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Since I'm going to be writing a sequel to this at long last I should post the first chapter to Patreon for y'all to enjoy! I don't have a fondness or hatred for crossovers like most people seem to but I dig this idea enough to risk potential ire from haters of such things lol. Oh and fair warning this story is definitely a bit old so it might not fit with what I'm producing now to a certain extent. I like how it came out all the same though.

“Aaaaaargh let us out of here!”

The rusted irons bars rattled and clanked against the stone as Astrid Hofferson furiously kicked the unyielding metal. But try as she might the bars refused to budge more than a few centimeters and after nearly an hour of trying Astrid was losing some of her steam. She gave the lock a solid punch for good measure before turning towards her cellmate and crossing her arms.

“All done?” Merida asked dryly.

“For now . . .” Astrid panted. 

Stomping over to the only cot in the cell, Astrid sat down with a huff and leaned against the foul smelling, moldy wall. Though the dim orange light cast long shadows, creepy shadows over the miserable dungeon they found themselves in there was no mistaking the beauty of the two young women locked in there. Astrid’s long, braided blonde hair shone even in the dull light with windswept bangs brushed over her warm blue eyes and naturally angled face. Much of her slender form was hidden beneath layers of shaggy pelts, thick animal hide bracers, and leather wrapped fur boots. A leather studded skirt hung around her waist, strapped to her dark blue leggings and reddish brown tunic. The belt loop that normally held her axe was woefully barren and even as she sat there Astrid’s hand subconsciously reached for it. The young girl leaning against the wall across from her couldn’t be more disparate without consciously trying. Her shock of bright, curly orange hair hung like a waterfall around her head and shoulders, neatly framing her round face and pale blue eyes. Covering her equally petite body was a floor length, deep green dress with cuts at the knees and shoulders where off white fabric protruded. An empty quiver hung at her side and both her hands bore the callouses of a skilled archer.

“Our best chance is to jump the guard the next time it brings us food.”

“We don’t really have any other choices,” Astrid remarked, “But we have to be careful. Those guys didn’t look like the type to go down easy.”

“We can manage with the two of us.” 

Astrid nodded and took a deep breath, neither of them were thrilled about the plan but sharing their misgivings now wouldn’t help anyone. Thankfully they didn’t have to wait more than an hour before the familiar sound of hobnailed boots echoed throughout the dingy cell block. Rising to their feet and readying themselves, Merida and Astrid exchanged quick nods before their jailor came back into sight. Though it wasn’t the same creature that had initially brought Astrid it was clothed in the same foul smelling pile of hides, studded leather, and rusting mail as the others. It’s entire body was obscured beneath several layers of clothing and it walked with an unseemly gait. But despite it’s seemingly uncoordinated movements the creature carried their tray full of food without spilling so much as a drop, it’s masked face staring down at it as though it were afraid to make any kind of mistake. It only looked up from the piles of unappealing gruel when it reached the door to Astrid and Merida’s cell. It opened the door with a single key on the end of a brass chain, it’s ‘gaze’ darting from the food to the two women inside. When his head turned to look back at the tray once more Astrid seized the opportunity.

“Now!” She shouted.

Both she and Merida lunged forward, Astrid’s fist colliding hard with the side of the jailors head while Merida kicked it squarely in one crooked knee. An unearthly howl escaped it’s lips as the creature collapsed against the metal bars. Defensively raising it’s hands and howling, the creature barely reacted while Merida and Astrid rushed out. Merida quickly locked the door behind them and tossed the key into the inky blackness of an adjcent cell.

“Let’s go!” Merida exclaimed.

“But where?” Astrid asked, ripping a torch from the wall and looking down the long hallways on either side of them.

“Uh . . . that way!” Merida pointed over Astrid’s shoulder.

“Sounds good, I’ll lead the way!”

They set off down the dimly corridors without so much as an inkling where they were going. Both of them had been blindfolded when they were brought here and the only thing they knew for sure was that the complex was massive. They sprinted down enless bends and corridors until the howling of the jailor finally faded away and they were left with only their labored breathing and heavy footfalls. After a few more minutes of silent running broken up by momentary pauses for breath Astrid noticed Merida noisily scraping a rock against the wall every few hundred feet.

“What are you doing?” She asked in a slightly irritated tone.

“Keeping track of where we’ve been, everything looks the same around here!”

“Oh . . . good idea . . .”

“I have those from time to time.” Merida grinned, “And―”

The rest of Merida’s words were cut off by an ear spliting explosion and a shower of rock and dust. Both of them were knocked back by the force of the blast with Astrid trying her best to cover Merida while they fell. The pair were engulfed in debris as the wall behind them disentegrated and warm autumn light poured in through the hole. Through the rining in her ears Astrid could just make out a familiar voice and the sound of flapping but she couldn’t see more through the clouds to verify her suspicions. A moment later a shadowy figure entered the hole, perching on the end like a cat as it’s reptilian form peered into the dust clouds. It noticed Astrid and Merida a few moments later and a pair of oval shaped ears immediately perked up while a separate figure slid from it’s back and rushed towards her.

