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I hope y'all are in the mood for another long one! It seems I just can't help myself these days. This time it was the lovely Midna in her true form and some romantic perversity that so inspired my efforts. Hopefully y'all enjoy!

In the years after Ganon's banishment and Midna's departure Hyrule had blossomed. It's people were safe and happy, the monster that once plagued the countryside were all but gone, and there was little need for heroes or weapons. Which meant Link was finally able to return to the peaceful life he'd known in Ordon village before Zant. And for a time he did. But life as a ranch worker felt strangely small and meaningless in the face of what he'd done. As glad as he was to see the people of his home a distance had grown between them. Intentionally or not few could see him as anything other than the hero that saved the country and the handful that could look beyond it were just reminders of what used to be. Link knew they didn't mean to treat him differently, to stare at him when they thought he wasn't looking. Yet no matter how good their intentions the plain truth of the matter didn't change: there was no going back to the world he knew. Every morning that realization crept a little closer as he climbed out of bed and saw his shield hanging from the wall and the Master Sword sheathed behind it. Although he hadn't drawn the blade since defeating his age old enemy his fingers had started longing for the touch of it's hilt. More and more he realized that the idyllic life he'd fought tooth and claw to preserve could no longer be his own. Early one morning as he woke to attend his duties Link finally acknowledged the truth he'd been doing his best to ignore. With a heavy heart he gathered his belongings and left with only a note left behind to explain himself. As Epona galloped away from Ordon Province he cast one last look at what used to be his home. Maybe someday he'd be able to return, when people forgot what he'd done and the world settled back into it's ways.

From that point onward he wandered Hyrule, never really settling in any one place for long. Much of his time was spent visiting all the places he'd gone and reuniting with the people he'd met along the way. Of course there was one person he couldn't reunite with and her absence was felt often. Nearly every time he looked at his shadow Link felt a pang of sadness. It wasn't until he'd begun traveling across the countryside that he truly missed the presence of his imp friend. Having a companion with him on the quiet nights out in the fields was something he never expected to miss so much. For all her snarky, impetuous comments Midna had been the kind of friend few ever made. The permanence of it was what really stung. Anyone else, including Princess Zelda, could be visited to his hearts content but the one person he missed most was forever out of his reach. Sometimes he even caught himself missing the days when he could transform into a wolf with her riding on his back. Though even his nostalgia for the past couldn't always keep that experience in the best light. Although as the seasons passed and time marched onward he started to look more and more favorably upon the entire journey. The good and the bad. With the benefit of knowing how well it all turned out in the end Link could reminisce about his time with the Twili Princess. He often daydreamed of what life would have been like had she remained in Hyrule. What other adventures they could have enjoyed after she returned to her true form. Those thoughts carried him across the land from Kakariko village to Castle Town and even Death Mountain until one summer evening he found himself at the shores of Lake Hylia. Everything was lite by a warm orange glow and as Epona grazed peacefully nearby he was seized by a strange whim.

Removing his weapons and setting them down in the sand he set about removing the layers of clothes and armor covering his body. Once he was down to a simple pair of underclothes covering his loins he stepped into the cool, refreshing water. Although he could certainly don the Zora armor still in his possession for once he felt like going for a natural swim. Wading out until it was nearly to his waist Link dived beneath the surface. He released his breath in a cloud of bubbles and reappeared a short distance away. After a quick look back to make sure Epona hadn't wandered off he vanished into the water yet again. Without any real motive beyond enjoying himself he swam as deep and as far as he could go. Despite having thoroughly explored the depths of the lake in the past it felt oddly serene to drift through the clear waters for no other reason but pleasure. The next time he returned for air he elected to float serenely on his back and let the gentle currents carry him in whatever direction they desired. Perhaps he'd visit the Zora since he was already so close to their domain. They'd undoubtedly like their armor back at some point and that thought only just occurred to him. Smiling to himself he sucked in a lung full of air and dived back under the water.

Beneath the water he couldn't hear the strange, discordant notes or see the harsh, geometric shapes swirling around the portal. A tall, lithe figure appeared on the ground beneath the portal, her head turning as though searching for something. When his head broke the surface Link saw only a shadowy person standing silhouetted against the setting sun. Instinctively swimming towards the stranger his heartbeat quickened and his eyes widened. Convinced it was some trick of the light or his own imagination he swam to the shallows and stood up. As he waded through the gently lapping water he couldn't help but rub his eyes as the figure before him turned. Still wearing that same, wistful smile she'd given him the last time they saw one another Midna stood at the edge of the lake as though it were nothing at all. Link rushed towards her, a grin spreading across his own face. Water splashed all around him and he stumbled several times in his haste to reach his long lost companion. As he approached she leaned back and shielded her face with one hand, her aloof expression softening considerably. She stepped back and he emerged from the lake panting and dripping but elated. The moment he was able Link straightened and looked up at her. A note of confusion had slipped into the delight, his furrowed brow and searching blue eyes asking a question his mouth could not.

“I have my ways.” She stated with an impish smile.

