more than a few levels . . .”

“But you don't care?”

“I really don't care!”

Feeling a hundred times more confident Sota glided along the couch towards her and she did the same a moment later. Meeting somewhere in the middle they each let out slightly nervous laughs, “I've wanted this for a long time . . .” He said.

Not wanting to reveal she felt the same way and make herself seem creepy Mrs. Cooper merely nodded, but quickly added an out for him just in case, “B-be that as it may, if you want to stop . . . we can stop . . . I don't want you to feel pressured because I'm older than you or anything like that . . .”

“I don't feel any pressure. And I don't have any interest in stopping until—”

The rest of his attempt to surprise her and arouse her with a little vulgarity ended in a sudden, hungry kiss. Unable to help herself Mrs. Cooper swooped in, her soft lips returning to his as they kissed properly for the first time. Any trace of hesitation or uncertainty was gone and in it's place was abject lust. The little voice in the back of her head was mercifully silent and every other part of her body was screaming encouragements. So much so she found herself pressing against him within a few seconds and actively shivering with arousal after a few more. The moment he felt her soft, mountainous breast pushing against his body Sota pretty much let go of his plan. He'd been more successful than he could have wanted and everything that followed shouldn't be part of some scheme. If he was going to sleep with the most beautiful woman he'd ever known she deserved his full attention. His arms snaked around her shoulders and pulled her closer into their embrace while his tongue once more emerged from his mouth. This time it was met willingly by hers as she forcefully leaned towards him. He quickly found himself being overwhelmed not only by the disparity in size between them but also by her sheer eagerness. While certainly no Don Juan he'd been with a handful of women in his life and none were anywhere near as eager as her. It was kind of amazing and he was more than happy to let her take the lead. 

Before long they'd fallen back against the couch with Mrs. Cooper lying atop him and Sota pressed snugly against the cushions beneath her ample, quivering form, “I've never done anything like this before . . .” She said as she finally pulled back with a breathy whimper.

“Neither have I . . .” He replied, his hands moving to her waist and stroking her skin as they flirted with the idea of dipping a few inches lower.

She smiled at him for a moment then a slightly mortified look spread across her face, “Are you . . . you're not . . . a virgin are you?”

Sota laughed and shook his head, “No I'm not . . .”

“Oh . . . good . . . I don't think I could handle that kind of pressure on top of everything else!”

He chuckled at her honesty and kissed her again, “There's no pressure. We're just two adults enjoying ourselves . . .”

“Right . . . right . . .” She swallowed past the lump in her throat and said, “Well in that case . . . call me Karen . . . i-instead of Mrs. Cooper . . .”

“All right . . . you can still call me Sota.”

Karen let out a small laugh and bit her lower lip for a moment, “Do you want to be two adults enjoying ourselves in the bedroom?”

“Yeah . . . that sounds great . . .”

With some difficulty she pushed herself off him and stood up. Feeling a bit silly as she stood there noticeable flustered and bedraggled Karen tried to smooth out her blouse and skirt while Sota stood up beside her. Although he was too short to kiss her without climbing back onto the couch his desire to was etched onto the look on his face. Upon noticing how he stared she stopped fretting and let out a self effacing giggle. The next moment she took his hand and pulled him towards her bedroom. He eagerly followed and they both stepped inside without any hesitation. Like the living room it was modest yet well furnished and really the only thing of note besides the amazing woman that'd led him there was the bed. It was odd to see a twin bed in an otherwise large master bedroom and yet there it was sitting in the corner almost like an afterthought. Sota looked at it in confusion for a moment before several things clicked all at once. Although it was little more than supposition he suddenly realized why she'd been so flustered and eager to be with him. Beyond any feelings she might have had. The idea of being her first partner after what seemed like a substantial gap was kind of thrilling. It certainly made his heart beat a little faster and his cock throb a little harder. But that effect would've happened regardless, because when she turned around to smile at him he forgot all about the explanations he'd just come up with. An easy enough feet when a woman like Karen was standing before him.

“I-I hope the bed isn't too small . . .” She murmured, “I didn't expect to have company . . .”

“It's totally fine,” He replied, “I really couldn't care less about that right now . . .”

Everything from his tone to the intense way he looked at her made Karen shiver and she offered a quick nod, “All right . . . can I just . . . would you mind if I . . . got ready first?”

“Got ready?” He asked, “What-what do you need to do?”

Immediately thinking of her unshaven armpits, thighs, and pubic hair Karen turned a brilliant shade of red, “N-nothing too special, I just need to take care of a few things.”

Sota looked her up and down, unsure of what she could be referring to but entirely convinced it was something silly that wouldn't matter to him in the slightest he asked, “What if I can't wait?”

“Well you have to!” She replied with a smile.

Nodding at her words he stepped forward and slid his arms around her waist. His hands grabbed her large, plump buttocks and he gave them a soft yet insistent squeeze. She slowly sucked in a long breath but otherwise didn't react. When she felt his fingers tugging at the zipper on the back of her skirt she let out a little gasp and reached back to stop him. When her hands found his she tried to pull him away but found herself entirely uncommitted to the effort. About all she managed was a feeble, halfhearted tug at his wrists. And once he resisted that uncompromising attempt Sota pretty much had free reign to unzip her skirt and let it fall from her shapely waist. Karen let out a whimper as she was undressed, her embarrassment at being so unkempt almost palpable. But if her companion cared at all, or even noticed, he didn't give any indications. His hands roamed her now partially exposed buttocks, his fingers drifting across the stretches covered by her modest panties for several seconds before slipping beneath to grope her soft, jiggling flesh without obstruction. Her ensuing moan was as adorable as it was needy and it drove Sota crazy. As he continued to squeeze and play with her buttocks she reached down to rest her hands on his shoulders. Whether to push him away or pull him closer she couldn't say. Leaning back to smile at her from beneath the shelf that was her massive breasts he arched an eyebrow and fixed her with a sly grin. She looked down at him in confusion, her fears about her body hair clouding her higher brain functions. 

:Did you still need to take care of those things?” He asked in a husky tone, “Or can it wait a little while?”

“I think . . . I think I can . . . put it off . . .” Karen replied, each pause in her sentence accompanied by soft moans as she felt his cock throbbing against her, “Please don't . . . please don't say anything . . . about all the . . . you know . . .”