“. . . Astrid?! Astrid?! ASTRID?!”

Shaking her head and rubbing her eyes in disbelief, Astrid’s dumbfounded expression quickly melted into relief at the sight of Hiccup kneeling beside her. “Hiccup!”

“Thank the Gods!” Hiccup exclaimed, “Are you hurt?”

“No. Not that you didn’t try!” She laughed.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know how else to get in.”

“It’s okay. We’re okay. Wait, where’s Merida?” Astrid asked. A sudden spike of fear shot through her as she realized her red haired companion was nowhere to be found. “MERIDA?!”

“I’m right here!” Merida hissed, peering out from behind a nearby pile of rubble, “Be quiet, you’re or the dragon’ll notice us!”

Hiccup and Astrid exchanged surprised looks as Toothless scampered towards them and Merida ducked back behind the rubble. Toothless nuzzled against Astrid, affectionately licking her face and chest as he panted. Hiccup rose to his feet and stepped towards the rock Merida was hiding behind.

“It’s okay . . .uh . . .”

“Merida.” Astrid supplied.

“It’s okay Merida, Toothless is a friend. We’re here to save you.”

Merida’s shaggy red mane and dust covered face appeared above the rock looking suspicious and but still relieved, “And who’re you?”

“I’m Hiccup, the chief of Berk.”

“He’s my boyfriend.” Astrid added.

Merida nodded and bit her lower lip, she didn’t really have the luxury of turning away help. Even if it came on the back of a dragon, “Alright, let’s go then.”

“Great, hop on Toothless!” Hiccup offered his hand to Merida, leading her over the rubble and helping her mount his scaly friend, “Just hold on to me.”

Merida nodded, closing her eyes and gripping Hiccup’s waist hard enough to make him wheeze. Astrid chuckled at her companion’s hesitation as she slid in front of Hiccup and comfortably wedged herself in her usual spot. She patted Toothless on the side of the neck and he bounded towards the opening in the wall. Merida cracked her eyes just enough to see the four of them perched precariously on the edge of the fortress above a thousand foot drop. She immediately shut her eyes again snd started muttering darkly to herself. With a mighty leap Toothless flew from the stone and climbed high into the sky above the swiftly fading island. 

As they moved higher and higher into the sky Hiccup leaned forward and asked, “Who kidnapped you two?”

“I dunno!” Astrid shouted back, “We just woke up on the island with blindfolds on! Did you learn anything?”

“No, I couldn’t understand anything the creatures were saying. The only word they all seemed to say was ‘Maleficent’.” 

“That sounds bad.”

“Yeah it does.” Hiccup agreed, “Let’s hope we find whatever that is before it finds us!”

By the time they reached Berk the sun had almost completely set beneath the horizon and few Vikings remained outside in the chilly autumn air. Astrid and Merida dismounted immediately, the former leading their Scottish guest towards the great hall at Hiccup’s request. He knew Merida’s parents would be eager to see her again after her sudden disappearance and there was still one more thing he had to do before retiring for the evening. About an hour later Hiccup emerged from the impromptu metting with bleary eyes and a sore back. Gobber and the rest of his advisors had been informed of the success of his trip and were now drawing up plans to protect Berk if needed. After overseeing the brunt of the planning Hiccup made his excuses and left before he could get roped into another hour of discussing strategies in an uncomfortable chair. He emerged from the meeting hall with an exhausted groan, grateful to see Toothless approaching him from a nearby trough of fish.

“What a day . . .” Hiccup sighed, “At least we got Astrid and Merida back right bud?” Toothless nodded and smiled at him as they walked towards Hiccup’s new chief quarters, “And Merida’s parents sure seemed happy! We might have to take them up on their offer to visit sometime. I’ve never heard of Scotland before!”

Making a noise somewhere between an agreeing growl and a yawn, Toothless licked the back of Hiccup’s armor. He gave Hiccup an insistent nudge, sliding him several feet forward in the growing snow. Hiccup gave his friend an affectionate pat on the head and quickened his pace towards the comforting warmth of his new home.

“Why don’t you go get some food bud? I’m too tired to go flying tonight.”

