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Boy this one took longer than it should have. I don't know how often I say that but it feels like I'm saying it a lot. Someday I hope to learn how to properly manage my time. Fingers crossed the stories end up enjoyable despite my dragging feet. I'll let you guys decide that though!

Indira set her freshly emptied mug on the table and daintily covered her mouth to suppress the belch that attempted to follow. None of the patrons would've noticed had she burped after a fourth mug of astonishingly good mead but it was the principle of such things that kept her in check. Even while there was a certain charm to the carefree way those around enjoyed themselves. For such a remote little inn more than a day's walk from any major city there was an impressive amount of variety in the customers seated on the ground floor. Dwarves slammed back massive flagons of ale and wiped their mouths with their beards, humans argued over the dice or cards they were playing, Halflings sat huddled in smaller clusters furtively whispering, a troupe of Elves played music in the corner, and there was even a Half Orc busily drinking several competitors under the table near the front door. As much as she might have missed being away from her home Indira couldn't pretend Green Hollow had anything as lively as the groups enjoying themselves around her. 

The next time she was asked to collect supplies for the herbalist she'd have to make sure her route took her past the Drunken Minstrel whenever possible. Of course it would be churlish to pretend at least part of her desire to come back wasn't a result of the many interested stares she earned siting at the center of the tavern. Being the only human made her unique in a way that was only furthered by her dusky, exotic appearance and warm, almost open attitude. Just by looking at her all of them could tell she was a fervent worshiper of the Goddess of Love Rashama and her son, the God of Sex and Passion Sulla. Although many of them knew those deities by different names. Her clothing was the first and most obvious giveaway although she certainly didn't hide her affiliations in conversation.

The traditional soft pink silks hemmed with white of her homeland had all been modified or set in ways designed not to cover up her voluptuous form but rather enhance the paradoxically muscled yet plump look she embodied so well. The sash running across her chest to drape over her left shoulder not only left miles of smooth brown skin free around her arms and collarbone but it also completely revealed her left breast and the dark brown, puffy areola sitting at it's center. Her right was only slightly more hidden by the sheer fabric although it was hardly enough to be considered covered in any form or fashion. Her taut, muscular stomach was similarly bare all the way down to the upper most hairs cresting her womanhood. But the sash slung across her torso was part of one long, expertly wrapped piece of clothing that actually did a proper job of keeping most everything below her navel hidden from view. Thanks mostly to the several layers sitting atop one another that hid all but the most basic outline of her muscular yet still a little chubby legs from prying eyes. It still did a commendable job of showing off her plump, round ass and the wide, child bearing hips that came with them. A slightly darker colored veil sat upon her head, framing her kind face and keeping her sleek, shoulder length black hair somewhat in check behind her ears. Indira's gorgeous brown eyes and small, slightly upturned nose paired beautifully with her full, naturally red lips and the carefully maintained eyebrows so often arched in a seductive look. The only other accouterments she possessed was a pair of golden earrings and matching bangles on her wrists and around her ankles. She didn't even posses a pair of shoes and the pouch full of medicinal plants she'd been carrying was safely stored in her room upstairs.

“Did you want another mug?” A familiar voice asked less than a minute after the mug was drained.

Indira's smile widened as she looked down at the kind face of the young goblin woman who ran the tavern, “I'm quite all right Elisandre. Thank you darling.”

“Any time priestess,” Elisandre said with an impressed nod as she took away the empty mug, “Talk to my husband when you're ready to pay your tab.”

“I will. Thank you.”

She watched her diminutive companion walk off, expertly weaving her way through the crowds despite being half as tall as most of them and barely tall enough to see over the table. Elisandre's husband Brassus was standing behind a small desk near the stairs leading to the rooms for rent. He was currently in the middle of a heated argument with some surly looking Gnomes, most likely about money given the way they clutched the were all gesturing towards the pouch on the table. Indira knew better than to interrupt any of them so she could handle her own affairs. Particularly when her planned method of 'payment' was going to require a lot more time, energy, and attention than even a group of shouting Gnomes. And she'd much prefer having both Brassus and Elisandre free. Paying them both separately for their excellent services was certainly feasible, if a little less interesting and certainly less memorable. She could only hope a chance would arrive sometime soon, the sun was already starting to set and she wanted a full night's rest before continuing her trip to Green Hollow. But such things could and very often were sacrificed in the name of properly worshiping her gods.