“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Sota replied, “And honestly, I don't give a shit either.”

He dropped to his knees in front of her and she let out a terrified little moan. But true to his word he neither noticed no cared about the noticeably unshaven state of her thighs. Sota was much too busy enjoying how thick and juicy her legs looked. The stretches covered by her stockings were as enticing as ever and the lengths laid bare between her garter belt and the edge of her hose was all the more thrilling because of it. But what really captivated him was the view of her sodden panties resting between her nervously clenched legs. Sota could smell her fluids as they soaked the fabric and even in the few seconds he was watching a little rivulet managed to seep through the cloth and run down her leg. But even as he watched it glide down her alabaster skin he didn't notice the abundance of prickly little hairs across her thighs. Something Karen couldn't conceive of even as she felt his breath hot on her skin. Goosebumps erupted across her flesh and her body shivered like crazy while she waited for him to do whatever it was he was going to do. Her moan rang out like the peal of a bell not a second later when he leaned forward and kissed the front of her panties.

“Sota!” She moaned, her voice caught between surprise and pleasure. Her hands jumped down to his head and her fingers immediately tangled themselves in his short black hair, “Oh my God Sota!”

Karen heard a laugh down between her thighs and felt him kiss her again, pleasure radiating outward through her body as a result. But instead of kissing her a third time he simply asked, “Do you want me to stop?”

“No!” She gasped before her mind could even process the statement, “But at least let me take off m-my underwear!”

Unable to refute that logic Sota nodded and leaned back. To his surprise Karen stepped away from him and towards the bed instead of simply removing her panties then and there. A couple seconds later it all made sense as she unfastened her stockings and slid her underwear down her legs with visibly shaking hands. Once they were past her knees she sat down and lifted her legs into the air to pull them from her body entirely. As her wadded up panties were tossed aside she timidly opened her legs for him and smiled in a way that all but begged him not to say anything about her current appearance. Sota was much too enamored with her beauty to say anything anyways. Half crawling and half walking towards her he moved between Karen's thighs and pushed her legs even wide apart to feast on her incredibly wet pussy. But before he did so he took a moment to admire all the hair she supposedly had to get rid off. Forming a long, curly thicket above and around her pussy the curly mat of golden pubes looking nothing short of breathtaking matted and tangled by her arousal. He'd always had a thing for hair between a woman's legs and the sheer amount present above Mrs. Cooper's pussy was so appealing. He was actually a little caught off guard by the rush of emotions and urges within him. With his hands on her knees pushing them as far apart as they could go he licked his lip and cast her one quick glance before diving in. It was a look meant to reassure her, to tell her he was more than happy with her appearance. What it ended up being was the kind of lascivious expression only a horned up teenager about to eat some delicious pussy could manage. And it made Karen's heart skip a beat. The next second her entire body tensed as Sota did several things in quick succession, each more thrilling than the last.

First he slid his hands beneath her thick, creamy thighs to hold on to her. Second he used that newfound grip to yank her forward so half of her plump ass was hanging off the bed. Third he pushed her legs into the bottoms of her feet were pointed straight at the ceiling. Fourth he buried his face between the appealing fat, puffy folds that made up the outer edges of her cunt. His tongue glided into her waiting sex and an explosion of pleasure filled her body. Sota had little to no idea what he was actually doing and his movements were the definition of inexperienced but even lacking the skill to really work her like he wanted his efforts bore fruit almost immediately. Because as far as Karen was concerned he might as well have been the world's foremost effort on cunnilingus. It'd been years since anyone touched her down there and longer still since anyone used their tongue. The resulting bevvy of emotions and pleasure that surged through her as a result were nearly impossible to comprehend. All she could do was moan as her body reflexively drenched him in a wave of warm, sticky fluids. She grabbed his head with both hands and cried his name in a voice as loud as it was piercing. And the longer he stayed between her thighs the more powerful her reactions grew. No concern was given to the noise she might be making or how absurd her moans sounded. Some part of her could understand she sounded over the top even by porn standards but that part was just as happy to finally be having sex with someone as the rest of her. The idea that it was Sota doing everything added several unspoken but amazingly wonderful layers to the whole affair.

Her moans reached a particularly feverish pitch when he pulled back and wrapped his lips around her clit in an effort to mask his own lack of knowledge. It took a bit of effort to find among the curly hairs flanking her pussy but he didn't mind one bit and it was well worth any effort when Karen cried out his name. Gasping in a wonderful mixture of surprise, delight, and gratification her voice was all the motivation he needed to continue. After a few seconds of suckling at her pert bud and feeling her body shake even harder as a result those cries were exactly what spurred him to go even further. Taking a chance that she might not find it as uncomfortable as the other women he'd been with Sota pushed his middle and ring fingers into her pussy soon after and was met with another deluge of fluids. Once he was confident she wouldn't have any trouble with his new addition to the formula he started to move his digits as much as possible. They pushed and strained against the rather tight walls of her pussy, accidentally pressing against all manner of sensitive places in their search for something to make Mrs. Cooper scream. Both amazed and intensely flattered by how much effort he was putting forth just to make her feel good Karen made sure he knew exactly how much she appreciated it. First by moaning his name over and over until it lost pretty much all meaning and then by actively grinding against him. Having at some point come to be slumped against the wall with her body propped up by nothing but her head and shoulder blades she didn't even feel the discomfort of the position for quite some time. And when she did it took much, much longer for such things to set in. The feeling of his lips and tongue on her clit as well as the probing movements of his fingers was just too enjoyable to waste. Irrational notions of him stopping if she tried to change positions filled her mind and took root, all but forcing her to stay exactly where she was in an effort to let him do his thing. Hopefully for hours or even days because with how good it currently was she absolutely couldn't get enough. And Sota knew it, even if he didn't know about her growing restlessness.