Toothless nodded eagerly and gave Hiccup another full body lick before bounding excitedly towards the aerie. Hiccup watched him with a weary grin as he shook the extra coating of thick, odorous saliva from his arms. Once he was finished with his current projects he was going to start looking into ways to remove dragon spit! But until then a double wash and hand drying would have to do. Letting out a resigned but appreciative sigh, Hiccup pushed open the intricately carved, oaken doors of the Great Hall and stepped inside. No matter how many times he walked down the stone corridors to his room it never stopped feeling strange to turn away from his old room and into the new one carved out for him. At his insistence his mother had taken his father’s room and Hiccup had ordered a smaller, less decorated bedroom made for him and Astrid. He turned his back to the door for a moment and looked up and down the hallway, glad to finally have some peace and quiet after such a hectic day. He idly hooked his thumbs into the straps of his breastplate as his back presed against the already half open door and he stepped backwards inside his warmly lit bedroom.

Spinning on his good foot while the door flew open behind Hiccup paused midway through unlatching his armor, his brow furrowed and his mouth hanging open in confusion. Standing in front of the hearth in her usual evening attire, which was little more than a single coarse shirt, was Astrid and sitting on the edge of his modest bed, still clad in the same green dress she’d been wearing earlier, was Merida. Astrid was moodily poking at the roaring fire with a metal rod while Merida was staring up at the ceiling and idly kicking her legs against the wooden frame beneath her. Both women would occasionally shoot each other a quick glance out of the corners of their eyes before resuming their activities as if nothing had happened. Hiccup watched the spectacle for nearly a full minute until the oddity and tenseness of the scene finally proved to much for him.

“What’s going on?” He asked.

Both women looked at him, their expressions brightening a little as they did. Astrid tossed the poker away and sauntered confidently to his side while saying “Merida and I were just talking.” She answered, “And she―”

“I can speak for myself!” Merida interrupted. She slid off the end of the bed and approached Hiccup with her hands clasped behind her back. “I never properly thanked you for rescuing me earlier.”

“Oh well you’re welcome!” Hiccup said brightly, “I think your parents thanked me enough for all three of you though!”

Merida nodded and smiled while Astrid folded her arms and tried to look surly even as the corners of her mouth twitched upwards in a telltale smile, “Well I wanted to thank you properly.” Merida clarified. “And since I’m not married . . .”

“Uhm . . . okay . . .” Hiccup said, swallowing hard past the sudden lump in his throat, “I’m not married either―I mean it’s no big deal right, we have plenty of time―uhm . . . Astrid . . . help?”

“Don’t look at me,” Astrid remarked, “I tried getting her to leave.”

“Wha―” The rest of Hicups words were drowned out as Merida stepped forward and pushed him hard against the door, her hands flattening against his chestplate while the rest of her body subtly subbed against him.

“Then it’s settled,” Merida replied, “I’ll give you a proper Scottish thank you!”

“Astrid!” Hiccup protested, “I’m with―I mean Astrid and I―what are you doing Astrid?”

As he tried to escape Merida’s surprisingly strong clutches Hiccup had completely failed to notice Astrid slide up to his left and snake an arm around his waist. Her hand unclasped one of the straps holding his breastplate as she leaned in close and smiled lustily at him. Hiccup’s disbelieving stare darted from Astrid to Merida, his mouth hanging open in confusion and surprise. It felt like the entire world was going mad and he was the only one who realized it!

“What are you doing?!” He repeated, looking at Astrid.

“Thanking you.” Astrid replied, “I’m not going to let Merida have you all to yourself. You’re still my man after all!” 

“But . . . what about Merida?”

“What about me?” Merida asked, looking at Hiccup with a sweet but deadly smile, “Are you refusing my gratitude?”

“Of course not! Couldn’t you just show it with a cake or something? Maybe a nice pair of socks?”

Merida tapped her chin thoughtfully for a few moments, “No! This is more fun.”

“I agree! Astrid added, “But either way I get to keep you when she’s done!”

“We’ll see about that! Hiccup’s never been with a Scottish woman before!”

“Of course not, he only needs a Viking!”

Merida made a face at Astrid and fell to her knees with Astrid following suit a few moments later. Both of them moved in front of Hiccup, lightly jostling each other as they did, and slid their fingers beneath the belt on his breeches. Even in his confusion and hesitation Hiccup knew better than to try and stop them with their hands so close to his nethers, he could only bite his tongue and hope the insanity would end before something went wrong. After a few moments of awkward fumbling Astrid and Merida managed to undo his belt and they both exchanged grins before suddenly yanking his breeches down nearly to his knees. His smallclothes followed a split second later and all three of them inhaled in near perfect unison.

