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You know it seems like every time I assume a story will end up being on the shorter side when I start writing it I turn it into one of my longer entries. Although since that always comes as a result of how much I enjoy writing it I guess I can't say it's a bad thing lol. But enough rambling, here's a romantic yet naughty story of what happens after the movie Hercules finished. Enjoy!

“How much farther is it Meg?”

“Not far. We'd get there a lot sooner if you picked up the pace Wonderboy.”

As exasperated as her tone sounded every time Megara looked back at Hercules she couldn't stop herself from smiling. Partly because of the sincere love and affection she felt for him and partly because of the blindfold fastened around his head and how completely it took away his usual confidence. Despite her hand holding his while she guided him through the woods, not to mention his godly strength and durability, he continued to stumble along behind her as if he was in danger of being hurt. The handful of obstacles they'd come across had been accidentally kicked out of the way before he knew what they were. Or in the case of one modest sized rock, turned completely to powder. But otherwise their multiple day journey had been remarkably pleasant. Since she'd only covered his eyes for the last leg of the trip they'd been able to enjoy a wonderful outing away from the hustle and bustle of Thebes. And with the sun reaching it's peak and their destination coming into view Megara would finally be able to give Hercules the treat she'd been tempting him with since they left.

“How come we couldn't take Pegasus?” He wondered as a tree branch was flattened beneath his foot.

“Because there's only one thing I like to ride and I already brough him along.” She answered with a naughty smile.

Hercules blushed furiously at her words and cleared his throat, “O-okay.”

He fell silent like he always did when she was unabashedly sexual. Much like his stumbling, uncoordinated movements Megara enjoyed the cuteness of his embarrassment. They'd certainly spent enough time in the bedroom, kitchen, bath, and several other places for him to be well acquainted with the carnal side of a relationship. Yet no matter how often or vigorously they went at it nothing would turn his cheeks red faster than the thought or mention of any sort of sex. Just seeing her naked usually put him into such an awkwardly adorable state she almost certainly could persuade him to do whatever she wanted. It was a far cry from the men she'd been with in the past in the best way possible. Although she'd be lying if Megara tried to claim at least some part of her ego didn't enjoy the reaction simply being naked around him warranted. That reaction was the inspiration for her surprise and she was remarkably excited to finally get there. 

Soon the roar of a waterfall and the babbling of running water filled the air. Stopping at the edge of the pools cutting through the forest Megara let go of his hand  and opened her mouth to make a quip. Her sexy comment melted into a heartfelt laugh as Hercules continued walking forward until he stepped into the ankle deep water and froze. He looked around despite being unable to see and turned towards where he assumed his wife was standing. 

“Uhm . . . Meg? Are we—are we there?”

“Yeah Wonderboy we are.” She laughed. “Keep the blindfold on. Your treat is almost ready.”

“All right . . .” He straightened and did his best to act nonchalant but the trepidation in his voice gave him away, “This place feels kinda familiar.”

“Oh yeah?”

“A little bit. Have I been here before?”

With an ear to ear grin Megara walked past him and into the pool. “You'll see.” 

Once she was far enough in and close to the right spot she turned back towards him and bit her lip. Deciding to commit fully to the scene she bent over and splashed a few handfuls of water across her face and hair. For good measure she let it soak into her clothes and drip down her body before letting him see. Naturally his curiosity got the best of him and Hercules was unable to stop himself from speaking sooner than she could.

“Is everything all right?” 

“Of course. You can take off your blindfold.”

He yanked it off as fast as he could and the moment he did his jaw dropped, “Wow . . .”

