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Happy Holidays everyone! It makes sense to post this story today for everyone who's actually going to be doing stuff tomorrow! For your pleasure enjoy some soft, romantic lesbian action with Tracer and Emily!

Snow swirled in pleasant circles as it was carried by the wind across the tightly closed window of Tracer and Emily's apartment. Most of London was covered in a thick layer of white as if to match the impending holiday. Occasionally a particularly strong gust would rattle the pane and cause one of them to look up from their shared spot on the love seat beside the roaring fire. They'd always smile and savor the cozy warmth of their home before looking at their partner beside them. For the first time in a very long while King's Row was quiet and Tracer was given enough time off to spend the holiday cooped inside with her girlfriend. Exactly what both of them wanted for Christmas and the perfect way to spend Christmas Eve without question. The two of them were already three cups of hot chocolate deep into the night and stuffed almost to the point of lethargy by a hearty meal an hour or so earlier. Neither one had said a word since their shared meal, both of them just happy to cuddle up with the other and bask in their rare moment of uninterrupted peace.

Both of them were dressed for the occasion, each sporting garishly colorful sweaters to match the sparse but bright decorations around the apartment. Emily had donned a warm green with red striped little number that was just loose enough around her slender body to leave a bare shoulder exposed at almost all times. When combined with her long, flowing orange hair and sparkling pink eyes set above a strong nose and full lips it gave her a beautifully alluring look that paired wonderfully with the innocence of the season. Tracer was wearing a similarly patterned red and white jumper that fit her considerably more lithe body much better. Her wild, spiky brown hair was a little more restrained after a recent shower and it complimented her heart shaped face and naturally joyful expressions even better than usual. During their meal they'd had on equally comfortable pajama bottoms to match their respective pullovers but those articles of clothing had been lost in the migration from kitchen to living room. Instead they were sitting with their bare legs intertwined with one another beneath a thick blanket, their  oddly complimentary white and black panties often visible when they shifted or got up for more cocoa. Which never failed to result in a moment of ogling from the other when the opportunity presented itself.

One one such occasion Tracer was halfway off the couch when she felt Emily's gaze firmly glued to her ass. With a grin she looked over her shoulder to see her girlfriend smiling unabashedly, “What're you lookin at?”

“Your cute butt.” She answered without hesitation.

“Yeah, well go on then! Have a closer look!” Tracer retorted, flashing a smirk of her own as she pushed her ass into her companion's face.

Rather than instinctively pull away like she was expected to Emily leaned forward and gave the nicely toned pair of buttocks in front of hear a playful swat. Tracer tensed and emitted a surprised squeak at the unexpected contact. She immediately straightened and turned to face her lover, crimson lighting up her cheeks. With one hand she rubbed the small red mark forming across her backside while the other moved to cover her slightly agape mouth. Her red haired nemesis offered only an insincere shrug in response. After a moment of consideration Tracer pounced, jumping on Emily like a cat playing with a kitten. She straddled her girlfriend's legs and snatched up her wrists before she could form and sort of defense. Pinning them on either side against the cushions of the couch she was looked triumphantly down at her conquest, only to realize why her usually feisty sweetheart had offered up so little resistance. Emily was staring up at her with an unmistakable glint in her eyes that was echoed by the knowing smile curling her lips. The subtly increased rise and fall of her chest was soon mirrored by Tracer's as the two stared at one another for a few moments in tense, anticipatory silence.

“You're so obvious . . .” Tracer teased.

“Would you ever pick up on it if I wasn't?” Emily quipped.

“Course I would!”

“Of course . . .”

“What you think I can't?”

“I think you should shut up and kiss me already.”

Only a little surprised by the forwardness of her demand and not at all put off by the prospect Tracer didn't waste any time leaning forward. Her hands moved to Emily's face and she felt her companion's touch against her waist a split second later. Their eyes closed the instant their lips connected, resulting in identical satisfied grins. At first their embrace was soft and tender as if to match the warm atmosphere of their surroundings. But the longer it continued the more passionate, the more lustful it became. Emily was nothing if not an amorous lover and Tracer was perhaps only a shade less so. Both of them moved in even further while they drew more labored and scattered breaths, their bodies pushing in tighter and tighter with every passing second. Near the end of that first kiss Tracer was pressed as tightly as she could be against Emily while still allowing their lips to remain in perpetual contact. They only broke apart nearly a minute later to draw a ragged breath and stare with lightheaded glee at one another. There wasn't any doubt the night would turn in a more sexual direction at some point. It was nice to finally arrive there and find it just as enticing as it had always been. Maybe even a little more so as they stared into each other's eyes and felt a distinct, palpable love staring right at them.