Link scoffed but accepted her mysterious non answer. He was simply too happy to care about the how in that moment. Standing before her after so long was like something out a dream and if it was he never wanted to wake up. Midna looked exactly as he remembered her. Still that same tall, slender but undeniably curvaceous woman that'd taken his breath away when he first saw her true form. Her soft blue skin still looked positively glowing and the black patterns covering her chest and arms like a negligee and a sleeve respectively just made it stand out even more. A dark sigil was displayed on her exposed right thigh with a similar pattern wrapping around her leg a bit further down. It was matched by the edges of another on her exposed midriff with the rest hidden beneath the swathe of black hiding her breasts  Adoring her head and shoulders was a black shawl patterned with the same unknowable symbols as all Twili clothing. Around her wide, shapely waist rested a similarly colored sarong, one that completely hid her entire left leg all the way down to the foot while leaving the right one almost completely bare. It hung at a sharp angle against her hips with one side lifted high and the other drooping quite low. The silvery metal edge keeping it fastened to her body matched the anklets resting above her feet and the headdress resting against her forehead. It gave Midna a regal, otherworldly appearance that was further enhanced by the entrancing beauty that was her face. Still possessing those same large, angular eyes that'd so captivated him their deep red color surrounded by soft amber instead of white gave her an incredibly striking gaze. One that was matched by her strong yet petite nose and a pair of full, sultry purple lips. The rest of her face was framed by neatly groomed tufts of orange hair, some of which fell across her forehead and others which accented her soft cheekbones. The rest was neatly brushed into a pair of strands that fell across her chest. They were clasped together by a large bangle right around her collarbone with the ends falling freely between her breasts.

Little did Link realize while he was busy admiring her she was doing the exact same thing to him. And her gaze was even more lustful and hungry than his own. He was still the same lithe, muscular Hylian she remembered. In fact almost nothing about him had changed since they last saw one another. There was something gratifying about returning years later to find that same handsome face staring up at her. His same warm blue eyes framed by his golden blonde hair. The fact that he was standing before her almost completely naked was an unexpected but welcome fact as well. One Midna was all to happy to enjoy as rivulets of water cascaded down his bare chest, weaving between the contours of his abdomen before soaking into his underclothes. Or dripping down his well nicely toned legs to join the puddle forming at his feet. Yet despite how appealing the rest of his body was it was Link's face that really drew her attention. Not only because of how beautiful his angular features remained but also because of how desperately she'd wanted to see him again almost since the moment she left. She hadn't realized the true scope of her longing until she was suddenly standing before him again. While he likely assumed her reaction was in keeping with the mysterious and aloof nature he'd fallen in love with the truth was far more simple. After so long she was almost paralyzed with excitement. Unable to get her body to move regardless of how desperately she wanted it to. Thankfully Link was under no such limitation and when he stepped forward closer enough to kiss her Midna finally snapped out of her reverie. With a soft gasp she threw her arms around his shoulders and pulled him into that first, wonderful kiss both of them had been dreaming about.

But their lips were barely connected before she pulled back to stare into his eyes and say what she'd wanted to say the moment she saw him, “I missed you . . . I spent so much time trying to return to Hyrule . . . to you . . . and I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to.”

Link responded with a blushing smile, one hand caressing her cheek and the other flattening across her lower back. A moment of quiet joy passed between them and when they moved back in to finish the kiss they'd started there wasn't anything in the world that could stop them from enjoying it to the fullest. Her eyes closed tightly and she let out a long, soft moan as the warm passion of his embrace washed over her. Midna's body pressed tightly against his after so long, goosebumps erupting across nearly every inch of her skin. She shivered at the feeling of his touch slowly gliding across her lightly trembling body. The way he tenderly stroked and felt all the places that could make her shiver. Despite how long ago it was and the fact that she'd been an entirely different being at the time he still remembered every single spot that could make her a quivering, mewling wreck. And as much as she wanted to return the favor she simply couldn't. Not as his tongue furtively pushed into her mouth and her own moved to greet it. Certainly not when his roaming fingers finally slid low enough to find their true prize. Once she felt his strong, calloused grip on her buttocks it was all over save a couple of formalities. Gasping and breaking off their kiss for a split second Midna leaned in harder than ever against his lips. Feeling his cock straining against his underclothes and rubbing none too subtly against her thighs it was all she could do to keep from dropping to her knees then and there. Really the only thing keeping her upright was his firm, groping hold on her cheeks. Having slid his hands underneath her sarong to fondle her buttocks directly he was well on his way to earning himself the kind of sloppy, adoration no Hylian woman could provide. She deliberately pulled back a few moments later to smile down at him and suck in a ragged breath before she fainted.

“Do you remember that night in the fields?” Midna quietly asked of him, “After you regained your normal body?”

