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And here we have another installment of 'stories that went way longer than I intended'. If things continue like this soon it'll be the norm, hopefully you guys like them long and verbose. Also because this was based on a picture some of my patrons got to see I'll go ahead and share that image with everyone. Feel free to check it out before you enjoy the story itself! 

Raucous cheering filled the gymnasium as the graduating seniors threw their caps into the air while parents and teachers alike clapped. The almost deafening sound of footsteps soon filled the auditorium as people made their way down the bleachers to congratulate the students in person. Those seated in front of the stage were already there to greet those stepping off it and rather quickly the room was filled with laughter and conversation. People started to exiting the building in little clusters, many headed for the various parties being held all across town. Some remained to take pictures with friends or family and a small handful had yet to even leave the stage itself. One such student was the Valedictorian of the class Hector Ramirez. Although reasonably popular among his classmates and certainly invited to a fair number of celebrations being held by them he still felt surprisingly melancholy about finally graduating. Not because his parents hadn't been able to attend, he'd predicted that at the start of the year, and not because because he was the only one of his friends going to a school on the other side of the country. Rather it was for a reason that nobody could have guessed. With one notable exception and she was already making her way towards him. He spotted Ms. Fujikawa walking through the crowd almost immediately. Her distinct and beautiful bluish purple hair standing out almost as much as her quiet yet warm demeanor. Hector quickly stood up and hopped off the stage to meet her, a smile lighting up his face.

“Congratulations Mr. Ramirez!” She said with an affectionate smile and a faint Japanese accent, “I'm so proud of you.”

“Thank you Ms. Fujikawa.” He replied. “I couldn't have done it without your help!”

“Oh that's not true at all! But thank you for the compliment.”

Looking down at his feet for a moment before looking back up at her Hector swallowed and said, “I guess this is goodbye then?”

“It would seem so.”

He was too busy wallowing in his own disappointment to notice the sadness in her voice or the unexpected gleam in her eyes that followed soon after, “I can still come to visit though . . . I'll probably be back in town during breaks.”

“That would be lovely.” Ms. Fujikawa said as she clasped her hands in front of her and fixed him with a tender smile, “Although I suspect you'll be much to busy with your studies. Not to mention all the beautiful young women that undoubtedly attend Cornell.”

“I don't know about that . . .” He said, rubbing the back of his head and blushing a little at the thought.

She laughed softly and looked around at the slowly emptying gym, “How are you getting home?”

“Oh I was just going to walk. My parents are on a business trip right now and I didn't really feel like going to any parties tonight.”

“I see . . . would you like a ride home instead? It's quite warm out today.”

“That would be great, thanks Ms. Fujikawa!” ]Eager for any excuse to spend time with the teacher he'd had a crush on since the start of freshman year Hector didn't care one bit about how overeager he might have seemed, “Just let me grab my cap and we can go!”


She watched him rush back onto the stage to collect his cap and diploma from his seat, a slightly blush creeping into her cheeks. Although she'd driven him home more than a few times in the past because of his less than responsible parents this time felt a little different. Both because of the fact that he was no longer her student and never would be again as well as something she had yet to fully acknowledge to herself. Despite already making the decision that morning before the graduation ever started. When her favorite pupil returned she gave him a small nod and the two of them left the auditorium. They stopped a handful of times on the way to the car as students and faculty alike wished him well or stopped to discuss banal, work related matters with her. But despite those distractions they reached her mundane gray sedan within a few minutes. Soon after they were pulling out of the parking lot and turning onto the road beyond the school. A comfortable silence lapsed between them as she drove, each happy to be in the presence of the other for a bit longer. Perhaps even more than usual now that the stigma of a female teacher and male student associating beyond school was all but removed. At least it was in their eyes, others might not think so but by that point they couldn't have cared less about such things. When he glanced at her as they came to a stop at a red light Hector finally noticed what Ms. Fujikawa was actually wearing.

“Was it supposed to rain today or something?” He asked in a half joking tone.

“Hmmm? Oh this?” She looked down at the long brown trench coat she had on, “The weather app on my phone said there was a sixty percent chance and I didn't want to be stuck without a coat again.”

“You've got a pretty crappy app,” Hector chuckled as he glanced out at the cloudless sky above them.

“It would seem so.” Ms. Fujikawa replied, thrilled he'd bought her hastily concocted lie.

Not thinking anything more about it, beyond a furtive glance at her long, shapely leg as it shifted from the brake to the gas, Hector returned to watching the scenery around them. It felt remarkably strange to do something so familiar right after what was perhaps the most important event in his life. Although that appraisal was more his parents and extended family talking than anyone else. To him getting accepted into an Ivy League trumped a high school graduation by a pretty wide margin. Not that it really mattered all that much in the grand scheme of things. His rambling and incoherent thoughts were cut short when they pulled into the driveway of his parent's nice, two story house. Unsure of whether or not it would be acceptable to invite his former teacher inside when his parents weren't home Hector paused with one handle on the door and the other clutching his cap and diploma. Ms. Fujikawa looked at him with a slightly inquisitive smile, her hopefulness expertly masked beneath her gentle appearance. After just long enough for it to be awkward he opened the door and looked directly at her with a sheepish expression.

“D-do you wanna come in for a cup of coffee or something?” He said in a rapid fire barrage of syllables.

“I'd love to.” She replied, her heart skipping a beat at nearly the same time his did,.

“Great . . . awesome . . . uhm . . . let's go inside then!”

