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Now this one is a bit of an odd duck. Not because I dislike it (I actually quite dig the premise) but more because I can't really talk about it at all without giving away the whole point lol. I can't even explain the apparent inconsistencies in the tags. You'll just have to read it and see for yourself!

Cole Anastos stepped out of his favorite restaurant and onto the snow laden corner street of New York, heaving a heavy sigh. He ran the fingers of his left hand through the shock of curly black hair atop his head while his right hand reflexively reached into his coat pocket for a cigarette. Finding only nicotine gum he sighed once more and wearily rubbed his bleary green eyes. As a man in his early thirties with an overbearing family practically embodying Greek stereotypes he was no stranger to being setup on blind dates. Nor was he unfamiliar with them going badly. But the one he'd just escaped from made all of them feel like scenes out of critically acclaimed romantic comedies by comparison. Not only was he starting to question his Aunt Tula's judgement of women but also her supposed love for him. If there was any comfort to be found in the whole affair it was the knowledge that his preferred place to grab a bite to eat wouldn't be ruined by the presence of his date like a few other places had. Assuming her tepid and overblown reaction to the food was any indication.

He turned towards his car and started walking. He didn't make it two steps around the entrance before almost running headlong into his failed date, “Arianna!” He exclaimed, “I-uh-I didn't think you were parked here.”

“I'm not,” She replied in the same waspish tone she'd had all night, her eyes not leaving her smartphone.

“Right . . . well . . . have a good evening I guess . . .”

“Like you care.”

Pausing mid stride with his back to her Cole spun on his heels to face Arianna, his irritation evident in everything from tone to body language, “You know what ma'am? I don't know what your problem with me is but you need to find a way to pull that stick out of your ass. I've never met anybody as tightly wound as you in my life! Please do the next poor man you interact with a favor and get laid or something. Because I doubt he's gonna have as much patience for high strung lunatics as I do!”

“You couldn't handle me.”


“You. Couldn't. Handle. Me.” With each word she moved closer to him until their bodies were pressed together and she was sneering up at him with brazen contempt.

“I wasn't volunteering.” He retorted.

“Of course not, why would you? We both know how it'd go and I don't have five minutes to waste on sex and thirty minutes to waste listening to you cry.”

He stared into her hazel eyes with both amusement and derision plastered across his face. In her own  way Arianna was a gorgeous woman. More than a head shorter than him and built like a voluptuous swimsuit model her lightly curling brown hair rather perfectly framed her softly angled face. Her petite nose and nicely plump lips matched her stern, commanding air remarkably well. And underneath the winter coat and dress she'd been wearing inside he could tell she'd been gifted with both remarkable breasts and a wide, curvaceous set of hips that led into a nice pair of long, comparatively speaking, legs. In just about every way she was the picture of a strong, olive skinned Greek woman and exactly the kind of person his family would want him to marry. Everything about her body language and demeanor bespoke a sort of haughty pride and superiority that was both intensely attractive and immediately off putting at the same time. There was no denying some part of him wanted her despite his higher brain functions all but screaming for him to leave and never think about her again. She carried a distinct confidence and power usually seen by the heads of major corporations or the stupidly wealthy without being either of those things. In fact if she were put into a room with the most powerful men in the city there was no doubt in his mind Arianna could make them all turn away with ease.

Cole knew what she was trying to do and he knew he was better than that. Even as he completely gave in, “Oh screw that!” He exclaimed.

Grabbing her hand he stomped over to his car and all but tossed her into the passenger seat. They sped down the, for New York, mostly empty streets until coming to a screeching halt in front of his apartment complex. The entirety of the trip was spent with Cole staring unblinkingly at the road ahead and Arianna categorically mocking just about everything of his she could see. Without a word he stepped out of the car and she followed him for seemingly no other reason than to continue snidely remarking on everything she possibly could. Just a hair over ten minutes after leaving the restaurant they were crossing the threshold into his home. He was more determined than ever to shut her up in the only way he could think of that would end in a life sentence. As if she was living there Arianna sauntered into the middle of his one bedroom loft, continuing her running commentary without missing a beat.