Link nodded, his cheeks darkening as the memories came back to him in force. He looked away for a moment before the reason she was suddenly bringing up that specific time dawned on him. When he looked back at her smiling face with wide eyed, open mouthed surprise she couldn't help but laugh as a rush of affection filled her. Daintily covering her mouth with one hand Midna nodded at her companion's questioning expression. Even with his hands firmly clutching her ass he could still find a way to be embarrassed and flustered by their past lovemaking. It was a quality she loved just as surely as he loved how blunt and open she was about such things.

“I promised it wouldn't be the only time didn't I?”

Looking for all the world like he'd just been promised every last thing he could ever want Link was too dumbstruck to react. Taking advantage of his momentary inaction Midna pulled away from him. She moved a little higher up the shores of Lake Hylia, her grin widening as she did. Holding his gaze as tightly as he'd held her ass she slowly unclasped the sarong protecting her modesty. It fell away and he audibly gasped as the plump, glistening contours of her incredibly wet pussy were revealed. Already swollen with arousal the outer lips of her sex had spread apart to reveal the soft, dark blue inner folds in all their sumptuous glory. The pert little nub at the crest of her slit was similarly engorged and practically begging to be played with while her exceedingly thick, almost fat, cunt steadily released a constant trickle of clear juices down her thighs. Even standing a few feet away Link could smell her fluids as the gentle breeze carried their intoxicating aroma to him. Just about the only difference from her imp form was the presence of a thick, curly tuft of orange hair above her slit. Matted and slick with her juices much of it formed a thicket not only across the soft mound above her folds but also around it as well. Although it was less dense in the spots around her pussy it was no less visible thanks to the vibrant coloration and how well it contrasted with her skin. After staring for several seconds Link swallowed and pulled his gaze back to her blushing face. Midna smiled at him, her cheeks darkening even more while she looked away. Standing before him completely bare felt all the more intimate under the circumstances. Enough that when he rushed to her side she didn't know how to react except to inhale and bite her lower lip.

In unison they both sat down on the soft, wet earth  with Midna reclining beside him and Link kneeling next to her. She reached out to touch his smooth chest, rolling onto her side as her hands drifted down towards her real goal. But while she was busy teasing and playing with him he was far more interested in jumping straight to the point. And in subverting what she was expecting whenever possible. To that end Link wasted no time pushing his hand between her tightly clenched thighs. She gasped and looked down as his rough fingers slide across her folds. Lifting one leg into the air so he could move a bit more freely Midna  temporarily lost interest in what she'd been doing. The sensation of his hand against her sex was one she'd missed so dearly. Almost as much as the feeling of his arms wrapped around her or the taste of his lips against her own. She fell onto her back and opened herself wide for his gently probing digits. Like he had so many times before Link gradually rubbed and massaged every inch of her pussy. He started near the middle with his fingers coyly teasing her entrance in a way that made her simultaneously eager and frustrated. Soon he moved higher towards a spot that gave her far more enjoyment. Lightly holding her clit between his thumb and forefinger he gently squeezed and rolled it while she whimpered. Midna's hips arched off the ground and she moaned his name several times while he simply smiled. The way he managed to stared directly at her face while at the same time so effectively teasing her slit was remarkable. Enough that when he started stroking her cheek she completely lost sight of her own goals. Suddenly she couldn't focus on anything except his intentions for her body. Her hands closed around his wrists while her mouth parted in a silent gasp. When his thumb arrived to caress her lips she happily closed them around it and started sucking. As indecent as she might have looked it worth the indignity.

Especially when he shifted just a little bit and pressed his palm against her swollen bud. Confident she knew what was coming next Midna wasn't disappointed as the tip of his middle finger was dragged across her quivering folds until it came to rest against her tight opening. She smiled around his thumb, her lips releasing their hold on him so she could breathless moan his name one more time. He looked down at her with an expression of total adoration and gently pushed his finger into her pussy. Although it's size didn't even compare to what was still hidden beneath his undergarments she was nonetheless wracked by a sudden and powerful jet of pleasure. After years of only her own hands to avail her loneliness finally having the touch fo the man she cared so deeply for was something else entirely. He pushed the entirety of his finger inside her within a few seconds and yet it felt as though hours had passed. Fluids cascaded out of her pussy and soaked the already wet ground while full body tremors coursed through her. His small, slightly gloating smile did little to diminish her enjoyment and when his ring finger joined the first inside her pussy she forgot all about it. Her eyes closed and she basked in the feeling of his digits steadily pumping in and out of her body, their gentle but constant pace making her ache for them even more.

It wasn't long before his soft, considerate fingering started to tease her more than it satisfied and in keeping with how she always approached such things Midna didn't hesitate to spur him on, “Deeper!” She urged him, “Deeper Link! There's no reason to hold back now!”