“All right.” Ms. Fujikawa chuckled at his embarrassment despite feeling pretty much exactly the same way. Shutting the car off and stepping out she couldn't help but ask, “When did you start drinking coffee?”

“Oh I don't drink coffee. I just—I thought maybe—that's what I always hear my parents offering their guests.”

“I see. Well I'd be perfectly happy with some water.”

“All right.” He said with a note of relief, “We've definitely got water.”

“I should hope so!”

They made their way inside with Hector scurrying in a little ways before his teacher so he could pour her a glass of water from the fridge. He really had no idea what he was doing or even what he wanted out of all this. The most obvious answer was to spend more time with his favorite teacher before life separated them. But there was unquestionably an undercurrent of something more romantic running through his head. When he handed her the water she took it with a word of thanks and her fingers brushed against his for a moment. Like an absolute buffoon he nearly dropped the cup. Luckily she managed to grab it with both hands before it he fumbled his way into a mess. Even more luckily this made their hands touch for a few seconds longer. So busy with his own awkwardness Hector didn't even notice the way Ms. Fujikawa blushed and swallowed several times. Her own nerves were starting to show now that she was finally alone with him. Being in the car didn't really count with what she had in mind. The two of them naturally headed into the living room with Hector sitting on the couch and his beautiful companion taking the love seat perpendicular to it. He nervously drank his water and tried to think of something to say, not quite able to look at her as his imagination ran wild. During a prolonged bout of uncertainty he heard a faint rustling and looking up to see her rising to her feet. She set her glass down as she did so and fears that she was leaving because of how awkward he'd been.

“What're you . . .”

Anything else he might have wanted to say died in his throat as the glass he was holding slipped from his hands and his mouth fell open in utter disbelief. Blushing so deeply her entire face was a brilliant shade of crimson Ms. Fujikawa had untied the front of her coat and opened to reveal the most amazing thing Hector had ever seen. Beneath her plain brown overcoat wasn't the typical blouse and skirt she wore when teaching or even something a bit more fancy for the occasion. Rather it was the skimpiest set of lingerie he'd ever witnessed. Nearly every inch of her pale, buxom form was completely revealed to his disbelieving stare save the handful of places covered by lacy black cloth or the straps keeping those patches in place. Not unlike a bikini two simple cords reached down across her shoulder and towards her wonderfully large breasts. They split into two not far from the flower shaped patches covering her areola and three more extended out from those sections to cradle and life her ample bosom. Partially hidden by the sheer size of her bust and the shadows they cast was a crisscrossing lattice work of six straps that all met just above her navel. Two extended further downwards to connect to the lower half of her garment while around her waist sat the final pair of straps also holding up a frilly triangular patch of fabric covering her womanhood. Or rather attempting to cover it and failing rather deliberately thanks to it's sheer nature and the unmistakable tuft of curly purple hair peeking out from the top. Yet between the butterfly pattern across the front and her own tightly pressed together thighs he could only catch small glimpses of the plump lips beneath. Although he could certainly see the trickle of fluids dripping down her legs, some of which had already reached her ankles.

When viewed alongside her softly angular face and all the beautiful features he'd come to love Hector couldn't believe what was happening. Her soft hazel eyes stared down at him from beneath delicately plucked eyebrows as the nostrils of her strong yet cut nose flared and her small but full lips curled into a smile. It was like something out of a dream and he couldn't stop staring. All the times he'd thought about what she looked like beneath her professional outfits he never dreamed he'd see it in such a manner. His mind was actually having trouble believing how wide her hips were and how large her breasts actually seemed. What little he could see of her buttocks revealed a similar plumpness that bordered on unreal. And yet it was her face that he always kept coming back to no matter how often his eyes roamed other parts of her. He didn't even realize how tight his slacks had suddenly gotten beneath his graduation gown. But his former teacher certainly noticed the rather substantial bulge lifting up the layers of fabric. In fact seeing such a reaction as she stood before him just about naked sent a little shiver through her body. What really made her heart pound was the way his eyes never seemed able to leave her face for very long. No matter where else he stared his gaze never failed to return to her blushing countenance to stare like it was the most beautiful thing in the world. As soon as she spotted that same adoring look he often tried to hide when they interacted in the classroom she was about ready to faint. Knowing without any doubt that his affection went beyond the physical had assuaged a fear she didn't even know she had. It was like a small but rather prominent weight had been lifted off her heart and she was free to enjoy everything that happened next to it's fullest. 

“Oh my God . . .”

“Thank you . . .”

He looked her up and down several times, as his jaw sank progressively lower, “Oh my God!”

“I'm sorry for being so forward . . .” She murmured, “But after four years I couldn't wait any longer . . . I hope it's not too much . . .”

“It's . . . you're . . . I'm . . . oh my God . . .”

“You said that already.” Ms. Fujikawa joked.

“I can't think of anything else that fits how I feel right now.”

She moved a little closer to him and her coat fell away completely, “How about 'you look beautiful'?”

“You do!” He rose from the couch and took a step towards her as he shook his head, “I've thought about this so many times . . . you look even better than you did in my fantasies!”

“Thank you.” Now blushing more fiercely than she had in her entire life Ms. Fujikawa was momentarily at a loss. “What was I doing in those fantasies of yours?”

“Oh . . . uhm . . . I'm not sure . . . it's really embarrassing . . .”

“More embarrassing than what I'm wearing?”

“Well no but—”

“So tell me . . .”