Right around the time her neck was really starting to get sore Karen felt a sudden and powerful rush of pleasure surging through her body. She sat up and moaned his name while ecstasy seemed to fill every nerve within her. Panting like a bitch in heat she shivered and wrapped her legs around his head. It didn't matter if her movements made it harder for him to continue, at that point she was pretty much gone anyways. A rush of creamy juices seeped from her pussy while her mind momentarily went blank and the rest of her body quivered uncontrollably. Definitely caught off guard by her sudden climax she was all too happy to submit and bask in the feelings as soon as her surprise faded. Karen held Sota tightly against her pussy while she doused his fact, the bed, and even the floor with a nice spray of fluids. Although by no means overcome by her first orgasm at the hands of another person in what seemed liked decades she was nonetheless thrilled and intensely grateful for the experience. Her hips grinded against his mouth as much as humanly possible as body lusted after every solitary scrap of pleasure she might be able to find. Lasting close to thirty seconds of uninterrupted bliss hastened and assisted by her slightly overwhelmed lover Mrs. Cooper savored the release she never expected to get and basked in the afterglow of the moment. The fact that her man continued to suckle and attend her clit even after the bulk of her ecstasy had faded was all the proof she needed that sleeping with him was the right choice. And it was a good thing that hadn't been a truly earth shaking orgasm because when it was finally over she felt nothing but excitement. Eager to continue and eager to make Sota feel just as good as she had Karen couldn't wait for him to start fucking her properly. With some difficulty she opened her legs and pushed him back, a little embarrassed to see her own fluids absolutely coating his shirt.

“It's time . . .” She murmured, “T-take off your pants!”

“All right.” 

More than happy to comply with her command and even a little thrilled by the prospect of being ordered around in such a context he stood up and fumbled with his zipper for a few seconds. Karen watched him unintentionally tease her, both eyes glued to his waist and the slow reveal of a cock she'd spent more than a few lonely nights thinking about. When he finally opened his jeans and yanked down his boxers she was delighted to learn just how accurate her fantasies had been. Something like eight inches long and thick enough around that she was slightly intimidated by his girth Sota's member was absolutely perfect in her eyes. The large head in particular made her wet for reasons she couldn't even fully articulate or understand. She was even a little reassured by the presence of curly black pubic hair above his shaft and around his rather weighty looking balls. Somehow knowing he wasn't particularly well groomed made her feel better too. But it was only after ogling him for several seconds that she noticed the apprehensive look on her companion's face. As though he was worried she might find something objectionable about his dick. Karen let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding and smiled up at him. Seemingly reassured by her reaction he stepped forward and grabbed the base of his cock. Before he could do much more than that Mrs. Cooper reached out to touch his member as well. Languidly stroking the underside with one hand she spread apart the lips of her messy little cunt with the other. It was a move pulled straight from one of her favorite pornographic clips and while it felt intensely embarrassing to do getting to feel his dick against her fingers was well worth the nervousness. In fact getting to watch his eyes light up as he stared down at her sex and then back at her face would've been enough by itself. He paused for a second with his tip less than an inch from her pussy and she looked at him with a slightly bemused expression. Her fingers continued to stroke the underside of his length for a few seconds but when he didn't push forward she feared he might have lost his nerve.

“Nobody would believe me if I said I did this.” He thought to himself as the sudden realization hit him all at once, “I need pictures or some kind of proof . . . but how do I get it without making her realize—” 

“What's the matter?” Karen asked in a quiet voice. “Is there something wrong?”

Realizing he'd fallen completely silent Sota immediately shook his head and said, “No I was just . . . I was just thinking about something . . .”

“Oh . . . nothing bad I hope?”

“Not at all . . . just . . . uh . . . well . . . do you have a condom?” He asked as he looked down at her mature, half naked body, “Because I don't have any with me . . .”

“You don't need it.” She replied. Sitting up a little straighter and smiling at him she said, “I had my tubes tied a few years back.”

“Oh . . . well that's . . . that's great!” 

Sota's cock throbbed appreciatively at the prospect while Karen eyes sparkled, “Yeah . . . so what are you waiting for?”

Needing no further incentive than that he pushed forward and his cock slid inside her without the slightest bit of resistance. If anything it was practically swallowed up by her surprisingly tight cunt as the sheer amount of eagerness they both felt spurred them on. In the blink of an eye he was balls deep inside her and Karen was moaning in absolute bliss. Crossing her ankles behind his waist and holding him against her for as long as possible she moved in for another kiss. After so many years with only her hands and the shower head to keep her company finally having an actual human was nothing short of wonderful. Feeling him throbbing madly within her while his lips reunited with hers and their tongues coiled around one another was everything she wanted to experience and more. Fluids trickled out of her pussy with renewed forced while a constant shiver ran through her. Every time she felt his member twitch a little burst of pleasure surged through her and the longer he remained buried in her slit the more powerfully she started to feel each pulse. It wasn't long before they were overlapping and leaving her in a state of euphoria few things could match. Around the time his arms were wrapping around her back to pulled her harder against him she knew there was no way he'd be leaving any time soon. Unless someone showed up to physically separate them Sota was going to fuck her stupid for the rest of the day and well into the night. Or however long it took to make up for all her years of celibacy. Luckily if his wildly throbbing dick was any indication her young lover didn't have any issue with that prospect whatsoever. Indeed the only real problem he had was one many guys experienced in similar circumstances. Because while he hadn't gone nearly as long as her without sex, in fact he hadn't even been alive that long, he definitely hadn't enjoyed the pleasure any time recently. And after making the mistake of not masturbating the previous night he was already primed and ready to go. 

In a misguided effort to maybe last a bit longer he finally started to pull back after nearly a full minute of remaining, mostly, motionless inside her. His movements were met with a long, pleasured whimper as their kiss suddenly ended so she could stare deep into his eyes. Her breath came in short, ragged gasps while his own barely seemed to come at all. She reveled in the intense, focused look on his face, totally unaware of it's true source. Sliding one hand around the back of his head to keep his gaze locked firmly with hers Karen reached down with her other hand to start playing with her wet and thoroughly swollen clit. Thanks to the attention he'd given it earlier her bud was beyond sensitive and just brushing against it with the tip of her middle finger sent a spike of ecstasy lancing through her body. Of course this had a similar effect on Sota as her pussy suddenly tightened around him. Were he not halfway through pulling out he might have succumbed to his waning endurance then and there. He still almost did purely from the stimulation to his tip. Thankfully he managed to reign himself in and finish his retreat, only to thrust forward with a bit more ferocity and amplify the pleasure both of them were feeling as a result. She started rubbing her clit in earnest while planting kisses all over his face and neck, the fact that he was seconds away from blowing his load completely lost on her. When he repeated the motion and his cock was pushed nice and deep inside her yet again she couldn't believe how nice it felt to be connected with someone else. That intimacy was what she'd really missed, even though the baseline pleasure was still more than enough to make it all worthwhile. Little did she know she was about to get a whole lot more intimate with her former student as the pleasure of his second and final thrust proved to be too much for him. Closing his eyes and gritting his teeth he managed the briefest of explanations before it all came crashing down.