While the sun gradually disappeared behind the horizon and light faded from the sky Indira watched as one by one the customers left. Either for the dusty roads beyond or their comfortable beds above. Once the final group had retired their rooms she approached Elisandre and Brassus as they stood behind the bar. The two were busy discussing the liquor they needed to replace and barely noticed her approach. It wasn't until she leaned over and politely cleared her throat that her presence was properly acknowledged. The moment he realized she was standing there Brassus offered a respectful nod while Elisandre flashed a characteristic grin. 

“I was wondering when you were gonna pay up.” She remarked.

“Not that there was any rush for you to do so.” Her husband added.

“Course not! But you still took your time doing it.”

“I know,” Indira smiled, “Normally I would've paid as soon as I reserved the room. But this time I intended to pay with something other than coin.”

“Oh you wish to pay with goods? We're more than happy to barter with customers that can't or don't pay with coin!”

“I don't think she's offering spices and hides.”

Brassus looked at his wife in confusion while Elisandre grinned at Indira, “Your perceptive wife is correct.”

“I see . . . well then what are you planning to pay with?”

“Think about it Brass. She's a priestess.”

“Of course but I don't see how that—Ohhhhhh!” He immediately blushed crimson and looked down at his ledger.

“Only if you're both comfortable with such an arrangement.” Indira clarified, “I have the coin should you find the idea distasteful.”

“Oh we're very interested.” Elisandre laughed, “Brass and I have had similar 'arrangements' with others in the past. Most of em from your faith as a matter of fact.”

“I'm glad to hear that.” Indira beamed, “We can retire to my room as soon as you like.”

“How about we do the deed in our room? There's more privacy.”

“That would be perfect!”


“I'll lock the doors.” Brassus said, still crimson, “My wife will show you to our bedroom.”

“Thank you.”

Already on her way Elisandre waved to Indira without looking back as she headed towards the locked door siting behind the bar. Raising her other hand the petite Goblin woman muttered something under her beath and the lockless door opened of it's own accord. Surprised and a little impressed Indira quickly followed her inside to find a small but wonderfully inviting bedroom big enough for two people and their small collection of belongings. Neither woman had any qualms about undressing as soon as they were across the threshold but they did slow down to admire one another as they did. It was one of the simple, yet thrilling joys of carefree sex and they each enjoyed it in their own way.

Indira was quite enamored with her companion's beauty, having little appreciable experience with Goblins at that point in her life. For the most part Elisandre looked like a diminutive, forest green skinned human or elf with a naturally stockier frame. but her large pointed ears, sharp teeth, cute little button nose, and large yellow eyes did a good job of setting her apart. The shock of white locks cut short about her head and face along with a curly line of similar colored hairs above her pussy stood out quite well too. Interestingly the puffy outer lips of her sex were of a slightly darker shade of green than the rest of her while the silky inner folds were noticeably darker still. Her clit happened to be a fair bit bigger as well and those outer folds were also a touch longer and thicker than what was common in other races. They already glistened with arousal of a thickness and quantity unfamiliar to all but the most gushy humans. Her entire body was rippling with lithe, sinewy muscles that made her small, perky breasts even more pronounced. That smooth musculature also blended smoothly into wide, by any race's standard, hips and a taut ass that bounced just enough to be delightful. She'd painted the nails on her hands and toes crimson at some point and the color matched her full lips astonishingly well. As her hands found their way to her hips and Elisandre offered an impish smile it was impossible not to think about how her height put her perfectly in line with Indira's dripping slit. But rather than dive right in like she wanted the eager Goblin woman moved to the bed sitting against the opposite wall and sat down.

“Should we wait for your husband?” Indira asked after moving to sit beside her diminutive friend.and daintily crossing her legs.

“Nah, he'd just be uncomfortable if we watched him undress. It's best to get started and let him jump in when he wants.”