Nodding several times at each word she spoke Hector looked Ms. Fujikawa up and down one more time. He steeled himself for what he needed to do, then lunged forward and did it. His arms wrapped around her waist and her pulled her half naked body tight against him. She gasped a moment before their lips connected and then moaned as the feeling of their kiss washed over her. For a split second she could only stand there shaking with her arms dangling by her sides. The suddenness of it all was completely intoxicating and in the heat of the moment her body simply didn't know what to do. After a couple of seconds her instincts kicked in and she threw her hands around his shoulders. Shivers danced up and down her spine while she leaned hard to the formerly one sided kiss. He whimpered ever so slightly into her embrace as he felt her unbelievably soft body gently squirming against his own. It was impossible to keep his hands from roaming her back and he didn't even try. She relished in the way his fingers brushed across her bare skin, especially whenever they slipped beneath the straps of her lingerie to do so. Although he never went beyond the small of her back Hector's touch was more than enough to send goosebumps across her entire body. It was both adorable and a little disappointing how reserved he seemed to be. Once she'd finally processed their kiss Ms. Fujikawa expected to feel her former student's hands on her ass pretty much the moment she reciprocated. But if the sheer passion in his lips was anything to go on he was putting all his efforts somewhere far more sensible. Which was exactly why she felt so giddy when he finally pulled back. For a split second she'd even left her mouth open and her tongue hanging out as the pleasure overshadowed her reserved nature. 

Her expression returned to something a little more normal soon after but only after her partner had a good long look at the real woman underneath the professional demeanor, “That wasn't so embarrassing . . .” She said in a high pitched voice.

“I-I'm not finished yet . . .” He promised with a little more conviction than before.

“Good . . .”

They leaned in simultaneously and their lips reunited in a burst of excitement. And while the initial movements were the same everything else was subtle different. With the first, nervous steps having already been taken it was so much easier for both of them to relax and simply enjoy themselves. As well as one another. The first signs of this new shift arrived when Ms. Fujikawa's mouth opened ever so slightly and her tongue slowly emerged. Hector felt her movements and responded in kind to their mutual delight. His hands slid down her back to find the wide, plump buttocks he'd spent many a class period furtively ogling. She tensed and shivered as his unexpectedly strong fingers groped her ass while his tongue coiled around hers at the same time. Taken aback by his unexpected multitasking she did her best to respond in a similar fashion. Although she couldn't exactly grope him in the same manner she did press her ample breasts against his body and subtly grind her waist against his. Even going as far as lifting a leg off the ground to wrap it around one of his as well. There was a slight pang of embarrassment at how bold she was being but his unbridled enthusiasm kept her from pulling back and ruining the moment. If anything being able to feel how much he was enjoying it as his manhood swelled against her was all the incentive she needed to keep going. It didn't hurt that his tongue felt utterly amazing against hers and that his grip on her buttocks was all but forcing her to grind her now thoroughly soaked pussy against him. The fact that he was still wearing his graduation gown made the whole thing a lot more perverse in ways that flicked between arousing and shameful. But in the wake of so many years spent waiting and pining she could stomach a little bit of shame. It would all be worth it in the end. Hell if she was being objective it was almost worth it already!

Eventually the two of them ended their increasingly passionate kiss, each staring into the other's eyes with a wide grin and flushed cheeks. Neither was feeling quite as nervous about what they were about to do. Especially Ms. Fujikawa. Her body was practically vibrating as eagerness gradually supplanted all other feelings. What she had in mind for her best and brightest student would undoubtedly be the sort of thing his teenage mind dreamed about. She almost wanted to goad him into sharing more of his fantasies to hear what he'd come up with in the four years they'd lusted after each other. But that would require her to wait and actually listen to his words and she was almost entirely incapable of doing such a thing. Before she even made the conscious choice her hands were already guiding him back onto the couch. Hector sat down and sucked in a ragged breath, his wide eyes looking up at her while his mind ran wild with possibilities. He had no idea what she was going to do and not knowing made it so much more thrilling. So when she suddenly knelt down before him and pushed his gown off his lap the realization arrived like a bolt of lightning. In a momentary bout of nervousness Ms. Fujikawa fumbled with the belt looped through his slacks. When he helpfully unfastened it she smiled at him like a blushing bride on her wedding night. As he started to unzip his pants and free his cock her soft touch stopped him. Despite very much wanting to see, feel, taste, and love his dick she felt oddly compelled to do so herself. It seemed more fitting under the circumstances. Following a moment of confusion he relented and she picked up where he left off. Her trembling fingers pulled apart the fabric and slipped beneath the waistline of his underpants. Pulling them down several inches she slid her digits beneath the fabric to find his member.