“I'm sorry!” He groaned, “I can't!”

“Sota!” She gasped, not the least bit bothered by his sudden climax. Half of her was enormously flattered that her body was still appealing enough to make a young, virile man cum so quickly. The other half was incredibly turned on by the thought of a former student ejaculating inside her, “Sota!”

Cum exploded from his cock faster than either of them expected and it wasn't until the third or fourth spurt of ropey jizz that Karen really started to moan. Calling out Sota's name over and over with each new load she hugged him tight while he flooded her with spunk. The warm, gooey feeling of his seed mad her toes curl and the constant spasmodic twitching of his member was simply fantastic. She was taken aback by just how much he had to give, past sexual experiences and lack thereof had dulled her memory and she'd completely forgotten just how pent up a teenage boy could be. It felt for all the world like he was pumping gallons worth of seed into her with every passing second. Any moment she expected it to start squirting out of her overflowing pussy and spray all across them in a lewd testament to their pleasure. Or at least that was the image her thoroughly perverted mind conjured as another small yet potent climax washed over her. They held one another close as they basked in their sexual bliss, the pleasure of it all flooding their bodies to make every slightest movement feel a hundred times more powerful. Towards the end of his climax Sota started actively thrusting again. Although his movements weren't nearly as forceful as either of them wanted the added effort pushed his cum nice and deep inside her pussy while simultaneously prolonging her orgasm in a rather effortless way. Too distracted to properly call his name she settled for a barrage of breathy moans and pleading whimpers as he started to move and her body struggled to keep up. Thankfully his efforts were only temporary as a sudden weariness sank in and he soon fell still. Yet despite his hips no longer moving and cum no longer bursting out his cock somehow managed to stay shockingly erect. Enough for Karen to be yet again surprised by the resilience of a younger lover. When Sota finally lifted his head to look at her it was clear he'd need a moment to recuperate but the mere fact that she already knew such a reprieve was an actual promise and not simply a lie told to mollify her made all the distance. Even when he slowly pulled out and the two of them looked down at their messy union she felt remarkably confident it wasn't the end.

“Sorry . . .”

“Don't be, it was wonderful!”

“Yeah it was . . . but it won't happen again . . .”

“I know.” She replied, “Now take a step back.”

“What?” He did as she asked and watched Karen move onto her hands and knees, “Oh . . .”

“This is a lot more comfortable, don't you think?”

“Yeah . . .” Sota replied as he climbed onto the bed behind her, “Yeah it is . . .”

Karen looked back at him for a moment and gave her ass a little shake, “What's the matter?”



Mesmerized by the sight of her plump buttocks trembling before him Sota actually had to resist the urge to lean in and start licking her again. Something about the prospect of spreading those fat cheeks and shoving his tongue right into her asshole was the most appealing thing in the world to him. But he managed to resist the urge in no small part because he didn't want to make things unpleasant for Karen or do anything so over the top without asking her first. The desire remained strong even as he moved into place behind her with one hand on his cock and the other on her soft cheek. Unable to resist he gave her ass a soft squeeze and she let out a small laugh, her eyes twinkling as she glanced back at him soon after. He met her gaze, a smile of his own lighting up his face. Then his focus was pulled back to where it belonged as he gently spread open her ass to make sure his dick was aimed squarely at her sopping wet cunt. When his tip brushed against her outer folds she let out the strongest and most insistent whimper yet. It was a noise born of pure, abject longing and nothing in the world could have made him want her more than that. Hoping against hope she didn't want him to start off slow Sota pushed his entire length inside her in one quick thrust. Karen immediately cried out in pleasure as her inner walls spasmed around the sudden intruder. Despite having already experience him once, and his cum still being inside her at that very moment, somehow this felt like the first time they were having sex. Before had just been a prelude, a formality to ensure he had a nice messy orgasm of his own before they really started. As he pulled back and thrusted forward in two quick motions and echoing slap filled the room that notion was tidily reinforced. Already feeling her arms start to shake from the effort of supporting herself Mrs. Cooper knew beyond a shadow of a doubt if he lasted even five minutes she wasn't going to make it. And that fact put the widest smile on her face.

Once he managed to find a nice, steady rhythm to build from Sota was free to fuck his former teacher without any mercy. Much in the same way she was free to enjoy every inch of his unrelenting manhood. Times slipped away into meaninglessness as he gradually built to a speed that saw his hips slamming against her fat ass and sending ripples through her plump flesh. The sight of her body rocking back and forth from his movements was almost enough motivation to continue by itself. When combined with her passionate cries and the unbelievable feeling of her pussy gripping his cock Sota had just about all the incentive a man could get to never stop fucking her. Once or twice in his flurry he was even bold enough to give her a quick spank. As his hand smacked down against her trembling buttocks Karen cried out in equal parts delight and surprise. It felt beyond odd to get spanked by a former student and the shift in power dynamic was one she enjoyed much more than she expected. As her pussy tightened around his cock he gave her another firm smack on her other cheek and she responded with even more enthusiasm. Twice more he treated her ass cheeks to a good hard swat and both times her surprise lessened and her pleasure grew. Bright pink welts had formed across her skin and the faint outline of his hands could just barely be seen. Or at least it would've been were her cheeks not still jiggling like mad from his thrusts. Sadly the more furiously he moved the harder it was to continue spanking and eventually he had to simply give up doing so in favor of driving his cock balls deep into her cunt with all the force his hips could muster. Karen wasn't exactly complaining though, Sota had a surprising amount of strength given his size. She was starting to suspect some of that vigor was the result of how he felt about her and the more she thought about it the more she came to love that idea. To the degree that she eventually decided to give a little something back to her not so secret admirer.