Never one to sit still, in any sense, for long Tracer let the moment hang just long enough to be a little coy before jumping forward headfirst. Her arms crossed in front of her chest as she grabbed the hem of her pullover and lifted it up past her face. Emily was immediately treated to the pleasant sight of her companion's pale form and delighted to see a pair of small, perky breasts sitting right at eye level. The now useless sweater wasn't even out of her hands before she felt the always lovely sensation of lips around one of her bright pink nipples and fingers lightly pinching the other. Tracer looked down to see Emily happily enjoying her bosom with that same grin on her face. She bit and teased the areola between her lips and gave the one between her digits a similar treatment. Rather quickly the small damp spot in her white underwear began to spread. She leaned into her girlfriend's mouth as much as she could, both arms wrapping around her head while she moaned softly with half closed eyes. Given how long they'd been together and how much both of them liked sex it was damn near impossible for Emily not to know pretty much ever nook and cranny of Tracer's body. And more importantly know exactly what it took to make that body shiver, squirm, and eventually writhe. She didn't even need to think about what she was doing, her mouth and fingers worked of their own accord playing with her companion's chest and sending little bursts of pleasure all the way up her spine.

Just as she was starting to really enjoy the attention Tracer was suddenly lying against the cushions of the love seat with her girlfriend smiling down at her. The blanket had been tossed aside and Emily was nestled between her opened legs. Their bodies were so close together the distance between their damp, panty clad slits was measurable in centimeters. Both of them could feel the heat radiating from one another and it would only take a small shift to connect. But they remained exactly as they were. There would be plenty of time to go wild after their lust was properly teased out with a little fun. She offered a coy wink as explanation for her actions, then lifted her sweater to reveal her own pair of soft, perky breasts. They were just a hair bigger than Tracer's and her soft pink nipples were considerably bigger around. It was impossible for her mouth not to water as she looked up at those pert little buds she'd spent so many hours sucking on. Sadly there was no chance to wrap her lips around one of them before Emily swooped back in to taste the nipple she'd been teasing with her fingers moments ago.

But rather than simply trade off and start playing with the saliva covered areola she elected instead to bring a hand down to the soft cotton underwear hiding the real treasure. As soon as her digits touched the skin above her waistline Tracer shivered with knowing anticipation. Her mouth opened a little wider and her back arched a little higher. She had to force herself not to close in around Emily like she wanted. Leaving her body open would let her girlfriend do whatever she had planned and that would be a million times better than any fleeting urges. Sure enough the moment those experienced fingers dipped beneath her panties to run through a tuft of slightly overgrown brown hair atop her sex the thrill was immediately visceral. Her hands wrapped around Emily's head, both to hug her and pull her harder against her heaving chest. Tracer could feel her lover smiling against her skin and the sound of soft suckling accompanied by kisses filled the airs as surely as waves of pleasure filled her. She made a little show of playing with the many curls above her cunt, her hand running across what felt like every single one before it moved down to the real goal. The effect on her body was quite overwhelming, just as planned. Having her partner's hand so close to her clit yet feeling so far was nothing short of maddening. If her hands hadn't been so tightly holding those orange locks Tracer would've forced Emily's hand the moment it vanished into her underwear.