She felt it against the pads of her finger a split second before it was free and throbbing before her awestruck face. Probably the largest cock she'd ever seen in person his length was easily ten inches at a glance and thick enough around that her small hands couldn't fully close around it without some effort. The head was wonderfully thick in a way that made her thighs clench and her pussy ache while his balls, which she'd eagerly freed with her other hand, were deliciously thick. Her eyes roamed his manhood with the same rapacious glint that he'd possessed while staring at her and suddenly it was Hector's turn to feel embarrassed. All but certain she was disappointed by his size despite the blatant evidence to the contrary he had no idea what to say or do. Only one other woman had seen his dick in a similar context and she hadn't done much more than stroke it a few times. Ms. Fujikawa started doing the same not long after first seeing his member and he was wracked by a surge of fear and doubt. Was he not enough for her? Was she unhappy after so long? Had her mind created a vastly more impressive version that the real thing could never live up to. He let out a pent up breath and tried to think of some way to apologize, to tell her he understood if she wasn't happy with what he had going on. Luckily whatever he was about to say was interrupted when she suddenly wrapped her lips around the head of his shaft. The feeling of her warm, soft mouth was incredible and Hector groaned the instant he actually registered it. A moment later sounds failed him completely as his former teacher effortlessly and happily slid all the way down to the base in a single movement. His entire cock vanished into her throat and he could only stare in amazement. Watching it reappear covered in saliva as her lips distended along it's length and her face blushed beautifully red was even more amazing. When Ms. Fujikawa reached the tip and stopped to look at him she found the most adorably shocked expression she'd ever seen staring back at her. His reaction alone was enough to encourage her to slide right back down and the way his body reacted to her touch made it even better.

Over and over she slid up and down his cock, her movements growing more eager with every pass. The constant amazed groans and disbelieving stares her efforts rewarded her with made it so much more fun. Despite how wildly inappropriate it was Ms. Fujikawa had long ago latched onto the notion of rewarding her best student in such a manner. Though she restrained herself for both their sake the urge had never gone away. In fact it had only grown stronger as time went on and Hector continued to prove himself an exemplary student. The day he'd come to her with the news that he'd be Valedictorian she'd almost thrown caution to the wind right then and there. Now that she was finally getting the chance she intended to take full advantage of it for as long as she possible could. Her love of giving blowjobs came across in just about every movement of her lips but even if it hadn't been so obvious the wild yet skillful movement of her tongue would've betrayed her enthusiasm. Constantly gliding around his cock and playing with the tip whenever possible it was so unimaginably good Hector couldn't believe it was really happening. It felt so much like something from a dream he had to keep telling himself it was real, in addition to telling himself not to finish too early. He knew enough about sex to at least know that much!

Too bad having a longtime fantasy suddenly and enthusiastically fulfilled was proving to be a lot more pleasurable than he could have predicted. Of all the many things Ms. Fujikawa was good at apparently oral sex ranked quite high on the list. The way she effortlessly moved along his cock was like something out of porn. She didn't seem to have the slightest bit of trouble burying his entire shaft inside her throat and then letting it gradually slide free while spit dribbled from her lips. Before that point he'd always perceived blowjobs as something subservient, an act the woman does and the man controls. Yet as he sat there watching and feeling her work there was no pretending he was anything but a passenger in the events. With her hands pressed against his thighs keeping them spread apart it was abundantly clear she was calling the shots. He couldn't even think of how he might participate in what she was doing. Part of him wanted to do something, anything, to make her feel the way he was feeling. But as the pleasure continued to mount and his thoughts grew more scrambled he was finding it difficult to come up with even a single idea. At best he managed to reached out and brush some of her soft purple hair from her face. Of course that was little more than an instinctual reaction done so he could stare deep into her eyes. His actions were met with an incredibly lustful expression as his momentary touch sent a little shiver down her spine. She paused at the top of his cock to stare deep into his eyes while her tongue danced across his tip. Hector lasted all of five seconds under such overwhelming combination, any thoughts of self control gone to never return.

“Ms. Fujikawa!” He gasped, “Ms. Fujikawa I'm gonna cum!”

Amazed at how good those words sounded while she was bobbing up and down his cock she let out a long, delighted moan. In the moment her lust was so great she briefly considered letting him finish in her mouth and simply ignored her personal distaste for cum. She probably would've gone through with it purely to make him feel as good as possible had some of his precum not fallen onto her tongue. The moment she tasted that bitter and fairly unpleasant fluid she knew there was no way she could swallow his actual spunk without gagging. Hopefully he'd enjoy coating her face his semen just as much. After waiting until the last possible second, and eagerly sliding along his length the entire time, Ms. Fujikawa pulled back just as the first jet of warm cum erupted from his tip. Closing her eyes and mouth while tilting her head back she felt his load splash across her face and listened to Hector's moans. Her hands eagerly stroked his glistening length in an effort to milk out every last drop while he drenched his face in his seed. It felt so incredibly good despite her opinions on semen in general she probably could've brought herself to orgasm without any effort at all. Unfortunately such a thing would require pulling her hands away from his shaft and denying herself the feel of it throbbing as it basted her in spunk. And that was simply unacceptable. Cum started to drip from her smiling face and the feeling of it falling across her breasts and or soaking into her hair was something she didn't expect to love nearly as much as she did. Almost enough to make her reconsider her view on swallowing she was both delighted and impressed by how much he unloaded onto her. By the time she was done there was barely a centimeter of her face untouched by his pungent jizz. And she couldn't have been happier about it.

“That was amazing . . .” Hector gasped, “I'm sorry I . . . finished . . . so quickly . . .” He stared at her for several seconds, thoroughly entranced by the sight of her cum splattered face and the way she continued to hold his dick well after he'd finished, “Uhm . . . let me get you some tissues . . .”

“That would be lovely.” Ms. Fujikawa chuckled as spunk dripped from her chin. She let go of his member assuming he'd need to stand up. But he simply had to lean over and collect a box from the end table and the moment she realized that one hand immediately returned to his prick while the other started collected tissues, “Thank you.”

“Yeah of course . . . that was amazing.”

“Yes it was . . .”

“Sorry I couldn't last longer . . .”