Standing in almost the exact same spot where they'd first met Meg looked more gorgeous than ever standing in the shimmering water. With the warm afternoon sunlight glimmering off her body and that sultry smile she wore so well she looked absolutely perfect. Her voluminous auburn hair was still tied in the waist length ponytail she always kept it in while the bangs that hung down across her forehead were plastered to her alabaster skin. The seductively angular and beautiful contours of her face practically glowed, particularly her lavender eyes. One delicately maintained eyebrow was arched while the other sat unmoving. Her full, pouty lips were opened ever so slightly as her breathing subtly increased while the nostrils of her small, sharp nose periodically flared. That same form fitting pink dress she always favored hugged her slender yet curvaceous body tighter than ever thanks to the water clinging to it. He might have seen her naked hundreds of times but it was still an indescribable treat to glimpse her body through the alluring cover of her almost see through gown. Thanks to the amber light reflecting off the water behind her could make out the shadows of her legs all the way up to her shapely hips. The bronze clasps keeping the straps of her dress fastened had been undone leaving her already prominent cleavage all but bursting out of the top of her gown as it threatened to slide off her breasts entirely. She'd clasped her completely bare arms behind her back and unbeknownst to Hercules was actually wringing her hands in a bout of uncharacteristic nerves. Romantic gestures weren't anywhere close to to her forte.

“I thought you'd like it.” She smiled.

“I love it!” Splashing his way towards her Hercules slid his arms around her tiny waist and smiled down at the woman he loved so dearly, “I didn't know you could be so romantic.”

“Of course I can be romantic!” She protested, her arms sliding around his well muscled neck, “I just don't have to be most of the time. You've got that covered.”

“Yeah . . .” He laughed and nervously looked down at her body, “Was this . . . was this the whole surprise?”

“What is it not good enough?” She asked with a sardonic tone.

“N-no it's perfect! I didn't mean—'

“Relax, I'm only teasing you. You know I wouldn't drag you all the way out here to reminisce. I'm more the 'makin new memories' kind of woman.”

“Right. That's great.” His blushing intensified so much she could almost feel the heat radiating from his face as he considered what she meant.

“And if I'm being honest . . . the real treat is coming up next.”

“Oh really?” He smiled at her with equal amounts of excitement and awkwardness while she slowly wrapped her hands around his wrists and readjusted his grip. Meg lowered them a few inches and pushed his fingers against her firm, heart shaped ass. He reflexively squeezed her buttocks then realized what she was getting at a split second later, “Ohhhhhh!”

“Exactly.” She whispered.

The excited silence that followed was abruptly shattered by the sound of tearing fabric. Knowing exactly what she'd see Meg looked down to find her man's cock free of his freshly destroyed underclothes. It peeked out from between the brown leather tassels of his skirt to rest warmly against her belly. His shaft pointed straight up at her and throbbed insistently with enough force to lift off her stomach and bring it back down with a quiet smack. She looked back up at him and offered an impish smile. One of the many joys of being with a man who could lift entire houses with ease was the simple pleasure of causing his manhood to burst out of whatever clothing he was wearing. As silly as it was she absolutely loved doing everything in her power to make it happen whenever she could. They almost certainly spent more money on underclothes for him than anything else. Of course Megara wasn't the type to tease and walk away. Certainly not after dangling such a delicious treat in front of Hercules to bring him to that point.

“I guess I don't need wonder if you're interested.” She teased.

“No I guess not . . .” He said, rubbing the back of his head.

“Let me worry about this,” Meg smiled, her fingers wrapping around his dick, “And you worry about getting naked.”

Hercules nodded and she fixed him with a blatantly lustful look. His cock was almost perfectly sized for her to fit both hands around and stroke. If she wanted it was even possible to wrap her lips around the pulsing tip at the same time. But she liked to save that for later and instead focus on long, smooth movements that brought her fingers from the base all the way to the tip. When the first drops of precum oozed out she let it them fall across her soft skin. As she moved back down to the base Meg smeared the gooey lubricant across his shaft. In her haste to surprise him she'd forgotten the oil that'd make her intentions significantly easier. She was more than capable of improvising though and it wouldn't be the first time she'd used cum and saliva for such a purpose. And to make sure she had as much of the former as possible Megara none too subtly squeezed her breasts together between her arms while she continued working his member. Since Hercules was too enamored with staring longingly into her eyes instead of disrobing he couldn't miss the little show she put on for him. 