“This is exactly what I thought your apartment would look like.” She scoffed, eyeing his purposefully spartan home with naked distaste, “I could tell by the way you were dressed.”

“You wanna go to your place instead?” Cole asked,  pulling the door open again.

“Why would I want you knowing where I live? I have enough men fawning over me as it is. And I wouldn't want to torment you with what a proper home looks like. You might actually realize how shabby yours is.”

As her words sank in Cole slowly grit his teeth. At his limit and about ready to snap he snatched up his infuriating companion and hauled her into his bedroom, “Oh are you finally going to man up and prove me right?” She quipped.

She landed flat on back in the center of the bed, her skirt helpfully flying up almost above her waist. He didn't waste a moment admiring her body as she lay there spread out before him with that same maddening smile he'd been tormented with all night. In one sudden movement he was on the bed between her legs with his cock out. She stared down at his ten inch member and let out a derisive snort but otherwise made no remark. Very much emboldened by her lack of snide judgment he tossed the edge of her skirt even higher and yanked aside her panties with enough force to tear the fabric a little. Her protestations fell on deaf ears as he, for a single moment, stared at her shockingly beautiful pussy. The smooth outer lips were downright perfect in their puffy contours.  They were already damp with fluids despite everything about her behavior up to that point and the curly tuft of hair sitting atop it all was even slick from her arousal. 

“If you're having trouble keeping it up I'm sure there are—Ohhhh!” Arianna gasped as his entire prick was unceremoniously shoved into her tight cunt, “I didn't think you had it in you!”

He grunted at her words but otherwise ignored her completely, his hips already pulling back for another thrust. She moaned once more when he slammed back inside her harder than ever. Rather quickly her legs crossed around his waist and her hands reached up to grab his jacket. For a moment it looked like she was going to pull him into a kiss, something Cole wouldn't have been opposed to despite his ire, but she merely stared up at him with a wild grin while biting her bottom lip. Both confused and encouraged by her uncharacteristic actions he started pounding her as fast as their position would allow, unable to pretend it didn't feel completely amazing to be inside Arianna. Of course there was no way in hell he would ever admit such a thing and risk swelling her ego even more. Though it was impossible she couldn't tell from the way his manhood throbbed madly after each push or how his sack tightened against her wet flesh after each collision. The copious amounts precum oozing from his tip were also a dead giveaway. Not that she really cared if he was enjoying himself as much as she was. So long as he continued thrusting with the kind of vigor he was displaying he could be completely gay for all she really cared. With his prick driving down deep enough to almost touch her cervix after every lunge she was on the fast track to a much sought after and long overdue orgasm. Particularly any time his shaft happened to push against a particularly pleasurable spot on it's way down.

Not long after they really started going the rising heat between their bodies started to take a toll on Arianna's enjoyment. As much as she loved being covered in sweat while someone fucked her being almost feverish wasn't her idea of a pleasant experience. It took a few more seconds for her to realize she'd left her coat. Once that obvious fact registered in her mind it took substantially longer for her to wriggle out of it and toss the impeding fabric away. Although in fairness Cole's unabated thrusting certainly didn't make it easier. More than once she had to stop with her arms half pulled from the sleeves to moan and quiver from a particularly wonderful movement on his part. But eventually she succeeded in getting it off and if she'd known what removing that cumbersome article of clothing would lead to she would've taken it off as soon as his dick slid into her pussy. Because the moment her cleavage was exposed to his gaze his hand leapt to her bust. 