Throbbing before their eyes at nearly ten inches in length and two in girth was Hiccup's fully erect manhood. Both it and his modestly large balls were neatly shaved, at Astrid's request, and more than ready to go despite Hiccup's earlier protestations. Unable to contain herself Astrid looked at Merida's surprised expression with a smug grin while one hand reached up to playfully fondle his sack. A little bead of precum formed on the tip of his cock as she squeezed and groped his loins and Merida looked on in surprise. Astrid was just about to lean in and show her companion how a Viking pleasures a man when Merida suddenly leaned forward and wrapped her warm lips around the head of Hiccup's shaft. With a slurp and a sultry grin Merida slid further and further down his cock, her eyes darting from Hiccup's pleasured expression to Astrid's face. Wearing an expression caught somewhere between arousal, surprise, and jealous, Astrid watched Merida push down her boyfriend's dick until nearly every inch of it had disappeared between her lips. His balls quivered and pulsed in her fingers as Merida held him deep inside her mouth, the tip of his cock scraping against the back of her throat.

“Oh gods . . .” Hiccup panted.

Not one to be outdone Astrid bent low and noisily sucked on of Hiccup's twitching balls into her mouth. She knew exactly what turned her man on and she wasted no time putting it into effect by sucking as hard as she could while swirling her tongue around his masculine loin. A soft gasp escaped Merida's lips as Astrid made her move, fresh spurts of salty precum poured into her belly with every twitch of Hiccup's impressive cock. But while she eagerly swallowed every drop and savored the feeling of power and control she felt while his dick between her lips, Merida couldn't ignore the creeping blackness at the edge of her vision. She hadn't taken a breath in quite a long time and the longer she went the more her throat tightened around him and the pleasure filled both of them. The fabric between Merida's legs was absolutely soaked with her fluids and it was starting to drip down her inner thighs even while her eyesight continued to darken. Astrid, almost sensing Merida's inexperience, smiled as much as she could and waited for her moment. Hiccup wasn't going to cum anywhere but inside her, now matter how unbelievably sexy it was seeing him pleasured by another woman! A warm shudder coursed through Astrid as her naked pussy started dripping onto the carpet beneath her knees in a steady flow. Though her hands wanted to bury themselves beneath her cumstained in thighs Astrid held herself in check, moving instead to fondle Hiccup's other ball and reach around Merida's slender waist to grab a handful of her toned ass through her dress.

“Mmmmmm!” Merida gasped.

Merida jumped at the sudden, unexpected sensation of being fondled and involuntarily pulled back from Hiccup's dick. The instant her mouth was free she took in a long, ragged breath as saliva trailed down her quivering lips and thin tendrils of cum and spit connected her to his cock. A particularly thick glob of arousal seeped out of Astrid's slit at the sight of Merida panting and softly moaning before Hiccup's shaft and what little self control remained vanished. Releasing his balls with a wet pop Astrid practically shoved Merida out of the way before effortlessly sliding the entirety of his prick between her experienced lips. A full length shiver wracked her slender body as Hiccup's cock returned to it's rightful place and warm dollops of precum dripped into the back of her throat. Letting out the loudest moan she could with a mouthful of dick, Astrid gave Merida a triumphant look before her eyes rolled back in her head. With a fire burning in her eyes and a grin spreading across her pale face Merida allowed Astrid to savor her 'victory' for a moment, the sight of something so lewd happening inches from her more arousing than she ever could have thought. But as the ache between her legs grew Merida decided her fair haired companion was due for a wake up call.

“Nice try lass!” Merida exclaimed.

Grabbing a fistful of Astrid's hair as gently as she could Merida yanked her competitor off of Hiccup's shaft with enough force to send them both tumbling backwards. But before Hiccup could do more than open his eyes Merida and Astrid were back on their knees and moving towards his cock with flushed faces and dangerous grins. They stopped centimeters from his shaft with their faces pressed together cheek to cheek, both of them vying for the chance to suck it. The harder one of them fought the more the other pushed back, neither woman giving any ground even as Hiccup watched with a mixture of exasperation, arousal, and slight worry.

“How did my nethers end up being their battlefield?” Hiccup silently wondered, “And how do I stop it without losing any pieces?”

By the time his thoughts finished forming Merida and Astrid realized they were at a stalemate and both of them, seemingly in unison, pulled away. Moving to either side of Hiccup's cock, Astrid and Merida  pressed their warm, panting lips against the thickest parts of his shaft and started passionately kissing and licking every centimeter they could reach. The sounds of their slurping, moaning fury filled the bedroom and drowned out all but the loudest gasps from Hiccup or the most exaggerated moans from either woman. They moved in such a frenzy neither of them cared when their tongues would meet atop or beneath his cock and they'd messily swap spit and cum fro a fraction of a second. With on hand on Hiccup's legs and the other cradling his loins Astrid and Merida lost themselves completely in their bizarre competition. They lathered his shaft in spit and kissed, every throb and twitch spurring them on. Though neither of them could or would say it their proximity coupled with their actions was turning Merida and Astrid on more than almost anything else. Their perky breasts were heaving with every breath and the fabric covering their thighs was absolutely soaked with their fluids. The pungent aroma of their cunts filled the air around them, pushing Hiccup right over the edge even as Merida and Astrid drank it in like alcoholics drowning in mead.