Reaching out to grab the headboard for dear life Mrs. Cooper smiled back at Sota and the expression on his face. It was rather cute how serious he got during sex. Hoping to maybe throw a little surprise into his intensity she suddenly and wordlessly pushed herself back against him at the same time he was thrusting forward. The resulting smack of their bodies slapping together was the loudest one yet while a burst of pleasure filled both of them. Sota's look faltered ever so slightly as the ecstasy of her body flooded his own. Not fully realizing he movement had been deliberate he was completely taken by surprise when she did it again, this time with even more gusto. Her plump, trembling ass slammed against his waist with more force than ever. Were it not for his hold on her hips he might have been knocked back hard enough to pull his cock entirely out of her pussy. Finally realizing her intentions he couldn't help but let out a small laugh. With his rhythm totally thrown off he gave her ass another smack and Karen moaned appreciatively at the attention. Getting more spanks hadn't been her goal but now that it was happening she definitely couldn't complain about the end result. In fact knowing that was how he would respond to her cheekiness all but ensured she'd continued to do it. All while something truly momentous was building up inside her.

“W-wait!” She called out after another back and forth resulting in a wonderfully sharp smack against her buttocks, “Hold on!”

“Was that too hard?” Sota asked, “I didn't mean to—”

“No it was perfect!” Karen moaned, “But I can't stay like this . . . I'm gonna collapse . . . I need to . . . I need to lie on my back or something!”

“Oh . . .” Both of them felt his dick throb mightily at the prospect and she laughed while he grinned, “All right then . . .” 

Mrs. Cooper smiled back at him as he pulled out and, moving as fast as she could, rolled onto her back while spreading her legs. Considering he'd already seen everything she had to offer it was entirely pointless to feel embarrassed about opening herself up to him. Hell he'd literally cum inside her a short while ago and yet it was still incredibly intimate laying beneath him as she was. When his dick slid back inside her she moaned with renewed passion, being able to see his face adding so much more to their current dynamic. Her nervous smile made his heard flutter and the suddenly hesitant way he pushed into her was incredibly charming. A moment later things took a turn for the more overly sexual as Sota began to unbutton her blouse. Doing so for no other reason than a desire to see every inch of her naked body his efforts were met with a startled but approving giggle. She let hum open her shirt, exceedingly grateful her bra unclasped from the front. When it came time to remove the last barrier between him and a pair of tits just about every body, and many girls, in school had dreamed about he hesitated. His dick continued to twitch inside her but his hands seemed unable to actually follow through and he didn't know why. Sensing his trepidation and sharing his feelings Karen bit her lower lip and looked down at her softly jiggling breasts. Part of her wanted him to just start fucking her and not bother with anything else but another, much more emphatic part rather liked the idea of laying herself bare to his eyes. So with a small laugh she reached down and unfastened the front of her bra. It sprang apart like a rubber band snapping and an avalanche of milky white flesh spilled into view. He sucked in a sharp breath as he finally saw her unbelievable tits in all their glory, thoroughly amazed by what he was seeing.

“Wow . . .”

“Thank you . . .”

He nodded and stared down at her chest, drool practically falling from his mouth as he did so. What really struck him about her suitably incredible breasts was just how large her areolas were. While they weren't insanely big they were easily twice as large as what he expected and to make things even more enjoyable her nipples were actually inverted. It was a detail he didn't know he'd adore until he was suddenly staring down at it in real life. But once that fact had been made apparent he could help but be completely infatuated with it. He stared like he'd never seen breasts before and it wasn't long before that arousal had to find some sort of outlet. And what better method than fucking her tightly quivering pussy with all his might? His hips pulled back and then slammed forward with the same amount of force that'd marked his peak when they'd been fucking doggystyle and Karen was more than happy to feel him starting off on such a high note. She had no idea he could go harder or faster than that and discovering such a fact would be a wonderful journey all on it's own. Eventually he managed to pull his focus from her breasts back towards her face and it was at the moment that she truly realized just what she was in for. A passionate smile was all she could manage before he let loose.

Elsewhere in the house Charlie was just coming home, wholly unaware of what was going on, “Mom?” He called out, “You home?”

In Karen's bedroom Sota heard his bully's voice and he immediately glanced down at his quivering partner. Still entirely consumed by her second of third orgasm she'd apparently missed the voice of her only son. Realizing he'd just been gift wrapped the best possible scenario he decided to go crazy now that he had an unwitting audience. Pulling his hips back until his cock was nearly free of her fantastically wet pussy Sota slammed his full length back inside of her as hard as he possibly could. A loud, echoing slap filled the room, followed closely by a feverishly pleasured moan from Karen. Her partner repeated the motion faster than she could react to and her ensuing moan was actually punctuated by the third wet smack of colliding flesh. She cried out in abject pleasure, her voice a mixture of half finished syllables and bestial whimpers. Back in the entryway her son had gone white as a sheet. Although he'd certainly never heard sounds like that coming from his mother's room he absolutely knew what they were. A sense of revulsion and horror filled him as he was suddenly confronted by that one, indisputable fact so many other kids struggled with: his mom was indeed a sexual being. And then some by the sounds of it. Immediately fumbling for his headphones he tried his hardest not to listen as his mother was fucked, the frequent smacks and moans pouring out from her bedroom making his skin crawl. But in his haste to run away from the sound he forgot to actual turn on music so what should have been a reprieve ended up being little more than slight reduction from overwhelming to simply impossible to miss. He grabbed his phone and played the first song he could all while his mom cried out in pleasure and whoever she was with slammed into her like it was going out of style. Had he anywhere else to go he might have fled from the house and not come home until Monday but Charlie was literally out of options at that given time. All he could do was turn up the volume on his phone and try not to think about his mother being fucked only a few rooms away from him.

Smiling like the cat that ate the canary Sota absolutely hammered Karen's gushing pussy. While it wasn't really all that different from the pace and ferocity he'd demonstrated earlier the motivation behind it was worlds different. Now wanting to make her scream until her voice cracked and the windows shattered he fucked his companion within an inch of her sanity. The slow, measured pace that'd followed after her previous orgasms was gone and in it's place was an unrelenting maelstrom of ecstasy. His cock plunged in and out of her pussy without slowing for what seemed like minutes on end. Karen screamed louder and more passionately with ever second he managed to keep up that barrage. Another climax was already welling up inside her and much like the others she couldn't wait for it to come crashing down. Her nails scraped lines all across his back while her ankles crossed behind his buttocks as she struggled to call out his name. For reasons entirely beyond her understanding she had to cry out to him, to let Sota know he was the source of her ecstasy. Even when it was patently obvious somehow her frazzled mind latched on to the idea. Luckily her furiously thrusting partner realized this intention a split second before she managed to accomplish her goal. He looked down at her crimson face, half lidded eyes, and beautifully parted lips to see the word forming almost in slow motion. Realizing his big surprise was about to be blown Sota did the only thing that made sense. He swooped down for a sudden, passionate kiss. 