“Of course. Then allow me to begin wi—”

The rest of her sentence died in her throat as she was pushed onto her back by Elisandre's unexpected pounce. Feeling that tight little Goblin body straddling her waist and looking up to see the grinning, mischievous countenance of her lover Indira laughed and bit her lip. There was no edict in any of her religious teachings that said she had to be in charge. As a matter of fact being dominated by an enthusiastic woman was among her favorite ways to worship. Her partner certainly didn't have any qualms about capitalizing on her authoritative position. Both hands jumped to her pert, brown nipples and squeezed them hard enough for little jets of milk to squirt out. The moment she was struck by that sweet smelling liquid Elisandre knew she was going to have fun with the eager priestess. Continuing to work her breasts like she was trying to drain her the eager Goblin woman bent low and swooped in for a sudden kiss. Their lips met and a mutual, breathy moan escaped their mouths at the last possible second. Once it was gone they were locked into a passionate embrace that knew nothing of space or time. Indira's hands landed with an echoing smack against Elisandre's tight ass as she quickly returned fire. Her fingers slid between those soft cheeks to find both holes eagerly awaiting her touch. For a moment she was struck by the urge to simply play with both but that desire passed quickly enough and she wisely chose the slick folds of Elisandre's waiting pussy. For a time anyways as the allure of that tight little hole just a short distance above couldn't be ignored forever. Much like the appealingly tight buttocks that practically begged to spanked at every opportunity.

Neither woman noticed Brassus step into the room and shut the door, both of them too enamored with one another to hear such things. That lack of awareness suited the shy innkeeper though and it allowed him to undress and collect a small jug of oil from a nearby desk. He poured some on his rather large cock and made sure it was good and coated before approaching the beautiful pair sprawled on the bed in front of him. As luck would have it Indira's hands just so happened to grab Elisandre's toned buttocks and pull them apart, flashing not only her tightly puckered but wildly experienced hole but also her glistening pussy in all it's aroused glory. He was struck by a moment of indecision as both holes looked absolutely amazing when positioned above another plump, pink slit surrounded by a fine layer of curly black hair. Knowing what his wife would appreciate most Brassus stepped forward and pushed the head of his dick into her waiting asshole with a small but powerful thrust. Elisandre cried out his name in a voice as piercing as it was delighted. Her whole body shuddered and a fresh torrent of juices seeped out of her pussy. Both she and Indira looked back at him with similar smiles and he greeted them with a small, slightly sheepish nod. He continued pushing his member into her hole with practiced efficiency and it glided inch by inch inside her as it had so many times before.

“I'm glad you decided to join us my love.” Elisandre gasped.

“I apologize for my tardiness.” He answered.

“Ohhhhh I think you're making up for it. One inch at a time!”

Indira laughed and furtively slid a hand underneath Elisandre to feel Brassus' dick as it pushed forward, “I can't wait for my turn!” She exclaimed.

Both husband and wife laughed, the pleasure of having someone so blatantly enthusiastic never failed to spice things up in ways nothing else could. It took less than a minute for the whole of his prick to enter her body despite Elisandre doing nothing to prepare for the possibility of getting a cock shoved in her ass. Of course when that was their main pattern of lovemaking because his member was too big to properly fit inside her pussy it was hardly a surprise. And after only a few minor twinges of discomfort she adjusted perfectly to the feel of him buried inside her and both of them were free to lose themselves in the pleasure. When she realized Brassus wasn't going to be moving for a few seconds Indira pulled Elisandre into another warm, sloppy kiss while her fingers alternately played with his sack and rubbed the outer lips of her companion's pussy. She managed to make them both shiver and gasp before he finally started to retreat for what they all hoped would be a furious pounding that'd leave everyone gasping and delighted.

Brassus, having no intention to disappoint either woman, pulled back until barely a third of his shaft remained inside Elisandre then suddenly thrusted forward hard enough to make her whole body bounce. She moaned in satisfaction and smiled into Indira's lips. He didn't waste another second doing anything but building speed and power from that point on. With the ice already broken there was no sense keeping up the charade of a soft, tender bout of lovemaking. Not when that wasn't what either of them wanted. His thrusts were actually a bit faster than usual no doubt as a result of Indira's presence but nobody cared enough to examine it. They were too enamored with the telltale smack of his hips against her waist and the wetter slaps that accompanied his balls colliding with her pussy. Not to mention the passionate moans spilling from both their lips while their priestess lover bit her own and whimpered softly in delight. For several uninterrupted minutes he pounded away at her ass while the pleasure continued to rise for both of them. Indira certainly enjoyed herself as well, taking every chance she had to spank Elisandre's ass, tease her pussy, grope her breasts, and anything else she could get away with. Sadly there wasn't much opportunity to give Brassus the same attention but it was a small price to pay. Eventually the constant ebb and flow reached it's zenith and Elisandre felt everything suddenly rise up inside her. She barely managed to gasp out a warning to her husband, although he was more than familiar with how best to help her enjoy her orgasm.

“Oh Gooooods!” Elisandre moaned, “Take it out! Take it out!”