That teasing display took a turn for the blatantly sexual when she relaxed her arms and allowed her tits to bounce back into their usual position. The suddenness of her movement combined with the tenuous position of her dress finally caused the cloth to slip from her chest completely. Tumbling down until it was stopped by a similarly delicate hold on her waist Meg's dress had become a skirt in the blink of an eye. The sight of her perky and always unexpectedly bountiful breasts never failed to make his prick throb like mad. With the added stimulation of her hands constantly stroking it at the same time a veritable fountain of precum seeped out. She let out a delighted gasp and shivered as her hands were suddenly covered in his warm seed. The urge to stop playing with his cock and lick some of it off was nearly overwhelming. In the end she managed to compromise by only removing one hand and keeping the other in place to milk as much out as she could.

“Mmmmm!” She busily slurped up the sticky fluids clinging to her digits while making lingering eye contact with her still dumbfounded man, “This must be my treat huh Wonderboy?”


“Should really be getting naked right now.”


Momentarily snapping out of his daze Hercules started pulling off his muscle baring chestplate beginning with the cape. Meg watched his undress with the same excitement he'd been ogling her breasts a few moments ago, albeit filtered through a layer of sultry authority that usually informed her actions. From a purely physical perspective there were many things about her husband that made her knees weak and her heart flutter like she was a teenage girl. His wavy, strawberry blonde hair and boyish good looks alone would've been enough in most cases. But when paired with gorgeous blue eyes and muscles that put Gods to shame he was always a visual treat for her baser urges. Of course everything else about his personality and how he treated her was why she loved him more than she loved anyone else. She just found those things slightly less important when his sweat soaked muscles were being revealed and the pulsing might of his manhood was twitching away at her fingertips. Meg didn't even realize she'd completely stopped stroking his dick to watch him get naked until their eyes met. The moment she realized her glassy eyed, fawning smile she immediately set about distracting him before he could comment. Not that he ever had anything but kind words to say.

Sinking to her knees Megara slid her hands to the base of his cock and teasingly licked the head of his member. Immediately the taste of his strangely delicious precum filled her senses. A haze of arousal and lust descended upon her mind and she wasted no time wrapping her lips around his shaft. Having just finished pulling off the last of his gear, save the sandals that would be quite awkward to unfasten, Hercules groaned as her warm lips enveloped his dick. His hands jumped to her head where they buried themselves in her flowing hair. Even if he'd been the type to take control by pushing her further onto his shaft Meg was far too eager to feel his entire length inside her to do anything except push forward the moment she tasted his seed. Oral sex had always felt more like a chore or a service with her past relationships. Something she was in some way obligated to do before getting to the parts she enjoyed much more. With Hercules it was slowly becoming just as enjoyable as the later bits, perhaps even more so. There was never any sense of expectation or obligation from him. Any time she chose to bury his cock in her throat his utterly amazed and grateful reaction simply delighted her. Barely halfway down his member and she was already seeing that reaction in full with the open mouthed, slightly cross eyed look of pure bliss on his face.

In the short time it took her to reach the base and pause to let her wildly spasming throat calm down Meg could picture exactly how he looked. She would've seen it for herself if her eyes hadn't rolled back in her head while a little stream of precum dripped from her nose. Because no matter how much she loved sucking his cock there was no getting around just how toe curlingly, gag reflex temptingly huge he was. The first time she'd caught a glimpse of her neck bugling outward from the sheer amount of dick stuffed inside had been quite the eye opener. For both of them although Hercules rarely saw anything but her crimson face and mildly convulsing body whenever she went down on him. Like always Megara held herself on his prick for as long as she possibly could before pulling back. Spit and precum poured out from the corners of her mouth as surely as wet, sloppy gurgles. She could feel the flared head of his member scrape against her throat as she retreated and that unfettered throbbing carried all the way down to the base.