“Astrid!” Hiccup moaned, “Merida!”

Both women could tell from his tone and the way his cock twitched that Hiccup was close and neither one was willing to let the other take the credit, or his seed. Their lips left his cock after one more and both women moved in front of his pulsing head and eagerly opened their mouths. Continuing to subtly push and struggle against each other while Hiccup started stroking his manhood Astrid and Merida panted and moaned encouragingly for their man. Astrid was so engrossed in the moment she completely failed to notice Merida's hand sliding up her taut belly until five soft fingers squeezed the sensitive skin surrounding her areola. She moaned even louder and half smiled as her own hand flew up to Merida's similarly aroused chest to tweak her nipple. Hiccup opened his eyes at the sound of Merida's pleasured moan and the sight of both women kneeling beneath him, practically begging for his cum was the last push he needed. A sudden, thick jet of cum erupted from the his cock, catching Astrid and Merida off guard as it splashed wetly across both their faces. Another load quickly followed and Merida caught the brunt of it with a satisfied smile. Licking up what little she could Astrid pushed her competitor out of the way just in time for the next spurt to land squarely on her flushed cheeks. Cum continued to coat their pale skin until both women were absolutely drenched. Their eyes were forced shut as Hiccup's spunk covered their faces and every new jet added to the veritable landslide coating their skin. Neither Merida nor Astrid could drink it fast enough and before long it was cascading down their cheeks to slide down their necks and pool between their luscious breasts.

Then all at once the flow stopped and Hiccup was left swaying uncertainly on his feet while Astrid and Merida noisily slurped up every drop of cum they could reach. Astrid, having long ago acquired a taste for Hiccup's spunk, lapped it up like she was starving. Merida, still taken aback by the volume and thickness of Hiccup's seed, was considerably slower to lick herself clean though she didn't hesitate to drink every last drop her fingers could scoop up. By the time he had enough strength to push himself off the wall both of them were remarkably clean, with only a few leftover drops in their hair or between their breasts to show what had just transpired.

“So that happened . . .” Hiccup panted, “Can I go to bed now?”

Astrid rose to her feet and smiled at him with a particularly bright twinkle in her eyes, “Of course not! You had your fun but what about us? You're not gonna leave your guest unsatisfied are you?”

“No, I mean I suppose not. But what about . . . what are you doing?”

As she spoke Astrid removed her nightshirt and casually tossed it aside, her naked body covered in goosebumps as she stood before Merida and Hiccup's unabashedly roaming eyes. Clasping her hands behind her back and pushing her petite breasts towards the both of them, Astrid bit her lower lip and smiled at their identical looks of surprise and arousal. What she lacked in breast size Astrid more than made up for with well toned muscles, a smooth stomach, perfectly round buttocks, and a pair of creamy inner thighs. She could practically feel their gaze drifting down her taught body to ogle her pert nipples and the thicket of curly blonde hair above her slit. Just a hint of her sopping outer lips were visible between her closed thighs and every movement ensured it remained a mystery. Hiccup might have seen her naked dozens of times but Merida hadn't and Astrid was eager to tease them both as much as she could. Though if the warm tickle of clear fluids seeping down her legs was any indication that might not be as long as she hoped! Unable to contain her excitement Astrid stepped towards Merida and flashed Hiccup a lusty smile. Before either of them could say a word she grabbed the fabric covering Merida's supple breasts and tore it away. 

“Let's just get rid of this!” Astrid exclaimed.

Merida gasped and weakly attempted to cover her heavily freckled tits from Hiccup and Astrid's gaze. She gave up almost immediately as she looked down to see Hiccup's cock already hardening at the sight of her naked chest. Astrid smiled knowingly and tore even more of Merida's soiled dress, she didn't need to look at her man to know his reaction. Merida's gaze left Hiccup's stiffening manhood to look at Astrid with almost the exact same look of flushed arousal. She bit her lower lip and playfully shoved Astrid away so she could shimmy out of the remainder of her dress and kick the ruined fabric away. Her physique was nearly identical to Astrid's save a thick smattering of freckles coating her alabaster skin and a veritable jungle of wild, untamed red hair between her legs. Folding her arms beneath her breasts and smiling through her embarrassment Merida looked at Hiccup with a raised eyebrow. Astrid quickly followed suit, comfortably sliding an arm around Merida's waist and pulling her close as she too looked at Hiccup expectantly.

“Well?” Merida asked, “Are you gonna join us?”

“I . . . uhhhhhh . . . Yes . . . Yes I am . . .”