Knowing full well what was coming next Brassus did as his wife commanded while she reached back to try and wrench his dick from her ass before he could. Her fingers ended up dragging across his length as it retreated and burying themselves in her freshly gaped asshole. They held it open while her whole body shuddered and a sudden fountain of pungent juices erupted from her pussy. Squirting out like water from a geyser the fluids drenched Indira's lower half and splattered across much of Brassus' body. His dick throbbed like mad at the sight of his writhing, pleasure wracked lover while their priestess companion stared at Elisandre's face with open mouthed amazement. Her yellow eyes rolled back in their head and her lips trembled through a dozen different attempts at words while ecstasy flooded her body. Nothing in all the world could make her cum quite like being fucked in the ass by her husband and it was always a treat to share that fact with the often unsuspecting partners they brought into their bedroom. Indira was certainly exception and the way her hands quickly leapt to Elisandre's gushing pussy to play with it swiftly put her at the top of their favorites list. Particularly when she started fingering her Goblin lover's tight hole in the perfect way to make each new eruption of juices splash farther and more messily than they ever would. By the time the roughest edges of her orgasm had subsided Elisandre was about ready to faint from exhaustion.

Sensing it was her turn to enjoy Brassus' cock Indira gently rolled Elisandre's half conscious body onto the bed and slid off to kneel in front of her half elf lover. His strong, angular features curled into a smile the moment her lips wrapped around his oil and pussy juice covered dick. Like the expert she was the priestess swallowed his entire member in one smooth motion. He was the perfect size to fill up her throat and tease the long suppressed gag reflex all women of her order were trained to stifle without being so large that she felt like she was choking. She could even suck in the occasional ragged breath while her head started to bob along his length. Her hands slid up his hairy thighs and around his waist to grab a handful of his unexpectedly large buttocks. A visible tremor coursed through her the moment she felt his soft ass. Squeezing it like she did Elisandre's Indira started bouncing up and down his shaft with more vigor than ever. She wanted to take her time and allow their exhausted companion a chance to recuperate and join in. Too bad she loved oral sex as much as she did because that prospect was growing more and more unlikely by the moment. Luckily for all of them Elisandre was never one to sit out while fun was being had, regardless of what her exhausted body might intend.

Like a marionette being operated by a bad puppeteer Elisandre moved off the bed and half stumbled half crawled behind her husband. Standing at the perfect height for it she pushed aside Indira's hands and buried her face between his buttocks. Her tongue slid into his ass like it was second nature and both women felt the ensuing tremble flicker through his body. Indira smiled as his cock suddenly swelled between her lips, almost to the point of being hard to manage again but she was able to power through it like always. Elisandre moved in as deep as she could go, slobbering over his asshole while her tongue worked him as if she was being paid. Her companion helpfully spread apart his buttocks so she could really assault his sensitive hole which left her hands free to play with her breasts and rub her pussy at the same time. Indira was too focused on sucking his long, wildly throbbing dick to touch herself, not that her body even needed the added stimulation. Thanks in no small part to a blessing she'd received upon being ordained as an acolyte of Rashama and Sulla the pleasure of something as simple as a kiss could make her cum with enough time. And enough passion. Even without such a blessing it wouldn't have taken long for her toes to start curling. Her partner was on the cusp of an orgasm, the labored breathing and rapidly tensing muscles being a dead giveaway, and such things always made her giddy with anticipation. Of course it was hard to anticipate the sudden and unexpected words that spilled from his mouth shortly after she noticed his looming climax.

“Hold on!” Brassus finally groaned, “Hold on!”

“What's the matter?” Indira asked the moment her mouth wasn't stuffed full of cock.

“Brass doesn't want to cum yet.” Elisandre added, peering around him to look at the priestess, “At least that's what he usually means when he says that.”

“You're right,” He smiled, “My leg is also cramping. Can we move to the bed?”

“Certainly my love.”

“That sounds perfect!”