He nodded at her encouragement and pushed his fingers even deeper inside her pussy. The last time they were together like this Midna's body hadn't been able to handle more than two of his digits at a time. She'd barely managed to fit his entire cock. But now things truly were different. Although she remained so wonderfully tight it was kind of a miracle anything could fit inside there was a definite sense that she was capable of more. That much was clear in the way her quivering inner walls clamped down around him. Both sucking his fingers in deeper and trying to push them out with every contraction her folds were dripping with arousal. Link barely moved and his efforts were rewarded with a little spurt of clear juices. Squirting out from her pussy it splashed across his palm and  wrist while her mysterious red eyes threatened to roll backwards in her head. Just barely managing to keep her composure Midna smiled at her man, her own fingers tenderly caressing his cheek. Her lips slowly parted in a breathless smile as she held his gaze with an intensity few could match. Completely unbidden by her scattered mind she felt her hips start to buck and grind against his hand. She wanted him inside her so badly she was ready to beg for it. Even knowing he would grant her everything she desired and more the words formed on her lips ready to whispered at a moment's notice. Yet faster than she could encourage him Link guessed what his love wanted and quietly slipped a third digit inside her cunt. It pushed into her already stuffed opening and slid in just as deep as the others while Midna trembled in abject delight. No longer able to keep herself upright she fell back against the sand in a heap, her dignified and regal air all but lost while she writhed beneath and around him. But it didn't matter how she looked or what she did, he had eyes only for her and she knew it.

That unrestricted focus made it even more delicious when he slowly worked a fourth digit into her pussy. Waiting less than a minute after the third Link knew exactly where this was headed and much like Midna he couldn't wait to get there. He did manage to restrain himself just a bit after four fingers, instead simply fingering and playing with her slit for a short while. Mostly so she could get used to the sensation but partly so the constant rush of fluids seeping out of her would completely lubricate his hand. Wet, sloshing noises soon joined her moaning as her body gushed all over his fingers and he busily worked every inch of her cunt. Up and down his hand shifted, at times even moving with enough force to lift her off the ground entirely. Trembling harder and harder as he teased her inner walls Midna could think only of what would happen when he finally made his move. She grinned at him and bit her lower lip, all but begging him to take that final step with the look in her eyes. Link understood her gaze but responded by stuffing his digits a little further inside and lightly rubbing her clit with his as of yet unused thumb. She immediately threw her head back and moaned at the spike in pleasure his dexterous touch caused. When she managed to look back at him it was with a wry smile. Unable to complain at his coy refusal to give her what she wanted Midna wriggled against him. Actively trying to push herself further onto his hand and all but force his entire fist inside her she made no secret of how badly she wanted him to do it for her. First with a multitude of pleading moans and coquettish whimpers and then by softly moaning his name in a voice that made his heart skip a beat.

Her efforts bore fruit almost instantly as Link heard his name, saw the look on her face, and completely gave in without a thought. Curling his thumb against his palm he slowly pushed the entirety of his hand inside her pussy. With how vigorously he'd been fingering her and how wet she'd become as a result it took very little effort to slip what little was left inside her. Yet despite how easy it'd been Midna still moaned to the heavens and cried his name until it lost all meaning as her trembling entrance came to wrap around his wrist. The feeling of his entire hand stuffed inside her pussy was one she'd come to know almost as well as that of his cock. It was one that never failed to excite her in ways she couldn't even begin to explain. Thankfully she had no need to explain herself so long as her body trembled the way it did and her inner walls clamped down around him like they were doing. Grinning both in awe of how amazing she was and how predictable her reaction had become Link gently curled his outstretched fingers into a fist within her slit. He knew what she wanted and by that point there was no reason not to give in and let her reap the rewards of her own lust. Midna panted and tensed as her walls were stretched around the familiar shape of his knuckles, her breath coming in stilted gasps when he started pushing deeper. Looking down between her legs for a moment she almost couldn't believe what she was seeing. No matter how many times he did it watching his wrist and forearm gradually disappear into her pussy while simultaneously feeling it pushing so deep inside her was just too surreal. Being able to physically watch her taut belly swell and bulge as he pushed forward was an added treat for both of them. She even went as far as laying a hand across her gradually shifting bump. His soft laugh and ensuing grin made her blush even more than having his entire fist rammed inside her pussy.

Stopping with about half of his forearm buried in her cunt Link leaned in for a tender kiss. Her lips happily met his and when she pulled back her body was trembling more violently than ever. She wanted him to keep going, to feel him as deep as he could physically be and know that he'd conquered her body as surely as he'd conquered Ganon. But the slight pangs of discomfort she was beginning to feel couldn't be ignored and even if Link didn't already know her limits the momentary flash of pain across her face was enough to stop him dead in his tracks. He began to pull back and for a moment she feared he might pull out entirely. Such concerns immediately proved unfounded as he stopped with his now wet and dripping wrist poised at her entrance. His hand moved just a little bit further after a brief pause and she gasped as her entire pussy was stretched outwards around the contours of his fist. But his teasing quickly abated and he started pushing back inside of her a split second later. Midna flashed him a knowing smile, both thrilled and annoyed by how well her knew her body. She'd expected his skills to dull just a little after so long apart and she couldn't have been more happy about being wrong. Even while it meant he once again had the kind of control she was always hesitant to give. Yet just like every other time they were together her small, unfounded concerns were steadily eroded in the face of his genuine affection and care. Back and forth Link's fist moved and with each pass she felt herself surrendering a little more. Both to him and to the rising pleasure inside her. Soon those misgivings about relinquishing control seemed so silly in the face of how good it felt. Her breathing grew more labored and her the tone of her gasps rose dramatically in pitch. Minutes passed as he moved with an almost mechanical precision, his fist moving at an ever increasing speed. More and more she lost herself in the feelings, both sexual and otherwise, swirling around within her. It was getting harder and harder to keep track of anything but his hand constantly rubbing against her inner walls and hitting all the most sensitive places inside her cunt. 