As soon as Karen felt his mouth against hers any thought of crying out his name faded in the wake of that tender embrace. When he pulled back to suck in a ragged breath she managed to cry out something just as vulgar but fortunately not nearly as reveal, “Oh fuck!” She squealed, “OH FUCK THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!”

Hearing his mother's words clear as day Charlie shuddered and grabbed his phone, wholly regretting the fact that his bedroom was right down the hall from her room. But as he turned up the music he heard a man's laugh and a very small part of him wondered who it might. Or more importantly if it was anyone he knew. But then his mom screamed again amidst a flurry of wet slaps and he decided it wasn't worth knowing. He blasted the loudest music he had into his ears and tried to think of anything other than his mother being fucked. Meanwhile that was all Sota could think about as he absolutely pounded her. Emboldened and a little amazed by her vulgar outcry, not to mention delighted that it'd come right after Charlie came home, he endeavored to maintain his current pace for as long as possible. Constantly thrusting downwards into her amazing pussy was an easy enough motivation for him. Even with his limited sexual experience he knew a woman like Karen didn't come along often and he was going to enjoy every single moment of being with her. Including attending to the massive, jiggling mounds of flesh bouncing away between her arms. Barely restrained by the positioning of her biceps Mrs. Cooper's tits were perhaps the most enticing thing he'd ever seen. He watched the heave and shake like great bowls of jelly while her large, inverted nipples constantly shifted. With the fury of his constantly moving hips and the general madcap pace of their movements it was actually hard for him to keep those pink buds in view for any length of time. So he did the only logical thing and wrapped his lips around one of them. Karen gasped as another source of stimulation filled her body while he sucked on her breast with all his might. Lacking any real plan or goal he simply worked her sensitive areola as if it were his one mission in life. While simultaneously hammering her pussy with his cock of course.

Karen barely made it through a full minute of that stimulation before her mind and body were screaming for a release. Her vocal chords soon caught up with the rest of her and the entire house was filled with the orgasmic cries of a woman finally enjoying a real climax after years of half measures and fantasies. Her entire body went numb as her back arched and she all but flailed madly beneath Sota. Lacking the ability to truly comprehend the scope of what she was felling Mrs. Cooper could only scream in the most guttural, nonsensical fashion while she sprayed her partner with juices. As her vision went completely black and the world around her faded from existence the last conscious act she made was to paradoxically push her man away. Not wanting to hurt him during her climax and worried that he might literally fuck her brains out if he continued she shoved him off her and curled into a ball while streaks of pungent fluids squirted from her pussy. Looking for all the world like a woman possessed by a demon in a horror movie she spasmed and shook while her companion could only watch in amazement. Knowing full well Charlie was hearing every cry and moan clear as day wherever he was in the house was like icing on the cake for Sota. Unable to help himself he slowly stroked his cock and stared at the woman beneath him as she shook and doused the sheets in a torrent of arousal. The longer it lasted the more rapturously he stared all while she had no earthly concept of what was going on around her. Even without his cock still present inside her pussy Karen felt every crashing wave and ecstasy laden surge to it's absolute fullest. A very small voice in the back of her mind was ashamed by what she doing and how she was behaving but it was like the voice of a feeble little mouse against a hurricane. Even after the most furious bellows had faded the ebb and flow of her pleasure remained for so long it was hard to even recall a time when she hadn't been overwhelmed by it.

Somehow ending up on her stomach when she finally pieced together enough of her mind to realize what had happened Karen felt Sota's presence behind her and was immediately filled with a rush of guild. She looked back to see him eagerly stroking his cock and suddenly her shame was replaced by a powerful sense of sluttiness. To her knowledge no man had ever masturbated to her body and they'd certainly never done so after giving her the best orgasm of her life. Stretching out across the crumpled, wet sheets beneath her she tried her best to lift her ass in the air and offer him a far more pleasurable way to enjoy the fruits of his labors. Although her trembling body didn't get more than a couple inches off the mattress her meaning was clear as day. Quickly moving into place above her Sota pushed his cock back inside her pussy and was met with another little spurt of juices as the reason for her bliss suddenly returned. Mrs. Cooper moaned in a soft but passionate tone and buried her face in the pillow as his hips came to rest against her ass. Her head slowly turned to the side she could see him just barely on the edge of her vision and she gave him one last bit of encouragement.

“Cum inside me!” She said in a voice much louder than she intended, “Please cum inside me!”

Hearing the woman of his dreams literally beg him to finish inside her while simultaneously knowing his bully was listening to the same thing couldn't have been a bigger hit to Sota's endurance. He hadn't been all that close before thrusting back inside her but after that little display he was right on the edge and ready to fall off. It only took two pumps to get his jizz erupting out of him and deep into her cunt where it could join the copious amount he'd dumped in there before. She might have squirted a fair bit of it out but what remained of his seed was quickly tripled as he groaned and emptied his balls for the second and final time that day. Or at least what would most likely be the second and final time. It was impossible to imagine coming back from such an incredible orgasm, the feel of her orgasm wracked pussy greedily tightening around him as each spurt was accompanied by a passionate moan from her and a long groan from him. The way she feebly pushed back against him and reached out to brush her hands against his skin. Not to mention how much her body started to shake as he basted her inner walls and reminded her yet again what it was like to be with a man two decades her junior. By the time he was finished with the bulk of his climax she felt so full of jizz she couldn't believe human testicles could contain so much. And she had more than enough time to relish in it as he remained balls deep inside her for quite some time, the steady dribble of spunk leaking into arriving like the water flooding over a damn. It was a feeling she'd remember for years to come and one she'd think about any time she pleasured herself. And she knew the feeling was absolutely mutual.

