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Those of you opposed to porn about real people may want to give this a pass. Fans of gorgeous Australian actresses might enjoy this one. I hope y'all enjoy it!

“And . . . that . . . should . . . do it!”

Quickly blowing out the match she was holding before it burned her fingers Emily stepped away from the last of the candles she'd bought for the evening. After longer than she cared to admit choosing where to put them and lighting each one individually her bedroom was finally lit by the dull romantic glow of candlelight. No doubt her boyfriend would find more interest in the black lingerie fastened around her lithe, alabaster body but the effort was worth it all the same. It would be the first time she and Warren made love so the evening had to be as perfect as possible. Since they'd done just about everything a consenting man and woman could do up to this point she almost felt obligated to try and spice things up a little. Despite knowing how easily her man was turned on by just about every little thing she did. Although she hadn't tested the theory Emily was nearly certain she could've worn a brown sack and he'd still eagerly tear it off her. It was both comforting and a little exasperating in ways that just made her happy she'd found him. When she heard the telltale sound of keys sliding into a lock she all but leapt onto her bed and adopted the most alluring pose she could think of.


“In here sweetheart!”

Heavy footsteps approached the door, followed by the sound of a briefcase being set in it's usual spot beside the table. The handle turned and she bit her lower lip while looking as sultry as possible. Her boyfriend's large frame appeared in the doorway and immediately his jaw dropped. The sight of Emily's supple body spread out on the bed in front of him was like nothing he could have imagined. With only a few lacy straps covering her small, perky breasts while still revealing enough of her areolas to make him blush sitting above a little thong, garter belt combination, and stocking combination cut so finely around her sex he could almost count her pubic hairs she looked like a dream come true. But somehow despite how utterly captivating the rest of her looked it was Emily's face that really captured Warren's attention. Her glittering green eyes set below delicately plucked eyebrows and her strong yet cute nose positioned between high, rosy cheekbones. A pair of full, plump lips curled ever so slightly into a grin that enhanced her natural dimples oh so cutely. Not to mention the strong but feminine jawline that gave her face such a distinctly beautiful look even without the dark brown hair framing it so beautifully. She made for such an amazing sight he stopped dead at the door and stared like it was the first time he'd ever seen her.

“Wow . . .”

“Thank you.”

“I mean . . . wow . . .”

“You already said that,” She teased, “Why don't you try something else?”

“I can't believe how beautiful you look.”

“That's pretty good, but I was thinking more along the lines you joining me on the bed . . .”


Warren unbuttoned his shirt and kicked off his shoes like a schoolboy first arriving him. As he unfastened his belt Emily was given the change to ogle his smooth dark skin as it was revealed. In particular his washboard abs and rather large pectoral muscles. Although it was hard not to admire the broad yet soft hands allowing her eyes access to his body. Her focus was quickly and permanently redirected lower when his slacks dropped to the floor and his boxer briefs were all that remained on his body. Once he'd finished hopping on alternate feet to remove his socks. The outline of his continually hardening cock was perfectly visible through his underpants and when combined with the rapacious gleam in his eyes it made for a wonderful sight bearing down upon her. Try as she might Emily was unable to remain laid out across the bed like she'd planned. The moment Warren's knees touched the edge of the sheets she was rolling onto her stomach and rising to her hands and knees. There'd be plenty of time for more wholesome, romantic pleasures later. At that moment she wanted him fast and she wanted him hard. And since her message was as clear as it could be without the help of a neon sign her boyfriend wasted little time moving behind her. He stared down at her perfect, heart shaped ass like it was the first one he'd ever seen, his fingers running across her plump cheeks. Everywhere he touched immediately erupted into goosebumps and before long she was visibly trembling. Little drops of arousal beaded on her waiting pussy and the pungent smell of arousal quickly filled the air. With a small laugh he gave her buttock a quick but deliberate swat. She gasped and tensed at the sudden strike, her cheeks jiggling and her fingers curling into fists against the bed.

“I couldn't resist.” He explained moments before giving her other buttock a similar spank.

“I'm not complaining!” Emily whimpered, her face buried in the sheets and her ass all but offered to him for more strikes, “But don't keep me waiting for the main course!”

“Oh I won't . . .”