Eventually keeping track of that much was proving too difficult for her. About the only thing she could do was slump against the earth and lie there as the man of her dreams busily assaulted her pussy with his fist. It was as wonderful as it was comical and she couldn't think of a single thing she'd rather be doing instead. Crying out until her voice died in her throat Midna's hips bucked and her entire body went numb. All her muscles quivered uncontrollably as her eyes rolled back in her head. Link ceased his movements a moment before ecstasy washed over her. A split second later her already sopping wet cunt was a veritable fountain of creamy juices. While copious amounts gushed out of her to splash across her thighs and run down his arm it was the clear, beautiful jet that erupted high into the air that really spoke to the beauty of her orgasm. Squirting several feet straight up it rained down upon both of them in a light shower of sweet smelling fluids. Some managed to fall in her open mouth while little flecks splashed all across the rest of her body. Link felt it drizzling on him as well but rather than let it distract him in his efforts he used it as motivation to keep her trembling for as long as possible. 

The moment she'd finished dousing them in a fountain of her arousal he resumed the movements that'd brought her to that point. Although he thrusted at a much slower pace thanks to how incredibly sensitive she was he might as well have picked right back up where he'd left off. If he had done that odds were good she'd have passed out from the sudden rush of pleasure. Because she just barely managed to stay conscious upon feeling his fist slowly retreating from her slit. When he pushed it back inside she gasped and another messy spray of juices gushed out of her. It arced almost as high as the first and coated them in nearly the same amount. All as she continued to convulse and shake as though being electrocuted. While still wearing that same wide, unmoving smile. Right around the time a third jet was bursting from her overstuffed pussy she felt his lips pressing against hers. Absolutely delighted to feel more of his touch against her trembling skin she threw her arms around his shoulders and hugged him as tightly as her quivering arms would allow. She couldn't kiss him back quite as passionately as she wanted to but what little she did manage got the message across loud and clear. Enough for Link to respond with a little extra power as his fist slid back inside her pussy with a wet squish. 

Fluids continued to seep from her cunt at an incredible pace but there were no more messy, squirting fountains to mark her pleasure. Any time she felt a particularly strong surge it was simply reflected in the clenching of her inner walls around his hand and a sudden limpness in the rest of her body. It wasn't long before she'd grown too weary to do anything else. Every ounce of energy she had left was dedicated to kissing him and holding on for dear life. But soon even that was beginning to look impossible in the face of her sudden exhaustion. Once her arms fell away and her lips ceased their movement Link knew she was well and truly spent. He pulled back a few inches to smile at her half lidded, open mouthed stare. His fist slowly but surely retreated from her sex, a little spray of juices accompanying it's departure from her pussy. Midna gasped as she felt him leave and shuddered as she felt her once tight slit now gaping and winking in the open air. She almost wanted to see what a mess he'd made of her cute little hole. Of course that would require far more energy than she had. Though she did manage to find a sudden burst of strength when Link started to move away. Feeling strangely needy and a little fearful he was going to look at what a gaping wreck her vagina was in that moment she cupped her his face and pulled his focus right back to where it should remain.

“That was wonderful . . .” Midna panted. She looked down at his undergarments and the bulge practically tearing them from his body, “We still have to take care of that don't we?”

Link followed her gaze and chuckled. When he looked back at her he offered a noncommittal shrug at her words. And were it any other man she'd assume he was simply playing it off and hiding how he really felt. But with him she knew with absolute certainty he was genuinely fine with not cumming so long as she enjoyed herself. In the past he'd pushed her right over the edge into the kind of orgasm that left her nearly unconscious and when she woke up the next morning he hadn't so much as touched his cock. Of course whenever that happened Midna felt so guilty about her selfishness she treated him beyond his wildest dreams.

“Oh don't pretend you don't want to ram that big . . . fat . . . cock inside me right now . . .” She cooed, “Because I want you to. I want you to so badly . . .” She pushed him away and summoned every last bit of strength she had left.