“It's all right.” She said as she wiped his cum from her face, “I don't mind at all. It's quite flattering really.”

“Oh good . . . then . . . uhm . . . can I ask you something?”

“Why is this happening?”

“Yeah—don't get me wrong I love this! I'm gonna remember it forever. But why now?”

“Well . . .” Ms. Fujikawa said as she rose to her feet and gave him a perfect view of her sopping wet pussy barely hidden by the lacy fabric hugging her waist, “I didn't want to do anything while you were still my student.”


“But now that you aren't . . . I couldn't stop myself . . .”

“Oh . . .” A goofy and utterly elated smile spread across his face, “I couldn't wait any longer either.”

“I noticed.” She teased, “As for why I started with that . . . I wanted to reward you for being such a good student.”

“Aren't all the scholarships and awards supposed to do that.”

“Sure . . . but sometimes really special students deserve something better.”

“Have you done this before?”


Hector's smile widened and his blush deepened. His cock also swelled considerably and it was that sudden twitching that really drew Ms. Fujikawa's gaze. She bit her lower lip and looked at his manhood for a second, steeling herself for what she wanted to do next. Somehow it seemed infinitely more embarrassing than what she'd just done. Including let him absolutely coat her face in semen. But no matter how much her stomach was fluttering and her knees were trembling she was going to make love to him. Come hell or high water she would finally feel him inside of her after four years of keeping herself in check. Mostly by fantasizing about him constantly and counting the days until he turned eighteen. Incredibly she managed to hide her nerves rather well, even if her partner wasn't exactly looking for that sort of thing. Her movements seemed almost confident and the way she moved had all the beautifully gentle nature that first attracted him to her. He was actually the one displaying how nervous he felt. Suddenly having a years long fantasy fulfilled and having it, up to that point, live up to his wildest dreams was something he couldn't fully grasp. As her knees slid onto the couch and she straddled his waist Hector's manhood was so stiff it was actually a little painful. Swallowing several times in quick succession he sat up a little straighter and stared into her gray eyes. She met his gaze and smiled as widely as her nerves would allow. Only a few inches and a single strip of black cloth stood between them and the culmination of their unspoken romance.

As she reached down to remove that final barrier his eyes followed her hands with rapt attention. She felt ever so slightly nervous about revealing herself to him but the moment passed quickly enough and she quietly pulled aside her panties. Hector audibly gasped as her pussy was suddenly and completely exposed to his wide eyes. Topped by a curly strip of purple hair thoroughly soaked by her arousal the plump outer lips were exactly as he'd expected after glimpsing them earlier. The warm pink inner folds were already revealed and dripping with fluids and even as he watched her mouth wateringly thick labia trembled ever so slightly with her movements. He had what seemed like an eternity to stare, to feast on one of the most amazing things he'd ever seen, before she finally started moving again. With the lower portion of her lingerie tucked to the side Ms. Fujikawa was able to reach down with both hands and hold his cock steady beneath her. Once more he gasped at her touch and his pleasured reaction soon transitioned into a long, low moan as some of her fluids dripped onto his member. Both of them took a long, wavering breath and looked at one another. She offered a small grin and a slow now. He gave her back the same. A moment of understanding passed between them and Ms. Fujikawa slowly lowered herself onto his member. It slipped inside her pussy with astonishing ease and, as both of them moaned, she sank all the way down to the base in one trembling movement. Hector stared up at her with a strange mixture of relief and love on his face. While he'd never outright stated he was a virgin he felt reasonably confident she knew and getting to lose that with her was something he'd never thought possible. Before today anyways.

“What about this?” He asked in a husky voice, “What did I do to deserve this?”

“This is all for me!” She moaned, her smile just about reaching her ears.

Entirely happy with that response and hoping to give her the kind of pleasure she'd just given him Hector grabbed her waist. Although he lacked any real experience he knew the rudiments well enough to thrust upwards and slide the remainder of his throbbing cock inside her with a sudden push. The fact that Ms. Fujikawa gasped and clutched his shoulders while staring at him with an open mouthed smile was a good sign. It was quickly his turn to groan and shiver as her amazingly tight inner walls squeezed his entire dick like nothing else. He felt her arousal trickling down her thighs and watched as little tremors wracked her amazing body. A large part of him wanted to start thrusting like crazy, to just go wild and fuck her until she couldn't take it anymore. Yet as he looked at her blushing face and the half lidded stare she gave him that notion started to seem inappropriate. Even disrespectful in some way. Maybe later he could indulge those sorts of urges but right now it was time for something more gentle and heartfelt. His manhood throbbed inside her and she let out a small whimper, the sensation of finally feeling his shaft buried within her pussy proving just as wonderful as she'd hoped. Although she wanted to start riding him until they broke the couch and dented the floor her legs simply wouldn't respond to those commands. Too busy shaking with abject delight her body was little more than a quivering mass of jiggling flesh as she sat atop him. She probably could've remained like that, connected to him in a way they'd both dreamed about for years, forever. The pleasure she felt was continuing to rise just from the constant throbbing of his cock and she had no doubts he was enjoying their illicit union. Of course when he did start to move after a little while she was beyond ecstatic.