Her patience was rewarded not long after she quelled the urge to take charge when those tender digits dipped a few centimeters lower to at long last touch her swollen nub. She wasted no time moving them in small, rhythmic circles that sent them across the entirety of her clit with every pass. Instantly a surge of ecstasy washed over her, momentarily rendering her unable to speak from its unexpected but wonderful arrival. That change didn't remain more than a few seconds and when she found her voice she found it loudly. Crying out Emily's name amidst a stream of breathy gasps Tracer finally relinquished her hold on her companion's hair. Only to grab her wrist and hold on for dear life of course. Her legs were unable to remain open for much longer as the feelings started to compound on each other. They closed around her partner's body as tightly as possible while her hips tried to buck and grind against the stimulation sending rivulets of clear, sweet smelling juices seeping out of her pussy with every spasm it was wracked by. Over and over again her head lifted from the arm of the love seat while she cried out some half formed thought or unconnected words then landed back with a muted thump when her control inevitably failed her. The cycle was only hastened when Emily started switching between nipples, licking, sucking, and gently biting each one in turn. Tracer could smell her own fluids hanging in the air above them. They paired beautifully with the aroma of her lover's shampoo.

“Ohhhhhh that's so good!” She encouraged, the first full sentence she'd managed since they started, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Emily's mouth retreated for a moment so she could press her forehead against Tracer's and lock eyes with her, “Are you gonna cum?” She asked in an almost challenging tone, “Are you gonna cum for me?”

“Y-yes! Ohhhhhhhhh God yes!”

As if she hadn't realized it up until that point Emily's words pushed Tracer right up to the edge of a huge, slightly terrifying precipice. It only took another couple of passes across her clit and those soft lips returning to her nipples to seal the deal. Falling completely silent save her labored breathing Tracer's whole body went completely stiff all at once. Waves of ecstasy began to crash over her one after another in an ever growing tide until they started to overlap. Soon after her muscles managed to find their use again, if only for sudden and uncontrollable bursts of movement. Most were purely instinctual spasms that tried to press her slit or breasts harder against the sources of pleasure responsible for it all. When that didn't work her body would try and shy away from those same avenues out of a knee jerk fear of being completely overwhelmed. In either case Emily didn't budge and inch and she remained steadfast throughout the whole climax. It couldn't have lasted more than thirty seconds or so but in that time she'd so thoroughly soaked through her panties juices were actually dripping from the fabric and landing on the love seat. But since that piece of furniture had seen more than it's fair share of sexual escapades neither woman paid it any heed. Although Tracer wasn't capable of paying much attention to anything with the sex fueled haze clouding her thoughts and finally making her body go limp.

Once she was satisfied with her efforts Emily extracted her hand and started licking the juices from her fingers. She did so as noisily as she possible could and paid special attention to each digit. She also let a healthy amount of the fluids drip down across her naked chest, adding a slight but noticeable glisten to her freckled skin that just made her look more sultry. As delicious as her girlfriend was her actions were motivated at least partially out of a selfish desire to see the same, or more, done to her own pussy while it was still aching with longing. Her experience paid off in droves when Tracer finally recovered enough to see what was happening. Almost nothing turned her on more than what Emily was doing in that very moment. Showing off that famous exuberance she bounced back into action by the time her girlfriend was done cleaning her middle finger.

“My turn love!”

Emily giggled and stepped off the couch, partly to slip out of her wet panties but mostly to teasingly step out of her lover's reach. Tracer of course followed without hesitation. She dodged the sticky black underwear tossed to her and stepped in close for a kiss. Their arms wrapped around each other as their breasts squished together and their legs intertwined. All the sticky, matted pubic hair sitting between each of their thighs was pushed and rubbed together in a manner than bordered on breathtaking. It didn't take more than a second or two for each woman's mouth to open and an eager tongue to dart out. They met somewhere in the middle and they both shivered. Stifled moans and scraps of breath escaped whenever they could between bouts of passionate making out. Emily's hands stayed resolutely glued to her companion's face, holding her still so they could kiss as long as possibly. Tracer on the other hand had much more overt intentions in mind, her fingers sliding down a plane of soft, trembling flesh to find a pair of plump, perfect buttocks at the base. As soon as she felt that juicy ass against her digits she grabbed as much as she possibly could and squeezed like it was going out of style. A little moan escaped Emily's lips and she pushed herself deeper into the kiss. While at the same time moving her ass against the hands currently groping her as a not so subtle encouragement. They each pulled away a split second later, completely independent of one another, to flash a lusty smile. There was a brief moment of anticipation before they jumped back in like sex starved animals.