Rolling onto her stomach and pushing her ass into the air Midna reached back with both hands to grasp her plump buttocks. What she was about to do was unquestionably the most tawdry thing she'd ever engaged in. But in the heat of the moment with her orgasm still very much present in her body and her pussy completely wrecked by his hand she couldn't think of anything more appropriate. Slowly spreading her ass while Link watched in amazement she grinned up at him with her cheek pressed glat against the ground. Not only was he able to see just how much of a mess her cunt was after the rough treatment it'd been given but he also had a perfect and unabashed view at her cutely puckered little hole at the same time. All the curly strands of orange hair atop and around her slit were still visible in their slick, messy glory with more than a few wisps extending beyond her sex to nearly reach her second hole as well. The juxtaposition between the two was as striking as it was arousing. His already madly throbbing cock actually ceased twitching all together as it stiffened to the point of bursting. A thick stream of precum oozed from the tip and Midna watched it drip onto the sand, when she wasn't staring at his wide eyed, dumbstruck face at least. Since even the most dense being on the planet couldn't possibly misconstrue what she wanted Link slowly moved behind his lover, one hand reaching out to rest against her ass cheek while the took hold of his shaft. She whimpered and moaned as he moved near, her voice trembling when his length disappeared from view. Before he could enter and lay claim to the last part of her body she couldn't stop herself from being an extra bit more vulgar.

“Take me hero!” Midna cooed, “Ravish me like you did in the field! Don't hold back for even a moment!”

Still very much overwhelmed by what had just transpired Link acted on pure instinct while his mind attempted to catch up. He pulled down his underclothes and revealed the impressively large, throbbing member that Midna knew so well. Licking her lips and staring at his strong, girthy length Midna trembled in anticipation of such a big piece of meat actually being inside her. She wanted to roll over and lather it with her kisses. To coat him in a nice layer of saliva before he rammed it into her ass and fucked her like there was no tomorrow. But there just wasn't time for that as he approached and knelt down over her plump buttocks. With one hand grabbing her waist and moving her into position and the other inadvertently smearing pussy juice up and down his cock as he stroked it Link was all set to give her everything she wanted and more. Yet he paused for a fraction of a second with his tip hovering centimeters from her hole. He was so close she could feel the heat radiating from his member. A thin strand of precum oozed from the tip and landed against her pulsing hole and Midna gasped. She looked back at him with a questioning expression to find Link's face a mask of uncertainty. After a moment she realized the source of his hesitation. Having kept all their previous encounters centered entirely around her pussy this was something of a milestone for them. One she hadn't even considered the possible ramifications of in her haste to feel him inside her. But as flattered as she was by his concern she really didn't feel like coaxing him into splitting her in half with his fat cock. So rather than trying to convince Link she simply and wordlessly pushed herself upwards. Moving as fast as she could her ass rose a few inches into the air and before he had a chance to react the head of his cock was gliding into her well trained hole. Both of them moaned at the sudden pleasure and she flashed him an unapologetic smile.

“I told you not to hold back.” She whispered, “Perhaps next time you'll—AHHHHHH!”

The remainder of Link's cock plunged into her asshole without an ounce of hesitation, a wry smile spreading across his face as he buried his shaft inside her. Midna's body was slammed back into the earth as an echoing slap filled the air and a rush of pleasure filled her body. Never expecting him to respond to her teasing in such a dominant way she was all at once amazed, delighted, and completely thrown off guard. All three emotions continued to grow in strength as he slowly pulled back only to ram his shaft home again after only a few inches. She moaned a bit louder and trembled a bit harder as that second impact reverberated through her. Still trembling from the echoes of the first that second strike couldn't have arrived at a more opportune time. Realizing her hands had pulled away at some point and as a result the sheer size of her jiggling ass was stopping him from properly filling her up she reached back to try and spread herself wider for his conquering dick. Link inadvertently put a stop to that as he settled into a nice, steady rhythm almost immediately. One that started off slow but was already building in power even after a few moments. Certain she wouldn't be able to do or say much of anything before long Midna took the chance to encourage him as best she was able. Her desire to say some sultry, attention grabbing bit of vulgarity failed spectacularly as a single word spilled from her lips over and over, each one punctuating his thrusts and the wet slap that followed soon after.

“Yes!” She panted, her tongue hanging out of her mouth and her eyes rolling back in her head, “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!”

With no fear of him seeing just how undignified she looked in that moment Midna let the pleasure wash over her. Links cock felt unbelievably good pounding away at her tight little ass. Even better than she could have imagined. And with his balls smacking wetly against her still ravished pussy she was well on her way to another gushing release before she knew it. Her voice rose in volume and pitch the longer he thrusted inside her. Each impact made her cries warble just a little more and each time he pulled back her breathing grew a bit more labored. As her toes curled tightly against her feet she felt a sudden, powerful rush of adoration for the man behind her. Of all the people she'd been romantically involved with none had ever made her feel the way she was feeling in that moment. Not just the ecstasy, though he was certainly quite proficient in that regard, but also in the way he moved and reacted to her body. No matter what he did or how he did it Midna knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Link cared about her. Even as he fucked her more roughly than any partner ever had she knew his feelings towards her were unchanged. They might even be growing in much the same hers were. But even if they weren't feeling him inside and atop her in that moment made all the countless hours she'd spent trying to come back worth. Unable to help herself she turned to look back at him, love etched into every line of her pleasure wracked and nearly cross eyed face. Although his eyes were closed and his teeth with bared in a silent groan Link felt the intensity of her stare through all the other stimulation affecting him. A moment later his blue orbs met her red ones and he smiled. Too overcome to control herself and smile back at him she offered a quick nod before turning away.