A fresh, eager gasp accompanied the sudden groping of her chest even as it meant a pronounced slowing of his thrusts. Arianna smiled and pushed her breast harder against his palm in a blatant effort to get him doing more than simply touching. Apparently happy to oblige Cole grabbed the neck of her dress and pulled it down until her tits triumphantly burst out of their confinement to jiggle in the open air. Just as beautiful as her vagina and exactly the kind of soft, pillowy delight most men would lose their minds over the sudden reveal of her bosom actually had the opposite effect she expected. Rather than completely divert his focus to her freshly exposed and waiting breasts, particularly her dark nipples already pert and ready for attention, he resumed his seemingly uncontrollable thrusts with aplomb. Which surprising as it was still meant plenty of cresting waves of pleasure inside her body. It did however have an unintended and almost eye opening effect on him after a few moments. He finally started to notice something the mostly ignored critical thinking part of his brain had been trying to point out since they started having sex.

Something about the way Arianna moved, the way she enthusiastically grinded against his cock as though she was getting back at someone reminded Cole of a past lover. Specifically the married woman he'd unknowingly had an affair with back in college. The moment his mind made that comparison all the little signs she exhibited became clear. There was no reason for her to enjoy the sex as much as she was, not with how petulant she'd been acting the entire night before. Yet there she was writhing and gasping as though it was the best she'd ever had with a very distinct sense of sincerity to her breathless moans. Not to mention the voluminous amounts of juices seeping out of her pussy with every thrust of his dick. Her wild, rapturous grin that'd been glued to her face from the moment they started, the almost slavish need to ride his cock as fast and hard as possible, and especially the way she stared up at him with a look like a jeweler appraising a gem. As soon as he realized it all he knew there was no way he could avoid trying to get a rise out of her with that newfound information. Continuing to pound her tight little cunt like a convict fresh out of jail he leaned in close until their foreheads were almost touching. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulling her head back so she was forced to look at him as if to confirm his suspicions. Her pussy instantly tightened at the brazen gesture and something in her eyes told him everything he thought he needed to know, Cole said the first thing that came into his head.

“I bet your husband doesn't fuck you like this!” He grunted.

“N-not for at least a hundred years!” She moaned.

Shrugging off her obvious exaggeration he slid his hands along her legs until they were nestled in the bend behind her knees. Using his newfound leverage he pushed her legs towards her naked chest until they were pressed against her ample tits. He adjusted himself as smoothly as he could while continuing to pound her cunt with all his might. After a bit of awkward fumbling Cole managed to angle himself in such a way that her ankles were resting on either side of his head and he was thrusting downwards with even more power than before. Arianna continued to pant and whimper with increasingly volume as the pleasure mounted. The constant, wet slap of their bodies colliding echoed through his small apartment and, along with her passionate cries, woke more than a few of the neighbors. As if to add insult to injury the ferocity with which he fucked her sent the wooden frame of his bed skidding along the hardwood floors to bang noisily against the wall every couple of seconds. Much of the cacophony of their sex was lost on the two of them though. He was too engrossed in the remarkable tightness of her slit and his overwhelming desire to try and fuck the smug out of her while she was growing more and more impressed with his unexpected show of power.  It was hard to remember the last time she'd been with someone as eager as him and it was exactly what her body needed at that moment in time. So much so the steady stream of juices gushing out of her pussy slowly turned into a fountain only momentarily stopped by his relentlessly driving cock. Which in turn just made him want to fuck her even harder, leading to the perfect kind of give and take that pushed both of their endurance to the breaking point.

“Oh yes!” She finally exclaimed, her eyes rolling back in her head and her whole body starting to tremble.

Arriving not a moment too soon her climax hit like a hurricane, the many ebbing and flowing waves inside her churning madly in the wake of his ceaseless thrusting. Juices squirted out of her pussy in ragged arcs while nearly every muscle inside her started tensed and relaxed in rapid succession. But nowhere was the pleasure felt more powerfully than inside her long neglected pussy. The inner walls of her slit tightened so dramatically around Cole's dick it was remarkable he didn't immediately cum the moment she did. For a moment her vision narrowed down to a pair of tiny pinpoints of light and her voice utterly failed her. Her eyes continued to stare unblinkingly up at the ceiling even after she found the power to cry out with a force that made her partner's ears ring and his neighbors curse them. She felt her back arch as much as it could, her entire body trying to get as much of his dick inside her possible. Part of her even wanted him to stop thrusting completely so she could squirm and moan with his whole shaft buried balls deep in her cunt where it belonged. Thankfully the rest was so aroused by the continued motion, not to mention his apparent disregard for the almost painful implications it had for her orgasm, her stupider urges were ignored as they should be. To cap off the whole experience with exactly the kind of ending she wanted moments before her climax started wane Arianna's pleasure soaked mind noticed the telltale throbbing overtaking Cole's manhood.