Able to pull out an inch or two before thrusting back inside her Hector made full use of every centimeter available to him. Her body was so amazingly soft and warm it would've been absurd to do anything less. Getting to see her face shift and melt into various expressions of pleasure as a result of his actions was even better. To his credit he managed to find something approaching a rhythm fairly quickly. It only took a few minutes of slightly awkward thrusting and the occasional leg cramp for him to figure things out well enough to be consistent. And right around the same time Ms. Fujikawa started moving as well, unable to simply remain passive atop him for a moment long. The first time she lifted herself almost completely off his cock only to come sliding back down with a light smack the pleasure was so great Hector was forced to slow for a moment. When she did it again he gritted his teeth and thrusted upwards at the same time. Suddenly it was his lover's turn to stop dead in her tracks and moan as a bolt of ecstasy launched through her. This quickly became the norm as the ebb and flow of their lovemaking solidified into steady and wonderful rhythms. It wasn't long before the two of them managed to keep moving despite how good they were feeling. After that it was a small matter for those bursts of pleasure to begin informing their movements. She would gently grind against him in a way that made his amazingly thick cock pressed against her most sensitive spots. He could thrust at just the right time to make her pussy suddenly tighten as her whole body stiffened in surprise. Back and forth they went gradually learning how best to make one another and themselves feel as good as possible. It was without a doubt the most intimate and personal experience either of them ever had. They only had to look at their partner's face to know they were feeling the same way. Words were almost entirely unneeded but that didn't stop Hector from voicing his pleasure following several uninterrupted minutes of being with the woman of his dreams.

“Ms. Fujikawa!” He groaned.

Incorrectly assuming he was about to cum and incredibly excited by that prospect she swooped in for a sudden, passionate kiss. “Call me Akari!” She moaned after pulling back.

Hector nodded as his cock stiffened inside her. He leaned back in for another kiss and Akari happily gave it to him. Her massive breasts squished against his chest, all but smothering him beneath a lightly trembling wave of soft flesh. His grip around her tightened considerably and his member continued to throb like crazy yet no actual cum burst from the tip. Still thinking it was about to happen her body continued to shiver and squirm with anticipatory glee. Even though it was an unnecessary risk and there were plenty of better ways to go about it in that moment all she wanted was to feel his cum in her pussy. She'd gone an incredibly long time without any sex at all and longer still without that kind of warm, toe curling sensation. It only made sense to break both streaks with the man she'd harbored feelings for nearly all that time. But after a minute of grinding and thrusting she finally realized he wasn't about to finish inside her. Filled with a mixture of surprise and disappointment, as well as a distinct lack of semen, she broke off their kiss yet again to look down at him. Although she felt uncommonly silly for asking and embarrassed by how slutty her words were going to sound she couldn't help but pose the question.

“You aren't cumming?”

“N-no . . . did you want me to?”

“No—I mean yes—I mean if that's what you want!” She blushed furiously and covered her face with one hand as she leaned back and fervently shook her head, “I don't mean—I thought you were going to . . . when you said my name . . .”

“Oh . . . I-I'm sorry! It just felt really good and I wasn't sure—”

“You don't have to apologize!”


They grinned awkwardly at one another, neither really sure how to follow that interaction. Both of them had gotten into their own heads a little bit, not too much to ruin the moment but definitely enough to make things a bit silly. Luckily for both of them their bodies weren't quite as preoccupied as their minds. Wholly independent of what Hector was thinking his hips resumed their thrusting as though nothing had transpired. Her body simply felt too good for him to do anything else. Akari similarly started to ride his cock pretty much as soon as he started moving. The feeling of his member gliding across her inner walls was something she couldn't sit idly by and enjoy. Not after experiencing how good it could be when she played an active role. Their awkwardness faded into the background rather quickly and before long it was entirely forgotten. Around the time her fingers were interlocking with his as they smiled at one another any thoughts more complex than adoration and lust were a thing of the past. Holding his hands as she bounced up and down his length was the kind of thing she'd dreamed about all the nights she'd gone to sleep alone. Had she known he was thinking the exact same thing Akari probably would've died from sheer, girlish delight. She could certainly feel his manhood twitching harder than ever inside her after they made the small but meaningful transition. Which naturally caused her to move a little faster along his length. As naturally as could be their pace started to increase beyond what they'd already accomplished. If what they'd already done was the first, stumbling steps of a new sexual experience they were now well on their way to the kind of familiarity that really allowed pleasure to blossom. They lost themselves in the feel and sight of one another as everything faded into white noise around them. It was a good thing Hector's parents weren't going to be home any time soon because there was no way in hell either of them would've heard the car pulling up.

Without either of them really knowing how it happened Hector and Akari found themselves in his bedroom. Neither really acknowledged the shift in location beyond their ability to spread and really enjoy themselves and one another without any hindrance. They weren't even fully aware of him removing all his clothes at some point during the move. Both were a little glad that the possibility of them being spotted by nosy neighbors and the like had been cut down. Though such thoughts didn't stay in their heads for very long. In fact they were pretty much completely eradicated the moment his cock slid back inside her pussy. Suddenly finding himself staring down at the woman of his dreams while she lay sprawled across his bed Hector couldn't have controlled himself if he'd wanted to. Seeing her beneath him with her legs wrapped around his waist and her hands gripping the headboard was like a shot for shot recreation of his dreams. It was all he could do to keep himself from climaxing the moment he realized it. Trying his best to give her at least one real orgasm before he selfishly finished too quickly once more he leaned over Akari's prostrate form and started thrusting with all his might. His hands curled into fists on either side of her head as his eyes shut and all his energy went towards lasting as long as he could. As well as making her feel good in every possible way. She noticed his newfound vigor immediately and felt a sudden rush of pleasure flooding her body as he really started to move. Having long ago adjusted to his girthy shaft she was nothing but delighted that he was finally able to really fuck her like they both wanted. Breathless encouragement and constant moans spilled from her mouth as surely as fluids seeped from her pussy. Within a minute of this new rhythm a stain had already spread across the sheets beneath them and her trembling stomach was coated in a fine mist of her juices.