Somehow, and without any deliberate planning, they ended up sprawled on the floor beside the fire with their blanket beneath them. In the ensuing mixup Emily found herself propped up on her elbows with her legs opened wide and her ass resting comfortably against the floor. Tracer was positioned between her creamy thighs where she always liked to be, her own butt propped into the air and swaying gently back and forth while she worked. The shift was only really noticed when she looked up from Emily's delicious pussy to see her girlfriend's moaning face more illuminated than ever by the orange glow. It made for an even more lovely sight than the juicy outer lips and gooey pink flesh she'd been feasting on a moment ago. Of course that wasn't going to stop her from diving right back in and simply staring up at her while she did so. Emily whimpered in unmitigated pleasure as her lover's tongue danced across her slit in ways that made her entire body tense up. A steady trickle of fluids seeped out of her eternally quivering sex and nearly every drop was dutifully lapped up by Tracer. What little did go to 'waste' simply ended up clinging to her pale skin or dripping noticeably down her pale chin whenever she pulled back to rub her fiery maned companion's clit with two fingers. Watching such an enticing tableau lit by firelight and interspersed with a constant eye contact pushed an already toe curling experience to a new level entirely. It wasn't long before Emily's back was arched and her head was thrown back while she released a stream of nonsense at the ceiling. Her legs lifted off the ground and a hand found it's way to Tracer's hair, pulling her deeper into her pussy by grabbing a fistful of her soft locks.

“Oh yes!” Emily squealed. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!”

Finally hitting the peak of her ecstasy she tipped right off the edge of that cliff and into a deep, wonderful maelstrom. Her whole body started to shake uncontrollably as a flood of juices gushed out of her pussy. She writhed like she was being tortured, the almost frantic gasps and screams erupting from her mouth almost reinforcing the notion. As her eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed against the carpet Emily lost every ounce of composure she had left. For thirty wonderful seconds her entire world was nothing but a mind numbing, full body wash of pleasure. Such things weren't rare for her, not when Tracer was licking her cunt, but even so the feelings hitting her senses were almost unreal. From between her shaking, damp thighs her girlfriend watched the fireworks with delight. She continued licking every part of her slit exactly as she'd been doing to make sure the climax was prolonged as long as possible, and to drink up all the yummy fluids being forced out of her as well, but she was free to enjoy the always pleasing sights her work afforded her at the same time. When it started to wane she let up in her assault to allow Emily a moment to catch a much needed breath. Her tongue never stopped moving for a second but she didn't push it in quite as deep or slide every which way quite as fast. Tracer knew it was properly over when the flow of creamy fluids returned to her normal level of a gentle trickle and her orange haired lover took a long, steadying breath. After making sure to slurp up everything she could in one last frenzy she rose from that puffy, satisfied slit to slide over Emily's body and move in for a quick smooch.

They kissed and played with one another for a few more seconds but after all the other exertions of the day such beautiful orgasms marked the end of the line for both of them. Eventually Tracer was pressed up against Emily, her head resting on her chest and her eyes shut. Their bodies were intertwined as tightly as they could be and the wet, sticky warmth left over just added a nice little layer of naughtiness to the otherwise sweetly romantic embrace. Much like their total nudity. It was only a matter of time before one of them fell asleep there and the other followed suit to remain snuggled up. Befitting tradition that looked to be Tracer after a few minutes, her soft snores putting an immediate smile on Emily's face. Moving as gently as she could the orange haired beauty extracted herself from her companion's arms to watch her roll onto her back and remain sound asleep. She sat up and glanced around the room for a moment, noticing a pleasant little surprise when she did. Unable to stop herself she tenderly shook her partner awake to share the news.

“Hey . . .” Emily whispered.


“Look at the time.”

Tracer opened a single eye to peer up at the clock, “It's Christmas . . .”

“Yeah . . . Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas . . .”

Both of them laughed softly and Emily bent low over her girlfriend to plant another kiss on her soft lips. Tracer's hand moved up to cup her face as best she was able and they remained locked in their tender embrace for several wonderful seconds. When they broke apart it was only so they could snuggled into a more comfortable position atop the blanket and stare directly into the fire. The flames were beginning to die down and the glowing embers sitting among the ashes had a hyponotic glow to them. With her head resting comfortably in Emily's lap and her companion's fingers slowly working their way through her hair Tracer finally said what they were both thinking.

“I love you Emily.”

“I love you too Lena.”


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