Karen didn't make a peep as Sota's cock withdrew from her pussy, the indecent squelch and ensuing bubbling as his cum leaked out said everything she could have and more. Little ripples of pleasure continued to radiate out from her thoroughly fucked pussy while the rest of her half naked body trembled against the sweat soaked sheets. Out of the corner of her eye she could see her partner sliding off the bed and part of her had to wonder if he was simply going to leave now that he'd had his fun. It would be depressingly in character for pretty much all the guys she slept with. As he disappeared from her extremely limited view her fears skyrocketed and she managed to lift her head off the mattress in an effort to find him. Her efforts were entirely pointless though as Sota suddenly walked back into view and knelt down beside the bed. He smiled at her and brushed aside a few errant strands of tousled blonde hair. More elated than she cared to admit Karen fell back against the bed with a smile, her eyes sparkling with renewed affection. Had she any strength left in her limbs she probably would have kissed him. Luckily for her she didn't have to because he leaned in and their lips met. After a little bit of fidgeting to get them in the right place.

“That was fun . . .” She said when he pulled back.

“Yeah it was . . .” Sota agreed, his face still intimately close to hers, “I'd be lying if I said I hadn't fantasized about that more than a few times.”

“Oh yeah? Did it live up to the fantasy.”

“You absolutely did.”

She blushed a little and laughed, her body shivering slightly. Having such a cute conversation while his cum was still leaking from her pussy was exactly the kind of experience she'd been missing, “Do you . . . do you want to stay for dinner?”

“I'd like that, but I'm not sure your son would—”

“Charlie's staying at a friend's tonight. We have the house to ourselves.”

His grin widened ever so slightly and a mischievous gleam filled his dark eyes. Evidently Karen hadn't heard Charlie come home, which meant Sota had the perfect opportunity to accomplish his intended revenge without embarrassing the woman he genuinely cared about. After giving her another kiss he stood up and made some excuse about getting water from the kitchen. Wanting to really hammer home everything that'd happened he emerged from the master bedroom naked as the day he was born. His cock was still dripping with cum and pussy juice while lipstick marks were present all over his face, chest, stomach, and even the upper portions of his dick. All the others had been washed away during one of Karen's messier orgasms but the evidence was undeniable even without them. Wearing nothing but a grin he strutted into the kitchen to find a red faced and thoroughly embarrassed Charlie making a sandwich on the island in the center of the room. He had his headphones in and the music blaring from them was loud enough to make someone go deaf. As he turned towards the fridge he caught a flicker of movement and instinctively glanced at it. A moment later his eyes widened and he slowly looked back to see an incredibly smug looking Sota standing on the opposite side of the island. Although his waist was hidden from view at first he purposefully sauntered around to reveal every solitary detail of his naked body while Charlie stared with growing horror.

“You?” He asked in total shock, his trembling hands pulling his headphones off, “Y-you the one—”

“That's right.” 

“You're fucking dead!” Charlie hissed.

He rushed towards Sota fully intending to beat him senseless but was stopped dead in his tracks when his longtime victim said, “I guess you don't mind everyone finding out then.”

“What're you talking about?”

Leaning against the island and smiling with the utter confidence of a man bluffing his ass off Sota laughed, “You think I fucked your mother and didn't take pictures of it?”


“On my phone, in your mother's bedroom, I have a couple dozen pictures of her. Some where she's sucking my cock, some where I'm fucking her from behind, some where she's riding me, and other just with her posing naked.”

“Oh my God—I don't wanna hear this!” Charlie stepped back and Sota stepped forward.

“Well too bad. Because now that I have leverage over you you're never gonna come near me again. Or I'll share those pictures of your mother with the whole school. And everyone will know that a nerd not only fucked her, but fucked her better than anyone else.”

“You're fucking sick!”

“Yeah I am.” He grinned, “And unless you want everyone to know what your Mom's pussy looks like with my cock in it I suggest you avoid me from now on.”

Charlie stared at him for several uninterrupted seconds before saying, “Y-yeah but if you show everyone I can just beat the shit out of you! You won't have any leverage then!”

“That's true. But the whole school will still know I fucked your mother. So will the teachers. In fact, the school board will know too. How do you think it'll look when they find out your mom slept with a former student. One who's still in high school no less? You think they'll let her keep her job?”

“You wouldn't do that!”

Greatly enjoying the desperation in his former bully's voice Sota merely shrugged, “I supposed not. But that's assuming you leave me alone. If I see you in the hall I don't wanna hear a single word out of you or those morons that follow you around. Got it?”

“Yeah . . . I . . . I got it . . .”

“Good. Now get out of here.”


“Your mother thinks your staying with a friend tonight. I don't want her to come out here and see you, it'll ruin dinner.”

“You're-my mom-dinner?”

“Yeah, we're having dinner.” Sota remarked as he turned away, “So make yourself scarce.”

“But I . . . but you . . . but she . . .”

He left Charlie stammering and confused as he walked back into the master bedroom. Lying on her side in a rather appealingly provocative position Karen was waiting for him with a smile, “Who were you talking to?” She asked.

“I was calling my house and letting my parents know I wasn't coming home for dinner.”

Her smile grew a little more radiant as she posed another question, “What do you feel like having?”

Her tone and expression were so overtly lascivious Sota was actually taken aback by it, despite everything they'd already done up to that point. His cock had no issue responding accordingly to her invite and she watched it suddenly stiffen with an eager look on her face while he said, “This might be the best day of my life . . .”

“Why don't we order out and stay in to make sure?”

“You had me at 'order out'.”

When Monday rolled around Sota was physically shaking with excitement. Neither of his parents had ever seen him so eager and when they dropped him off he practically skipped into the school. As always Charlie and his thugs were in the quad outside the main office and upon seeing their favorite victim approaching they stood up. All except the quarterback himself. Feeling as confident as one could be Sota walked right past the group without paying them a second glance, his brazen lack of concern taking them by surprise for a moment. But once his attitude managed to penetrate their neolithic skulls the group immediately surrounded him him while Charlie remained seated looking visibly nervous and afraid. They started to shove their much small classmate, several offering what passed for witty remarks in their group while the others laughed. It was only after fifteen seconds that they noticed their leader wasn't with them. Holding on to Sota like he was a prisoner liable to escape the jocks turned towards him with confused expressions spread across their faces.

“What're you doing Charlie?”

“You sick or something man?”

Looking at his buddies and then at the student they were accosting Charlie swallowed several times and slowly stood up, “Let's uh . . . let's get out of here guys . . .”


“Are you serious?”

“What the hell man?”

Sota and Charlie locked eyes with the former raising an eyebrow while the latter let out a slightly ragged breath, “Come on, we got better shit to do.”