It soon became clear that Brassus and Elisandre were more than familiar with having another woman joining them in the bedroom. Neither one had any trouble adjusting to whatever position Indira guided them into and more than once they even took charge and led her into something she'd been thinking about. That was how she wound up flat on her back with Elisandre's juicy little ass pressed against her mouth and Brassus happily thrusting away at her pussy. Two different pairs of hands groped and fondled her tits in unique but pleasurable ways: the smaller one being rougher and more eager while the large one had a more sensual and calm bent. When added to the delicious feeling of a hard cock sliding in and out of her cunt and an equally sumptuous slit to lick it was just about the most perfect situation she could have envisioned. After an indeterminate amount of time Elisandre bent over and wrapped her lips around Indira's clit while Brassus gently pushed his dick into the priestess' asshole instead. Pausing in her own efforts to cry out in abject pleasure Indira's back arched and her whole body shuddered as her ass was perfectly filled by his cock. Upon recovering she quickly grabbed Elisandre's hips and pulled her little Goblin lover close, her tongue plunging deep into the dark green folds she'd only been toying with before. In response Elisandre started sucking the swollen button at the crest of Indira's pussy with all her might while pushing the index fingers of either hand inside that soft, gooey human pussy. She rather quickly added her middle digits to the fun before her companion had properly adjusted, resulting in a feeling of unexpected yet delicious fullness that only continued to grow when she slowly pulled her interlocked fingers apart.

Somehow the pleasure of being stretched open so methodically was exactly what Indira needed to finally feel the brunt of all the pleasure that'd been building up inside her. She managed another minute of writhing and gasping before it all came crashing down atop her like a cresting wave, by which point her pussy had already been opened wide enough for Brassus to see all the way to the entrance of her womb. His dick swelled appreciatively at the sight and the resulting tightness fluttering through her body elicited an actual groan from him. Elisandre continued playing with her lover's clit while a flood of juices seeped out of her gaping hole. Given how wide she was spread it didn't so much squirt as pour like a waterfall out of her. The fluids cascaded over his continually thrusting cock  Elisandre tried to slurp up as much of it as she could but it was a rather futile effort when so much was gushing out all at once. So she mostly just let it soak everything within several feet and drank up what little she could between bouts of playing with Indira's clit. It might not have been as spectacular a climax but it was just as messy and in more than one way just as enjoyable for all them. Particularly when Elisandre's fingers slipped out and the priestess usually tight slit was allowed to slowly return to normal while her companion's watched, Brassus even slowing down to admire the sight properly. 

After that spike in enjoyment everything settled back into a maelstrom of blink an you'd miss it pleasure. They changed positions over and over again to suit whatever whim the person leading the group had at the moment. Both women bounced on Brassus' cock, rode one another's faces, and played with each other like it was their night alive. He dutifully fucked whichever one was on top of, below, or beside him and on the few instances they were both in such a position he'd slide in and out of them both in equal amounts. They tried to stay as quiet as possible to avoid disturbing the guests but there was simply no masking the constant, telltale sound of bodies colliding and holes being licked or fingered with frantic enthusiasm. More than once Brassus was forced to stop entirely and instead use his hands and mouth to pleasure Elisandre and Indira. Not that either of them minded much. For Elisandre it was having a different hand playing with her ass and pussy at the same time that showed how fun a threesome could be without any a cock involved. For Indira it was when the husband and wife she was bedding decided to each stretch out her asshole from different angles much like what her pussy had gone through earlier than she properly saw the benefits of his restraint. Although try as he might it was impossible to fight the urge to bury his shaft inside one of them and no matter what he did his prick always ended up in one of their holes. Even with his frequent breaks to try and recuperate his stamina such pleasures invariably took their toll and he could do nothing to stop it. If anything his partners seemed hell bent on pushing him towards it with every passing moment they went without his cum.

Brassus enjoyed his first climax around the time Elisandre and Indira were enjoying their third. He let out a long, bestial groan and both women moaned encouragingly. Since he was already lying on the bed beneath them it was easy for his wife to slide off his prick and for the priestess to move in close. All of a sudden his throbbing dick was squished between two pairs of soft tits while their mouths met around his tip. As their tongues swirled around in one another's mouth with his cock forming the centerpiece of their little display. In a flash cum was erupting out of it in thick, warm strands that were eagerly slurped up by Indira and Elisandre. Rather than being a competition both of them were more than happy to share the bounty with one another and even let some of it drip from their mouths to glide down his length and onto their trembling breasts. Feeling his cum against their bodies and gliding down their throats was almost delicious as the jizz itself. It was certainly a fantastic excuse to continue laying kisses on his prick once they were finished drinking up everything he had to offer. Thankfully that turned out to be quite a lot more than Indira expected. Elisandre was less surprised by the sheer amount of cum he had to give but it was still notable how much he could produce when another woman was involved. The only other times he came as much were during the long, slow sessions both of them enjoyed every couple of months.