Burying her face in her hands and pushing her ass harder against his waist Midna screamed until her voice failed her and her mind went blank. Never in all her life did she expect a simple, boyish smile to be what pushed her over the edge and yet that was precisely what had happened. Her knees bent and her legs lifted off the ground as much as they were able while her body weakly tried to pull away from him. Pressed as tightly as she could be against the ground there was nowhere else to go and no more leeway to latch onto. Link hammered her quivering asshole with absolute abandon and each thrust was felt with every ounce of strength he'd put into it. As though he was consciously trying to break not only her body but also her mind he slammed into her ass with a ferocity she'd never experienced. Once more she was witnessing that same incredible stamina that allowed him to fight, climb, ride, and shoot without stopping. Only now every ounce of it was focused squarely on her and her soon to be destroyed asshole. The sheer amount of power that sent his cock in and out of her hole almost made the years long absence they'd suffered worthwhile. Because within a few minutes of his relentless assault Midna was about ready to submit herself to him in every way she could. Something no other being could ever claim to have accomplished. Of course that desire manifested in the same way as everything else in that moment, namely a flurry of moans and gasps each arriving faster than the previous. She'd never felt more loved in her entire life. That, more than just about anything else, was what left her so utterly consumed by his efforts. Constantly knowing and being reminded in a dozen subtle ways how deeply he cared for her was the metaphorical spice that gave their lovemaking the kind of longevity that'd held her over during their time apart. Things like the way he kissed her neck or moved his hips in time with her tremors to further enhance her joy. Elements that truly showed how much he cared and how focused he was even as it felt like he was ravishing her the way a beast might. 

Link managed to keep that ferocity for much longer than either of them expected, the arousal brought on by the earlier part of their reunion fueling it more than he realized. But it wasn't long before the weight of several years without companionship started to bear down upon him. Midna could tell it was happening the moment his groans deepened. Upon glancing back out of the corner of her eye and seeing his teeth bared and his eyes shut tight she knew it was only a matter of time. And it absolutely delighted her. Gripping his cock as tightly as she could while moaning more emphatically than ever she did everything in her power to encourage and hasten what she hoped would be his first orgasm. As always her efforts worked wonders and he didn't last more than two minutes after his coy lover actively joined the fun. Uttering a final gasp he slammed his entire cock inside her, with Midna helpfully pulling apart her cheeks to make sure he was as far as he could be. After a few seconds of wildly throbbing and the kind of swelling that strained her already overstuffed asshole his cum exploded outwards with a force that made her jump. In both quantity and thickness his initial load surpassed anything she'd ever experienced. From him or any other being. It gushed wonderfully deep inside her quivering ass, perhaps further than ever before, in one mighty spurt. She felt it splashing across every inch of trembling flesh well beyond where his dick ended and that was only the initial, ropey jet. Each one that followed add what seemed like an unbelievable amount. Within a few twitches she felt completely full. A couple more and she was ready to burst. By the time he was done rivulets of his jizz were leaking from her hole and running across her jealous pussy. She couldn't even be sure he was truly done with how much he'd emptied into her in less than ten seconds. Her body had gone numb and only the outer most edges of her puffy ring could even really feel his dick. It was absolutely heavenly and she basked in the sensation with an unrepentant grin on her face.

Finally done coating her inner walls with his pent up seed Link slumped forward against Midna. He didn't want to pull out just yet nor did she want him to pull out. Feeling his half hard cock inside her while his jizz settled was a sensation she wanted to enjoy. Especially when he brushed aside her hair and started softly kissing her neck and cheek. She shivered at his affectionate embrace and leaned against him as he worked his way along her body. Around the time he'd reached her shoulders she was ready for him to start thrusting again. Had his member suddenly stiffened she'd have happily encouraged him to add another glorious basting of spunk to her already overflowing ass. But that didn't seem to be the direction things were heading as his member continued to soften despite her quivering hole. When she purposefully squeezed him in an effort to coax her man back to full strength she was rewarded only with a little spurt of leftover jizz. It was followed soon after by a gasp and shudder which put a smile on her face despite the mild disappointment she felt. Of course as he withdrew and laid down beside her that momentary dissatisfaction melted away. Simply having him next to her was enough to make her cheeks darken and her heart race. He felt much the same way and those desires were reflected in the soft grin he flashed her. Trying her best to look calm and aloof Midna simply nodded before sidling closer to him so they could share a proper kiss. Though cuddling would've been far easier if she rolled onto her side or back she didn't want to waste any of the cum he'd poured into her. Feeling it slowly drying inside her ass was a pleasure she refused to give up. And with her hole slowly closing after the fucking it'd been given she'd have to wait for quite a while. But he was more than happy to wait there alongside her.