Moving faster than he ever had before Hiccup tore off his armor and underclothes until he was just as naked as Merida and Astrid. Now it was their turn to ogle him, Merida's eyes glued to his surprisingly muscular stomach and chest while Astrid had eyes only for his cock and balls. Hiccup, unused to being stared at the way they were eyeing him, nervously rubbed his arm and grinned uncertainly at them for several seconds. Eventually Astrid's snapped out of her fantasy and grinned at Hiccup. Without a word she steered Merida towards the bed, making sure Hiccup had the perfect view of both their asses as she did. She paused long enough to give her man a coquettish wink before unceremoniously shoving Merida onto the bed.


Merida's surprised exclamation was cut off when Astrid climbed onto the bed, straddled her freckled thighs, and bent low over her prone form. Brushing several errant strands of fiery orange hair out of her face, Astrid leaned in to give Merida a passionate kiss. The instant their lips met both women moaned and a full body shiver coursed through them. Their already sopping pussies released another torrent of warm fluids, Astrid dripping onto Merida's unkempt pubic hair and Merida's soaking the blanket beneath her. After several long seconds Astrid's arms slid beneath Merida's slender shoulders and Merida wrapped her arms around Astrid's petite waist. Soft moans of pleasure escaped their lips every time they pulled back for a ragged gasp while their legs involuntarily spread wider and wider. Before his mind could really process what he was seeing Hiccup was treated to a full, unobstructed view of Astrid and Merida's cunts, their outer lips quivering in anticipation and the soft pink flesh between them glistening with arousal. His uncertainty was already started to fade in the wake of such an arousing sight and it vanished completely when Astrid freed one of her hands long enough to reach between her thighs and invitingly spread her pussy wide with two fingers.

“What are you waiting for?” She asked, not looking up from Merida's flushed face.

Hiccup didn't bother responding to her question as he rushed forward. Laying one hand on Astrid's soft hip and holding his cock with the other Hiccup guided his manhood towards Astrid's eager pussy with a grin. He knew better than anyone what she liked and despite her protestations he knew that meant a little teasing. So instead of slamming into her like she clearly wanted Hiccup pressed the head of his shaft against her pulsing slit and slowly rubbed it up and down the length of her cunt. A pleading moan escaped Astrid's lips almost immediately and it took all of her energy to keep from shoving herself backwards onto his cock the instant she felt it. And while Hiccup was expertly teasing her pussy Merida took the opportunity to pull Astrid into her and slide her tongue into the moaning Viking's mouth. Making sure to lightly prod her entrance each time he passed Hiccup was amazed and delighted to see how quickly his movements were getting to her. Astrid's entire body went rigid for a moment as a  small but intense climax washed over her. All the excitement and buildup was finally taking it's toll on her body and Astrid could barely keep herself in check as pleasure coursed through her. Stifling her moans to the best of her ability Astrid kissed Merida even harder, her tongue swirling around inside Merida's mouth, and weakly pushed back against Hiccup's cock. Deciding to finally acquiesce Hiccup gripped Astrid a little harder and slowly pushed the full length of his dick into her in one long motion.

Every inch that slid into her cunt felt a mile long as Astrid moaned and writhed, her hips grinding and gyrating against him until she finally felt his warm balls collide with clit in a little jolt of pleasure. Had her eyes been open they would've rolled back in her head the instant Astrid felt the tip of Hiccup's prick brush every so slightly against the entrance to her womb. Thankfully they were shut tightly and all she saw was an explosion of colors behind her eyelids. Merida's tongue moved even faster inside her mouth in response to Astrid's frenzied moans. As badly as she wanted to feel what Astrid was feeling Merida couldn't deny how arousing it was to be kissing a woman while she was being fucked. And from the way Astrid's nails dug into her back and her chest heaved Merida knew her Viking companion was loving it just as much. Though she couldn't see it Merida could feel when Hiccup started to pull back, Astrid's entire body started shivering and nearly all her movements halted as she trembled and panted like a dog in heat. The flared head of Hiccups cock felt wonderful against her inner walls as he slowly pulled back until he was barely still inside of her. He stopped just shy of exiting her pussy completely and held himself there long enough for Astrid to start writhing in impatience. Knowing he had her right where he wanted her Hiccup waited until Astrid couldn't take it any longer and she finally broke off the kiss.

“Fuck me!” She exclaimed.

“Well if that's what you want . . .” Hiccup grinned.