Certain he was more than ready to enjoy her ass for the first time Meg saw no reason not to be absolutely sure. Moving one hand to lightly grope and fondle his balls she slid the other around to feel his muscular ass. Almost as arousing as rubbing her pussy grabbing a luscious handful of his butt cheeks made her moan and quiver like few things. This rather quickly translated into her newly prolonged blowjob as about two thirds of the way along his cock she suddenly started bobbing her head right back down. She only moved forward a little bit and made sure to pull back even further so an ever expanding amount of dick was sliding in and out of her throat at pretty much all times. Only after tears started forming in the corners of her eyes and the edges of her vision began to fade did Megara know she was in the swing of things. It was hard not to think about the first time she sucked his cock and his entirely sincere horror upon seeing her tears. Incorrectly assuming he'd hurt her Hercules had stopped their fun dead in it's tracks for a solid twenty minutes until she explained to him what was happening. At the time it was a maddening delay when she'd been so completely aroused but after the fact it was just one more bit of genuine sweetness that made her love him. It was certainly one the many reasons why the heat between her legs had grown so utterly and completely unbearable she wanted to jump him more than anything else.

Gasping as his cock fell from her mouth and spit dripped down her chin Meg fixed him with a messy smile and said, “It's time for some real fun!”

“Great . . . uhm . . . do you wanna lie down or should I?”

“You're gonna pick me up,” Meg said with an amused eye roll, “Like the time we had sex in the kitchen and you broke the table . . .”

“Oh right! That-that would work much better.”

“Yes it would. But first . . .” 

Standing up and winking at him Meg slid her thumbs into the waistline of her 'skirt' to give it the push needed to send the already useless fabric sliding down her long legs. All of a sudden she was standing naked save a pair of sandals. Her thighs were completely drenched in her own fluids and much of the curly thicket of hair resting above and on either side of her pussy was similarly drenched. The plump outer lips of her slit could just barely be seen from his viewpoint and the soft pink nub at the crest of her pussy was the only visible sign of the soft inner folds normally nestled between them. For a moment Hercules entirely forgot what the promised treat was as the sight of her sex practically overwhelmed him. He even reached down with a still nervous air to touch her slit. About halfway her hands closed around his wrist. But rather than stop him she guided his fingers between her thighs to find the warm little hole he'd usually be enjoying. She even went as far as letting the tip of his finger slip inside while a steady trickle of juices seeped onto his palm. Meg bit her lip and looked from his blushing face to his sticky, spit covered cock for several seconds. It felt like her body was on fire and she was more excited than she expected at the chance to show him another intimate way to enjoy themselves.

“You'd better pick me up Wonderboy . . .” She whispered, leaning in close to press herself against him and slip his finger a little deeper inside her pussy, “Before I forget your treat and enjoy my own . . .”

Lifting her as effortlessly as an average person would pick up a leaf Hercules hoisted his wife into the air. Her arms snaked around his neck and her fingers locked together while her legs similarly crossed around his waist. His hands gripped her ass with a firm but gentle touch that made her shudder with naked anticipation. The heat radiating from his manhood as it throbbed a few inches beneath her was palpable and Meg was all to ready for him to slam her down on that juicy member in one dramatic movement. He would never be that forceful though and considering how long it'd been since she enjoyed a cock in her ass that was likely for the best. His innate tenderness actually proved more beneficial than she expected when he finally did lower her onto his cock and the gooey tip pressed against her pussy. He realized his mistake a moment after she did and her knowing smile was all she gave in response. Unwilling to lose her grip by reaching down to guide him Megara instead shifted her hips forward as far as possible until the head of his dick was comfortably positioned against the right spot. Her tight little ass was already reflexively pushing against the would be intruder as the rest of her body tried and failed to relax in preparation.