In two quick movements he yanked down his boxers and grabbed his cock. He pressed the tip against Emily's slit with one hand and grabbed her pert ass cheek with the other. She sucked in a ragged breath and whispered his name just as he started to thrust. Her words immediately stretched into a protracted moan as his thick, firm shaft slid inside her for the first time. Almost instantly her inner walls started to quiver and push back against the monster attempting entry into her deepest place. Had she been less experienced there probably would've been some degree of pain as well but thankfully she was just familiar enough with sex to feel nothing but pleasure. Inch by steady inch he pushed inside her, never slowing or increasing his speed in an effort to make things as pleasurable as possible for her. Already the sensation of her unbelievably tight sex was beginning to overtake him and the sight of her trembling body react to his every twitch and throb was the icing on the cake. After what felt like an eternity his hips finally connected with her soft buttocks and she felt his entire length buried fully within her. Releasing the breath she didn't even realize she'd been holding Emily lifted her head to look back at her man with a satisfied smile. It felt so good having him inside her she couldn't believe she hadn't jumped his bones on their first date. The look on his face revealed the same thoughts albeit with a with even more incredulity and amazement. Warren could scarcely think straight with his manhood being gripped so snugly and the incredible beauty of her expression as she looked at him. 

Their eyes met for a moment of unspoken adoration, his smile gradually widening to match hers. When it continued to grow Emily was left to wonder what her boyfriend had in store for her. Luckily she didn't have to wonder long as his large hand lifted into the air and came down with the hardest smack yet. Letting out a sound caught between a yelp and moan she stared up at him with pleasure wracked grin. Partly from the sensation she felt and partially at the similar look spread across his face as her already tight pussy clamped down even harder around his dick. He admired the handprint he'd left on her otherwise pristine ass, quickly decided to leave another on the other cheek for good measure. His hand landed with a powerful, echoing slap and the cycle repeated itself once more, to both of their delight. Only rather than remaining stuffed to the hilt inside her slit Warren started to pull out while she was still in the midst of her quivering reaction. By the time she properly felt what he was doing more than half his dick had slid free and her juices dripped from his freshly exposed shaft like rain from a rooftop. Stopping when only the tip was left enveloped by her silky folds he pushed back in considerably faster than the first time and their bodies reconnected with an audible smack.

“Oh fuck!” Emily exclaimed.

Simply enjoying how much pleasure he was able to give her Warren chuckled and set about a nice, steady rhythm to keep her perpetually moaning and writhing on the end of his dick. Heedless of his own feelings he thrusted away with abandon and drank in the sights and sounds of his woman. The more enthusiastically she responded the harder her pounded, often resulting in sudden frenzies that rocked their bed and filled the apartment with the telling sounds of bodies colliding. For several wonderful minutes they enjoyed one another in that way, neither one caring about time or space in the process. But a wrench was thrown into the works when Warren finally realized just how close he was to finishing and undoubtedly ruining the entire evening in the process. He'd been feeling so good the sensation of his impending climax had completely slipped him by. Unfortunately it was looming too large for him to do anything about it now. Even if he'd wanted to his body simply wouldn't stop pounding away at her amazing pussy. He couldn't even bring himself to stop spanking her impossibly spankable ass at the same time. Yet he knew he had to something to avoid tarnishing the rest of the night with his limited endurance. An idea came to him mere seconds before his body started to tense and his balls began to tighten. Leaning over her supple frame and sliding his hands across her belly he found the swollen little nub at the crest of her pussy. With two fingers he furiously rubbed her clit while stifling the groans trying to escape his lips. His pent up cum erupted deep into her pussy and, for the moment, she didn't seem to notice.

“Yes Warren!” She cried out, “That feels so good baby!”

His heart leapt into his throat at her words but it quickly became apparent she was distracted by his newfound interest in her clit. Because she certainly would have commented on the numerous and copious loads he was dumping into her with every passing second. Every throb of his dick sent another jet of cum deep into her pussy for nearly fifteen seconds. He barely managed to continue thrusting while it was happening and despite his best efforts the speed of those thrusts slowed dramatically as well. That tendency continued well past his initial orgasm as the natural sensitivity following such things combined with her ever tightening pussy ensured Warren was always on the precipice of being overwhelmed. In an effort to continue masking his embarrassment his fingers remained fixed on Emily's clit well after he'd finished climaxing. His hips started to thrust with a little more enthusiasm when he noticed her looking back at him with a furrowed brow. The enjoyment she'd been feeling was still evident but it was more than clear his slowness was becoming a point of concern. Deciding to silence that as fast as he could Warren did his best to resume the vigorous pounding he was giving her before. Hoping to make his efforts a little easier Emily straightened, her back pressing against his chest and her arm snaking around his neck. She gripped his forearm with her free hand and guided it's movements across her bud, her smile turning into an open mouthed gasp as her ecstasy returned in full.