But as good as it felt the real turning point didn't arrive until her hands leapt from the headboard to hold his wrists instead. As soon as he felt her soft touch against his skin his eyes opened. Suddenly he was staring at the pleasure soaked face of the most beautiful woman in existence. He watched her eyes roll back in her head as her fell across her moaning face. Her massive breasts heaved and bounced from the force of his impacts while the rest of her body squirmed with unmitigated delight. It made for such a captivating experience he almost didn't notice the way her pussy squeezed him, how tightly it was wrapped around his member as he thrusted inside her. Of course even if he wasn't consciously aware of it everything that happened was blending together in an endless cornucopia of pleasure that only spurred him on even more. Faster and faster his hips slammed against her as the wet, rhythmic slapping of their colliding bodies gradually overtook Akari's moans. The bed creaked beneath them and he headboard slammed against the wall while she was steadily overwhelmed by pleasure. All but consumed by his desires Hector didn't even think about reigning in his libido. He didn't think about anything. His every movement was guided and informed by the unimaginably perfect woman before him in a thousand small, subtle ways. Many of which passed right over their heads as they lost themselves in their mutual ecstasy.

Once again they sank into the blissful pleasure of being able to indulge their urges after so long. While neither of them acknowledged it both were completely aware of how much better everything was after that forced restraint. Akari was actually quite astonished by how good it all felt despite her partner's unmistakable lack of experience. Any slight hiccups or awkward movements were rather effortlessly patched over by the sheer emotions behind their being together. It was honestly one of the most amazing experiences of her life. Even Hector could tell it wasn't normally like this and in some way he was almost glad about spending four years waiting and pining. As his hips slammed against her with an ever increasing fervor she started to feel those familiar, rising tides well up within her body. They'd been there since the moment she put on her lingerie that morning but only now as she stared up at him and felt his cock plunging into her pussy did it really start to come together. Reaching up to cup his face with one hand she brought the other down between her glistening thighs. Her fingers pressed against the swollen bud at the top of her pussy and the moment they did ecstasy surged through her body. She let out an audible gasp and started rubbing with all her might while he momentarily faltered at the unexpected tightness of her slit. Of course it wasn't long before that same tightness was spurring him to move even harder. To really slam into her with all his might while an orgasm crashed down on her. 

Barely needing any stimulation at all Akari was a quivering mess within no time, fluids gushing out her pussy while she moaned his name and writhed like she was having a seizure. Her legs fell away from his lower back as they trembled uncontrollably while her breasts heaved and her back arched. It continued to rise from the sheets until only the back of her head and her plump ass remained connected and all the while Hector continued to thrust like it was the sole purpose of his existence. Utterly amazed by the beauty of the woman beneath him he felt all but required to keep going for as long as he possibly could. He'd never seen a woman react the way she was. It was like the over the top behavior often glimpsed in porn but completely genuine. There was a truthfulness to how she moved that made him glad to be alive. Everything else about how she felt, smelled, and sounded was wonderful as well but for whatever reason it was the sights unfolding beneath him that really drove his libido wild. Never before had his cock been so hard or his body been so paradoxically relaxed. It was all once calming and nerve wracking for him. For Akari it was just heaven even when it inevitably began to wind down following a burst of pleasure stronger than anything else in her life.

Watching and feeling her cum proved to be the last nail in the coffin for Hector's waning endurance. He managed all of two more thrusts after she stopped writhing before pushing his entire cock inside her and letting out a guttural moan. Akari felt his throbbing length stiffen and she managed a soft, almost surprised gasp. In her admittedly justified distraction she'd all but forgotten about the possibility of her partner finishing. Now that moment was upon her it was all she could focus on. Her legs wrapped around his waist once more and she reached up to cup his face with both hands. Their eyes locked and he leaned in but before he could kiss those soft, smiling lips that enticed him so Hector reached his limit. Cum exploded into her quivering pussy and it was all he could do to keep from passing out at from the sheer pleasure of it. Any thoughts of kissing her vanished completely as he slumped forward, his hips awkwardly thrusting forward as each new load erupted into her womb. As his head came to rest against her massive, pillowy breasts Akari smiled and hugged him tightly. Her arms tightened every so slightly as the rest of her body shook from the thrill of the moment. She didn't even realize how much spunk he was pumping into her until it started oozing from her overflowing pussy while he was still pumping it inside of her. Even then she didn't really comprehend the sheer amount until well after he'd finished. Around the time his cock was beginning to soften and gradually sliding free of her slit as a result. They remained locked in one another's arms well after his member had emerged but the feeling of his creamy jizz trickling down her skin and pooling on the bed was impossible to ignore. It was almost distracting and when he finally rolled off her to lie on the mattress she finally had a chance to sit up and look down at the gooey mess that was her cunt.

“It's so thick . . .” She moaned as his cum bubbled out of her pussy like cream being squeezed from an eclair.

“Sorry . . .” He replied with an embarrassed smile, “It's been a while since I . . you know . . .”

“I wasn't complaining.”

“Oh . . . good . . .”