A little faster than either of them expected his well lubricated prick began sliding inside and she wasted no time letting him hear her enjoyment, “Ohhhhhhhh that feels good! Just like that! Just . . . like . . . that. . . go nice and . . . sloooooooow!”

Her gasping encouragement combined with the unexpectedly tight confines of her ass made Hercules groan like nothing else. He wasn't even a quarter of the way inside her and already it was getting hard to concentrate. All of his thoughts were slipping away one by one until only the instinctive urges remained to control him. Luckily no matter how aroused he became hurting his wife just wasn't something he could do. Inch by laborious inch his dick glided into her ass while she squirmed and moaned against him. Every time he reached one of the points a past lover had stopped at she told herself that was the end. But he kept just kept going and her pleasure increased at a similar rate. Being the biggest man. in just about every sense of the word. that she'd ever been with made for an utterly mind shattering experience as he stuffed her ass so full of pulsing cock it felt like his dick was somewhere near her lungs by the end. Like every other time they'd had sex Meg was finding it increasingly hard to breath for the best possible reasons. Once she finally did reach the base of his member and Hercules paused to adjust she could truly admire just how completely full she felt. It was a sensation she should have expected given how many times he'd fucked her senseless already but taking it up the ass made it feel almost completely different. At first.

Soon he started moving and suddenly she couldn't stop remembering all the reasons she loved having sex with him. The gradual curve of his dick that made it rub uniquely against her inner walls was a big factor. In the case of their current session it had the added benefit of rubbing against the thin lining separating her ass and pussy which resulted in an unexpected wave of stimulation to her unattended slit. His sheer, body altering girth was definitely another. She didn't have to look down to know his dick had created a long, rigid bulge in her once smooth belly. Although she could have guessed it would be even bigger given where he'd put it. Neither of those reasons really mattered as much as his godlike stamina. Their first night together when he should've lasted no time at all they broke the bed in a two hour session. Had she known taking his virginity would result in that number growing longer each time they fucked Meg almost certainly would've slept with him the first day they met. Of course all the lovey, dovey crap she liked to pretend wasn't such a big deal made up every other reason she adored having him inside her enough to likely eclipse the other things if they hadn't been factors.

It was almost funny the things that went through her head compared to what went on in his. While Meg thought about dozen related but disjointed things all surrounding his cock sliding messily out of her ass Hercules was single mindedly focused on lasting as long as possible. He had no idea that most men would kill to keep at it half as long as him and was only barely aware that most nights his wife fell asleep so sore yet so satisfied it was more akin to passing out. She was already feeling the first pangs of that sexual bliss when he pulled out as far as possible and started lowering her once again with a bit more speed than before. One nice thing about his seemingly tender nature was how quickly it broken down when they made love. After a few more times up and down his cock the rhythm at which he fucked her was perceptibly increasing. This became more clear than ever when he started to thrust upwards instead of letting her slid down those last few inches. She made sure to moan encouragingly while the rest of her body reacted with similar delight. After a few minutes he was relying almost entirely on powerful thrusts to send his cock deep into her ass. Megara was already in Olympus by that point at the juices squirting from her pussy following every push were evidence enough. But when he decided to combine both methods to bring her sliding down his member while simultaneously thrusting at the same time she just about lost it completely.

Suddenly finding herself wishing for a table to rest her back against while he endlessly thrusted into her ass Megara could only slump forward against Hercules' chest instead. Her nails dug little furrows into his skin while her lips repeatedly planted shaky kisses along every bit of skin she could reach. The juices gushed out of her pussy dripped down his relentless dick to add a constant source of lubrication that only made his efforts easier despite the tightness of her hole. Not to mention the pleasure wracked spasms that gripped him so hard he was having trouble standing upright. She could feel the edges of her asshole being pulled outward every time his dick retreated and then rapidly pushed back in whenever his shaft slid forward again. It made for a deliciously visceral sensation when paired with the constant wet slapping of his balls colliding with her skin and the rest of hips furiously smacking against hers. In their current position there was even the occasional burst of unexpected, toe curling ecstasy whenever a particularly hard thrust would send her a bit higher up his cock than usual. When she inevitably came shuddering back down the base her pussy would collide wetly with his groin and a bolt of pleasure would surge through her body. If there was any way she could have managed it without losing her hold Meg would've started rubbing and maybe even fingering her slit while ravished her ass.