As soon as he finished speaking Hiccup shoved his cock back into Astrid with enough force to shake her entire body and fill the room with an echoing smack as his hips collided wetly with her toned ass. Astrid moaned even louder than before and started kissing Merida like her life depended on it, the thrill of being fucked by Hiccup while another woman watched taking over her body. Fortunately Hiccup was beyond the point of teasing her and the instant his cock reached her womb he pulled back once more and immediately settled into a smooth rhythm. Though he had to fight his instincts Hiccup made sure to thrust into Astrid with every ounce of force he could muster, moving in a steady back and forth motion that made her entire body bounce with every movement. Had they not been squished against Merida Astrid's breasts would have been bouncing and jiggling like mad from the force of Hiccup's movements. Instead her pert nipples were rubbing pleasingly against Merida's and making both women shiver and moan in pleasure. Merida's inner thighs were completely drenched in hers and Astrid's fluids and every thrust of Hiccup's turgid cock sent another few drops cascading over her aroused and neglected slit. Had she not been so absorbed in the sounds and feelings of Astrid being fucked Merida might have gotten a bit jealous but thankfully the experience was too incredible to allow her to think much. 

Astrid could barely move as Hiccup slowly built up speed and his powerful thrusts grew even more and frequent. But no matter how hard he slammed into her or how delightfully Merida kissed her there was something even more appealing in the back of Astrid's head. She hadn't considered it before but with Hiccup pounding her cunt and ecstasy washing through her every moment the idea didn't seem nearly as crazy. Breaking off the kiss once again Astrid savored the sensation of Hiccup's dick plunging in and out of her sopping hole for a few more seconds before her lips parted and she spoke the only two words her mind could conjure.

“Merida . . .” Astrid panted, “Fuck . . . Merida . . .”

“What?!” Hiccup exclaimed, “But―”

“Do it!” Merida moaned.

Despite his misgivings Hiccup couldn't deny the appeal of following their moaned orders and after a few more good thrusts he pulled out of Astrid's well fucked pussy. He bent his knees and pushed his cock against Merida's waiting slit, making sure to rub his head against her outer lips to let her know what was about to happen. When Merida responded with an encouraging moan Hiccup took a deep breath and pushed into her. There was a brief moment of resistance before his already soaking wet cock slid deep inside her incredibly tight pussy. Back arching in surprise as a wave of pain tinged pleasure coursed through her Merida panted and whimpered beneath Astrid as a feeling unlike any she'd ever felt overwhelmed her. Though she wasn't much tighter than Astrid that small difference felt massive as Hiccup pushed the entire length of his cock into her. Her inner walls spasmed and twitched harder than he ever thought possible while Merida smiled breathlessly at the ceiling. As soon as he was completely inside her Hiccup felt Merida's legs close around his waist, her heels crossing behind him to hold him in place while his dick busily disgorged thick globs of precum deep into her pussy. Just like with Astrid Hiccup held himself in check for nearly a full minute while Merida adjusted to his cock. He wasn't sure just how much she could take and he didn't want to cause her any unnecessary discomfort. The pleasure of her pussy tightening around every centimeter of his shaft was proving to be quite the temptation. Eventually he couldn't take it anymore and Hiccup started pulling back, moving as slowly as he could and savoring every inch of her inner walls.

Astrid had been watching Merida's face since they'd commanded Hiccup to fuck her and the moment he entered her Astrid had watched the change wash over Merida firsthand. Propping herself up with one had Astrid reached down between her legs and furiously rubbed her clit while listening to the sounds of Hiccups dick sliding in and out of another woman's cunt. When Hiccup thrusted back into her once more Astrid's fingers went into a frenzy and it took all of her remaining willpower to keep herself upright. Needing to do something more than watching Astrid planted a sloppy kiss on Merida's neck while two fingers slid into her pussy. Merida barely registered Astrid's addition, her body was so absorbed in the feeling of her first cock it was all she could do to remember her own name. Every slightest twitch and shiver of his dick sent bolts of pleasure arcing to the very tips of her fingers and toes. Though he was being far more gentle with her than with Astrid Hiccup was still thrusting into Merida with enough force to shake her entire body. Some small part of him knew he should be more gentle but everything that was going on was finally starting to take it's toll on his libido. Each time he looked down to see the woman he loved fingering herself and moaning atop the woman he was fucking Hiccup would thrust a little harder and his balls would quiver just a bit more. He could feel Merida's pussy beginning to tighten around him, the telltale signs of her impending climax spurring on his own motions. Astrid playfully ran her tongue up and down the length of Merida's supple neck even as something powerful built inside her.

The three of them managed to continue like that for another few minutes until Hiccup finally reached the limit of his endurance. "Oh Gods!" He gasped.

Both Merida and Astrid tensed as they heard Hiccup's words, Merida's pussy tightening considerably around him while Astrid's fingers moved in a blur over her cunt. The sensation of his cock swelling inside her and the possibility of feeling his cum in her womb pushed Merida right over the edge. Throwing her head back and moaning louder than every Merida's eyes rolled back in her head and ecstasy filled every centimeter of her body. Fluid gushed out of her pussy with enough force to splash all over Astrid's hand. Her pussy clamped down around Hiccup's cock hard enough to almost completely stop him in his tracks, tightening wonderfully around him while paradoxically pushing him out with every spasm and contraction. Astrid managed to last another few seconds but the instant she felt Merida's fluids splash over her fingers she lost all control. She managed to remain upright for a few seconds while her entire body trembled and she soaked both Merida and Hiccup in her juices but as her orgasm continued to mount Astrid's arm finally gave out and she collapsed onto the bed beside Merida. While it wasn't quite as powerful as the one wrecking Merida Astrid's climax was still strong enough to leave her in a state of breathless, moaning ecstasy. 