Long after they finished making love Midna and Link remained side by side on the shores of Lake Hylia. They stared up at the stars in the cloudless sky and enjoyed simply being with one another after being apart. In a surprisingly but welcome display of affection she was cuddled up beside him, her head resting on his chest, her legs intertwined with his, and one hand tracing patterns in the muscles on his stomach as the other rested beneath his back. Something about listening to his heartbeat and feeling the steady rise and fall of his breathing was quite comforting. His arm was comfortably wrapped around her shoulders while his free hand was tucked behind his head while his legs were stretched almost into the water. Every so often he'd reflexively shiver at her touch as a little flicker of his ticklishness would manifest. To her credit Midna only purposefully caused that reaction a handful of times, a soft chuckle accompanying each instance. When she first noticed his manhood perking up she paid it little heed. Her body was still just a bit too sore to entertain the notion. Despite a little trickle of arousal leaking from her sex in preparation. But as it continued to swell and she continued to tease him the sight of his fully erect member sitting so tantalizing close was quite hard to ignore. Eventually a notably strong twitch lifted up from between his thighs and well it fell back down it landed with a soft smack against his stomach. Now possessing no excuse whatsoever not to touch him Midna fully pulled her hand from Link's chest to instead lightly stroke his cock. She ran the tip of her middle digit along his length starting at the tip and gliding all the way down to the base. Her efforts immediately bore fruit as his shaft throbbed mightily against her touch and precum oozed from the tip. Watching it pool on his pale skin she slowly licked her lips. Yet instead of doing any one of the many, lascivious things flitting through her mind she abruptly sat up.

Midna looked down at her man with a hand pressed against his chest and a worried expression on her face, “Link . . .” Propping himself up on one elbow he looked at her with concern in his eyes, “Link . . . I think I'm in love with you . . .”

Immediately laughing in relief Link swiftly had to cover his face and chest as Midna aimed a flurry of light but stinging slaps at him. Rolling onto his side and away from the madwoman attacking him Link continued to laugh while his companion did her best to continue scowling despite her amusement. Her facade finally cracked when he sat up, grabbing her wrists and pulling her into a tender kiss before she could assault him further. Since he could actually say how he felt about her Link wisely chose to demonstrate it in the purest way he could. His hands cupped her cheeks and his lips moved in soft yet insistently against her own. With a smile that just about reached her ears she leaned in hard, pushing him onto his back and straddling him in a momentary rush of pure joy. Although she'd been given no reason to doubt he shared her feelings having them confirmed lifted a weight from her shoulders that she hadn't even been aware of. Her heart was pounding and her entire body tingled. She didn't care if that kiss lasted for the rest of time. But when it finally did end she was almost overjoyed to have a chance to look at her man in the light of what he'd just reciprocated. Yet the moment Midna actually looked down at Link her face was a flustered, blushing mess of bashful smiles and nervous glances once more. Being so open and sincere with another person wasn't behavior she was familiar with. It was strangely exposing and terrifying. Having never seen her in such a state before Link's grin was wider than ever but before he could react any further she managed to get out a warning.

“If you laugh again I'll turn you back into a wolf!” She said in an adorably high pitched and breathy voice.

Genuinely weighing the benefits and drawbacks of egging her on Link eventually shrugged and offered her soft smile. Midna slowly nodded and returned his look with no small amount of difficulty. Hoping to regain some modicum of control over the situation she threw her leg over his waist and straddled him. Her plump ass landed with a rather hard smack against his skin and he groaned a little at the impact. Even while his cock throbbed madly against her. She wriggled just a bit to get him nice and situated between her thighs and pressed up against her pussy. Sliding backwards and grinning at him Midna looked down as the head of his cock came into view smothered and nearly enveloped by her glistening, hairy folds. It was a sight that made both of them shiver and subtly changed the way they smiled upon locking eyes. Slowly bending down and pressing herself against him Midna kissed his neck several times, slowly working her way up until she was at his lips. But rather than planting another kiss there she offered a quiet bit of teasing.

“Perhaps I'll turn you into a wolf anyway.” His member stiffened considerably at those words and she sucked in a ragged breath, “Oh dear, it looks like I'm in love with a pervert . . .” 

Link grinned at her, his hand furtively reaching back and rising into the air. Just as Midna was about to say something else he brought it down with an echoing smack against her buttocks and her whole body shivered. A little moan burst from her lips and a nice stream of fluids seeped out of her pussy. She instinctively pushed herself down harder against his cock and in response he gave her another spank. A delighted gleam appeared in her red eyes. Soon after she let out a little laugh.

“I guess you're in love with a pervert too.” She admitted, “What a fine pair we'll make . . .” Finally giving him the kiss she'd been teasing Midna stared into her man's eyes for a moment, slowly summoning the courage to be as blunt as possible, “Now fuck me Link. Fuck me until the sun comes up!” His heart skipped a beat and his manhood pulsed as he nodded and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Pulling her lips against his own he shared one more, tender embrace with his love before he'd spend the rest of the night treating her like she was a toy to be used and discarded.


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