Being as comfortable with her body and sex as she was Megara was no stranger to orgasms. Or at least that's what she thought before marrying Hercules and experiencing their wedding night. In the past just about every climax she'd ever enjoyed had been the result of massive amounts of stimulation to her clit usually from her own hand. She'd never enjoyed a full body orgasm of the kind others had talked about and most of the time she assumed they simply didn't exist. Every time she was with her husband she had the pleasure of knowing just how wrong she was and just how much better things could be when love was involved. Always arriving after what felt like days of buildup sending little tremors reverberating through her whole body the climaxes she enjoyed with him were well and truly all encompassing affairs. Her muscles would spasm and lock up like she was being cursed as her vision went completely dark. Often her eyes would roll back in her head but such a detail was rarely visible behind her wildly fluttering eyelids. Grunts and other sounds more akin to a beast giving birth than a human woman would spill from her mouth almost as fast as juices sprayed from her pussy. Perhaps it was because she was finally enjoying an orgasm from anal sex but if anything the fluids gushing from her sex seemed to be in even greater quantity than before. Both she and her husband were soaked in her fluids as high up as their chests while their lower halves had been completely drenched.

Amusingly enough the immediate pleasure she felt as she climaxed was only the second reason why she enjoyed it so much. The first was far more simple yet infinitely better as a result. Watching his wife have such a powerful and wholly involuntary reaction never failed to push Hercules even further than before. Which meant he fucked her with a frenzy that bordered on insane during much of her orgasm and often for a while following it. This had the wonderful effect of prolonging her mind shattering, toe curling, pussy and ass destroying ecstasy while simultaneously making sure she never had a chance to come down very far from the sensations. As a result the haze that clouded her mind and kept her as little more than a drooling, cock starved harlot remained. Time lost all meaning and her only reality was his body. Especially the furiously pounding cock that would drive her to the brink of insanity over and over again more times than she could count. Although given how mindless she was after her first climax counting any numbers at all was beyond her. Entire weeks could have passed without her knowing about it so long as he continued to fuck her like the animal he was and the closeted whore she apparently was. The only thing that could ever pull her out of it all, if only for a moment, was when he finally reached his limit and it was time for another inhuman load of cum to enjoy.

“Meg!” He gasped after nearly three hours.

Too overcome to say a single word she could only moan as her tongue lolled out of her mouth like a dog's and her body continued to quiver. She wasn't quite as far gone as usual, the many other nights spent fucking him having trained her just a little over the months. But there was still no possibly way she could find the mental focus to speak even as her man's cock was buried in her ass and an explosion of cum erupted into her. Suddenly her inner walls were basted in his creamy spunk and the deepest recesses of her ass were filled to the brim. Rather quickly her belly started to grow, the comparatively minor bulge formed by his member swiftly turning into a growing distension as she was filled with spunk. Unlike normal men Hercules didn't cum in spurts but rather as one long, uninterrupted stream. Meg never timed it but at her most rational she guessed he was capable of thirty seconds or more without stopping or even slowing. That seemed to hold true once more as her stomach swelled with jizz until she could've passed for a pregnant woman. Eventually her body could take no more and his seed had nowhere else to go but out. Meg squealed in a high pitched, completely uncontrollable voice as cum sprayed out of her ass in great, messy strand. Both of them trembled and held each other tight while their bodies succumbed to the blissful sensations assaulting them. Somehow they managed to share a clumsy but affectionate kiss in the process, though neither of them knew how they'd started it at all.