No matter how hard he tried to prolong his own enjoyment there was simply no stopping the inevitable and cumming inside her wonderfully tight slit after the display she'd just put on was about as inevitable as death and taxes. He managed to slam down into her pussy a few more times in a weak attempt to hammer home his own dominance before the whole of his member disappeared into her still wildly quivering sex. Letting out a groan more akin to an animal than a man his entire body went stiff for a split second. A thick spray of cum erupted from his shaft a moment later to flood Arianna's cunt and practically reinvigorate her ecstasy. Load after load gushed into her waiting hole, each one hungrily swallowed up by her body as it seeped into her womb and she all but begged for more with her eager moans. Fortunately for them both he was almost as pent up as she was and he had more than enough spunk to bast her inner walls. Towards the end of his far shorter climax Arianna was so full of jizz she almost couldn't believe it'd come from a single person. When he started pulling out and she was left with only his seed stuffing her slit she was given a true taste of just how much he'd dumped into her pussy. Evidently her choice in companions had been more accurate than she realized. Of course she would have preferred her keep pounding her until he came again and she was literally overflowing but considering how much he'd already done it was a small price to pay. Her legs flopped against the bed at the same time his entire body did. The two of them lay there, his glistening dick slowly going soft and semen steadily dribbling out of her slightly gaping sex.

It didn't take them too long to recover though and surprisingly Cole was the first to speak, “So . . .” He said, “Do you pull this kind of shit often?”

“Well it's been a hundred years or so. My husband tends to get quite jealous.”

“Yeah, when you say 'a hundred years' you're being metaphorical right? Like it's been so long it feels like a hundred years?”

Sitting up to smile at him with a surprisingly charming grin Arianna slowly shook her head, “No I mean it quite literally.”

Cole stared at her for several seconds, then shook his head and laughed. “All right whatever. Do you want me to call you a cab?”

“You don't believe me?”

“Of course I do. What guy wouldn't believe his date is a couple hundred years old.”

“Try several thousand.”

“Oh God . . . I think it's time for you to go.”

“Maybe it would help if I told you my real name.”

“Sure and maybe you can show me the way to the leprechaun's gold while you're—”

“It's Hera.”

“At it . . . Hera like the goddess Hera?”


“Right.” Sitting up and sliding off his bed Cole turned his back to her and quietly wondered how he kept getting himself tangled up with such obviously insane women, “I'm gonna call a cab now. Try not to curse anyone with madness or whatever while I'm . . . gone . . .”

He glanced back at Arianna expecting to see her still sprawled on his sheets. Instead she was standing on the opposite side of his bed with that same unnervingly pretty grin. But she wasn't wearing the dress and coat she'd had on at the start of the date. In fact not a single scrap of her original outfit was anywhere to be seen. In the place of her modern attire was a stunningly white toga and similarly colored shawl draped across a high, cylindrical crown adorning her head and falling well past her shoulders. One of her breasts was covered by the elegant cloth while the other was left bare. In her hand was a pomegranate and a strange, ethereal light seem to suffuse her. Aside from her clothing she looked almost exactly the same, save the aura of confidence and power she'd displayed being amplified by magnitudes. She'd also grown at least to the same height as him if not taller but that detail was lost among the many other, more pressing issues.

“What the hell is going on Arianna?!” He demanded.

“Call me Hera,” She replied, “You've earned the right.”


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