Without really meaning to both women naturally gravitated towards each other, their legs intertwining in a tangle of pungent fluids as Hiccup pulled back and started stroking his cock. In less than a second Hiccup's entire body went stiff and a load of cum erupted out of his cum soaked cock. It landed squarely on Merida and Astrid's writhing forms, splashing all over their pussies and matting up their curly tufts. With what little energy he head left Hiccup directed every drop of his remaining cum towards Astrid and Merida's cunts. His hand pumped furiously up and down his cock as load after load landed on their inner thighs and the outer lips of their slits. Their mixed fluids soaked the bedspread and filled the room with the unmistakable odors of sex. Each time they felt his seed land on their bodies Astrid and Merida moaned, their own climaxes prolonged by Hiccup's sticky additions. None of them had any idea how long it lasted and it wasn't until Hiccup was finally drained that things started to settle down. Astrid and Merida rolled apart, both of them laying on their backs and starting up at the rough hewn ceiling with identical smiles.

Hiccup fell onto the bed with a satisfied sigh, his eyes already drifting shut. Though his mind was too preoccupied to fall asleep his body was utterly exhausted from the strain of pleasing Astrid and Merida. Try as he might Hiccup still couldn't bring himself to believe what had just happened, even as Merida and Astrid casually moved to either side of him and snuggled in close. He could feel their hands roaming his sweat covered body, Merida's bushy red hair tickling his nose as she rested against his chest and Astrid's calloused fingers mindlessly trailing up and down his stomach. Astrid pulled the blanket up over the three of them and intertwined her leg with Hiccup's. A moment later she felt Merida's surprisingly toned calf brush against her and the two of them locked eyes. Merida smiled at her blonde haired companion, subtly nodding and flashing Astrid a quick wink. Astrid returned the wink and both of them smiled knowingly at each other. Their silent exchange was interrupted a few seconds later when Hiccup took a deep breath and finally spoke.

“Well that was―” Hiccup started to say.

“Amazing.” Astrid interrupted.

“It was definitely worth the wait.” Merida added.

“And you were a virgin too? When are the trolls going to come dancing in?” Hiccup asked with a weary smile.


“Ignore him,” Astrid laughed, “He's not used to good things happening to him.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Hiccup asked, one eye opening to look at Astrid.

“You know what it means!” Astrid grinned, “Now stop ruining the moment!”

“Yes dear.”

“We should probably get some rest anyways.” Merida remarked, “We're gonna have a busy day tomorrow.”

“We are?” Astrid and Hiccup said in unison.

“Course we are! We gotta find out what 'Maleficent' means, tell my parents I'll be staying in Berk for a time, and find me some new clothes!”

Astrid's eyes sparkled in excitement while Hiccup heaved an overly dramatic sigh, “It never ends around here . . .”

“And you love it.” Astrid teased.

Hiccup's lips curled into a reluctant smile as his arms slid around Merida and Astrid's shoulders, “I do.” He took a deep breath and looked at Astrid, “I never thought you'd do something like this.”

“Like what? Have sex with a woman?”

“And me at the same time!”

“There's a lot you still have to learn about me.” Astrid grinned.

“Speaking of that, could we not mention all the details to my parents?” Merida asked, “They won't be too keen on me sharing a bed with a man and a woman.”

“Really? I guess they're not as adventurous as us!”

“Or as crazy.” Hiccup added.

“You enjoyed it just as much as we did.” Astrid remarked, kissing Hiccup on the cheek, “Well maybe not as much me . . .”

“Definitely not as much as you! It was like watching a different person!”

“What can I say? Watching you with another woman really works for me.”

“Oh? Maybe I should find Ruffnut then . . .”

Astrid's eyes narrowed as her lips curled into a knowing smile, “You couldn't handle all three of us.”

“I'm surprised you did so well as it is.” Merida laughed.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Hiccup pouted.

“You did fine,” Astrid yawned, “And we'll have plenty of time to practice.”

“Absolutely.” Merida agreed.

“Oh boy . . .”



Oh yeah, I guess I never realized that you never posted this part here. It's as good as I remember though, and I can hardly wait to see part 2!


I wanted to avoid adding another unfinished series to my HF account as I recall. But since I never had time to work on another chapter I kind of forgot about it until you started suggesting sequels.