Their lips remained locked together long after he finished cumming and she was able to cobble together some semblance of a functioning mind. They only broke apart when his softening member slipped free and Meg whimpered against his chest. She never failed to be utterly embarrassed and completely aroused by the mess he made of her body after they finished. Few things could make her blush and look away from him than the always loud and visceral sounds of his jizz pouring from her body. Her gaping ass loudly evacuated the spunk he'd pumped inside her like some kind of perverted fountain, the torrent of pure white juices mixing with what was still oozing from her cunt as it splashed into the water around them. Slowly but surely her belly started to shrink in direct proportion to the widening cloud of semen flooded water around them. Despite making no effort to push it out gravity and her stretched inner walls all but ensured most of his seed left her body as sloppily as it possibly could. Even after the almost literal waterfall of spunk had trickled down to a steady dribble her asshole continued to pulse and wink in the cool night air while she shuddered.

“At least we don't have to clean up this time.” She quietly mused.

“Yeah that's nice.” He said, kissing her on the cheek soon after.

She nuzzled against his neck and sighed with utter contentment, “Don't put me down yet.”

“I won't.”

Whether by choice or necessity Hercules waded a short distance away and slowly sank to his knees in the gentle currents. She felt the cool water flowing around her lower half and thought about the first time she met her husband. He reminisced about their unusual first encounter as well. Since they lacked any reason to hurry Meg and Hercules took their sweet time leaving the pool. Aside from general exhaustion the only real motivator was the slowly declining temperature once the sun fully disappeared beyond the horizon. Had the water been warmer they probably would've stayed well into the night. Still the summer air was enough to keep them from shivering too much as they moved to the grass and climbed out. Or rather as he did while carrying her in his arms. Walking a little ways up from the water's edge Hercules tenderly set his wife down on the gently sloping hill and reclined beside her. Meg smiled at him and slowly sat up. He rolled onto his side to look at her while she bit her lip and stared down at him as if pondering what to say next. She glanced at their sopping wet clothes laying in a heap nearby then at their naked bodies shining in the moonlight.

“So Wonderboy,” She joked, “Was it everything you ever dreamed?”

“Yeah! I-I mean it was amazing. Like always. But I never dreamed about—”

“Oh you don't have to play dumb. You think I don't know how you look at my ass when I walk?”

Hercules blushed and looked at his hands for a moment, “I like the way your hips move . . .”

“I know,” Megara smirked and bent over to kiss him on the cheek, “If you ever want to do it again just let me know.”


“Sure. In case you didn't notice I had plenty of fun too.”

They smiled at one another for a moment and she was delighted to see his cock starting to perk up once more, “How about now?” He nervously wondered.

Meg pretended to consider it for a moment even though she had every intention of fucking him all night long, “How about we start a little fire first? I wanna see that face you make when you finish.”

“Absolutely!” He sprang to his feet and she watched his dick and balls flop comically about in the process, “I'll grab some wood!”

She let him move a few steps away before calling him back over, “Hercules?”


“Your clothes?”

She held up his leather garb and his cheeks darkened once more, “Right, thank you Meg. I love you.”

“I love you too.” 

She gave him a passionate kiss when he bent down and smiled as he walked off looking downright drunk. He hadn't put on his clothes and was merely holding them in one hand but that didn't matter much. Any excuse to watch his tight, naked ass and rippling muscles was fine by her. When he turned around and she spotted his cock still totally erect it was like a special treat just for her. Eventually he disappeared behind a tree and she looked back at the water. Folding her legs and resting her hands on her knee Megara smiled to herself. Life was good.


Sophia Dearden

Fantastic work Snizz. A lot of fun and it felt as true to the games as this sort of thing ever could.


Thanks, I made sure to watch Hercules before writing this to add some extra realism and I think it paid off.