There was an all too brief window of time shortly after his momentary speed bump in which Warren naively believed he wouldn't have to worry for the rest of the night. He'd always been able to bounce back rather speedily after cumming and there was no reason that trend wouldn't continue now. Sadly he was vastly overestimating his own prowess and significantly underestimating Emily's amazing, nigh unparalleled body. Almost as if the proverbial floodgates had been opened within a few minutes he was already at his limit once more. And with no other recourse than to fall back on his earlier strategy Warren didn't think twice about madly playing with his girlfriend's clit as he secretly unloaded another hearty amount of cum inside her pussy. The strange combination of guilt and arousal he felt and doing so was almost as powerful as the pleasure from actually cumming. It was only made more potent when she looked back and kissed him right in the middle of his orgasm, cum pumping into her womb at the same time she passionately embraced him in every way a woman could do so with a man. It was nearly enough to make him confess then and there. Just about the only thing that stopped him was a selfish desire to see how far he could truly take it.

Just like before it took him some time to recover but rather than risk discovery he bridged the gap by groping her perky little tits and continued to play with her sensitive button. Once more the process was repeated, though with a slightly longer period of thrusting and tender looks as he tried his hardest to last longer than a few minutes. Partly for his ego and partly because he wasn't sure how long he could keep the whole thing going regardless. But soon enough Warren was unable to keep himself from slamming into her like it was going out of style, his dick throbbing uncontrollably and her pussy quivering like mad around it. The constant, breathy moans she let out in response to his burst of power and speed ended up being exactly what was needed to push him over the edge again. Cum exploded from his dick to join the substantial amount still swirling around within her pussy as she unwittingly milked his cock for every drop it could provide. He happily gave her everything he could and did his best to keep some semblance of the force that'd brought them to that point. Much to Emily's delight. In the end he'd managed three orgasms in the span of half an hour and the result was a gooey, wonderful mess that Emily somehow managed not to notice. He probably would have gone on even longer but once she wound up on her back with him thrusting away at her from the edge of the bed he found the lie impossible to maintain. Not while he was staring down at her amazingly beautiful face and looked up at him with complete adoration. 

“I'm gonna cum!” He finally announced, no longer able to control himself.

“Pull out baby!” Emily exclaimed, “I don't want to get pregnant!”

Feeling a momentary pang of guilt Warren did as he was bidden. Luckily Emily was too enamored with his rippling muscles and sweat soaked face to notice what his cock was covered in as it slipped free of her pussy. He quickly bent over her and stroked his member as fast as he could, his free hand curling into a fist against the bed. In an effort to help him she reached down and played with his sack while simultaneously playing with her clit. She continued to moan and stare fixedly up at him as their eyes locked. They stayed locked in that position for several tense, frantic seconds until he finally made good on his proclamation. With a long, shuddering groan he released the last jets of cum his body was capable of producing. His seed streaked across her quivering body, much of it splashing across her stomach and a small but delicious amount arcing across her heaving breasts. And thanks to his continued and erratic masturbation cum splashed all across both areas in amounts that made her whole body erupt in goosebumps. Though certainly diminished by all the unannounced climaxes he'd pumped into Emily's cunt Warren was still able to produce more than enough seed to give her gorgeous body a fine glaze by the end. The steady dribble still leaking from his cock after he'd finished and was on the verge of collapse pooled directly on the sweat matted thicket of pubic hair above her slit. As soon as she felt it start to soak into her curly brown tuft Emily wasted no time sliding her fingers through the gooey little mess he'd left. The aftermath of a nice cum shot was one of her favorite things about making love, with Warren especially, and she always reveled in it whenever she could. 

“That was amazing.” He panted, stepping back to look at her body properly.

“It really was . . . I'm so glad we waited!”

“Yeah . . . me too . . .” As he smiled at her Warren noticed some of the cum he'd filled her slit with start trickling out and onto the sheets beneath her. His heart leapt into his throat as visions of his little ruse being discovered jumped through his head, “How about we finish the evening with a nice shower?”

“Yeah that'd be nice! Can you help me—Warren!”

Caught between a gasp and a laugh as she was lifted off the bed Emily threw her arms around his shoulders and held on for dear life. “I thought this would be more romantic.” He replied as he carried her like a new bride into the bathroom, his arm discreetly covering her slit and preventing any more spunk from seeping out “It's not too much is it?”

“It's perfect.” She smiled, kissing him on the cheek and running her hand across his chest, “You should do this every time we make love.”

“Oh I think I can manage that!”


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