“Like what?”

“Like fucking off.” 

“No we don't?”

“Just fucking drop it and let's go!” Approaching the group he pushed several of them away from Sota and then towards the school itself. “We got better shit to do!”

Although every single one of them protested this sudden change of heart none of them went against him and they slowly made their way towards the school. As soon as most of them were out of earshot Charlie looked at Sota and said, “I'm gonna figure out a way around this and then I'm gonna beat the shit out of you.”

“Maybe,” Sota replied, “But by the time you do you'll probably be calling me 'Dad'.”


Sota grinned at him and walked away saying, “See you in class . . . son.”



This was an amazing story, although I will admit the quality kind of dropped towards the end. For one while I can believe that Karen wouldn't have heard her son come home (why Sota would be able to though I have no idea) I honestly can't believe that she didn't hear him during his convo with Sota. I mean how the fuck is it that Charlie didn't yell out any of his responses during the whole conversation. Second why would Charlie go away? Sota just told him the pictures he took of her and was going to blackmail him with where on his phone and that he left it in her room. Sure Sota is using it to blackmail Charlie into leaving him alone, but how is it that Charlie doesn't think that Sota would also use the same photos to blackmail his mom into letting him fuck her some more? How does he not think to beat the shit out of him (maybe start by giving Sota a nut check) and racing to the room to get the phone while explaining to his mom what Sota just told him (ie he took photos of them fucking, and was going to use it as blackmail). Sure it would turn out that Sota didn't actually do that, but it's not like he didn't say he did and now Karen would likely be even more embarrassed and humiliated (which would be an unfortunate consequence of his ill thought plan/bluff) especially when she finds out that the only reason Sota did any of this (or at least made sure her son found out it was him) was because her son was bullying him at school. Also considering how late it sounds like it is how would Charlie even show up to a friends house and spend the night (why does his mother even think he is in the first place?)? The fact he went home means that neither he nor his friends made any previous plans to spend the night, so unless he sneaks in the parents of any of his friends would likely send him back (if not call his mother to ask why he is there). All in all I honestly don't think that the ending made any sense.


Well I'm glad you enjoyed the bulk of the story but I can't really say I'm too sorry for your displeasure regarding the ending. A not insubstantial number of the criticisms you've leveled at it are more issues with you not believing something than the story itself having plot holes or the like. I can't really expect you to buy into every aspect of the premise if you're going to pick it apart in the manner that you have. Certainly not when it's deliberately over the top and cliche from a foundational aspect. For example: you wonder why Charlie wouldn't simply rush into his mother's room to delete the supposes pictures? Well I can give two reasons right off the bat. 1: most teenage boys wouldn't be overly eager to rush into their mother's bedroom when they know she is or was most recently naked and having sex in it, especially not ones so disgusted by the notion of that sex to begin with. Regardless of any perceived blackmail doing so would directly conflict with the visceral and instinctive desire many people have to avoid such circumstances. 2: in a modern age of cloud storage and backups there's no reason to think deleting the pictures off the phone would erase them or even fully remove them from said phone. Charlie would unquestionably be aware of this even if he's not consciously thinking of it as a reason. Oh and I've just thought of a third reason: because he wouldn't want to humiliate, embarrass, and devastate his mother in that manner. That level of callous selfishness borders on sociopath territory when you get right down to it. With regards to things like his presence in the house and how late it is I made a point of mentioning when Sota visits Mrs. Cooper that he does right after school. Which means it's only going to be around 4 o'clock when he arrives since there's no indication the trip was long or time consuming. The sex and everything else that follows isn't given a direct amount of time but I don't imply any significant passage and most of the instances where I directly reference time frames involve the use of minutes so it's reasonable to think that it couldn't be that much later than 6 o'clock by the time they're finished. Which isn't late at all, especially not on a Friday night. I didn't feel it necessary to outright explain something as straightforward as Charlie's plans falling through or his mother not being aware of said plans falling through because I assumed that would have been implied based on the events. It seems pretty reasonable he would have told her ahead of time he was staying somewhere but when that didn't happen he'd return home and, under normal circumstances, tell his mother about it. Seeing as both Charlie and his friends are teenagers it's pretty reasonable that certain events might be out of their control, like whether or not Charlie can spend the night. Your argument about him staying the night also assumes that he's somehow unable to see any friends at all, that all of the people he might spend the night with have banned him from doing so. When in reality it would just be the one person he made plans with before that he can't go back to and since the early parts of the story pretty clearly show he's got multiple friends it seems odd to assume that he just has no recourse whatsoever after one plan fell through. As for the the blackmail angle I'm fairly certain I did a good amount to imply that Charlie heard his mother enjoying herself in a wholly consensual way so the assumption that he'd immediately think Sota would blackmail her for more sex is rather absurd to me. I'm sure some people might leap to that conclusion but it seems rather fair to assume the average teenager isn't going to instantly start thinking beyond their own situation when being blackmailed and that they wouldn't jump to something that directly conflicts with what little they know. Much in the same way I feel it's reasonable to say the average teenager isn't going to simply attack a naked person. The entire point of the scene is that Charlie is too stunned and horrified to react more brazenly, much like the characters that simply standing there gawking at the villain in a horror movie. You can either buy or you can condemn it and I'm not really sure if there's a way to convince you to do the former. Reading through your comment again this honestly doesn't feel like a list of criticisms so much as a list of disagreements you had with the characters and their reactions. Which is perfectly fine to have but I really don't think your points have a whole lot of ground to stand on when viewed alongside everything that came before the ending, the tropes of the genre, and the general absurdity of the premise. It feels as though you're trying to apply realism to a purposefully pornographic and over the top story, something that really has no business being taken like a slice of reality. With the remarks you've already leveled you can easily go further and say why would Karen risk her job sleeping with a student? That doesn't make any sense for an apparently smart character. Why would Sota think having sex with his bullies mother would do anything but enrage his bully? Especially when the bully is shown to not be all that intelligent. If you want to pick apart stories like these you can do so until it's worn down to the foundation but with as premise as purposefully cliche as the one I started with doing so is really kind of pointless. I appreciate the effort you've gone through for all this, I really do, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to respond to these remarks in a satisfactory way. I have no doubt what I've typed here hasn't so much convinced you as given you further reason to question.