Hector looked away from his former teacher as his cheeks darkened. Having sex with her was one thing but getting to lie next to her afterwards listening to her enjoy his cum was something else entirely. He tried his best not to stare too much but his efforts were pretty much a failure from the start. She noticed his sheepish looks and her smile softened into a look of sincere affection. Outside of all the improper and very carnal feelings she had for him Akari definitely fend a strong fondness for her favorite student. One that'd always made the naughtier side of things even stronger as a result. After a few moments of watching him try not to stare she rolled onto her side to look at him directly. With a slightly awestruck stare her watched the avalanche of soft, jiggling flesh that was her breasts. They were so large he could actually feel the mattress sink a little as she settled in her new position. Of course such a thing was easy to notice as he stared directly at them with a look that displayed his adoration for her body more than words ever could. She let him enjoy the sight for a few seconds before playfully shoving him onto his back and snuggling up close. Hector immediately slid an arm around her shoulders while those same, beautifully soft tits pressed against his side and her head rested against his chest.

“When will your parents return?” She asked.

“They said they'd be back tomorrow.” Hector replied as he idly stroked her shoulder, “So probably in couple days. Maybe a week if I'm lucky.”

“I see . . .”


Akari rolled onto her stomach and rested her chin against his chest, “If they aren't going to be back soon I thought maybe we could have our own celebration . . .”

“I thought we already did that.”

“Maybe . . . but I don't see any reason why it should end after one time . . .”

Hector slowly let out a shuddering breath, staring at her with wide eyes and a gradually widening smile, “Uhm . . . all right . . . that sounds . . . that sounds great.”

“I'm glad you think so.” She kissed his chest just above his nipple and softly laughed, “Maybe afterwards we can go out of town and have dinner together.”

“Wow . . . I would love that. A lot.”


Rising up to kiss him on the lips and smother his body beneath her incredibly large breasts Akari pulled back after a moment and said, “This time call me Ms. Fujikawa . . .”

Several months later Hector was adjusting to life outside of his hometown. Cornell was every bit as amazing as he expected and having as many scholarships as he did eased the stresses of day to day life considerably. He'd even started making new friends. Things were still a bit rocky with regards to women but after his unforgettable time with Akari he didn't spend nearly as much time thinking about it as he probably would have. In fact he was actually a lot less awkward around the handful of ladies he'd actually talked to outside of a classroom. Although he wasn't quite aware of it. Maybe by the end of the year he'd start seriously thinking about possibly asking one of them out. A girl from his philosophy class was interested, according to his roommate at least. As he walked back to his dorm to have a quick nap before his next batch of classes Hector couldn't help but wonder about Ms. Fujikawa. He'd exchanged emails a handful of times but they been the same kind of friendly, chaste interactions that took place before their tryst. Were it not for the vivid memories and his oblivious confidence he might have thought it never took place at all. He was interrupted from his thoughts by a brusque voice calling out to him while he made his way down the hall.

“Hey Ramirez you've got a visitor!” The RA shouted as Hector walked by her open door, “She's waiting in your room!”



Wondering if his philosophy classmate had decided to make the first move he hurried back to his room and opened the door. But instead of a preppy blonde lacrosse player he was face to face with Ms. Fujikawa. At first glance she looked exactly as her remembered her with the same beautiful eyes, shimmering hair, and angular face. But as she rose from his bed to greet him he couldn't help but notice the pronounced bump where her normally taut belly had once been. And as soon as he spotted that his heart skipped a beat and his stomach seemed to drop right out of his body. He stared at her with wide eyes and a slightly opened mouth while she blushed. Her slow, almost timid nod followed by the way she cradled her pregnant baby with both hands nearly made him pass out. Acting entirely on instinct he slowly shut the door behind him and stepped closer. As he did so Hector noticed the slight chubbiness in her cheeks and the way everything from her fingers to her legs had an extra bit of plump that hadn't been there before. Her breasts didn't seem that much bigger but that was probably for the best, if they grew any further she'd run the risk of snapping her spine in half with too sudden a movement. Not fully aware of what he was doing he stepped closer and looked down at her belly before slowly pulling his gaze up to her face.

“I-I thought you said it was a safe day . . .” He stammered.

“I did.” Akari blushed, “I guess I counted wrong . . .”

“Oh . . .”

“I'm sorry I just showed up like this. I know it must be quite a surprise.”

“N-not a bad one though.” Hector tried to say in a reassuring voice. He sat down a moment later to try and keep the world from spinning.

“But not a good either I'm sure.” She replied, sitting beside him and resting a hand on his leg.

“No! It's just . . . just a lot to take in . . .”

“I'm sure. I would have told you sooner but it didn't seem like something that should be shared through email.”

“Yeah . . .”

“And I was so busying tutoring I couldn't take time off.”

“Oh you're tutoring again?”

“Just a few kids that were having trouble. I wanted to get them back on track for graduation.”

“I'm sure you'll pull it off.”

“Thank you.”

They smiled at one another for a moment, each one trying to figure out where next to go. “Do you want get something to eat and maybe . . . talk about it?”

“I would love that.” Akari laughed, “I've been craving something spicy since I arrived.”

“Oh, well we can totally get something then. It'll be a first real date!”

He immediately looked down at his lap, a strange rush of embarrassment coursing through him while her cheeks similarly reddened. Although she didn't look away as she said, “That sounds wonderful. I'm ready whenever you are . . .”

“I'm ready.” Hector said, “Let's go!”



Great work as always, everything I could have hoped for and more!