When he was well and truly spent Brassus slumped back against the bed while Elisandre and Indira leaned back. They smiled at the cum stained and practically manic look on each other's faces. Both of them knew the night wouldn't have to be over if they didn't want it to be. But neither one wanted to do continued without Brassus and he seemed just about ready to pass out. The energy of dealing with unruly customers all day had apparently worn him out more than either of them realized. His wife knew he could manage another go, perhaps even two more if they really made the effort to get his cock going, but it would end with him being nearly comatose all day tomorrow. And they simply couldn't afford that. She cleaned the spunk from her husband's dick as best she could, pausing so Indira could do the same whenever possible, When he was as clean as he was ever going to get she let out a contented sigh. Both of them fell back against the bed to smile up at the ceiling like their exhausted Half Elf lover. A few minutes of silence and slow breathing filled the air. It was finally broken when Indira decided to ask a question she already knew the answer to.

“Does that cover my room and drinks?” She joked.

“I'd say so.” Elisandre said, “When Brass manages to uncross his eyes he'll agree with me.”

“Uh huh . . .” Brassus panted.

“Lovely! I'm so happy we could reach an agreement.”

“Yeah I think we reached an agreement at least three or four times apiece thanks to you.”

“Uh huh!”

“Then I've done my duty.”

“And then some priestess! I've never been with a follower like you before,” Elisandre remarked, sitting up and grinning down at Indira. “You must be quite popular with your gods.”

“I'm very devout.”

“No kidding.”

Indira laughed and sat up as well, her eyes scanning the room for her discarded clothes, “Well I should be going to bed now. I planned to leave at first light but I don't think I can manage that now.” She rose and set about collecting her things while her lovers remained sprawled on their bed.

“I'm impressed you can manage a full sentence. Speaking of . . . you doing all right my husband?”

“Never better.” Brassus managed to say.

“Good.” Snuggling up next to him and resting her head against his chest Elisandre murmured, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Indira smiled to herself at their genuine display of affection, “May Rashama bless you for many more years.”

“I'd prefer Sulla's blessing.” Elisandre quipped.

“You've already earned that,” Indira giggled, “Trust me.”

“Thanks. We'll see you before you leave?”

“Of course. I'd like to discuss setting up a permanent arrangement. I'll be traveling quite a lot in the coming months.”

Elisandre and Brassus smiled at one another while Indira offered them a coy, over the shoulder smile, “I think that can be arranged.” he said, “We'll figure everything out in the morning.”

“Let's make it early afternoon. I'd like a proper rest after that much fun.”

“Of course.”

“See you soon priestess.”


Flashing them a jovial smile Indira took her leave of the young couple, her clothes bundled underneath one arm and her naked body still glistening with sweat. She stepped out of their bedroom and back onto the dark, empty ground floor of the inn. Walking slow enough to not go blundering into the tables and chairs strewn about she made her way up the stairs and down the hall towards her room. Upon reaching what she thought was the right bedroom she pushed open the unlocked door to find a Dwarf standing naked in front of a suit of gleaming plate mail on a rack in the center of room. He turned to face her and his cock swung like a pendulum between his legs. He didn't seem the least bit bothered by either of their nudity and after the initial shock neither was she. Although she was embarrassed by her mistake.

“Oh I'm so sorry! I thought this was my room!”

“That's okay lass! I made the same mistake earlier. They should really number them eh?”

“They should! I'll mention that in the morning.”

“Good on ye! Sleep tight priestess!”

“And you as well paladin!”

Making a mental note to find out what order he belonged to and whether or not they had oaths of celibacy Indira moved two more doors down and stepped into her actual room. She set her clothes down and crawled into bed as fast as her suddenly tired body would take her. While she lay there basking in the afterglow of her evening she closed her eyes and said a little prayer to Rashama and Sulla. It was almost wholly unnecessary in her faith but she still enjoyed the sense of communion that always came with talking to her Gods. By the time she was finished a sense of contentment had filled her body and her eyes drifted shut soon after. Thoughts of all the lovely things she could do on the way back to Green Hollow, not to mention the fun she'd enjoy upon returning, filled her last waking moments. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.


Sophia Dearden

I love this story. I am psyched you managed to fit in a goblin and made her so drop dead sexy as a character. The whole thing was so much fun and a great return for Indira.


Thanks, it was easy enough to put in a sexy Goblin woman. Especially with how underrepresented they are.